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Page 1: Discrete Mathematics with Applications MATH236 11.pdf · Discrete Mathematics with Applications MATH236 Dr. Hung P. Tong-Viet School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

Discrete Mathematics with ApplicationsMATH236

Dr. Hung P. Tong-Viet

School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer ScienceUniversity of KwaZulu-Natal

Pietermaritzburg Campus

Semester 1, 2013

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Page 2: Discrete Mathematics with Applications MATH236 11.pdf · Discrete Mathematics with Applications MATH236 Dr. Hung P. Tong-Viet School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

Table of contents

1 Combination with repetition

2 The inclusion-Exclusion Principle

3 Infinite Sets

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Page 3: Discrete Mathematics with Applications MATH236 11.pdf · Discrete Mathematics with Applications MATH236 Dr. Hung P. Tong-Viet School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

Combination with repetition

Combinations with repetition


Suppose that a cookies shop has four different kinds of cookies. Howmany different ways can six cookies be chosen? Assume that only the typeof cookie, and not the individual cookies or the order in which they arechosen, matters.

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Combination with repetition

Combinations with repetition


1 As the order in which each cookie is chosen does not matter and eachkind of cookies can be chosen as many as 6 times, the number ofways these cookies can be chosen is the number of 6-combinationwith repetition allowed from a set with 4 distinct elements.

2 We use 3 ‘bar’ to separate each type of cookies

3 each cookie is represented by a star

4 The choice of six cookies correspond to placing 6 stars into thecompartment separated by the three bars

5 Thus, there are(3+6




)ways to choose six cookies from four

different kinds of cookies.

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Page 5: Discrete Mathematics with Applications MATH236 11.pdf · Discrete Mathematics with Applications MATH236 Dr. Hung P. Tong-Viet School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

Combination with repetition

Combinations with repetition


There are (n + r − 1



(n + r − 1

n − 1

)r -combinations from a set with n distinct elements when repetition ofelements is allowed.


1 Each r -combination of a set with n elements when repetition isallowed can be represented by a list of n − 1 bars and r stars

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Combination with repetition

Combinations with repetition


1 The n − 1 bars are used to mark off n different cells with the ith cellcontaining a star for each time the ith element of the set occurs inthe combination

2 Each different list containing n − 1 bars and r stars corresponds to anr -combination of the set with n elements when repetition is allowed

3 Clearly, the number of such list is(n+r−1


)because each list

corresponds to a choice of the n − 1 positions to place n − 1 bars OR



)because each list corresponds to a choice of the r positions

to place the r stars from the n + r − 1 positions that contains r starsand n − 1 bars.

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Combination with repetition

Combinations with repetition


How many solutions does the equation

x1 + x2 + x3 = 10

have, where x1, x2, x3 are nonnegative integers?

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Combination with repetition

Combinations with repetition


Each solution corresponds to a way of selecting 10 items from a setwith three different elements, where we have chosen

x1 items of type 1

x2 items of type 2 and

x3 items of type 3

Hence, the number of solutions is equal to the number of10-combinations with repetition allowed from a set with threeelements. It follows that there are(

10 + 3− 1



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Combination with repetition

Permutations with indistinguishable objects

In cases when some elements may be indistinguishable in countingproblems. We should be more careful as the same things may be countedmore than once.


How many different words can be made by reordering the letters of theword SUCCESS ?

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Combination with repetition

Permutations with indistinguishable objects


As some of the letters of SUCCESS are the same, the answer is notgiven by the number of permutations of seven letters

There are three Ss, two Cs and one U and one E

The three Ss can be placed among 7 positions in(7



This leaves four different positions free

Then the two Cs can be placed in(4



This leaves two free positions

The U can be placed in(2


)ways, leaving just one position free.

Hence E can be placed in(1



Therefore, by the Multiplication Principle, there are(7














different words.Tong-Viet (UKZN) MATH236 Semester 1, 2013 10 / 34

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Combination with repetition

Permutations with indistinguishable objects


The number of different permutations of n objects, where there are n1

indistinguishable objects of type 1, n2 indistinguishable objects of type 2,· · · , and nk indistinguishable objects of type k , is

P(n; n1, n2, · · · , nk) =n!

n1!n2! · · · nk !.

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Page 12: Discrete Mathematics with Applications MATH236 11.pdf · Discrete Mathematics with Applications MATH236 Dr. Hung P. Tong-Viet School of Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science

The inclusion-Exclusion Principle

The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle

The Addition Principle gives a formula for the number of objects in aunion of sets provided that the sets do not overlap

The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle gives a more general formula thatcan be applied to collections of sets with nonempty intersections

Let S be a set, each of whose objects may have one or both of twoproperties, P1 or P2

Suppose we want to count the number of objects of S that haveneither property P1 nor property P2

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle

The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle

This number is obtained by taking the number of objects in the set S

subtracting from that the number of objects with property P1 and thenumber of objects with property P2

noting that those objects which have both properties P1 and P2 weresubtracted twice

So we add back in that number of objects

In other words, if S1 and S2 are the sets of all objects with propertiesP1,P2, respectively

|S1 ∩ S2| = |S | − |S1| − |S2|+ |S1 ∩ S2|

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle

The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle


The number of objects of S that have none of the propertiesP1,P2, · · · ,Pn is given by

|S1 ∩ S2 ∩ · · · ∩ Sn| = |S | −∑|Si |+

∑|Si ∩ Sj | −

∑|Si ∩ Sj ∩ Sk |

+ · · ·+ (−1)n|S1 ∩ S2 ∩ · · · ∩ Sn|

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle

The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle


We prove this result by establishing that

(i) every element of S1 ∩ S2 ∩ · · · ∩ Sn makes a net contribution of 1 to theright hand side

(ii) every other element makes a net contribution of 0 to the right handside

Consider first an element x ∈ S1 ∩ S2 ∩ · · · ∩ Sn

Then x ∈ S but x 6∈ Si for all i

Thus the contribution that x makes to the right hand side is

1− 0 + 0 + · · ·+ (−1)n0 = 1

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle

The Inclusion-Exclusion Principle

Consider y 6∈ S1 ∩ S2 ∩ · · · ∩ Sn.

Suppose that y satisfies t ≥ 1 of the properties P1,P2, · · · ,Pn

Then y makes a contribution of 1 =(t


)to |S |

It contributes 1 to(t


)of the quantities |Si |

and 1 to(t


)of the quantities |Si ∩ Sj |

and 1 of the quantities |Si ∩ Sj ∩ Sk | and so on.

Thus, its net contribution to the right hand side is(t








)+ · · ·+ (−1)t



)The result follows as this expression is 0.

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle



How many permutations of the letters

i , n, t, h, e, d , o, c , k

are such that none of the words in, the, and dock occur as consecutiveletters?

Let S be the set of all permutations of the letters{i , n, t, h, e, d , o, c , k}.Let P1 be the property that the word in occurs

P2 be the property that the word the occurs

P3 be the property that the word dock occurs

Let Si be the number of words that has property Pi

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle


Every permutation in S1 is a permutation of the eight symbols

in, t, h, e, d , o, c , k

Thus |S1| = 8!

Similarly, every permutation in S2 is a permutation of the sevensymbols

the, i , n, d , o, c, k

So, |S2| = 7!

Similarly, |S3| = 6!

Now S1 ∩ S2 consists of all permutations of the six symbols

in, the, d , o, c , k

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle


so |S1 ∩ S2| = 6!

Similarly, |S1 ∩ S3| = 5! and |S2 ∩ S3| = 4!

Finally, S1 ∩ S2 ∩ S3 consists of all permutations of the three symbols

in, the, dock

This implies that |S1 ∩ S2 ∩ S3| = 3!

Applying the previous theorem, we obtain that|S1 ∩ S2 ∩ S3| = 9!− 8!− 7!− 6! + 6! + 5! + 4!− 3!

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle

Inclusion-Exclusion Principle


The number of objects of S that has at least one of the propertiesP1,P2, · · · ,Pn is given by

|S1∪S2∪· · ·∪Sn| =∑|Si |−

∑|Si ∩Sj |+ · · ·+(−1)n+1|S1∩S2∩· · ·∩Sn|

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle

Inclusion-Exclusion Principle


How many numbers between 0 and 100 are divisible by 2, 3 or 5?


Let P2 be the property that a number is divisible by 2

Let P3 be the property that a number is divisible by 3, and

Let P5 be the property that a number is divisible by 5.

For i = 2, 3, 5, let Si be the numbers between 0 and 100 that hasproperty Pi

We need to find |S2 ∪ S3 ∪ S5|,

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle

Inclusion-Exclusion Principle


There are 51 numbers between 0 and 100 with property P2,

34 with property P3

21 with property P5

A number is divisible both both 2 and 3 iff it is divisible by 6

There are 17 such numbers and so |S2 ∩ S3| = 17

Similarly, |S2 ∩ S5| = 11 and |S3 ∩ S5| = 7.

FInally, |S2 ∩ S3 ∩ S5| = 4

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The inclusion-Exclusion Principle

Inclusion-Exclusion Principle


By the Inclusion-Exclusion Principle, we have

|S2 ∪ S3 ∪ S5| = |S2|+ |S3|+ |S5| − |S2 ∩ S3| − |S2 ∩ S5| − |S3 ∩ S5|+|S2 ∩ S3 ∩ S5|

= 51 + 34 + 21− 17− 11− 7 + 4= 75

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets

In this section, we briefly consider how to count infinite sets

Recall that a function f : X −→ Y is onto if for every y ∈ Y , thereexists x ∈ X such that f (x) = y or equivalently, if ranf = Y .

A function is called a bijection if it is both one-to-one and onto

When we count, we establish a bijection between the set we arecounting and the set of natural numbers.


Two sets A and B have the same cardinality, written |A| = |B| if there is abijection between them.

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets


Let A = {3, 4, 5, 6} and B = {5, 6, 7, 8}. Then the function f : A −→ Bwith the rule f (x) = x + 2 is a bijection, so |A| = |B|.


Let A = {2, 3, 4, 5} and B = {1, 2, 3}. Then there is no bijection betweenthese two sets because any one-to-one function with domain A must havea range with cardinality at least 4, but B has only 3 elements.


Let A = N be the set of positive integers and B = {2, 4, 6, · · · } be the setof all positive even integers. Notice that B is a proper subset of A.However, the function f : A −→ B with the rule f (x) = 2x is a bijectionfrom A to B. Thus A and B have the same cardinality.

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets


Consider the function f : (0, 1) −→ R given by f (x) = tan(πx − π/2).This function is a bijection between (0, 1) and R. Thus |(0, 1)| = |R|.

We introduce some new notation:

|N| = ℵ0


|R| = ℵ1

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets


A set with cardinality ℵ0 is denumerable.

A set that is either finite or denumerable is countable

A set that is not countable is uncountable


ℵ0 6= ℵ1.

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets


We know that |(0, 1)| = |R| = ℵ1

It suffices to show that there is no bijection from N to (0, 1)

Suppose to the contrary that there is a bijection f : N −→ (0, 1)

For any x ∈ N, f (x) ∈ (0, 1) i.e., a number that can be writtenuniquely in the form 0.x1x2x3 · · · .Here we identify 0.199999999 · · · with 0.2 and so on.

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets


f (1) = 0.x11x12x13x14x15 · · ·f (2) = 0.x21x22x23x24x25 · · ·f (3) = 0.x31x32x33x34x35 · · ·f (4) = 0.x41x42x43x44x45 · · ·f (5) = 0.x51x52x53x54x55 · · ·...


f (n) = 0.xn1xn2xn3xn4xn5 · · ·

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets


Define y = 0.y1y2y3 · · · as follows:

yi =

{1 if xii 6= 12 if xii = 1

Notice that y ∈ (0, 1) and there is no n ∈ N such that f (n) = ybecause the nth digits of f (n) and y are not equal.

Hence f is not onto, which contradicts our assumption that f is abijection.

Thus there is no bijection from N to (0, 1)

Therefore, ℵ0 6= ℵ1.

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets


|Q| = ℵ0.


We first show that the positive rational numbers Q+ are countable

Construct a table in which the entry in row i and column j is therational number i


Every positive rational number occurs somewhere in the table

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets

1 2 3 4 · · ·1 1



14 · · ·

2 21



24 · · ·

3 31



34 · · ·

4 41



44 · · ·

... · · · · · · · · · · · · . . .

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets

We now define a bijection f : N −→ Q+.

Let f (1) = 11

Then follow the arrow on the table from 11 , we obtain f (2) = 1


Notice that each rational number may occur more than once.

When we trace our way through the table, if we come across arational number we’re already met, we omit it

Thus, we have a bijection f : N −→ Q+.

It remains to establish a bijection between N and Q.

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Infinite Sets

Infinite sets

We define a function g as follows:

g(1) = 0g(2) = f (1)g(3) = −f (1)g(4) = f (2)g(5) = −f (2)



Thus this is clearly a bijection from N to Q.

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