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  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Introduction to troubled-debtrestructuring

    Corporate Restructuring

    Tim Thompson

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Distressed Firm


    Chapter 11(outside option)

    No Chapter 11 filing

    Prepackaged Ch. 11

    Chapter 11


    Chapter 7


    (outside option)


    or sale

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Focus of lecture Firm already in distress

    defined as not able to make debt payments

    as they come due

    Choices Renegotiate contracts with creditors out of court (workout)

    Renegotiate contracts with creditors in court (Chapter 11)

    Allow the firm to be liquidated by court appointed trustee(Ch 7)

    Chapter 11 court may order the company be sold to highestbidder

    Most focus will be on large firms, usually publicly held

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    Insolvency Troubled debt restructuring methods

    needed because firm is insolvent

    I.e., it can not meet its obligations asthey come due.

    This is not the legal definition

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    Causes of insolvency Bad luck

    Economic conditions

    Competitive position eroded

    Firm specific factors

    Bad strategy

    Bad execution -- mismanagement Fraud

    Overlevered the company

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Effect of insolvency Have to recontract with creditors

    get parties to agree to reorganization liabilities, ownership, control

    or liquidate

    Recontracting can be settled out of court

    Workouts/private reorganizations

    Or, in court

    Chapter 11 (reorg) or Chapter 7 (liquidation)

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Main effect of reorganizations Restructure terms on debt

    reduce interest payments/principal amounts

    Extend maturity

    Substitute equity (or equiv.) for debt

    What if V is very large?

    Could be that have too little cash flow, but goodvalue, could offer BH more value, but paid later

    Not the usual situation

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    What is optimal choice if managers are

    value maximizing?

    Is the firm worth more as a goingconcern? with its own strategy bought out by another firm

    Or is it worth more liquidated?

    What is size of the pie and how is it tobe sliced? Tough question on bothcounts!

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Watch out for incentives on all sides!

    Creditors Race to the top

    Dont want firm to go into Ch. 11 In Ch. 11, want you to liquidate inefficiently

    Shareholders Stay out of Ch 11

    In Ch 11, want ongoing firm

    Managers Depends on what their position looks like

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Chapter 11 is not first choiceAlmost all large, publicly traded firms

    attempt to workout debt beforeentering Chapter 11

    Why do firms attempt a workout?

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    Workouts less expensive than

    Chapter 11 Gilson, John and Lang (GJL) studied

    NYSE AMEX firms doing workouts and

    Ch. 11s in 80s Legal and professional fees higher in Ch 11

    Avg length of Ch 11 is longer, especiallywhen workout included exchange offer

    In workout, only deal with claims indefault*

    In Ch 11, all claims

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Problems with Ch. 11

    Legal/professional fees have priority overother claims, so less incentive to get it done

    Management by judges Major decisions: file application with court, notify

    creditors -- file complaints

    Judges legal requirements

    claimholders must receive at least what theyd get inliquidation, company not in danger of going bankruptagain (near future)

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  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Advantages to DIP of Chapter

    11 New issued debt higher priority than

    pre-petition debt

    Interest on pre-petition unsecured debtstops accruing

    Automatic stay from creditors

    Easier to get reorg plan acceptedbecause of voting rules

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Why does firm go to Chapter 11?

    Creditor holdouts (and advantages above)

    In workout, have to get all participatingcreditors to agree

    Bondholders have incentive to free ride onthe settlement

    Try to trap the free riders by making theexchanged bonds higher priority, shorter maturity

    Problem worse with public debt, morecomplex debt

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    LTV decision Judge Burton Lifland

    Bondholders who tendered in previousexchange offer were entitled to claim equalto market value of new bonds

    Non exchanging bondholders entitled to

    claim equal to face value of debt Makes holdout problem worse

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Rights of management in Ch

    11 DIP (debtor in possession) has

    exclusive right to file first reorg plan

    for 120 days

    typically extended, sometimes for years

    Large management turnover in both

    workouts and Ch 11sAlso, reputation issues

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Tax disadvantage to voluntary

    restructuring Tax Reform Act of 1986

    More difficult to preserve NOL

    carryforwards Hard to avoid paying tax on income from

    forgiveness of debt

    Revenue Reconciliation Act of 1990 newly exchanged bonds trading at a

    discount to face value, the firm must bookthe difference as taxable income

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Prepackaged bankruptcy

    Hybrid of workouts and Chapter 11s Firm files Chapter 11

    But files reorg plan at the same time(agreed to with secured creditorsinformally beforehand)

    Can hurry up the Ch 11 process

    Not a sure thing!

    Why do Ch 11 at all?

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Deviations from AbsolutePriority in Troubled Debt


    Corporate Restructuring

    Tim Thompson

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3



    In typical corporate finance treatments ofdefault, assumed that claimants of the firm

    will be paid according to absolute priority First, secured claimants

    Administrative claims

    Employee claims

    Customer claims

    Tax claims

    Unsecured creditors, then equity

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Deviations from APR common

    Kaiser, Chap. 11, documents manypapers describing deviations from APR Both in Chapter 11 and in workouts Typically, equity and unsecured

    debtholders receive more than should,more senior claims receive less than

    should Equity receives more in workouts than in

    Chapter 11

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Do markets expect APR

    deviations? Generally, yes.

    Kaisers Chapter 11 suggests that debtmarkets do not seem to anticipate theeventual APR violations, but most of theliterature suggests that markets do, in

    fact, incorporate these violations intopricing.

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    Betker (1996) Show table

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    If markets efficient, do

    deviations from APR matter? Still matter, because the noise in how much

    you would get/lose due to violations leads to

    inefficient investments in time to find out how large deviations will be

    in time and effort to limit/increase size ofdeviations

    in increases in rates/onerous covenants when youissue debt

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  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    LoPucki and Whitford (1990)

    Managers act more in their owninterests than in equity interests, so

    understanding the distinction isimportant on case by case basis.

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    Recovery rates How much do bankers/bondholders get

    back of their original investment in

    Chapter 11 reorganizations?

    What is relation between recovery ratesand seniority/security?

    What is relation between recovery ratesand public/private/banks?

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Altman evidenceAverage recovery rate approx. 40%

    Recovery rate defined as the price one

    month after default occurred divided bypar value

    1991 36.0%

    1990 23.4%

    1989 38.3%

    1988 43.6%

    1987 75.9%

    1986 34.5%

    1985 45.9%

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Altman: rec. rates by priority 1985-1991 Averages

    Type of debt Recovery rate

    Secured 60.51%

    Senior 52.28%

    Senior subordinated 30.70%

    Subordinated (cash pay) 27.96%

    Subordinated (PIK) 19.51%

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Recovery rates in Eastern Airlines Secured debt with sufficient collateral 100%

    Secured debt, insufficient collateral 11.75% First equip cert 100%

    12.75% Second equip cert 60% 13.75% Third equip cert 6%

    Accrued interest on secured debt 57%

    Capital lease obligations 100%

    Unsecured debt P

    BGC pension claims 15% Manufacturers sub notes 11%

    Conv Sub Debs 6%

    Healthcare claims 8%

    Stock 0%

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Kaiser notes, Franks and

    Torous Table 12.2 Percentage recovery rates

    by creditor class

    exchanges, Chap. 11, and prepacks

    Conclusions: Recovery rates higher in workouts than Chapter


    Prepacks more like workouts

    Pre-solicited somewhat higher than pre-negotiated

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Kaiser notes, Franks and

    Torous Table 12.5, form of compensation

    workouts v. Chapter 11s

    Conclusions: Cash larger part of distribution in Ch. 11

    Bank debt reduced in chapter 11, becomes senior debt

    Junior debt and preferred receive equity, both methods

    Equity is larger part of distribution in Ch. 11

  • 8/6/2019 Distress 3


    Loss in value at Eastern Weiss and Wruck

    Table 2 Total recover by fixed claimants and equity at

    resolution of bankruptcy, $2,005.5 million.

    At filing of Chapter 11, total estimated marketvalue of equity plus different measures of debt,around $4 billion

    Loss of approx. $2 billion in value in Chap 11 argue was not due to industry conditions

    Direct costs were $114 million only.

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    What was problem? Uncertainty about going concern v.


    Judge allowed managers to useproceeds of asset sales to fundcontinued operations (at substantial op

    losses) Some venue shopping?

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