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The Forest Ecosystem

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What is forest ecosystem?

Click HERE for the definition And what forest ecosystem all about.

 is the scientific study of interrelated patterns, processes, fauna and flora and ecosystem in a forest.

a natural woodland unit consisting of all plants, animals , micro-organisms (biotic factors) functioning together with non-living (a biotic) factors of the environment.

Click HERE for more information about forest

ecosystem and the definition of

living (biotic) and non-living (a biotic)

and to know what are the similarities

and differentiate of living and non-

living in forest ecosystem.

A forest ecosystem is made up of soil, water, plants, animals, insects, fungi, and bacteria.  All of these things must interact with each other to form the ecosystem.

A forest ecosystem has definite boundaries and  includes a forest of trees out to the limit of tree growth. 


Are those trees, plants and animals that are found in the forest ecosystem.

Non-living organism

The non- living things are sand or soil ,rock, air and water

Living Non living

-are lively and active

-they are made up of cells

-exhibit characteristics of life

-like growth, movement -reproduction response to stimuli -they evolve and require energy for daily activities.

-do not exhibit any characteristics of life.

-they do not grow, respire

-Need energy, move, - reproduce, evolve, or maintain homeostasis.

-Both are found in forest Ecosystem.

-They are important in forest ecosystem.

-They interacting one another.

Click HERE for the Importance of Forest Ecosystem.The purpose of this learning is to give information how important our forest is.

Click HERE for more information about the importance of forest ecosystem.

The Importance of forest ecosystem

They provide wood and other products that are useful to people.

They remove carbon dioxide from air.

They protect our water sources.

They prevent erosion and floods.

They protect wildlife.

They provide recreation.

Click HERE for the definition of Deforestation and its effects. This learning is help students to avoid destroying our forest.

Click HERE for more information about Deforestation.


Deforestation is the process whereby natural forests are cleared through logging and/or burning, either to use the timber or to replace the area for alternative uses.

Soil erosion destruction - Soils (and the nutrients in them) are exposed to the sun’s heat. Soil moisture is dried up, nutrients evaporate and bacteria that help break down organic matter are affected.

Water Cycle- When forests are destroyed, the atmosphere, water bodies and the water table are all affected. Trees absorb and retain water in their roots.

Loss of Biodiversity-Many wonderful species of plants and animals have been lost, and many others remain endangered.

Climate- Destroying the forests mean CO2 will remain in the atmosphere and in addition, destroyed vegetation will give off more CO2 stored in them as they decompose.

Effects of Deforestation

Click HERE to view the video presentation about forest ecosystem and to know what are different types of forest ecosystem..


Click HERE to view the presentation about importance of forest.

Click HERE to view the presentation about deforestation.

Click HERE to have more fun in forest ecosystem.


Let`s go!!!

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