+ All Categories


    Titi Rapini,SE.,MM.

    Dra.Umi Farida,M.M.,Ak.,,CA

    Dra.Hj. Khusnatul Zulfa

    Choirul Hamidah,SE.,MM

    Penanggung Jawab

    Sri Hartono,SE.,MM.

    Tim Reviwer

    Dwiati Marsiwi,M.Si.,Ak.,,CA

    Slamet Santoso,SE.,M.Si

    Hadi Sumarsoni,SE.,M.Si

    Dr. Heri Wijayanto, M.M


    Rochmat Aldy Purnomo,SE.,M.Si

    Ardhyan Firdausi Mustoffa,SE.,M.Si

    Alip Sugianto,S.Pd.,M.Hum.


    Fakultas Ekonomi

    Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

    Gedung A Jalan Budi Utomo 0 Ponorogo

    Telp. (0352) 481124

  • Daftar Isi

    1. Reaksi Pasar Modal Terhadap Peristiwa Stock Split Pada Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di BEI

    Oleh: Agustin Maradilla1, Titi Rapini

    2, Hadi Sumarsono

    3 ................ 1-9

    2. Inovasi Dalam Kewirausahaan Bisnis Kuliner Wedangan Oleh: Andri Astuti Itasari .................................................................... 11-16

    3. Pengaruh Partisipasi Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Manajerial Dengan Komitmen Organisasi Sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Studi Empiris

    Pada RSUD Dr. Harjono S. Ponorogo)

    Oleh: Ardyan Firdausi Mustoffa, Ika Farida Ulfah ............................ 17-29

    4. Pengaruh Investasi Dan Tenaga Kerja Terhadap Pdrb Kabupaten Ponorogo

    Oleh: Asis Riat Winanto .............................................................. 31-44

    5. Minat Konsumen dengan Kepuasan Konsumen pada Angkringan Gayeng Sebagai Mediasi dengan Pengaruh Store Atmosphere dan

    Kualitas Layanan

    Oleh: Ayu Isnavia1, Titi Rapini

    2, Edi Santoso

    3 .................................. 44-54

    6. Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil Microfinance Alternative Companion Entrepreneurship

    Oleh: Eny Latifah ................................................................................ 55-62

    7. Anteseden Dan Konsekuensi Kepuasan Terhadap Negative Word Of Mouth Dan Pembelian Ulang

    Oleh: Frank Aligarh ............................................................................. 63-73

    8. Kualitas Laporan Keuangan Umkm Dalam Meningkatkan Akses Modal Perbankan

    Oleh: Ika Farida Ulfa ........................................................................... 75-82

    9. Persepsi Mahasiswa Terhadap Kuliah Kewirausahaan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Sikap Dan Intensi Berwirausaha Mahasiswa

    Stie Yapan Surabaya (Studi Komparatif Antara Prodi Manajemen

    Dan Prodi Akuntansi)

    Oleh: Ira Ningrum Resmawa ............................................................... 83-98

    10. Sistem Pengendalian Internal Dan Audit Report Lag Pada Laporan Keuangan Pemerintah Daerah Di Indonesia

    Oleh: Krisna Ayu Mayangsari Udhaningrum1, Novica Indriaty


    Payamta3 ............................................................................................... 99-109

  • 11. Analisis Citra Institusi Terhadap Loyalitas Mahasiswa Melalui Word Of Mouth Sebagai Intervening Variabel: Studi Pada Mahasiswa

    Universitas Islam Sultan Agung Semarang)

    Oleh: La Ode Sugianto ....................................................................... 111-125

    12. Partisipation Budgeting: Sebuah Adopsi Budaya Sektor Swasta Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Kinerja Sektor Publik

    Oleh: Lelya Fetri Apriliana................................................................... 127-134

    13. Analisis Penerapan Akuntansi Pada Umkm Telur Asin Ceria Di Kelurahan Gunung Anyar Kecamatan Gunung Anyar Surabaya

    Oleh: Melanny Methasari ................................................................. 125-133

    14. Good Governance Dan Persepsi Keberhasilan Pelaksanaan Performance Based Budgeting

    Oleh: Mila Purani Sistiyan1, Palikhatun2 .................................. 135-146

    15. Analisis pengaruh kredit usaha rakyat terhadap sustainability profit dengan lokasi usaha sebagai variabel moderating Pada umkm di

    kabupaten ngawi

    Oleh: Muhamad Agus Sudrajat1, Maya Novitasari

    2 ............................ 147-157

    16. Developing Islamic English Materials For The Eighth Graders

    Oleh: Muhammad Lukman Syafii, Rohfin Andria Gestanti,

    Muhammadiyah University Of Ponorogo, Indonesia. ......................... 159-178

    17. Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Terhadap Pembelian Ulang Dawet Jabung Yang Dilihat Dari Kepuasan Pelanggan Sebagai Variabel


    Oleh: Nanang Cendriono, Titin Eka Ardiana. ..................................... 179-186

    18. Persepsi Masyarakat Muslim Ponorogo Dalam Memilih Jasa Perbankan Syariah

    Oleh: Naning Kristiyana, Adi Santoso. ............................................... 187-202

    19. Investigasi “Reading Strategy” Mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo.

    Oleh: Niken Reti Indriastuti ................................................................. 203-212

    20. Differentiated Marketing sebagai Sarana Minuman Kemasan Merek Segaaarin UD. RIZQI Agung Ngrayun Ponorogo Memperluas Pasar

    Oleh: Nur Arofah, Titi Rapini, Edi Santoso ....................................... 213-230

    21. Profesionalisme Dan Etika Profesi Serta Keterkaitannya Dengan Pertimbangan Tingkat Materialitas Akuntan Publik

    Oleh: Nurasik, Santi Rahma Dewi ....................................................... 213-244

  • 22. Analisis Kontribusi Retribusi Pasar Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Kabupaten Magetan Tahun Anggaran 2013-2015

    Oleh: Puji Priyanto, Nurul Hidayah ..................................................... 245-249

    23. Matematika Yang Menyenangkan Dengan Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran Bagi Siswa SD.

    Oleh: Ranti Kurniasih, Riawan ............................................................ 251-256

    24. Pengaruh Persepsi Bagi Hasil, Kualitas Pelayanan, Dan Informasi Akuntansi Terhadap Minat Menabung Nasabah Pada Bank

    Muamalat Kabupaten Ponorogo

    Oleh: Riyan Damayanti, Khusnatul Zulfa Wafirotin, Sri Hartono ....... 257-268

    25. Peran Mentor Bisnis Bagi Tki Pasca Migrasi Untuk Berwirausaha Oleh: Sayid Abas, Sri Hartono, Rochmat Aldy Purnomo ................... 269-287

    26. Dinamika Sektor Informal di Kota Ponorogo (Kajian Jaringan Usaha Kelompok Pedagang Migran) Oleh: Slamet

    Santoso ................................................................................................. 289-298

    27. Analisis Keberhasilan Program Jalin Matra Feminisasi Kemiskinan Provinsi Jawa Timur Di Kabupaten Madiun

    Oleh: Sri Hartono, Rochmat Aldy Purnomo ........................................ 299-308

    28. Implementasi Konsep Sociopreneurship “Bedukmutu” Berbasis Teknologi Informasi Untuk Mendukung Terwujudnya Kemandirian

    Bangsa Melalui Gerakan Kewirausahaan (Kasus Di Universitas

    Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta)

    Oleh: Suryo Pratolo, Misbahulanwar .................................................. 309-317

    29. Potensi sumber Daya sebagai Upaya Pemberdayaan perempuan di Ponorogo

    Oleh: Umi farida, Setyo adjie, Arif hartono ........................................ 319-334

    30. Hubungan Motivasi Kerja Dan Kepuasan Kerja Dengan Kinerja Pustakawan Pada Perpustakaan Daerah Kabupaten Magetan

    Oleh: Wahna Widhianingrum .............................................................. 335-342

    31. Analisis Kelayakan Usaha Ternak Lele Makmur Dalam Meningkatkan Ekonomi Keluarga Pada Usaha Kecil Menengah

    (UKM) Kecamatan Lembeyan Kabupaten Magetan)

    Oleh: Wijianto ...................................................................................... 343-351

    32. Implementation Of SFAS 70 Accounting For Assets And Liabilities Of Tax Amnesty On Audit For The Financial Statement (Study On

    Kap Arsono Laksmana Surabaya)

    Oleh: Yuli Kurnia Firdausia ................................................................ 353-364

  • 33. Kemandirian Ekonomi Komunitas Melalui Program Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

    Oleh: Yusuf Adam Hilman .................................................................. 365-373

    34. Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Peringkat Obligasi Pada Perusahaan Keuangan

    Oleh: Dwiati Marsiwi .......................................................................... 375-384

    35. Religious it-home-based business women Rita yuliana, achdiar redy setiawan, gita arasy harwida ...................... 385-392

    36. Pergerakan Harga Saham Dengan Kebijakan Dividen sebagai Variabel Moderating (Pada Perusahaan Pertambangan yang

    Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia)

    Diya Novitasari, Eko Prasetyo .............................................................. 393-404

    37. Peningkatan Keterampilan Dalam Menyajikan dan Menggunakan Laporan Keuangan Pada Lembaga Kursus Di Batam

    Meiliana, Teddy Jurnali, Anita, Rabuansyah ...........................................405-413

    38. Analisis Perusahaan Property Dan Real Estate yang Terdaftar Di Bei Pada Sisi Akurasi Model Altman, Springate Dan Grover Sebagai

    Alat Prediktor Financial Distress

    Riana Febriani, Titi Rapini, Hadi Sumarsono....................................... 415-434

    39. Contingency Model untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran Sri trisnaningsih, suparwati, sutrisno .................................................... 435-457

  • Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 353

    e-mail : [email protected]




    Lecturer of Faculty of Economics, University of PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya [email protected]

    ABSTRACT One of the government's latest policies in the field of taxation is the implementation of Tax Amnesty program. Increasing economic growth through asset repatriation, characterized by: Increasing domestic liquidity, improving the rupiah exchange rate, reducing interest rates, increasing investment, part of the tax reform

    towards a just system, as well as expanding the tax base, increasing tax revenues. September 2016 IAI (Accounting Association of Indonesia) issued Financial Accounting Standards Guidelines (SFAS) 70 asset accounting and tax forgiveness liabilities aims to provide an option to the taxpayer who follows the tax amnesty

    program that is to recognize tax forgiveness assets and liabilities in accordance with the applicable FAS. In addition, the taxpayer measures assets and liabilities at the cost of the tax payable asset, and recognizes the difference between tax payable assets and liabilities as part of additional paid-in capital in equity.

    This study aims to determine and analyze the effect of SFAS 70 accounting assets and liabilities to the financial statements. This research uses quantitative approach, data collection method using questionnaire, data analysis method using simple linear regression analysis, the result of research based on calculation of Significance Test (t

    test) by using SPSS program 20, significance value of SFAS 70 asset accounting and forgiveness liabilities seen that at the Sig column is 0.000

  • 354 Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

    - No examination, preliminary proof

    examination and investigation of termination of inspection process,

    examination of preliminary evidence and investigation other than that

    taxpayers gain: Confidentiality, tax forgiveness data can not be the basis of any

    investigation and investigation of any crime. Exemption of income tax for

    behind the name of additional property. The trick is quite easy to

    simply report additional assets minus debt if any, and on the difference must be paid as a ransom to the state of a

    certain percentage depending on the type of business and when we follow

    the Tax Amnesty. The Indonesian Institute of Accountants issued SFAS

    70 "Accounting for Assets and Tax Remuneration Liabilities". SFAS 70 itself provides an option to TAXPAYER

    (taxpayers) who participate in Tax Amnesty is to recognize the assets and

    liabilities of tax forgiveness in accordance with the applicable FAS. Another option is that taxpayers

    measure assets and liabilities at the cost of taxpayer assets, and recognize

    the difference between tax payable assets and liabilities as part of

    additional paid-in capital in equity. Formulation of the problem

    Does SFAS 70 accounting for tax assets and liabilities affect the financial


    Research purposes Based on the formulation of the problem, the purpose of this study is

    to describe and analyze: To know and analyze the effect of

    SFAS 70 on asset and liability accounting to financial statements.

    Contribution of Research

    For the Publik Accounting Firm, the

    results of this study may provide new considerations and discourse in the

    preparation of financial statements in accordance with SFAS 70 asset

    accounting and tax forgiveness liability in accordance with Law Number 11 Year 2016 on tax forgiveness (Tax

    Forgiveness Law), for academics as literature materials , for the taxpayer

    consideration in the preparation of financial statements after the Tax

    Amnesty program. 2. LITERATURE REVIEW

    Understanding Tax Some experts provide limits

    on taxes, including the definition of taxes raised by P.J.A. Andriani in

    (Brotodihardjo R. Santoso, 1998). Mentioned that: "Taxes are dues to the (indebted) state owed by those obliged

    to pay according to the rules, with no direct re-awarded performance, and

    the point is to finance general expenses related to the duty of the state that administers Government.

    "The definition of tax according to Edwin RA Slegman in the Essay in

    Taxation book states that" Tax is compulsory contribution from the

    person to the government to defray the expenses incurred in the common interest of all, without reference to

    special benefit conferred ". 5 Taxes have 2 main functions, namely the

    function of acceptance (budgetair) and regulatory functions (regular). The

    budgetair function is meant that taxes function as a source of funds intended for financing government expenditures.

    While the function.

    Formulation of the problem Does SFAS 70 accounting for tax assets and liabilities affect the financial


  • Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 355

    e-mail : [email protected]

    Research purposes

    Based on the formulation of the problem, the purpose of this study is

    to describe and analyze: To know and analyze the effect of

    SFAS 70 on asset and liability accounting to financial statements.

    Contribution of Research For the Publik Accounting

    Firm, the results of this study may provide new considerations and

    discourse in the preparation of financial statements in accordance with SFAS 70 asset accounting and tax

    forgiveness liability in accordance with Law Number 11 Year 2016 on tax

    forgiveness (Tax Forgiveness Law), for academics as literature materials , for

    the taxpayer consideration in the preparation of financial statements after the Tax Amnesty program.


    Understanding Tax Some experts provide limits on taxes, including the definition of

    taxes raised by P.J.A. Andriani in (Brotodihardjo R. Santoso, 1998).

    Mentioned that: "Taxes are dues to the (indebted) state owed by those obliged

    to pay according to the rules, with no direct re-awarded performance, and the point is to finance general

    expenses related to the duty of the state that administers Government.

    "The definition of tax according to Edwin RA Slegman in the Essay in

    Taxation book states that" Tax is compulsory contribution from the person to the government to defray

    the expenses incurred in the common interest of all, without reference to

    special benefit conferred ". 5 Taxes have 2 main functions, namely the function of acceptance (budgetair) and

    regulatory functions (regular). The budgetair function is meant that taxes

    function as a source of funds intended

    for financing government expenditures. While the function regular is intended

    as a tool for organizing or implementing policies in the socio-

    economic field.

    Understanding Tax Amnesty Amnesty Tax policy was never

    carried Indonesia in 1984. Likewise any other similar policies such as the

    Sunset Policy has been carried out in 2008. Definition of Tax Amnesty is a limited time opportunity in a particular

    group of taxpayers to pay a certain amount for a certain time and in a

    form remission of tax liability (including interest and penalties) related to

    previous tax period or a certain period without fear of criminal prosecution. (Www.pajak.go.id/amnestipajak)

    The purpose of the Tax Amnesty is to increase revenues in the short term

    and to cover the state budget. Encouraging the repatriation of treasures abroad. Increase tax

    compliance in the future. SFAS 70 Accounting for tax payable assets and

    liabilities SFAS 70 provides an option to taxpayers participating in Tax Amnesty

    that is to recognize tax forgiveness assets and liabilities in accordance with the applicable IFRSs, as for the

    contents of SFAS 70 Accounting for Assets and Taxpayer Liabilities issued

    by IAI (2016) are as follows:

    1. RECOGNITION OF THE INITIATIVE CONFESSION Tax remuneration assets are

    recognized at cost of tax forgiveness. Tax remuneration liabilities are

    recognized at the contractual obligation to deliver cash or cash equivalents to settle liabilities directly

    related to the acquisition of tax forgiveness assets. The entity

  • 356 Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

    recognizes the difference between tax

    forgiveness and tax forgiveness liabilities as part of additional paid-in

    capital in equity. The entity recognizes the ransom paid in the statements of

    income in the period the submission of Statement Letter. Measurement After Initial Recognition: Measurement after

    initial recognition of tax forgiveness and liability refer to relevant IFRSs,

    among others: (A) Investment property, in accordance

    with PFAS 13: Investment Property (B) Inventories, in accordance with PFAS 14: Inventories

    (c) Investments in joint venture and joint venture entities, in accordance

    with PFAS 15: Investments in Associated Entities and Venture

    Associations (D) Fixed assets, in accordance with PFAS 16: Fixed Assets

    (e) Intangible assets, in accordance with PFAS 19: Intangible Assets

    (f) Any identifiable assets and liabilities acquired arising from a combination of business in accordance with PFAS 22:

    Business Combinations (g) Financial instruments, in

    accordance with SFAS 55: Financial Instruments: Recognition and

    Measurement. 2. TERMINATION OF

    RECOGNITION: The entity applies the

    cessation criteria for the recognition of each asset and tax payable liability in

    accordance with the provisions of other relevant FASs for each type of assets and liabilities.


    A. Tax remuneration assets and liabilities are presented separately from assets and other liabilities in the

    statement of financial position. The entity does not perform any offsets

    between the assets and liabilities of

    forgiveness tax.

    4. DISCLOSURE: A. The entity's financial statements

    disclose the date of Certificate and Amount which are recognized as tax forgiveness assets based on the

    Certificate and amount tax forgiveness liability.


    A. The entity applies this Standard prospectively if it chooses the appropriate option paragraph 05. The

    financial statements for the period prior to the effective date of this

    Statement No need to be restated. The entity applies the provisions of PFAS

    25: Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates, and Error paragraphs 41-53 if choosing the

    appropriate option Paragraph 04.

    6. EFFECTIVE DATE: A. This statement is effective as of the date of ratification of the Tax

    Forgiveness Law

    Financial statements Understanding financial statements by

    Munawir (2010: 5): Two lists prepared by the Accountant at the end of the period for a company. The second list

    is a list of balance sheets or a list of financial positions and a list of

    revenues or a list of profit and loss. In recent times it has become customary

    for corporations to add a third list of surplus lists or undistributed earnings lists (retained earnings).

    According to Kashmir (2013: 7) "The financial statements are reports that

    indicate the financial condition of the company at this time or in a certain period". According to Hanafi (2009:

    49) "Financial report is one important source of information besides other

  • Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 357

    e-mail : [email protected]

    information such as industry

    information, economic conditions, market share of the company, quality

    management and others.

    Research Hypothesis To analyze the implementation of SFAS 70 asset accounting and tax

    forgiveness liabilities to the financial statements. Used quantitative

    methods. In general, the quantitative approach focuses more on the purpose

    for generalization, by performing statistical and sterile tests of the subjective effects of the researcher

    (Sekaran, 1992).

    3. RESEARCH METHODS Types and Data Sources

    This research was conducted by survey method by using questionnaire (questionnaire) as the main instrument

    in collecting primary data. The questionnaire consists of open-ended

    questions, in which respondents are asked to answer questions without options and closed questions, ie

    respondents can only choose from the available answer options. The data was

    collected at Arsono Public Accountant

    Office and colleagues in Surabaya. This

    research is a hypothesis testing that is proposed related to the influence of

    independent variable to dependent variable.

    Population and Sample The population used in this study are

    employees of Publik Accounting Firms / auditors who handle several companies

    that are following the tax amnesty program, there are 35 auditors.

    The definition of operational variables. A. Dependent Variables

    The dependent variable under study is the financial statements.

    B. Independent Variables

    The independent variable is SFAS 70 Asset accounting and tax amnesty tax payable and liability consist of

    7 items: 1. Measurement at initial recognition

    2. Recognition after initial recognition 3. Termination of recognition 4. Presentation

    5. Disclosure 6. Terms of the transaction

    7. Effective Date

    Research design X (SFAS 70 Accounting of tax amnesty assets and liabilities)

    Figure 1. Theoretical Thinking Framework

    Measurement at initial recognition

    Recognition after initial


    Termination of recognition



    Terms of the transaction

    Effective Date

    Y (Financial statements )

  • 358 Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

    Data analysis

    The first research instrument will be analyzed the validity and reliability.

    Validity test using product moment correlation and reliability test by using

    Alpha Cronbanch. The research hypothesis will be tested by using multiple linear regression analysis.

    Multiple linear regression analysis is used to predict how the state (ups and

    downs) of the dependent variable (criterium), when two or more

    independent variables as predictor factors are manipulated (up and down) Sugiyono (2009).

    The regression equation for the three predictors in this study can be

    formulated as follows: Y '= a + b1X1 + b2X2 + b3X3 + e

    Where: Y '= Dependent variable (interest in entrepreneurship)

    A = Constants b1, b2, b3 = Tilt (Slope)

    X1, X2, X3 = Independent variable (personal at-titude, subjective norms, perceived Behavioral control) E = Error

    term. Simple Linear Regression Analysis

    Simple regression is based on the functional or causal relationship

    between an independent variable with one dependent variable. The general equations of simple linear regression


    Where : ý = subject in the predicted dependent

    variable a = price Y when X = 0 (constant price)

    b = the direction number or regression coefficient, which indicates the

    increase or decrease in the dependent

    variable based on the independent

    variable. When b (+) then rises, and when (-) then there is a decline.

    X = the subject of the independent variable having a certain value

    Technically the price b is the tangent of (comparison) between the length of the independent variable line and the

    dependent variable, after the regression equation is found.

    To simplify the calculation of simple linear regression analysis the

    researcher uses computer software program SPSS 20. Analysis tool used to test the characteristics of SFAS 70

    Accounting assets and liabilities that affect the entity's financial statements

    is a simple linear regression analysis.

    Hypothesis testing After the results of multiple linear

    regression analysis then measured value of coefficient of determination, F

    statistic value, and statistical value t. A. Coefficient of determination The coefficient of determination (R2) is

    used to measure how far the model's ability to explain variations of

    independent variables. Coefficient of determination:


  • Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 359

    e-mail : [email protected]

    research model has a significant effect

    on the dependent variable. Ho: no influence simultaneously

    (simultaneously) between independent variables to the dependent variable.

    Ha: there is influence simultaneously (simultaneously) between independent variable to dependent variable.

    Basic decision-making based on probability

    If p-value 0,05 then Ho is accepted.

    c. Statistical Test t Statistical test t is performed to test

    the level of significance of the influence of each independent variable

    to the dependent variable partially (separately).

    Ho: there is no strong individual influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable.

    Ha: there is a strong individual

    influence between the independent variable and the dependent variable.

    Basic decision-making based on probability:

    If p-value 0,05 then Ho is accepted.

    4. DISCUSSION Descriptive Test Results Subjects who were respondents in this

    study were employees of Arsono Publik Accounting Firm in Surabaya with a

    sample of 35 people. Characteristics of respondents in this study include: age,

    gender, last education, position and length of work. In this study distributed questionnaires of 35 copies.

    All the questionnaires distributed by the researcher returned 100%. For

    more details can be seen in the following table:

    Sample and Return Rate

    Number of


    Distributed Questionnaire

    Return Questionnaire

    Questionnaire not filled

    Questionnaire Processed

    35 35 35 0 35

    Source: processed researchers

    Description of Research Variables This analysis aims to review

    the answers of respondents to each of the statements that became the

    instrument of this study. Description of Respondents Response Based on SFAS

    70. After the questionnaire was

    distributed to employees of Public Accounting Firm Arsono, data on

    respondents' answers concerning SFAS 70 Accounting for Assets and Tax

    Remission Liabilities can be explained as follows.

  • 360 Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

    Respondents' Responses Regarding SFAS 70

    No Statement indicator

    Respondents answer frequency Total score


    SD D QA A SA

    1 Measurement at initial recognition

    0 0 4 19 12 148 4,23

    2 Recognition after


    0 0 5 22 8 143 4,08

    3 Termination of


    0 0 2 15 18 121 3,46

    4 Presentation 0 0 3 18 14 151 4,31 5 Disclosure 0 0 8 24 3 135 3,85

    6 Terms of the transaction

    0 0 8 24 3 15 3,86

    7 Effective Date 0 1 4 21 9 143 4,06

    Total score 976 3.98

    Source: SPSS output STS ( Strongly disagree ) SS ( Strongly Agree )

    TS ( Disagree ) CS ( Quite agree )

    S ( Agree )

    From the description indicates that the employee feel agreed upon the

    application of SFAS 70 concerning asset accounting and tax forgiveness

    liability in Public Accounting Firm Arsono Surabaya. Because SFAS 70

    provides guidance for the entity to prepare its reporting after following the Amnesty Tax Law. A taxpayer of an

    entity or company undertaking an Amnesty Tax on unreported assets and

    liabilities, of course, is an advancement in terms of transparency and accountability. Because the more

    transparent and accountable then the level of public confidence in the

    Financial Statement information higher. So the greater interest of the

    people to invest funds to the company.

    Variable of Financial Statement After distributing questionnaires to employees of Public Accounting

    Firm Arsono, data about respondents' answers concerning financial

    statements can be explained as follows.

  • Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 361

    e-mail : [email protected]

    Respondents Response Regarding Financial Statements

    No Statement indicator

    Respondents answer frequency Total score


    SD D QA A SA

    1 Information in the financial statements as needed.

    0 0 14 19 2 128 3,66

    2 The resulting financial statements

    can help in estimating the activity.

    0 0 7 25 3 136 3,89

    3 Financial reports can help in decision


    0 0 3 14 18 155 4,43

    4 Qualified financial

    statements meet the normative requirements.

    0 0 8 23 4 136 3,89

    5 Any information in the financial

    statements is accompanied by a

    detailed explanation.

    0 0 1 14 20 124 3,54

    6 The information in

    the financial statements has

    honestly illustrated all transactions.

    0 0 4 17 14 150 4,29

    7 The information presented in the financial statements

    can be tested.

    0 6 21 8 142 4,06

    8 All information

    presented in the financial statements can be understood


    0 0 2 15 18 121 3,46

    9 The information in

    the financial statements is

    expressed in terms that are easy to understand.

    0 1 3 18 14 151 4,31

    Total score 1.243 3.95

    Source: SPSS output

  • 362 Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

    From the description shows that employees feel agree on the financial

    statements at Public Accounting Firm Arsono Surabaya because the report

    was made to meet the needs of most users of financial statements. Therefore

    that, preparing these financial statements required accounting

    standards because the function provides guidance and guidance in the

    preparation of inter-entity financial statements become more uniform,

    where the accounting standard contains

    Guidelines for the preparation of financial statements for companies that

    Large scale or small scale. Test Reliability

    The coefficient of reliability is known from the magnitude of the coefficient

    alpha (α). A variable is said to be reliable if it gives a cronbach alpha

    value> 0.6 (Gozali, 2011: 133). From the results of reliability test cronbach alpha value can be seen below.

    Reliability Test Results

    Variabel Cronbach alpha Keterangan

    SFAS 70 0,722 reliable

    Financial Statement 0,925 reliable

    Source: SPSS output

    Based on the table above can be seen that the value of Cronbach Alpha of all variables tested niainya already above

    0.60, it can be concluded that all the variables in this study passed in the

    reliability test and declared reliable.

    Linear Regression Analysis To simplify the calculation of simple linear regression analysis the

    researcher uses computer software SPSS 20 program with the results as

    presented in the table.

    Linear Regression Analysis


    Model Unstandardized




    t Sig.

    B Std. Error Beta

    1 (Constant) 4.046 5.801 .698 .490

    SFAS 70 1.128 .207 .688 5.449 .000

    Dependent Variable: Financial Statement

    Source: SPSS output

    Based on the table above, the financial statements can be incorporated into simple linear regression equation as

    follows: Y = 4,046 + 1,128X

    From the simple linear regression function of the free variable of SFAS 70

    the asset accounting and tax forgiveness liabilities are positive,

    which means the independent variables used in the study have a direct relationship with the dependent

    variable. If the value of the free variable SFAS 70 asset accounting and

  • Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo 363

    e-mail : [email protected]

    tax forgiveness liabilities is better then

    it will encourage the better the financial statements presented and

    vice versa. To know the effect of SFAS 70 asset

    accounting and tax forgiveness

    liabilities to financial statements in

    research seen from the value of coefficient of determination (R2) as

    presented in the table.

    Coefficient of Determination (R2)

    Model Summary

    Model R R Square Adjusted R


    Std. Error of the Estimate

    1 .688a .474 .458 3.19209

    Predictors: (Constant), SFAS 70

    Source: SPSS output

    Based on the results of simple regression analysis is known that the

    magnitude of coefficient of determination R2 is 0.688 or 68.8%, meaning the effect of SFAS 70 asset

    accounting and tax forgiveness liability to the financial statements of equal to

    0.688 or 68.8%. Hypothesis testing

    The result of determination correlation (R2) can not be used to prove that the

    influence between the effect of SFAS 70 asset accounting and liabilities of

    forgiveness with the financial statement is said to be, if not yet done

    significant test or (t test). Significant test (t test) is used to strengthen the result of determination coefficient (R2)

    test whether the effect of SFAS 70 asset accounting and forgiveness

    liabilities have significant influence to financial report hence need to be tested further with significance test (t

    test). Based on the calculation result using

    SPSS 20 program resulted t test as presented in Table.

    Test t


    Model Unstandardized Coefficients

    Standardized Coefficients

    t Sig.

    B Std. Error Beta

    1 (Constant) 4.046 5.801 .698 .490

    SFAS 70 1.128 .207 .688 5.449 .000


    With the enactment of Law No. 11 of 2016 on Tax Amnesty, it is expected to

    generate tax revenue which has been the mainstay of state revenue, in addition to increasing tax compliance

    due to the more effective supervision, supported by more accurate

    information about the list of taxpayers'

    wealth. In other words, this policy is

    also expected to increase tax subject and tax object. The subject of tax can

    be the return of funds abroad, while from the side of the tax object in the form of additional taxpayers. Indonesia

    had applied tax amnesty in 1984. But the implementation was not effective

    because taxpayers are less responsive

  • 364 Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo

    and not followed by reform of the tax

    administration system as a whole. The implementation of this policy raises the

    pros and cons in the community. Not only entrepreneurs, but some parties

    question the impact of this tax amnesty. One of the impacts of a warm conversation is the impact of tax

    amnesty on corporate financial reporting that results in the company's

    obligation to pay tax pardons and the possibility of increased corporate

    income tax. This is particularly important because the application of tax amesty followed by the adoption of

    PFAS No. 70, has a major impact on the presentation of the company's

    financial statements, which will alter the position of assets and liabilities

    that were not included by the company in financial reporting and the likelihood of corporate income tax.

    The Government's goal of issuing tax amnesty policy is for taxpayer

    compliance which has been less transparent in reporting its wealth. Then in the goodwill of the Taxpayer

    the accountability of the Taxpayer Report to the DGT can be accounted

    for. On the other hand the government in terms of budgeting function is to

    meet the needs of household burden negara.Sehingga wrong government programs undertaken and should be

    recognized by the taxpayer is this Tax Amnesty program which previously we

    know the name sunset policy. SUGGESTION

    For taxpayer, in this case the taxpayer Agency that conducts Tax amnesty then using a new accounting standard

    is issued to guard the Amnesty Tax is SFAS 70. The existence of this SFAS 70

    then the recognition of assets, liabilities and additional new capital after tax amnesty.

    The existence of this asset recognition

    then there is a change in the value of assets and also the existence

    change in liabilities value as well as changes in equity resulting from

    additional capital changes. BIBLIOGRAPHY

    Agung, Mulyo, Theory and Application

    of Indonesian Taxation, Issuer Dynamics of Science, Jakarta,

    2007 Brotodihardjo R. Santoso, Introduction

    to Tax Law, Refika Aditama, Bandung, 1998

    Enste, H. Dominik & Schendik,

    Frederick, Shadow Economies: Size, Causes and Consequences, Journal of

    Economic Literature, Vol. XXXVIII March 2000, pp 77-114

    Discussion of Scientific Discussion Forum, entitled Amnesty Tax Require Prasarat

    Tax Reform, (http://groups.yahoo.com/grou

    p/forumpajak/message / 10744)

    Ilyas, B. Wirawan, Suhartono Rudy,

    Comprehensive and Practical Guide Income Tax, FEUI

    Publishing Institution, Jakarta, 2007

    Scientific Periodic Journal Efficiency Volume 15 No. 04 Year 2015. Economic Development -

    FEB Universitas Sam Ratulangi Manado 82

    Santoso, Urip & Justina, Setiawan. Tax Amnesty and its Execution at Some

    Countries: Perspectives For Indonesian Businessmen, Kopertis, Volume 11 No. July 2, 2009

    Sugiono, Quantitative research methods, qualitative and R & D,

    Alfabeta, 2016 www.pajak.go.id/amnestipajak

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