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  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    Distributed Wormhole Attack Detection in Wireless Sensor


    Yurong Xu1 Guanling Chen2 James Ford1,3 Fillia Makedon1,3

    1Computer Science Department, Dartmouth College

    {yurong, jford, makedon}@cs.dartmouth.edu

    2Computer Science Department, UMass Lowell


    3Univ. of Texas at Arlington, Dept. of Computer Science and Eng.



    This paper proposes a distributed wormhole

    detection algorithm for wireless sensor networks,

    a potential technology for infrastructures of many

    applications. Currently, most sensor networks

    assume they will be deployed in a benign envi-

    ronment; however, when a sensor network is de-

    ployed in some hostile environment, attacks (espe-

    cially those like wormhole attacks that dont need

    to capture the keys used in the network) may affect

    current sensor networks and may even disable

    their functions. This paper proposes a distributed

    wormhole detection algorithm called Wormhole

    Geographic Distributed Detection (WGDD), that

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    is based on detecting disorder of the networks

    which is caused by the existence of a wormhole

    inside the network. Since wormhole attacks are

    passive, this algorithm uses a hop-counting tech-

    nique as a probe procedure to detect wormhole at-

    tacks, then reconstructs local maps in each node,

    and after that, uses a feature called diameter to

    detect abnormalities caused by wormholes. The

    main advantage of using a distributed wormhole

    detection algorithm is that such an algorithm can

    provide the approximate location of a wormhole,

    which may be useful information for further de-

    fense mechanisms. Simulations show that the pro-

    posed detection method has both a low False Tol-

    eration Rate (FTR) and a low False Detection

    Rate (FDR) in detecting wormhole attacks.

    1. Introduction

    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) [1, 15] are

    an emerging technology consisting of small, low-

    power, and low-cost devices that integrate limited

    computation, sensing, and radio communication

    capabilities. This technology has the potential

    to provide infrastructures for numerous applica-

    tions, such as surveillance, healthcare, industry

    automation, and military uses.

    Currently, most applications in WSNs assume

    that they are deployed in a trusted environment,

    but it is possible that a WSN is to be deployed

    in an untrusted environments, and so dealing with

    security issues will become a central requirement.

    In this situation, an adversary can disable the

    functionality of a WSN by interfering with packet

    transmissions inside the networks with different

    attacks such as wormhole attacks, sybil attacks

    [12], jamming, and packet injection attacks [17].

    This paper focuses on wormhole attack detec-

    tion [2, 7, 13]. A wormhole attack doesnt re-

    quire knowing the cryptographic infrastructure of

    the sensor network, and thus it puts an attacker in

    a very powerful position relative to other nodes

    in the network, compared to other attacks such

    as sybil and packet injection attacks, which usu-

    ally utilize vulnerabilities in the infrastructure of

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    wireless sensor networks. An attacker can per-

    form a wormhole attack on a sensor network even

    if the network communication infrastructure pro-

    vides confidentiality and authenticity, and the at-

    tacker does not have any cryptographic keys.

    Currently, there are many methods that have

    been proposed for detecting wormhole attacks in-

    side of ad hoc networks and wireless sensor net-

    works, and encouraging results have been ob-

    tained. However, these methods usually require

    that some nodes in the network be equipped with

    special hardware. Solutions such as SECTOR [2]

    and Packet Leashes [7] need time synchroniza-

    tion or highly accurate clocks to detect worm-

    holes; the method of Hu and Evans [5] requires

    that a directional antenna is deployed in each

    node; and LAD [3], SerLoc [9], and the ap-

    proach in [6] concentrate on detecting/defending

    against wormholes in localization in WSNs, but

    these methods also need the help of anchor nodes

    (which are special nodes that already know their

    location exactly), which requires manual setup

    when a network is deployed.

    In comparison with the above methods, in

    this paper we describe a distributed method

    called Wormhole Geographic Distributed Detec-

    tion (WGDD) to detect a wormhole attack with-

    out using anchor nodes or any additional hard-

    ware. Since a wormhole attack is passive, this

    algorithm uses a simple hop-counting technique

    as a probe procedure to detect wormhole attack,

    then reconstructs local maps by MDS (Multidi-

    mensional Scaling) in each node, and after that

    uses a feature introduced in this papce called di-

    ameter to detect distortions caused by a worm-

    hole. The main advantage of using a distributed

    wormhole detection algorithm is that such an al-

    gorithm can provide the approximate location of a

    wormhole, which can assist further defense mech-

    anisms. Simulation shows that the proposed de-

    tection method has both a low False Toleration

    Rate(FTR) and a low False Detection Rate(FDR)

    in detecting wormhole attacks.

    In this paper, we make the following contribu-

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    tions. (i.) We propose a new feature which can be

    used to detect wormholes in a distributed scheme.

    (ii.) We propose a distributed wormhole detection

    algorithm which needs only local connectivity in-

    formation. Since the detection of wormholes is

    completed under a distributed scheme, it is pos-

    sible that our algorithm can provide the approxi-

    mate locations of the ends of wormholes, which

    will be helpful in further defense against worm-

    hole attacks. (iii) We provide extensive simula-

    tion for (i-ii) in NS-2, which shows that our meth-

    ods are effective at detecting wormhole attacks on

    different network placements.

    The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-

    lows. Section 2 discusses related work. Sec-

    tion 3 describes some basic concepts related to

    wormhole attacks. Section 4 discusses the fea-

    ture which detects wormholes inside of a network

    and the details of the WGDD algorithm. Section

    5 evaluates the algorithm in an NS-2 simulation

    environment. And finally Section 6 gives our con-


    2. Related Work

    The wormhole attack detection in wireless ad-

    hoc networks was introduced in [2, 6, 7]. Both

    solutions are referred to as Packet Leashes [7],

    and SECTOR [2]. They detect wormhole attacks

    based upon the notion of geographical or tempo-

    ral leashes. Briefly, suppose every node in the net-

    work already knows its exact location and each

    node embeds its location and a timestamp into

    each packet it sends. If the network is synchro-

    nized, then other nodes receiving that packet can

    detect a wormhole by detecting the mismatch be-

    tween the timestamp difference they calculate and

    the location difference they observe. Such a solu-

    tion requires a synchronized clock and preknown

    location for each node. The method we propose

    here does not have these requirements.

    In [8], Kong et al. study Denial of Service

    (DoS) attacks, including wormhole attacks, in

    UWSN (Under Water Sensor Networking). Be-

    cause UWSN typically uses acoustical methods

    to propagate messages under water, the methods

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    in UWSN cant be directly applied into wireless

    sensor networks.

    In [5], Hu and Evans utilize directional anten-

    nas to prevent wormhole links by assuming every

    node of the network will be equipped with direc-

    tional antennas that all have the same orientation.

    Lazos and Poovendran apply a similar idea in de-

    signing a secure localization scheme called SeR-

    Loc [9] that protects against wormhole attacks in

    localization. In SeRLoc, there are about 400 an-

    chor nodes (designated as beacon nodes in the

    paper) deployed in a 5000-node network. Each

    anchor node has a directional antenna and already

    knows its physical location. Other nodes in the

    network use these anchor nodes to locate them-

    selves. When there is a wormhole attack in the

    network, since a wormhole will shortcut the net-

    work, directional antennas deployed in the an-

    chor nodes will help in detecting the attack, and

    the nodes can then defend against it by discard-

    ing incorrect localization messages. However, if

    anchor nodes are compromised, especially those

    anchor nodes that are close to a end of a worm-

    hole, SeRLoc will still have difficulty in detect-

    ing/defending against wormhole attacks.

    In more recent papers [3, 10], D. Liu et al. pro-

    posed an anchor-based scheme which is resistant

    to several attacks, including wormhole attacks.

    By using a hop-counting technique, the scheme

    estimates the distance between a node and an an-

    chor node (or location reference in the authors

    terminology). If there is a wormhole inside the

    network, then it is possible that the distance from

    a node to some anchor node will be changed, and

    a simple threshold method is used to determine

    whether such a distance difference is caused by

    a wormhole attack or by localization error. The

    main difference between our method and those of

    [3] and [10] is that the latter methods rely on an-

    chor nodes, which need manual setup in advance,

    while our method does not require any anchor

    nodes to detect wormholes.

    Additional work by [14] presents a useful graph

    theoretic framework for modeling of wormhole

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    attacks, but this theoretic framework is based on

    the assumption that there are guard nodes know

    their locations exactly. Thus, these nodes actu-

    ally work as anchor nodes as described in this pa-

    per. Since in this work we assume that none of the

    nodes in the network knows its physical location,

    our proposed solution is for a case not covered by

    this framework.

    MDS-VOW [16] allows visualization of a net-

    work to allow detection of wormholes by find-

    ing bending distortions caused by a wormhole in

    computed maps. The main difference between

    our approach and MDS-VOW is that MDS-VOW

    can only work in a centralized scheme, so MDS-

    VOW needs to have a central computer to finish

    its computation. In our paper, we extract a new

    feature which can efficiently indicate the ends of

    a wormhole based only on local bending distor-

    tions caused by the ends of the wormhole. The

    algorithm described in this paper is computed by

    a distributed scheme and requires no centralized

    computation. A general limitation of MDS-VOW,

    which is identified in [14], is that such a visual-

    ization cannot be applied to networks with irreg-

    ular shapes, such as a string topology (nodes con-

    nected in one line).

    3. The Wormhole Attack

    Origin end Destinationend

    Wormhole tunnel

    Figure 1. A Wormhole Attack in a WSN

    In a typical wormhole attack, an attacker re-

    ceives packets at one point in the network, for-

    wards them through a wireless or wired link with

    much less latency than the default links used by

    the network and relays those packets at another

    position in the network. In this paper we as-

    sume that a wormhole is bidirectional, and when

    considering a wormhole attack, we refer to the

    end of that wormhole receiving a message as the

    origin end of the wormhole and the end that

    transmits the message as the destination end of

    that wormhole (thus which end is which is en-

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    tirely context dependent). Figure 1 shows a typ-

    ical wormhole attack. In this work we assume

    wormholes with two endpoints, although in the-

    ory multi-end wormholes are possible.

    We also assume that each wormhole in a net-

    work is (1) passive, and thus does not send out

    any message without any inbound message, (2)

    static, which means that such wormhole will not

    move around.

    4 Detecting Wormhole Attacks

    In this section, at first, we will describe our al-

    gorithm in brief, then, by observing the network

    with a wormhole inside it, we discuss a feature

    which can be used to detect wormhole attacks in

    distributed scheme, at last, based on the previous

    feature we propose how to detect wormhole at-


    4.1 Overview of WGDD Algorithm

    Our distributed algorithm called Wormhole Ge-

    ographic Distributed Detection (WGDD) uses a

    similar hop-counting technique as a probe proce-

    dure (Section 4.2) to detect wormhole attack. Af-

    ter the running of the probe procedure, each node

    will collect the set of hop-count from its neigh-

    bor nodes which are in one(k) hop(s) distance to

    it, then that node will run Dijkstras algorithm to

    get the shortest path for each pair of the nodes,

    after that, it will reconstruct a local map by MDS

    (Multidimensional Scaling) (Section 4.3). After

    we discuss a feature called as diameter to de-

    tect distortions caused by a wormhole in local

    maps in Section 4.4, we will introduce the detec-

    tion procedure in Section 4.5. The overview of

    this Wormhole Geographic Distributed Detection

    (WGDD) algorithm can be seen in Procedure 1.

    Procedure 1 Wormhole Geographic Distributed

    Detection (WGDD)

    1: Probe Procedure

    2: Local Map Computation Procedure

    3: Detection Procedure

    4.2 Probe Procedure

    Since a wormhole attack is passive, which

    means that such an attack can only happen when

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    there is some message being transmitted near the

    wormhole area. In order to detect whether there

    is a wormhole attack inside a network, we de-

    sign a probe procedure to flood an message from

    some bootstrap node to the whole networks to let

    all other nodes in the network to count the hop

    distance from itself to that bootstrap node. Such

    probe procedure is based on hop-coordinates [18]

    technique to measure the hop distance from each

    node to some bootstrap node, which shares the

    same idea as hop-counting, but has more accurate


    (i)In bootstrap node: A bootstrap node x cre-

    ates a probe message with (i = idx) to flood

    the network. After that, the bootstrap node will

    drop any probe message that was originated by it-

    self. The bootstrap node has the hop-coordinate:

    hopx = 0 and offsetx = 0.

    (ii) In all other nodes in the WSN: Suppose that

    a node a is calculating its hop distance, and node

    b is one of the neighbors of node a. Then the basic

    probe procedure 2 is as same as hop-coordinates

    procedure [18] for node a is shown in Procedure


    Procedure 2 Probe Procedure in node a1: INPUT: message (hopb) from node b Na2: for message (hopb) from any B Na and not

    TIMEOUT do

    3: ifhopb < hopa then4: hopa = hopb + 15: forward (message(hopa ) ) to MAC6: else

    7: drop (message(hopb ) )

    8: end if9: end for

    10: if|Na| == 0 then11: offseta = 012: else

    13: offseta =





    14: end if

    15: return hopa

    and offseta

    Here, a is a node, hopa

    is the minimum num-

    ber of hops to reach node a counting from some

    bootstrap node (x), the initial value of it will be

    the largest positive value in practice. the combi-

    nation ofhopa

    and offsetais the hop coordinate for

    node a, Nais a set of nodes which can be reached

    by node a in one hop, and |Na| is the number of

    nodes in Na.

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1401440









    (a) The original location of a 2500node

    WSN with one wormhole

    0 20 40 60 80 100 120 1401440






























    (b) the same 2500-node WSN with one

    wormhole siting on the edges of the


    Figure 2. a 2500-node WSN (r = 2m) with one wormhole

    4.3 Local Map Computation

    In this step, each node will compute a local map

    for its neighbors based on the hop-coordinate

    computed in the previous step. After the gener-

    ation of hop-coordinates with Procedure 2, each

    node will send a request to its neighbor nodes that

    are within one(k) hop(s) to send back their hop

    coordinate from some bootstrap node (x).

    After each node receives the hop coordinate

    from its neighbors, that node will compute short-

    est paths between all pairs of nodes one (k) hop(s)

    to that node, using Dijkstras algorithm or other

    similar algorithms.

    Then, we apply MDS to the

    (|Na|+1)(|Na|+1) shortest path matrix (here

    |Na| is the number of nodes that can be reached by

    node A in one (k) hop(s)) and retain the first two

    (or three) largest eigenvalues and eigenvectors to

    construct a 2-D (or 3-D) local map.

    The total cost for this step is a computational

    cost ofO(|Na|3 n) and a memory cost ofO(|Na|


    per node, with no communication cost in this step.

    4.4 Detection Procedure

    Based on the local map from previous step,

    here we will try to detect attacks. At first let us

    have a look of the affection of wormhole attack

    on computed map.

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    4.4.1 Observation of a Wormhole in a Recon-

    structed Map

    In order to observe a wormhole, we implemented

    the probe procedure 2 and the local map compu-

    tation procedure as routing agents and the boot-

    strap node for the probe procedure as a protocol

    agent in NS-2 version 2.29 [11] with 802.15.4

    MAC layer [19] and CMU wireless extensions

    [4]. The configuration parameters used for NS-2

    are RF range = 15 meters, propagation = TwoRay-

    Ground, and antenna = Omni Antenna.

    In our first experiment, we used 2500 nodes in a

    uniform placement total 2500 nodes are placed

    on a grid with 0.5rrandomized placement error,

    where r = 2 m is the width of a small square in

    the grid. A wormhole is implemented as a wired


    Fig. 2(a) and 2(b) shows the same sensor net-

    work; each x represents a node, and the red cir-

    cles indicate the two ends of a wormhole; in Fig.

    2(a), the wormhole is siting in the center of the

    network, while in Fig. 2(b), the wormhole is sit-

    ing on the edges of the network.

    4.4.2 New Feature to Detect Wormhole At-


    With the fact that each WSN node has limited re-

    sources and has no possibility to store global in-

    formation, in order to detect wormholes in a dis-

    tributed scheme, each node can only use local in-

    formation to detect wormhole attacks.

    Consider the two parts of the intruded network

    with a wormhole with two ends in Figure 3, by se-

    lecting two parts of the network which is close to

    the ends of the wormhole in Figure 2(a). We use a

    dotted circle to represent the neighbor area where

    a particular node can directly reach in transmis-

    sion range R, since there are two ends, we shows

    two parts of the network. Then, after the cir-

    cled node finished local map computation for the

    nodes in its local range, it will be getting a lo-

    cal map as in Figure 4. From this figure, we can

    see that because wormhole shortcuts the two parts

    of the network, the circled node can reach more

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    range than before (if we measure the longest dis-

    tance in this local map, it will equal 49m), though

    that computed local map is bended by the effect

    of the wormhole.

    Figure 3. Two Parts of the Network near

    Wormhole Ends.Here, parameters: r = 4,R = 15, red circles represents the wormholeends.

    2d =49m

    Figure 4. Local Map in the Red Circled Node

    in Figure 3.After probe procedure and local

    map computation in that node which is red


    From the above observation, we instead fo-

    cus on detecting wormholes by using a different

    featurethe diameter of the computed local map.

    We define diameter d for Node a here:

    Diameter: d = max(distance(b, c))/2,

    Where b, c Na, here Na is the set of neighbor

    nodes of node a, distance(a, b) will be computed

    as distancde(a, b) = sqrt((x x)2 + (y y)2)

    in 2D case, here (x, y),(x, y) are the coordiantes

    for node a, b in the local map computed in the

    previous step, respectively.

    Theoretically, the diameter of the neighbor area

    for a node will roughly equal or less its trans-

    mission range R, since one node only can hear

    from its neighbors within the transmission range

    R. But because of the shortcut of wormhole, the

    computed map for that neighbor area of that node

    will be distorted, and so the diameter of that com-

    puted local map will be larger than the physical

    one, as shown in 4, we can see 2d = 49m.

    In order to verify whether such diameter feature

    is working in detecting wormhole in the whole

    network, we compute the diameter for each node

    in the same 2500-node network with and without

    wormhole. The results are shown in Figure 5(a),

    if we examine nodes that are very near to a worm-

    hole, such as the area near the red circles in Fig-

    ure 5(b), the diameters of the local maps for these

    nodes will be noticeably increased by proximity

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks



















    (a) Diameter Measurement in the 2500-node

    WSN in Figure 2.(a) without Wormhole











    X Y


    (b) Diameter Measurement in the 2500-node

    WSN in Figure 2.(a) with a Wormhole

    Figure 5. Diameter Measurement without and with Wormhole in a 2500-node WSN. In Figure 5(b),

    the diameter of a local map will roughly be R (from 14 to 18, while R = 15 meters) unless thereis a wormhole attack, in which case the diameter of a local map will become longer as the position

    draws closer and closer to the wormhole.

    to the wormhole, comparing the diameters in the

    same nodes in the network without wormhole in

    Figure 5(a). But if the nodes are a little farther

    away, or in a distant part of the network, such as

    the middle area in Figure 5(b), the diameters of

    the local maps for these nodes, will be almost as

    normal as these in the same area in Figure 5(a),

    which is without wormhole.

    In Figure 5(b), the diameter of a local map will

    roughly be R (from 14 to 18, while R = 15 me-

    ters) unless there is a wormhole attack, in which

    case the diameter of a local map will become

    longer as the position draws closer and closer to

    the wormhole. The diameter reaches the highest

    (about 25 m) at the nodes at about 7 m to the ends

    of wormhole, then the diameter is decreased, be-

    cause the nodes are approaching to the edges of

    the network, but still above 22 m.

    The diameter feature is also good at de-

    tect wormhole attack in networks with irregular

    shapes, and in networks with multiple wormholes

    inside them. We did some experiments of diam-

    eter in a network with string topology, and a net-

    work with two wormholes inside it.

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    0 20 40 60 80 100












    (a) Diameter Measurement in the 50-

    node WSN in String Placement with-

    out a Wormhole

    0 20 40 60 80 100











    (b) Diameter Measurement in the 50-

    node WSN in String Placement with a


    Figure 6. Diameter Measurement in the 50-node WSN in String Placement without/with a Wormhole

    In a string topology experiment, we tested a

    50-node network, inside of which, each node are

    uniformally distributed in a 100 meter string in

    one dimension. First we measure the diameter for

    each node without any wormhole in the network,

    the result is in Figure 6(a). The diameter is at most

    16.8 m in Figure 6(a). Then, we add a wormhole

    into the network with the two ends of that worm-

    hole at the two ends of the string. We can see that

    right now, the diameters of nodes which are close

    to the ends of the wormhole are larger than 22 m,

    shown in Figure 6(b).

    In order to test the feature of diameter in de-

    tecting multiple wormholes in a network, we de-

    ployed two wormholes in the network of Figure

    2.a. The measurement of diameter for all nodes

    as shown in Figure 7. The locations of the ends

    of these two wormholes are represented as red

    circles in the same figure. From the figure, we

    can see that even two wormholes are very close

    to each other, the peaks of diameter are still ap-

    peared in the nodes which are close to the ends of

    the wormholes, from our measurement, four peak

    values are 24.8, 25.2, 22.2, 22.6 m respectively.

    So, by computing the diameter d for local map,

    such detection algorithm can runs independently

    in each node, in conjunction with the computation

    of a local map for the neighboring area. Since

    all nodes in this area are within one(k) hop(s) of

    the calculating node, the detection algorithm can

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    Figure 7. Diameter Measurement in the 2500-

    node WSN in Figure 2.(a) with Two Worm-

    holes.Here, red cycles are the ends of worm-holes, the dashed lines are the tunnels of the

    wormholes. A X is represented as a node.

    The 50X50 mesh is only for visualization

    purpose. Color bar represents the value of


    compute the diameter of each local map after de-

    termining each neighbor nodes location.

    4.4.3 Detection Procedure

    Thus, we propose to use the diameter to deter-

    mine whether there is a wormhole attack present

    or not. From the experiment in Figure 5(a) and

    5(b), we can see that usually the diameters for lo-

    cal maps will be around R, but if there is a worm-

    hole in the network, then the diameters of the lo-

    cal maps which are computed by the nodes close

    to the ends of the wormhole will be higher to over

    22m. So, we can define a threshold for the diame-

    ter to detect wormholes in the network. Since, the

    lower the value we assign to such threshold, the

    higher possibility it is that nodes send the error

    alarms of wormhole. So, based on the above ex-

    periments, we define a threshold as 1.4R (in our

    configuration 1.4R = 1.4 15 = 21 m) to deter-

    mine whether there is a wormhole attack present

    or not. In order to adjust the sensitivity of detec-

    tion procedure we introduce a constant parameter


    Suppose the diameter of a local relative map is

    d; ifd > (1+)1.4R (here is a constant parame-

    ter which is less than 1 and larger than 0), then we

    can say there is a wormhole in the network, and

    if not, we can say that the error probably comes

    from localization error. The details of the detec-

    tion algorithm follow.

    Suppose node a is an arbitrary node in the

    WSN. At first, we propose a distributed detec-

    tion Procedure 3, which is used to compute the

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    diameter after running the probe procedure 2 and

    local map computation in Section 4.3, and detect

    whether there is a wormhole in the network.

    Procedure 3 Wormhole Detection Procedure in

    node a1: INPUT: local map G in node a for Na {a}2: diameter d = 03: for each b Na {a} do4: for each node c Na {a} {b} do5: if 2d < distance(b, c) in local map G


    6: 2d = distance(a, b) in local map G7: end if

    8: end for9: end for

    10: ifd > (1 + ) 1.4R then11: return FOUND WORMHOLE to sink


    12: end if

    The total cost for this step is a computational

    cost ofO(|Na|2

    n) and a memory cost ofO(|Na|)

    per node, with no communication cost in this


    5. Simulations Results

    5.1 Simulation Environment Setup

    Same as to the experiment setup in the previous

    section, we implemented our whole detection al-

    gorithm as a routing agent in NS-2 version 2.29

    [11] with 802.15.4 MAC layer [19] and CMU

    wireless [4] extensions. The configuration used

    for NS-2 is RF range = 15 meters, propagation =

    TwoRayGround, antenna = Omni Antenna. We

    implemented a wormhole as a wired connection

    with smaller latency that forwards packets from

    one node to another node.

    0 20 40 60 80 100 1200







    Figure 8. A typical placement for simulation

    (Constructed with n = 400, r = 4. greendashed ovals are holes and small blue circles

    are islands.)

    In our all experiments, we used uniform

    placementn nodes are placed on a grid with

    0.5r randomized placement error. Here r is the

    width of a small square in the grid. We con-

    structed a total of 60 placements with n = 400,

    900, 1600 and 2500, and with r = 2, 4,6, 8, 10

    and 12 meters, respectively. The reason we use

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    uniform placement with 0.5r error is that usu-

    ally such placement produces both node holes and

    islands in one placement, as demonstrated in Fig-

    ure 8. The place of the wormhole is totally ran-

    domized inside of the network.

    5.2 Detection Simulation Result

    5.2.1 Metrics

    As we decrease the value of , we can increase

    the accuracy of detecting wormhole attack, but

    the possibility of fault alarm will be increased. In

    order to evaluate the accuracy of our wormhole

    attack detection under different values, we in-

    troduce the following concepts:

    False Detection Rate (FDR): the frequency

    with which the detection system falsely recog-

    nizes identical characteristics as being different,

    thus failing to tolerate, for example, a normal lo-

    calization error.

    FDR = (number of normal localization errors

    flagged as detected wormholes) / (total number of


    In practice, we count the number of the nodes,

    which send out FOUND WORMHOLE mes-

    sages but are far away from the ends of a worm-

    hole (We define that if a node is R = 15m away

    from all ends of a wormhole, then this node ob-

    viously has few impact of wormhole, and so we

    say that such node is far away from the worm-

    hole.), into the number of normal localization er-

    rors flagged as detected wormholes. When FDR

    = 0, it means that there is no wrong alarm in de-

    tecting wormholes.

    False Toleration Rate (FTR): the frequency

    with which the detection system falsely recog-

    nizes different characteristics as identical, thus

    failing to detect a wormhole attack.

    FTR = (number of wormhole attacks not de-

    tected) / (total number of trials).

    If there is a wormhole in a experiment, but there

    is no node to send out FOUND WORMHOLE

    messages, we will count this as wormhole at-

    tacks not detects. So, if FTR = 0, it means that

    our detection algorithm is successful in detecting

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks













    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 15r(m)





























    0 2 4 6 8 10 12 15r(m)


















    (a) when = 0 (b) when = 0.1

    Figure 9. False Detection Rate (FDR) and False Toleration Rate (FTR) for various node spacings.

    wormholes in all experiments.

    5.2.2 Simulation Result

    We use the same experimental setup as in section

    5.1, with one wormhole in each placement, again

    implemented in NS-2 as a wired connection with

    a latency far less than the latency of the wireless

    connections. Results in terms of FTR and FDR

    are shown in Figure 9. Our detection algorithm

    has a low FTR with FDR=0 when = 0.0as in

    Figure 9.a; when = 0.1as in Figure 9.b, our

    detection algorithm can achieve a low FDR with


    In order to consider about the performance of












    2 7 12 17 22 27 32 37Hop Distance Between Two Ends of a
















    Figure 10. FTR/FDR vs Hop Distance Be-

    tween Two Ends of a Wormhole ( = 0)

    our algorithm to detect smaller wormholes (such

    as two to three hops long), we plot the all FTR and

    FDR experiment data( when = 0) on Figure 10

    based on the number of hops between two ends of

    a wormhole in one experiment. We can see that

    if it is a long wormhole such as 3 hops long,

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    our detection algorithm archives almost 100% de-

    tection rate (shown as FTR = 0). Even when fac-

    ing shorter wormhols which are less than 3 hops

    long, our algorithm can still make more than 80%

    detection rate (shown as FTR < 20%).

    6. Summary and Discussion

    In this paper, we discuss how to detect worm-

    hole attacks in distributed scheme. By assuming

    that wormhole attacks are passive, we provide a

    probe procedure to let some bootstrap node flood

    a probe message to detect some possible worm-

    holes in the network, the probe procedure pro-

    duces a hop-coordinates to each node which rep-

    resents the hop distance from that node to the

    bootstrap node. Then each node will compute a

    local map for its neighbors and itself with the hop-

    coordinates collected in the previous step. Since

    if there is a wormhole in the network, it causes

    some distortions in some local maps of the nodes

    which are close to the ends of the wormhole, so

    we find a feature called diameter to detect such

    distortion in distributed scheme, with the help of

    that feature diameter, we propose a wormhole

    detection procedure.

    We test our Wormhole Geographic Distributed

    Detection (WGDD) algorithm in simulation envi-

    ronment under different placements of networks.

    The extensive simulation result shows that our de-

    tection algorithm can archive almost 100% over-

    all detection rate (shown as FTR is around zero,

    when = 0 in Figure 10.a). Even consider-

    ing about the cases of shorter wormholes which

    are less than 3 hops long, our algorithm can still

    make more than 80% detection rate (shown as

    FTR < 20% in Figure 10). We can run our de-

    tection algorithm in stricter model by setuping

    = 0.1, it this case, we can archive almost zero

    wrong alarm rate (shown as FDR = 0 in Figure


    Since our algorithm is running under dis-

    tributed scheme, it means that if there is a worm-

    hole, then some nodes close to the wormhole will

    detect the wormhole attacks, so such advantage

  • 8/14/2019 Distributed wormhole attack detection in wireless sensor networks


    of our algorithm may help in defending against

    wormholes. We may propose the idea of freez-

    ing nodes that have detected wormhole attacks in

    their vicinity, along with their neighbor nodes, in

    order to isolate and negate the effect of a worm-


    Suppose that the wireless range for a wormhole

    attack equals k times the transmission range R of

    a normal node; if this is the case, then it is possi-

    ble that we can stop the transmission of a worm-

    hole attack by freezing the nodes within k times

    transmission range R of one detecting location.

    Procedure 4 Defending against wormhole attacks

    Require: triggered by DetectionProcedure

    1: send message(freezing)to all neighbor nodes

    in 1(k) hop(s)2: Broadcast message(relocalization) to the

    bootstrap node and other nodes.

    From a node (or nodes), which detects worm-

    hole attack, a special message will flood out

    to freeze neighboring nodes. If the bootstrap

    node (x) receives this message, it will restart the

    wormhole detection algorithm again, while other

    nodes receive such message will clean the hop-

    coordinate inside itself. Such process will be

    ended until there is no node detects any wormhole


    Right now, we are basing experiment to decide

    the threshold and in deciding whether a diame-

    ter measurement triggers an alarm for wormhole.

    One future work may need to improve our algo-

    rithm is how to decide such threshold and auto-



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