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Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA) What is NLA Ten Surprises from NLA

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Application Engineering Solving Ax=b Benchmark

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Numerical linear algebra is the study of algorithms for

performing linear algebra computa ons, most notably

matrix opera ons, on computers.

It is o en a fundamental part of engineering and compu-

ta onal science problems, such as image and signal pro-

cessing, telecommunica on, computa onal finance, ma-

terials science simula ons, structural biology, data min-

ing, bioinforma cs, fluid dynamics, and many other areas.

Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA)

What is NLA

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Modern so ware relies heavily on the development, anal-

ysis, and implementa on of state-of-the-art algorithms

for solving various numerical linear algebra problems, in

large part because of the role of matrices in finite differ-

ence and finite element methods.

Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA)

What is NLA

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Here are ten things about numerical linear algebra that

you may find surprising if you’re not familiar with the


1. Numerical linear algebra applies very advanced math-

ema cs to solve problems that can be stated with high

school mathema cs.

2. Prac cal applica ons o en require solving enormous

systems of equa ons, millions or even billions of varia-


Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA)

Ten Surprises from NLA

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3. The heart of Google is an enormous linear algebra

problem. PageRank is essen ally an eigenvalue prob-


4. The efficiency of solving very large systems of equa-

ons has benefited at least as much from advances in

algorithms as from Moore’s law.

Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA)

Ten Surprises from NLA

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5. Many prac cal problems - op miza on, differen al

equa ons, signal processing, etc. - boil down to solv-

ing linear systems, even when the original problems

are non-linear. Finite element so ware, for example,

spends nearly all its me solving linear equa ons.

6. A system of a million equa ons can some mes be

solved on an ordinary PC in under a millisecond, de-

pending on the structure of the equa ons.

Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA)

Ten Surprises from NLA

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7. Itera ve methods, methods that in theory require an

infinite number of steps to solve a problem, are o en

faster and more accurate than direct methods, meth-

ods that in theory produce an exact answer in a finite

number of steps.

8. There are many theorems bounding the error in solu-

ons produced on real computers. That is, the theo-

rems don’t just bound the error from hypothe cal cal-

cula ons carried out in exact arithme c but bound the

error from arithme c as carried out in floa ng point

arithme c on computer hardware.

Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA)

Ten Surprises from NLA

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9. It is hardly ever necessary to compute the inverse of a


0. There is remarkably mature so ware for numerical lin-

ear algebra. Brilliant people have worked on this so -

ware for many years.

Numerical Linear Algebra (NLA)

Ten Surprises from NLA

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There’s dozens of commercial and open-source linear al-

gebra libraries which are developed with numerous lan-

guage (C/C++, Java, Matlab, Fortran, even scrip ng lan-

guage) targe ng different pla orms, such as EP, CPU, DSP,

etc. The pla orms are essen ally based on instruc on-by-

instruc on running, even with mul -threading and mul -

core, the processing capability is somewhat unbearable

when tackling with large and ultra-large dimension ma-


The only way to accelerate the processing power is to use

pure hardware chips, such as ASICs or FPGAs.

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Existing Solutions

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The natural parallel architecture and fine granularity en-

dows a much faster processing speed and more flexible

ways by fully or par ally pipelining the inter-calcula ons

of matrix opera ons.

Historically, there’s there are few Verilog/VHDL commer-

cial or open-source libraries for matrix opera ons. And a

well-architected Verilog/VHDL code is specially designed

for par cular ASIC/FPGA architectures. A high perfor-

mance library for Xilinx pla orm might meet performance

bo leneck on Altera pla orm, since they have different

fabric architecture, and RTL synthesis tool might not so

MatrixCore™ Technology

Existing Solutions

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MatrixCore™ Technology |11

intelligent to op mize a par cular code for all pla orms.

Things get even worth when doing trade-offs between re-

source and performance.

Besides the coding style, a well-designed RTL code has

pre-defined micro-architecture which contains data flow

and control flow. A par cular micro-architecture corre-

sponding to a fixed resource occupa on, clock speed,

processing capabili es, etc. So when doing trade-offs be-

tween different micro-architectures, one have to re-

design the total, not just change some parameters or

code sec ons, since the total opera on scheduling has to

be changed.

MatrixCore™ Technology

Existing Solutions

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Moreover, using low level design language (Verilog/VHDL)

to model the high level algorithm (matrix calcula on) is

extremely me consuming, error-prone, and a nightmare

for developers, especially for float-point data type.

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Existing Solutions

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One thing is about to change everything…

With introduc on of High Level Synthesis (HLS) technolo-

gy, ASIC/FPGA developers will get so many benefits that

algorithm modeling is based on C/C++/SystemC, which is

much more efficient than Verilog/VHDL.

The most important thing is HLS gives opportuni es to

implement different architecture targe ng different per-

formance or resource with one golden C/C++/SystemC


MatrixCore™ Technology

Why MatrixCore

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Only different compiler direc ves are needed to fulfil the

target goal, which is much simpler than modifying the


The MatrixCore library is built on this technology. It’s cre-

ated by C++ with template parameters which allows users

to define arbitrary data types, arbitrary matrix dimen-

sions, etc. The library is specially op mized for Vivado HLS

tool from Xilinx, and it’s easy to port to other HLS tools,

such as Synphony C Compiler, Catapult, CyberWorkBench,


MatrixCore™ Technology

Why MatrixCore

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MatrixCore™ Technology |15

The MatrixCore library has features:

1. Pla orm-independent, which can be targeted different

ASIC/FPGA pla orms.

2. Specially op mized for Vivado HLS targe ng Xilinx

FPGA pla orms.

3. C++ template suppor ng arbitrary data types: arbi-

trary precision fixed-point, single and double precision


MatrixCore™ Technology

Why MatrixCore

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4. Pre-embedded op miza on direc ves to generate

least area, high performance, and low power imple-

menta ons.

5. Low performance mode (fully rolled architecture),

which uses least resource.

5. High performance mode (func on level pipelined ar-

chitecture), which is a trade-off between resource-

minimiza on and performance-maximiza on.

MatrixCore™ Technology

Why MatrixCore

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5. Ultra performance mode (func on + operator level

pipelined architecture) has highest processing power.

MatrixCore™ Technology

Why MatrixCore

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MatrixCore™ Technology

MatrixCore Functions


matrix_real_inv<T, N, K>(i_x[N][N], o_z[N][N])

matrix_cplx_inv<T, N, K>(i_x[N][N], o_z[N][N])


T : “float” or “double”.

N : matrix dimension (N > 1)

K : Error control factor (K > 1)

A higher K means less calcula on error, compared with

MATLAB standard func on “inv”.

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MatrixCore™ Technology

MatrixCore Functions

[Pre-defined Mode]




[Descrip on]

Real or complex matrix inversion.

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MatrixCore™ Technology

MatrixCore Functions

Low performance mode (fully rolled architecture)

Outer-space func on : gj() itera ve

Inner-space func on : fi() itera ve

PROs : Most resource saving

CONs : Least processing power

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MatrixCore™ Technology

MatrixCore Functions

Low performance mode (fully rolled architecture)

Outer-space func on : gj() pipelined

Inner-space func on : fi() itera ve

PROs : Mid-averaged processing power

CONs : Mid-averaged resource cost

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MatrixCore™ Technology

MatrixCore Functions

Low performance mode (fully rolled architecture)

Outer-space func on : gj() pipelined

Inner-space func on : fi() pipelined

PROs : Most processing power

CONs : Most resource cost

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MatrixCore™ Technology

MatrixCore Functions


1. Suppor ng ill-condi oned matrix, even LU, QR, SVD,

Cholesky decomposi on method cannot work.

2. Suppor ng different trade-off architectures:

fully rolled (low performance mode)

par ally pipelined (high performance mode)

fully pipelined (ultra performance mode)

3. Suppor ng arbitrary error level tuning (compared with

MATLAB inv() func on).

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MatrixCore™ Technology

MatrixCore Functions


4. Suppor ng arbitrary matrix dimension.

5. Suppor ng single or double precision float-point data


6. Suppor ng real or complex data type.

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MatrixCore™ Technology

MatrixCore Functions

[Error Analysis]

1,000 test cases of randomized 16x16 float-point matrix

inverse compared with MATLAB func on “inv()”. 256,000

total samples are compared.

Maximum Nega ve Error


Maximum Posi ve Error


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MatrixCore™ Technology

MatrixCore Functions

[Benchmark] [Real Matrix Inverse]

Single Precision Float

Dimension = 16x16

Implementa on


Single Precision Float

Dimension = 16x16

Implementa on


Single Precision Float

Dimension = 16x16

Implementa on


Low Performance High Performance Ultra Performance

Clock FMAX (MHz) ≈250 Clock FMAX (MHz) ≈250 Clock FMAX (MHz) ≈250

Throughput (tCLK) ≈453,000 Throughput (tCLK) ≈30,000 Throughput (tCLK) ≈4,300

LUT6 ≈7,000 LUT6 ≈90,000 LUT6 ≈180,000

FF ≈9,000 FF ≈140,000 FF ≈300,000

DSP48 ≈25 DSP48 ≈270 DSP48 ≈570

BRAM36 ≈10 BRAM36 ≈170 BRAM36 ≈590

Dynamic Power (mW) ≈ Dynamic Power (mW) ≈ Dynamic Power (mW) ≈

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MatrixCore™ Technology


[C++ Code]

C++ template technique supports pla orm-independent portability,

postpone secondary development and re-op miza on.

C++ source code contains all algorithm-level details, compiler-oriented

op miza on direc ves, and constraints, which is a best way for engi-

neers to learn advanced algorithm and HLS-oriented C++ coding style

op miza on strategy.

This version has the most flexible implementa on since it’s pla orm-


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MatrixCore™ Technology


[RTL Code]

RTL source code is delivered as plain-text or encrypted version. The

former has RTL-level implementa on details, but the la er has every-

thing hidden.

The encrypted version has two deliveries. One is bonded to a par cu-

lar HOSTID that only authorized PC can compile the code, the other

delivery is free to use.

RTL code is generated by HLS tool, which has something to do with

pla orm. The flexibility is somewhat decrease.

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MatrixCore™ Technology


[EDIF Netlist]

EDIF netlist is targe ng at a specific pla orm, and all op miza ons

(logic or physical op miza on) is based on details of this pla orm.

This version has the least flexible implementa on since it’s pla orm-


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