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Page 1: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation


The 8th annual worldwide survey Over 300 participating organizations

Digital Workplace - Trends and Transformation

Presented by Jane McConnell KMWorld, Washington D.C. November 2013


“The purpose of the Digital Workplace Trends reports is to provide executives and practitioners with data, analysis and firsthand stories to help them see where they are today and what early adopters are doing.” Jane McConnell

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Digital Workplace Trends 2013 Published Jan 31st 2013

Digital Workplace Trends 2014 To be published Jan 31st 2014


Still available for purchase 40% reduction Use coupon code 13DWT40JMC

Pricing and purchase link on http://www.digital-workplace-trends.com/purchase/

This presentation is the first public presentation of the data from the DW survey that closed at the end of October.

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•  Bjoern Negelmann, European Enterprise 2.0 (Germany)

•  Brian Holness International Power – GDF SUEZ (UK)

•  Céline Schillinger, SANOFI PASTEUR (France)

•  Cornelis van der Brugge, NOKIA (Finland)

•  Ernst Décsey, UNICEF (Switzerland)

•  Franklin Bradley, Architect of the Capitol (US)

•  Gloria Burke, UNISYS (US)

•  Jon Husband, Wirearchy (Canada)

•  Linda Tinnert, IKEA (Sweden)

•  Martin Risgaard, Grundfos (Denmark)

•  Rawn Shah, Forbes.com (US)

•  Sam Marshall, ClearBox Consulting Ltd. (UK)

•  Stéphane Aknin, AXA, (France)

•  Susan Scrupski, Change Agents Worldwide LLC. (US)

•  Thomas Maeder, Swisscom AG (Switzerland)

Digital Workplace Advisory Board for 2014

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2104 data and observations

A 2-minute summary

Followed by detailed slides

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The data shows… DW progress, slow but sure (1/2)

•  The DW is still primarily focused on internal collaboration and not yet on how it can support business.

•  “People capabilities” are deployed in the DW in 50% or more organizations. –  People can express their ideas and information openly and directly via the digital

workplace. –  However co-developing and crowdsourcing new ideas has plateaued at 30% (for the

last 3 years). •  We are still far from a transformational tipping point when looking at the

impact of social capabilities. –  We are also far from a social way of working: social is not yet a normal part of daily

work. •  Mobile is moving ahead slowly.

–  The degree of interest and investment is approximately the same as one year ago. –  Some mobile use cases will be implemented in 20% of organizations by the end of

2013. –  BYOD and BYOPC are officially or unofficially accepted in over 50% of organizations.


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The data shows… DW progress, slow but sure (2/2)

•  The DW “definitely” plays a role for the 20 to 30% of organizations that self-assess as being “very” or “relatively successful” in 4 specific organizational use cases:

–  Retaining knowledge, people development, business flexibility and customer-facing employee support.

•  The major challenges that are “manageable but require special effort” or “serious and hold us back” are people issues, not technology.

–  ROI requirements, focus on tools, hesitation to rethink how we work, power struggles at high levels, consensus-based decision-making.

•  The DW is not treated as a strategic asset, essential to doing business. –  Reporting, measurement, decision-making processes, guidelines and policies are not

integrated into the way of working.


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JMC says…The DW, an essential disruption


The DW brings efficiency and value internally and externally. An internally connected workforce is more efficient and reactive to customers.

The DW breaks silos. It forces organizations to think holistically. This requires leadership and cooperation at the highest levels in the organization

The DW empowers people, giving them greater control over how they work. This requires managers to overcome their discomfort and become true leaders.

The DW is essential to doing business today. Therefore it must be managed as a strategic asset.

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Detailed slides

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DW: fundamental questions

•  What is the DW? •  Does the DW enable the voices of the people to be

heard? •  Are our ways of working changing? •  Has mobile arrived in the enterprise? •  What impact does the DW have on people and the

organization? •  What are the challenges?


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What is the DW?

In the words of the 2014 survey participants… •  A workplace that

–  Enables employees to work effectively from anywhere, at any time, and on any device

–  Provides the same experience to each person no matter their location

–  Provides an internet-like participative mode and user experience that people experience outside the office


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What is the DW?

² “An eco-system of enterprise platforms and services that enable people to work, collaborate, communicate, build relationships, develop services and products, and better serve customers.”

² “We understand the journey towards our Global Digital Workplace is not only a technology and information architecture change, but also a cultural change.”


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3 x customer 4 x culture 5 x social

11 x intranet 21 x collaborate

_____________________ The Digital Workplace


The number of times certain “key words” were used based on informal “text analysis” on the definitions given by 37 people who answered the question « How do you define the DW in your organization? »

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Strategic drivers compared between 2013 and 2014 surveys


70%, stable

60%, down 10 points

40% each

Data collected in Q3 of 2012 and 2013


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People Organization

Technology infrastructure

Social DNA



Work in progress with the Advisory Board

Voices of the people

Ways of working Mobile

Impact Challenges

Strategic asset

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DW: fundamental questions

•  What is the DW? •  Does the DW enable the voices of the people to be

heard? •  Are our ways of working changing? •  Has mobile arrived in the enterprise? •  What impact does the DW have on people and the

organization? •  What are the challenges?


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Republished on Change Agents Worldwide http://blog.changeagentsworldwide.com/manifesto-for-self-expression-inside-organizations/

Blog post initially published on netjmc.com/blog http://www.netjmc.com/organizational-change/manifesto-for-self-expression-inside-organizations/

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“I should be able to… Describe myself, share information about myself with others in the organization, Share my information and my ideas openly, React to ideas of other people openly, Participate openly in developing new ideas and innovations.”

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“I should be able to… Describe myself, share information about myself with others in the organization, Share my information and my ideas openly, React to ideas of other people openly, Participate openly in developing new ideas and innovations.”

20% in 2008

55% end 2013

35% in 2008

65% end 2013

40% in 2010 49% end 2013

25 - 30% in 2010 30% end 2013

% based on number of organizations that have deployed these capabilities. They do not necessarily reflect the level of adoption.

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DW: fundamental questions

•  What is the DW? •  Does the DW enable the voices of the people to be

heard? •  Are our ways of working changing? •  Has mobile arrived in the enterprise? •  What impact does the DW have on people and the

organization? •  What are the challenges?


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Transformational Significant impact Some impact Low impact 30 to 45% 20 to 30% 5 to 10% 10 to 20%

Significant impact Some impact

Some impact

Some impact

Low impact

Low impact

Far from a transformational tipping point

“This capability exists in your organization. What impact has it had on the way people work?” 1.  Describe myself, share information about myself with others in the organization, 2.  Share my information and my ideas openly, 3.  React to ideas of other people openly, 4.  Participate openly in developing new ideas and innovations.

% are average “impact” ratings for the 4 “people capabilities” listed above.

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Transformational. Our ways of working have fundamentally changed. Fundamental changes may include processes, organizational structure, management practices, communication, empowerment of people, customer relations, how you address the marketplace, etc. Significant impact. Our normal ways of working have been greatly improved through this capability. Some impact. This capability is beginning to trigger change and improving the way we work. Low impact. We have seen very few cases of change resulting from this capability. No impact to my knowledge.


Definitions used

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Achieved in most cases

Well under way

Making progress

Just started

Planning to do this

No plans at present

Don’t know








Enterprise social network: integration into daily work

n = 132 Q59

Far from a social way of working



Percentages based on the 132 organizations (out of 314) that have ESN in production use “enterprise wide” or “in some parts”.

“To what extent is your ESN integrated into peoples’ daily work?”

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DW: fundamental questions

•  What is the DW? •  Does the DW enable the voices of the people to be

heard? •  Are our ways of working changing? •  Has mobile arrived in the enterprise? •  What impact does the DW have on people and the

organization? •  What are the challenges?


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0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Little or no interest at present

Moderate level of interest but no investment yet

Considered important, some investment made

High priority and significant investment already made

DWT 2014

DWT 2013

DWT 2012

Approximately the same degree of interest and investment as one year ago

Mobile is slow

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Mobile use cases investigated

•  Sales people: customer and product/service information

•  Service people: customer data, deliveries, issues, contacts

•  Emergency response people: alerts, contacts, maps, messaging

•  Operational people: reports, operational info, alerts, messaging

•  Floor and field workers in general: corporate news and messages

•  Project managers: status updates, calendar, tasks, workflow

•  Employee self-service: HR, admin, logistical services

•  Employee education: training, on-the-fly e-learning •  Managers on the road or off site: daily tasks,

workflow •  Managers: dashboards, reporting, corporate

performance indicators •  Managers: strategic news, business intelligence


10% or fewer have implemented. 6 to 10% are piloting or plan to launch by end 2013.

No actual implementation yet. 5 to 10% are piloting or plan to launch by end 2013.

10 to 20% planned for 2014.

Percentages based on 276 organizations (out of 314)

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Yes, and policy in place

Defining our policy

Unofficially accepted

Not allowed

Have not thought about it






BYOD: policy

n = 284 Q85

Percentages based on 284 organizations (out of 314)

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Yes, and policy in place

Defining our policy

Unofficially accepted

Not allowed

Have not thought about it






BYOD: policy

n = 284 Q85


Bring your own


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Yes, and policy in place

Defining our policy

Unofficially accepted

Not allowed

Have not thought about it






BYOD: policy

n = 284 Q85


Bring your own


Bring your own


Page 29: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation

DW: fundamental questions

•  What is the DW? •  Does the DW enable the voices of the people to be

heard? •  Are our ways of working changing? •  Has mobile arrived in the enterprise? •  What impact does the DW have on people and the

organization? •  What are the challenges?


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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


Business flexibility

People development

Retaining knowledge



How easy is it for customer-facing people to find the information they need, provide rapid service, collaborate with their customers and colleagues and in general have a smooth and efficient work experience?



50% Customer last?

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


Business flexibility

People development

Retaining knowledge





How flexible is your organization when you need to react rapidly to major events: market changes, new competition, economic downturns, environmental or disaster events.


Some examples: Can you assemble teams quickly, draw on your collective knowledge, find expertise inside and outside the organization quickly? Can you communicate strategic messages to the workforce and collect information from your people in the field in real time?

Business flexibility

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


Business flexibility

People development

Retaining knowledge





How easy is it for people to learn and develop their skills and knowledge as a natural part of working? Examples: flexible access to e-learning, real-time access to experts and expertise, communities of practice, access to shared/repurposed knowledge such as best practices, lessons learned, methodologies, etc.

50% Learning naturally

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0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40


Business flexibility

People development

Retaining knowledge





How confident are you that your organization can retain the knowledge and know-how of older experts and specialists when they retire?

50% When the elders leave?

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Does the digital workplace play a role?


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100


Business flexibility

People development

Retaining knowledge


To a certain extent

Percentages based on responses of those that answered “easy” or “relatively easy”






Page 35: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation

DW: fundamental questions

•  What is the DW? •  Does the DW enable the voices of the people to be

heard? •  Are our ways of working changing? •  Has mobile arrived in the enterprise? •  What impact does the DW have on people and the

organization? •  What are the challenges?


Page 36: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation

The mindset

•  A set of assumptions, methods, or values held by groups of people that is so established that it creates a powerful incentive within these groups to continue to adopt or accept prior behaviors, choices, or tools.

•  A fixed mental attitude or disposition that predetermines a person's responses to and interpretations of situations.


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The greatest challenges in the mindset of organizations?

1.  Management needs proof of quantifiable ROI.

2.  There is too much focus on the tool and not enough on people and change.

3.  There is hesitation or reticence to rethink our processes and how we work.

4.  Internal, high-level stakeholder politics sometimes bring power struggles into decision-making.

5.  We make decisions based on consensus and this can take a very long time.


Manageable challenge that requires special effort Serious challenge that holds us back

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All tough ones! Only 5 to 7% of organizations have already dealt with the challenges listed below.

1.  Management needs proof of quantifiable ROI.

2.  There is too much focus on the tool and not enough on people and change.

3.  There is hesitation or reticence to rethink our processes and how we work.

4.  Internal, high-level stakeholder politics sometimes bring power struggles into decision-making.

5.  We make decisions based on consensus and this can take a very long time.


Manageable challenge that requires special effort Serious challenge that holds us back











Page 39: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation

Empowerment is not real for many people



Freedom to experiment

Take initiatives, be an entrepreneur

Learn from mistakes

Everything open except what needs to be closed

Individually competitive Keep to the rules Follow specific instructions Punish mistakes Everything closed except what needs to be open

Question inspired by ‘Culture Assessment’ tool presented by Sandy Carter, VP Social Business Sales & Evangelism, IBM, at Enterprise 2.0 Summit in Paris March 2013.

Page 40: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation


Reported at the Executive level.

Qualitative (soft) objectives defined.Results are evaluated.

Quantitative (hard) objectives defined.Results are measured.!

Decision-making processes & procedures have been defined

Policies and guidelines defined for managed,collaborative and social dimensions.





















Fully integrated into the In theory, formally defined Work in progress No

DW managed as a strategic asset

n = 310 Q114

The DW is not treated as a strategic asset A strategic asset is something essential for doing business.

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2104 data and observations


Page 42: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation

The data shows… DW progress, slow but sure (1/2)

•  The DW is still primarily focused on internal collaboration and not yet on how it can support business.

•  “People capabilities” are deployed in the DW in 50% or more organizations. –  People can express their ideas and information openly and directly via the digital

workplace. –  However co-developing and crowdsourcing new ideas has plateaued at 30% (for the

last 3 years). •  We are still far from a transformational tipping point when looking at the

impact of social capabilities. –  We are also far from a social way of working: social is not yet a normal part of daily

work. •  Mobile is moving ahead slowly.

–  The degree of interest and investment is approximately the same as one year ago. –  Some mobile use cases will be implemented in 20% of organizations by the end of

2013. –  BYOD and BYOPC are officially or unofficially accepted in over 50% of organizations.


Page 43: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation

The data shows… DW progress, slow but sure (2/2)

•  The DW “definitely” plays a role for the 20 to 30% of organizations that self-assess as being “very” or “relatively successful” in 4 specific organizational use cases:

–  Retaining knowledge, people development, business flexibility and customer-facing employee support.

•  The major challenges that are “manageable but require special effort” or “serious and hold us back” are people issues, not technology.

–  ROI requirements, focus on tools, hesitation to rethink how we work, power struggles at high levles, consensus-based decision-making.

•  The DW is not treated as a strategic asset, essential to doing business. –  Reporting, measurement, decision-making processes, guidelines and policies are not

integrated into the way of working.


Page 44: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation

JMC says…The DW, an essential disruption


The DW brings efficiency and value internally and externally. An internally connected workforce is more efficient and reactive to customers.

The DW breaks silos. It forces organizations to think holistically. This requires leadership and cooperation at the highest levels in the organization

The DW empowers people, giving them greater control over how they work. This requires managers to overcome their discomfort and become true leaders.

The DW is essential to doing business today. Therefore it must be managed as a strategic asset.

Page 45: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation

Purchase “DW Trends 2013” at a discount

If you wish to purchase the 2013 report, use this code for a 40% reduction: 13DWT40JMC Pricing info and link below: www.digital-workplace-trends.com. (The new report – “DW Trends 2014” will be published at the end of January 2014.) [email protected] twitter @netjmc


Page 46: Digital Workplace Trends and Transformation

Thank you. [email protected] www.digital-workplace-trends.com www.netjmc.com www.intranetwork.fr twitter @netjmc Member of ChangeAgentsWorldwide.com

References: Air Liquide, Paris - Amadeus, Madrid – ArcelorMittal, Luxembourg – Areva, Paris – Arup, UK – Alcatel-Lucent, Paris - Alstom, Paris - AGF, Paris – Bayer, France – Boehringer Ingelheim, Germany – EDF, Paris – EDP, Lisbon - ERDF, Paris - Ericsson, Stockholm - GDF Suez, Paris - Gemalto, France - GlaxoSmithKline, Belgium - IKEA, Sweden - Lagardère, Paris - Nokia, Helsinki - Novartis, Switzerland - Océ, the Netherlands - OMV Petrom, Vienna - Pernod Ricard, Paris - Kering (ex-PPR), Paris - RATP, Paris - Groupe SEB, Lyon - SNCF, Paris - Suez Environnement, Paris - Telenor, Norway - Total, Paris - UPM, Helsinki

Digital Workplace Trends 2014 To be published Jan 31st 2014


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