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  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final



    and Applications

    Prepared by:

    Emily France M. Balce

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Semiconductor DiodeAn electronic device that results from thefusion of P-type material and an N-typematerial

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    a. Diffusion   movement of electrons from a region of high

    concentration to lower concentration

    b.   At the junction, the electrons from then-type and holes from the p-type attract eachother, combine and cancel their net charges

    Formation of the Depletion Region

    C A


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    c.   Due to the cancellation of electrons andholes at the junction, the junction will have no

    more carriers so it is called a depleted region

    or depletion region.

    Depletion region

    C A

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    Practical diode is a nonlinear device with a

    current versus voltage

    Barrier potential (0.7 for Si and 0.3 for Ge )

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    To simplify the analysis of diode circuits,

    diodes are assumed to be Ideal.

    Short circuit when forward biased

    Open circuit when reverse biased


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    a. Forward Biased   P-type is more positive than the N-type   A condition that allows current to flow

    through the pn junction

      The pn junction narrows

    Biasing the PN Junction

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    b. Reverse Biased   P-type is more negative than the N-type   A condition that prevents current to flow

    through the pn junction

      The pn junction widens

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  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Half – Wave Rectifier

      A rectifier circuit with a single diode that

    conducts current during positive ornegative half cycles of input AC signal at arate determined by the input frequency.



    Conversion factor = 40.6%Freqoutput = Freqinput

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    Full – Wave Rectifier

      A rectifier circuit that conducts current

    during positive and negative half cycles of input AC signal.



    Center – Tapped

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    Conversion factor = 81.2%Freqoutput = 2 x Freqinput

    Bridge Type


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    Half – Wave Center –tapped Bridge Type

    Vrms Vpk   / 2 Vpk / √2 Vpk / √2

    Vave Vpk   / ∏   2Vpk   / ∏   2Vpk   / ∏

    Irms Ipk / 2 Ipk / √2 Ipk / √2

    Iave   Ipk / ∏   2Ipk / ∏   2Ipk / ∏

    PIV   Vpk   2Vpk Vpk

    Comparison of Rectifiers

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    1. The average value of a half wave rectifiedvoltage with a peak value of 200 v is

    2. When a 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage is appliedto the input of a half wave rectifier, the

    output frequency is

    3. The average value of a full wave rectifiedvoltage with a peak value of 75 v is

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    4. When the peak output voltage is 100v, thePIV for each diode in a center tapped fullwave rectifier is

    5. If the input voltage to a voltage tripler has

    an rms value of 12 v, the DC output voltageis approximately

    6. When a 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage is applied

    to the input of a full wave rectifier, theoutput frequency is

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      Smoothens the output waveform

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    Ripple Factor of a Rectifier

      Ratio of the rms value of the AC

    component of the signal to the averagevalue of the signal

    r = Vr(rms) / Vdc

    Vr(rms) = (Vrms exp 2 – Vdc exp 2)exp 1/2

    Vr(rms) = 0.385Vpeak for Half wave Rectifier

    Vr(rms) = 0.308Vpeak for Full Rectifier

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    1. A certain power supply filter produces anoutput with a ripple of 100mV peak topeak and a DC value of 20 v. The ripplefactor is

    2. Find the ripple factor of sinusoidal signalwith peak ripple of 4 volts on an averagevalue of 30 v.

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Voltage Regulation

      Means maintaining the output voltage at

    any load

      The type of diode used for regulation isZener diode




    Iz min

    Iz max


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    Voltage Regulation

    Current Regulation

    VR = V no load – V full load / V full load x 100%

    CR = I no load – I full load / I full load x 100%

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    1. A DC voltage supply is measured at 50volts and drops to 45 volts when the loadis connected. What is the value of voltageregulation?

    2. What is the voltage regulation when the fullload voltage is the same as the no loadvoltage assuming a perfect voltage source?

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    2. Clippers

     Electronic circuits that have the ability to

    clip –   off a portion of the input signalwithout distorting the remaining part of the alternating waveform

      Other names are limiters, amplitudeselectors and slicers

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    Example of Clipper Circuit

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    DC signal

    Example of Clipper Circuit

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    Analysis of Clippers - Short Cut Method

    1. Determine the output waveform without the effect of 

    the diode bya. shorting the diode for series limiterb. opening the diode for parallel limiter.

    2. Determine the Clipping Linea. For Series Limiter, the clipping line is at the abscissa.b. For Parallel Limiter, the clipping line is the output

    reflection of the voltage source; if there is no voltagesource present, the clipping line is at the abscissa.

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    Analysis of Clippers - Short Cut Method

    3. Inspect the position of the diode

    a. For series limiters, if the arrowhead of the diode isi. pointing to the right, the output waveform is above

    the clipping line.ii. Pointing to the left, the output waveform is below

    the clipping line

    b. For parallel limiters, if the arrowhead of the diode isi. pointing upward, the output waveform is above the

    clipping line.

    ii. Pointing downward, the output waveform is belowthe clipping line.

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    Analysis of Clippers - Short Cut Method

    4. For Double Diode Clippers, same procedure for 1 and 2.

    The resulting waveforem is between the 2 clippinglines.

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    3. Clampers

      Circuits that shift the waveform of the

    input signal either all above or below thereference voltage

     Add or restore a DC level to an electrical


      Also known as DC restorer

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    Clamping circuit is often used in television

    receivers as dc restorer. Incomingcomposite video signal is normallyprocessed through capacitively coupledamplifiers that eliminate the dccomponent losing the reference levelswhich must be restored using clampingcircuits before applying to the picture tube.

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    Example of Clamper CircuitInput




    Positive Clamper

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    Analysis of Clampers - Short Cut Method

    1. Determine the Clamping Line as given by the output

    reflection of the voltage source. If there is no voltagesource present, the clamping line is at the abscissa.

    Note: There should be no part of the waveform to be

    either above or below the clamping line.

    2. Determine where the arrowhead of the diode ispointing

    a. upward, the waveform is above the clamping line.b. downward, the waveform is below the clampingline.

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    4. Voltage Multiplier

      Circuit which produces a greater DC output

    voltage than AC input voltage to therectifiers

      Uses clamping action to increase peakrectified voltages without the necessity of increasing the input’s transformers voltagerating

      Used in   high –   voltage,   low current

    applications such as TV receivers

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Voltage Doubler

      A voltage multiplier with a multiplication

    factor of 2




    Vp Vo

    At the first negative half cylcleD1 = forward biasD2 = reverse biasVC

    1= V

    pVC2 = 2Vp

    At the first positivehalf cylcleD1 = reverse biasD2 = forward biasVC

    1= V

    pVo = VC2 = 2Vp

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Voltage Tripler

      Addition of another   diode –   capacitor

    section to the half wave voltage doublercreates voltage tripler

      The PIV of each diode is 2Vp




    D2 D2 D3



    + -

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    Voltage Quadrupler

      The addition of still another diode –

    capacitor section in a voltage tripler circuit

      The PIV of each diode is 2Vp

    C1 C3

    C2 C4

    Vp D1 D2 D3 D4



  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    II. Special Purpose Diodes

    1. Zener Diode Symbol

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      Diode designed to operate in the reverse

    breakdown region

    a. Zener breakdown   When the breakdown voltage is

    below 5V

    b. Avalanche breakdown

      When the breakdown voltage isabove 5V

    2. Zener Diode

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      Typical breakdown voltages of  1.8V to200V with specified tolerances from 1% to20%

      With very stable voltage drop

      Useful as voltage regulator

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    2. Point Contact Diode

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      Semiconductor diode having fine wirewhose point is permanent contact with thesurface of a wafer of a semiconductormaterial such as   silicon,   germanium   orgallium arsenide

      The fine wire is called cat - whisker

      For signal mixing and detection

    2. Point Contact Diode

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  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


      Also known as Surface Barrier Diode

      Also known as Hot - Carrier Diode

      This type of diode has no depletion layer

    which eliminates the stored charges in the junction

      A rectifying metal semiconductor junction

    such as gold, silver and platinum

    3. Schottky Diode

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    Construction of Schottky Diode

    cathode anode

    Metal Silicon Junction

      Typical forward voltage drop is typicallyaround 0.25V to 0.3V

      Can rectify frequencies up to 300 MHz

      ESBAR (Epitaxial Schottky Barrier)

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    4. Varactor (varicap)

    V l i bl i

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    Voltage-variable capacitor

      When this diode is reverse bias, the width

    of the depletion layer increases with thereverse voltage

      Used for   electronic tuning,   harmonicgenerator and parametric amplifier



    f = frequencyRs = series resistanceCt = total diode



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    5. Tunnel Diode


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    5. Tunnel Diode

      Also known as Esaki diode

      Type of diode that exhibits thephenomenon known as negativeresistance

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    Negative resistance   implies that anincrease in forward voltage produces a

    decrease in forward current for a certainpart

      Utilizes a heavily doped material andtherefore have so many electrons

      Has a very thin depletion layer

      The extremely narrow depletion region

    emits electrons to “tunnel” through the pn junction at very low forward bias voltage

      Used for oscillators and amplifiers

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    6. Backward Diode


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    6. Backward Diode

      Conducts better in the reverse (-0.1V) thanin the forward (+0.7V) direction

      Designed such that its high current flowtakes place when the junction is reverse


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    7. PIN Diode

    Positive – intrinsic Negative Diode

      The intrinsic material between the P and N

    layer offers impedance at microwavefrequencies being controlled by lowfrequency signals

      Used in microwave switches

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    8. Light Emitting Diode (LED)



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    8. Light Emitting Diode (LED)

      In a forward biased LED, free electronscross the junction and fall into holes. Asthese electrons fall from higher to a lowerenergy level, they radiate energy whichgoes off in the form of heat. But in an LED,

    the energy is being radiated as light.

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      Commonly used Gallium Arsenide,Gallium Arsenide Phosphide, and GalliumPhosphide

    GaAs   LEDs emit infrared (IR) radiation

    which is non visible, GaAsP   produceseither red or yellow visible light and GaPemits red or green visible light

    Red is the most common color of LEDs

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    Electroluminescence   is the processinvolved when large surface area on onelayer of one semiconductive material

    permits the photons to be emitted asvisible light

    Metal contact Metal contact

    P N

    Emitted Visible Light



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    Irradiance is the power per unit area at agiven distance from an LED sourceexpressed in mW/cm2.

    Typical voltage drop: 1.5V to 2.5V   for

    currents between 10mA and 50mA

    Nominal Voltage drop: 2V

    Reverse Breakdown: 3V – 10V

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    9. LASER Diode

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      The term LASER   stands for LightAmplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

      LASER light is monochromatic  meaning it

    consists of a single color and not a mixtureof colors

      LASER light is also a coherent light

    meaning a single wavelength

    9. LASER Diode

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    LASER Light (coherent and monochromatic)

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      LASER diode pn junction is formed by twolayers of doped gallium arsenide

      It is forward biased

      LASER diodes and photodiodes are used inthe pick – up system of compact disk (CD)layers. Audio information is digitallyrecorded in stereo on the surface of a

    compact disk in the microscopic “pits  andflats”

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    10. Photodiode


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    10. Photodiode

      Operated in reverse bias condition

      Is one that is optimized for its sensitivity tolight

      A window let light to pass through thepackage of the junction. The incoming lightproduces free electrons and holesproducing larger reverse current.

    Dark current is the reverse current flowingthrough the photodiode when there is noincident light.

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    1. The arrow in the schematic symbol for a diodepoints which way

    a. towards the cathodeb. in the direction of the current flow

    c. towards the anoded. towards magnetic north

    a. towards the cathode

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    2. The anode of a semiconductor diode indicatesa __________ charge during conduction

    a. positiveb. either, depending on the design

    c. neutrald. negative

    a. positive

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    3. A point in the characteristic curve of a diodewhere the current suddenly rises

    a. peak voltageb. knee voltage

    c. valley voltaged. trigger voltage

    b. knee voltage

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  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    5. In order to simplify a circuit, in analysis andcomputation, the diode is normally assumedas __________.

    a. zero

    b. idealc. imaginaryd. infinite

    b. ideal

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    6.An external voltage applied to a junctionreduces its barrier and aid current to flowthrough the junction

    a. reverse biasb. external bias

    c. junction biasd. forward bias

    d. forward bias

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    7. How does an ohmmeter behave if its positivelead is connected to the cathode of a diodewhile negative to anode?

    a. has infinite high resistanceb. has unstable resistance

    c. has very low resistanced. has decreasing resistance

    a. has infinite high resistance

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    8. It is the maximum permissible reverse voltagefor the diode

    a. peak reverse voltageb. barrier voltage

    c. maximum voltaged. tolerable voltage

    a. peak reverse voltage

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    9. Circuit that is used to eliminate or portions of the input waveform above or below aspecified level

    a. clamperb. clipper

    c. DC restorerd. multiplierb. clipper

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    10. Which is not an application of clipper?a. circuit transient protectionb. changing the shape of the waveformc. detection

    d. oscillation

    d. oscillation

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    11. What is another name for clamper?a. slicerb. limiterc. clipper

    d. DC restorer

    d. DC restorer

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    12. Circuit that is used to produce a DC outputvoltage that is some integral multiple of thepeak of the AC input voltage

    a. integratorb. restorer

    c. differentiatord. multiplier

    d. multiplier

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    13. What is the process by which AC is convertedto pulsating DC?

    a. chargingb. rectification

    c. filteringd. clipping

    b. rectification

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    14. _________ is the output of a half    – waverectifier

    a. half – wave rectified signalb. square wave signalc. 100%AC signald. sinusoidal signal

    a. half – wave rectified signal

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    15. How many diodes will you use to have abasic half – wave rectifier?

    a. threeb. fourc. twod. one

    d. one

    i i

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    16. The four basic circuit blocks that make up apower supply are

    a. transformer, clipper, filter, regulatorb. rectifier, clamper, filter, regulatorc. transformer, rectifier, inverter, regulatord. transformer, rectifier, filter, regulator

    d. transformer, rectifier, filter, regulator

    R i Q i

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    17. What is the ideal voltage regulation of apower supply?

    a. 0%b. 50%c. 100%d. 1%

    a. 0%

    R i Q i

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    18. It is a type of transformer whose secondaryvoltage is equal to the primary voltage andused to isolate electrically the power supplyfrom the AC power line thus protecting thepower supply and the technician who is

    working on ita. autotransformerb. step – down transformerc. step – up transformerd. isolation transformer

    d. isolation transformer

    R i Q ti

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    19. Find the direct current voltage from a full  –wave rectifier with 120V peak rectifiedvoltage

    a. 60Vb. 7.639V

    c. 76.39Vd. 6.0V

    c. 76.39V

    R i Q ti

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    20. What is the maximum efficiency of a half  –wave rectifier?

    a. 50%b. 40.6%c. 81.2%d. 100%

    b. 40.6%

    R i Q ti

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    21. A half    – wave rectifier circuit utilizing onehalf of an AC input cycle have a ripplefrequency in its output equivalent to

    a. 60 cpsb. 120 cps

    c. 110 cpsd. 240 cps

    a. 60 cps

    Re ie Q estions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    22. Find the ripple factor (kr) of sinusoidal signalwith peak ripple of 4V on an average of 30

    a. 0.094b. 0.013c. 0.130d. 0.940

    a. 0.094

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    23. It the remaining variation in the output of apower supply filter

    a. residual voltageb. ripplec. offset voltaged. persistent voltage

    b. ripple

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    24. A DC voltage supply is measured at 50V anddrops to 45V when the load is connected.What is the value of “voltage regulation”?

    a. 5%b. 50%

    c. 60%d. 11.11%

    d. 11.11%

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    25. How much voltage regulation doescommercial power supply have?

    a. 10%b. 10% and abovec. 15% and aboved. within 1%

    d. within 1%

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    26. What is the voltage regulation when the fullload voltage is the same as no – load voltageassuming a perfect voltage source?

    a. 100%b. 0%

    c. 1%d. 10%

    b. 0%

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    27. _________ is a type of linear voltage used inapplication where the load on theunregulated voltage source must be keptconstant

    a. a series regulator

    b. a constant current sourcec. a shunt current sourced. a shunt regulator

    d. a shunt regulator

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    28. __________ is a type of linear regulator usedin applications requiring efficient utilizationof the primary power source

    a. a series regulatorb. a shunt regulator

    c. a constant current sourced. a shunt current source

    a. a series regulator

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    29. It is the sudden current and voltage spikethat has a small duration

    a. transientb. Vrmsc. peak voltaged. VDC

    a. transient

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    30. It is the component that is used to provide adischarge path for the capacitor in a voltagemultiplier if the load opens

    a. discharging pathb. tuned circuit

    c. inductive pathd. bleeder resistor

    d. bleeder resistor

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    31. How do you determine if a diode isdefective?

    a. diode resistance is very low or very high on eitherdirection

    b. high current

    c. very low currentd. high voltage

    a. diode resistance is very low orvery high on either direction

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    32. The term used to describe sudden reverse

    conduction of an electronic componentcause by excess reverse voltage across thedevice

    a. cut – off 

    b. saturationc. avalanched. reversion

    c. avalanche

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    Review Questions

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    34. __________ is a PN junction semiconductor

    device that emits non coherent opticalradiation when biased in the forwarddirection, as a result of a recombinationeffect.

    a. LASER

    b. JUGPETc. LEDd. optical cavity

    c. LED

    Review Questions

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    Review Questions

    Diodes and Applications

    35. What type of bias is required for an LED toproduce luminescence?

    a. reverse biasb. zero biasc. forward biasd. inductive bias

    c. forward bias

    Review Questions

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    e e Quest o s

    Diodes and Applications

    36. What special type of diode is capable of bothamplification and oscillation?

    a. point contact diodeb. junction diodec. zener dioded. tunnel diode

    d. tunnel diode

    Review Questions

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    Diodes and Applications

    37. Which is the principal characteristic of atunnel diode?

    a. a very high PIVb. a high forward current ratingc. a high forward resistanced. a negative resistance region

    d. a negative resistance region

    Review Questions

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    38. A high – speed diode with very small junctioncapacitance

    a. silicon diodeb. schottkyc. germanium dioded. tunnel

    b. schottky

    Review Questions

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    Diodes and Applications

    39. Which is the principal characteristic of avaractor diode?

    a. it has a very high PIVb. it has a negative regionc. its internal capacitance varies with the applied

    voltaged. it has a constant voltage under conditions of 

    varying current

    c. its internal capacitance varies with

    the applied voltage

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    Review Questions

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    41. A varactor diode with a high capacitanceratio can be used in

    a. tuning forkb. coarse tuningc. phase tuningd. fine tuning

    b. coarse tuning

    Review Questions

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    Diodes and Applications

    42. It is a kind of a tuning circuit that is used tovary the value of the resonant frequencyover a wide range of frequencies

    a. resonant circuitb. band wide circuit

    c. fine tuning circuitd. coarse tuning circuit

    d. coarse tuning circuit

    Review Questions

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    43. It is a diode whose central material is madeup of intrinsic silicon sandwiched by p and ntype materials

    a. PINb. zener

    c. schottkyd. tunnel

    a. PIN

    Review Questions

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    Diodes and Applications

    44. Type of diode that is made of metal whiskertouching a very small semiconductor die

    a. a junction diodeb. varactor diodec. point contact dioded. zener diode

    c. point contact diode

    Review Questions

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    Diodes and Applications

    45. It is a circuit that uses two diodes to provideDC output voltage equal to twice the ACvoltage

    a. voltage doublerb. voltage regulator

    c. voltage multiplierd. all of these

    a. voltage doubler

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    Review Questions

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    47. The main job of a voltage regulator is toprovide a nearly __________ output voltage

    a. sinusoidalb. constantc. smooth

    d. fluctuating

    b. constant

    Review Questions

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    48. The average value of a half  – wave rectifiedvoltage with a peak value of 200V is

    a. 63.7Vb. 127.3Vc. 141V

    d. 0V

    a. 63.7V

    Review Questions

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    49. When the peak output voltage is 100V thePIV for each diode in the center – tapped full– wave rectifier is (neglecting the diode drop)

    a. 100Vb. 200V

    c. 141Vd. 50V

    b. 200V

    Review Questions

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    50. When the rms output voltage of a full –wave

    bridge rectifier is 20V, the peak inversevoltage across the diodes is (neglecting thediode drop)

    a. 20Vb. 40Vc. 28.3Vd. 56.6Vc. 28.3V

    Review Questions

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    51. If the input voltage to a voltage tripler has anrms value of 12V, the DC output voltage isapproximately

    a. 36Vb. 50.9V

    c. 33.9Vd. 32.4V

    b. 50.9V

    Review Questions

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    52. A transformer giving secondary voltage of 9Vrms is used in a half   – wave rectifier circuit.The peak inverse voltage across the diodes is

    a. 9Vb. 13V

    c. 18Vd. 26Vb. 13V

    Review Questions

    i d d li i

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    53. A certain power supply filter produces an

    output with a ripple of 100mV peak   – to   –peak and a DC value of 20V. The ripple factoris

    a. 0.05b. 0.005c. 0.00005d. 0.02b. 0.005

    Review Questions

    i d d li i

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    54. The ripple of a filter output voltage with thefollowing output signal measurement of VDC = 30V and Vrms = 1.5V is

    a. 9.5%b. 95%

    c. 5%d. 50%

    c. 5%

    Review Questions

    i d d li i

  • 8/16/2019 Diodes and Applications Final


    Diodes and Applications

    55. Find the voltage regulation giving a DC

    voltage of 67V without load and with fullload current drawn the output voltage dropsto 42V.

    a. 59.5%b. 62.7%c. 15.9%d. 32.5%

    a. 59.5%

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