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doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2008.12.017 J. Mol. Biol. (2009) 385, 1433–1444

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Design and Signaling Mechanism of Light-RegulatedHistidine Kinases

Andreas Möglich1, Rebecca A. Ayers1 and Keith Moffat1,2⁎

1Department of Biochemistryand Molecular Biology, Institutefor Biophysical Dynamics,University of Chicago, 929 East57th Street, GCIS W107A,Chicago, IL 60637, USA2Consortium for AdvancedRadiation Sources (CARS),University of Chicago, Chicago,IL 60637, USA

Received 7 October 2008;received in revised form25 November 2008;accepted 8 December 2008Available online14 December 2008

*Corresponding author. E-mail [email protected] used: PAS, Per–Arn

light-oxygen-voltage; STAS, sulfatefactor antagonist; FMN, flavin mono

0022-2836/$ - see front matter. Publishe

Signal transduction proteins are organized into sensor (input) domains thatperceive a signal and, in response, regulate the biological activity of effector(output) domains. We reprogrammed the input signal specificity of anormally oxygen-sensitive, light-inert histidine kinase by replacing its che-mosensor domain by a light-oxygen-voltage photosensor domain. Illumi-nation of the resultant fusion kinase YF1 reduced net kinase activity by∼1000-fold in vitro. YF1 also controls gene expression in a light-dependentmanner in vivo. Signals are transmitted from the light-oxygen-voltage sensordomain to the histidine kinase domain via a 40°–60° rotational movementwithin an α-helical coiled-coil linker; light is acting as a rotary switch. Thesesignaling principles are broadly applicable to domains linked by α-helicesand to chemo- and photosensors. Conserved sequence motifs guide therational design of light-regulated variants of histidine kinases and otherproteins.

Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: light-oxygen-voltage; Per–Arnt–Sim; photosensor; protein design;reprogramming of signal specificity

Edited by J. Karn


Perceiving external stimuli and reacting to themare essential for the survival of all living organisms ina changing environment. Proteins involved in signaltransduction are constructed in a modular fashionfrom individual domains1 that fall largely into twogroups, output or effector domains that possessbiological activity such as catalytic or DNA bindingactivity, and input or sensor domains that are sen-sitive to signals such as absorption of light or bindingof a chemical ligand. Interactions between sensorand effector domains may allosterically regulate theactivity of the effector domain. The recombination ofthese domains throughout evolution may have beeninstrumental in the development of ever moresophisticated signaling networks in higher orga-nisms. Moreover, the modularity of these systemsallows the design of novel signaling proteins andentire networks that detect and integrate variousstimuli. Recent work demonstrates that the activity


t–Sim; LOV,transport antisigmanucleotide.

d by Elsevier Ltd.

of proteins such as actin-regulatory proteins2 andmitogen-activated protein kinases3 can be repro-grammed by coupling them with novel signal sen-sing domains.Signaling proteins containing Per–Arnt–Sim (PAS)

sensor domains occur in all kingdoms of life4 andregulate processes as diverse as phototropism inhigher plants,5 voltage-dependent gating of ionchannels in humans,6 and nitrogen fixation in rhi-zobia.7 The core of PAS domains adopts a commonglobular fold in which α-helices are packed on eitherside of a five-stranded antiparallel β-sheet. The coreis often flanked by N- or C-terminal α-helical exten-sions that are either packed on the core or extendfrom it.8,9 Certain PAS domains bind a cofactor; thosethat bind flavin nucleotides are referred to as light-oxygen-voltage (LOV) domains.10 Different PASsensor domains detect different signals such aschemical ligands, light and redox potential. Theirversatility is also manifest in the wide range ofeffector domainswhose activity they regulate such askinases, transcription factors and phosphodieste-rases. The contrast between the uniformity of sensordomains and the diversity of effector domains towhich they are covalently linked argues againststructure-based signal transductionmechanisms thatdepend on specific tertiary contacts between sensorand effector domains. Rather, the mechanism might

1434 Design and Signaling of Light-Regulated Kinases

involve signal-dependent, order–disorder transitionsof protein segments, specifically the N- and C-terminal helices,8,11 or signal-dependent quaternarystructure changes.12,13

Given the natural diversity of effector domains,could PAS domains also be used to construct novelsensor proteins whose effector domains react todesired stimuli? Specifically, are different PAS sensordomains functionally interchangeable? To addressthese questions, we replaced the heme-binding PASsensor domain of FixL from Bradyrhizobium japoni-cum (FixL), which confers oxygen sensitivity on itshistidine kinase activity,14,15 with the LOV blue lightsensor domain of Bacillus subtilis YtvA (YtvA).16

Certain of the resulting fusion proteins retain kinaseactivity and substrate affinity in vitro fully compar-able to that of FixL, but are regulated by blue lightinstead of by oxygen. Further, we demonstrate thatthese fusion proteins are also active in vivo and drivelight-dependent gene expression in Escherichia coli.Kinase activity and its regulation by light dependcritically on the nature of the linker between the PASsensor and histidine kinase effector domains. Weprovide design rules to generate similar light-regulated kinases and other proteins.


Design of fusion proteins

B. subtilis YtvA comprises an N-terminal LOVsensor domain and a C-terminal STAS (sulfate trans-

Fig. 1. Design of fusion proteins. (a) YtvA comprises a LOVthe linker Jα. FixL consists of two PAS domains of which thecomprises phosphoacceptor (DHp) and catalytic (CA) domainsLOV domain to the FixL histidine kinase. (b) Structure-based sβ-strands within the LOV/PAS sensor domains are labeled anpredictions from homology models. The active-site histidine 2how the two domains are fused in constructs YF1–4. An alignmin Supplementary Fig. 1.

port antisigma factor antagonist) effector domain,17

joined by an α-helical linker sequence denoted Jα(Fig. 1a).16 In the dark, its LOV domain binds flavinmononucleotide (FMN) noncovalently. Absorptionof blue light promotes formation of a covalent bondbetween the flavin ring and the conserved cysteine62 within the LOV domain.18 This light-activatedstate thermally decays to the ground, dark state witha time constant of roughly 1 h in YtvA.16 Althoughthe exact biochemical function of the STAS domain isnot known, in response to blue light YtvA enhancestranscription from promoters controlled by the gene-ral stress regulator σB.19 The isolated LOV pho-tosensor domain of YtvA adopts the common PASdomain fold and forms a tight dimer through ahydrophobic interface.13 In our crystal structure ofYtvA, the Jα linker forms a C-terminal helix thatextends from the core LOVdomain.A similar quater-nary structure arrangement was found for the heme-binding PAS domain of the oxygen sensor FixL fromB. japonicum.20,21

FixL is part of a two-component system that regu-lates the expression of proteins involved in micro-aerobic respiration, nitrate respiration and nitrogenfixation.15 Two PAS domains are linked to a histidinekinase that comprises phosphoacceptor (DHp) andcatalytic (CA) subdomains (Fig. 1a). In a two-stepreaction, FixL first undergoes autophosphorylationat its conserved histidine 291 in the DHp subdomainand then transfers the phosphate moiety to itscognate, noncovalently bound, response regulatorFixJ.14,22 As in other two-component kinases, FixLalso exhibits phosphatase activity.23 The biological

sensor and a STAS effector domain that are connected bysecond binds heme (PAS H) and a histidine kinase that. Fusion kinases YF1–4 were obtained by linking the YtvAequence alignment between YtvA and FixL. α-Helices andd shown in yellow and blue; lighter-shaded colors denote91 is highlighted in bold red. Continuous arrows indicateent spanning the full sequences of YtvA and FixL is given

1435Design and Signaling of Light-Regulated Kinases

response, i.e., activation of genes involved in nitro-gen metabolism, depends on the concentration ofphospho-FixJ that in turn reflects the net balance ofcounteracting kinase and phosphatase activities.24

FixL is water soluble and forms a dimer; autopho-sphorylation is thought to occur in trans as observedfor related histidine kinases.25 Under aerobic condi-tions, net kinase activity of FixL is strongly repressedto prevent futile activation of its target genes.Although the PAS sensor domains of YtvA and

FixL bind very different cofactors, FMN and heme,and respond to completely distinct physical andchemical stimuli, their structural similarity couldreflect some functional correspondence. Thus, theyare good candidates for the design of novel proteinscontrolled by PAS sensor domains. In particular, weasked: Could the activity of FixL be removed fromthe control of oxygen and placed under the controlof light by coupling its kinase domain to the YtvALOV sensor domain? We generated such fusionproteins according to a structure-based sequencealignment between the PAS and LOV sensordomains of YtvA and FixL (Fig. 1b). Structuralinformation clearly defines the boundaries of thesensor domains and allows us to precisely alignthem to each other. To avoid disrupting foldeddomains, in all fusion proteins YtvA and FixL werelinked within their common Jα linker region, whichadopts a helical conformation in both isolated sensordomains (Fig. 1b and Table 1).

Fusion proteins display light-dependent kinaseactivity

The fusion protein YF1 covalently connects resi-dues 1–127 of YtvA with 258–505 of FixL (Fig. 1b).Incorporation of the FMN cofactor and the ability ofYF1 to undergo the characteristic reversible LOV

Table 1. In vitro phosphorylation assays of fusion constructs

Protein Description of fusion

YF1 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505)YF2 YtvA (1–135)–FixL (266–505)YF3 YtvA (1–141)–FixL (272–505)YF4 YtvA (1–147)–FixL (278–505)YF1 C62A YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505) C62AYF1 H291A YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505) H291AYF1Δ277 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), Δ277YF1Δ276–277 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), Δ276–277YF1Δ275–277 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), Δ275–277YF1Δ274–277 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), Δ274–277YF1 I1 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), 268↓HYF1 I2 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), 268↓HSYF1 I3 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), 268↓HSDYF1 I4 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), 268↓HSDYF1 I5 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), 268↓HSDYF1 I6 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), 268↓HSDYF1 I7 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), 268↓HSDYF1 I8 YtvA (1–127)–FixL (258–505), 268↓HSD

a Activities of fusion constructs in FixJ phosphorylation assays. Aste(mol kinase)−1 h−1.

photoreaction were confirmed by absorption spec-troscopy (Supplementary Fig. 2). Sedimentationequilibrium centrifugation at protein concentrationsbetween 0.5 and 7 μM showed that in solution, YF1forms a single species with an apparent molecularmass of 78.4±10.4 kDa corresponding to a dimer(data not shown; expectedmonomermass, 42.1 kDa).We estimate that its dissociation equilibriumconstantis less than 0.5 μM.We measured the autophosphorylation activity of

YF1 by radiography using [γ-32P]ATP as a substrate.The initial reaction velocity in the dark of 0.080±0.003 h−1 at 23 °C was decreased to 0.020±0.001 h−1

under saturating illumination with white light. Theautophosphorylation activity of the parent enzymeFixL is greatly stimulated by the presence of theresponse regulator FixJ, even though FixJ does notdirectly participate in this reaction.26 In all subse-quent experiments, we therefore monitored enzymeactivity and regulation in turnover assays in whichmultiple rounds of FixJ phosphorylation are cata-lyzed, whose kinetics reflect the net balance ofcounteracting kinase and phosphatase activities(Fig. 2a). At the beginning of the reaction nophospho-FixJ is present, and, therefore, the initialtime course of phosphorylation is dominated by theforward kinase reaction. We evaluated the initialvelocity of phosphate incorporation into FixJ andreport these values as kinase activities. In the dark,YF1 phosphorylated FixJ with an initial velocity of56.4±2.8 mol FixJ (mol kinase)− 1 h−1 (Fig. 2b). In thefollowing, we drop the two mole terms and reportturnover activities in units of h− 1 . Under constantillumination net kinase activity was strongly sup-pressed to the point where it was too low to bequantified. Based on the minimum phosphorylationactivity of 0.04 h− 1 we can reliably measure in theseturnover assays, we estimate that light absorption

Turnover [mol FixJ (mol kinase)−1 h−1]a

Dark Light

56.4±2.8 ⁎67.9±6.5 ⁎

⁎ ⁎3.4±0.1 ⁎52.9±2.7 56.1±2.8

⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎

0.36±0.07 0.21±0.05⁎ ⁎⁎ 0.27±0.05⁎ ⁎⁎ ⁎

G 37.2±1.7 41.5±1.8GL ⁎ ⁎GLQ ⁎ ⁎GLQQ 4.2±0.2 ⁎GLQQM ⁎ 0.11±0.03

risks indicate activities below the detectable limit of 0.04 mol FixJ

1436 Design and Signaling of Light-Regulated Kinases

causes a more than 1000-fold reduction of net kinaseactivity in YF1.In principle, any or all of the elementary steps in

the overall reaction scheme could be regulated bylight (Fig. 2a). To address whether YF1 also pos-sesses phosphatase activity, we performed kinaseassays in the dark as before, but took aliquots after7.5 and 30.5 min, at which times appreciableamounts of phospho-FixJ had accumulated. Uponexposure to light, the amount of phospho-FixJ inthese aliquots decreased sharply with initial velo-cities of 120±20 and 140±7 mol FixJ (mol kinase)− 1

h− 1, respectively (Fig. 2c). The observation that

these velocities depend only weakly on the initialamount of phospho-FixJ argues for a process that isenzyme-catalyzed by the YF1/FixJ complex; foruncatalyzed hydrolysis, these velocities would beproportional to the initial concentration of phos-pho-FixJ. Furthermore, under similar reaction con-ditions, phospho-FixJ is chemically quite stable; thelifetime of the closely related phospho-FixJ fromSinorhizobium meliloti is on the order of 2 h.27As a control, we determined the activity of the

parent enzyme FixL under the same reactionconditions. In vivo, FixL occurs in the ferrous state(FeII); binding of oxygen to the ferrous deoxy stateinhibits kinase activity. In vitro, FixL is routinelyassayed in its ferric (FeIII) state, which has activitysimilar to that of the ferrous deoxy form.22 The netkinase activity of ferric FixL can be greatly reducedby adding cyanide.28 Under our reaction conditions,ferric FixL phosphorylated FixJ with an initialvelocity of 80.2±3.6 h− 1, which is faster by a factorof 1.4±0.1 than the reaction catalyzed by YF1 in thedark (Fig. 2d). Addition of cyanide led to an appro-ximately 1000-fold decrease of net kinase activity ofFixL to 0.086±0.014 h− 1. These values are compar-able with those of previous studies under similarreaction conditions that reported a maximum initialvelocity of 81 h− 1 and a more than 2700-fold reduc-tion in the presence of cyanide.28

We measured the net kinase activity of YF1 in thedark at varying substrate concentrations. Catalysisfollowed Michaelis–Menten kinetics with apparentKM values of 33±2 and 1.4±0.4 μM for ATP and FixJ,respectively (Supplementary Table 1). In the case ofFixL, the KM values were 206±13 μM for ATP and1.6±0.4 μM for FixJ, which agree closely with valuesfor the orthologous FixL from S. meliloti.26

The kinase activity of YF1 has thus been placedunder the control of light without incurring sig-nificant losses in kinase activity or alteration in sub-strate affinities. In the dark state, YF1 possesses netkinase activity closely similar to that of its parentFixL. In the light state, its phosphatase activity isgreatly enhanced and YF1 is converted to a netphosphatase.

Fig. 2. Kinase activity of fusion kinase YF1. (a) Inconsecutive steps, YF1 autophosphorylates and thentransfers the phosphoryl group to the response regulatorFixJ. (b) YF1 phosphorylates FixJ in the dark but isstrongly inhibited in the light. Reactions were started byaddition of [γ-32P]ATP and aliquots were taken atindicated times. Samples were separated on an SDS geland incorporated phosphate was monitored by 32P radio-graphy. Each lane contained 15 pmol YF1 and 380 pmolFixJ. (c) Light absorption switches YF1 from kinase tophosphatase activity. Phosphorylation assays were startedin the dark as in (b) (●). After 7.5 and 30.5 min, aliquots ofthe reaction mix were exposed to light (dashed lines),which caused phospho-FixJ levels to decrease with initialvelocities of 120±20 (○) and 140±7 mol FixJ (molkinase)−1 h− 1 (▽). (d) Comparison of reactions catalyzedby YF1 (●) and FixL (○). Lines denote initial reactionvelocities and correspond to turnovers of 56.4±2.8 and80.2±3.6 h−1 for YF1 and FixL, respectively.

Fig. 3. Kinase activity of YF1 depends on LOV photo-cycle. (a) Upon illumination with 430-nm light (240 μW),the fraction of YF1 in the dark state as determined byabsorption spectroscopy (○) decays with a first-order timeconstant of 58.4±1.0 s. YF1 kinase activity (●) decays witha time constant of 27.1±1.0 s. (b) Recovery kinetics of YF1after saturating photobleaching. Seventy percent of theabsorption signal (thin line) recovers with a time constantof 5900±25 s, followed by a slower phase. In contrast,kinase activity (●) displays sigmoid recovery kinetics thatcan be described by the model shown in (c) (thick line). (c)Model for light inactivation of net kinase activity indimeric YF1. D and L denote LOV domains in their darkand light states, respectively. Maximal kinase activityrequires both YF1 LOV domains in the dark state. Photo-bleaching of one or both LOV domains strongly dimi-nishes kinase activity. Analysis of YF1 recovery dataaccording to this model yields a microscopic time constantτ of 10,800±1600 s.

1437Design and Signaling of Light-Regulated Kinases

Light inactivation is linked to LOV photocycle

To address whether the light dependence of YF1activity is indeed mediated by its LOV domain, weconducted several control experiments.First, we verified that the activity of the parent

enzyme FixL is independent of light (not shown).Second, we generated a point mutant of YF1 in

which the active-site cysteine 62 in the LOV domainis replaced by alanine, which abolishes the normalLOV photochemistry (Supplementary Fig. 2). Netkinase activity of YF1 C62A was identical underdark (52.9±2.7 h− 1) and light (56.1±2.8 h− 1) condi-tions and corresponded to that noted above for YF1in the dark (56.4±2.8 h− 1). Replacement of thephosphoacceptor histidine 291 within the DHpdomain by alanine abolished phosphorylation ofFixJ both in the dark and in the light.Third, we explored whether light absorption

might simply cause global unfolding and, thus, inac-tivation of YF1. Light absorption induces a 5–10%loss of the CD signal of YF1 at 208 nm, similar toobservations for a plant phototropin LOV domain(Supplementary Fig. 3).8 This indicates a partial lossor rearrangement of α-helical structure elementsupon light absorption but rules out global unfoldingof YF1. Global unfolding is also incompatible withthe observations noted above, that the autopho-sphorylation activity of isolated YF1 is only mode-rately suppressed in the light and that the YF1/FixJcomplex displays greatly enhanced phosphataseactivity in the light.Fourth, YF1 was illuminated through a 430±

10-nm interference filter that reduced light outputto 240 μW. Using this illumination protocol, thefraction of YF1 in the dark state diminished in a first-order reaction with a time constant of 58.4±1.0 s(Fig. 3a, open circles). Net kinase activity of YF1decayed approximately twice as fast, with a timeconstant of 27.1±1.0 s (Fig. 3a, filled symbols).Recovery of YF1 after photobleaching occurred witha complex time course over several hours, as indi-cated by absorption spectroscopy (Fig. 3b). Approxi-mately 70% of the absorption signal recovered witha time constant of 5900±25 s, followed by a slowerphase. Complex recovery kinetics have also beenobserved for natural LOV histidine kinases.29 Thelong recovery time enabled us to determine thekinase activity of YF1 as recovery proceeded. Netkinase activity was regenerated in a sigmoid timecourse (Fig. 3b), and at 12 h after light absorption,activity had recovered to 95% of that of the darkstate. The presence of a pronounced lag phase sug-gests that photorecovery proceeds through anintermediate state with little or no kinase activity.Aminimal model to account for both recovery and

photobleaching data is shown in Fig. 3c. In thismodel, we assume that full kinase activity of YF1requires both LOV domains to be in their dark stateand that after photobleaching the two LOV mono-mers of YF1 independently relax to their dark statewith the microscopic time constant τ. The value of τof 10800±1600 s is consistent with the recovery

1438 Design and Signaling of Light-Regulated Kinases

kinetics of the absorption signal after photobleach-ing of YF1 (Fig. 3b). According to the model, theabsorption signal should recover with an observabletime constant τ/2=5400±800 s, which agrees wellwith the measured value of 5900±25 s. The modelalso accounts for the observation that upon partialphotobleaching, YF1 kinase activity diminishestwice as fast as the absorption signal (Fig. 3a).Despite the simplicity of the model, it quantitativelyexplains the experimental data remarkably well.However, we cannot rule out other, more complexreaction schemes.In summary, these experiments demonstrate that

the effect of light on YF1 activity is mediated by itsLOV domain, is fully reversible, and requires thatYF1 be a dimer.

Kinase activity and regulation depend onproperties of the domain linker

To address how the properties of the linker betweenthe LOV sensor and kinase effector domains affect

Fig. 4. (a) Activity of fusion kinase variants in turnover assdenote activity under constant illumination. Asterisks indicatline). The table lists changes in helix angle and rise in the variasimilar values are obtained when these parameters are calcuvariants as a function of helix angle relative to YF1. Variantsactivity in the dark; variants with angles between +40° to +10

enzyme activity and regulation by light, wegenerateda number of protein variants that differ in that region.In a first series, we varied the sitewithin the Jα helix atwhich the two domains are fused but retained thesame linker length as in YF1. Variants YF2–4 succes-sively derivemore residues from FixL, as indicated inFig. 1b and Table 1. Variant YF3 was inactive, but YF2and YF4 showed light inactivation of net kinaseactivity as seen for YF1, albeit with quantitativelydifferent activities of 67.9±6.5 and 3.4±0.1 h− 1, res-pectively, in the dark (Supplementary Fig. 4).A second series of variants contains successive

deletions of amino acids 274–277 at the C-terminusof the Jα linker sequence of YF1 (Fig. 1b and Table 1).Kinase activity in variants with one-, two- or four-residue deletions in the linker was below thedetectable limit both in the dark and in the light(Fig. 4a). Construct YF1Δ275–277 showed lowactivity of about 0.3 h− 1, but regulation by lightwas abolished.In a third series of variants, YF1 I1–8, up to eight

additional amino acids were inserted into the Jα

ays. Blue bars denote activity in the dark and orange barse activities below the detectable limit of 0.04 h−1 (dashednts relative to YF1 in a canonical α-helix structure. Closelylated based on a coiled-coil model. (b) Activity of linkerwith helix angles between −20° to +60° showed kinase0° were active in the light.

1439Design and Signaling of Light-Regulated Kinases

linker region (Table 1). To reduce the chance ofincorporating deleterious residues, the insertion siteand the nature of the amino acids introduced weredetermined based on sequence comparison toCaulobacter crescentus LovK kinase29 (SupplementaryFig. 5). Insertion of two, three, five or six amino acidsled to variants YF1 I2, YF1 I3, YF1 I5 and YF1 I6 thatwere inactive in the light and in the dark (Fig. 4a).Variant YF1 I7 had higher net kinase activity in thedark (4.2±0.2 h−1) than in the light b0.04 h−1, as inthe parent YF1. Variant YF1 I4 had activity in thedark of 37.2±1.7 h−1 comparable to YF1, but thisactivity was independent of light. Lastly, YF1 I1 andYF1 I8 with one or eight extra amino acids showedinverse dependence on light. Although with muchlower activity than YF1, both variants were moreactive in the light (around 0.1–0.3 h− 1) than in thedark (b0.04 h−1). That is, they were light-activatedkinases.Taken together, the deletion and insertion variants

display a striking heptad periodicity of kinaseactivity and light regulation (Fig. 4a). All pairs offusion proteins that differ in their linker length byseven residues, as, for example, YF1 and YF1 I7 orYF1 I1 and YF1 I8, show remarkably similar activitypatterns. Moreover, the length of the domain linkeris an important design parameter that can be used toinvert the regulatory behavior; insertion of oneamino acid into the linker region of YF1 replaced netlight-inactivated kinase activity by net light-acti-vated kinase activity.

In vivo activity of fusion kinases

As discussed above, FixL activates expression ofgenes involved in nitrogen metabolism in anoxygen-dependent manner. Could we reengineerthis regulatory network and use our fusionkinases to regulate gene expression in responseto light in vivo?The activity of fusion kinases in E. coli was deter-

mined in β-galactosidase assays using a reporterconstruct that expresses LacZ under the control ofthe B. japonicum FixK2 promoter to which phospho-FixJ binds.15 In the absence of FixJ, only low levelsof β-galactosidase activity around 15 Miller unitsmL−1 min−1 were observable (Table 2). Upon intro-duction of B. japonicum FixJ alone into E. coli,expression of the LacZ reporter was constitutivelyactivated with β-galactosidase activities of around3800 Miller units mL− 1 min− 1. Constitutive activa-tion of a related FixJ pathway has been ascribed to

Table 2. In vivo assay of fusion kinase YF1

Expression plasmid

β-Galactosidase activity(Miller units mL−1 min−1)

Dark Light

YF1 only 16±3 15±4FixJ only 3730±250 3910±50YF1/FixJ 2860±360 42±16YF1 C62A/FixJ 800±250 650±250

phosphorylation of FixJ either enzymatically by anendogenous E. coli histidine kinase or nonenzy-matically by intracellular acyl phosphates.23

Constitutive activation of the FixJ pathway pre-cludes measurements of kinase activity of our fusionkinases in E. coli. However, our in vitro experimentsshowed that light switches YF1 from net kinase tophosphatase activity (Fig. 2c). Might the phospha-tase activity of YF1 in its light state be sufficient tocounteract constitutive phosphorylation of FixJ in E.coli? Upon introduction of both YF1 and FixJ, weobserved β-galactosidase activity of 2860±360Miller units mL− 1 min− 1 in the dark (Table 2). Inthe light, β-galactosidase activity was suppressed by70-fold to 42±16 Miller units mL− 1 min− 1. WhenYF1 was replaced by the photoinactive YF1 mutantC62A, β-galactosidase activity was independent oflight (Table 2), consistent with the in vitro kinaseactivity for this mutant (Supplementary Fig. 4).We conclude that the fusion kinase YF1 is active

in vivo and regulates gene expression in a light-dependent manner, in accord with our in vitroresults. Interestingly, in E. coli, regulation of geneexpression by light appears to be mediated mainlyby the phosphatase activity of YF1.


The linker between the sensor and effectordomains forms an α-helical coiled coil

In the structure of the isolated YtvALOVdomain,13

the C-terminal Jα linker forms an α-helix. Althoughthe structure of the histidine kinase domain of FixLis not known, that of the homologous histidinekinase HK853 from Thermotoga maritima shows thatthe N-terminus of the DHp subdomain also formsan α-helix.30 We propose that the linker between thesensor and effector domains within our fusionproteins is formed by uniting these two shorterhelices into a long, continuous, signaling α-helix.31

Both the YtvA LOV domain and the histidinekinase HK853 form parallel dimers, which in HK853is stabilized by an N-terminal four-helix bundlecomprising its DHp subdomain.30 The strikingheptad periodicity of kinase activity and regulationin the domain linker variants (Fig. 4a) argues that acoiled-coil structural element might be crucial forregulating kinase activity in response to light. Thiscoiled coil would be formed by parallel dimerizationof the signaling helices. We therefore examined thesequences of PAS kinases for the characteristicfeatures of coiled coils. From the SMART database,we retrieved 3194 protein sequences in which a PASdomain immediately precedes a DHp subdomain.32

The conserved H-box motif containing the phos-phoacceptor histidine in the DHp subdomain couldbe readily identified in all sequences, as could anovel, highly conserved DIT motif at the junctionbetween the core of the PAS domain and the Jα helix(Fig. 5). With two key residues now fixed (the D of

Fig. 5. Multiple sequence alignment of PAS histidine kinases. (a) Alignment of PAS histidine kinases that have 7nresidues between the C-terminus of the PAS domain and the active-site histidine, indicated by the blue arrows. Out of1811 sequences analyzed, 12 are shown and labeled with their UniProt identifiers. Residues conserved inmore than half ofall 1811 sequences are shown in bold red; brown shading denotes columns with more than 50% hydrophobic residues.The C-terminus of the PAS domains displays a highly conserved DIT consensus motif. The linker between the PAS andDHp domains shows the pattern of hydrophobic residues (labeled a and d) characteristic of α-helical coiled coils. Two gappositions have been arbitrarily inserted into the alignment to facilitate comparisonwith (b). (b) Alignment of PAS histidinekinases that have 7n+2 residues between the PAS domain and the active-site histidine. Out of 960 sequences analyzed, 12are shown; B. japonicum FixL is in the bottom row (P23222). Compared to (a), the DHp domain differs in sequence andlength around the phosphoacceptor histidine.

1440 Design and Signaling of Light-Regulated Kinases

the DIT motif at the PAS–Jα junction and the phos-phoacceptor H in the DHp subdomain), precisealignment of the domain linkers of the differentkinases was possible. Strikingly, the lengths of theselinkers were not uniformly distributed but fell intotwo distinct classes: those with 7n residues betweenthe D and H, and those with 7n+2 residues, wheren=3, 4, 5 or 6 (Supplementary Fig. 6). Sequencealignment of the two classes separately revealed thatalthough the sequences of the linker are only weaklyconserved, both clearly show the heptad periodicityof hydrophobic residues characteristic of α-helicalcoiled coils (Fig. 5).33 Within each class, insertion of7, 14 or 21 residues within the linker would intro-duce 2, 4 or 6 helical turns, respectively, and moreimportant, preserve the heptad periodicity. The two

classes show a remarkably similar pattern of hydro-phobicity within their linkers (Fig. 5) but differ atthe N-terminus of their DHp domains. In the 7n+2class, this region is two residues longer and rich inglycine and charged amino acids. In the absence ofdetailed structural information on members of thetwo classes, we can only speculate on how theydiffer structurally. However, two additional resi-dues could readily be accommodated by deviationsfrom ideal α-helical and coiled-coil structure.34 It isnot clear whether the 7n and 7n+2 sequence classesalso differ in a fundamental functional property.We note that a similar sequence pattern wasobserved within HAMP domains, which are oftenfound N-terminal to membrane-associated histidinekinases.35

1441Design and Signaling of Light-Regulated Kinases

We conclude that the linker between sensor andhistidine kinase domains is largely α-helical andforms a coiled coil in the dimer, as judged by theheptad periodicity of kinase activity and regula-tion in our fusion proteins, linker length andhydrophobicity.

Transmission of signal from the sensor to thehistidine kinase domain

This structural model readily accounts for thestrong dependence of net kinase activity on inser-tions or deletions of one or more residues in thelinker. Each insertion or deletion within a mono-meric α-helix causes a change of 100° in helix angleand of 1.5 Å in helix rise (Fig. 4a). Within a dimericcoiled coil, each insertion or deletion would, inaddition, alter the heptad periodicity and, thus, thestructure and/or stability of the coiled coil, andreposition the YtvA-LOV sensor domain with res-pect to the DHp phosphoacceptor and CA catalyticsubdomains with potentially profound effects onenzyme activity and regulation. However, variantsof fusion proteins that differ in length by sevenresidues (such as YF1 and YF1 I7) would retain theheptad periodicity of the coiled coil and a closelysimilar relative angular orientation of the LOV andhistidine kinase domains, although the distancebetween these domains would change by about10 Å (Fig. 4a). Such insertions of seven residues areevident in natural PAS kinases that exhibit a widerange of linker lengths (Supplementary Fig. 6a).We conclude that the primary effect on the

regulation of kinase activity by light arises fromthe relative angular orientation of the sensor andeffector domains, as established by the structure ofthe coiled coil that links them. However, the lengthof the linker and its exact sequence exert secondaryeffects, as indicated by the range of activity in kinasevariants YF1–4 (Supplementary Fig. 4).How could signals originating in absorption of

light by the FMN chromophore be transmitted toand along α-helices? Absorption of a photon leads tosmall tertiary and quaternary structural changes inthe isolated LOV domain of YtvA, in particular inthe region of the conserved DIT motif (see Fig. 6b ofRef. 13). The aspartate and threonine residues of thismotif directly couple the core of the LOV domain tothe Jα helix by a salt bridge between the side chainsof D125 and K96 and a hydrogen bond between theside chain of T127 and the backbone amide of W103.Due to their large persistence length, at the mole-cular level α-helices behave as rigid rods and arewell suited to transmit conformational changes overlong distances to remote sites,31 even in monomericproteins. Within a dimer, signal-dependent pertur-bation of a coiled coil would generate a quaternarystructural change that could readily propagate overlong distances.Several models for signal transduction along α-

helices have been proposed, primarily in the contextof integral membrane proteins that act as chemo-sensors. Transmission of signals may depend on

translational, piston-type, pivot-type or rotationalmovements of helices, or a combination thereof.36 Dothese models apply here? Linker variants with helixangles relative to YF1 between −20° to +60° showedsome kinase activity in the dark; variants with helixangles between +40° and +100° showed activity inthe light (Fig. 4b). Thus, both in the dark and in thelight, activity spanned a range of helix angles of 60°to 80°, but the dark and light activity curves aredisplaced with respect to each other by 40° to 60°.Displacement of the activity curves enables thegeneration of either light-inactivated systems (here,with helix angles between −20° and 0°), systemswhose activity is insensitive to light (angles between+40° and +60°) or light-activated systems (anglesbetween +80° and +100°). These data suggest thatthemajor effect of light is to induce relative rotationalmotion between the LOV sensor and histidine kinaseeffector domains, probably through perturbation ofthe coiled coil. Light is acting as a rotary switch.Translational, piston-type or pivot-type movements,if present, are secondary.In this model, the tight dimer interface of the LOV

sensor domain provides an anchor point aroundwhich the histidine kinase domains can rotate. Thedisplacement of the dark and light activity curves by40° to 60° suggests that light absorption induces a 40°to 60° rotation of the histidine kinase domain relativeto that of the LOV sensor domain within the dimericfusion kinase, accompanied by partial helix unfold-ing or untwisting of coiled-coil regions, as indicatedby our CD measurements. Light-induced rotationalmovements of the histidine kinase domains mightalter the geometry of their active site or affect thebinding of the response regulator FixJ to the DHpsubdomain. In principle, any or all of the rate coeffi-cients associated with each elementary step in theoverall kinase, phosphotransfer and phosphatasereactions could thereby be modulated by light (Fig.2a). It is interesting to note that both YF1 and FixLrepresent kinases that are inactivated by theirsignals, light and oxygen, respectively. Intriguingly,all natural LOV histidine kinases characterized todate show the opposite regulatory behavior, i.e.,increased kinase activity upon light absorption.29,37

A more detailed understanding has to await struc-tural information on YF1 or related sensor kinases.Models for ligand-dependent signal transduction

involving helix rotation have been invoked forrelated membrane-bound chemosensors.38,39 In par-ticular, a recent study suggests signal-dependentrotation of two helices within the parallel four-helixbundle of a HAMP domain by about 26° each,generating a movement of 52° relative to eachother.35,40 For the dimeric, quorum-sensing LuxPQreceptor, a signaling mechanism involving a 40°rotation of one subunit was advanced.41

Design of novel, light-regulated proteins

Chimeric histidine kinases with altered signalingproperties have been constructed before42–44 basedon seminal work by Inouye and coworkers42. In

1442 Design and Signaling of Light-Regulated Kinases

these studies, change of signal specificity of integralmembrane receptors was achieved by replacementof their cytoplasmic domains. Our data show thatthis general approach is not restricted to membraneproteins but also applicable to soluble proteins.Indeed, a chemosensor domain (here, for oxygen)can be functionally replaced by a photosensor (here,for blue light). The signaling principles are thereforegenerally applicable to proteins in which the sensorand effector domains are linked by α-helices and toboth chemo- and photosensors.In an elegant study, Skerker et al. very recently

demonstrated that the substrate specificity of relatedhistidine kinases primarily resides within their DHpdomains.45 The output of these histidine kinasescould thus be reprogrammed to phosphorylatedifferent response regulators either by replacingtheir DHp domains or by mutating as few as threeresidues. Our data show that the input specificitycan similarly be reprogrammed, thus enablingcomplete control of the activity of sensor histidinekinases.By directly replacing the oxygen-sensing PAS

domain in FixL by the YtvA LOV photosensordomain, we generate the light-inactivated histidinekinase YF1 that retains the high catalytic efficiencyand substrate affinity of its parent enzyme butresponds to a different input signal. It did not provenecessary to screen a large library of fusion pro-teins. Although our successful initial design wasfacilitated by sequence and structural homologybetween the FixL and YtvA sensor domains, ourdesign strategy is readily applicable to a largegroup of histidine kinases and other proteins, as thesequence analysis shows (Fig. 5). Even in theabsence of detailed structural information, the C-terminus of many PAS domains can now be reliablydefined based on the conserved DIT sequence motif.We note that this DIT motif was the site at whichYtvA and FixL were fused to generate the light-inactivated histidine kinase YF1 (Fig. 1b). Wetherefore suggest that functional fusion proteins inother systems could be readily generated, that lightsensitivity could thereby be conferred on kinasesand other, desired effector domain activities, andthat successful design does not necessarily requirescreening big libraries of different constructs.Although PAS domains can be identified by

sequence analysis, in most cases the small moleculeor metabolite to which they respond is unknown,often despite much biochemical effort. One promi-nent example is human PAS kinase.46 Replacementof such putative chemosensor PAS domains withknown LOV photosensor domains puts the activityof their associated effector domain under thecontrol of a known and readily manipulable signal,light. Using light as a stimulus, the roles of theseproteins and the signaling pathways in which theyare involved could be identified.LOV domains can also be used to regulate the

activity of proteins not naturally associated withPAS domains. By fusing a LOV photosensor domainto the N-terminus of a Trp repressor, DNA binding

was rendered light sensitive, although the effectwas modest, with a 5.6-fold enhancement.47

We expect that similar design strategies will lead tothe generation of further light-controlled proteins. Theuse of light as a signal affords excellent spatiotemporaland noninvasive control over the signaling process.Moreover, as LOV domains employ the ubiquitouscofactor FMN, they can be readily genetically encodedand used for in vivo studies, as we have shown.Synthetic light-regulated proteins are also of consider-able interest in the study of fast protein dynamics, forexample, by time-resolved X-ray crystallography.48

Materials and Methods

Molecular biology and protein purification

Genes encoding YtvA, FixL and FixJ were amplified viaPCR and cloned into pET28c vectors. Fusion constructswere generated by fusion PCR, overlap-extension PCR andsite-directedmutagenesis. Proteinswere purified similar tothe protocol described in Ref. 13. Concentrations weredetermined using extinction coefficients of 12,500 M−1

cm−1 at 450 nm for the fusion proteins, 1.26×105 M−1 cm−1

at 395 nm for FixL and 4860 M−1 cm−1 at 280 nm for FixJ.

Phosphorylation assays

Kinase activity assays were conducted by adaptingestablished procedures.28 Experiments were done inreaction buffer [50 mM Tris–HCl (pH 8.0), 50 mM KCl,100 μM MnCl2, 5% (v/v) ethylene glycol] at 23±1 °C. Forthe assay of the fusion proteins, 5 mM β-mercaptoethanolwas added. Phosphorylation reactions were started byaddition of 1 mM [γ-32P]ATP/MgCl2. Aliquots weremixed with half the volume of stop buffer [0.5 M Tris–HCl (pH 6.8), 0.2 M NaCl, 40 mM EDTA (ethylenedia-minetetraacetic acid), 30% (v/v) glycerol, 4% (v/v) SDS,2% (v/v) β-mercaptoethanol] and visualized on SDS gels.Radioactivity in dried gels was quantified using aPhosphorimager. The standard phosphorylation reactionmixture contained 2 μM kinase and 50 μM FixJ. Kinaseexperiments were conducted in the dark (i.e., dim redlight) or under constant illumination from a fiber-opticslamp (white light, 136-mW power).

In vivo experiments

All in vivo experiments were conducted in E. coli Tunercells (ΔlacZY). Fusion proteins were expressed in tandemwith FixJ from pET28-based plasmids. Net kinase activitywas assayed using a pRK290-derived plasmid that carriedthe reporter gene LacZ under the control of the B.japonicum FixK2 promoter. β-galactosidase activitieswere quantified as described and represent the averagesof at least five independent cultures.49 Cell cultures wereeither kept in the dark or constantly illuminated (whitelight, ca 1 mW) and otherwise treated identically.

Multiple sequence alignment

Sequences of proteins comprising both PAS and DHpdomains were retrieved from the SMART database32 and

1443Design and Signaling of Light-Regulated Kinases

aligned with CLUSTAL W.50 Average hydropathies werecalculated according to Kyte and Doolittle.51 Evaluation ofthe sequence alignment was donewith custom Perl scripts.


We thank Drs. Hauke Hennecke and Hans-MartinFischer (ETH Zürich) and Dr. Michael Sadowsky(University of Minnesota) for supplying bacterialstrains and plasmids. Drs. Tobin Sosnick, SeanCrosson andMichael Elowitz (CalTech) are acknowl-edged for providingmaterials, advice and commentson the manuscript. We gratefully appreciate the useof facilities of Drs. Francisco Bezanilla, Sean Crosson,Phoebe Rice and Tobin Sosnick. Laura Satkampprovided advice on fusion PCR, and Clark Hydehelped with lamp power measurements. We thankall members of the Moffat laboratory for discussion.This study was supported by NIH grant GM036452to K.M. A.M. and K.M. designed research; A.M. andR.A.A. performed research and analyzed data; A.M.and K.M. wrote the manuscript.

Supplementary Data

Supplementary data associated with this articlecan be found, in the online version, at doi:10.1016/j.jmb.2008.12.017


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