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Teaching Excellence Framework

WHY DO WE ASK FOR A DIGITAL AUDITION? At DMU we have put everything in place to help you build the skills and confidence you need to succeed in the world. We ask to look at an audition piece as part of our selection process to give us an idea of your skills, help us understand if you will enjoy studying with us and to make sure you are choosing the right course for you.

We receive and view a variety of audition clips, and whether you are currently involved in performance studies or not, we will look for the potential in your work, so please respond to the advice in this guide as best you can.


• Your digital audition submission should be a two to five minute video containing a brief talking to camera section and a related short performance extract

• The performance piece can be anything that shows your skills: a monologue, dance performance, singing or a recording of a group performance you have been a part of previously

• Please include a short personal introduction of yourself, your performance skills and a brief insight into your understanding of the methods and styles of performance you have learnt up to that point

• The ‘talk to camera’ section needs to be succinct and act as a short introduction before we see you perform


• Remember we want to see your enthusiasm for the subject so try and relax when you film your submission and enjoy it!

• Rest assured that we are looking at the content so don’t worry if any video editing is rough

• If you submit a group performance extract please ensure that it is clear who you are

• The content (verbal and performance) should clearly relate to the specific degree programme you are applying to. Our degrees focus on contemporary practice and have specific features, so research each course carefully before making the video




• Take the highest quality video you can of your work, most smart phone cameras will have a high enough resolution

• Good lighting is really important, try to film your audition in front of a window to provide bright natural lighting without shadows or distorted colours

• When talking to camera make sure your camera is eye level. If you do not have a tripod you can place your camera, phone or laptop on some books to help raise it

• Think about if filming in portrait or landscape will best show your work

• You can get someone you live with to record your performance if this means the camera is more stable and at the correct height

• If you do not have room in your home to perform then try filming something in your garden, a local park or in some empty facilities your school/college can give you permission to use

• You will not be judged on your editing abilities, but you may want to trim out anything unnecessary at the start or end of the clip. Lots of phones and computers come with free basic editing software that can help you do this with lots of tutorials on YouTube

• If you are performing with someone else then make sure we know who you are either by telling us in your introduction or by making it clear in the editing with a caption for example


• Please use .mp4, .MOV or .AVI format for your video

• Files need to be compressed or zipped and not exceed 1GB in size and submitted via www.mailbigfile.com/dmuac

• Your audition needs to be saved in one folder and labelled with your name, student reference number and the name of the course you have applied for




If you require further information about your digital audition submission, contact our Admissions Team who will be happy to support.Admissions Team

T: +44 (0)116 207 8443 07970 655 800E: [email protected]

De Montfort University The Gateway Leicester LE1 9BH UK

This information is for those applying to join this course in September 2021. The content of this document is correct at the time it was published. De Montfort University reserves the right to change this information without prior notice or justification.







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