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“Light Up Rotary” May 2015 – Vocational Service Month

2014-15 District 9550 DG Moorthy Karuna

When I joined Rotary International more than 12 years ago, vocation was often

discussed at clubs. It seemed an important area and one which was always sup-

ported with many vocational trips, Pride of Workmanship Awards associated func-

tions etc. I think we all need to continue with this focus and promote the Vocation-

al Service activities.

The Group Study Exchange Team from Rotary International District 3202 India

were excellent and were a credit to their respective families, Rotary International

District 3202 and India. All feedbacks received to-date has been positive and most

Rotarians enjoyed their company. I would like to thank District Group Study Ex-

change Coordinator Narelle Hibberd, Past District Governor Tony Goddard and all

Rotarians / Friends of Rotary who made this a special and successful project. I

would also like to thank Rotary International District 3202 Governor Sridharan

Nambiar and Group Study Exchange Coordinator Ravikumar for giving us the op-

portunity to host such a great team. Unfortunately we were unable to send a Group

Study Exchange Team to India but we should try and make sure that we partner in

the future on other Rotary International initiatives.

Seven Rotaractors and David Boyce from Timor Leste (which is in our district)

visited Townsville and attended our District 9550 Conference. I hope they had a

great trip which was both enjoyable and informative. I would like to thank District

Rotaract Coordinator Lux Foot, David Boyce and President Debbie Smith, Towns-

ville Rotary for organising their trip and all Rotarians/Friends of Rotary who

helped them during their stay in Townsville.

There were many Interactors from many Interact clubs throughout our District that

made the effort to attend. This certainly gave our Conference a very youthful feel

and perspective. I would like to thank Lesa Pershouse and Assistant Governor Ru

Carslake for organising their transport etc. and conducting a mini conference for

them. The Youth Conference was an initiative of the Interactors which provided

them with the opportunity to raise and discuss areas of interest within their group.

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We had 193 registrations for the conference consisting of 80 Rotarians (49 from

Townsville), 45 Partners, 48 Youth/ GSE & 14 Friends on Rotary. Only 134 attend-

ed Saturday 02 May 2015 Plenary session, consisting of 68 Rotarians. There are

probably many reasons why the participation level was not as expected and this

may be due in part to the current difficult economic times many of our members are

currently experiencing. While another may be that the conference is losing rele-

vance to some of our members. Whatever the reason/s we need to consider how we

can make future Conferences both affordable and relevant. What cannot be argued

is that it was a great success as far as the youth participation is concerned. To the

best of my knowledge the 2015 District 9550 Conference Townsville was run with-

in its budget allocation. This is no small feat and required close attention to all ex-

penditure (continued page 3).

I would like to thank all those who helped with the success of the conference, espe-

cially the following:

District Conference Committee for their effort and dedication over the past 9


District Conference Coordinator DGE Mike Woods and District Treasurer Col

Lawson who provided advice and guidance especially on budget.

Guest Speakers who provided their own perspective on the Rotary themes - Cre-

ate, Innovate & Inspire.

Rotarians/Friends of Rotary who helped during the conference to Light up Rota-


Rotary International President’s Representative (RIPR), 2015-17 Rotary Interna-

tional Director, Past District Governor Peter Offer from Coventry, England.

Rotary International Zone 8 & 7B Regional Coordinator, Past District Governor

Malcolm Lindquist from Adelaide.

Past District Governors Brendan Porter / Ian Lomas and District Governor Elect

Mike Woods for looking after my guest Peter Offer and Malcolm Lindquist.

The Group Study Exchange Team from Rotary International District 3202 India.

Rotaractors from Timor Leste.

Interactors from the many Interact clubs.

Youth Exchange Program students who presented the guest speakers with gifts.

Townsville Saints Rotary for organising the Heart Kids Foundation Walk.

No doubt I have missed someone or some group but to those who assisted in any way please accept my ap-preciation and thanks for a job well done.

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Presidential Message GARY C.K. HUANG President 2014-15

One of my favorite parts of a Rotary convention is the House of Friendship.

In Chinese, we say: 有朋自遠方來,不亦樂乎. "To have friends come together from

faraway places is a wonderful thing."

At the 106th annual Rotary International Convention, 6-9 June, the House of Friend-

ship will reflect the excitement and the diverse blend of cultures of São Paulo, the

host city. In between general sessions, you can relax and enjoy all that Brazil has to

offer – sample the cuisine, browse locally made gifts, and take in top-quality enter-

tainment. You also can get ideas for service and find partners at booths showcasing

Rotary projects and Rotarian Action Groups. And best of all, you'll have the oppor-

tunity to spend time with old friends and make many new ones.

The House of Friendship is a wonderful place to bring your convention guests – your

family and your friends from home. By attending conventions with me, my family ex-

perienced the true internationality of Rotary. Eventually my wife, Corinna, and all

three of my children joined Rotary clubs.

You and your guests will want to be sure to come early for World Water Summit 7, on

4 June, sponsored by the Water and Sanitation Rotarian Action Group, or for the Rota-

ry Peace Symposium, 4-5 June.

This year we are honored that Dr. Oscar Arias, former president of Costa Rica, will be

the keynote speaker at the Rotary Peace Symposium. Arias received the Nobel Peace

Prize for brokering a peace agreement that ended the brutal civil wars in Central


Other events 4-5 June include the Rotaract Preconvention Meeting, the International

Institute, and the Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention Meeting.

When the convention is over, spend time exploring all that Brazil has to offer – pris-

tine beaches just a few hours away, the excitement and glamour of Rio de Janeiro, and

the wonders of the Amazon rain forest.

Every year, I return from the Rotary convention inspired to do more, to give more in

Rotary service throughout the year. Register today at www.riconvention.org. I look

forward to seeing you in São Paulo!

May 2015 Presidential message

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At our D9550 Conference this year in Townsville it was especially

pleasing to have with us seven Rotaracters, representing the

three Rotaract Clubs located in Timor-Leste, namely the

Rotaract Clubs of Dili, Aileu and Ermera. Not only did they

participate in Conference, through the generosity of a number of

Rotarian host families, but also during the week prior to

Conference they were shown around many of the tourist

attractions in the Townsville area. The group comprised, from

left to right as shown in the photo, “Bongkar” Nunes, Jose

Tilman, Ilda Martins, “AnO” Martins, Angela de Jesus, “Gerry”

da Silva and Emilia Falcao. The group experienced some real eye

-opener experiences and possibly life changing conversations

with many of the Conference delegates, that will be very helpful

in their future careers, but more immediately with managing

their various Rotaract Clubs. However, all this would not have

been possible without the generous support given by a goodly

bunch of Rotarians – also in the photo – who kindly opened their

family homes to host these young Rotaracters for the week prior

to and during Conference. Thank you very much, and the

friendships made during that week will be remembered for a

lifetime by the Rotaracters.

David Boyce

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Email dated 10 May 2015

Hi Moorthy,

By way of some post conference feedback from the youth section, at our

Mission Beach Interact (MBI) meeting last Thursday we decided to in-

vite parents in order that club members could update them on our activi-

ties to date, including conference.

During the meeting the kids delivered a similar presentation to the one

they prepared for conference, then proceeded to give a short talk on each

of the speakers and events from conference.

The overwhelming impression was of a group of kids inspired and ener-

gised by their experiences over the weekend. Given the ways and means

I think half of them will soon be off to St Jude’s in Tanzania with the

rest leaving for Timor-Leste or a YEP program. They all came back tired

but excited with a whole new set of like minded friends. This can only

help aid promotion and interest in membership of our recently formed

Interact club.

Please follow their progress by joining their FaceBook Group,

“Interact Mission Beach”.

Ruaidhri Carslake

Assistant Governor – Group 2C

Rotary District 9550

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Dear Rotarians,

The GSE team is back home happy and safe. I want to express my heart felt grat-

itude for having taken care of us so well. Thank you very much for all the efforts

taken for the GSE programme. It has been a very effective, productive and fun-

filled trip for me. I am glad to say I have come back with a newer outlook to life

and a filled heart for having met so many lovely Rotarians.

Thanks & Regards,

Adithi Devesan

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Email from Malcolm Lindquist, Rotary Coordinator 2014-17

Zone 8 dated 11 May 2015


It was a pleasure to be there and meet up with your team and experi-

ence your hospitality and the meal we shared at your home.

I was made to feel most welcome and appreciated the way in which

Ian and Monika looked after all of my needs and provided transport

whenever it was needed.

Thank you also for your gift. The painting will be a constant remind-

er of how much I enjoyed my visit to Townsville.

Kindest regards and thanks to your District 9550 team.


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National Rotary Success Conference and Youth Summit -

Canberra September 2015

Hello District Governors,

Can I ask you to promote the National Rotary Success Conference to be held over

the weekend of 5th– 6th September 2015 at the Hellenic Club, Woden in Canberra.

Jonathon Welch from the Choir of Hard Knocks and Andrew McLeod will both be

actively involved in the conference. RI Director Mary Beth Growney Selene will be

the keynote speaker on the Saturday morning. Mary Beth is a dynamic speaker on

membership. She was heavily involved in the Young Professionals Conference in

the US.

Who should be attending? All Rotary Leaders, Presidents and Presidents Elect, PR

Chairs, Membership Chairs and Future Rotary Leaders and Rotarians who want to

be involved in the continuing success of Rotary in Australia. There will be presen-

tations about a number of new innovative ideas on a wide range of topics, all practi-

cal ideas that can be used in al Rotary Clubs.

The program will consist of mainly breakout groups enabling everyone to be able

to participate and interact over the weekend in a practical, worthwhile and mean-

ingful way. The breakout groups will cover a wide range of topics.

Coupled with the Rotary Success Conference this year will be a Youth Summit for

people under 40 years of age.

This Conference will be focussing on the future. We are positive that every Rotari-

an will gain practical knowledge and new ideas to take back to their Clubs and Dis-

tricts from this Conference. You will meet Rotarians from across Australia and

New Zealand and be able to share with them your ideas and hear their ideas; it will

be a great experience for everyone.

Register now at: http://www.rotaryd9710.org.au/success-conference.html

Thank you in anticipation,



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Mount Isa didn’t exist during WW1. Nevertheless some 80

young men from the region enlisted and their names appear on

an honour board in the Camooweal town hall. At the time

Camooweal was the centre of the droving industry, the cattle

properties of the Barkly Tablelands being the source of most

of the personnel.

The “old” Mount Isa Cenotaph was built and erected by the

Rotary Club of Mount Isa West (since amalgamated with

Mount Isa South to form the current Mount Isa South West

Club) in about 1990 and until recently was the location of

Anzac Day and other commemorative ceremonies. It was

replaced by a beautiful new cenotaph as part of a Mount Isa

City Council Anzac Centenary project and was unveiled with

due ceremony on 28 March 2015.

Rotary’s contribution will not be forgotten as the plaque

recording the erection of the “old” cenotaph will be recovered

and retained. Photos showing the old and new memorials.

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The Heart Kids Foundation Walk

organised by Townsville Saints Rotary

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SUNDAY 03 MAY 2015




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