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Digital design and fabrication to create personalized pedagogic tools

A first exploration

International Conference on Lifelong Learning (ICLL) Tsinghua University, Beijing, May 21, 2017

Daniel K. SchneiderTECFA, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences

University of Genevahttp://tecfa.unige.ch/DKS


This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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1. Context and objectives

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Digital design and fabrication

3D printing

Laser cutting



To createpedagogic


To create designs (student made)

and learnthrough it


Not today

Vinly cutting

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Some theoretical foundations for learning

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1. Learning by manipulating and constructing

Fröbel, 1782-1852• “Gifts” to experiment

Pestalozzi, 1746-1827• Learner autonomy and responsibility• “head, hand and heart”

Papert, 1928-2016• Mindstorms (1980)• LOGO (1967)

The construction kit stimulates learning through manipulation. It:• Invites using it.• Is intuitive,• adaptable / flexible,• robust.• Create larger objects

from small ones

Key idea: Promote learning

through hands-on interaction

Piaget• Constructivism

Locke, 1632-1704• Sensory experience

Rousseau, 1712-1788• Romanticism

Montessori, 1870-1952• “Materials”

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2. Activity-based learning

Leontief, 1903-1979• Activity theory (USSR)

Activity theory (Scandinavia)• Expansive learning

(Engeström, 1987)

Vygotski, 1896-1934• Socio-constructivism• Zone of proximal development Learning happens through activities, i.e.

reflection of social knowledgeActivities are:• hierarchical: activity (needs, motivation),

action (goal), operation (task);• focused on objects carrying culture;• mediated by tools carrying culture;• continuously developed/adapted.

Nardi, 1995 (use in HCI)

Key idea: Learning takes

place in a social, cultural and

material contextKarl Marx, 1818-1883 Pavlov, 1849-1936

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3. Hands-on, “real-world” projects

Freinet, 1896-1966• Learner-centered inquiry-based learning• Collaborative work, creating products

Real-world experience(printing press, field trips, ….)

• Responsibility of the child (participation)

Dewey, 1859-1952• Structured learning through experience

(hands-on, real world projects)• Guided learner-centered pedagogy• Connecting subject matters to prior

knowledge and experience

Fröbel Herbart (1776-1841

Freire, 1921-1997• Balance of action and reflection• Dialogue, creating autonomy

Key idea: Learning through interaction with

the “real world”, doing projects with some learner autonomy.

Kilpatrick, 1871-1965

• Project-based learning• “hands-on”• Connect with real world

• Teacher as guide

• Respect of autonomy

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How can we support active learning with manipulatives


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1. Educational “manipulatives”1. A basic set of elements and operations,2. that can be combined (like words and sentences in a language).3. Ready for exploration.

Manipulatives/expressive media favor learning: • by manipulation and discovery and/or• by providing structure to activities

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Passive vs. digitalized objectsPhysical kits,(Fröbel gifts, Lego, puzzles)

Augmented kits with electronics(Lego-Mindstorms, Cricket, ..)

Micro-worlds, (Logo, Scratch, )

Simulations and serious games.

Ease of production

☺☺☺ ● ● ●

Ease of use ☺☺☺ ☺☺ ☺ ☺☺

Reliability ☺☺☺ ☺☺ ☺☺ ☺☺

Cost ☺☺☺ ● ☺ ☺

Focus on essential

☺☺☺ ☺ ☺ ☺

Monitoring in classroom

☺☺☺ ☺☺ ☺ ☺

….. ● ☺☺☺ ☺☺☺ ☺☺☺

Passive objects cannot do everything, but there is a good range of application for them

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Example projects by our students

STIC IV - fall semester 2015https://edutechwiki.unige.ch/fr/stic4-2015

STIC III – fall semester 2016https://edutechwiki.unige.ch/fr/stic3-2016

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From two classes

STIC III (2016):1. Tools for

group work2. 2D drawing /

laser cutting3. Production of

a virtual book4. Demo event

STIC IV (2015):1. 3D programming

/ printing2. Constructive kits3. Creation of


4. Hackfest & demoevent

Learning goals:1. Design tools2. Learn some technology3. Share/ collaborate

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Learn programming principles



Programming supports


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Learn chinese words


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Alternative communication with children that have cognitive trouble


list of words


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Learn about map topology


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Learn the latin alphabet


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Visualize terrain from GIS data& teach risks


Isola di VulcanoItaly

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Large molecules and small drugs


Cox proteine

Drugs that fit

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Nutrition education -food pyramid


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Sales person training


Assemble a global phone/cable TV offer

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Some results

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Observations:• 2D (laser cutting) is easier than 3D printing. But both need

some training• Most of the objects created by the participants fall into three

categories: innovative projects with good potential for use, ‘safe’ objects (puzzles, models and matching pairs) and non-pedagogic games.

Working hypothesis: • digital manufacturing makes it possible to create objects that

are useful, useful and usable by others. • the design of physical tools has led the participants to think

otherwise of an educational activity.• digital design and manufacturing has the potential to help

transforming pedagogies in a range of areasSlogan:Constructivism for teachers !

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Further readingZuckerman, Oren (2006), Historical Overview and Classification of Traditional and Digital Learning Objects MIT Media Laboratory,https://llk.media.mit.edu/courses/readings/classification-learning-objects.pdf

Mitchel Resnick et al. (1998) Digital Manipulatives: New Toys to Think With. http://web.media.mit.edu/~mres/papers/chi-98/digital-manip.html

Michael Knoll (1997). The Project Method: Its Vocational Education Origin and International Development, The Journal of Industrial Teacher Education, 34. http://scholar.lib.vt.edu/ejournals/JITE/v34n3/Knoll.html

Blikstein, P., S. Libow Martinez & H. Allen Pang (eds). Meaningful Making: Projects and Inspirations for Fab Labs + Makerspaces, Constructing Modern Knowledge Press, (2016).http://fablearn.stanford.edu/fellows/page/meaningful-making-book


https://edutechwiki.unige.ch/fr/stic3-2016 (in french)https://edutechwiki.unige.ch/fr/stic4-2015 (in french)

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Your turn !You design

and/or • a discussion on how we can teach design &

fabrication to educators, • technology used, costs, difficulties, etc.

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Recall ?Any experience with passive tangibles (as teacher or from childhood memories) ?

1. …2. ….3. ….

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Let’s design (1)

• Design a constructive kits that supports learning some basic facts, concepts, skills, procedures (avoid facts if you can …)

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Let’s design (2)

• Image a kind of workshop, seminar, team meeting, etc. that should lead to productive outcomes.

• Image roles that you could distribute to participants so that they listen and engage actively.

• Image a physical tool to help you with that

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Let’s design (3)

• Image a planning situation (e.g. PHD thesis, family activity, keeping your body in shape, plan a course, homework for your child, …)

• Image tools that will visualize both planning and current state.

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3D printing• Cheap hardware• Free software

Embroidery:• Rather cheap hardware• Very expensive software

Laser cutting:• Very expensive hardware• Free or cheap software

Vinyl cutting• Very cheap hardware• Rather cheap software

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