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Page 1: Digging by Debating:  linking massive datasets to specific arguments

Digging by Debating: linking massive datasets to

specific arguments

UK:Prof Andrew Ravenscroft (University of East London)

Dr David Bourget (University of London)Prof Chris Reed & John Lawrence & (University of Dundee)

US:Prof Colin Allen & Prof Katy Borner (Indiana University)

Page 2: Digging by Debating:  linking massive datasets to specific arguments

Map argument dialogue and argumentative search semantics against argument structures implicit within and across texts (Philosophy domain)

…harmonise human and machine semantics…extract and interrogate argument relations

…deeper dialectic understanding of subjects …find new relations within and across texts (e.g. penetration of science and philosophy)


Page 3: Digging by Debating:  linking massive datasets to specific arguments

Hi Colin,

can't insert pdf's into ppt in Windows, u have in another image format for them?, .jpg or .png or something

dunno why, could play around on the mac but inevitably that would probly throw something else out


Page 4: Digging by Debating:  linking massive datasets to specific arguments


Page 5: Digging by Debating:  linking massive datasets to specific arguments

Candidate technologies/repositories

1. Data: Hathi Trust, PhilPapers, SEP, InPho (US & London)

2. Visualisation/Science Mapping: SCiVis (Indiana)

3. Interfaces: PhilPapers, Dialogue Games/InterLoc (UK)

4. Argument structure and analysis: Dialogue Games, Araucaria, AIF (UK)

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Digital Dialogue Games and InterLoc

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OVA: Online Argument Analysis

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UK Team:Prof Andrew Ravenscroft, UK PI, [email protected], Prof Chris Reed, [email protected] David Bourget, [email protected]

US Team:Prof Colin Allen, US PI, [email protected] Katy Borner, [email protected]

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