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Page 1: Digital and Electronic Libraries

Digital and Electronic LibrariesDigital and Electronic Libraries

Shubhada Nagarkar, Ph.D.Assistant Professor

Dept. of Library and Information ScienceSP Pune University, Pune

[email protected]

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About the talk

What are digital and electronic libraries? Digital and electronic resources for college

library Information Literacy center for students and

teachers Library services

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Digital and electronic library

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Documents and Non Print documents

Documents – Any source of information in material form, capable of being used for reference or study For e.g.. Manuscripts, printed matter, illustrations, diagrams, museum specimens, etc.

Non Print documents – electronic journals, images, web pages, electronic messages, bulletin board notices, programs, sound, videos, etc.

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Electronic and digital resources Electronic Library

– Born digital: bibliographic database, electronic library catalogues, full text articles, numeric databases, e-publications, e-journals, e-achieves, etc.

Digital Library Created in another format for eg. Paper and then converted

into digital format

Digital Library is Repository of digital documents and the set of programs that manage the documents

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What could be digitized?

Books, journals, newspapers Maps Audio and Video cassettes Images Manuscripts Museum artifacts and Realia Natural History collection

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Issues addressed by DL are

Storage Information

processing User interfaces Number of users Copyright,

security, quality of

presentation and availability

Cost factorIs it necessary?Funding agenciesSoftware and hardware up-gradation problemsManpowerTrainingSelection of Material Digitization processes

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College Digital Library

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Documents @ colleges

Annual Reports Examination papers Several types of forms Syllabus Teacher information Library collection ……

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Knowledge asset UseFiling cabinets Examples: admission papers, list of

students, university correspondence, annual reports, mailing lists, PhD. Viva notifications, notices for and from notice board, syllabus copies, roll calls, visiting faculty information, refresher courses correspondence, alumni contacts, question papers, etc.

Preparation of students list for internal marks, interview lists, annual reports, contact to visiting faculty, organization of next year events, and refresher courses

PhotographsExamples: groups photos of MLISc.

Students, important events conducted, refresher courses, alumni, etc

Identify personalities, annual reports, broacher, leaflets, etc.

Knowledge Assets

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Faculty information Examples: papers published by faculty members, conferences attended and papers presented, guest lectures, courses taught, class notes, etc.

Annual reports, expertise, selection of guide, allocation of new projects, area of specialization, etc.

DatabasesExample: Database of Ph.D. Students, alumni, masters degree dissertations, etc.

Reference purpose

Knowledge Assets

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Content Management at DLISc. UoP

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Question Papers

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Electronic Resources – Subscribed and Open Access

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Electronic resources World Wide Web and multimedia contents Full text electronic databases open and proprietary Bibliographic databases like Science Direct, Web of Science,

Chemical Abstract, Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), etc.

E-books Institutional Repositories (free)

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E-journals on N-List programme

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E-books on N-List programme

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Cambridge Journals

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Indian journals

18/1/2006 Yashada

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Open Access Electronic Resources

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Open Access

FeaturesFreely availableEasily accessibleAccessible out of campus

TypesE-journalsE-booksInstitutional repositoriesWeb sitesDictionaries, thesaurus

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Directory of Open Access Journals

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ERIC - Education Resources Information Center (http://eric.ed.gov/)

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Information Literacy of students and teachers

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College Information Literacy center

Definition Information literacy is a set of abilities requiring individuals to "recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information.“

Library can play a role in increasing the Information literacy of students and teachers

Source: American Library Association. Presidential Committee on Information Literacy. Final Report.(Chicago: American Library Association, 1989.)

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An information literate individual is able to:

Determine the extent of information needed Access the needed information effectively and efficiently Evaluate information and its sources critically Incorporate selected information into one’s knowledge

base Use information effectively to accomplish a specific

purpose Understand the economic, legal, and social issues

surrounding the use of information, and access and use information ethically and legally

Source: http://www.ala.org/acrl/standards/informationliteracycompetency#f1

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For literacy one needs to learn How to use Digital and Electronic Libraries available at

college? How to search various electronic databases? How to use Search Engines? How to create information alerts? For teachers

– How to search research papers?– Online resource useful for teaching– Citation analysis, h-index, impact factor of journals, etc– Plagiarism– Copyright issues– …

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Search Electronic resources effectively

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Identify and define the problem The scope of the topic, i.e., the breadth and depth of

information required Appropriate criteria to direct the search process; i.e.,

– What type of information is required?– For what purpose will it be used?– How much information is required?– What form or limitations (if any) should be placed on

the information to fit? Identify appropriate databases as information sources

Before you search

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Check for login facility Search facilities – basic,

advanced, expert Check filters – controlled

vocabulary, subject headings, thesaurus, indexes, etc.

Save and export references facilities

Alert services – email, RSS feeds Reference Services

Check list before you search any database

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Select multiple search terms and synonyms appropriate for the database(s); i.e., what words or phrases best describe the core concepts. 

Construct search queries from the search terms and synonyms

Evaluate the items retrieved by the search query(ies); i.e., does the information retrieved as result of the query(ies) satisfy the criteria identified at the beginning of the process.

Source: http://www.uic.edu/classes/bhis/bhis510/lim3/quest1.htm

Before you search

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Check search facilities

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Export facility

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In most cases, you will have to use more advanced methods, involving combinations of several search terms. For this you will have to define a search strategy, a plan of action that helps you find the information you need. This requires you to think about your subject, work out what information you need, and how you're going to find it.

The first step is to split your subject into main themes and identify keywords.

Building a search strategy

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These ‘keywords’ can then be used to search for relevant references in databases.

After identifying main keyword/phrases you have to think of additional subject headings to ensure you find all the information about your topic.

Building a search strategy

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Finding the right search terms Related terms

represent ideas associated with the subject you are looking for, but are not exact synonyms.

Most often the synonyms and related terms you will need to identify will be additional terms with roughly the same meaning.


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Combining search terms - Boolean operatorshttp://library.wur.nl/desktop/guide/

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Check thesaurus, indexes..

Subject headings link all synonyms/grammatical forms/spelling variations together.

So… pick the right subject heading and all the possible words/forms come along!

Source: www.library.health.ufl.edu/help/PubMed/mesh/MeshingAround.ppt

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Example : electronic

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Electronic Libraries

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Search results on “electronic library” (2422)

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Search results without thesaurus terms (3079)

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Use of Search Engines

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General Tips for effective search

1. Analyze the problem statement 2. Find out what type of information and documents are needed.

– Government information, books, journal articles, reports, information from subject databases, websites, multimedia form, etc.

3. Identify keywords4. Prepare search statement –use search operators and

punctuations5. Search6. Study retrieved document; use; 7. If necessary modify search strategy with the help of earlier

results and search again

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Query and its analysis

Task: Preventative health care is an emerging business opportunity. Identify its need, market, competition, investment needed, etc.Find outDomain: Health careTopic: preventative health careDescription: Document should identify what is preventative health care? What includes in preventative health care? What are preventive health care plans? What are the guidelines for preventative health care? Business opportunities? What type of business should be considered? Which are the companies in this area? Their investments, market, etc.

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Query and its analysisWhat kind and level of information is needed? Introductory, useful for business person who knows the concept but need to know more opportunities for new business, need to know market situationConcepts

Preventative health carepreventive diseasesPreventive tests for preventive diseasesimmunization preventive health for all age groupsphysical examlab tests, prescriptionsmedical insurance business opportunitiesgovernment initiatives

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Search statements

1. what is preventive health care

2. "preventive health care" (immunization OR "lab tests" OR "physica

l exams" OR


3. "preventive health care" (immunization OR "lab tests" OR "physica

l exam" OR prescription) "preventive


4. what is business opportunity?

5. ~"preventive health care" (product* OR sale OR service*)

6. ~"preventive health care" devices

7. ~"preventive health care" inurl:gov.in

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Google Tools

Information Retrieval– Web search– Google Scholar– Google books – Google news

Content creation– Google Docs– Google sites– Google Custom Search Engine– Other tools

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Library Services based e-resources

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Library can provide

TOC services based on user requirements Information literacy courses E-mail alert services Online library related courses Personalized information services Digital library access through web opac

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Google Tools based services

Google Scholar Email based CAS and SDIHighly cited journals based on h-index Create Libraries of research papers for usersCitationsExport into standard citation formats like APA, Chicago, etc.

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Google BooksPrepare latest books list subject wisePrepare books list for individual userAdd notes for booksCreate shelf of newly published booksCreate alerts for users

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Google NewsLatest news published as and whenCustomise e-mail alerts for users and collegeLatest Government Information

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Google DocsLibrary orientation in presentation formUser feedback with online formsStatistical analysis with worksheetsOnline tutorials for students

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Google SitesCollection of open access resources on any topicPersonalized information servicesCollege or institute homepageE-learning Content management

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Library Association site

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Reference Services

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Personal web site

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Competencies needed

Continuous up-gradation of your search skills Need to know new technological developments Excellent knowledge of electronic resources Part of research networks rather than social

networks Creativity

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