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Customer Needs in the Age of the Mobile

Helen Milner14th May 2014

Tinder Foundation makes these good things happen:

Tinder Foundation• We are a staff-owned mutual and social


• Vision: A better world for everyone through the use of digital technology

• Purpose: We make good things happen through digital technology


Goal is to create independent and confident internet users

Not about broadband infrastructureNot about one-off usage




Optimised for mobile learning


Moving people to online public services• No-one’s ‘spark’ to get digital skills is to interact

with Government online (except to get a job)• After gaining digital skills via UK online centres

(March 2014 data):• 81% visited central/local Government websites• 56% moved at least one (average 3.8) face-to-face or

telephone contact to an online contact with Government

• Calculation of £232.4m for 1.2m people (2010 – present)

Age of Mobile• 6 in 10 adults now use a Smartphone (Ofcom)• 53% of people use a mobile device to go online

(Vodafone)• Number of people using a tablet to go online

doubled (16% to 30%) since 2012 (Ofcom)• >⅓ of smartphone users use their phone to buy

things online - up from ¼ in 2012 (Ofcom)

easier, quicker, more convenient, with simple, attractive

interfaces, anytime, anywhere information, connections and


Mobile: not a panacea for digital exclusion• However only 1.6% of people only go online using a

tablet (OxIS)• It is a powerful tool to enable the transition online

of a subset of those currently excluded• It’s not that the mobile broadband options aren’t

available• It’s that the people who need these options don’t

understand that these choices are there for them

Mobile broadband on a computer• CVs, letters, job applications, long and complex benefit

forms - need a keyboard and a big screen• Choices: benefits of mobile internet via a MiFi or

mobile hotspot (through their phone) to get online on a laptop

• Flexibility of a pay-as-you-go broadband connection and/or a small top-up on a smartphone contract

• For some people a telephone, committing to a contract is a significant factor preventing internet use

Partnership with Vodafone• Potential and the confusion of mobile internet • Will help centres people get to grips with smartphones,

tablets and MiFi (portable wifi hotspots)• Leaflets introducing the world of mobile broadband• A new, free online course, on Learn My Way• A ‘hands-on mobile’ pilot: centres given Vodafone

smartphones, tablets, and MiFis to loan to local people• Vodafone’s new independent report called Mobile: A

powerful tool for Digital Inclusion

Evidence: measuring impact• Learning Data: automated from Learn My Way, learners, learning

activity, viewed at centre and UK-wide level

• Surveys: Learner demographics (online survey) and Impact data (telephone) for progression to learning and employment, use of Government websites, information around confidence and wellbeing. In field 52 weeks a year.

• Further impact evaluation: applying volumetrics to economic impact for Government; regular research projects eg social inclusion and digital inclusion, innovative health and digital outcomes

1. Data: Learner, learning, course data• Learn My Way

• Learners: personal planner, bookmarks, progress, badges• Centres: totals and per learner• National/Aggregated data

• 135,320 people last 12 months, 12,930 in March• Logins: 141,789• Favourite courses: 94,961 Online Basics, 66,376 email

course• Website visits: 1m

2. Surveys: online and telephone

A monthly online learner survey among registered users of Learn My Way>7000 respondents per year

Among those who opt in from the above, a telephone progression survey one month later>1200 interviews per year

Measures the learner profile •Including the % of socially excluded learners

Customer satisfaction •Including to what extent users felt the service helped them learn about computers/the internet or increased their confidence

Evidence of impact and outcomes

•Progression into formal / informal learning •Progression into employment•‘Quality of Life’: impact on skills and behaviour •Access to public services online and average no. of contacts shifted

80% Socially Excluded

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Any Positive Outcome:

Quality of Life

Employment Progression

Learning Progression

Base: All learners (1,270)

3. Other

Volumetrics, Financial impact, Deep evaluation

B1_C Searched for jobs

Job search & prospects

B1_E Written a CV

B1_G Applied for jobs

B1_I Been for job interviews

B1_K Improved job prospects

B4_A More interesting work

Improvement at work

B4_B More job satisfaction

B4_C Better job security

B4_D Pay & promotion prospects

Employment Progression

B1_J Started full or part time workEntered employment

B1_J Started voluntary work Voluntary work

C1_1 Learning towards formal qualification

Further LearningC1_2 Learning without formal qualification

B1_A Sought/received careers advice

Learning Progression


ent or Learning Progression

Impact on employment and learning (>1,200 interviews a year)

Survey data leads to measurement of economic impact: (1) Entered employment, (2) Started voluntary work, (3) Further learning, (4) Started a formal qualification

A Leading Digital Nation by 2020

With current efforts there will still be 6.2m people in 2020 without basic online skills.

The total investment required to equip 100% of the UK adult population with the Basic Online Skills they need to regularly

use the internet for themselves by 2020 is £875 million. 

We suggest investment might be split equally between Government; the private sector, and the voluntary and community sector.

 The investment required to ensure a nation with 100% Basic Online Skills

will be £292 million for each sector.


c. 10% left to reach

In 2020 if carry on at pace and impact of present time (in UK)




100% Ambition• Personalised internet for each individual: content, cost,

access, interface, usability and user-confidence• Helping people to see the benefits of the web, to

develop basic online skills and to find a personal broadband solution that works for them

• It makes a 100% digitally enabled nation a reality and an ambition worth working for

PEOPLE make good things happen

People becoming a volunteer when

he’s 93 years old as his mates aren’t

getting the benefits of the web

People helping job seekers to look for work online when

they’ve not had a job for 10 years

People helping patients to use digital in the ward and take it home with them

Thank You

[email protected]@helenmilner on twittertinderfoundation.org

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