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Page 1: Disaster Prevention Guide2011


Nobody can predict when and where disasters like earthquakes or res will happen. Regarding major earthquakes in the Tokai region however, if anomalies are detected in the seismic observational data for this region, information in the form of a “Tokai Earthquake Report”, “Tokai Earthquake Advisory”, or “Tokai Earthquake Warning” will be issued according to the type of anomalies. If a “Tokai Earthquake Warning”, which indicates that an earthquake is most likely to occur, is issued, the Earthquake Assessment Committee for Areas under Intensied Measures against Earthquake Disaster will be convened in accordance with the Large-Scale Earthquake Countermeasures Act. If the committee concludes that the Tokai Earthquake is imminent, the Prime Minister will issue a warning statement.

In the event of “Tokai Earthquake Advisory” information being issued, please do the following:

If you are at home, do not go out.

If you are traveling between the university and your home, make your way to either one of these.

If you are at university, follow the instructions of teachers and staff.

When the Japanese government or Japan Meteorological Agency issues “Tokai Earthquake Advisory” information, or when public transportation becomes unavailable due to natural disasters or large accidents, or at other times of emergency, classes will be as follows:

1. If “Tokai Earthquake Advisory” information is issuedIf a major earthquake is predicted in the Tokyo and Tokai areas, and

“Tokai Earthquake Advisory” information is issued by the Japanese government or Japan Meteorological Agency, all classes will be canceled. If the earthquake warning is canceled without there being an actual earthquake, instructions from the university will be given via the Keio University website and by other means.

2. If public transportation is stopped, and other times of emergencyIf classes have to be canceled when transportation services are unavailable

due to a serious accident or natural disaster such as a typhoon, heavy rain, heavy snow, or earthquake, or at other times of emergency, instructions from the university will be given via the Keio University website and by other means. Information will be given by each campus.

1. At 9 p.m. the day before a day forecast for damage from typhoons, heavy snow, etc.:

Instructions will be given about classes the next morning and, depending on the circumstances, about classes the next afternoon.

2. At 10 a.m. on a day forecast for damage from typhoons, heavy snow, etc.:Instructions for classes in the afternoon will be given if they were

not already given at 9 p.m. the day before.

3. When earthquakes and other natural disasters occur without being predicted, information will be given as soon as possible.

URL http://www.gakuji.keio.ac.jp/ index.html

Classes During Times of Emergency


Protecting Yourself When Disasters Happen

Keio University

On January 17, 1995, a magnitude 7.2 earthquake struck the Hanshin area. In addition to buildings, expressways, railways and homes collapsing, res that broke out spread widely, creating a major disaster which claimed many lives.

Nobody can predict when and where disasters like earthquakes or res will happen. Yet every one of us could potentially encounter a disaster that instantly ruins lives. What protects us from disaster is our day-to-day mental attitude, su�cient knowledge about disaster prevention, and our ability to take action calmly in times of disaster, without panicking or losing self-control.

�is guide will clearly explain advance knowledge about disasters, actions to take if they occur, and the way to respond after a disaster. We should be fully aware of these things in advance.


Date(yyyy/mm/dd): Time:

Emergency Contact No.:

E-mail Address:


Destination: Home Friend’s Home Evacuation AreaOther(                  )

Y / N

Student ID No.:


・WILLCOM http://dengon.willcom-inc.com・SoftBank http://dengon.softbank.ne.jp/

・NTT DoCoMo http://dengon.docomo.ne.jp/top.cgi・au by KDDI, Tu-Ka by KDDI http://dengon.ezweb.ne.jp/

Mobile Phones(Disaster Message Board)

1. To register a message

[171]+[3]+[Your home number OR the number of the person you wish to contact in the disaster area]+[Record a message]

[171]+[1]+[Your home number OR the number of the person you wish to contact in the disaster area]+[Record a message]




EMERGENCY INFORMATION CARDWe recommend you ll in the information as it is required and always carry

this card with you.

Each mobile phone company provides a disaster message board for people to let others know of their safety when there is a large-scale disaster. People can check the messages on these boards regardless of their own mobile phone companies.

Public Phones(NTT East)To use the emergency messaging service, dial “171” and follow the guidance

instructions to register and replay messages.

* If there is a password:

2. To replay a message

[171]+[4]+[Your home number OR the number of the person you wish to contact in the disaster area]+[Replay a message]

[171]+[2]+[Your home number OR the number of the person you wish to contact in the disaster area]+[Replay a message]

* If there is a password:

Page 2: Disaster Prevention Guide2011

□ Learn your escape route by checking the locations of your emergency exits and evacuation area.

Know How to Use Emergency Equipment

How to Use Fire Extinguishers

Stopping Bleeding

1. Pull out safety pin

1. Move the arm outside of the building, attach the main section to the ring2. Drop the reel outside3. Fit the harness belt under your arms4. Descend while facing the wall

2. Free the hose and aim it at base of �re

3. Squeeze the leverto operate

Stop bleeding by pressing somethinglike a gauze or handkerchief directly on the wound.

Stopping Bleeding by Direct Pressure

Stopping Bleeding by Indirect PressureStop bleeding by �rmly constricting arteries at a place closer to the heart than the wound.

Continue Giving Emergency First AidUntil Members of the Emergency Services Arrive

2 Call for Help


Call 119!!Get an AED!



Slap the shoulders

If there is an AED nearby, use the AED first




Check forbreath

Look for chest movement

Listen for breathing


□ Know how to use �re extinguishers and escape equipment (slow descending devices).

Know Your Evacuation Area

Emergency First Aid

How to Use Escape Equipment(Slow Descending Device)

Gas Poisoning



Move the victim to a place with fresh air, lay them on their side, tilt their head back and ensure they have an unobstructed airway.

Cool the burn as quickly as possible under a tap or other water source for 15 to 20 minutes. Do not use high-pressure water.

* Do not touch the victim

* Illustrations provided by Nihon Kohden Corporation

Stabilize fractures using splints. For fractures in the upper or lower arm,immobilize the arm joints by using a triangular bandage.

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and AED(Automated External Defibrillators)

Check Breathing

Use an AED to Give Defibrillation

* Pinch the nose so that air does not escape

Give Artificial Respiration 2 Times

Artificial Respiration2 Times

Lift the jaw, move your cheekclose to their mouth, check for breathing

If there is no breathing,

Give Cardiac Massage30 Times

If there is no breathing, coughing, or body movement,

Apply pressurehere

Page 3: Disaster Prevention Guide2011




Put out any small fires

Listen for correct information

Do not go outside in a panic

Open a door to secure an exit

Turn off any flames

Put your safety first

Work with others to give first aid

□ Immediately Alert OthersImmediately alert people around you of the �re. Use any nearby �re alarms.

□Quickly Put Out the FireIf you think you can put the �re out safely, do so immediately using �re-�ghting equipment such as �re extinguishers.

□Get Out QuicklyIf there is smoke, press a damp handkerchief or �annel over your mouth and nose and get out while keeping low to the �oor. Stay close to the walls when exiting rooms, and move down the middle of corridors.

□ Cooperate with sta� members and students to rescue and look after others

• Immediately inform sta� members of people who have failed to escape or who are missing.

• If there are injured people, give emergency �rst aid until a medical professional arrives.

• Ensure the safety of the elderly and people with disabilities.

• Listen for correct information from public organizations on the TV, radio, or from disaster prevention wireless transmissions.


When you feel tremors, shelter under a desk. When the tremors subside, quickly exit the building using the stairs. (Do not use the elevators.) Watch your step as there may be glass from broken windows.

Classrooms /

Research Rooms

Press the buttons for all the �oors and get o� at the �rst �oor you stop at. Quickly exit the building using the stairs. If you become trapped in the elevator, use the emergency button and interphone to contact outside.


�ere is the possibility of �re and of being hit by cutlery or cooking equipment. Without rushing to the exits and causing a panic, calmly exit while calling out to others.


Beware of falling objects, particularly books and bookshelves, and take shelter under a desk or table. When the tremors subside, quickly exit the building using the stairs.


�e train may stop suddenly, so hold on to something like a strap or support rail. Do not leave the train by your own accord after it has stopped. Wait for and follow instructions from a member of the train crew.


Do not go near automatic vending machines or brick walls. Be careful of falling objects such as glass, outer walls, signs, and roof tiles. Move to a nearby open space or safe building.

On the Street

If there is a power failure, emergency lighting will come on. As you do not know the status of the train tracks, do not leave the train until you receive instructions from a member of the train crew.


Even if the earthquake causes a power failure, emergency lighting and guidance lights will come on. Remain calm and do not rush for the exits. Exits are situated at intervals of up to 60 meters. When you exit above ground, beware of falling objects.

Underground Mall / Walkway

Move to Evacuation AreaOn-Campus Return to Your HomeOff-Campus

When There is a Fire When You Have Evacuated

Keio University2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345 Tel: 03-5427-1531

Edited and Published by the Facility Management Department, Keio UniversityApril 1, 2011

Page 4: Disaster Prevention Guide2011

In front of the HiyoshiCommemorative Hall

Central Meeting Space

Shiba Park

②⑪ South School Building, due for completion in late March 2011

⑥ ⑩

⑨ ③

④ ⑤③

North Building: 2F, Health Center

Main Gate: Guard Room

New University Library: 1F, Entrance Hall

Faculty Research Building: 1F, in front of Reception

South Building: 1F, in front of Reception

●Location of AEDs①②③

West School Building: 1F, Entrance Hall

Graduate School Building: 1F, Entrance Hall

South Annex: 1F, Entrance Hall

Keio Corporate Administration(Jukukan-kyoku): 1F, Entrance Hall

East Research Building: Atrium

South School Building: 1F, Entrance Hall









South Annex

SHIBA-KYORITSUSHIBA-KYORITSU1-5-30 Shibakoen, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-8512Tel: 03-3434-6241(Administrative Affairs Office)

YAGAMIYAGAMI3-14-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 223-8522Tel: 045-566-1454 (Administrative Affairs Office)

MITAMITA2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345Tel: 03-5427-1516 (General Affairs Office)

HIYOSHIHIYOSHI4-1-1 Hiyoshi, Kohoku-ku, Yokohama-shi, Kanagawa 223-8521Tel: 045-566-1000 (Hiyoshi Management Service Center)

To Hiyoshi C


Building No.1: 2F, Student Hall/Cafeteria

Building No.3: 1F, Affiliated Pharmacy

Building No.3: 1F, Reception (Central Maintenance Office)

●Location of AEDs

Shiba Park


Athletics Field

14 th Building: B1F, Guard Room

16 th Building-A: 3F, Health Center

22nd Building: 1F, Entrance

25 th Building: 1F, West Entrance

27 th Building: 1F, Gymnasium

33rd Building: 1F, in front of Room 106

●Location of AEDs

Health Center

Guard Room

Fourth Building Independence Wing: 1F,in front of Office of Student Services

Third Building: 2F, Hall

Raiosha : 1F, in front of Office

Fujiyama Memorial Hall: 1F, by the stairs

Hiyoshi Commemorative Hall: Basement, in front of Caretaker’s Office

Mamushi Valley Changing Rooms: in front of men’s showers

Athletics Field: 1F, Facility Building

Collaboration Complex: 1F, Disaster Prevention Center

Collaboration Complex: Basement, Student Fitness Facility, Entrance

●Location of AEDs


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① ②





SHONAN FUJISAWA5322 Endo, Fujisawa-shi, Kanagawa 252-8520Tel: 0466-49-3404 (General Affairs Section)

SHINANOMACHI35 Shinanomachi, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-8582

Tel: 03-3353-1211Under Construction

Building 3 (North Wing), due for completion in late January 2011

New Hospital Wing: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11F

Central Wing: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6F

Wing 1 Wards: B1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5F

Wing 6 Wards: B1F

Wing 7 Wards: 3, 4, 5F

Radiographic Diagnosis Center: B1F

●Location of AEDs

Sigma Building: B1F, Co-op & Cafeteria

Iota Building: 1F, Classrooms

Gamma Building: 1F, Gymnasium

Alpha Building (Main Building): 1F, Lobby

Mu Building (Media Center [Library]): Outside, by the exit

Nu Building: Outside, by the tennis courts

North Gate: Guard Room

Faculty of Nursing and Medical Care Building: 1F, Lobby

●Location of AEDs

Jingu Gaien

Sports Ground (for Juniorand Senior High School)

Sports Ground(for University)

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