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About the author

• My name is Torey donell jackson. I want to grow up to be in the NBA. I am already part of children basketball but I want to go for the big-time.

• Do not read this book strait from beginning to end! These pages contain many different adventures you can have. From time to time you will be asked to make choices. Your choices will lead to success or disaster! The adventures you make will be the result of the choices you make. After you make a choice, follow the directions to see what happens next. You have been warned.

Dino quadrant• You are tom. You

have crash landed on an island you hear a growl in the bushes so you get scared and see two trails. You are scared of that sound so much you take the trail any ways. Not knowing what is ahead of you.

• P.3 misty trail • p.4 spiny rock

You have picked the misty trail some trodden came out of the bushes and tries to eat you down to the bone. Would you rather stay and fight or go to the mysterious light .Click here if stay and fight .p.6click here if mysteriouslight.p.7

• You have picked spiny rock. But it was just a spinosaurus sleeping there. It had woken up from its sleep because it had smelt your blood dripping down. Would you rather crawl under its legs or stay and fight. Click here if you want to crawl under its legs. P.8

• Click here to stay and fight.p.9

• You have picked stay and fight. You brought out a sword and beat every trodon up so you could survive the fait of your own life. But you see more paths. One looks like a cave with white stalagmites stalactites. One seems like a death portal.

• Click here if you want to go inside the cave with white stalactites and stalagmites.

Click here if you want to go inside the death portal

• It was a trap a group of trodden jump out of the bushes and on to your back to rip and bite you while you slowly die munch by crunch.


• You have picked crawl under is legs. He scoops you up and puts you in his mouth and crunches you joyfully and swallows you.



• You have picked stay and fight. The spinosaurus saw you run away and went after you. When he caught you he picked you up and you shot a bullet

• Click here if you want to go on.

Death Portal

• You have chosen death portal. It was a hallucination. But next were two more decisions of a hole or to just go around it.

• Would you rather jump down it

• Or go around it.

You have picked cave with white stalactites and stalagmites. It was only a T-Rex waiting on something to wonder into its mouth. Then he closed his mouth on you and killed you.


• You have picked go down the hole. As soon as you got to the bottom you saw the transporter and went home. When you got home they made a statue of you and for the rest of your life you got free food.

• You win! START OVER

• You picked go around the hole. But there was a dinosaur waiting for you. So you tried to run away from it but you were to slow.

Munch!Munch! You died.

Click here to start over

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