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Page 1: Differentiable but Exact Formulation of Density …folk.uio.no/helgaker/talks/SanFrancisco_2014.pdfDi erentiable but Exact Formulation of Density-Functional Theory Simen Kvaal y, Ulf

Differentiable but Exact Formulation of Density-Functional Theory

Simen Kvaal†, Ulf Ekstrom†, Andy Teale†‡, Trygve Helgaker†

†Centre for Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (CTCC), Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway‡School of Chemistry, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK

Quantum Chemical Calculation of Molecular Properties:Symposium in Honor of Professor Nicholas C. Handy

248th National Meeting & Exposition, Moscone Center,San Francisco, California

August 10–14, 2014

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Handy’s paper #16‘Analytical calculation of nuclear magnetic indirect spin–spin coupling constants at thegeneralized gradient and hybrid levels of density-functional theory’, JCP 113, 9402 (2000)

I First full Kohn–Sham implementation of NMR spin–spin coupling constants

I nuclear spin–spin coupling constants involve triplet perturbationsI because of triplet instabilities, these are poorly described by restricted Hartree–Fock theoryI restricted Kohn–Sham theory gives an enormous improvement

0 100 200


0 100 200 0 100 200


0 100 200

0 100 200


0 100 200 0 100 200


0 100 200

I Two independent full spin–spin implementations in 2000:

I V. Sychrovsky, J. Grafenstein and D. Cremer, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 3530 (2000)I T. Helgaker, M. Watson and N. C. Handy, J. Chem. Phys. 113, 9402 (2000)

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Density-functional theory (DFT)I In DFT, the ground-state energy for a given potential v and electron number N is given by

E(v) = minρ→N

(F (ρ) + (v |ρ)

)Hohenberg–Kohn (HK) variation principle

where ρ is the density and

F (ρ) = infΨ 7→ρ

〈Ψ |T + W |Ψ〉 universal density functional

(v |ρ) =∫v(r)ρ(r)dr interaction of density with potential

I The solution of the HK minimisation problem is given by

δF (ρ)

δρ(r)= −v(r)− µ Euler–Lagrange equation with chemical potential µ

I clearly, an underlying assumption is that F is differentiableI at least, F is taken to be differentiable for ground-state densitiesI however, F is everywhere discontinuous and therefore not differentiable

I Outline of talk:

I nondifferentiability of the universal density functional in standard DFTI Moreau–Yosida regularised (but exact) DFT with a differentiable density functionalI noninteracting representability problem of Kohn–Sham theoryI relationship to regularisation in OEP calculations

I S. Kvaal, U. Ekstrom, A. Teale, and T. Helgaker, JCP 140, 18A518 (2014)

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Properties of universal density functional

I The universal density function F is less regular than we could hope for

I In its most regular form, F is convex and lower semi-continuousI convexity ensures that all local minima are global in the HK variation principleI lower semi-continuity allows functions to jump down but not up as limits are taken

-1.5 -1 -0.5 0.5




+∞ +∞

I But F is neither continuous nor differentiable

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Nondifferentiability of universal density functional

I Derivative discontinuities at integral particle numbers

I kinks in F at integral particle numbers (gives jump discontinuities in the KS potential)I J. P. Perdew, R. G. Parr, M. Levy, and J. L. Balduz, Phys. Rev. Lett. 49, 1691 (1982)

1 2 3 4

I Nearby densities of infinite kinetic energy

I F is unbounded above in the neighbourhood of any densityI arbitrarily close to any ‘reasonable density’ are densities of arbitrarily high kinetic energyI kinetic energy can be driven arbitrarily high by adding rapid oscillations of small amplitudeI P. E. Lammert, Int. J. Quantum Chem. 107, 1943 (2007)∫ρ(r) dr = 1, TW(ρ) = 3/4, lim

n→+∞‖ρ− ρn‖2 = 0, lim

n→+∞TW(ρn) = +∞

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Lieb variation principle

I The nondifferentiability of F makes it awkward to work with

I we shall develop a more regular DFT with a differentiable density functionalI we must first examine the relationship between E and F more carefully

I Lieb showed that the energy and density functional are symmetrically related:

E(v) = infρ

(F (ρ) + (v |ρ)

)the Hohenberg–Kohn variation principle (1964)

F (ρ) = supv

(E(v)− (v |ρ)

)the Lieb variation principle (1983)

I These are alternative attempts at sharpening the same inequality into an equality

F (ρ) ≥ E(v)− (v |ρ) ⇐⇒ E(v) ≤ F (ρ) + (v |ρ)

I In the language of convex analysis, E and F are said to be conjugate functions

E(concave)↔ F (convex)

I Fenchel conjugates, Legendre–Fenchel transforms. . .I each upper semi-continuous concave function has a lower semi-continuous convex partner functionI conjugate functions contain the same information, represented in different mannersI each property of one function is exactly reflected in some property of its conjugate function

I Being continuous and concave, E has a lower semi-continuous partner function F

I the nondifferentiability of F follows from the properties of EI we shall modify E in a trivial manner to make F differentiable

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Concavity of the ground-state energyI The concavity of the energy E(v) follows from two circumstances:

I the linearity of H(v) changes the energy linearly from v0 to v1 for fixed Ψ0I the variation principle lowers the energy concavely from Ψ0 to Ψ1 for fixed v1



XY0 ÈH@v0DÈY0\

v0 v1

XY0 ÈH@v1DÈY0\

XY1 ÈH@v1DÈY1\



XY0 ÈH@v0DÈY0\

XY1 ÈH@v1DÈY1\ = XY0 ÈH@v1DÈY0\

v0 v1

I There are two cases to consider: strict concavity (left) and nonstrict concavity (right)

[H(v0),H(v1)] 6= 0 ⇒ Ψ1 6= Ψ0 ⇒ ρ1 6= ρ0 strict concavity

[H(v0),H(v1)] = 0 ⇒ Ψ1 = Ψ0 ⇒ ρ1 = ρ0 non-strict concavity

I note: the density is given by the derivative of the blue curve

I We have strict concavity and different densities except if v1 − v0 = c is a scalar

I the Hohenberg–Kohn theorem: the density determines the potential up to a constantI with vector potentials, non-strict concavity occurs more generally

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Hohenberg–Kohn and Lieb variation principles

I Hohenberg–Kohn (left) and Lieb (right) variation principles

E(v) = infρ(F (ρ) + (v |ρ)

)⇐⇒ F (ρ) = supv

(E(v)− (v |ρ)


(v0|ρ), v0 < 0

E(v0)= F(ρmin)+(v0|ρmin)




(v|ρ0), ρ0>0


F(ρ0) = E(vmax)-(vmax|ρ0)


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DFT with a differentiable density functionalI The ground-state energy E(v) is concave but not strictly concave

concave strictly concave

I Consider now the following modified ground-state energy Eγ , easily obtained from E :

Eγ(v) = E(v)− 12γ‖v‖2, γ > 0

I Eγ is strictly concave and supercoercive: Eγ(v)/‖v‖ → −∞ as ‖v‖ → +∞

I This trivial modification of the energy ensures differentiability of the density functional

Eγ(v) = infρ

(Fγ(ρ) + (v |ρ)

)Hohenberg–Kohn variation principle

Fγ(ρ) = supv

(Eγ(v)− (v |ρ)

)Lieb variation principle

I This procedure is known as Moreau–Yosida (MY) regularisationI a standard technique in convex optimisationI it yields an alternative DFT, with a differentiable density functional

I For Coulomb potentials v to be square integrable, the system must be in a (large) boxI Hilbert-space methods can now be used

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Standard DFT with conjugate functions E ↔ F


(v|ρ0 )

E(v)-(v|ρ0 )

F(ρ0 ) = E(vmax )-(vmax |ρ0 )



(v0 |ρ)

E(v0 )= F(ρmin )+(v0 |ρmin )


F(ρ)+(v0 |ρ)

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Moreau–Yosida DFT with conjugate functions Eγ ↔ Fγ


(v|ρ0 )

E(v)-(v|ρ0 )

F(ρ0 ) = E(vmax )-(vmax |ρ0 )



(v0 |ρ)

E(v0 )= F(ρmin )+(v0 |ρmin )


F(ρ)+(v0 |ρ)

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Moreau envelope Fγ and proximal density ργI We have defined Fγ as the conjugate of Eγ :

Fγ(ρ) = supv

(Eγ(v)− (v |ρ)

)← Lieb variation principle

I We may express Fγ explicitly in terms of F as

Fγ(ρ) = minρ

(F (ρ) + 1

2γ‖ρ− ρ‖2

)← Moreau envelope Fγ of F

= F (ργ) + 12γ‖ργ − ρ‖2 ← proximal density ργ of ρ

I the proximal density ργ is the energetically most favoured nearby density to ρ

I The Moreau envelope is a finite, continuous and differentiable approximation to FI it is a lower bound to F with the same minimumI it approaches F pointwise from below as γ → 0

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Moreau envelope illustration I

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Moreau envelope illustration II

-3 -2 -1 1 2 3



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Ground-state density of Moreau–Yosida DFTI We have set up MY DFT with a continuous and differentiable density functional

Eγ(v) = minρ

(Fγ(ρ) + (v |ρ)

)Hohenberg–Kohn variation principle

I Importantly, the Euler–Lagrange equation is now well defined:


δρ(r)= −v(r)− µ

I Its solution ργv (one or more always exist) yields the ground-state energy

E(v) = Eγ(v) + 12γ‖v‖2 = Fγ(ργv ) + (ργv |v) + 1


I How is the MY ground-state density ργv related to the regular ground-state density ρv?

E(v) = minρ

(F (ρ) + (v |ρ)

)= F (ρv ) + (ρv |v)

I the regular ground-state density ρv is the proximal density to ργv

I Moreau–Yosida DFT approximates standard DFT arbitrarily closely:


‖ργv − ρv‖ = 0, limγ→0+

Fγ(ρ) = F (ρ), limγ→0+

Eγ(v) = E(v)

I What is the significance of the MY ground-state density ργv ?

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Pseudo-densities of MY DFT

I The densities of MY DFT are not physical densities but pseudo-densities or quasi-densities

I they may be negative in some region and need not integrate to the correct number of electronsI they are not obtained from a wave function in the usual way

I However, each pseudo-density ρ may be uniquely decomposed in the manner

ρ = ργ − γvγ

where ργ is the proximal density to ρ and the ground-state density of the potential vγI the MY density contains information about the density–potential pair ργ and vγI either can be extracted from ρ and Fγ :

ργ = arg minρ

(F (ρ) + 1

2γ‖ρ− ρ‖2

), vγ(r) = −



I Our starting point was that derivatives of F with respect to physical densities are undefined

ill defined →δF (ργ)

δργ(r)= −vγ(r)

I Instead, derivatives of Fγ with respect to pseudo-densities are well-defined:

well defined →δFγ(ρ)

δρ(r)= −vγ(r)

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Kohn–Sham theory

I Kohn–Sham theory assumes:

the existence of a noninteracting system with the same density as the physical systemI this assumption is unfounded: the noninteracting representability problemI however, a noninteracting ground-state density exists arbitrarily close to physical density

I In MY DFT, every density is the ground-state pseudo-density of some potentialI this is true for interacting and noninteracting systems

I The noninteracting representability problem therefore does not exist in MY DFT:


ρ(r)= −v(r)− µ interacting Euler–Lagrange equation well defined


ρ(r)= −vs(r)− µs noninteracting Euler–Lagrange equation well defined

I The pseudo-density ρ is shared by the systems but their ground-state densities ρλ differ

ρ = ρphy − γvext interacting density and potential

ρ = ρnon − γvs noninteracting density and potential

I Kohn–Sham SCF iterations can be set up identical to the standard Kohn–Sham iterations

I Alternative SCF scheme: for given vext, guess the ground-state density ρ0 and iterate

ρi+1 = prox(ρi − γvext) SCF iterations of proximal density

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Moreau–Yosida metric

I It is possible to work with a more general MY regularisation, with a weighted penalty:

Eγ(v) = E(v)− 12γ〈v |M|v〉 ← energy with damped potential

Fγ(ρ) = minρ

(F (ρ) + 1

2γ〈ρ− ρ|M−1|ρ− ρ〉

)← energy of favoured nearby density

I Two choices of metric: M = I (overlap) and M = T (kinetic)

I the kinetic metric gives the regularisation of Heaton–Burgess, Bulat and Yang (2007)

〈v |T|v〉 =∫|∇v(r)|2 dr ← small for smooth v

〈∆ρ|T−1|∆ρ〉 =∫∫

∆ρ(r1)r−112 ∆ρ(r2) dr1dr2 ← small for oscillatory ∆ρ = ρ− ρ

I v becomes smoother as density oscillations are removed

I Exact DFT:

I F is convex, unbounded, everywhere discontinuous and not everywhere (sub)differentiableI not all densities are v -representable or even N-representable

I Moreau–Yosida DFT:

I Fγ with is convex, bounded, everywhere continuous and differentiable for γ > 0I all densities are N-representable and even v -representableI reminiscent of Lammert’s coarse-grained DFT (2010)

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I Universal density functional is a complicated function of the densities

I it is everywhere discontinuous and nondifferentiableI problems with Euler–Lagrange equations and KohnSham theory

I Moreau–Yosida regularisation of DFT avoids these complications

I it sets up an DFT with an everywhere continuous and differentiable density functionalI it is exact and approaches standard DFT as the regularisation parameter tends to zero

I Moreau–Yosida regularisation solves the representability problem of Kohn–Sham theory

I the noninteracting kinetic energy functional becomes differentiable for all densitiesI in particular, it is differentiable for the physical density

I Publication:

I S. Kvaal, U. Ekstrom, A. Teale, and T. Helgaker, JCP 140, 18A518 (2014)

I Acknowledgements:

I Ulf Ekstrom, Simen Kvaal, and Andy TealeI ERC advanced grant ABACUSI Norwegian Research Council for Centre of Excellence CTCC

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