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Isabel Krumholz Adler, MSc

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who am I?

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who am I?

design business

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design thinking

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design thinkingaproach that brings

buSINESS closer to uSErS

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design thinkingaproach that brings

buSINESS closer to uSErSNEEDS innovative sollutions

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design thinkingaproach that brings

buSINESS closer to uSErS


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design thinkinghelps solving

wIckED problEmS with focus on ThE pEoplE involved

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whaT kIND of problEmS?

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> development of new product or services

> Creation of new business models

> Customer satisfaction and loyalty through language humanization

> Change Management

> turnover at call centres

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eMPathyStepping into the other’s shoes: understanding the context from the point of view of those who experience it

humaN focuSObserving extreme behaviorsIdentifying opportunities and needs

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visualizationBased on the collected data, patterns are identifiedand expressed visually

empowers comuNIcaTIoN and

INformaTIoN coNNEcTIoN

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Colaborationallows connection among different backgrounds and involves multiple perspectives to reach an holistic understanding of the context

INNovaTIvE SoluTIoNS emerge from DIvErSITy

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PrototyPingconstant experimentation to fail early and reduce risk

lEarN by DoING and

TEST to obtain fEEDback

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fuzzy froNT END

identify what should be developedunderstand the context of the stakeholders of the experienceexplore what will be usefull and desired by people in the futureanalyse opportunities

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IMERSIonto understand

IDEAtIonto create

PRototyPIngto test

DEvEloPMEntto apply

design is Messy, Paralel, iterative

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fInAl DEcISIon

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ChAllenge: how to humanize and simplify insurance communication in order to establish a circle of trust and delight between insurance companies and their clients?


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insurance jargon is embedded in all service touchpoints:







Multi-method ethnographic study to understand the customer’s experience assessing each service touchpoint, the role of its players and artifacts to discover feelings, beliefs, dreams and needs.

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artifact archeology customer

“this (booklet containing the rules of the contract) is not for me. this is for the company. if they decide they will not pay me they will use any excuse from here.”


Interview claim analyst

“people normally doesn’t know most of the numbers we need them to provide. they are stressed and sensitive at that moment. our process should consider this... or the numbers should be more accessible.”

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Shadowing tow truck driver

“people are normally nervous when i arrive. sometimes to the point they are hindering my activity. it would help if there were something to keep them busy while i perform my work.”


cultural probe customer

“if a communication from the service provider looks like ad i will instantly throw it away. a contract should be presented with the importance it has.”

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colaborative data analysis85 insight cards generated5 personas

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each touchpoint presented its own context challenges.

the communication to be designed should address the client’s emotional context, considering the moment and location of delivery.


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the insight cards were used by the insurance professionals during a series of co-creation workshops.

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the ideas generated were positioned in a decision matrix.

the framework helped prioritize ideas and decide on where to start prototyping solutions.


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two ideas were materialized and tested with insurance customers during the prototyping phase:personal url and emergency guide.

> what information should be delivered at each moment through which media? > lead to detailed list of design requirements


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information regarding the contract available in accessible language at a personal website, showing clearly what has and has not been purchased.

Works as upselling tool, allowing customers to request additional coverage.

emergency guide: Clear instructions on how to proceed in case of accident

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> During the first year the insurance company saved around uS$1M and prevented the emission of 60 ton of CO2 to the atmosphere by reducing the amount of paper used to communicate with its customers.

> Significant reduction in call center traffic due to management of customer anxiety.

> the company was awarded two important marketing prizes and recognized as innovative in its sector.

reSultS & PrIZeS

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design thinking“…a process of creative and critical thinking that allows information and ideas to be organized, decisions to be made, situations to be improved, and knowledge to be gained.”

ChArleS Burnette

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INNovaTIoNStructured procees ran by a muldisciplinary team that is keen to identify latent human needs that are matched with emerging technologies and business goals to create solutions that add value and reach success.

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further reading

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Thank you!

Isabel K. Adler Chief Innovation [email protected]+ 55 (21) 8303 1962


Design ThinkingBusiness Innovation


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