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Determination of threshold exposure and intensityfor recording holograms in thick green-sensitive

acrylamide-based photopolymer

Mohammad Sultan Mahmud,1,2,3,* Izabela Naydenova,2,3 Tzwetanka Babeva,2,4

Raghavendra Jallapuram,2,3 Suzanne Martin,2 and Vincent Toal2,3,5

1Institute of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology, Moroccan Association of Science, Innovation and Research,École normale supérieure de l'Enseignement technique, Madinat El Irfane 10100, Rabat, Morocco

2Centre for Industrial and Engineering Optics, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin 8, Ireland3School of Physics, Faculty of Science, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin 8, Ireland

4Central Laboratory of Photo processes, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria5e-mail: [email protected].

*Corresponding author: [email protected]

Received 28 April 2010; revised 11 August 2010; accepted 19 August 2010;posted 24 August 2010 (Doc. ID 127587); published 23 September 2010

For optical data storage applications, it is essential to determine the lowest intensity (also known asthreshold intensity) below or at which no data page or grating can be recorded in the photosensitivematerial, as this in turn determines the data capacity of the material. Here, experiments were carriedout to determine the threshold intensity below which the formation of a simple hologram—a holographicdiffraction grating in a green-sensitized acrylamide-based photopolymer—is not possible. Two mainparameters of the recording layers—dye concentration and thickness—were varied to study the influenceof the density of the generated free radicals on the holographic properties of these layers. It was observedthat a minimum concentration per unit volume of free radicals is required for efficient cross-linking of thecreated polymer chains and for recording a hologram. The threshold intensity below which no hologramcan be recorded in the Erythrosin B sensitized layers with absorbance less than 0.16 was 50 μW=cm2. Thereal-time diffraction efficiency was analyzed in the early stage of recording. It was determined that theminimum intensity required to obtain diffraction efficiency of 1% was 90 μW=cm2, and the minimumrequired exposure was 8 mJ=cm2. It was also determined that there is an optimum dye concentrationof 1:5 × 10−7 mol=L for effective recording above which no increase in the sensitivity of the layers isobserved. © 2010 Optical Society of AmericaOCIS codes: 090.2900, 050.0050.

1. Introduction

Photopolymers [1–10] are considered one of the mostversatile holographic recording media due to theirhigh sensitivity, wide dynamic range, and relativelylow cost. Many photopolymers have the advantagethat they are self-developing, needing no wet proces-

sing or thermal treatment. For holographic datastorage applications, it is crucial to fabricate thickphotopolymer layers in which multiple hologramscan be recorded at the same location in the layer.The thickness of the recording layer is particularlyimportant when phase code multiplexing is utilized.

Previous studies [11] of transmission holographicgratings recorded in thick green-sensitive acrylamide-based photopolymer layers [4,5,11] demonstrated that,at higher absorbance (A532 nm ¼ 0:42) and above a

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particular layer thickness (450 μm), the overall diffrac-tionefficiencydropssignificantlybecauseofholographicscattering.Thelossesduetonoisegratingscouldbemini-mized if layers of low absorbance were used. One of theaims of this paper is to investigate how reducing of thephotopolymer layer’s absorption influences the record-ing properties of layers ranging in thickness from 100to 350 μm. Our effort is to characterize the holographicrecording in its early stages when very low exposure in-tensity is used. By using layers with different thick-nesses and by varying their dye concentration, we canstudy the influence of the density of the generated freeradicals on the holographic properties of thick photo-polymer layers. We have determined the thresholdintensity and threshold exposure needed to obtain 1%diffraction efficiency, a value chosen as appropriate fortheholographicdatastorageapplicationsinwhichmanyholograms are to be recorded in the same volume ofphotopolymer in these layers. In thispaper, thequantitydefined as “exposure” is actually an “energy density ex-posure,” i.e., the total exposure energy delivered perunit area.

2. Theory

Photopolymerization is a chain reaction involvingthree steps [5,12–16]: initiation, propagation, andtermination. Initiation consists of two chemical reac-tion processes: the production of free radicals underillumination and the binding of a free radical with amonomer (M) to form amonomer radical. During pro-pagation, a monomer radical combines with othermonomers to form a large polymer radical (M�).Termination occurs when the radical attached tothe end of the growing polymer chain bonds with an-other radical. The photopolymerization process canbe summarized as follows [5,12–16]:

Initiation : ðiÞ PI→hνR�; RR ¼ dR�

dt¼ 2⋅Φ⋅IaðxÞ

¼ 2⋅Φ⋅IðxÞ½1 − expð−ε⋅c⋅xÞ�; ð1aÞ

ðiiÞ R� þMi→kiM�

i ; RI ¼dM�


dt¼ ki½R��⋅½M�; ð1bÞ

Propagation : M�i þM→


iþ1; RP ¼ kp½M�i �⋅½M�;


Termination : M�i þM�

i→kt polymer; RT ¼ dM�


dt¼ kt½M�

i �2; ð1dÞ

where PI, R�, Mi, and M�i are the photoinitiator, free

radicals, monomer, and the unterminated polymericchains, respectively. IðxÞ is the recording intensity,and IaðxÞ is the intensity absorbed by the sample,which is equivalent to IðxÞð1 − e−AÞ.Φ is the quantumyield, defined as the number of pairs of radicalsproduced per absorbed photon [17], ε is the molar

absorptivity of the solution, c is the dye concentra-tion, (mol/L), x is the layer thickness, and Að¼ ε:c:xÞis the absorbance of the photosensitive layer. kr, ki,kp, and kt, are the free radical generation, initiation,propagation, and termination constants, respec-tively. RR, RI, RP, and RT are the free radical genera-tion, monomer radical generation (or initiation),propagation, and termination rate, respectively.

From the above equations, it is seen that the absor-bance of the layer governs the rate of initiation. Therate of propagation strongly depends on the reactiv-ity of the monomers and on their concentration. Thechemical structure and composition of the monomeraffect the values of kp and kt and, therefore, also af-fect the termination process [18]. The rate at whichmonomers are polymerized is given as [17,19,20]


¼ RI þ RP; ð2Þ

where [M] is the monomer concentration, and RI andRP are the monomer radical generation and polymerchain propagation rate, respectively.

The rate of initiation depends on the recording in-tensity, concentration of the absorber, molar absorp-tivity, layer thickness, and the quantum yield ofproduction of radicals. Two parameters, the layerthickness and the concentration of the dye (and thusthe layers absorbance), are varied to determine thethreshold intensity. It was assumed that the molarabsorptivity and the quantum yield remain constantbecause a single dye sensitizer (Erythrosine B) at re-latively low concentrations was used as the sensiti-zer. No formation of aggregates was observed. Thiswas confirmed by the fact that the absorption spec-trum shape and peak position remained unchangedfor all dye concentrations. The grating recordingprocess can be described as follows: production ofpolymer in bright interference fringe areas is accom-panied by concentration-gradient-driven diffusion ofthe monomer from the dark areas, leading to a den-sity increase in the bright regions and an accompa-nying refractive-index modulation, which maps thelight intensity distribution. Thus, a grating can beobtained.

Theholographic gratings studied in this paperwererecorded in relatively thick photopolymer layers,withthicknesses varying between 100 and 350 μm, and re-latively low absorption (<0:16) to avoid significantlosses caused by holographic scattering. Becausethe absorbance at a particular thickness is relatedto the dye concentration, the decreased absorbancewould mean a smaller number of dye molecules perunit volume. This leads to a lower rate of productionof free radicals. There are twomain factors that couldbe influencing the effectiveness of the diffraction grat-ing formation at a low rate of free radical generation.First, the presence of oxygen in the layers can lead tothe quenching of the free radicals, and thus they arenot available for triggering the free-radical polymer-ization process. At higher recording intensities, the

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number of the available oxygenmolecules is exceededby the number of the created free radicals, and thepolymerization process will take place. The secondfactor is the balance between the polymerization rateand the rate of cross-linking of thepolymer chains andthe diffusion processes. It is well known from studies[19–25] that this balance is crucial for the hologramformation in photopolymer layers.

3. Experiment

A. Preparation of Thick Photopolymer Layers

Thechemicalsusedtopreparephotopolymer layersarean acrylamide monomer (0:6 g), a N;N0-methylene-bisacrylamide cross-linking monomer (0:2 g), a tri-ethanolamine initiator (2 ml), 10 ml polyvinyl alcoholbinder (20 wt: % =vol: water stock solution), and Ery-throsine B sensitizing dye (0:11 wt: % =vol: waterbased stock solution) [4,5,11]. The concentration ofthedyewasadjusted tomaintain constantabsorbance,independentof thethickness.The20%concentrationofPVAwas used to enable faster drying of the photopoly-mer layers and to facilitate the fabrication of thick dryphotopolymer layers. After mixing for 30–40 min, thephotopolymer solution was deposited in a Petri dish.Once dry, the layer was removed and placed on a glassslide forholographicrecording.Layer thicknessesweremeasured using a white-light surface profilometer(Micro XAM S/N 8038).

B. Experimental Setup

A two-beam holographic optical setup (Fig. 1) with anangle of 80° between the beamswasused to record un-slanted transmission gratings using an argon ionlaser (λ ¼ 514:5 nm). The gratings were recorded inlayers with thicknesses of 100, 200, 250, and350 μm at various intensities ranging from 0.08 to1:0 mW=cm2 at a spatial frequency of2500 lines=mm.

The recording intensity was controlled by a vari-able neutral density filter (N). The absorption of thephotopolymer was negligible at 633 nm wavelengthso a He─Ne laser (633 nm) was used as a probe beamat the Bragg angle to monitor the diffracted intensity(ID) during recording. Both the probe and recordingbeams were vertically polarized. The setup was suf-ficiently stable for recording gratings at the abovespatial frequency and exposure times. An optical in-terferometer that included an in situ control system[26,27] can be developed for precise and continuousmonitoring of the overall stability of the setup. Thediffraction efficiency (DE) is defined here as the ratioof the first-order diffracted beam intensity (ID) andthe incident beam intensity (I0) of the probe beamexpressed as a percentage.

4. Results and Discussion

A. Real-time DE Measurements

To investigate the threshold intensity, various low le-vels of intensities ranging from 0.08 to 1:0 mW=cm2

were used for recording the gratings. Figure 2 showsthe dependence of DE on exposure time for recording

in layers with absorbances of 0.025, 0.065, 0.11, and0.16 and thicknesses of 100, 200, 250, and 350 μm atintensities of 0.08 and 0:7 mW=cm2. It was foundthat, at absorbance A ¼ 0:025 and at the intensityof 80 μW=cm2, no DE was measured for any thick-nesses, suggesting that the number of the free radi-cals produced was insufficient to start the recordingprocess. The DE increases both with exposure andabsorbance and reaches a maximum for all layerthicknesses. Further increase of exposure leads toan oscillatory behavior of DE, typical for overmodu-lated volume gratings [28], and none of the gratingsreaches 100% DE mainly due to insufficient absor-bance for starting the polymerization process. At low-er absorbance (A ¼ 0:025, 0.065) thin layers showhigher DE than the thick layers but vice versa athigher absorbance (A ¼ 0:11, 0.16). This is mainlybecause, at lower absorbances, dye concentrationsin thick layers are lower than in the thin layers.At higher absorbance, as the thickness increases,the maximum DE decreases mainly due to the noisegrating [11]. For example, a 350 μm layer has less DEthan a 250 μm layer. Very long exposure (200 s) isused to obtain a good comparison between variouslayer thicknesses and absorbances.

Once the number of free radicals produced is suffi-cient for monomers to be polymerized and for thediffraction grating to grow, then the maximumachievable diffraction efficiency increases with boththe absorbance and the intensity. Previous measure-ments have shown that a careful balance is requiredbetween the polymerization and the diffusion rate toobtain the maximum diffraction efficiency [19–25].

B. Intensity and Exposure Requirements for 1% DE

Figure 3 shows the times required for 1% DE at dif-ferent absorptions. Each data point in each of theseindividual graphs was obtained from the DE growthcurve for the corresponding layer thickness, inten-sity, and absorbance. The time required to reach 1%DE depends on the number of free radicals formedthat is a function of quantum yield and the numbersof dye molecules and photons supplied. Because thequantum yield is constant, the time for 1% DE would

Fig. 1. Experimental setup: N, variable neutral density filter; S,shutter; BE, beam expander; BS, beam splitter; M, mirror; D, op-tical power meter. He─Ne laser (633 nm) is used for monitoringdiffraction efficiency during recording.

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be expected to depend on the intensity (the number ofphotons supplied) and on the absorbance (the num-ber of dye molecules). Therefore, for constant absor-bance, the time should not depend on thickness. Thisis observed in Fig. 3(d). However, at much lowerabsorbance [Fig. 3(a)] a marked dependence on thick-ness is observed despite absorbance being constant.Figures 3(b) and 3(c) show the results for intermedi-ate values of absorbance. The possible reason of

thickness dependence of the time required for 1%DE at smaller absorbance may be the presence ofoxygen molecules in the layers that inhibit the radi-cal-induced polymerization. It can be expected thatthe thinnest layer have the smallest amount of oxy-gen (because of the smallest volume of the layer), andthis explains the shorter inhibition period as com-pared to the thickest layer where more oxygen mole-cules can be found in the volume and longer time is

Fig. 2. DE versus exposure time for absorbances (a), (b) 0.025, (c), (d) 0.065, (e), (f) 0.11, and (g), (h) 0.16 for layer thicknesses, (▪) 100, (○)200, (▴) 250, and (*) 350 μm at recording intensities of 0.08 and 0:7 mW=cm2.

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Fig. 3. Required exposure time to obtain DE of 1% versus recording intensity for layer thicknesses, (▪) 100, (○) 200, (▴) 250, and (*)350 μm and absorbances (0.025, 0.065, 0.11, 0.16).

Fig. 4. Exposure for achieving 1% DE versus Intensity for different layer thicknesses, (▪) 100, (○) 200, (▴) 250, and (*) 350 μm andabsorbances (0.025, 0.065, 0.11, and 0.16). The top axis of each of these graphs represents the absorbed intensity, IaðxÞ ¼ IðxÞ × ð1 − e−AÞ.

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needed for overcoming the quenching by productionof more free radicals. For higher absorbance, the rateof production of free radicals is much higher (becauseof the higher number of dye molecules) and theinhibition period is shorter. As a result of a highernumber of free radicals produced, the thickness de-pendence of inhibition effect on photopolymerizationcannot be observed.

Figure 4 presents the exposure required for 1% DEplotted against intensity, in other words, the totalnumber of photons required for 1% DE versus theirrate of delivery. The results are grouped by absor-bance. As expected, in high absorbance [Fig. 4(d)]the exposure required for 1% DE is independent of

intensity. However, at low absorbance [Fig. 4(a)]the required exposure decreases with intensity. Itis also seen that the required exposure is lower forthinner layers, which means that the recordingprocess is more efficient in thin layers at low absor-bances. This can be explained by the spatial concen-tration of photo-generated radicals [29,30] whosemutual proximity is required for cross-linking, whichis essential for optimal grating growth. This suggestsa threshold concentration of radicals and, therefore,of dye for the efficient formation of stable gratings.Below this threshold, radicals may fail to cross-linkand become lost by diffusion from bright to darkfringe regions, thus not contributing to the refractiveindex modulation. In this regime of recording, higherexposure is necessary to obtain 1% DE. Another pos-sible reason is that the thick layers might have largeamount of oxygen molecules present inside thevolume, therefore, longer time is necessary for over-coming the quenching by production of more freeradicals.

To investigate the threshold dye concentration, theexposure, required to obtain 1% DE, as a function ofdye concentration is plotted and shown in Fig. 5.Each data point was obtained from the data inFig. 4 using the molar absorptivity of Erythrosin Bsolution (2:86 × 107 l=mol=cm) at 514:5 nm. FromFig. 5, we obtain a critical dye concentration of ap-proximately 1:5 × 10−7 mol=L above which the sensi-tivity does not increase. Above this concentration,the required exposure energy is 8 mJ=cm2. This is

Fig. 5. Exposure needed to obtain 1% DE as a function of dyeconcentration.

Fig. 6. (Color online) DE versus Intensity for layer thicknesses of (▪) 100, (○) 200, (▴) 250, and (*) 350 μmat exposure energy, 10 mJ=cm2.

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the minimum exposure energy required to obtain 1%DE regardless of an increase in dye concentration.

C. Determination of Threshold Intensity (Ith)

Figure 6 shows the relationship between the DE andthe intensity for various layer thicknesses and absor-bances at exposure energy of 10 mJ=cm2. To studythe recording process at the beginning of the DEgrowth curve, the exposure was selected to ensurethat a good comparison was made among all graphsfor all absorbances. In Fig. 6, the values of DE werefound from the real-time DE measurement graphs(Fig. 2) for each thickness and absorbance at10 mJ=cm2. At absorbance A ¼ 0:025, the DE was<0:5% for all thicknesses and increased very slowlywith intensity, which is not of practical use for holo-graphic data storage applications. The DE increaseswith increasing absorbance and intensity. For exam-ple, at low absorbance layers (0.025, 0.065) the DEsare always considerably lower than the high absor-bance (0.11, 0.16) layers for all studied layerthickness and intensities.

From Fig. 6, it is also seen that the slope of the DEcurve increases as the absorbance increases. Thethreshold intensity at a particular absorbance canbe determined from the intercept of the DE curveon the intensity axis where the DE becomes zero.The initial slope of each DE curve was fitted by a lin-ear function and extrapolated to DE ¼ 0. It was es-timated that the threshold intensity below whichno grating was formed was 50 μW=cm2. We areaware of the fact that, at low absorbance, the slopesof the DE curves are not well defined and there mightbe uncertainty in determining the threshold inten-sity. To obtain a more precise value for threshold in-tensity using progressively lower exposure intensityand lower dye concentrations of photoactive compo-nents is in progress.

These results are of particular interest for the useof a twisted-nematic spatial light modulator (LC-2002, HoloEye) and associated polarizing compo-nents, as a phase-only modulator [31] in holographicdata storage systems because of the low throughput

of light in such an optical system. High absorbancelayers are not used for recording purposes, mainlydue to the creation of noise gratings and scatteringlosses [11].

Figure 7 shows the recording intensity required toachieve 1%DE as a function of dye concentration. Fordye concentrations lower than 1:5 × 10−7 mol=L, astrong dependence of recording intensity on thedye concentration was observed. The recording in-tensity is almost independent of dye concentrationabove a certain value. It was found that the thresholdintensity value for 1% DE was 0:09 mW=cm2 for dyeconcentrations above 1:5 × 10−7 mol=L, whereasbelow this concentration the threshold intensity in-creases with decreasing dye concentration.

5. Conclusion

In conclusion, we have studied the influence of thelayer thickness and dye concentration on the holo-graphic recording properties of thick photopolymerlayers in the regime of low recording intensity andlow dye concentration. In this regime, the rate of gen-eration of free radicals is low and it was observedthat the density of the generated free radicals is cru-cial for effective cross-linking of the created polymerchains and the formation of a hologram. It was esti-mated that the total threshold intensity below whichno hologram can be recorded in the Erythrosin B sen-sitized layers, characterized by absorbance less than0.16, was 50 μW=cm2. The real-time diffraction effi-ciency was analyzed in the early stages of recording.It was determined that the minimum intensity re-quired to obtain 1% diffraction efficiency in theselayers was 90 μW=cm2 and the minimum requiredexposure was 8 mJ=cm2. It was also determined thatthere is an optimum dye concentration of 1:5 ×10−7 mol=L for effective recording. Above this con-centration, no increase in the sensitivity of the layerswas observed.

DIT provided financial support for this project. Theauthors thank K. Pavani, D. Bade, Q. Cheng, and J.Keogh (DIT) for their useful discussions and tech-nical support.

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