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Design an Innovative Learning Space

Backchannel For Discussionhttps://todaysmeet.com/LearningSpaces


Today We Will…..● Examine our current classroom● Develop ways to transform to

Learning Studio● Discuss the experience of

makerspace to traditional classroom

● Walk away with 3-2-1 Plan

Room Sketch

Question to Ponder● Schools are filled with hundreds of

legacy 800 square foot cinder block classrooms.

● How do these spaces become capable of supporting a contemporary learning experience?

Pastel Prison

What If…..● Instead of desks you had tables?● You got rid of your teacher desk?● You assembled desks into pods?● You got rid of the overhead projector?● You no longer had whiteboards?● Your classroom was no longer a pastel

prison?● You eliminated the “front” of the room?

Does it have to be?

Learning Studio

Instead of hallway

Learning Street

Implications of Transformation

Academic vs Social

Formal vs. Informal

Individual vs. Collaborative

How Do I Start?

Question 1What type of space do you currently have?

Clear the clutter. Start Fresh!

Need Finding

What do you need?How can you rearrange the space to meet those needs?

Ask yourself…...

How do we want to use our _______?What is our ______ missing?How are we actually using our ______?What areas get the most traffic? Why?What could we move, purge, or shift to make our dream a reality?

Tips from Jillian Maxim

1. Get kids involved2. What is enough?3. Sort items4. Define Spaces5. Have fun with it!

Current Dilemma

Self Serve Space

Kids have access to materials at will and as needed

Everyday materials

low shelf or cabinetmarkers, tape, crayons, glue, etc.

What else do you need for your room?

Clear Boxes, Bowls, Baskets

fill with building materials wood, scraps, corks, pipe cleaners, straws,

**adjust materials to classes you teach**


Creative Invitations

Create stations that invite people to play.

“combination of materials and context that intrigue children with a suggestion of play.”


Allow time to explore


Engage with them in a nonjudgmental manner. Be Them!


Create an environment where norm is for them to think “I wonder if I do……..”

Design Supplies(just a start)

Utensils, Pliable materials - paper, rubber bands, playdough, foilConnectors - tape, glue, staplesStructural - toothpicks, popsicle sticks, cardboardTreasures - recyclable, ribbon, balloons

Discovery Supplies

magnifying glass, tweezers, bug jar, clipboards, funnel, measuring cups, turkey baster, test tubes, egg timer, goggles, leaves, pinecones, twigs, prisms, mirrors, LEGO


See Mistakes as Gifts

● Failure is not our goal, but learning and growth are!● We will encounter mistakes on our route to

awesomeness● Mistakes are gifts and opportunities to learn and grown● Ask about the mistake, what can we do differently?● Mistakes are opportunities for growth rather than

indications of failure

Embrace a Good Mess

“Cleaning your house while your kids are still growing up is like shoveling the walk before it stops snowing.” Phyllis Diller

Mix It Up With Drawing

Dry erase on glassChalk on fencesUpside Down - paper underneath a tableDraw on cookies - paintbrush dipped in food coloring or food safe pensDraw on banana - Phil Hansen

What Now?

Use What You Have

● Transform the “old”

● Grants● Ask!

● 3 Things to Change By End of Year● 2 more by end of summer● 1 change that will happen as a result

RememberIt is not the things/gadgets/devices that matter so much in developing a learning studio, but in how we teach, the environment crafted by the educator, and making kids feel safe to journey down the pathway of learning.

Shopping!● http://www.beyondtheofficedoor.com/● http://www.spaceoasis.com/●

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