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  1. 1. Digital Graphic Narrative Development Luke Jackson
  2. 2. Shape Task
  3. 3. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In this image I went for very simple rounded shapes to recreate the Gorilla. I am quite please with how this turned out and like the face most. The reason for this is because it is a very simple and flat face which goes well with the style that I was going for. I also quite like the way the main body is a separate colour from the legs but still blends in to the legs well, This gives the image a slight 3D look. What would you improve if you did it again? I feel to improve this next time I could try and make the legs separate from each other better. To do this I could use the stroke tool to create a defined line between the two legs separating them from each other. Also if I was to do this again I wouldnt have used a blurred shadow instead I would have used a sharp edged drop shadow to create an even more cartoon like image.
  4. 4. Rotoscope
  5. 5. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In this image I went for a very simply, flat, hard edged cartoon like image. I feel that this turned out very well. My favourite parts of this image would have to be the nose and mouth. The reason I like these the most is because they are a very simple technique of using 2-3 shaded objects to create the illusion of a nose/mouth being there. I also like the couple bits of shading that is in his cheek and neck as these really add definition to the face. What would you improve if you did it again? If I where to do this again I would improve the collar shadows as these are a piece that is letting the image down. I feel this way because they are a little too big to be the slight shadow that you would get from a shirts collar. Also if I where to do this again I would change the hair. I feel that this needed to be rounded of a bit more but not to much to the point of removing the jagged edges but enough to make the curls fit in.
  6. 6. Rotoscope
  7. 7. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like the comic strip style of this image. My favourite part of this image would have to be the hair, this is because the highlights and shadows that I added to the image really follow the spikes that I cut out and compliment the hair piece nicely. Also I like the way his suit has come out as you can clearly see the collar and you can see there are shadows between each piece of the suit/shirt as you would normally get in a real picture put it still keeps with the hard edge style. What would you improve if you did it again? If I where to do this again I would improve the look of the right collar as in the image it looks slightly to small compared to a normal shirt. Also I would improve the detail within the beard to give it a few more highlights and shadows just to add a level of realism to it.
  8. 8. Text Based
  9. 9. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like that the spacing between the letters in this image can make a cool looking logo. In my opinion the final image that I created of my name with the Time Vortex in the background looks very good as the space between the text and the lines around the text combine to create a nice outline around the text but not between the letters to create a nice flow between the words. What would you improve if you did it again? If I were I to do this again I would use a different picture to put in the background to create a different style. Also I could figure out a way to make the U and the K and the C and the K touch without making all the other letters look to strange.
  10. 10. Comic Book
  11. 11. Evaluation What did you like about your image? In these images I like the way that with only a few shapes and very minimal colours, the image still has a good amount of detail. I also like how the use of black outlines around the facial features really makes the faces stand out. What would you improve if you did it again? I would defiantly create more of these images to have a larger range of techniques and show of a how many different combinations you can get from this very simple filter effect.
  12. 12. Photography - Happy
  13. 13. Photography Excited
  14. 14. Photography Lonely
  15. 15. Photography - Sad
  16. 16. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I like that these images clearly define the emotions that I was trying to depict within the photo. I also like that all of these photos are of good quality and are all in focus. What would you improve if you did it again? To improve these next time I would possibly use some filters and colour correction to enhance the mood of the photo, for example I would make the Lonely photo have a slight blue tint to enhance the idea that the subject is alone and sad.
  17. 17. Illustration
  18. 18. Evaluation What did you like about your image? I liked my drawing very much as it is clear that it is meant to be a Duck. Also I like how it isnt the traditional shape of a Duck it is slightly. You can best see this in his next which is curved and thicker than a Ducks would normally be. I also like the cartoon look about it. What would you improve if you did it again? If I was to draw this again I would defiantly spend a bit more time trying to get the feet right and on the page because as you can see they are just hanging off the edge and they dont look to right.
  19. 19. Initial Ideas
  20. 20. Mood board of inspiration
  21. 21. Idea Generation
  22. 22. In my book I am wanting to take the classic tale of the tree little pigs and adapting it to be The Three Little Martians. They will look similar to the three little aliens in the top left corner as this is a very cartoony and happy alien which will be suitable for children. On the other hand the big bad wolf will look like the aliens in the top right and on the top middle, as these are evil aliens and thy look bad giving the children a clear indication they are bad. My evil alien will probably be more like the one on the left as this is cartoon and is a lighter evil so it isnt to scary for the children but still looks bad.
  23. 23. The locations for my story will be heavily based around the Si-Fi interpretations of a house built on mars. This is because the Martians are building their own houses and so they would live in houses like the one in the top right picture. Although they will be living in similar style houses they will still be different as they will be made out of different materials each one stronger than the last just like the story says.
  24. 24. In my book I would like to use the Sanchez for the main body of text. This is because it is a nice soft and easy to look at Serif font. Out of all the fonts I have selected as possibilities this one is the nicest to read. The reason for this is because it has smooth round edges and a serif style (which is the flicks on the edges of the letters) which make your eye flow swiftly and quickly across the page. Although the Assassin font is a nice font as well, I am still going to pick the Sanchez font as the Assassin font is made specifically to be upper case and it doesnt have the same smooth edged readability that Sanchez has. The Assassin font however could be used as a title font, but I will probably end up using the Sanchez font.
  25. 25. Proposal Dimensions I will be doing a 8-12 paged portrait book. Each page will be 8 in Width and 10 in Height. Export Format PDF Advantages: PDF files exist independently from the OS, hardware, or software that is being used to view them, making them very portable. They are really easy to create and take virtually no time at all. Disadvantages: PDFs are limited to Windows and Mac OSs and do not work for Linux or Unix users. To be able to read a PDF on a webpage you have to have the Adobe Reader plug-in installed otherwise it wont work.
  26. 26. Story Overview My story is a take on the classic Three Little Pigs story only this time set in space and instead of pigs they will be Martians and the wolf will either be a space man or a bigger alien. The story will obviously be very similar with very minor tweaks to it, for example they will be living in houses after they have left home and each house will be made out of a stronger material than the last. Also the spaceman/bigger alien will still be trying to knock their houses down but each time in a different way with maybe a laser gun or a cannon on a space ship. Finally the substitute wolf will in the end try to climb down the chimney and fall into a pot of boiling water just like in the original story, for obvious reasons I will not be showing or writing anything graphic about the substitute wolves demise but I will say that he died or never disturbed them again, this is so it isnt to harsh on the children.
  27. 27. Deadline 15th May 2015 Audience I am targeting my book a children from 5years+ because the book involves a bit about the wolf dying which some children under 5 could find distressing or disturbing. I have also aimed it at this age because the text in it will still be simple but to hard for anyone younger to read. The book will be mostly aimed at Male children as it is set in space and the piglets are aliens, but this doesnt mean that females cant read it as it is still a take on a classic book that both males and females read. Production Methods I am planning on making my book a two page spread per section of the book. This will be laid out with the illustration for a scene on one page and the text to support the illustration on the other page next to it. I will also be using a lot of rota scoping to create my images in the book as I find this to be the easiest way to get a good detailed cartoon. I may also use shapes instead of rota scope for many of the less detailed larger shapes like the planet and the houses that they live in. This will help speed up production time and increase efficiency. I will also use Photoshop as my main editing software to make my illustrations for my book
  28. 28. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? You have carefully thought about how you are going to produce the pages within the book and how you will use your time efficiently with creating twice as many pages than most people. With the careful planning of how to create the pages for your book you should be able to complete the book within the time limit. Detailed advantages and disadvantages of using PDF files to create your work. You could mention the size of the final book or the pages within the dimensions section of the proposal so we can get a rough idea of how big the book will be. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? There is clear evidence that you have thought carefully about what fonts you will decide to use as you have given reasoning behind the font choices as well as evidence that you are thinking about the target audience that will be reading your book. A simple idea of using an original fairy tale story but changing the characters and setting would interest the target audience more and make your book stand out to others. You could create a general mind map which shows that you have thought about different ideas of stories and styles of existing childrens books so we can see how you came up with your final idea of the twist on the three little pigs story.
  29. 29. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? I think that the book has been well thought out and planned and it think that when it is done I will be very good and interesting to have and adaption of a classic. I think the sizing and the amount of pages will be a goof amount for the book. you have answered all the questions in detail which will make it easy for you to always know what you are doing in regards to sizing, ect. You need to continue with the audience, I think it would be nice to know what aged children you book is aimed at and if its a female or a male aimed book. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? You have thought everything out very well and you have taken in to consideration the fact that the children may be scared or worried if they kill the evil alien at the end. I like the text and how it is simplistic but it fits in with the type of book you are going for. Maybe having a mind map with you initial ideas would be good as you can see where you started and what thoughts you had at the start of the project. And maybe a few more pictures on your mood board to give a better outlook on what type of illustration ect you want to do.
  30. 30. What are the strengths of the proposal? What areas of the proposal need further work? Good use of explanation in order to convey why you think certain ideas are good. Detailed overview of the storyline, clearly presented. Some grammatical errors which could easily be fixed. Filling in the audience section of the proposal will be beneficial and allow you to achieve a higher grade. What are the strengths of the idea generation? What areas of idea generation could have been further developed? Again, good use of explanation has allowed you to expand on why youve made certain decisions, rather than just saying I think this would be good. Evidence of research shown through the discussions on serif and san serif fonts. Again, some grammatical errors which could easily be fixed by reading through and correcting. Images used in mood board are too specific and dont paint much of an overall picture of what you want to achieve with the book. Adding more in and incorporating images related to theme/moral/narrative might be beneficial. Creating a mind map would allow you to demonstrate some of the previous ideas you had, and the thought processes which lead to you deciding on the narrative for your book. This would help to push you from a pass to a merit in my
  31. 31. Feedback Summary Sum up your feedback. Overall my feedback said that my strengths were in detail and mostly in the proposal. Many did point out the fact that I have not filled out the target audience and that I do not have a mind map in my Idea Generation which I shall have to work on. I believe that the feedback was fair and constructive with one saying that I didnt have enough pictures in my mood board. I found this constructive as it has made me aware that the images I have used dont paint a vivid enough picture. Which parts of your feedback do you agree with and why? I agree with people saying I need to add more pictures to my mood boards because as it stands there is not enough pictures to show exactly what I want to put in my story. I also agree with one person saying their where some grammatical errors as looking there are some that I have made by just not proof reading my work, these can be easily fixed. I also agree that I need a mind map for my idea generation which I do have it just needs to be scanned and put into the document. Which parts of your feedback do you disagree with and why? I do not agree with the point that one made about me needing explain the size of my book as if you look in the Proposal I mention I will be doing a 16-20 paged landscape A4 booklet. So as you can see I have already explained what the size of the book will be and so it doesnt need to be re-mentioned.
  32. 32. Storyboards
  33. 33. Storyboards
  34. 34. Original Script The Three Little Pigs By Paul Galdone Narrator: Once upon a time there was an old sow with three little pigs. She had no money to keep them, so she sent them off to seek their fortune. The first little pig met a man with a bundle of straw, and said to him: Pig 1: Please, man, give me that straw to build me a house. (Innocently) Narrator: So the man did, and the little pig built his house with it. Along came a wolf. He knocked at the door, and said: Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me come in. (persuasively) Pig 1: No, no, (with fright) Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! (loud and proud) Wolf: Then Ill huff, and Ill puff, and Ill blow your house in (Loud and Blow) Narrator: so the wolf huffed, and he puffed and he blew the house in. And he ate up the first little pig. (sadly) The second little pig met a man with a bundle of sticks, and said: Pig 2: Please, man, give me those sticks to build me a house. Narrator: So the man did, and the little pig built his house with them. Then, along came the wolf, and said: Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me come in. (persuasively) Pig 2: No, no, (with fright) Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! (loud and proud) Wolf: Then Ill huff, and Ill puff, and Ill blow your house in (Loud and Blow) Narrator: So he huffed, and he puffed, and he huffed, and he puffed, and at last he blew the house in. And he ate up the second little pig. (sadly)
  35. 35. Original Script The third little pig met a man with a load of bricks and said: Pig 3: Please, man, give me those bricks to build me a house. (Innocently) Narrator: So the man did, and the little pig built his house with them. Soon the same wolf came along, and said: Wolf: Little pig, little pig let me come in. (persuasively) Pig 3: No, no! Not by the hair of my chinny chin chin. (Loud and Proud) Wolf: Then Ill huff, and Ill puff, and Ill blow your house in. (Loud and Blow) Narrator: Well, he huffed, and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed and he huffed and he puffed. But. He could NOT blow the house in! At last the wolf stopped huffing and puffing, and said: Wolf: (out of breath) little pig, I know where there is a nice field of turnips. Pig 3: Where? (curiously) Wolf: On Mr. Smiths farm. I will come for you tomorrow morning. We will go together and get some turnips for dinner. Pig 3: Very well. What time will you come? Wolf: Oh, at six oclock Narrator: Well the little e pig got up at five and got the turnips before wolf came to his house. Wolf: Little pig, are you ready? Pig 3: READY! I have come back again and I got a nice potful of turnips for my dinner.
  36. 36. Original Script Narrator: The wolf was very anger. But then he thought of another way to get the little pig, so he said: Wolf: Little pig, I know where there is a nice apple tree. Pig 3: Where? Wolf: Down at Merry Garden. I will come for you at five oclock tomorrow morning and we will get some apples. Narrator: Well, the little pig got up the next morning at four oclock, and went off for the apples. He wanted to get back home before the wolf came. But it was a long way to Merry Garden, and then he had to climb the tree. Just as he was climbing back down with his basket full of apples, he saw the wolf coming! Wolf: Little pig! You got here before me! Are the apples nice? Pig3: Yes, very! I will throw you one down to you. Narrator: And he threw the apple as far as he could throw. While the wolf ran to pick it up, the little pig jumped down and ran home. The next day the wolf came again and said to the little pig: Wolf: Little pig, there is a fair at Shanklin this afternoon. Would you like to go? Pig3: Oh, yes. When will you come to get me? Wolf: At three
  37. 37. Original Script Narrator: Well, the little pig went off at two oclock and bought a butter churn at the fair. He was going home with it when he saw the wolf coming! The little pig jumped into the butter churn to hide. The churn fell over and rolled down the hill with the little pig in it! This frightened the wolf so much that he turned around and ran home. Later the wolf went to the little pigs house and told him what had happened. Wolf: A great round thing came rolling down the hill right at me! Pig 3: Hah, I frightened you then! I went to the fair and bought a butter churn. When I saw you, I got into it, and rolled down the hill!!! Narrator: The wolf was very angry indeed! Wolf: Im going to climb down your chimney and eat you up!!! Narrator: When the little pig heard the wolf on the roof he hung up a pot full of water in the fireplace. Then he built a blazing fire! Just as the wolf was coming down the chimney, the little pig took the cover off the pot, and in fell the wolf. The little pig quickly put on the cover again, boiled up the wolf, and ate him for supper. And the little pig lived happily ever afterward.
  38. 38. The Three Little Martians (breakdown) 1. The mother alien tells her three little children to leave and build their own homes. 2. Each one builds a house, on out of sand, one out of dirt, and one out of metal. 3. Then a big bad alien appears and knocks down the sand house and the little pig runs to the dirt house 4. Then the big alien knocks down the dirt house and the two pigs run to the metal house 5. Then the big alien trys to knock down the metal house but cant 6. He then climbs up onto the roof of the metal house 7. While he does this the little Martians put a vat of goo under the chimney 8. The big alien climbs down the chimney and falls into the vat of goo. 9. The big alien dies and the little aliens rejoice.
  39. 39. Final Script Page 1: Once upon a time there was a old mother Martian with her three little children. She had no money to keep them, and so told them to go out into the world to seek their fortune. Page 2: The first little Martian came across an alien with a bundle of hay. Please give me that hay to build me a house said the little Martian. So the alien did and the first Martian built his house. Page 3: Along came an Evil Alien who knocked on the door and said Little Martians, Little Martians, please let me in No, No, not by scales on my slimy green skin Then Ill huff and Ill puff and blow your house down said the Evil Alien. Page 4: So the Evil Alien huffed and puffed and blew the little Martians house down and the first little Martian ran to his older brothers house. Page 5: The second little Martian came across an alien with a bundle of sticks. Please give me those sticks to build me a house said the little Martian. So the alien did and the second Martian built his house. Page 6: Along came the Evil Alien and knocked on the door and said Little Martian, Little Martian, please let me in No, No, not by the scales on our slimy green skin said the two little Martins. Then Ill huff and Ill puff and blow your house down said the Evil Alien. Page 7: So the Evil Alien huffed and puffed and blew his house down and the two little Martians ran to their oldest brothers house.
  40. 40. Final Script Page 8: The third little Martian came across an alien with a bundle of bricks. Please give me those bricks to build me a house said the little Martian. So then alien did and the little Martian built his house Page 9: Then the Evil Alien came to the house where the three little Martians were and said Little Martians, Little Martians, please let me in No, No, not by the scales on our slimy green skin said the three little Martians. Then Ill huff and Ill puff and blow your house down said the wolf. Page 10: So the Evil Alien huffed and puffed and tried to blow the house down but couldnt. So he said Ill climb down your chimney and gobble you all up Page 11: When the three little Martians heard the Evil Alien climb up onto the roof they quickly put a pot of goo under the chimney and set a big fire. As the goo began to boil the wolf fell down the chimney and into the pot and the little Martians quickly shut the lid. Page 12: Afterwards the Evil Alien was never see again and The Three Little Martians lived happily ever after.
  41. 41. Digital Flat Plans
  42. 42. Digital Flat Plans

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