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“Every Child Deserves A Great Beginning”

Family Handbook

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Starting out Great!

Since 2002, Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center has been working with children and their families and we’ve learned something – Every child deserves a great beginning. That’s why our programs are designed to foster the development of every child by focusing on the whole child through hands-on, minds-on activities to help them develop a lifelong love of learning. We offer a range of programs for a variety of ages – from 15 months to 6 years of age. Our curriculum is tailored to be developmentally appropriate for each age group.

Child Care • Toddler Program (up to two years old) • Two-Year-Old Program • Preschool Program (3-6 year olds)

To learn more, visit our website www.beginnersdepot.com or call us at 773-783-9270.


What We Believe

Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center believes that every child deserves a great beginning. Our mission is to provide professional childcare services to meet the needs of families. We respect cultural similarities and differences, and treat each individual with respect, regardless of race, color, creed, or religion. Our ultimate purpose is to foster the success of every child, recognizing that every child has the potential to be great. We recognize that parents are the primary and most important influence on their children, and we strive to work in partnership with parents so that all children will be successful. Educationally, we help children to develop cognitively, socially, emotionally, and physically at their own pace. Children will accomplish many milestones through discovery, problem solving, and decision-making, play fantasy, and develop self-help skills

Our Teachers and Staff

Our teachers are experienced professionals, trained to guide your child’s development and education. To maintain that high level of professionalism, Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center provides regular, ongoing training for all our teachers. In every classroom, lead teachers direct your young child’s day of educational play and learning. Lead teachers are your primary partners in guiding your child to an independent, self-confident, creative and inquisitive appreciation of the world.

Teachers and associates assist lead teachers, ensuring that your child is with familiar people throughout the day. Your child benefits from the relationships that such closeness provides. At Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center, the ratio of teachers and associates to children meets the licensing requirements of the state in which we operate.

As a Beginners Depot parent, your involvement is welcomed and encouraged. You can look forward to regular conversations and conferences with your child’s teachers and the Site Director. In addition, written reports* on your child’s education and progress are also provided.

*Reports may vary according to the child’s age and schedule.

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Checking in and Out

We believe strongly in the importance of security for you, your child and our associates. Each Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center has procedures in place for proper pick-up and drop-off of the children in our care.

Checking in

Every time you arrive at Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center, your child must be checked in on the keypad in the front lobby and on the sign-in sheet (where a state requires). Your Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center will provide you with all necessary information to properly check in the program upon enrollment.

Checking Out

Every time you pick up your child from Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center, you must check him/her out on the keypad in the front lobby and on the sign-in sheet (where a state requires). If an authorized person is picking up your child, he/she must show proper identification, such as a valid driver’s license, before we will release your child. That person must then check your child out on the keypad in the front lobby and on the sign-out sheet where required. It is Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center policy that no one under 16 years of age (except one who is a child’s parent) is permitted to pick up a child at an center. In special circumstances, it is important that you indicate on your enrollment form who the custodial parent is and who may pick up your child. The Parent with custody is required to provide a notarized custody declaration, which will be kept in your child’s confidential file. If there should be a situation where someone who has not been indicated on the authorized person list is required to pick up the child, a parent must contact the center prior to the pick-up. The Center may contact the parent(s) after the initial call to ensure that the request is legitimate.


Visitors All visitors to our Center are greeted and asked to sign the visitor log and state the purpose of their visit. To ensure the security of the children, teachers and the Center Directors require picture identification from all unfamiliar visitors. If a visitor is listed as an authorized person to pick up a child, the visitor must still show picture identification if he/she is not know by the director and/or associate.


Emergency procedures are posted in every Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center. If an emergency occurs, it is crucial that children respond in a safe and orderly fashion. Therefore your child will participate in regular drills and practices so he/she will know what to do in the case of an actual emergency. Should an emergency affect your Center, we will notify you as soon as possible. As a safety measure, every Center Director keeps an updated file of names, addresses and phone numbers of the people you have authorized to pick up your child in case of an emergency. It is important for you to notify your Center Director in writing of any changes to your, or the emergency contact’s phones numbers as soon as possible to ensure that we can communicate any emergency, illness or injury on a timely basis.

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Health and Safety

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“Nourishment” takes on many meanings at the Center. While the daily class schedule feeds and stimulates your child’s eager mind, our nutritious snacks and lunches satisfy his or her rapidly growing body. At the Center, we believe in the importance of regular nourishment. Your child receives a minimum of three nutritious meals and/or snacks each day. Menus include food children love, which meet their daily nutrition needs as well as our licensing requirements. Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center’s first and foremost priority is to ensure that we provide a healthy and safe environment for the children in our care. Therefore, our policy does not allow food of any kind to be brought into the Center, except in the following instances. Baby Food and/or Formula: You are to provide baby food and/or formula except in those locations participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. Please see your Center Director for complete details. Food Allergies, Religious, or Special Dietary Needs: All arrangements for special dietary needs must be discussed with your Center Director prior to enrollment to determine if your child’s needs can be accommodated. In some cases, a physician’s note may be required. Birthday Treats: Special treats brought in to share with your child’s class and/or other children must be commercially prepared and packaged. Please check with your child’s teacher to see if there are any children with food allergies that may need to be accommodated. In such instances, the teacher in your child’s classroom is responsible for inspecting the food. They will look at the expiration date, serving directions, etc., to ensure that the food we serve your child is healthy and safe. If food is brought in for any of the reasons above, it must be clearly labeled with your child’s first and last name and the current date.

Some Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center locations may participate in the USDA Child and Adult Care Program. In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy. Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center is prohibited from discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex age or disability. To File a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, Room 326-W, Whitten Building, 1400 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, DC 20250-9410, or call 800.795.3272 (voice) or 202.720.6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.


Before The Center Associates can give prescription or non-prescription medications to your child, we must have written authorization from you. We will need your written authorization each week for as long as your child needs the medication. In some instances, a doctor’s note for administering prescription and non-prescription medications may also be necessary. Ask your Center Director for more information on our Medication Policy. If you need to send a prescription or non-prescription medication to school, it must be in the original, pharmacy or manufacturer-labeled container with your child’s name, type of medication, side effects, date, amount and time of dosage. Hand it directly to your Center Director or your child’s teacher. Please do not allow your child to carry medicine in a pocket or leave it in a diaper bag or book bag. It’s a good idea to ask your pediatrician if the medication can be given in the morning or evening so you an avoid bringing it to the Center.


If your child has allergy issues, please speak to your child’s teacher and Center Director so we can take the right precautions, Your Center Director can provide a copy of our policy regarding caring for children who have allergic reactions.

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Health and Safety

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The Center is not licensed to provide care for children who are ill. If your child is exhibiting any of the following symptoms, please keep him/her at home until he/she is symptom-free fro 24 hours. • Fever • Nasal discharge or sneezing • Constant Cough • Wheezing • Vomiting • Rash • Recurrent Diarrhea • Communicable disease (e.g., measles or chicken pox) If your child were to be exposed to a communicable childhood disease, you would want to know right away. For that reason, please tell us if your child has been exposed elsewhere to or diagnosed with a communicable disease so we can alert other families. If your child becomes ill while at the Center, we contact your to pick up your child immediately. “Illness” as defined by state licensing agency varies. Please check with your Center Director for exact regulations.

Inclement Weather

The Outdoor Play Experience is an important part of your child’s day at the Center. It is our policy for all children to participate in outdoor activities on a daily basis, weather permitting. With this in mind we ask that you dress your children accordingly. In the event of inclement weather or extreme temperatures, Outdoor Play Experiences will be limited or cancelled based on state regulations. Center associates will apply sunscreen on your child, which you provide and as you direct. Your written authorization and instructions for applying the sunscreen are required. Remember to label your child’s sunscreen with his/her first and last name.

Diapering and Toilet Training

Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center requires that you supply diapers and wipes for your child. Associates will notify you when your supplies are running low. Children’s diapers are changed as needed and checked routinely. The Center will work in conjunction with you and your child on toilet training. Toilet training will not be attempted with children under the age of 18 months. Minimum ages vary by state; please see your Center Director for exact regulations. Children are never punished or forced when toilet training. Diapering procedure guidelines are used when cleaning up a toileting accident. You are asked to supply extra changes of clothing while your child is in the toilet training process. As your child nears two years of age, you are looking forward to his/her learning to use the toilet. At The Center, we will view toilet training as a skill your child will gradually master with proper support. We will provide support during the toilet training process by creating a plan that is consistent, positive and manageable both at home and at the Center. We look forward to working together when the time is right, so that your child can master this important phase in his/her development. As your child moves on to the Center’s next educational milestone, the Preschool Program, it is our belief that he/she should enter this new and exciting learning experience already toilet trained. This is important so that both your child and the teacher can focus their energies on developing important cognitive skills through uninterrupted interactions with the curriculum and learning environment. These Early Preschool learning experiences include the use of open-ended learning centers where your child will acquire many early reading, writing and math skills, thus paving the way to a life-long love of learning. It is not appropriate to ask a child who has not mastered the toilet training process to adapt to the newly structured environment and focus on developing important cognitive skills. In addition, learning happens through quality teacher-child and child-child interactions, and diaper changing can be distracting for this type of early childhood experiences. The Center will transition successfully toilet trained children into the Preschool classroom. If an exception must be made, the Two-Year-Old Program classroom tuition will be charged until the child is successfully toilet trained. We feel that his policy will ensure that all Early Preschool children receive the program quality they deserve.

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Health and Safety

Injuries and Accidents

Safety at Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center is our number one priority. However, as children begin exploring their developing abilities, accidents sometimes happen. We take precautions to prevent childhood accidents. Our vigilant approach to safeguarding children starts with ensuring that our building, playground, vehicles and equipment meet all applicable safety guidelines and requirements. Our staff is trained to be watchful and take precautions to prevent accidents and injuries. Children receive instruction on safe practices at the Center, and they are guided away from hazardous behavior. Furthermore, we approach safety as a matter of continuous improvement. We constantly seek input from you, licensing authorities and other safety and child care professionals, and we incorporate the best practices into ongoing training. Although safeguards are in place, accidents and injuries are still possible. Should your child have an accident or suffer a minor injury while at the Center, we will administer basic first aid and you will be notified. If your child needs non-emergency medical care, we will call you promptly so you can arrange for him or her to be seen by a doctor. In the event of an emergency, we will call 911 and notify you. If your child is injured at the Center and requires medical attention, you will be asked to sign a form acknowledging the matter was reported to you in a timely fashion. This is in accordance with the state licensing regulations. The Center offers families in these circumstances a benefit to help alleviate financial concerns while you focus on the well-being of your child. We also urge you to keep us informed while your child is recovering. We care deeply about how your child is doing, and we may be able to help in the healing process. Additionally, the Center always welcomes your ideas on improvements that can be made from the experience or ways to help avoid other incidents.

Licensing Agency

It is the right of the licensing agency to perform their duties as follows: • Interview children and/or staff and to audit child and

staff records without prior notice or consent. • Observe the physical condition of the child(ren) including

conditions which could indicate abuse, neglect or inappropriate placement and, if determined necessary, provide protective custody and/or have a licensed medical professional physically examine the child(ren).

Please be assured that the center has carefully developed systems to ensure the comfort and protection of your child. As a parent/guardian, you can always expect Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center to adhere to all county and state regulations governing safety, fire, nutrition, and child/staff ratios. Our goal is to provide a safe and nurturing environment for all children with programs to suit each developmental level. We welcome your comments and suggestions that may help us achieve these goals. Our Responsibility in Reporting Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect As caring and concerned childcare providers, we take our responsibilities seriously. Abuse and neglect, whether physical or emotional, can happen in all types of families, from all walks of life and in varying degrees. When abuse occurs, both children and parent/guardians are the victims and need support, understanding and help. The Center employees are trained to recognize the signs and symptoms of abuse and neglect. Furthermore, the law requires us to report all suspected cases of abuse and neglect. Parents my ask the Center Director for a confidential referral for outside intervention and suggested resources for preventions and assistance in dealing with this sensitive matter. To protect the children in our care, we take the following measures: • Complete all state required staff screening and

background checks. • Observe and evaluate the performance of staff. • Monitor classrooms, activities and staff members through

observation and video surveillance.

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Time Off

Additional Fees

Select curriculum programs may require an annual book or activity fee. Please see your Center Director for details. Return Checks In the event that your check is returned for insufficient funds, we will make several electronic or draft attempts to collect from your account, which may result in additional fees being charged. Late Pick-Up Fee Your child may become very upset when you are late picking him/her up. Additionally, our licensing agency allows the Center to operate only within certain hours; as a result, a late pick-up fee will be charged. If you are more than one hour late and the Center has been unable to contact an authorized pick-up person listed on your child’s enrollment forms, the law requires we contact Social Services who will pick up your child for safekeeping. Your commitment to picking up your child on time will help your child feel comfortable at the Center, as well as allow us to focus on the well being of your child, and the other children in our care. Special Discounts Beginners Depot Child and Parent Development Center offers special discounts to current parents with multiple children enrolled and to parents whose employer is on our Preferred Employer List (PEL). Only one Center discount may be used per child. For Further information about eligibility and restrictions, please see your Center Director.

Registration Fee

An annual registration fee is due upon enrollment and at the beginning of each academic year. If you enroll between July 1 and April 30, the full registration fee is due; if you enroll between May 1 and June 30, a prorated registration fee is due. Please see your Center Director for details. A registration fee is due for all full-time, part-time and drop-in children. Payment of the registration fee does not constitute a deposit and does not guarantee a spot. Registration fees are not refundable. Registration fees cover insurance and administrative costs associated with enrollment. If your child terminates for any reason and then re-enrolls, the registration fee will be charged again. Tuition Tuition is due and payable on Monday, or on your child’s first program day of each week. If your child will not attend Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center for any reason – illness, vacation or holiday – and you do not have any flex days available, we require that the entire week’s tuition be paid in full prior to the absence; this will guarantee his or her space upon return. Weekly statements are available through your Center Director, and tax statements are available for you at the end of January. Payment Options All Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center locations accept payment for tuition and fees in the form of a personal check, cashier’s check, money order or traveler’s check. A late payment fee is charged if your payment has not been received on Monday or your child’s first scheduled day. If you have difficulty making your weekly tuition payment on time, please speak with your Center Director. For your convenience, credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover) or debit cards are accepted. For safety reasons, the Center does not accept currency payments for tuition or on any fees. Payment receipts can be furnished upon request. The Center also accepts online credit card, debit card and check payments. Please visit www.beginnersdepot.com for more information. Your Center Director can assist you with additional information regarding online payments.

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Health and Safety

What Is A My Choice Day?

If your child will not attend his/her regularly scheduled program for any reason – sick, vacation or holiday – you can apply one of your earned, available my choice days and have your tuition reduced by one day. One (1) my choice day is equal to one day of your child’s regularly scheduled program. My Choice days have no cash value. My Choice days do not carry over from year to year. All My Choice days must be used during the academic school year, and annual registration fees must be paid before you are eligible to renew you’re my choice days, My choice days will be renewed each fall based on your child’s schedule. How Do I Earn My Choice Days? You can earn up to a maximum of five (5) my choice days per academic year. If you enroll your child in our five-day-a-week program, after 60 days you receive five (5) my choice-days for the year. If you enroll your child in less than a five-day-a-week program, after 60 days, you receive three (3) my choice days. If your child goes from full-time status to part-time status, or vice versa, we will adjust the number of my choice days accordingly. For example, if your child changes from a five-day-a-week schedule to a three-day-a-week schedule, the number of current my choice days will drop by two days. And if your child changes from a two-day-a-week schedule to a five-day-a-week schedule, the number of my choice days will increase by two days. If you leave Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center and re-enroll at a later date in the same academic year, you’re my choice days are tracked as if you never left. Children under the age of two are not eligible for my choice days. However, upon turning two, they become eligible. IN additions, the 60-day waiting period is waived when the child has been continuously enrolled.


Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center is closed on: New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Christmas Day When any of these holidays fall on a Saturday, the Center will be closed on Friday. If the Holiday falls on Sunday, The Center will be closed on Monday. Holidays are not exempt from your child’s regularly scheduled weekly tuition, this full tuition is due on these weeks. Elementary School Closings When a holiday, a snow day or other nonscheduled school closing prevents your child from attending elementary school, he/she may stay all day at the Center for an additional fee. If your school-age child does not attend the Center at all for any of these reasons, the regularly scheduled before- and after- school tuition rate for the day will still be due. Emergency Closings In the event Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center closes due to an emergency, tuition is due unless otherwise communicated. Absence and Vacation To accommodate our families’ changing schedules, the Center offers you the opportunity to earn and redeem Flex Days if your child will not be attending his/her regularly scheduled program.

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Time Off

What If I Don’t Have Any My Choice Days Left?

If your child will not attend Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center for any reason – sick, vacation or holiday- and you do not have any my choice days available, you can: Pay the entire week’s tuition in full prior to the absence to guarantee your child’s space upon return. Withdraw your child from his/her schedule, re-enroll and pay the annual registration fee. When you return this way, there is no guarantee of space availability. In addition, if your child’s tuition is based on continuous enrollment, your child’s current tuition rate cannot be guaranteed upon return. Please see your Center Director for complete Absence and Vacation Policy details.

How Do I Use My Choice Days?

• My Choice days can be used one at a time or all at one and can be applied to vacations, holidays or sick days.

• When you instruct us to use one of your my choice days, your tuition is reduced by one day.

• We keep a record of the days earned and used. A maximum of five (5) my choice days can be earned for each academic school

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Programs For Parents

Preferred Employer List

If your employer is part of the Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center Preferred Employer List (PEL), which provides a 10% discount on tuition for children ages 15 months – 6 years of age, please inform your Center Director. It is the responsibility of your company to inform its employees of PEL. If your company enrolls in the PEL program after you are already enrolled at Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center, you will need to notify your Center Director to begin receiving the discount. The Center will not adjust or provide retroactive discounts, rebates, tuition credit or refunds to employees who were not made aware of PEL through their employer or Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center. To be eligible for the discount, the responsible party must be employed by the company, and we require, as proof of employment, a copy of a recent pay stub (you may black out any confidential information). We verify employment twice a year, and PEL discount cannot be combined with any other discount.

Extra Credit Referral Rewards Program Parents deserve Extra Credit too! Share your positive Beginners Depot Child and Development Center experience with family and friends and get Extra Credit in return. Here’s how our Extra Credit Program works: Refer a friend or family member with children ages 15 months to 6 years old. Receive an Extra Credit certificate up to a $100 credit for each child who enrolls. The referred family must be a new enrollment (never enrolled at Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center). The refereed family must enroll in a minimum three-day-a-week schedule. The referred child must stay continuously enrolled for four weeks. The referral card and reward certificate must be completed upon the referred child’s enrollment or within the first week of enrollment. The referring parent presents the reward certificate in exchange for tuition credit once the referral(s) attends the Center for four continuous weeks. Participation and redemption restrictions apply. The reward certificate can only be redeemed after the referred child has fulfilled the required four-week continuous enrollment period. The reward is equal to one weekly tuition payment or $100, whichever is less. Only one referral reward my be posted per week per family. The reward is not redeemable or refundable for cash. Beginners Depot Child and Family Development center is not responsible for and cannot replace or redeem lost, stolen, destroyed or expired Extra Credit certificates. Only the original certificate will be accepted. The referring family has up to one year from the date the reward certificate was issued to redeem their reward. Beginners Depot Child and Development Center associates and their families are not eligible to earn and redeem rewards. The reward certificate is non-transferable.

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Programs For Parents

Parent Visits

We encourage you to stop by your Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center anytime. Your child will appreciate your attention and enthusiasm, and you’ll enjoy seeing what goes on during our busy days. Visiting your child during classroom hours (as opposed to busy mornings and late afternoons) helps you get to know our teachers and other children and lets you keep in touch with your child’s daily world. Please speak with your child’s teacher to determine the optimum time to observe the program. In additions, Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center holds many extracurricular events for parents and children to attend throughout the year, which are another way to enhance the home-to-school connection. Conferences If you would like to have a private conference about your child, please contact your Center Director or your child’s teacher and request time to meet. This ensures you will have their undivided attention during your conference. All classrooms will offer planned conference opportunities twice during the school year. The Center Director will provide specific information to parents with children in these programs.

Family Communications You are your child’s first teacher; therefore, open communication is vital to your child’s experience at Beginners Depot Child and Family Center. As part of our communication policy, Beginners Depot Child and Family Care Center provides a daily report to families of infants, toddlers and two-year-olds and a weekly report to parents of preschoolers. Your Center Director will designate where and when these reports are available. If materials are not available on the designated day, promptly let your Center Director know and the report will be provided to you by the next business day. Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center utilizes many other family communication tools to help you stay informed regarding your child’s classroom and education. Knowing what he/she is doing during the day helps you reinforce and encourage the same topics and activities at home. This kind of consistency helps your child become an active enthusiastic learner. BeginnersDepot.com Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center’s secure parent intranet site keeps you informed and in touch with your child’s Center. Anytime, anywhere, all you have to do is simply log on to the website at www.beginnersdepot.com to view what your child is learning that week in the classroom, pay your tuition, find helpful articles and more. Your Center Director will provide you with more information regarding log in procedures.

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Special Guidelines

Field Trips and Special Activities

Field trips and special activities are wonderful additions to a child’s experience at the Center. Prior to any field trip, the Center must have written parent authorization for a child to attend. The Field Trip Information Form is available in the Center for you at least one week prior to a field trip. If your child arrives at the Center after their group has left for a field trip, he/she may join the class that is closest to their age until his or her age group returns. An additional fee may be charged for fields trips. Children and associates must follow all safety rules and procedures as well as state licensing requirements. Special activities, such as dance class or gymnastics, may be offered at some Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Centers for an additional charge. Information for these activities, if offered, is available at your Center. Positive Guidance As a matter of policy, physical punishment is never permitted on Beginners Depot Child and Family Learning Center premises by anyone. Behavioral expectations at the Center are consistent with the age and development needs of your child. Redirecting children to more appropriate activities, acknowledging and affirming positive behaviors, teaching by example and helping children understand logical consequences to their behavior usually resolve most situations. The Center reserves the right to terminate a child’s enrollment for persistent, unacceptable behavior that threatens the safety and/or quality of the program. If your child is experiencing a change in his or her home environment that may affect behavior, please let the child’s teacher or Center Director know. Communication is important to your child’s progress. In turn, the Center will keep you informed of any issues we feel should be addressed. We will work with you to address the situation. However, should it be necessary, the Center reserves the right to ask families to make temporary or permanent alternative arrangements for their child.

Clothing Dress your child for fun! Beginners Depot Child and Parent Development Center days are filled with all kinds of hands-on learning. Children should wear simple, washable clothing and comfortable shoes. Since our classroom extends to the outdoors, please dress your child appropriately for the weather. Days a Beginners Depot Child and Parent Development Center can sometimes be messy, so bring a change of clothes for your child, including pants, shirts, socks and underwear. Make sure clothing is labeled. Including jackets and coats. Beginners Depot Child and Parent Development Center cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged clothing. Personal Belongings Many children need a security item from home to feel comfortable during rest time. We encourage you to bring this special item for your child, keeping in mind that it needs to fit into your child’s cubby for storage throughout the day. In addition, we ask that you clearly label the item. Some teachers have a designated Show-and-Tell day in their classrooms. Ask your child’s teacher about the guidelines and clearly label your child’s item to avoid loss. The Center cannot be held responsible for lost or damaged items. Please note that latex balloons are not allow on Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center property at anytime. Parent Code of Conduct The Center had developed the Parent Code of Conduct to ensure that you, your child, our staff and all that enter our Center enjoy a safe, welcoming and respectful environment. Actions that demonstrate respect for others are expected in our Center. Behavior that is inappropriate, illegal, threatening or disrespectful in nature or language that is abusive or instigative is not acceptable. We reserve the right to refuse service, without warning, to anyone who violates the Parent Code of Conduct, including refusing access to the Center. Going from the safe and familiar surrounding of home to the structure of a classroom is a big step for any child – and any parent. However, there are some things you can do to make the transition a happy one.

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Getting Started

The First Day

Arriving together. The first day at Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center can be an emotional one for everyone involved. However, there are some positive steps you can take to help make the day a great experience for your child. Talk with your child about what’s coming- new friends, fun activities and a nice teacher. Make sure your child brings a special security item to the Center. While this item will need to be stored in your child’s cubby during the day, your child’s teacher will be happy to show your child where the item will be kept for safe-keeping. Start early, so the day doesn’t feel rushed. After checking in on the keypad and sign-in sheet (where required) in the front lobby, take your child to his or her classroom and alert the teacher that your child has arrived. Since the Center is open for many hours, your child’s lead teacher might not begin until later in the day. You are welcome to visit your child’s class anytime, especially on the first morning. You can stay as long as necessary for your child to feel secure and comfortable. A good-bye kiss and positive smile are important for children. It’s also important to tell them when you will be back to pick them up.

Pre-enrollment Tour We require that all children visit Beginners Depot Child and Parent Development Center a least once prior to enrollment. This visit gives you and your child a chance to meet teachers, classmates and see the new surroundings together. Talk with your child about the teachers, the children, what you have seen and heard. Ask your Center Director what activities are planned for your child’s first week. Talk with your child about what’s going to happen, so he/she can be prepared for what’s ahead and anticipate the fun times to come. Enrollment Information Before your child joins Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center, you will need to complete an enrollment application, parent agreement, medical forms, notarized custody declaration (when applicable) and other forms required by local and state government. This enrollment information is important for the safety of your child while he/she is at the Center. As an equal opportunity provider, The Center consider applications for enrollment, referrals, and room assignments without regard to race, religion, color, sex, national origin, disability or any other basis prohibited by law. Care for Children With Disabilities The Center acts in compliance with the ADA, its implementing regulations and other applicable federal, state or local law pertaining to the provision of services to children with disabilities. We will make reasonable accommodations to afford children with disabilities full and equal enjoyment of Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center’s programs and services in the most integrated setting appropriate to their needs. We make no assumptions concerning any individual’s abilities or disabilities and make an individual assessment to determine if each child’s needs can be met in the Center’s group child care setting.

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Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center I www.beginnersdepot.com I 4

Getting Started

Adjusting The first day can be a time of high anxiety for families, too. Feel free to call your Center Director throughout the day to see how your child is doing New situations affect every child differently. Sometimes a child does wonderfully on the first day because everything is new and exciting, but gets anxious the second day when he or she recognizes that this is going to be a routine. Most Children need to or three weeks to fully adjust to a new environment. The best way to support your child is to show enthusiasm, encouragement and patience. If you need reassurance or suggestions for helping your child feel more at ease, speak with your child’s teacher or Center Director. Remember, The Center’s primary goal is to work with you to provide a safe, nurturing, fun environment for your child in which to learn and develop. We are glad you are here at Beginners Depot Child and Family Development Center.

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