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Page 1: Design and Analysis of Fin-X Technology




A report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

B. Tech degree in Mechanical Engineering


K.S.S Tulasi Ram Nitish Sharma

(Mechanical Engineer) (Mechanical Engineer)

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Page 2: Design and Analysis of Fin-X Technology


The Fin-X Technology Flared cookware is based on Jet engine cooling


When the University of Oxford's Dr. Thomas Povey was on a mountaineering

trip several years ago, he became acutely aware of how much fuel was required

to boil water using his conventional cookware. This inspired the professor of

engineering to develop a new type of cooking pan, that would make better use

of available heat. The result is the "finned" Flare Pan, which requires 40 percent

less heat than a regular pan to get just as hot.

When Povey and colleagues tested traditional pans on a gas range, they noticed

that much of the heat from the flame simply went up the sides of the vessel and

into the air.

Drawing on technology developed to dissipate heat in jet engines, the fins built

into the sides of the Flare Pan served to absorb much of that previously-wasted

heat. Known as FIN-X technology, the design also distributed that heat more

evenly. As a result, not only is less energy required, but items can also be

cooked faster using the same heat output.

The rate of heat transfer from the surface to the surroundings by convection is

given by the Newton’s law as Q=h . As dT , where dT is the temperature

difference between the surface and surroundings, As is the surface area exposed

to the environment and h is the convective heat transfer coefficient.

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When it is desirable to enhance this rate of heat transfer as in

cooling of IC Engine cylinders or compressor cylinders or from an electronic

circuit board or from car radiator, etc., it is possible in only two ways. The

temperature of the surroundings is fixed and the rate increases desirable and

hence we are left with two options, either increasing the surface area or

increasing the convective heat transfer coefficient. Convective heat transfer

coefficient is a complex one and is a function of surrounding fluid properties

and flow properties. And increasing ‘h’ is a cumbersome process and may not

be practical. Hence to increase the heat transfer from the surface the best thing

to do is to increase the surface area exposed to the surroundings. This is done by

attaching additional surface to the original surface and such extended surfaces

are generally called as Fins.

There are several forms of fins and the most common types are

straight fins, triangular fins, circumferential fins, pin fins, longitudinal fins, etc.

Common applications of fins are with IC Engines, air compressors,

automobiles, electrical transformers, refrigerator, and A/c equipment,

economizer, etc. These surfaces are manufactured by extruding, welding or

wrapping, a thin metal sheet on a surface. In the case of car radiator evaporator

condenser of a window A/c box closely packed thin metal sheets attached to the

tubes increase the surface area and thus increasing the convection many times.

The fins are classified as uniform and non-uniform cross-section area fins.

Analysis of uniform area fins is relatively easy.

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Fin-X Technology

Cooking at home is great, and certainly a lot healthier (for your body and

your pocket) than eating out. Unfortunately, cooking takes up energy, and if you

do not have solar panels on your roof-top, this could mean quite a high electric

bill. The new cooking pot called Flare, has a brand new design specifically

developed to reach the desired temperature much faster, or to be more precise

40% faster than any conventional saucepan, maintains the temperature for much

longer, and consequently, cuts down energy use by nearly 30%. This is

achieved thanks to the use of aluminium in the making of the FIN-X

technology, and the slightly unconventional shape, with high-performance

‘fins’, which distribute the heat in a much more effective manner.

What is Flare with FIN-X technology?

Designed to cook 40% faster than typical kitchen pans on gas with FIN-X 

technology; saving time and energy whilst producing exceptional results.

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How does the Fin-X Cookware cook faster?

Radial fins allow flames to 'lock' onto position at the base and side of the

pan, keeping the flame even.

As a result heat is evenly distributed and channelled across the base and up

the sides of the pan.

FIN-X creates greater thermal conduction throughout the pan. As a result,

cooking performance and quality are improved.

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How does it compare with regular cookware?

Developed in association with the University of Oxford, thermo-graphic testing

proves that FIN-X radial fins encourage flames to 'lock-on', controlling and

pushing heat evenly up the walls of the pan and increasing performance and

inefficiency in comparison to a standard pan. This allows for better heat

conduction, quicker, which means less energy is used. The patented design

eradicates uneven heating of food when cooking on gas.

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Design was prepared in Designing Software named Solid works with real time

dimensions. In general the Indian pressure cookers are designed especially for

small burners. Keeping in mind we have designed the radius of finned cookware

and taking the formula of volume of cylinder, the volume was calculated. The

volume of pressure cooker is approximately 10 litres. The dimensions were

12cm base radius, height 24cms and bottom fillet was of 3cm radius with taper

angle of 100o. These were the dimensions for the standard vessel as shown

below. We had also designed the vessel with fins of 1cm thickness. These were

the models designed for this project. For comfort analysis we assemble a solid

body to fill as fluid (water) in the vessel

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Analysis was carried out in ANSYS.

Analysis of these model prepared in solid works was done in ANSYS software

as steady state thermal analysis. In this process of analysis there were several

steps involved. First a stead state analysis was taken to do the analysis on the

model. Aluminium alloy is applied to the body of the vessel and the assemble

part is applied with fluid as water. The base of the model was given with 900 0c

temperature to heat as shown below.

To transfer the heat convection should apply on the body. 22 w/m2 0c the

convection to the model and due to this the heat will transfer though the model

where in contact molecules.

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Probes are used to know the value or result after the solution and take the

readings. For this model probes were taken to know the temperature and heat

flux. They were taken at top of the vessel with part acts as fluid to find how

much the fluid got and to compare standard and finned vessel.

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Temperature and heat flux was applied on the surface the fluid

and the temperature distribution can be identified from the below images.

The temperature applied was 900°C to both standard and

Finned Cookware.

If we compare the below two images, we can observe that the

cookware which does not have fins (which is a standard cookware) shows less

heat transfer.

Whereas the cookware which has fins (which is flared fin-x

model) shows more heat transfer in the same time with same temperature.

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Standard vessel Model (B4) > Geometry > Parts

Object Name Flared Fin X Model fluid

State Meshed

Graphics Properties

Visible Yes

Transparency 1 0.1


Suppressed No

Stiffness Behavior Flexible

Coordinate System Default Coordinate System

Reference Temperature By Environment


Assignment Aluminum Alloy Water Liquid

Nonlinear Effects Yes

Thermal Strain Effects Yes

Bounding Box

Length X 0.35553 m 0.31272 m

Length Y 0.24899 m 0.23872 m

Length Z 0.53776 m 0.31272 m


Volume 2.8963e-003 m³ 1.3755e-002 m³

Mass 8.0226 kg 13.73 kg

Centroid X 0.23791 m 0.23734 m

Centroid Y 0.33843 m 0.35718 m

Centroid Z 0.27796 m 0.26271 m

Moment of Inertia Ip1 0.15741 kg·m² 0.12678 kg·m²

Moment of Inertia Ip2 0.17296 kg·m² 0.12921 kg·m²

Moment of Inertia Ip3 0.12223 kg·m² 0.12683 kg·m²


Nodes 30384 67454

Elements 15353 15678

Mesh Metric None

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Finned vesselModel (A4) > Geometry > Parts

Object Name Flared Fin X Model 2 Flared Fin X Model 2 fluid

State Meshed

Graphics Properties

Visible Yes

Transparency 1 0.1


Suppressed No

Stiffness Behavior Flexible

Coordinate System Default Coordinate System

Reference Temperature By Environment


Assignment Aluminum Alloy Water Liquid

Nonlinear Effects Yes

Thermal Strain Effects Yes

Bounding Box

Length X 0.35553 m 0.32508 m 0.31272 m

Length Y 0.25371 m 2.116e-004 m 0.23872 m

Length Z 0.53776 m 0.32508 m 0.31272 m


Volume 2.8213e-003 m³ 6.2668e-007 m³ 1.3755e-002 m³

Mass 7.8149 kg 1.7359e-003 kg 13.73 kg

Centroid X 0.24333 m 0.24282 m 0.24276 m

Centroid Y 0.33327 m 0.48286 m 0.37666 m

Centroid Z 0.43773 m 0.42229 m 0.42227 m

Moment of Inertia Ip1 0.15036 kg·m² 2.1608e-005 kg·m² 0.12683 kg·m²

Moment of Inertia Ip2 0.16813 kg·m² 4.3215e-005 kg·m² 0.12921 kg·m²

Moment of Inertia Ip3 0.11379 kg·m² 2.1608e-005 kg·m² 0.12678 kg·m²


Nodes 60279 17878 61114

Elements 32127 7261 14118

Mesh Metric None

Standard vessel

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Model (B4) > Steady-State Thermal (B5) > Solution (B6) > Results

Object Name Temperature Total Heat Flux

State Solved


Scoping Method Geometry Selection

Geometry All Bodies


Type Temperature Total Heat Flux

By Time

Display Time Last

Calculate Time History Yes


Suppressed No


Minimum 226.7 °C 13.71 W/m²

Maximum 900. °C 1.1411e+006 W/m²

Minimum Occurs On Flared Fin X Model fluid

Maximum Occurs On Flared Fin X Model

Minimum Value Over Time

Minimum 226.7 °C 13.71 W/m²

Maximum 226.7 °C 13.71 W/m²

Maximum Value Over Time

Minimum 900. °C 1.1411e+006 W/m²

Maximum 900. °C 1.1411e+006 W/m²


Time 1. s

Load Step 1

Substep 1

Iteration Number 2

Integration Point Results

Display Option Averaged

Average Across Bodies No

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Model (B4) > Steady-State Thermal (B5) > Solution (B6) > Probes

Object Name Heat Flux Probe Temperature Probe

State Solved


Type Heat Flux Temperature

Location Method Geometry Selection

Geometry 1 Face

Suppressed No


Result Selection Total

Display Time End Time

Spatial Resolution Use Maximum


Total 912.55 W/m²

Temperature 113.32 °C

Maximum Value Over Time

Total 912.55 W/m²

Temperature 113.32 °C

Minimum Value Over Time

Total 912.55 W/m²

Temperature 113.32 °C


Time 1. s

Load Step 1

Substep 1

Iteration Number 2

Finned vessel

Model (A4) > Steady-State Thermal (A5) > Solution (A6) > Results

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Object Name Temperature Total Heat Flux

State Solved


Scoping Method Geometry Selection

Geometry All Bodies


Type Temperature Total Heat Flux

By Time

Display Time Last

Calculate Time History Yes


Suppressed No


Minimum 22. °C 2.8007e-010 W/m²

Maximum 900.03 °C 1.8649e+006 W/m²

Minimum Occurs On Flared Fin X Model 2

Maximum Occurs On fluid Flared Fin X Model 2

Minimum Value Over Time

Minimum 22. °C 2.8007e-010 W/m²

Maximum 22. °C 2.8007e-010 W/m²

Maximum Value Over Time

Minimum 900.03 °C 1.8649e+006 W/m²

Maximum 900.03 °C 1.8649e+006 W/m²


Time 1. s

Load Step 1

Substep 1

Iteration Number 2

Integration Point Results

Display Option Averaged

Average Across Bodies No

Model (A4) > Steady-State Thermal (A5) > Solution (A6) > Probes

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Object Name Heat Flux Probe Temperature Probe

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State Solved


Type Heat Flux Temperature

Location Method Geometry Selection

Geometry 1 Face

Suppressed No


Result Selection Total

Display Time End Time

Spatial Resolution Use Maximum


Total 2024. W/m²

Temperature 131.98 °C

Maximum Value Over Time

Total 2024. W/m²

Temperature 131.98 °C

Minimum Value Over Time

Total 2024. W/m²

Temperature 131.98 °C


Time 1. s

Load Step 1

Substep 1

Iteration Number 2


This project concludes that by the help of fins to the vessel we can

save the energy as well as time by more heat transfer. It is designed to help turn

scientific and technological ideas into innovative, profitable products and


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The result of our project show that finned vessel is 15% more efficient

than standard vessel. So we can say that Fin-x technology can helps to save the

fuel that use in our households.

Future scope:

In our country we have a lot of problems faced due to gas, either price or

scarcity. So we can save fuel by the help this Fin-x technology in cooking vessels that

may save the fuel and to develop the technology in our country.

This project can be carried out later on by changing material of a vessel and

fins, fins shape and area of contact, increase in number of fins. This can also for

different type of vessel in household.







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