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Canberra Hospital and Health ServicesOperational Procedure Disaster Recovery: Coordination of Psychosocial Response (Mental Health, Justice Health, Alcohol and Drug Service (MHJHADS))Contents



Scope........................................................................................................................................ 2

Section 1 – Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee.............................................................2

Section 2 – Psychosocial Response Activation, Deployment and Response..............................3

Section 3 – Staff Training and Support......................................................................................6

Section 4 – Disaster Recovery On-Call Bags..............................................................................6

Section 5 – Counselling Sites and Record Keeping/ Logs..........................................................9

Section 6 – Scope of role of DRCC counselling at Counselling Site............................................9

Implementation...................................................................................................................... 10

Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and Legislation.......................................................10

Definition of Terms................................................................................................................. 11

Search Terms.......................................................................................................................... 12

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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register



The purpose of this procedure is to ensure the effective and timely activation of a psychosocial support response by Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol and Drug Services (MHJHADS) including the coordination of Disaster Recover Counselling Committee member agencies for disaster affected persons in the event of an emergency or a disaster in the ACT.

Under the ACT Community Recovery Sub Plan, MHJHADS Division of ACT Health has the responsibility in the ACT to provide timely psychosocial response, assessment, intervention and support to the people of the ACT in the aftermath of a disaster or emergency.

This procedure is limited to the psychosocial response aspect of the combined recovery approach and should be read in conjunction with the ACT Community Recovery Sub Plan (available via the Community Services Directorate website) and the Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee: Psychosocial Response and Counselling Support for Disasters and Emergencies in the ACT Operational Plan (hereafter referred to as the DRCC Operational Plan).

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This procedure applies to all staff within MHJHADS who are involved in the Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee (DRCC) response.

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Section 1 – Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee

The Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee The role of the Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee (DRCC) is to coordinate the provision of psychosocial support and counselling services to members of the ACT community who, either directly or indirectly, experience psychosocial or emotional problems as a result of, or in response to incidents, emergencies, or disasters.

The Emergencies Act 2004 defines an emergency as an actual or imminent event that requires a significant and coordinated response. This includes but is not limited to, fire, flood, storm, earthquake, accident, explosion, human or animal disease outbreak, shortage of electricity, gas, fuel or water.

The DRCC comprises the following member agencies:ACT Health

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Mental Health, Justice Health and Alcohol & Drug Services (MHJHADS) Women’s Health Service, Division of Women, Youth & Children Community Health Rehabilitation, Aged and Community Care (RACC) Cancer Psychosocial Service Acute Support, Canberra Hospital Social Work Department

Non ACT Health agencies Calvary Hospital Social Work and Psychology Department Community Recovery and Emergency Planning, Community Services Directorate Student Welfare and Counselling Service, Education and Training Directorate Victim Support ACT Department of Human Services Catholic Care Relationships Australia Lifeline ACT Policing Operations

The Chair of the DRCC is the Chief Psychiatrist of MHJHADS. The Chair is responsible for activating the appropriate psychosocial response from the DRCC. The Chair of the DRCC will liaise with the lead contact in each of the DRCC member agencies and activate appropriate services in coordination with the Community Recovery Coordinator, Community Services Directorate.

The role and responsibilities of the Chair of the DRCC will include: Rostering and coordination of psychosocial support staff Ongoing assessment of need for support, and The provision of information and administrative resources as appropriate.

The Deputy Chair of the DRCC is the Discipline Principal of Social Work of MHJHADS.

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Section 2 – Psychosocial Response Activation, Deployment and Response

More detailed information in terms of specific responsibilities related to the following section can be found in DRCC Operational Plan (refer to Appendix A). The most up-to-date version of the DRCC Operational Plan can be accessed via the Chair or Deputy Chair of the DRCC.

Primary Contacts for Activation of Psychosocial ResponseThe primary contacts within MHJHADS for activation of the psychosocial response are: Chief Psychiatrist, and Discipline Principal of Social Work.

After hours, the Director On-Call for MHJHADS should be notified and contacted via the Canberra Hospital switch to activate the psychosocial response.

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In order to activate the psychosocial response following a disaster or emergency, it is expected that the Chief Psychiatrist, Discipline Principal of Social Work, and/or Director On-Call will need to be physically present at the DRCC Administrative Centre at 1 Moore St.

Administration Centre1 Moore Street, Canberra City will serve as the Administrative Centre to support the psychosocial response activation.

It is essential that the Administrative Centre has access to administrative support and is resourced with computers, a photocopier, fax machine, scanner, and a phone with multiple line capacity and answering machine. The Administrative Centre needs to be kept well stocked with stationery including pens and paper. The facilities will have easy access to kitchenette facilities and toilets. Battery operated radios (and spare batteries) should also be kept on premises.

Registration forms and disaster and emergency specific resources will be available in the Administrative Centre. Templates of forms and brochures/information handouts will also be kept on a USB and kept in the Administrative Centre so that, subject to power availability, these can be modified and made event specific (refer to Section 4 of this procedure).

In the event of a major disaster or emergency affecting the Administration Centre, a new location for the Administrative Centre for psychosocial support will be assigned by the Community Recovery Coordinator in line with the Community Recovery Sub Plan in consultation with the Chair of the DRCC.

Register of Staff for Psychosocial Response Deployment The Discipline Principal of Social Work will maintain the official register of appropriately trained MHJHADS staff for consideration of deployment. The Discipline Principal of Social Work will also assist the Chief Psychiatrist with the rostering of staff and contact relevant staff regarding deployment. The Discipline Principal of Social Work will also be responsible for the allocation of On Site DRCC Team Leader roles from the list of trained MHJHADS and other DRCC member agencies staff. On Site DRCC Team Leaders may be required to check in via the Administrative Centre to obtain relevant resources for distribution prior to deployment.

The DRCC acknowledges the cultural and spiritual diversity of the ACT population and that support for different population groups may require specific interventions or outreach in the emergency or disaster period. For example, diverse populations groups such as children and young people, older persons, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander persons, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex (LGBTI) communities, and those with disabilities or special needs. Staff with a range of skills across all MHJHADS program areas should be considered for deployment. It is recommended that to specifically address the developmental vulnerabilities of children and adolescents in the context of trauma, trained Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS) clinicians are to be deployed alongside other MHJHADS staff.Doc Number Version Issued Review Date Area Responsible PageCHHS17/055 1 06/04/2017 01/10/2018 MHJHADS 4 of 12

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Consideration of deploying staff who are Mental Health Officers (refer to the Mental Health Act, 2015) should be undertaken in the event that there are acute mental health issues.

Access to InterpretersDeployed staff may require access to accredited interpreters to facilitate communication with disaster affected persons (refer to ACT Health Language Services (Interpreters, Multilingual Staff and Translated Materials Policy and ACT Health Language Services - Interpreter Procedure). Should access to interpreters not be available at the Evacuation Centre by the Community Services Directorate, MHJHADS via the Discipline Principal of Social Work and On Site DRCC Team Leaders will provide deployed staff with the access code for the Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National). Landline facilities will be made available by the Evacuation Centre Manager, where possible.

TimesheetsDeployed staff must keep an accurate timesheet for their service. This is the same timesheet that is used during their course of the staff member’s regular employment. This record will include call out time, time reported for duty, and time duty ceased. Staff will be paid according to their discipline specific Enterprise Agreements.

Services provided by MHJHADS staff during their stand down periods (e.g. Christmas shutdown), personal leave or overtime, will be met by the relevant department by which they are employed.

Business ContinuityFollowing an emergency or disaster in the ACT, in addition to providing psychosocial response under the ACT Community Recovery Sub Plan, MHJHADS is committed to providing an ongoing range of appropriate psychosocial interventions and support services to disaster affected persons in partnership with other government and non government agencies.

In the emergency phase, MHJHADS will review its operations and may reduce normal clinical service delivery to essential services only or as deemed appropriate by the nature of the emergency and the availability of resources. Where possible, staff for deployment will be chosen across MHJHADS program areas to minimise impact on normal operations, with a maximum of two staff members per team.

Medium to Long Term Psychosocial ResponseThe role of the DRCC counsellors is to provide the initial assessment and intervention to disaster affected persons and to connect people to longer term supports. As activation continues, MHJHADS will provide resources and referrals for medium to longer term psychosocial response, including bereavement and trauma response counselling and the coordination of referrals to external counselling and support.

The Discipline Principal of Social Work will oversee the coordination of these medium to longer term referrals. The procedure for this is detailed in the MHJHADS Approval of

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Counselling Sessions: Bereavement by Suicide and Disaster Affected Persons Operational Procedure.

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Section 3 – Staff Training and Support

Staff deployed under the DRCC, including both MHJHADS and other DRCC member agency staff will be trained clinicians and will be trained in applying this knowledge in an emergency or disaster context.

Credentialing in Psychological First AidTraining in Psychological First Aid will be provided by MHJHADS to clinicians working within the Division who are interested in providing a psychosocial response in the event of an emergency or disaster. Clinicians will need to be credentialed in this training by the Discipline Principal of Social Work or delegate prior to being considered for deployment. A record of this credentialing will be coordinated by the Discipline Principal of Social Work and kept on Capabiliti, forming the official register of trained clinicians.

Post Deployment Review and Debriefing for StaffPsychosocial review will be offered to all staff involved in the deployment phase of an emergency or disaster. The Discipline Principal of Social Work or delegate will coordinate the review and debriefing for staff. Operational reviews will also be coordinated by the Discipline Principal of Social Work if not already undertaken by the Community Recovery Coordinator.

Employee Assistance ProgramStaff requiring further support following deployment will be encouraged to utilise Employee Assistance Program (EAP). The Discipline Principal of Social Work will be responsible for contacting the EAP provider and will inform them of the potential to be called upon for providing supports to staff who have been working in an emergency/community recovery event.

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Section 4 – Disaster Recovery On-Call Bags

Both the Chief Psychiatrist and the Discipline Principal of Social Work will keep and maintain a disaster recovery on-call bag in their respective offices. A third bag will be kept in the Crisis Assessment and Treatment Team (CATT) offices. After hours the Director on Call can choose to access either the bag from the CATT offices or from the Administration Centre.

All on-call bags will contain the following: Hard copy of the ACT Community Recovery Sub Plan Hard copy of the ACT Evacuation Centre Operational Guide Hard copy of the DRCC Psychosocial Response Operational Plan Hard copy of this procedure

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Hard copy contact list of DRCC member agencies (including for holiday periods/special events) (updated quarterly)

Hard copy contact list for MHJHADS staff that have been credentialed to provide disaster recovery psychosocial response (updated six-monthly)

Hard copy contact list for DRCC member agencies and MHJHADS staff that have been credentialed that are available during holidays periods/special events as determined by the Community Services Directorate (updated before Easter, Christmas, and for all special events)

Hard copy contact list for MHJHADS Director On-Call (updated monthly) 2x AM/FM radios and spare batteries A flashlight Tabards/vests (not necessarily high visibility)with the word Counsellor printed on the

back A cap with the word Team Leader printed on it for the allocated DRCC on-site Team

Leader Brochures and information handouts for distribution to affected persons Anxiety reduction tools such as mindful colouring books and tactile soothing objects

(such as playdoh, stress balls) Laminated copies of the initial session guide for counsellors Client registration and contact forms USB containing electronic versions of forms and brochures/information handouts Pens and paper Name tags Record keeping logs, and Tissues.

Following the activation of a psychosocial response, the on-call bags will be checked and stocks replenished, as required. Responsibility for these tasks will lie with the Discipline Principal of Social Work for all of the three bags.

Details about some of the items referenced above are outlined in more detail below:

Contact List for Member AgenciesThe contact list for each of the member agencies of the DRCC listed in Section 1 will be kept and maintained by the Secretariat of the DRCC Committee in a centralised location that can be accessed by the key MHJHADS DRCC contacts as listed in Section 2.

Contact lists will include the name of the lead agency members, the agency they represent, and the business and after hours contact details for the person. The list will remain confidential and will not be provided to parties outside of the DRCC. The list will be updated quarterly, or as required.

Contact List for MHJHADS Staff for Psychosocial ResponseThe contact list for MHJHADS staff that have undertaken training in psychological first aid and have been credentialed to provide a disaster recovery psychosocial response will be kept and maintained by the Discipline Principal of Social Work. Doc Number Version Issued Review Date Area Responsible PageCHHS17/055 1 06/04/2017 01/10/2018 MHJHADS 7 of 12

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The list will include the name of the staff member, their designation, their business and after hours contact details, their home address, any second language skills, identification of client groups with whom they feel skilled (e.g. adults, children and young people, working with culturally diverse people), and availability of transport. Mental Health Officer status will be included on this list. The list will be updated six-monthly, or as required.

Special Events and Holiday PeriodsSpecial events and holiday periods will be a standing agenda item for the DRCC meetings. Prior to special events or holiday periods: Committee members are to advise the Chair of the DRCC the contact details for the lead

person for the agency during the special event or holiday period. The Chair of the DRCC will then, via the Secretariat, issue this list to committee members.

MHJHADS psychosocial response staff are to be contacted by the Discipline Principal of Social Work four weeks prior to the special event/holiday to ascertain who will be available for deployment in the event of an emergency or disaster. This is particularly important over the Christmas period where a number of people leave the ACT for the holidays.

RadiosTwo AM/FM radios with spare batteries will be kept to connect with local news bulletins. Batteries will be taken out of the radios at the end of a deployment. Batteries will be replaced at the end of deployment and every year if not used.

Tabards Vests (not necessarily high visibility) with the word Counsellor printed on the back will be made available to DRCC personnel staff during deployment. These will be provided to deployed staff by and, returned at the end of shift, to the On Site Team Leader.

Brochures and Information HandoutsDRCC approved supporting ACT Government brochures and documents on emergency and disaster response and preparedness are available from the ACT Government Community Services Directorate. The Discipline Principal of Social Work will ensure there is an adequate supply of these kept permanently in the Administrative Centre for distribution to deployed staff via the On Site Team Leaders. These brochures will include the following: Looking After Yourself and Your Family After a Disaster (Red Cross) Looking After Yourself After a Disaster (Beyondblue) Coping Personally After an Incident, Major Emergency, or Disaster (DRCC) Children and Crises Fact Sheet (Community Services Directorate) Teenagers and Crises Fact Sheet (Community Services Directorate)

Client Registration and Contact FormsCounselling registration and contact forms will be located in the disaster recovery on-call bag. This will include a form with the person’s contact details, summary of issues, and need for follow up (and for what).

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Completed forms are to be stored securely at the counselling site to ensure privacy and confidentiality of information disclosed. Copies of these logs will be made available to DRCC personnel staff during deployment.

USBA USB containing electronic versions of forms and brochures/information handouts will be kept in the DRCC Administrative Centre (refer to Section 2) via the Chief Psychiatrist’s office and maintained by the Discipline Principal of Social Work. A folder will be kept in the Executive Members share drive under the sub folder Disaster Recovery with these documents. The Discipline Principal of Social Work will also have access to this folder.

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Section 5 – Counselling Sites and Record Keeping/ Logs

There is no need to register on ACTPAS affected people who receive DRCC support in the context of an emergency or disaster.

A specific private space in the evacuation centre/counselling site must be used to maintain confidentiality. This will be co-coordinated by the On Site DRCC Team Leader and the Evacuation Centre Manager. Partitions will be made available to ensure confidentiality.

A proforma will be used for record keeping of those affected people who receive DRCC support at the counselling site and also require follow up (the proforma is available from the DRCC Operational Plan). These forms are to be submitted by the counsellors to the On Site DRCC Team Leader who will coordinate any medium to longer term responses required.

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Section 6 – Scope of role of DRCC counselling at Counselling Site

The types of people who may be presenting at an emergency site include, but are not limited to: People with pre-existing mental health issues People with well managed mental health issues but which have been exacerbated by the

emergency People with symptoms of acute stress reactions People with stress or agitation due to exposure to event and/or absence of a family

member/animal, and People who have seen media/social media reports and have concern about the event.

While many people deployed for the DRCC may be well experienced clinicians, the scope of the counselling role at the counselling site immediately after the emergency should include: Advanced psychological first aid/second level psychological first aid rather than

counselling Mental health/drug and alcohol consultation

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Consultation/involvement with issues such as psychiatric or methadone medication issues

Consultation/involvement with aggressive persons (when appropriate) Consultation/involvement with intoxicated persons Consultation/involvement with persons who identify as having a mental health disorder

and/or reporting risk issues.

Those deployed should also be familiar with the policies and procedures associated with: management of aggressive persons management of intoxicated persons suicide vulnerability significant incidents.

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This procedure will be implemented and communicated to the affected staff by the DRCC Chair and incorporated into existing training programs, orientation plans and specific communication strategies as required.

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Related Policies, Procedures, Guidelines and LegislationPolicies and Procedures MHJHADS Significant Incidents Operational Procedure MHJHADS Approval of Counselling Sessions: Bereavement by Suicide and Disaster

Affected Persons Operational Procedure MHJHADS Assessment and Intervention for People Vulnerable to Suicide ACT Health Violence and Aggression by Patients, Consumers or Visitors: Prevention and

Management Policy and Standard Operating Procedure ACT Health Alcohol and/or Other Drugs (AOD): Responding to Use Standard Operating

Procedure ACT Health Language Services Policy and Procedure

Emergency Plans ACT Community Recovery Sub Plan ACT Recovery Plan ACT Health Emergency Plan Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee Psychosocial Response and Counselling

Support for Disasters and Emergencies in the ACT Operational Plan MHJHADS Business Continuity Management Plans

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Legislation Emergencies Act 2004 Human Rights Act 2004 Work Health and Safety Act 2011 Health Records (Privacy and Access) Act 1997 Information Privacy Act 2014 Mental Health Act 2015 Carers Recognition Act 2010

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Definition of Terms

DRCC Specific TermsDRCC: Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee.Community Recovery Coordinator: the Deputy Director of the Community Services Directorate. They are responsible for initiating contact with the Chair of the DRCC and activating the response under the Community Recovery Sub-Plan.Counselling Sites: a location or site where staff of member agencies of the DRCC are deployed to provide psychosocial response and support.Counsellors: qualified professionals from a range of government and non-government member agencies whose role it is to provide psychological first aid and counselling to affected persons.Disaster Recovery Counselling Committee: the members of the Disaster Recovery Counselling Psychosocial Response and Support Committee.Personal Support Workers: people nominated to provide personal support in emergency or evacuation centres or in the community, to people affected by the emergency. This can include staff from any participating member agency identified as being able to provide that support.

Emergency Management TermsEmergency/Affected Person: a person who is in need or distressed or whose property is lost or damaged as a result of an emergency.Emergency: an event such as fire, flood, storm, earthquake, explosion, accident, act of terrorism, biochemical event, epidemic or animal disease, actual or imminent, which requires a significant and coordinated response. An emergency includes those events deemed by Emergency Services Authority as disasters or natural disasters.Emergency Management: the establishment of formal plans, structures and arrangements so as to coordinate the resources of agencies, and agencies and other persons in a comprehensive approach to facilitate prevention, preparedness, response and recovery in relation to emergencies or emergency risks.Emergency Recovery: the coordinated process of supporting emergency/ affected individuals and communities in the reconstruction of the physical infrastructure and the restoration of emotional, social, economic, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

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Evacuation Centre Manager: a member of the Community Recovery Network, Community Services Directorate, that is responsible for the management and coordination of information between stakeholders at an Evacuation Centre.Incident: a localised event, either accidental or deliberate, which may result in death, injury or damage to property, which requires a normal response from an agency/s. An incident becomes an emergency when the resources of the agency are insufficient to deal with the incident and outside resources are desirable or required. Those resources then require coordination.Territory Controller: Under the ACT Emergencies Act 2004, in respect of a declared emergency: “The controller shall manage the response to, and the recovery from, the emergency by ensuring agencies, agencies and other persons committed to dealing with the emergency are appropriately deployed.”

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Search Terms

Disaster Recovery; DRCC; Emergency; Psychological First Aid; Psychosocial Response; MHJHADS.

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Disclaimer: This document has been developed by ACT Health, Canberra Hospital and Health Service specifically for its own use. Use of this document and any reliance on the information contained therein by any third party is at his or her own risk and ACT Health assumes no responsibility whatsoever.

Date Amended Section Amended Approved By

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Do not refer to a paper based copy of this policy document. The most current version can be found on the ACT Health Policy Register

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