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A Two-Day National Seminar on

Devising Policy Strategies for India

13-14 January, 2015

Venue: ARC Auditorium, Institute of Life Long Learning (ILLL) University of Delhi, Delhi

Organised by: Department of Political Science, PGDAV College, University of Delhi in collaboration with Bihar Political Science Association, Patna

First Day: 13th January 2015

Registration 8:30 am - 9:30 am

10.00 am - 11.45 am: First Technical Session: Devising New Educational Policy

Co-Chairs: Prof. Prakash Mani Tripathi, Head, Department of Political Science, DDU Gorakhpur University, U.P. and Prof. Sanjeev Kumar Sharma, Head, Department of Political Science, Choudhary Charan Singh University, Meerut, U.P.

• Prof. Vijay Kumar, Head Department of Gandhian Thought, Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University, Bhagalpur, Bihar, Policy Priorities for Higher Education in India and Bihar: Setting and Achieving the Goals.

• Prof. L.N. Sharma, Formerly Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, Patna University, Patna & Ms. Sonali Chitalkar, Assistant Professor, Shyama Prasad Mukherji College, University of Delhi, Delhi, Devising Policy Framework and Curriculum Reform for Elementary Education in India.

• Ms. Smriti Sharma, Assistant Professor, Department of Elementary Education, LSR College, University of Delhi, Delhi, Teacher Education in India: A Policy Perspective.

• Mr. Chhote Lal Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi, Devising Educational Policy in Indian Perspective.

• Dr. Sanjeev Kumar, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Patna University, Patna, Children are Neglected Callously in India.


11.45-12.15: Tea Break

Inaugural Session: 12.15 am - 1.20 am

Welcome Address: • Dr. M.M. Goyal, Principal, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi.

• Dr. S.R. Arora, Chairman, PGDAV College, University of Delhi.

Theme Presentation: Prof. (Rtd.) L.N. Sharma, Department of Political Science, Patna University, Patna.

Chairperson: Prof. Dinesh Singh, Vice-Chancellor, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Chief Guest: Shri Ravi Shankar Prasad, Hon’ble Minister of Communica-tions and IT, Government of India.

Vote of Thanks: Dr. Pinki Punia, Convener & Teacher In-charge Department of Political Science, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi.

1.20-2.00: Lunch Break

2.00-3.40: Second Technical Session: India in the Multipolar World

Co-Chairs: Prof. Nalini Kant Jha, Professor and Dean, School of Social Sciences and International Studies, Department of Political Science, Pondicherry University, Puducherry and Prof. Veena Kukreja, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Delhi.

• Dr. Kusum Lata Chadda, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi, Importance of Domestic Factors in India’s Foreign Policy: A Case Study of India-China Relations in the Nehru Era.

• Dr. Arun Kumar Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Patna University, Patna, India’s Regional Horizon: A Study of SARRC and ASEAN.

• Dr. Akhilesh Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Government Girls College, Ganj Basoda, Madhya Pradesh, Foreign Policy under Narendra Modi Government: Role of States.

• Dr. Pragya Parmita, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, I. P. College, University of Delhi, Delhi, India and Big Powers in Asia Pacific: Balancing Converging and Diverging Interests.


• Dr. Duryodhan Nahak, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi, CBMs in Indo-Pak Relations: An Analysis.

• Mr. Pramod Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Delhi, A Theoretical Appraisal of Contemporary Indian Foreign Policy.

3.40 - 4.00 Tea Break

4.00-5.30 Third Technical Session: Cooperative Federalism

Co-Chairs: Prof. M.P. Singh, Former Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Honorary Senior Fellow, Centre for Multilevel Federalism, New Delhi and Prof. S.N. Singh, Former Professor and Head, Department of Political Science, Vinoba Bhave University, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand.

• Prof. M.P. Singh and Prof. Rekha Saxena, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi and Ritesh Bhardwaj, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, SLC (E.) University of Delhi, Delhi, Modi’s Cooperative Federalism.

• Prof. Bimal Prasad Singh, Department of Political Science, A.N. College, Magadh University, Patna, Bihar, Special Category Status for States in India: The Case of Bihar.

• Dr. Subhendu Ranjan Raj, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, PGDAV College (Eve.), University of Delhi, Delhi, Increasing Salience of Economic Policy Responses and Political Leadership in a Globalising Scenario for India.

• Dr. Shashi Bhushan Kumar, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, L.N. College Bhagwanpur, B.R. Ambedkar Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, jkT;iky dh Hkwfedk% fu;qfDr ,oa in~P;qfr.

Second Day: 14th January 2015

10.00-12.00: Fourth Technical Session: Women’s Empowerment, Child Welfare, and Public Administration

Co-Chairs: Prof. Rumki Basu, Department of Political Science, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi and Prof. Shri Prakash Singh, Ambedkar Chair, IIPA, New Delhi.

• Dr. Sheila Rai, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, Bridging Gender Inequality and Empowering Women in India.

• Dr. Bijayalaxmi Nanda, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Miranda House, University of Delhi, Delhi, Schemes and Policies of Women and Child Development Ministry of Government of India: A Review.


• Dr. Usha Singh, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, St. Columba’s College, Vinoba Bhave University, Jharkhand, and Dr. Shatrughna Kumar Pandey, Assistant Professor, Department of History, St. Columba’s College, Hazaribagh College, Hazaribagh, Jharkhand, >kj[kaM dh tutkrh; efgyk;sa % leL;k vkSj lek/ku.

• Dr. Archna Sawshilya, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Aditi Mahavidayalaya, Bawana, University of Delhi, Delhi, Curbing Domestic Violence: Empowerment of Women.

• Mr. Vishal Chauhan, Assistant Professor, Department of History, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi, Representation: Dalit Imagery and the Imagined: Re-Reading Selected Short Stories of Munshi Premchand.

• Ms. Ishta Vohra, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Moti Lal Nehru College (Eve.), University of Delhi, Delhi, Relevance of Governance Model of Gujarat in the Development of India.

• Dr. Shefali Roy, Associate Professor, Head, Department of Political Science, Patna Women’s College, Patna University, Patna, Physical Abuse of Dalit Women is a Violation of Human Rights: A Study of Bihar.

12.00-12.20 Tea Break

12.20-2.10 Fifth Technical Session: Economic Growth and Social Justice

Co-Chair: Prof. Rajani Ranjan Jha, Department of Political Science, B.H.U., Varanasi, and Mr. Om Prakash Sharma (IRS), Additional Commissioner of Income Tax, Baroda, Gujarat.

• Prof. Ashok Kumar Pankaj, Council for Social Development, New Delhi, Changing Dynamics of Rural India in Neo-liberal Phase.

• Dr. Himanshu Roy, Nehru Fellow, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library, New Delhi, Globalisation and Social Justice in India.

• Dr. Biswajit Mohanty, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Deshbandu College, University of Delhi, Delhi, Land Acquisition Act, 2013: Suggestions for Reappraisal.

• Dr. Nupur Tiwary, Assistant Professor, Political Science, IIPA, New Delhi, Twenty Years of Panchayati Raj as Institutions of Local Self-Government and the Future Stratagem.

• Mr. Jeetendra Kumar Pandey, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi, Delhi, Key Economic Challenges Facing the Indian Economy and Policy Response.


• Ms. Rimpy Kaushal, Assistant Professor, Department of Economics, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi, Implications of Labour Market Flexibility in India.

• Mr. Pankaj Lakhera, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Swami Shraddhanand College, University of Delhi, Delhi, Disability Bill, 2013: Suggestions for Reappraisal.

2.10-2.50: Lunch Break

2.50 - 4.20 Valedictory Session

Chairperson: Prof. Ujjwal Kumar Singh, Head, Department of Political Science, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Rapporteur: Dr. Abhay Prasad Singh, Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi.

Valedictory Address: Shri T. N. Chaturvedi, Chairman, Indian Institute of Public Administration (IIPA), New Delhi.

Vote of Thanks: Dr. Kusum Kaushik, Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi.

4.20 Tea Break

Note: The abstracts are being made so as to reach the participants at least 10 days before the date of commencement of the proceedings of the seminar.The participants are request to read all the papers thoroughly and send their comments and questions to the underlined as earlier as possible. Failing which they could or will come to the conference with written comments, questions and submitted to the chairpersons at the time of deliberations.

Prof. M.P. Singh, 9910327394Email: [email protected]

Dr. Pinki Punia (Convener), 9871482335PGDAV College, University of Delhi, Delhi.Email: [email protected]




1. Hkkjr esa mPp f'k{kk dh n'kk ,oa fn'kk 2 Jhizdk'k ef.k f=kikBh2. Policy Priorities for Higher Education in India and Bihar: Setting and Achieving the Goals 3 Vijay Kumar3. Devising Policy Framework and Curriculum Reform for Elementary Education in India 5 L.N. Sharma and Sonali Chitalkar4. Teacher Education in India: A Policy Perspective 8 Smriti Sharma5. Devising Educational Policy in Indian Perspective 9 Chhote Lal Singh6. Children are Neglected Callously in India 10 Sanjeev Kumar


7. The Conduct of Foreign Policy by Narendra Modi: In Pursuit of National Interest 12 Nalini Kant Jha8. India’s Foreign Policy in the Emerging Multipolar World: Challenges and Opportunities 12 Veena Kukreja9. Importance of Domestic Factors in India’s Foreign Policy: A Case Study of Sino-Indian Relations 13 Kusum Lata Chadda10. India’s Regional Horizon: A Study of SAARC and ASEAN 14 Arun Kumar Singh11. Foreign Policy under Narendra Modi Government: Role of States 15 Akhilesh Kumar12. India and Big Powers in Asia Pacific: Balancing Converging and Diverging Interests 15 Pragya Parmita13. CBMs in Indo-Pak Relations: An Analysis 17 Duryodhan Nahak14. A Theoretical Appraisal of Contemporary Indian Foreign Policy 17 Pramod Kumar


15. Modi’s Cooperative Federalism 20 M.P. Singh, Rekha Saxena, and Ritesh Bhardwaj16. lgdkjh la?kokn dk usg: izfreku cuke eksnh izfreku 23 'kqHk ukjk;.k flag17. Special Category Status for States in India: The Case of Bihar 24 Bimal Prasad Singh18. Increasing Salience of Economic Policy Responses and Political Leadership in a Globalising Scenario for India 25 Subhendu Ranjan Raj


19. jkT;iky dh Hkwfedk% fu;qfDr ,oa in~P;qfr 27 'kf'k Hkw"k.k dqekj


20. Administration and Governance under the Modi-Led BJP/NDA Government: Tendencies and Challenges 30 Rumki Basu21. Bridging Gender Inequality and Empowering Women in India 32 Sheila Rai22. Schemes and Policies of Women and Child Development Ministry of Government of India: A Review 33 Bijayalaxmi Nanda23. >kj[kaM dh tutkrh; efgyk;sa % leL;k vkSj lek/ku 35 m"kk flag vkSj 'k=kq?u dqekj ik.Ms;24. Curbing Domestic Violence: Empowerment of Women 36 Archana Sawshilya25. Representation: Dalit Imagery and the Imagined Re-Reading Selected Short Stories of Munshi Premchand 37 Vishal Chauhan26. Relevance of Governance Model of Gujarat in the Development of India 37 Ishta Vohra27. Physical Abuse of Dalit Women is a Violation of Human Rights: A Study of Bhiar 39 Shefali Roy


28. Tackling Corruption in India: The Lokpal Way: Some Suggestions 42 Rajani Ranjan Jha29. Inclusive Growth, Government Initiatives: Gaps and Remedies 42 Shri Prakash Singh30. Changing Dynamics of Rural India in Neo-liberal Phase 43 Ashok K. Pankaj31. Globalisation and Social Justice in India 44 Himanshu Roy32. Land Acquisition Act, 2013: Suggestions for Reappraisal 45 Biswajit Mohanty33. Twenty Years of Panchayati Raj as Institutions of Local Self-Government and the Future Stratagem 46 Nupur Tiwary34. Key Economic Challenges Facing the Indian Economy and Policy Response 46 Jeetendra Kumar Pandey35. Implications of Labour Market Flexibility in India 48 Rimpy Kaushal36. Disability Bill, 2013: Suggestions for Reappraisal 49 Pankaj LakheraContributors 51

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