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Page 1: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Discrete-Time Systems - ITime-Domain Representation


These lecture slides are based on "Digital Signal Processing: A Computer-Based Approach,4th ed." textbook by S.K. Mitra and its instructor materials. U.Sezen

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Dicrete-Time Systems



M-point Moving-Average System

Linear interpolation

Median Filter


Linear System

Shift-Invariant SystemLinear Time-Invariant (LTI) System

Causal System

Stable System

Passive and Lossless Systems

Impulse and Step Responses

Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-Time System

Input-Output Relationship

Convolution Sum PropertiesTabular Method of Convolution Sum Computation

Stability Condition of an LTI Discrete-Time System

Causality Condition of an LTI Discrete-Time System

Simple Interconnection SchemesCascade ConnectionParallel Connection

Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems

Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems

Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Discrete-Time Systems

In�nite Impulse Response (IIR) Discrete-Time Systems

Nonrecursive and Recursive Systems

Real and Complex Systems

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Page 2: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Dicrete-Time Systems Basics


I A discrete-time system processes a given input sequence x[n] to generatesan output sequence y[n] with more desirable properties

I In most applications, the discrete-time system is a single-input,single-output system


Input sequence


Discrete-Time System


Output sequence

I Mathematically, the discrete-time system is characterized by an operatorH(·) that transforms the input sequence x[n] into another sequence y[n] atthe output

I The discrete-time system may also have more than one input and/or morethan one output

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Dicrete-Time Systems Basics


I 2-input, 1-output discrete-time systems:



y[n] x[n] +



Modulator Adder

I 1-input, 1-output discrete-time systems:

x[n] y[n]A

x[n] z−1 y[n]

Multiplier Unit delay

x[n] z y[n]

Unit advance

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Page 3: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Dicrete-Time Systems Basics


I A more complex example of an one-input, one-output discrete-time

system is shown below

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Dicrete-Time Systems Accumulator

I Accumulator:

y[n] =





x[`] + x[n]

= y[n− 1] + x[n]

I The output y[n] at time instant n is the sum of the input sample x[n]at time instant n and the previous output y[n− 1] at time instant

n− 1 which is the sum of all previous input sample values from −∞to n− 1

I The system cumulatively adds, i.e., it accumulates all input sample


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Dicrete-Time Systems Accumulator

I Input-output relation can also be written in the form

y[n] =


x[`] +



= y[−1] +n∑


x[`], n ≥ 0

I The second form is used for a causal input sequence, in which case

y[−1] is called the initial condition

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Dicrete-Time Systems M-point Moving-Average System

I M-point Moving-Average System:

y[n] =1



x[n− k]

I Used in smoothing random variations in data

I In most applications, the data x[n] is a bounded sequence, so

I M -point average y[n] is also a bounded sequence

I If there is no bias in the measurements, an improved estimate of the

noisy data is obtained by simply increasing M

I A direct implementation of the M -point moving average system

requires M − 1 additions, 1 division, and storage of M − 1 past input

data samples

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Page 5: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Dicrete-Time Systems M-point Moving-Average System

I A more e�cient implementation is developed next

y[n] =1



x[n− k] + x[n]− x[n−M ]





x[n− 1− k] + x[n]− x[n−M ]





x[n− 1− k]



M(x[n]− x[n−M ])

I Hence

y[n] = y[n− 1] +1

M(x[n]− x[n−M ])

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Dicrete-Time Systems M-point Moving-Average System

I Computation of the modi�ed M-point moving average system

using the recursive equation now requires 2 additions and 1 division

I An application: Consider

x[n] = s[n] + d[n]

where s[n] is the signal corrupted by a noise d[n]

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Page 6: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Dicrete-Time Systems M-point Moving-Average System

I Example: s[n] = 2[n(0.9)n] and d[n] is a random signal

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Dicrete-Time Systems M-point Moving-Average System

I Exponentially Weighted Running Average Filter:

y[n] = αy[n− 1] + x[n], 0 < α < 1

I Computation of the running average requires only 1 addition, 1multiplication and storage of the previous running average

Does not require storage of past input data samples

I For 0 < α < 1, the exponentially weighted average �lter places more

emphasis on current data samples and less emphasis on past data

samples as illustrated below

y[n] = α(αy[n− 2] + x[n− 1]) + x[n]

= α2y[n− 2] + αx[n− 1] + x[n]

= α2(αy[n− 3] + x[n− 2] + αx[n− 1]) + x[n]

= α3y[n− 3] + α2x[n− 2] + αx[n− 1] + x[n]

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Page 7: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Dicrete-Time Systems Linear interpolation

I Linear interpolation: Employed to estimate sample values between

pairs of adjacent sample values of a discrete-time sequence

I Factor-of-4 interpolation

(a) x[n] (b) xu[n]

(c) y[n]

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Dicrete-Time Systems Linear interpolation

I Factor-of-2 linear interpolator

y[n] = xu[n] +1

2(xu[n− 1] + xu[n+ 1])

I Factor-of-3 linear interpolator

y[n] = xu[n] +1

3(xu[n− 1] + xu[n+ 2]) +


3(xu[n− 2] + xu[n+ 1])

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Page 8: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Dicrete-Time Systems Linear interpolation

I Factor-of-2 linear 2-D interpolator

Original (512× 512) Downsampled(256×256)

Interpolated (512× 512)

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Dicrete-Time Systems Median Filter

I Median Filter: The median of a set of (2K + 1) numbers is the

number such that K numbers from the set have values greater than

this number and the other K numbers have values smaller

I Median can be determined by rank-ordering the numbers in the set by

their values and choosing the number at the middle

I Example: Consider the set of numbers

{2,−3, 10, 5, 1}

Rank-ordered set is given by

{−3,−1, 2, 5, 10}


med {2,−3, 10, 5, 1} = 2

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Page 9: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Dicrete-Time Systems Median Filter

I Implemented by sliding a window of odd length over the input

sequence {x[n]} one sample at a time

I Output y[n] at instant n is the median value of the samples inside the

window centered at n

I Finds applications in removing additive random noise, which shows up

as sudden large errors in the corrupted signal

I Usually used for the smoothing of signals corrupted by impulse noise

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Dicrete-Time Systems Median Filter

I Example:

(a) Original data (b) Impulse noise corrupted data

(c) Median �ltered noisy data

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I Linear System

I Shift-Invariant System

I Causal System

I Stable System

I Passive and Lossless Systems

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Classi�cation Linear System

Linear System

I De�nition: If y1[n] is the output due to one input x1[n] and y2[n] isthe output due to another input x2[n] then for an input

x[n] = αx1[n] + β x2[n]

the output is given by

y[n] = α y1[n] + β y2[n]

I Above property must hold for any arbitrary constants α and β and for

all possible inputs x1[n] and x2[n]

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Classi�cation Linear System

I Example: Consider two accumulators with

y1[n] =n∑


x1[`] and y2[n] =n∑



For an inputx[n] = αx1[n] + β x2[n]

the output is

y[n] =


(αx1[`] + β x2[`)

= αn∑


x1[`] + βn∑



= α y1[n] + β y2[n]

I Hence, the above system is linear

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Classi�cation Linear System

I Example: The median �lter described earlier is a nonlinear discrete-timesystem.

I To show this, consider a median �lter with a window of length 3

Output y1[n] of the �lter for an input x1[n],

{x1[n]} = {3, 4, 5} , 0 ≤ n ≤ 2

is{y1[n]} = {3, 4, 4} , 0 ≤ n ≤ 2

Output y2[n] of the �lter for another input x2[n],

{x2[n]} = {2,−1,−1} , 0 ≤ n ≤ 2

is{y1[n]} = {0,−1,−1} , 0 ≤ n ≤ 2

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Classi�cation Linear System

However, the output y[n] for the input, x[n] = x1[n] + x2[n],

{x[n]} = {5, 3, 4} , 0 ≤ n ≤ 2

is{y[n]} = {3, 4, 3} , 0 ≤ n ≤ 2


{y1[n] + y2[n]} = {3, 3, 3} 6= {y[n]}

I Hence, the median �lter is a nonlinear discrete-time system

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Classi�cation Shift-Invariant System

Shift-Invariant System

I For a shift-invariant system, if y1[n] is the response to an input x1[n],then the response to an input

x[n] = x1[n− n0]

is simply

y[n] = y1[n− n0]

where n0 is any positive or negative integer

I The above relation must hold for any arbitrary input and its

corresponding output

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Classi�cation Shift-Invariant System

I In the case of sequences and systems with indices n related to discrete

instants of time, the above property is called time-invariance property

I Time-invariance property ensures that for a speci�ed input, the output

is independent of the time the input is being applied

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Classi�cation Shift-Invariant System


I Consider the upsampler

x[n] L xu[n]

with an input-output relation given by

xu[n] =

{x[n/L], n = 0,±L,±2L, . . .0, otherwise

I For an input x1[n] = x[n− n0] the output x1,u[n] is given by

x1,u[n] =

{x1[n/L], n = 0,±L,±2L, . . .0, otherwise


{x[n/L− n0], n = 0,±L,±2L, . . .0, otherwise

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Classi�cation Shift-Invariant System

However from the de�nition of the up-sampler

xu[n− n0] =

{x1[(n− n0)/L], n = 0,±L,±2L, . . .0, otherwise

6= x1,u[n]

I Hence, the upsampler is a time-varying system

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Classi�cation Shift-Invariant System

Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) System

I Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) system is a system satisfying both the

linearity and the time-invariance property

I LTI systems are mathematically easy to analyze and characterize, and

consequently, easy to design

I Highly useful signal processing algorithms have been developed

utilizing this class of systems over the last several decades

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Page 15: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Classi�cation Causal System

Causal System

I In a causal system, the n0-th output sample y[n0] depends only on

input samples x[n] for n ≤ n0 and does not depend on input samples

for n > n0

I Let y1[n] and y2[n] be the responses of a causal discrete-time system

to the inputs x1[n] and x2[n], respectively


x1[n] = x2[n] for n < N

implies also that

y1[n] = y2[n] for n < N

I For a causal system, changes in output samples do not precede

changes in the input samples

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Classi�cation Causal System


I Examples of causal systems:

y[n] = α1 x[n] + α2 x[n− 1] + α3 x[n− 2] + α4 x[n− 3]

y[n] = b0 x[n] + b1 x[n− 1] + b2 x[n− 2] + a1 y[n− 1] + a2 y[n− 2]

y[n] = y[n− 1] + x[n]

I Examples of noncausal systems:

y[n] = xu[n] +1

2(xu[n− 1] + xu[n+ 1])

y[n] = xu[n] +1

3(xu[n− 1] + xu[n+ 2]) +


3(xu[n− 2] + xu[n+ 1])

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Classi�cation Causal System

I A noncausal system can be implemented as a causal system by

delaying the output by an appropriate number of samples

I For example a causal implementation of the factor-of-2 interpolator is

given by

y[n] = xu[n− 1] +1

2(xu[n− 2] + xu[n])

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Classi�cation Stable System

Stable System

I There are various de�nitions of stability

I We consider here the bounded-input, bounded-output (BIBO)

stability, i.e.,

If y[n] is the response to an input x[n] and if

|x| ≤ Bx for all values of n


|y| ≤ By for all values of n

where Bx <∞ and By <∞

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Classi�cation Stable System

I Example: The M -point moving average �lter is BIBO stable

y[n] =1



x[n− k]

For a bounded input we have

|y[n]| =

∣∣∣∣∣ 1MM−1∑k=0

x[n− k]

∣∣∣∣∣≤ 1



|x[n− k]|

≤ 1

M(M Bx)

≤ Bx

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Classi�cation Passive and Lossless Systems

Passive and Lossless Systems

I A discrete-time system is de�ned to be passive if, for every

�nite-energy input x[n], the output y[n] has, at most, the same

energy, i.e.∞∑

n=−∞|y[n]|2 ≤


|x[n]|2 <∞

I For a lossless system, the above inequality is satis�ed with an equal

sign for every input

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Classi�cation Passive and Lossless Systems

I Example: Consider the discrete-time system de�ned by y[n] = αx[n−N ]with N a positive integer

Its output energy is given by


|y[n]|2 = |α|2∞∑


Hence, it is a passive system if |α| ≤ 1 and is a lossless system if |α| = 1

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Impulse and Step Responses

Impulse and Step Responses

I The response of a discrete-time system to a unit sample sequence

{δ[n]} is called the unit sample response or simply, the impulse

response, and is denoted by {h[n]}

I The response of a discrete-time system to a unit step sequence {µ[n]}is called the unit step response or simply, the step response, and is

denoted by {s[n]}

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Impulse and Step Responses

I Example: The impulse response h[n] of the discrete-time accumulator

y[n] =



is obtained by settingx[n] = δ[n]

resulting in

h[n] =n∑



= µ[n]

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Impulse and Step Responses

I Example: The impulse response h[n] of the factor-of-2 interpolator

y[n] = xu[n] +1

2(xu[n− 1] + xu[n+ 1])

is obtained by settingxu[n] = δ[n]

and is given by

h[n] = δ[n] +1

2(δ[n− 1] + δ[n+ 1])

The impulse response {h[n]} is thus a �nite-length sequence of length 3:

{h[n]} = {0.5, 1, 0.5} , −1 ≤ n ≤ 1

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Input-Output Relationship

Input-Output Relationship

I A consequence of the linear, time-invariance property is that an LTI

discrete-time system is completely characterized by its impulse


I Thus, knowing the impulse response one can compute the output of

the system for any arbitrary input

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Input-Output Relationship


I Let h[n] denote the impulse response of a LTI discrete-time system,

and compute its output y[n] for the input:

x[n] = 0.5 δ[n+ 2] + 1.5 δ[n− 1]− δ[n− 2] + 0.75 δ[n− 5]

As the system is linear, we can compute its outputs for each member of theinput separately and add the individual outputs to determine y[n]

Since the system is time-invariant

input output

δ[n+ 2]→h[n+ 2]δ[n− 1]→h[n− 1]δ[n− 2]→h[n− 2]δ[n− 5]→h[n− 5]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Input-Output Relationship

Likewise, as the system is linear

input output

0.5 δ[n+ 2]→ 0.5h[n+ 2]1.5 δ[n− 1]→ 1.5h[n− 1]−δ[n− 2]→ −h[n− 2]

0.75 δ[n− 5]→ 0.75h[n− 5]

Hence, because of the linearity property we get

y[n] = 0.5h[n+ 2] + 1.5h[n− 1]− h[n− 2] + 0.75h[n− 5]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Input-Output Relationship

I Now, any arbitrary input sequence x[n] can be expressed as a linearcombination of delayed and advanced unit sample sequences in the form

x[n] = x[n]~ δ[n] =∞∑


x[k]δ[n− k]

I The response of the LTI system to an input x[k]δ[n− k] will be x[k]h[n− k]

I Hence, the response y[n] to the input above is given by

y[n] =


x[k]h[n− k]

which can be alternately written as

y[n] =∞∑


x[n− k]h[k]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Input-Output Relationship

I The summation

y[n] =∞∑

k=−∞x[k]h[n− k] =


x[n− k]h[k]

is thus the convolution sum of the sequences x[n] and h[n] andrepresented compactly as

y[n] = x[n]~ h[n]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Input-Output Relationship


I Consider an LTI discrete-time system with an impulse response h[n]generating an output y[n] for a input x[n]:

y[n] =


x[k]h[n− k] = x[n]~ h[n]

Let us determine the output y1[n] of an LTI discrete-time system with

an impulse response h[n−N0] for the same input x[n]

I Now

y1[n] =∞∑

k=−∞x[k]h[n−N0 − k] = x[n]~ h[n−N0]


y1[n] = y[n−N0]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Convolution Sum Properties

Convolution Sum Properties

I Commutative property:

x[n]~ h[n] = h[n]~ x[n]

Associative property:

(x[n]~ h[n])~ y[n] = x[n]~ (h[n]~ y[n])

Distributive property:

x[n]~ (h[n] + y[n]) = x[n]~ h[n] + x[n]~ y[n]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Convolution Sum Properties

I In practice, if either the input or the impulse response is of �nite

length, the convolution sum can be used to compute the output

sample as it involves a �nite sum of products

I If both the input sequence and the impulse response sequence are of

�nite length, the output sequence is also of �nite length

I If both the input sequence and the impulse response sequence are of

in�nite length, convolution sum cannot be used to compute the output

I For systems characterized by an in�nite impulse response sequence, an

alternate time-domain description involving a �nite sum of products

will be considered

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Page 24: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Convolution Sum Properties

Tabular Method of Convolution Sum Computation

I Can be used to convolve two �nite-length sequences

I Consider the convolution of {g[n]} , 0 ≤ n ≤ 3, with{h[n]} , 0 ≤ n ≤ 2, generating the sequence y[n] = g[n]~ h[n]

I Samples of {g[n]} and {h[n]} are then multiplied using the

conventional multiplication method without any carry operation as

shown on the next slide.

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Convolution Sum Properties

n 0 1 2 3 4 5g[n] g[0] g[1] g[2] g[3]h[n] h[0] h[1] h[2]

g[0]h[0] g[1]h[0] g[2]h[0] g[3]h[0]+ g[0]h[1] g[1]h[1] g[2]h[1] g[3]h[1]+ g[0]h[2] g[1]h[2] g[2]h[2] g[3]h[2]y[n] y[0] y[1] y[2] y[3] y[4] y[5]

I The samples y[n] generated by the convolution sum are obtained by addingthe entries in the column above each sample

I The samples of {y[n]} are given by

y[0] = g[0]h[0]

y[1] = g[1]h[0] + g[0]h[1]

y[2] = g[2]h[0] + g[1]h[1] + g[0]h[2]

y[3] = g[3]h[0] + g[2]h[1] + g[1]h[2]

y[4] = g[3]h[1] + g[2]h[2]

y[5] = g[3]h[2]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Convolution Sum Properties

I The method can also be applied to convolve any two �nite-length

two-sided sequences as explained below

Consider two sequences {x1[n]} withN1 ≤ n ≤ N2 and {x2[n]} withNa ≤ n ≤ Nb and we are asked to compute the convolution y1[n] =x1[n]~x2[n] of these two sequences of size N2−N1+Nb−Na+1

1. Create two causal sequences g[n] = x1[n + N1] with 0 ≤ n ≤N2−N1 and h[n] = x2[n+Na] with 0 ≤ n ≤ Nb−Na, where

both have their �rst elements at n = 0

2. Compute the convolution y[n] = g[n] ~ h[n] using the tabular

method explained on the previous slide. Here {y[n]} is de�nedfor 0 ≤ n ≤ N2 −N1 +Nb −Na.

3. Then, obtain the real convolution y1[n] asy1[n] = y[n−N1 −Nb]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Convolution Sum Properties

Convolution Using MATLAB

I The M-�le conv implements the convolution sum of two �nite-length


I If

a =[−2 0 1 −1 3

]n =

[1 2 0 −1

]then conv(a,b) yields[

−2 −4 1 3 1 5 1 −3]

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Page 26: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Stability Condition of an LTI Discrete-Time System

Stability Condition of an LTI Discrete-TimeSystem

I BIBO Stability Condition: A discrete-time is BIBO stable if and

only if the output sequence {y[n]} remains bounded for all bounded

input sequence {x[n]}

I An LTI discrete-time system is BIBO stable if and only if its impulse

response sequence {h[n]} is absolutely summable, i.e.

S =∞∑

n=−∞|h[n]| <∞

I Proof can be found in the textbook.

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Stability Condition of an LTI Discrete-Time System


I Consider an LTI discrete-time system with an impulse response

h[n] = αnµ[n]

I For this system

S =∞∑

n=−∞|α|nµ[n] =


|α|n =1

1− |α|

I Therefore S <∞ if |α| < 1 for which the system is BIBO stable

I If |α| = 1, the system is not BIBO stable

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Causality Condition of an LTI Discrete-Time System

Causality Condition of an LTI Discrete-TimeSystem

I Let x1[n] and x2[n] be two input sequences with

x1[n] = x2[n] for n ≤ n0x1[n] 6= x2[n] for n > n0

then the system is causal if the corresponding outputs y1[n] and y2[n]are also given by

y1[n] = y2[n] for n ≤ n0y1[n] 6= y2[n] for n > n0

I An LTI discrete-time system is causal if and only if its impulse

response {h[n]} is a causal sequence.

I Proof can be found in the textbook.

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Causality Condition of an LTI Discrete-Time System


I The discrete-time system de�ned by

y[n] = α1 x[n] + α2 x[n− 1] + α3 x[n− 2] + α4 x[n− 3]

is a causal system as it has a causal impulse response

{h[n]} ={[α1 α2 α3 α4

]}, 0 ≤ n ≤ 3

then the system is causal if the corresponding outputs y1[n] and y2[n] arealso given by

I The discrete-time accumulator de�ned by

y[n] =



is a causal system as it has a causal impulse response given by

h[n] =n∑


δ[`] = µ[n]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Causality Condition of an LTI Discrete-Time System


I The factor-of-2 interpolator de�ned by

y[n] = xu[n] +1

2(xu[n− 1] + xu[n+ 1])

is noncausal as it has a noncausal impulse response given by

{h[n]} ={[0.5 1 0.5

]}, −1 ≤ n ≤ 1

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Causality Condition of an LTI Discrete-Time System

I Note: A noncausal LTI discrete-time system with a �nite-length

impulse response can often be realized as a causal system by inserting

an appropriate amount of delay

For example, a causal version of the factor-of-2 interpolator is

obtained by delaying the input by one sample period

y[n] = xu[n− 1] +1

2(xu[n− 2] + xu[n])

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Page 29: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Simple Interconnection Schemes

Simple Interconnection Schemes

Two simple interconnection schemes are:

I Cascade ConnectionI Parallel Connection

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Simple Interconnection Schemes

Cascade Connection

x[n] h1[n] h2[n] y[n] ≡ x[n] h2[n] h1[n] y[n]

≡ x[n] h1[n]~ h2[n] y[n]

I Impulse response h[n] of the cascade of two LTI discrete-time systems withimpulse responses h1[n] and h2[n] is given by

h[n] = h1[n]~ h2[n]

I Note: The ordering of the systems in the cascade has no e�ect on theoverall impulse response because of the commutative property of convolution

I A cascade connection of two stable systems is stable

I A cascade connection of two passive (lossless) systems is also passive(lossless)

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Simple Interconnection Schemes

I An application is in the development of an inverse system as

explained below:

If the cascade connection satis�es the relation

h1[n]~ h2[n] = δ[n]

then the LTI system h1[n] is said to be the inverse of h2[n] andvice-versa

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Simple Interconnection Schemes

I An application of the inverse system concept is in the recovery of a

signal x[n] from its distorted version x̂[n] appearing at the output of a

transmission channel

I If the impulse response of the channel is known, then x[n] can be

recovered by designing an inverse system of the channel

x[n] h1[n]



inverse system


h1[n]~ h2[n] = δ[n]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Simple Interconnection Schemes


I Consider the discrete-time accumulator with an impulse response µ[n]

Its inverse system satisfy the condition

µ[n]~ h2[n] = δ[n]

I It follows from the above that h2[n] = 0 for n < 0 and

h2[0] = 1n∑


h2[`] = 0 for n ≥ 1

I Thus the impulse response of the inverse system of the discrete-timeaccumulator is given by

h2[n] = δ[n]− δ[n− 1]

which is called a backward di�erence system

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Simple Interconnection Schemes

Parallel Connection




+ y[n] ≡ x[n] h1[n] + h2[n] y[n]

I Impulse response h[n] of the parallel connection of two LTI discrete-timesystems with impulse responses h1[n] and h1[n] is given by

h[n] = h1[n] + h2[n]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Simple Interconnection Schemes


I Consider the discrete-time system shown in the �gure below


h1[n] = δ[n] + 0.5 δ[n− 1]

h2[n] = 0.5 δ[n]− 0.25 δ[n− 1]

h3[n] = 2 δ[n]

h4[n] = −2(0.5)nµ[n]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Simple Interconnection Schemes

Simplifying the block-diagram we obtain

Overall impulse response h[n] is given by

h[n] = h1[n] + h2[n]~ (h3[n] + h4[n])

= h1[n] + h2[n]~ h3[n] + h2[n]~ h4[n]


h2[n]~ h3[n] =


2δ[n]− 1

4δ[n− 1]

)~ 2 δ[n]

= δ[n]− 1

2δ[n− 1]

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Time-Domain Characterization of LTI Discrete-TimeSystem Simple Interconnection Schemes


h2[n]~ h4[n] =


2δ[n]− 1

4δ[n− 1]

)~ (−2(0.5)nµ[n])

= −(0.5)nµ[n] + 1

2(0.5)n−1µ[n− 1]

= −(0.5)nµ[n] + (0.5)nµ[n− 1]

= −(0.5)n(µ[n]− µ[n− 1])

= −(0.5)nδ[n]= −δ[n]


h[n] = δ[n] +1

2δ[n− 1] + δ[n]− 1

2δ[n− 1]− δ[n]

= δ[n]

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Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems

Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems

I An important subclass of LTI discrete-time systems is characterized by alinear constant coe�cient di�erence equation of the form


dk y[n− k] =M∑k=0

pk x[n− k]

where x[n] and y[n] are, respectively, the input and the output of thesystem, and, {dk} and {pk} are constants characterizing the system

I The order of the system is given by max(N,M), which is the order of thedi�erence equation

I It is possible to implement an LTI system characterized by a constantcoe�cient di�erence equation as here the computation involves two �nitesums of products

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Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems

I If we assume the system to be causal, then the output y[n] can be

recursively computed using

y[n] = −N∑k=1

dkd0y[n− k] +


pkd0x[n− k]

where d0 6= 0

I y[n] can be computed for all n ≥ n0, knowing x[n] and the initial


y[n0], y[n1], . . . , y[n−N ]

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Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Discrete-Time Systems

Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Discrete-TimeSystems

Based on Impulse Response Length:

I If the impulse response h[n] is of �nite length, i.e.,

h[n] = 0 for n < N1 and n > N2, N1 < N2

then it is known as a �nite impulse response (FIR) discrete-time


I The convolution sum description here is

y[n] =


h[k]x[n− k]

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Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems Finite Impulse Response (FIR) Discrete-Time Systems

I The output y[n] of an FIR LTI discrete-time system can be computed

directly from the convolution sum as it is a �nite sum of products

I Examples of FIR LTI discrete-time systems are the moving-average

system and the linear interpolators

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Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems In�nite Impulse Response (IIR) Discrete-Time Systems

In�nite Impulse Response (IIR) Discrete-TimeSystems

I If the impulse response is of in�nite length, then it is known as an in�nite

impulse response (IIR) discrete-time system

I The class of IIR systems we are concerned with in this course arecharacterized by linear constant coe�cient di�erence equations

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Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems In�nite Impulse Response (IIR) Discrete-Time Systems


I Example: The discrete-time accumulator de�ned by

y[n] = y[n− 1] + x[n]

is seen to be an IIR system

I Example: The familiar numerical integration formulas that are used tonumerically solve integrals of the form

y(t) =

∫ t


x(τ) dτ

can be shown to be characterized by linear constant coe�cient di�erenceequations, and hence, are examples of IIR systems

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Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems In�nite Impulse Response (IIR) Discrete-Time Systems

If we divide the interval of integration into n equal parts of length T ,then the previous integral can be rewritten as

y(nT ) = y((n− 1)T ) +

∫ nT

(n−1)Tx(τ) dτ

where we have set t = nT and used the notation

y(nT ) =

∫ nT

0x(τ) dτ

Using the trapezoidal method we can write∫ nT

(n−1)Tx(τ) dτ =


2{x((n− 1)T ) + x(nT )}

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Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems In�nite Impulse Response (IIR) Discrete-Time Systems

Hence, a numerical representation of the de�nite integral is given by

y(nT ) = y((n− 1)T ) +T

2{x((n− 1)T ) + x(nT )}

Let y[n] = y(nT ) and x[n] = x(nT )


y(nT ) = y((n− 1)T ) +T

2{x((n− 1)T ) + x(nT )}

reduces to

y[n] = y[n− 1] +T

2{x[n− 1] + x[n]}

which is recognized as the di�erence equation representation of a

�rst-order IIR discrete-time system

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Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems Nonrecursive and Recursive Systems

Nonrecursive and Recursive Systems

Based on the Output Calculation Process:

I Nonrecursive System: Here the output can be calculated

sequentially, knowing only the present and past input samples

I Recursive System: Here the output computation involves past

output samples in addition to the present and past input samples

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Page 38: Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representationusezen/eem401/discrete_systems1... · 2012. 11. 6. · Discrete-Time Systems - I Time-Domain Representation CHAPTER 4 These lecture

Finite-Dimensional LTI Discrete-Time Systems Real and Complex Systems

Real and Complex Systems

Based on the Coe�cients:

I Real Discrete-Time System: The impulse response samples are real


I Complex Discrete-Time System: The impulse response samples are

complex valued

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