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Destiny ColeDrianna Buonocore

Robyn Belmont

Christopher Columbus Reached North America in 1492 Goal was to reach Asia Reached he Caribbean, which he believed to

be Asia Voyage funded by Queen Isabella and King

Ferdinand Wrote his journal to impress Queen Isabella so

she would continue funding his journey

Onondaga Lived in Central New York State One of the original 5 member nations Part of Iroquois Confederation The Earth on Turtle’s Back

Forced into reservations in Oregon and Northern California

When Grizzlies Walked Upright

Navajo Largest Native American nation in US today Live in Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico The Navajo Origin Legend

Lived in Northeastern US Dekanawidah (prophet) who spoke of peace

and brotherhood

Arrived in Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1630

Very religious Puritan Thought to be “unladylike” because she

wrote so much Collection of her poems were published in

1650 Her poetry reflects Puritan knowledge of

stories and language in the Bible

By Anne Bradstreet Written about her love for her husband Puritans were only supposed to write

about their love for god and nothing else Considered dangerous

Puritan living in Westfield, Massachusetts Well educated Considered one of the best colonial poets His writings were about his love for God Thought of his works to be very personal

Only released two stanzas during his life His other works weren’t published until after

his death

Written by Edward Taylor About his love for God Extended metaphor Published after Taylor’s death Written in Puritan Plain Style

Son of a powerful African Tribal Elder Well educated Sold into slavery at 11 years old Autobiography published in 1789

Made people realize the cruelties of slavery Contributed to the slave trade banning

Powerful Puritan teacher Very well educated Wrote long sermons in order to scare

people into loving God and not sinning Became leader of the Great Awakening

Six hour long sermon by Jonathan Edwards

Scared people into loving god Said to have caused people to rise from

their seats in hysteria

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