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Page 1: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many-Body

Dispersion (MBD) contributions to interatomic vdW forces

O. Anatole von LilienfeldCurrent: Argonne Leadership Computing Facility

From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University

Page 2: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,


➔ Introduction

➔ Why do we care? ➔ What's the problem with vdW?

➔ Atom-Electron approach (DCACP)

➔ Motivation➔ First attempts➔ Applications

➔ Atom-Atom approach (MBD)

➔ Many-body dispersion in DFT➔ 3-body dispersion effects➔ Many-body dispersion effects

Page 3: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Why do we care?

➔ ``There is plenty of room at the bottom'' (Feynman)

➔ Intermolecular bonds are weaker than chemical bond, yet crucial for many highly relevant processes

➔ Self-assembly➔ Supra-molecular➔ Adhesion, adsorption, physisorption➔ Liquid phase (Solid covalent, Gas ideal)➔ Nano- and meso-scale objects➔ Soft matter➔ Biological systems

Page 4: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Why do we care?

Papers by D. Andrienko et al,OAvL & Andrienko, JCP (2007)

Page 5: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Supra-molecular systems, liquids, and solids

Ionic systems

Metals, alloys, Semi-conductors, defects

Hybrid organic/inorganicinterfaces

Low-dimensional systemsWhy do we care?

Physico-chemical Properties and reactions

Page 6: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

6A Franceschetti & A Zunger, Nature (1999)

Science (1991)

Many more– Norskov et al (Stanford/DTU)– Curtarolo&Beratan&Yang (Duke)– Ceder (MIT)– Wolverton (Northwestern)– Zunger (NREL)– Yamashita (UT)– von Lilienfeld (ANL)

Why do we care? – compound design

Page 7: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Ar Ar

What's the problem with vdW?

Page 8: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Ahlrichs, Scoles et al (70's and 80's); Elstner, Hobza, Frauenheim, Kaxiras et al (2001); Wu and Yang JCP (2002); Grimme J. Comp. Chem. (2004,2006); Johnson and Becke JCP (2005-2007); Silvestrelli PRL (2008); Tkatchenko and Scheffler PRL (2009); and others ...

➢ vdW-DFT: Non-local functionals (depend explicitly on r and r') (Dion, Langreth, Lundqvist et al. PRL (2004)).

➢SAPT-DFT: Explicit energy expansion for weakly interacting moieties (Jeziorski, Szalewicz, Podeszwa et al. CR (1994), Hesselmann, Jansen)

➢ Empirical density functionals (Truhlar et al. JCP (2006), Goddard PNAS (2004), ...)

➢ Empirical atom centered potentials (von Lilienfeld, Tavernelli, Roethlisberger, Sebastiani PRL (2004), DiLabio CPL (2008))

➢ Interatomic (pairwise or beyond) dispersion corrections

What's the problem with vdW?

Page 9: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Dion, Rydberg, Schroeder, Langreth, Lundqvist, PRL (2004).Lee, Murray, Kong, Lundqvist, Langreth, PRB (2010).

What's the problem with vdW?

Langreth-Lundqvist functional

Page 10: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Langreth-Lundqvist functional (vdW-DF-04 and vdW-DF-10)

(*) Vydrov and van Voorhis, PRA (2010).


Exchange: revPBE

Local corr.: LDA

No free parameters

C6 error: ~ 20%


Exchange: PW86

Local corr.: LDA

2 parameters

C6 error: ~ 60%(*)

What's the problem with vdW?

Page 11: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,


➔ Introduction

➔ Why do we care? ➔ What's the problem with vdW?

➔ Atom-Electron approach (DCACP)

➔ Motivation➔ First attempts➔ Applications

➔ Atom-Atom approach (MBD)

➔ Many-body dispersion in DFT➔ 3-body dispersion effects➔ Many-body dispersion effects

Page 12: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Dispersion corrected atom centered potentials (DCACP)

Page 13: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

General idea – electron-electron– atom-atom→atom-electron


Feynman, Phys Rev (1939)

Page 14: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

General idea – electron-electron– atom-atom→atom-electron


Feynman, Phys Rev (1939)

Page 15: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Feynman, Phys Rev (1939)



Page 16: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Feynman, Phys Rev (1939)





Page 17: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,


➔ Add atom centered potential to external potential in SCF

➔ Act weakly on electrons in outer low density regions

➔ Atom-electron corrections not unusual in solid state physics

➔ relativistic effects for heavy atoms ➔ DFT+U ➔ dispersion corrected atom centered potentials

(DCACP) in 2004➔ self-interaction correction (Pollmann (2006))➔ band-gap correction (van de Walle (2007))

Page 18: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,


➔ Introduction

➔ Why do we care? ➔ What's the problem with vdW?

➔ Atom-Electron approach (DCACP)

➔ Motivation➔ First attempts➔ Applications

➔ Atom-Atom approach (MBD)

➔ Many-body dispersion in DFT➔ 3-body dispersion effects➔ Many-body dispersion effects

Page 19: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

First attempts

von Lilienfeld, Tavernelli, Sebastiani, Roethlisberger, PRL (2004)

Page 20: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

First attempts

von Lilienfeld, Tavernelli, Sebastiani, Roethlisberger, PRL (2004); von Lilienfeld et al, PRB (2005)

Page 21: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

DCACP applications

Tapavizca, Lin, von Lilienfeld, Tavernelli, Coutinho-Neto, Roethlisberger, JCTC (2007)

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DCACP applications

Lin, von Lilienfeld, Coutinho-Neto, Tavernelli, Roethlisberger, JCPA (2007)

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Roethlisberger group: http://lcbcpc21.epfl.ch/DCACP/DCACP.html

DCACP applications

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DCACP applications

Tavernelli et al, Phys Rev B (2009)

Page 25: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,


➔ Introduction

➔ Why do we care? ➔ What's the problem with vdW?

➔ Atom-Electron approach (DCACP)

➔ Motivation➔ First attempts➔ Applications

➔ Atom-Atom approach (MBD)

➔ Many-body dispersion in DFT➔ 3-body dispersion effects➔ Many-body dispersion effects

Page 26: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-body dispersion in DFT


Pair-wise corrected DFT

Tkatchenko & von Lilienfeld, PRB (2008)

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Many-bodyvdW Energy




Many-body dispersion in DFT

Page 28: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-bodyvdW Energy

Many-body dispersion in DFT

Page 29: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-bodyvdW Energy

Many-body dispersion in DFT

Tkatchenko & von Lilienfeld, PRB (2008)

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Many-bodyvdW Energy

Many-body dispersion in DFT

Tkatchenko & von Lilienfeld, PRB (2008)

Page 31: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-bodyvdW Energy

Many-body dispersion in DFT

Tkatchenko & von Lilienfeld, PRB (2008)

For rare gas crystals, experimentalMBC estimated to be up to 10% of cohesive energy

Functional MBC

LDA 35 %

PBE 50 %

TPSS 80 %

Page 32: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,


➔ Introduction

➔ Why do we care? ➔ What's the problem with vdW?

➔ Atom-Electron approach (DCACP)

➔ Motivation➔ First attempts➔ Applications

➔ Atom-Atom approach (MBD)

➔ Many-body dispersion in DFT➔ 3-body dispersion effects➔ Many-body dispersion effects

Page 33: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-bodyvdW Energy

3-body dispersion effects

von Lilienfeld & Tkatchenko, JCP (2010)

Page 34: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

3-body dispersion effects

von Lilienfeld & Tkatchenko, JCP (2010) Tkatchenko&Scheffler, PRL (2009)

Page 35: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-bodyvdW Energy

3-body dispersion effects

von Lilienfeld & Tkatchenko, JCP (2010)

Page 36: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

3-body dispersion effects

von Lilienfeld & Tkatchenko, JCP (2010) Tkatchenko&Scheffler, PRL (2009)

Damping according to Tang&Toennis

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Many-bodyvdW Energy

3-body dispersion effects

von Lilienfeld & Tkatchenko, JCP (2010)

Page 38: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-bodyvdW Energy

3-body dispersion effects

von Lilienfeld & Tkatchenko, JCP (2010)

Page 39: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-bodyvdW Energy

3-body dispersion effects

von Lilienfeld & Tkatchenko, JCP (2010)

Page 40: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,


➔ Introduction

➔ Why do we care? ➔ What's the problem with vdW?

➔ Atom-Electron approach (DCACP)

➔ Motivation➔ First attempts➔ Applications

➔ Atom-Atom approach (MBD)

➔ Many-body dispersion in DFT➔ 3-body dispersion effects➔ Many-body dispersion effects

Page 41: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-bodyvdW Energy

Many-body dispersion effects

Tkatchenko, von Lilienfeld, DiStasio, accepted in PNAS (2012)

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Many-bodyvdW Energy




Use DFT+MBD method

Many-body dispersion effects

A. Tkatchenko, R. A. DiStasio Jr., R. Car, M. Scheffler, PRL (2012).

Page 43: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

TS-vdW method

Self-consistent electrostatic screening (SCS)

Many-body vdW energy for a system of coupled oscillators (CFDM)

A. Tkatchenko, R. A. DiStasio Jr., R. Car, M. Scheffler, PRL (2012).

Page 44: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

SCS: Polarization and anisotropy in H6

C6⊥ C6∥ C6iso

TS-vdW: 166 161 165 +SCS: 89 692 223 LR-CCSD: 115 638 238 (Reference)

All values in HartreeBohr6

Many-body dispersion effects

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C6 coefficients: from small to large silicon clusters

TDLDA: S. Botti et al., PRB (2008)

27% error

Many-body dispersion effects

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PBE(0)+MBD: S22 database

MAREPBE+vdW 9.1%PBE+MBD 5.4%PBE0+MBD 4.2%



S22 CCSD(T): Jurecka, Sponer, Cerny, Hobza, PCCP (2006); Sherrill et al., JCP (2010).

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Seamless treatment of short-range (quantum) and long-range (classical) screening

Models anisotropy, polarization, and depolarization for non-metallic molecules and solids

Computes many-body dipole vdW energy to infinite order with a single parameter

Negligible computational cost compared to DFT (MBD calculation takes 1 min. for 1000 atoms on 1 processor)

Important features of DFT+MBD





Many-body dispersion effects

A. Tkatchenko, R. A. DiStasio Jr., R. Car, M. Scheffler, PRL (2012).

Page 48: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-bodyvdW Energy

Many-body dispersion effects

Tkatchenko, von Lilienfeld, DiStasio, accepted in PNAS (2012)

Page 49: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-body vdW effects at play: Benzene molecular crystal

PBE+vdW690 meV/molecule

PBE+MBD565 meV/molecule

Experiment518-560 meV/molecule

2.9 kcal/moldue to screeningand many-bodyVdW effects

Many-body dispersion effects

Tkatchenko, von Lilienfeld, DiStasio, accepted in PNAS (2012)

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BLYP+DCACP-37 kcal/mol

PBE+vdW-46.6 kcal/mol

PBE+MBD -55.0 kcal/mol

Lin, von Lilienfeld, Coutinho-Neto, Tavernelli, Rothlisberger, J. Phys. Chem. B (2007); von Lilienfeld and Tkatchenko, J. Chem. Phys. (2010).

Many-body dispersion effects

Many-body vdW effects at play: Ellipticine

Tkatchenko, von Lilienfeld, DiStasio, accepted in PNAS (2012)

Page 51: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

Many-bodyvdW Energy

Many-body dispersion effects

Tkatchenko, von Lilienfeld, DiStasio, accepted in PNAS (2012)

Page 52: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,


➔ Introduction

➔ Why do we care? ➔ What's the problem with vdW?

➔ Atom-Electron approach (DCACP)

➔ Motivation➔ First attempts➔ Applications

➔ Atom-Atom approach (MBD)

➔ Many-body dispersion in DFT➔ 3-body dispersion effects➔ Many-body dispersion effects

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➔Argonne Leadership Computing Facility promotes open science internationally through INCITE program (http://www.alcf.anl.gov/)

➔ Systems:

➔ Large and crowded

➔ Many

➔ Methods: High quality (QMC, MBPT, CCSD(T) ...)

Page 54: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,


Rothlisberger, EPFL Tavernelli, EPFL Sebastiani, FU Berlin

Tkatchenko, FHI DiStasio, PrincetonDobson, Griffith U

This research used resources of the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility at Argonne National Laboratory, which is supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357.

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S22 database: Comparison with other approaches

S22 CCSD(T): Jurecka, Sponer, Cerny, Hobza, PCCP (2006); Scherrill et al., JCP (2010).

Page 56: Dispersion Correcting Atom Centered Potentials (DCACP) and Many ... - Delaware Physics · 2012-10-01 · From 2013: Chemistry Department, Basel University. Overview ... Semi-conductors,

The current state-of-the-art(Grimme, Becke, Tkatchenko/Scheffler)

Effective screening and two-body energy



The new state-of-the-art:Full many-body screening and energy for a system of

quantum oscillators





Valid for small molecules or

homogeneous dielectrics

Valid for small and large molecules, insulators, metals,

interfaces, ...

Many-body dispersion effects

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C6 coefficients: 1225 atomic/molecular dimers

A. Tkatchenko and M. Scheffler, PRL (2009)


Many-body dispersion effects

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