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Job rolesWhen creating a film, its very important to allocate

the different individuals certain roles, this is to make sure everyone knows what they’re doing to

create the perfect film. These sort of jobs include Director, Actor, Camera


Camera OperatorCamera operator is responsible for physically operating the camera and maintaining composition and camera angles throughout a given scene or shot. Finding the best shots to use.

Camera operator will collaborate with the director, director of photography, actors and crew to make technical and creative decisions.

The role of the camera man is too bring to life the vision of the director.

To have this role you will need to:- pay precise attention to

detail - communicate effectively- able to collaborate and

work as part of a team- Patient- good sense of visual

composition, perspective and movement

Who’s operating the camera in our thriller?

In our group Amee, Jordan and Nicole are all the camera operators. This is due too me (the actor) being in front of the camera.

We think its better to work together as a group to create the best outcome, and all agreeing on the certain shots to use.

We all look at the frame to make sure its stabilised before pressing record, this will benefit the final cut.

Actor An actor is a person who portrays a character in a performance.

The actor performs "in the flesh”, and works off a set script. Actors interpret others' words in order to bring a script to life .

The actor bears a great deal of the responsibility for its success or failure.

Actors must be highly adaptable, as they may portray many different characters over a short period of time.

Who’s the actor in our thriller?

We have decided in our thriller that Abbie (me) will be the actor, mainly because I have more confidence to perform in front of the camera.

In the opening of our thriller we need me (the Actor) to constantly look worried, shocked, scared and traumatized. Its crucial that I stay in role so that the opening looks believable too portray this as if it is a real situation.

I’m very alert and constantly listen to the girls for signals, such as the call of ‘action’.

DirectorA film director is a person who directs the making of a film.

Generally, a film director controls a film's artistic and dramatic aspects, and visualizes the script while guiding the technical crew and actors in the fulfillment of that vision. The types of technical aspect they manage including the camera, sound, lighting, design and special effects departments.

They are ultimately responsible for a film's artistic and commercial success or failure.

At all stages, Directors are responsible for motivating the team to produce the best possible results. Directors must also always be aware of the constraints of the film's budget and schedule and manage the expectations of the film's financiers.

Too have this role you will need to:-have great self-belief-be determined -inspire and motivate the team-have excellent communication-be a strong and confident leader- Organised

Who’s directing our thriller?

The director In our group will not be allocated to one specific person, all of us will have a say in what we film and the different ideas we’ve got.

We feel that its better that we all agree and its not down to one persons perspective.

We all individually bring something different to the production of our thriller, we hope our combined ideas will contribute too us getting a brilliant final grade at the end.

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