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Edited by

David HeberUniversity of California, Los Angele sLos Angeles. Californi a


David KritchevskyThe Wistar Institut ePhiladelphia, Pennsylvania

1 . Overview of Fat and Calories in Tumorigenesis


D . Kritchevsky

2 . Interrelationships of High Fat Diets, Obesity, Hormones, and Cancer

1 3

D. Heber

3 . Nutritional, Hormonal, and Environmental Mechanisms in Breas t

Tumorigenesis 2 7

J . Glaspy

4. Stromal-Epithelial Cell Interactions in Breast Cancer 4 1

D. Heber, J. Ashley, and D. Bagga

5 . 20-EPI-Vitamin D 3 Analogs : Potent Modulators of Proliferation an dDifferentiation of Breast Cancer Cell Lines in Vitro 5 3

E. Elstner, D . Heber, and H . P. Koeffler

6 . Novel Lipids and Cancer : Isoprenoids and Other Phytochemicals

7 1

C . E. Elson

7 . Metabolism of Exogenous and Endogenous Arachidonic Acid in Cancer

8 7

S . D . Phinney

8 . Stable Isotopes and Mass Isotopomer Study of Fatty Acid and Cholestero l

Synthesis : A Review of the MIDA Approach 9 5

W. N. Paul Lee

9 . Lipid Biomarkers of Adherence to Low Fat Diets

11 5

J . M. Ashley

10 . Choline: A Nutrient that is Involved in the Regulation of Cell Proliferation ,

Cell Death, and Cell Transformation 13 1

S . H. Zeisel

11 . The Role of Folate, Choline, and Methionine in Carcinogenesis Induced b yMethyl-Deficient Diets 14 3

S . M. Henning and M . E. Swendseid

12 . Dietary Fat and Colon Cancer

15 7J . R . Hech t

13 . High Fat Diet, Lipid Peroxidation, and Pancreatic Carcinogenesis

1( 5J . Zhang and V. L . W . Go

14 . Nutritional Approaches to the Prevention of Prostate Cancer Progression

17 3I . Yip, W. Aronson, and D . Hebe r

Index 183

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