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South Australian Defence Industry Leadership Program

Concept Paper

Development Proposal for a South Australian

Joint and Combined Training Capability

Prepared by:

Chris Field

Ralph Lee

Rob Starbuck

Page ii

1 Executive Summary

The Joint and Combined Training Capability (JCTC) is a bilateral initiative which supports

enhanced collective training at reduced cost. The JCTC allows Australian and US forces to

conduct exercises that link live participants on training ranges with virtual participants

operating simulators and simulated constructive forces; all under real-time command and


South Australia has a number of existing Defence training assets that currently contribute to

collective training; however, none of these assets is currently connected to the JCTC.

Our concept paper presents a range of development proposals highlighting the potential for

improvements in the South Australian contribution to the Joint and Combined Training

Capability. These development proposals build around the concept of developing the Cultana

Training Area as the focal point for high value collective training in South Australia.

The development options are articulated as five Visions – vivid descriptions of the potential

benefit to the Australian Defence Force (ADF) and the investment required. The five Visions

presented are:

1) Bilateral Pre-deployment Training;

2) Cost Effective Collective Training;

3) Multi-site Training Environments;

4) Amphibious Operations Exercises; and

5) Complex Electronic Warfare (EW) Threat Training.

The concept paper discusses the constraints and challenges relevant to the developments

proposed; and the potential benefits to both the ADF and SA.

Finally, an approach to advocating for and pursuing the proposed developments is

presented, which draws upon the strengths of South Australia‟s current position.

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2 Contents

1 Executive Summary ii

2 Contents iii

3 Introduction 1

3.1 Purpose 1

3.2 Objectives 1

3.3 Background 1

3.3.1 Joint and Combined Training Capability (JCTC) 1

3.3.2 JCTC Development 3

3.3.3 South Australia – the Defence State 3

4 Current State, Current Capabilities 4

4.1 Cultana Training Area 4

4.2 Woomera Range Facility 4

4.3 Other Training Assets 5

4.4 Development Potential 5

5 Development Proposals 6

5.1 Current Cultana Training Area Expansion 6

5.2 A JCTC Node for Cultana 6

5.3 Cultana Training Area Instrumentation 7

5.4 Cultana Facilities 8

5.5 Amphibious Operation Exercises 9

5.6 Electronic Warfare Threat Simulation 10

5.6.1 EW Threat Simulation Support 11

5.6.2 Adelaide Based EW Support 11

5.6.3 EW Training Operations 11

6 Constraints and Benefits 13

6.1 Constraints & Considerations 13

6.2 Australian Defence Force Benefits 14

6.3 South Australian Industry Benefits 14

6.4 Natural Advantages 15

7 Recommendations 16

7.1 Progressive Development, Compounding Benefits 16

7.2 Pursuit Approach 16

8 References 17

Page 1

3 Introduction

3.1 Purpose

The purpose of this concept paper is to identify and recommend viable options for the

development of ADF Joint and Combined Training in South Australia.

3.2 Objectives

Effective training supports operational readiness and ensures that our soldiers, sailors and

airmen are individually and collectively ready to perform under frontline conditions, when it

matters most.

The objectives of this concept paper are to:

Identify the current ADF training assets and capabilities located in SA;

Describe their current state and capabilities supported;

Propose options for future development that will enhance the effectiveness of ADF

training; and

Outline constraints, benefits and an approach to pursuing these proposals.

3.3 Background

3.3.1 Joint and Combined Training Capability (JCTC)

The Joint and Combined Training Capability (JCTC) is a combined Australian and United

States (US) initiative designed to enhance high-end bilateral training, increase and measure

operational capability, improve interoperability, and facilitate capability development. The

JCTC was initially established for Exercise Talisman Sabre 2007 to provide Australian and

United States forces with a training environment which networked Live, Virtual and

Constructive (LVC) participants to provide an extended and more diverse exercise order of


The JCTC continues to provide Australian and US forces with enhanced training with real-

time interaction between forces conducting live training and remotely located forces engaged

in live or simulator based training elsewhere. Furthermore, participants are able to operate in

an environment including constructive forces that are simulated and controlled from remote

exercise control facilities.

Page 2

Figure 1 – Integrating Live, Virtual and Constructive Training

To provide this networked training capability the JCTC includes:

The Defence Training Enabled Network, which connects to the US Joint Training

Enabled Network;

Management Information Systems; and

Simulation Tools.

Figure 2 - JCTC Locations and the Defence Training Enabled Network

Page 3

3.3.2 JCTC Development

The development and in-service management of the Joint and Combined Training Capability

is guided by the JCTC Development Plan. This development plan sets out priorities for

development of JCTC nodes, services and provides a framework for planning for expansion

of the capability.

Key developments planned for the JCTC in the short term include the further expansion of

the JCTC to other nodes, integration of additional LVC systems to expand participation, and

to expand the number of exercises to which JCTC benefits are provided.

3.3.3 South Australia – the Defence State

South Australia enjoys an enviable reputation as Australia‟s Defence State with successful

local and multi-national defence industry firms located across three major Defence Industry

hubs at Technology Park at Mawson Lakes, Edinburgh Parks and Techport at Osborne.

Locally based enterprises are currently executing or expected to provide up to 25% of the

Australian spend foreseen in the Defence Capability Plan. South Australia is home to two of

the largest test and training ranges in the country, including the Cultana Training Area

(CUTA), which has been declared a Category 1 Training Area; however, South Australia

currently hosts relatively few significant joint or combined force exercises.

The natural advantages of South Australia as the Defence State, and the location of the

Cultana Training Area , Woomera Range Facility (WRF) and other ADF capabilities has the

potential to provide a boost to the capability of the ADF through enhanced Joint and

Combined Training.

Page 4

4 Current State, Current Capabilities

4.1 Cultana Training Area

The Cultana Training Area is located between Port Augusta and Whyalla, on the northern

Eyre Peninsula fronting the Spencer Gulf. The Cultana Training Area is used by Defence for

year round for Army training and equipment testing. It comprises 470 square kilometres of

rugged country suitable for both land and shore line operations. The topography of the area

is very similar to recent and current operational areas, including southern Afghanistan.

Cultana's location close to the main road and rail corridors provides ready access to Adelaide,

the east coast, and importantly to Darwin and northern Australia by both rail and road.

Cultana is therefore a promising location for major training exercises for Defence land forces

based in the north whose training is constrained by the northern wet season.

Cultana provides a substantial area to manoeuvre the new Abrams tanks as well as the new

generation of Army assets such as the new Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopter and

Australian Light Armoured vehicles (ASLAVs). For these reasons the use of the Cultana

Training Area by the Army is growing each year as it becomes more and more integrated

into Army's training activities.

The Cultana Training Area has a number of advantages over other training areas around the

country including:

The area available permits manoeuvre of heavy vehicles without over-use causing

unacceptable environmental degradation.

Low population density in surrounding areas which provides a number of advantages

to the ADF, including improved security, public relations and safety outcomes.

Access to the regional cities of Whyalla and Port Augusta provide port, airport and

other infrastructure which reduces support and logistical costs.

An environment suitable for training use throughout the year.

Direct unencumbered coastal access.

4.2 Woomera Range Facility

The Woomera Range Facility provides Australia with a large and sophisticated test and

experimentation facility comprising a number of facilities and assets within the extensive

Woomera Prohibited Area. The Woomera Range is experiencing a number of pressures from

mining leases and increasing Australian and international use of the Range for aerospace and

weapons testing and experimentation.

Page 5

The size of the Woomera Range ensures that it is a unique and valuable asset for training as

well as it‟s primary purpose as a Test and Evaluation range. The Woomera Range is currently

used for specific training activities and has the potential to complement Cultana with the

Lake Hart Air Weapons Range and special assets including it‟s own airfield complimenting the

facilities currently available at the Cultana Training Area.

4.3 Other Training Assets

There are a number of training assets located in South Australia that are potentially relevant

to future Joint and Combined Training Capability, and have the potential to contribute to this

new networked training capability as virtual training participants.

There are a number of simulators in the Adelaide area that have the potential to be

integrated to the JCTC at some stage in the future, including:

The AP-3C Orion flight simulator and Operational Mission Simulator, or their AIR7000

Project replacements;

The RBS-70 ground based air defence missile simulator;

The Jindalee Over-the-Horizon Radar Network training element;

4.4 Development Potential

The Cultana Training Area has the potential to support significant Joint Training activities at

present, but with further strategic investments is has the potential to form the hub of an

increased ADF Joint and Combined Training Capability in South Australia. The use of Cultana

as the hub for Joint and Combined training would have significant benefits for training

efficiency and effectiveness, and for South Australia. The improvements proposed below

build toward Cultana becoming a key element in the JCTC for large force training and for

amphibious exercises in particular.

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5 Development Proposals

5.1 Current Cultana Training Area Expansion

The Cultana Training Area has a number of enhancement possibilities, including a current

initiative to expand the training area to four times the present size. This expansion of an

already significant exercise area will establish Cultana as a Category One Training Area. The

proposed expansion is shown in Figure 3 below.

Figure 3 – Cultana Training Area Expansion

5.2 A JCTC Node for Cultana

Connection of the Cultana Training Area into the Defence Training Enabled Network (DTEN)

(and through that to the US Joint Training Enabled Network) is a fundamental requirement

to establish Cultana as a key land-force exercise area.

Page 7

Vision 1 – Bilateral Pre-deployment Training

With the Cultana Training Area properly integrated into JCTC the pre-deployment training of

ADF forces could be improved by exercising in field conditions with the real-time involvement

of US forces.

For example prior to rotation in Afghanistan Australian land forces could utilise the JCTC to

conduct training with US force elements that will be providing support in Afghanistan. This

would permit Australian soldiers to interact via radio with US forces that will be providing

artillery, air support, command and control, and other support to ADF elements in theatre. In

complex activities such as indirect fire support and precision strike in support of engaged

infantry the interoperability, coordination and communication challenges are significant. With

a JCTC capability Australian land forces at Cultana would have the opportunity to identify

and resolve interoperability issues with operating procedures or communication protocols

with live US elements located across the globe prior to entering the theatre of operations.

5.3 Cultana Training Area Instrumentation

Combined with the DTEN connection is the parallel requirement to support instrumentation

of land and airborne forces on and over the range. This instrumentation is typically provided

for specific platforms at a number of levels from individual soldiers up to Air Combat

Manoeuvre Instrumentation.

The implementation of small force instrumentation at the soldier level is already under

consideration by defence for Special Forces element training at Cultana. Further

instrumentation of land forces will further enhance the training value derived by forces using

Cultana, and will also improve the ability to integrate virtual and constructive forces into the

exercises undertaken.

The instrumentation of aircraft and other platforms including UAVs further allows the

incorporation of live aircraft into larger virtual exercises. The ability to have a small number

of assets deployed to RAAF Base Edinburgh with a much larger number of “participating”

aircraft operating from simulators around the globe, or constructed synthetically provides the

ability to enhance the realism and training value of the exercise for the pilots involved while

constraining the high hourly costs associated with deploying and operating aircraft.

Appropriate instrumentation would establish Cultana as an ideal location to establish complex

training for collective training of armoured and mechanised infantry units.

Page 8

Vision 2 – Cost Effective Complex Training Environments

Platform density provides enhanced training value to soldiers and their commanders at every

level. Unfortunately, platform density comes at a high cost. Land and Air platform

instrumentation permits the realistic interaction of live participants with both other live

platforms and a complex synthetic environment with many aircraft, ships and vehicles. This

is more representative of high-tempo military operations. This complex synthetic

environment once established can provide a high-value training environment to a large

number of virtual participants at simulators around Australia. Additionally, these complex

environments with real operators involved also provide a highly realistic high-value training

environment for command and control.

Incorporation of virtual and constructive allied and enemy participants allows a greater range

of platforms to be involved without the high-cost transit and deployed operation of high-

demand low density assets.

5.4 Cultana Facilities

There are a number of additional facilities that would provide benefit to the Cultana Training

Area, especially with the increased exercise tempo foreseen as a result of the Cultana


Facilities that may provide enhanced benefit to the ADF include:

A Range Control Centre, providing Range Safety, local Exercise Control, Training Area

services, and hosting the communications hub.

Electronic Warfare Threat Simulator (EWTS) operating facility – providing operating

and maintenance infrastructure for an EWTS.

Upgraded Impact Area, including weapons impact scoring capability suitable for Air


Urban Operations Training Facility (UOTF), a configurable, potentially mobile UOTF

Vision 3 – Multi-site Training Environment

With the development of appropriate Cultana facilities the training area would be suitable to

use as the hub for the integration of a number of simultaneous live training activities into a

Joint Force Exercise based out of the Cultana Training Area and RAAF Base Edinburgh.

Potential simultaneous training activities include:

Air-to-Air, Air-to-Surface and Surface-to-Air engagements.

Page 9

Rotary wing force insertion, fire-support, and force extraction

Ground force instrumented (laser) training at a Cultana Urban Operations Training

Facilities and across the training area

Air weapons release at an appropriately instrumented Air Weapons Range, such as

Lake Hart within the Woomera Prohibited Area.

Delamere AWR

Southern Australian Exercise Area (SAXA)

Fyshwick NOC

& Bungendore

Cultana Training Area

Lake Hart Air Weapons Range (Woomera)

RAAF Base Edinburgh & DSTO Salisbury

HMAS Watson

Figure 4 – Potential Multi-Site Training Environment

5.5 Amphibious Operation Exercises

Cultana provides unencumbered coastal access which provides an environment suitable for

amphibious exercises with fewer environmental concerns than other training areas where

ecological damage is of significant concern. Furthermore, due to the area available and the

robust environment of the area an increase in the use of Cultana for amphibious training

exercises would permit a reduced load on other sensitive and heavily used training locations

such as the Shoalwater Bay Training Area.

With future JCTC development to incorporate new surface combatant On-Board Training

Systems and Command Team Trainers at HMAS Watson it is possible that major surface

combatant vessels could participate virtually. This would allow force concentration to be

limited to key amphibious landing platforms, thus allowing other high value assets such as

the HOBART Class destroyers and aircraft to participate in real-time through the virtual

environment of the JCTC. Other aircraft, could be operated from RAAF Base Edinburgh, or

constructive simulations provided through the JCTC.

Page 10

Vision 4 – Amphibious Operation Exercises

The potential to successfully accommodate a large amphibious force in such an expansive

exercise area would be very attractive for an expanded Cultana Training Area. The ability to

create an even more complex and complete exercise environment using the JCTC has the

potential to make the Cultana an extremely attractive location for large force exercises;

including combined exercises such as the Talisman Sabre series.

5.6 Electronic Warfare Threat Simulation

Phase 1 of Joint Project 3021 – Joint Combined Training Capability is intended to expand the

JCTC to allow the system to provide effective training on Electronic Warfare (EW) systems to

ensure effective responses to electronic warfare threats.

The delivered system will provide the capability to simulate EW threats and stimulate EW

self-protection systems in a training environment; providing realistic training to ADF

personnel in a surface-to-air EW threat environment. First pass approval is planned before

June 2012 with an Initial Operating Capability date between 2013 and 2015.

Provision of ground-based EW threat simulation is provided only rarely when mobile threat

emitter systems are provided by allied forces for specific exercises. JP3021 Ph1 provides an

opportunity for the ADF to acquire a mobile threat emitter system capable of providing

regular highly realistic EW threat training to ADF aircrew across many platforms.

Page 11

5.6.1 EW Threat Simulation Support

Ground Based EW simulation systems intended to exercise airborne EW Self Protection

(EWSP) systems require programming to achieve the desired threat characteristics. This is a

highly skilled activity reliant on specialised skills and information. The Joint Electronic

Warfare Operational Support Unit (JEWOSU) currently provides similar capability to EW

systems and laboratory-based EW threat simulation equipment. Basing the JCTC EW Threat

Simulation equipment at the JEWOSU on the DSTO Edinburgh site would support the

required programming and verification effort.

5.6.2 Adelaide Based EW Support

South Australia is the ideal location for the permanent establishment of the JP3021 capability

and the necessary support elements. The Edinburgh Parks precinct currently houses the EW

Division of DSTO, the ADFs Joint Electronic Warfare Operational Support Unit, and some of

Australia‟s premier EW systems integration and support defence companies.

In the past the ADF has experienced difficultly maintaining a set of experienced technicians

and operators capable of maintaining, supporting and operating EW threat simulators at

remote ranges due to the combination of the specialised skill set involved and remote living

locations. Basing the system in Adelaide would allow the ADF to draw on the current depth

of both uniformed and civilian staff with advanced EW systems skills already working from

the Edinburgh Parks precinct.

An Adelaide operating base would allow support, maintenance and pre-exercise grooming of

this equipment utilising existing state-of-the-art facilities already available; with the capacity

to rapidly deploy to Cultana, and to deploy more widely via RAAF transport aircraft from

RAAF Edinburgh, or by rail through to northern operating locations, including the Delamere

Air Weapons Range.

5.6.3 EW Training Operations

Cultana is approximately 4 hours drive from the JEWOSU facility at DSTO Edinburgh, and

would provide an ideal littoral training location with the space and remoteness to permit

access to suitable allocations of Radio Frequency spectrum.

Operating the EW threat simulator in Cultana would permit the inclusion of a variety of

simulated EW threats in joint training exercises for a range of aircraft operating from RAAF

Edinburgh, or deployed afloat. The realism in the threat environment could be further

enhanced using the ADFs operational Ground Based Air Defence unit the 16th Air Defence

Page 12

Regiment which is based just outside Adelaide, and with the inclusion of constructive threats

through the JCTC.

Deployment beyond Cultana to the Woomera Range Facility provides access to arguably

Australia‟s most remote, electromagnetically secure and electromagnetically benign test and

evaluation location, ideal for using the EW threat simulator in platform and EWSP system

validation and evaluation where appropriate.

Vision 5 – A Complex Electronic Warfare Threat Environment

With live EW Threat Simulation equipment and constructive threats through the JCTC a

complex and realistic threat environment for training exercises could be established at the

Cultana Training Area. Furthermore, the potential to provide ADF aircrew with training in

such a dense threat environment would be a significant cost saving relative to the high-cost

of participation in “Flag” exercises in the US or Europe.

With the JP 3021 Ph1 equipment based at Edinburgh the ADF would be able to leverage it‟s

current EW organisational assets in the form of the expertise and infrastructure available at

the Joint Electronic Warfare Operational Support Unit and the Defence Science and

Technology Organisation. This would ensure that the maximum operational survivability

benefit is provided to ADF aircrew.

Page 13

6 Constraints and Benefits

6.1 Constraints & Considerations

In formulating and the proposals in this concept paper a number of critical constraints and

restrictions have been identified. The constraints are able to be acceptably mitigated, and in

many cases are less restrictive than would be faced if the JCTC investments proposed were

made in other less suitable locations.

Local towns and regional cities have the potential to be impacted by the expansion and

increased use of the Cultana Training Area. Although there may some negative publicity

around major force exercises, in general it is expected that the economic benefits to the area

would be welcomed and that the Cultana Training Area offers sufficient flexibility, especially

once expanded to allow additional space to avoid any impact to neighbouring land use.

Furthermore, local government bodies in both Pt Augusta and Whyalla are broadly

supportive of the expansion of the Cultana Training Area.

There are a number of potential environmental impacts that require careful management

with any military training activities; however, in general the proposals outlined are likely to

reduce overall environmental impact by better distributing the load of major exercises

around Australia. The two key residual environmental issues are the impact on the littoral

marine environment from amphibious operations, and the impact of additional land force

manoeuvres in the Cultana Training Area.

In general the increased area proposed and the use of Cultana in-lieu of other exercise

locations is likely to reduce the degradation of land caused by large force manoeuvre

exercises through lower density of use and the potential for JCTC technology to reduce the

number of live participants with support from virtual and constructive participants.

Maritime and amphibious operations are expected to be conducted infrequently, and the

beachfront gulf environment is not as fragile to physical damage or disturbance as may be

the case at landing locations near tropical reefs. However, consideration of the Giant

Australian Cuttlefish breeding grounds near Whyalla will be required. Generally, the Cultana

Training Area will be most attractive during the northern Wet Season (Summer) which avoids

the cuttlefish breading period over Winter. Similarly, consideration of marine mammals will

likely be necessary whenever use of active sonar is expected; however, this is no more an

issue than would be expected in any other location with local or migratory marine mammal


Page 14

Mining exploration has not been as great a concern on the Cultana Training Area as has

been seen in the exploration of other sites such as the Woomera Range Facility due mainly

to currently lower levels of interest in the area, and the reduced security sensitivity of the

Defence uses of the Cultana Training Area. However, careful consideration of the appropriate

management regime for mining exploration and extraction leases is recommended before

significant investment are made by mining companies.

6.2 Australian Defence Force Benefits

In addition to the training efficiency and effectiveness improvements described in this paper

the investment in the ADFs of South Australian range assets will provide long term benefits

to the sustainability of the force through:

Expanding and distributing exercise locations to minimise environmental impact.

Improved retention of soldiers through the location of key units in a major capital city

with benefits such as opportunities for spouse employment and affordable housing.

Improved retention of EW expertise through collocation of an additional capability

with the JEWOSU

6.3 South Australian Industry Benefits

The primary benefits to the South Australian economy from the JCTC and Cultana Training

Area investments proposed in this paper can be broken into investment phase benefits, on-

going benefits and long term benefits.

The major elements of work during the investment phase are likely to be in the areas of:

Infrastructure planning and design

Facilities construction

Communications infrastructure installation

After the initial investments the South Australian economy is likely to benefit from ongoing:

Facilities maintenance at Cultana;

Facility and exercise support services at Cultana;

Fresh Provisions and other logistics support from regional centres; and

Consolidation of Adelaide‟s position at the heart of Australian Electronic Warfare.

Potential long-term benefits include:

Increased attractiveness for the relocation of additional Army units.

Increased exposure of South Australian capabilities to US forces.

Page 15

6.4 Natural Advantages

The proposed development options all build on the Cultana Training Area as a hub for a

South Australian contribution to the JCTC. There are a number of natural advantages that

make South Australia a logical location for this investment, which will ensure the ADF and

South Australian community continue to achieve a return on that investment.

The value of the Cultana Training Area to the ADF will increase substantially in the near-term

with the relocation of the 7th Battalion of the Royal Australian Regiment to the Edinburgh

defence precinct. Further, the natural environment in Cultana shares many characteristics

with that of southern Afghanistan, which is likely to remain the Australian Defence Force's

highest priority operational location for a number of years.

The accessibility of the Cultana Training Area from Adelaide, and from northern Australia, by

rail supports increased deployments of vehicles to make use of this year round training


Page 16

7 Recommendations

7.1 Progressive Development, Compounding Benefits

The options presented above build around the Cultana Training Area as the hub of a JCTC

capability in South Australia. The pursuit of each option in isolation will provide benefits to

the ADF in terms of training effectiveness and efficiency; however, the progressive

incorporation of each proposal will deliver compounding benefits to the ADF and South


7.2 Pursuit Approach

South Australia‟s Defence Industry acknowledges the Department of Defence as it‟s primary

customer and raison d‟être. Furthermore the industry acknowledges the influencing the

investment choices made by the Defence must be transparent and based upon providing the

information that Defence requires to make the right decision.

The recommend pursuit actions include:

Continuing to support the Department of Defence in negotiations with leaseholders,

traditional owners and local communities regarding the expansion of the Cultana

Training Area.

Encouraging the Department of Defence to consider increasing the priority for a JCTC

node at Cultana in light of the relocation of the 7th Battalion of the Royal Australian

Regiment (7RAR) and the impending Cultana Expansion.

Encourage awareness of the value of the Cultana Training Area in the Army

command structure through the publicity and interest generated by the relocation of


Support the Department of Defence in development of environmental management

plans for the Cultana Training Area, including for amphibious operations.

Consider supporting research and presentation of appropriate conference papers

regarding the manageability of large amphibious exercises at Cultana.

Encourage interested parties to present papers regarding the key supportability

issues for EW Threat Simulators at the next Association of Old Crows Conference.

We recommend that to consideration be given to the development proposals and pursuit

actions discussed above; specifically, for incorporation into an action plan which may be

coordinated by DefenceSA and the Defence Teaming Centre with the support of other

industry bodies and interested enterprises.

Page 17

8 References

Calytrix Technologies, 2010, „Case Study: Joint and Combined Training Capability‟,


Capability Development Group, 2007, „JCTC‟, http://www.defence.gov.au/capability/jctc/

Defence Materiel Organisation, 2009, „The Defence Capability Plan‟,


Defence Support Group, 2010, „Cultana Training Area Expansion Project‟,


Joint Operations Command, 2010, „Joint and Combined Training Capability Development Plan


Kerr, J 2010, „Where to now for JCTC?‟, Australian Defence Magazine, May 2010, pp. 44-48.

Regional Development Australian Far North, 2010, „Defence‟,


TESC, 2001, „Trilateral Tour Down Under: South Australia‟

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