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  • $icln0's tigr- dreom

    Diono had o beautful, big bedroom with big windows and o bigbolcony. She hqd lots oJ dtJJerent computer gomes, DVDs, CDs andclothes. She hod new ro[[er skates and a new guitor ond hundreds oJco[ouring pencils, but Diono wosn't o happy chitd.'Oh! I want to be hoppy,' Diana thought one nlghr when she wentto bed. 'l knowl I con ash Mum ond Dod to buy me o longershoteboord, o nicer bihe ond some more exclting gomes. Yeso good ideo.,' she thought, and went to sleep.That night, she had o very stronge dreom.


  • In her dreom, Diono sow o lahe and o big mountoin. There was osmo[[ white boat in the woter. She got into it ond sailed to o covewhich she could see on the other side oJ the [ahe. It wos verg quietond dork neor the rochs in Jront oJ the cove. Diono couldn't heor onyblrds or onu onimols. She could only heor the wi.nd. She couldn't seethe top oJ the mountoin. She coutd onlg see the light oJ the moonond stors on the water.

    Diono jumped out oJ the boot. She sow some steps ln the cove anddown, down, inside the mountoin. The

    ond darher. Diono counted the steps -

    - 100!

    At the bottom oJ the steps, Dionasow o smo[[ oronge light in JrontoJ her. It got bigger and bigger.'It's o tiger!' Dlono thought. Thetiger wathed stowty towords herbut Dlano dldn't Jee[ oJroid.'Ask me o questlon, chi[d,' thetlger said quietlg.

    went down,ond dorherq7, q8, qq

    cove got44, 45


    dorher61, 62


  • 'Whg aren't I the hoppiest chttd in the world?' Diano oshed. ,l havehundreds oJ gomes in my bedroom, hundreds oJ dilJerent c[othes,hundreds oJ CDs thot I con listen ro ond DVDs that I con wotch.''Peop[e o.ren't hoppU becouse theg hove things, child,' the tiger soid.'Be kind to Uour Jriends and be hi.nd to onlmals ond enjog the tightJrom the sun, moon and stors. Do thot and gou con be hoppg ogain.,

    Then Diono woke up. She heord her phone. Her Jriends never colledher beJore breahJast!

    'H[, Dlono. It's Jach here. Yougou're otwoys too busy, but Ivery gciod ot music. Can gouguitor too. I hnow gou're verygou ... con gou help me learn to plog the guitor too?,Dlono thought about her dream. She smiled ond sold, 'Yes, Joch. Icon help gou with your homeworh this aJternoon and we con tothobout guitors then too!'

    'Tho.t's greot!' Joch said. 'You're verg hind. Thonhs o

    and I never talh ot schoo[, becausecon't do our music homeworh. You'rehetp me with thot? I've got o newgood at ptaging the guitor. Con

  • Diona went downstoirs to hove her breakJost.In the hrtchen, her mum sold, 'Diono! We've got something Jor you.''But I don't wqnt o. nicer bihe or q-' p[qno storted to soy.Her mum pointed to o block ond orc.nge hitten ond soid, 'Dod Joundit in the street lost night. Be hind to it. ]t needs o good Jriend!'

    Diono thought obout her dream agoin. She picked the hitten up andsmiled ot it. 'He[[o!' she said. 'You're like o tiger thot I hnow! Butyou're smaller ond more beoutiJut!'

    'Whot tlger?' Diano's mum oshed. But Di.ona di.dn't onswer.

    'l Jee[ very hoppg this morning, Mum,' she soi.d. 'l con help mg newJriend Joch to do his homework ond to leorn the guitor. I con behi.nd to this Junny llttle hitten - and [ooh ot the sun! It's o beoutiJul

    l;* $ r#::^+lii:.:r'- ji#r'

    sunnu doy outside. Wow! I Jeet grrrrrrrrrrreat!'

  • Diono's tiger dreorn

    @ New words ftlr g*u!Write the letters ond in the words.Then write the wordsunder the correct pictures.r_[[

    _rsk_t_s c_v_ t_ght sk_t_b__rd st_ps

    $*- \.&5.:..#::1 j'i::.';'ld+1i: .l

    @ Which word is right?Cross out the wrong words.Exomple: Diqnq lots of compurer gqmes ond DVDs.I Diqnq wqnted to be2 ln her dreom, Diqnq sqw3 Dionq went lots of steps ond sqw o tiger.4 ln the morning, phoned her.5 Diqno's porents gove her5 The weqther in the morning wos7 Diono,wos ot the end of the storg.

    @ @u ot \Afho's toll

  • @ I osked mU mum to bug me ...Complete the sentences.Diqno qsked ...l).gf.gglT... to bug her o new...gqi.i.gt.. . She sqid g"rtQJqck qskee ...hiL.C.gd....o uus lir q new..i.g.9.[g1... He soid

    ".' @


    I qsked ..... to bug me q new ...... soid ...... ! OI qsked ..... to bug me q new ...... sqid ...... I OI qsked ..... to bug me q new ...... sqid ...... I O

    @ A longer sl(qteboord, more exciting grrmesComplete the sentences.Exomples: Diqnq's room wos (smotD ....9tnqligt... thqn her friend's room.

    Diqno's dress wos (beoutifut) .lT9.Ig.hgggtjfgi. thon herfriend's dress.

    I Diono's bike wos (otd) thqn herfriend's bike.

    2 Diqnq's TV wqs (new) thon herfriend's TV.

    3 Diqno's gomes were (boring) thon herfriend's gqmes.

    4 Diqnq's guitor wos ([oud) ............ thon herfriend's guitor.

    5 Diqnq's homework wos (difficutt) ........ thonher friend's homework.

    5 Diqnq's kitten wos (goung) ........ thqn herfriend's cot.


    ffir@ @,oo Do some drswing.

    Drow qnd write here. Listen ond drow in the big picture on poge 45.

    I Thisisof 2 Thisisqc 3 Thisisqs

    4 Thisisoh 5 Thisisqm 6 Thisisob

  • @ Whot do gou know obout Diontr?Answer the questions.Write 1 ,2 or 3 words or o number.Exomple: How did Dionq cross the lqke in

    her dreom?

    Whqt coutd Diqnq heor outside the cove?How mqnu steps did Diqnq go down?Whot colour wos the tight in the cqvelWhot kind of onimol come to Dionq?Who phoned Dionq ot the end of her dreqmlWhich lesson ot school wos Diono good otlWhen did Diqnq help her friend withhis homework?

    Where did Diono's fother find the kitten?

    in o boot

    @ Which one is different?Look of the pictures.Whg is one of them different?

    'e #&{2 ffi @ @ ^@.'mil *ffi@tr-x@

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