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Development & Construction

New 4 Lane Highway fromGibsons to Sechelt

Sunshine Coast, B. C.

Research and Information Package only•

Prepared by:

Route 101 Safety Society,Gibsons, B.C.

February 2009

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Independent Draft Report

Re: Construction & Development of a new highway on the Sunshine Coast

There is a general consensus from Sunshine Coast residents tbat sbares tbe sameprinciples, ideas and goals for tbe development & construction of a new Highway betweenSechelt and Gibson's.

The planning, funding and construction for this highway needs to be fast tracked. Thisproject would contribute to major opportunities between these two communities; it willalso make connections to the BC Ferries more efficient, safer, and more cost effective in thelong term.

People living on tbe Sunshine Coast feel tbat a new route would reduce the travellingdistances and shorten the time needed to travel between Secbelt, Gibsons and the ferryterminal at Langdale. This would be more conducive to managing sustainable growth inour communities.

The new highway and its connecting road arteries will shift the bulk of the traffi~awayfrom the present Route 101- a 1950's highway, which should be used mainly for light localtraffic, and a scenic drive and cycling route.

This new route will ameliorate the need for continual upgrading of the present road andminimize the delays and inconveniences that take place when road improvements ormaintenance is going on. The ever increasing grid lock that happens frequently due to ferrytraffic, road accidents, maintenance vehicles and ongoing highway maintenance that blockRoute 101 for long periods of time creates issues of safety. We all realize tbat this must beaddressed soon-

The Ministry of Highways have offered only short term fixes and limited funds for ongoingimprovements and maintenance. Quick flIes will never solve the many complex and variedtraffic issues of the Sunshine Coast. The Highways DepaJ ament has the responsibility toaddress these concerns as well as safety issues. The need is urgent and the Ministry ofTransportation need to fast track a mandate to provide funding for a new 4 Lane Highway.

There has been an increase in tramc volume of more than 40 percent during the past 10yean and it continues to increase every year. Many needless tramc accidents and deathshave occurred on our outdated Route 101. This strongly indicates that the construction of anew primary highway should be a very high one infrastructure priority as our communitiescontinue to grow.

This band-aid approach is only a temporary quick fix and not a realistic solution to meetthe needs of our one and only road. Most of the money used for these short term "patchwork" expenditures can be put to far more effective use, than continuing to spend taxdoHan on this outdated and deeliDing highway.

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2. Benefits of a New Primary Highway on the Sunshine Coast

• A new highway wiD assure that there will be less traffic congestion and much moreefficient travel between Sechelt, Gibson's and the BC Ferry terminal at Langdale.

• Improvement of our local Transit System will benefit coastal residents.• ConnectioDs to BC Ferries will be safer, more emcieDt and more accessible with

fewer delays.• Improvement of the traffic Oow from PoweD River through to Langdale• Emergency Issues: - Response to medical and police emergencies, natural disasters,

and other emergency situations will be not be needlessly delayed as this road willprovide aD another route for vehicles traveling to St. Mary's Hospital aDd for thosetraveling off Coast to medical appointments.

• Trucking traDsportation on the Coast would become more efficient and costeffective.

• CoDege students wisbing to study here at Capllano University would have easieraccess to that facility.

• The new bighway will create opportunities for new business to locate ODthe Coastand for emting business to expand because less time will be required to traveL

• Increased tourism will make tbe current Route 101 and the communities it passesthrough more attractive for tourism.

• Sustainability for our children's future: "We need roads that are safe and reliable totravel on"

• Increase the Tu Base: This new highway would facilitate more efficient access tothe SUDsbiDeCoast for residents, commuters, aDd businesses. Growth in populationand increased commerci~ interestl will augment the tax base without needing toraise taxes for current residents and businesses. Fallure to implement tbis vitalcomponent of our infraJ~eture, will only lead to increased traffic congestion andissues of safety.

• Provide a Destination area for Tourism: (Secondary Circle Route) - enablingimproved access to the Sunshine Coast, PoweD River, and Vancouver Island.

• Employment will be created for many of our local citizeDi during the constructionof this new route. Given our current economic slowdown the need for new jobsshould be obvious.

Also Note the Following:The many speed zone changes, in particular between Gibsons and Secbelt, providefurther challenges and issues on our already outdated 101 ffighway. This iswhy anew primary route (highway) bas to be considered. This road would result in saferdriving cODditions, and consistent speed zones to reduce congestion and trafficaccidents.

When the construetion of a new highway begins, it will be important to ensure thatenvironmental concerns, the impact on animals, nature, old growth, protected waterareas, property matten and other related issues be accurately communicated atregular intervals during tbe planning and the process of building tbe Dew route.This will be necessary in order to maintain and build "trust" amonl communityleaden.

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3.Local Governments' and stakeholders on the Sunshine Coast.will need tothink outside the DOL

Despite the fact that there have been numerous studies and plans formulatedfor a new roadway over the yean, nothing has actually been done.

Our elected politicians have an obligation to the entire whole Sunshine Coast,to actively pursue every avenue to make this new highway become a realityas soon as possible. Increased commerce and population growth will begenerated by having more efficient transportation on the Coast. This willincrease the ta~ base and take the ever-increasing tax load off the 60% +1-people who are on fixed incomes.

"Reality Check"

Economic growth opportunities that would occur from this venture:• Airport Expansion• Move the Coast into the 21st century• Provide opportunities that the community here on the coast currently does not have.• Move forward rather than living in the Past (yesterday).• Provide better traffic management including much less traffic congestion. This will

meet the present needs and provide a much needed upgrade from the existing roadthat was built to deal with 1950's tramc requirements.

• Looking ahead to the future, the quality of life would be enriched and enhanced bythe people who live on the Coast as weD as tourists.

• All Emergency issues - (fire, accidents, emergency response, medical appointmentsete.)will bemuch improved and more efficient.

• This new highway will provide more divene shopping opportunities on the Coastand there will be improved access to commercial areal. The need to travel toVancouver for shopping will become significantly reduced.

• There will be incentives for new businesses to open here because of improved andmore efficient transportation that will be evident with this new highway.

We know this new highway will be needed in the future due to growth that isalready bappening on the Coast.

Why wait to do it when costs in the future could be far more expensive tbanwhat they are today?

Why Dot be pro-active and do it now while it is still affordable?

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Construction & Development of a New Highway

D.O.H. - Speed zones - requires specific road speed specifications: such as unobstructed viewing distances ofmore than 100 yards + / -,width of road, slopping grades, water run off, erosion areas, seasonal weatherissues, potential slide areas, snow removal, and continued road (asphalt repairs - signage, road line markings)- 80 KL - per hr. would be the considered Speed limit.

This new highway proposal must take into account the possibilities that some boundaries might be encroachedupon, due to the location of the routes, which this highway may take. With any venture or project undertakingsome compromising will be an issue, and those unknown factors my come into play with such issues as -water sheds, blasting, sloping grades terrain, and drainage issues will defiantly impact the over alldevelopment cost for appraising this project. Final issue is whether a large culvert or bridge section will bebuilt into or over the Chapman River.

Special Note: Locate a potential open pit site for gravel extraction - for road base, blasted rock, and portablerock crusher machine requirement

Estimated Distance of Highway 22 KL: +1- (depending on proposed surveyed route taken)

Optimum time to travel from Sechelt to Gibson's is estimated at 15 minutes +/- at 80 K.L per-hr. which wouldinclude 4 to 6 connector arteries to this main highway, that would be required by the ministry of highway'sand as well, the two municipalities which they would certainly want to have included if this venture were to

•proceed. .

Access route from Sechelt to the new highway: - "Trail Ave." - First access through the 8m Land betweenThe Mall and St. Mary's Hospital, Second access from Field Road (Sechelt Air Port connection), Payne Road,and a Gibson access route.

SUggestiOD: The Route 101 Safety Society MaiD Objective: is packaging this proposal to a manner to whichthe Provincial Government will see that this plan makes a great deal of sense for its capitol investment, inorder to get Victoria attention on board.

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Highway Development & Construction from Gibson's to Sechelt

2009 Cost Estimates

A very conservative estimate cost can be any where from: $2.6 to 3.8 Million per KL. However theseestimates can become considerably higher due to terrain, drainage issues, some extensive blasting, plus theadded costs for a horseshoe bend across Chaplllan Creek. Also in the pre-development stags, there will besome land expropriation that would be required around the perimeters of this highway that would also impactthe over all cost of this venture.

Unfortunately there are no proven statistics for this area (costs) to construct a highway that would provide amore accurate cost for undertaking this project. Since we have no present data to help us on the topography ora surveyed route, this would certainly have helped immensely help in providing a more accurate capitol costfor the development of this highway.

Environmental costs can cost run as much as: $350,000,000 to $650,000 per KL - Once again these costs canvary (extremely high costs) due to the technical issues that arise from geotectacal, water, vegetation and otherenvironmental issues along the way.

Based on the 2007 estimated highway construction costs and from the information the 101 Society was able toobtain we calculated a total estimated cost of $98 Million doUan +1-: - for 22 k1 - 4 Lane Highway -(18 ni 160ft. wide - including road shoulders). This highway will require some type of over pass constructedacross the head of the Chapman Creek, and 4 to 6 connector junctions included.

(Built into this cost projection is 532 million which includes cost overruns and the additional unknowns,which will total $130 million for this new primary highway once all said and done)

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History and Background

Planning for a proposed new highway from Sechelt to Gibson's and Langdale.Initial discussion held 1980's

A meeting took place in the mid 1980's between the Sunshine Coast Regional District andthe Ministry of Highways, to discuss a proposed 4 lane highway route that would connectthe town of Gibson's and Seehelt. A pbase two was also discussed that involved theextension of 2 lanes from the Secbelt along the power lines to the far side of Half Moon Baythat would go around the Trout Lake area reconnecting to the existing Highway 101.

These discussions were brought about because studies showed that tbe Coast was going toexperience continual develop~ent and population growth along with significant increase intramc in the coming yean.

As Vancouver boundaries and Municipal expansion were growing in the 80's and 90's, tbeSunshine Coast was expected to foUow,with steady growth as were otber locationsthroughout the Lower Mainland. At tbat time consideration was given to the development'of a alternative route to alleviate the increased traffic and resulting congestion tbat wouldsurely take place on the Sunshine Coast in the near future.

The proposed route of this highway was to build it parallel to the existing power lines. TheSCRD at that time recommended that tbe route be located on the south side of tbepower lines as it was considered less costly. The provincial bighways depa. tment preferredtbe north side of the liDebeeause tbey beHeved this route would bave lesl impact onproperties located near the power lines. They also felt tbat since there was more CrownLand available to work with and that there would be less contentious issues that wouldhave to be addressed witb any neighboring properties.

Topography maps show that this was a more practical route for positioning this highway,because it would provide less curves and bends, and it would aUowfor longer andstraighter distances tbat would be more practical in tbe development of sucb a highway.

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Capitol Investments in the Province of British Columbia

Just to list a few of the Projeets that was taken on: (Good tax dollars at work)

Sea to Sky Highway Project

Vancouver Convention Centre

Kelowna's new connector bridge

The Vancouver Island (Nanaimo) - The Parkway Highway - Project to Campbell River

Secondary Bridge at Pitt River Crossing - (Between Maple Ridge & Coquitlam)

The nearly completed new Bridge - (Golden Ears Bridge) across the Fraser River

Sky Train Expansions I upgrades

Vancouver Airport - upgrades & expansions

Plus the many Job infrastructures that have already been approved for 2009 Budget

(And many other smaller community projects & improvements through out the province)

Smaller Communities require good sound Capital Projects that keep the GovernmentWorking in the right direction - initiatives for jobs, and projects are needed to Stimulatethe Economy inBC - Infrastructures

Provide Safe Driving and Commuting for the Sunshine Coast Communities for 2010

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Organizations to be Contacted

The following MPs, MLA's, local govemments and organizations have been sent thisinformation package in order to ensure their support for this highway project.

• Sunshine Coast Regional District: SCRD Director Donna Shugar & Board Members

• District of Sechelt: Mayor Darren Inkster and Ce, to Council

• District of Gibson's: Mayor Barry Janyk and Ce. to Council

• Sechelt Indian Band - Chief - Garry Feschuk - Ce, to Band Board Membersl Council

• Squamish Indian Band

• Powell River: - Regional District - Board of Directors· Powell River City Council• BC. Ferries Corporation: CEO. Mr. David L. Hahn, & Board Chair Person: -Elizabeth J. Harrison, and Director of Publie Relations -

• Sunshine Coast MLA -Nicholas Simons

• NDP - Opposition Leader - Carol James - (Victoria)

• John Weston, Sea to Sky/SuDshine Coast MP

• (CDC - Representative: Tom Webster and Ce. copy to head office North Vancouver

• The (3) Chamber of Commerce's - (Gibson's, Seehelt, Powell River)

• Victoria - Ministry of Highwaysl Transportadon: Kevin Falcon

• Victoria - Ce, Copy to Premier Gordon Campbell

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Information - nata & Statistics

SCRD Prepared a Sunshine Coast 2020 (Visionary) Plan for our Future - October 1990

Regarding Specific Issues of Roads and Population Growth, on theSunshine Coast.

The Sunshine Coast (Communities) will be required in the future to depend a great deal on the seniorlevels of Governments

Rapid growth in population could easily change the essential planning in the future for the Coast

Comparisons of other areas are needed to calculate the needs of the future for this area

Alternate routes of transportation will be needed to help facilitate the development growth of this region

57% of the population at that time wanted improved roads and highways -1990

Recommendations are suggested in terms of having future developments prioritized

Discussions with Federal Government Ministries in areas of resource management and transportation•

References to Real Estate, and development (Boom) forecast in coming future years.

Transportation and services are a major factor, and are very much in the hands of the ProvincialGovernment at the time of this report.

Recommendations of possible alternative and destination road routes

A road link to Squamisb, considered bridges, etc. - many suggestions for the future were provided inthis report.

In the mid 1990's discussion took place between the SCRD and the Ministry of Highways. Possiblealternative highway routes that would connect both Gibson's and Sechelt were considered. Alsodiscussed was an additional road that would connect Sechelt to the far side of Half Moon Bay behindTrout Lake, and reconnect to highway 101.

It was proposed that a 4 lane highway between Gibson's and Sechelt be looked at. Another 2 lane routefrom Sechelt to Half Moon Bay would be considered as a second phase.

This new highway of the future would run either on the south or north side of the existing power linesthat travels form one end to the other end on the entire Sunshine Coast.

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Sunshine Coast Statistics of Population Growth from 1990 to 2008

Population growth rate & calculation varies from 1.8% to 3.8 % through 18 years

Starting from the year 1990 -19,300 residents +1- 8% - (348 residents)Year-1996 - 22,000 residents +1- 5% ...(1,100 residents)Year - 2006 - 26,508 residents: ...(average over 16 years 1.8% to 3.8% growth rate each year)Year - 2008 - 27,515 residents, a very conservative growth estimate for the 2 year period(+1- 3.8%) This percentage is based on building permits, and registered voters list through out the entireSunshine Coast.

Factor: There are considerable discrepancies regarding the population of the Sunshine Coast. StatisticsCanada provided their own figures. However, this data was inconsistent with figures supplied by thethree Chambers of Commerce here on the coast. The information from the SCRD also varied from thedata from the aforementioned sources. Therefore I conducted an independent study from all areas on thecoast from Langdale to Egmont.

Additionally I considered data from long term residents of the Coast and came to the followingconclusions, which I believe is a more accurate representation of our general population.

Based on the above data and other information that was provided, I estimate that the population of theLower Sunshine Coast is approximately 28.000 residents (+1- 3% discrepancy of - 1,064 people).

The 2010 winter Olympics, will affect the prosperity of the Sunshine Coast and lead to a slow increaseof people moving to the Coast. Over the next three years the downturn in our economy will have a directimpact on the 2020 Study plan. There are some predictions that the population of the Sunshine Coastcould be close to 58,000 people by the year 2020.

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Vehicle Ownership on the Sunshine Coast

Given the above information for 2008 indicating an approximate population of 28,000 +1- persons whoreside on the Sunshine Coast, the number of personal vehicles here is estimated at 33,600 +1- 1.2%. It isfurther estimated that there are an additional 1120, +1 - 5% commercial and business vehicles here for atotal of 34,720 can and trucks that travel along our out-dated highway.

These statistics shown here are very conservative. If the local vehicles are added to the vehicles of non-residents' vehicles and the many tourist vehicles that travel here it is obvious that there is a huge strainon our present highway system. It must not be forgotten that there is also considerable traffic from .Powell River that moves between Egmont and Langdale enroute to other destinations. This only adds tothe serious congestion that is already being experienced on the current Route 101. The ability toaccommodate the ever increasing traffic flow has defiantly impacted on all our communities and lifestyles. Route 101 is a very outmoded road and it will soon be unable to handle the heavy traffic that itcurrently bears.Special Note: A request for Vehicle Accidents Statistics / Data from ICBC over the past 5 years iscurrently unavailable. ICBC has informed us that these statistics should be made available some time inFebruary 2009 .

.Statistics from ICBe & Data: from the Joint Speed Watch Program - Sunshine Coast

Trame Statistics: from 2008-9 from Growth Population, includes Tourism & PoweD River Traffie

Time: 2hour -n·---Day .. ··-Month---Year- .Travelling 1West - East or East to WestPeriods:

Jan14di-,-Feb19'11 -Feb29th -Feb

March23d,--April16'11 -May19'11 May28tta June




20082008 704 west to east2008--704 east to west2008 ·622 east to west20082008-&--780 east to west2008 876 east to west2008 1,320 east to west2008 915 east to west2008 very heavy traffie peak periods - ferries2008 very beavy trame peak periods - ferries2008 -2,156 west to east & 2,100 east to west2008-- -576 west to east" east to west est. at 595200820082009--720 per-hour west to east" 700+ east to west

Special Note: There are 7 speed zone cbanges in less that 20 KL any wbere from 30,40,50,60,80

-- -------------

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This is a Great Platform for the 2009 Election Campaign

It is the intention and responsibility of the Route 101 Society to remind you of a veryimportant factor: the Federal Government in Ottawa had passed a:

Construction Building Fund - Billions of DoHars have been set aside ( passed inParliament) for infrastructure and highway improvements during this time of recession.

An initial program was passed a few years ago in order to provide stimulation packages toaU provinces, and their Municipalities, to finance the money required for infrastructures,and major road constructions. It is imperative that our Govemment is shown how tbisstimulus package would benefit the Sunshine Coast. Since we have outgrown our presenthighway, we need to present to aU concerns, plans for the construction of a new highway.Funding for this new route should be a very high priority.

It is our understanding that a very substantial amount of funds hu yet to be dispersed tothe Provinces via the Federal Government. We will need to get through this endlessprocess of red tape and bureaucracy, so that our economy can move forward.

We need to stop aU these ongoing studies and take the necessary actions to bring tbii newroadway to fruition. We must learn to look abead and plan and build to take into accountthe future now, not when we tbink we need it. .Data and information for most aspects of tbis initiative is currently available.It is time to proceed with job creation and projects that will help to stimulate the economy.The building of this road will most certainly create new jobs and improve transportationon tbe Coast.


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Insurance Corporation of British ColumbiaBusiness Intelligence Competency CentreRoom 610,221 West Esplanade,North Vancouver,BCV7M3J3

Request.Request Title

3535Summary of Crash Incident Data for Sunshine Coast Hwy corridorfrom Marine Dr in Gibsons to Jervis Inlet Rd in Egmont, 2001 to2007

Approved for Enema. Relea..


Approvals:This report has been approved for extemal release to Hwy 101 society and public, by theCorporate Communications Department at ICBC.

! Please contad the author of this report, if the data within is to be released to any other partiesfor which the report was not originally intended for.

Requested ByRequ.. tedOn

Tom WebsterJanuary 28, 2009


Prepared ByCompletion DateData SourceData As Of

Teodora Popa{BICC)January 29, 2009Business Information WarehouseDecember 31,2008


Synopsl. OfRequest

*Location: Sunshine Coast Hwy corridor from Marine Dr in Gibsonsto Jervis Inlet Rd in Egmont*Oate Period: 2001 to 2007*Reported By: icsc*Oata excludes par1dng lot incidents*Roundlng has been applied to this data


The attached repc:Mt " Intended to provide general infonnatlon only and should not be v;ewed .. an -audited, or otherwise formallyvalidated- report. In addition, thiI report and al of the information it contma " provided -.. Ia· without warranty of any Imd,whether expreu or Implad. Any reHance on this report or on any Infonnltlon It contaInI, Ia .olety at the Ulel'a own risk. IcecdlsdUna al reaponIibilty for aM consequences of any person adllig on, or reframing from acting on, this report or any of theInfonnatlon contained In this report. The prcNtsion of this report doe. not indicate or In anyway Impfy Icee-. support. authorizatlonor endOl'lement of any UNwhich the UHf" may make of It or d any 'lifo""atlon contaJned In It.

Some numbers take time to settle: For eqmple, counts of tncldent. can lna.ase when restated It later dates 81 daknan1a haveup to 2 yel,. to ftle dalma. Cotta for InjurteI can take arne to be ftnaly determined, so such coati aln &tao lnaease over time. Ifthe report conta' .. Location data: Not al recorda contain location data of IUftIdent detaN or accuracy to enable predIe mapping ofthe ewnt to • point on a map (e.g. - location ,eportlllg can be reIatNeIy weak for rural &real). Therefore, location counts shouldnot be c:onaIdered comprehensive.


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Requ8lt • : 3535




Reportad By:

Sumrury of c.... h Incident data

Sun.hlne Coat Hwy conidor from Marine Dr In GI"on. to Jerv" Inlet Rd In Egmont

2001 to 2007


corridor between Marine Dr and Jervis Inlet Rd in E montSunshine Coast HCRASH- COUNn: ..YEAR .....





; I



• I

• II

• I

410 9

Defin itlons:CASUALTY: Crash incident resulting In injury or fatall~PROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY: Crash incident resulting In material damages to vehicles with no injuries or fatalities

·Crash counts rounded to the nearest tan .


~ed By : rwodCh Popelesc. au.r- lnteIIiOlllCI CcmpltencyCrn 213

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T1tIe: Summllry of craah Incident c:aat. by aegmel1t-

Sunahlne Coat Hwy corrtdor from MlrlM Dr In Glbeone to Jervla Inlet Rd In Egmont

2001 to 2007Icac


ReportH By:





Definitions:CASUAL TV: Crash incident resulting in Injury or fatalityPROPERTY DAMAGE ONLY: Crash incident resultlnq In material damaqes to vehicles with no in;urles or fatalities

'Crath Incidents that occur on the border of adjoining highway tegments are counted twice, once In each of the adjoining .egments.··Crash counts rounded to the neare.t ten.'''Counts are too low to report by Individual vear

~ ~: TeodCn PopelCBC. BuIll III In? I'r' a Co".,.tInCy c.nn

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