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Page 1: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Divine MercySpiritual Signs

Page 2: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Our Loving Mother Spirituality CenterConyers, Georgia

June, 2012

Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the month from 1990 to 1998 in Conyers. Well over a million pilgrims have visited the site. Francesca made it a habit to visit every Saturday while she was living in the Atlanta area.

One sunny day, Francesca spent some time in the prayer room and then walked outside into the garden around 2 pm. Francesca saw the sun change completely to a dark purple color and then the darkness spread throughout the sky and even on the ground.

Page 3: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Our Loving Mother Spirituality CenterConyers, Georgia

June, 2012

A little while later, suddenly there was a multi-colored light flowing downward from heaven onto the yard. Francesca could see beautiful purple, then blue, then yellow and many other colors in sequence.

Ever since this time Francesca has had the gift of seeing spiritual signs and the presence of holy spirits. Many of the signs she has seen are related to Divine Mercy and the Blessed Virgin Mother.

Page 4: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Our Loving Mother Spirituality CenterJuly 14, 2012, 2:12 pm

As Francesca was taking a photo of this image of Divine Mercy in the prayer room, a big light came to her from the white rays of Jesus’ Heart.

Gospel reading, Mt 10:24-33, says in part:

“No disciple is above his teacher, no slave above his master. It is enough for the disciple that he become like his teacher, for the slave that he become like his master.”

Page 5: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Mission of the 127/15/12, 7:18 pm

Gospel Mk 6:7-13

This was the first time that Francesca saw blood on Jesus’ neck, hands and feet in the Divine Mercy image in her home in Atlanta. Francesca has had this framed picture for over 30 years. (The black shadow is not significant—it is a shadow of Francesca taking the photo.)

This is a copy of the image painted by Polish artist Adolf Hyla five years after the death of St. Faustina, based on the earlier image painted in 1934 by Eugene Kazimierowski.

Page 6: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Lord of the Sabbath7/21/12, 1:29 pm

Francesca saw a light that attracted her to the Divine Mercy image. The light in the center of the photo is a spiritual light, not a reflection of a camera flash.

Gospel Mt 12:14-21

After Jesus taught that “the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath” and cured a man with a withered hand in the temple on the sabbath: “the Pharisees went out and took counsel against him to put him to death.”

Page 7: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Jesus Condemned to Death by Pharisees7/21/12, 1:33 pm (4 minutes after previous picture)

You can see Jesus’ face suffering, with blood covering it, and his hands.

Page 8: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Limitless Forgiveness8/16/12, 9:26 pm

Gospel Mt. 18-21-19:1: “Then Peter approaching asked him, ‘Lord, if my brother sins against me, how often must I forgive him? As many as seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I say to you, not seven times but seventy-seven times.’”

On the day this photo was taken, there was so much blood on Jesus’ face that you cannot discern His features. Not only was Jesus’ body full of blood in the image, but there was a reddish hue of blood all over the house, even on the walls and stairs.

Look closely and you will see many, many spirits all over the image.

Page 9: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Blessing of the Children8/18/12, 8:15 am

Gospel Mt. 19:13-15, “Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not prevent them; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’”

You can see a boy behind the red rays coming from the Sacred Heart. The boy is her nephew, who died young (around 14 years old) almost 40 years before this photo was taken. Francesca has always remembered him in her daily prayers, asking God to take care of him, and in this photo, Jesus showed her that He is taking care of him.

You may notice a small point of light in the photo. Francesca says that when the Lord is try-ing to focus her attention on part of a photo, He often puts a point of light like this.

Page 10: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Feast of St. Cosmos and St. Damian, martyrs9/26/12, 1:55 pm

St. Cosmos and St. Damian were twin brothers. They were Christian doctors who accepted no payment for their services. They were arrested under the persecution of Diocletian, and were hung on a cross, stoned, shot by arrows and then beheaded. Their two younger brothers died with them.

Jesus is suffering in this image. There is blood all over the photo, and His Sacred Face is broken. You can see Mary suffering at the bottom left of the photo. Her veil is covered in blood, and her face is focused on Jesus’ face. You can see many spirits of different colors in the light areas of the photo.

Page 11: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Reappearance of Our Lady of Sorrows12/29/12, 6:57 pm

Gospel Lk 2:22-35. Luke’s Gospel refers to Jesus’ presentation in the temple for consecration to the Lord. Simeon foretold that seven swords would pierce Our Lady’s Heart, and she immediately understood how her Son would die, based on Old Testament prophecies.

Our Lady of Sorrows appears in the same part of the photo as the one taken three months earlier, but the image of Jesus has a different appearance, not suffering as much. He willingly offered His humanity to His Father in Heaven for our redemption.

Page 12: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Feast of 3 Archangels Michael, Gabriel and Raphael9/29/12, 5:07 pm

Gospel Rv 12:7-12a (War in heaven)

“Then I heard a loud voice in heaven say: "Now have salvation and power come, and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His Anointed. For the accuser of our brothers is cast out, who accuses them before our God day and night. They conquered him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony...”

In this photo there are striped geometric shapes of light, two triangular and one polygon. The top shape seems to come from the sleeve of the hand with which Jesus is blessing us. The other shapes are changing the path of the red rays, which symbolize Jesus’ Precious Blood, which is our spiritual fortification.

Page 13: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Chosen for Blessings

3/11/13, 9:02 pm

This is the same picture that Francesca was shown 5-1/2 months before. Francesca has received the same spiritual sign several times, but on different dates, as in this case.

Two of the readings for the days in question are related: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 and Is 65:17-21:

“Understand, then, that the LORD, your God, is God indeed, the faithful God who keeps His merciful covenant down to the thousandth generation toward those who love Him and keep His commandments…”

“Lo, I am about to create new heavens and a new earth; The things of the past shall not be remembered or come to mind. Instead, there shall always be rejoicing and happiness in what I create…”

Page 14: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Word of God12/25/12, 4:35 pm

Gospel Jn 1:1-18:

“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came to be through Him, and without Him nothing came to be. What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”

There is a bright light from heaven coming from Jesus, which is why Francesca took the photo. Jesus’ face is suffering. The bright light is in the shape of a wedding ring, which could signify the Bride of Christ, the Church.

Page 15: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Born to Die for Us12/29/12, 6:49 pm

The day before this was the Feast of the Holy Innocents. Luke’s gospel (2:22-35) refers to Jesus’ presentation in the temple for consecration to the Lord.

Jesus’ face, neck and hands are full of blood. In this photo, He emphasizes His Sacred Heart, because His face and blessing hand and the bottom half of the rays are blocked from view. There are beautiful colored spirits all around Jesus, and it could be interpreted to mean that they are worshipping His Sacred Heart.

Jesus’ clothes are colorful, and Francesca says that beautiful colors are signs of spirits.

Page 16: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Jesus Light of the World1/5/13, 9:16 pm

Gospel 1 Jn 3:11-21:

“For God so loved the world that he gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might not perish but might have eternal life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. Whoever believes in him will not be condemned…”

This image shows Jesus’ suffering face and a lot of blood around His blessing hand, and there is a very bright (holy) spirit. It is in the same relative position where we have seen the Sorrowful Mother in other photos. Perhaps it refers to the Light of the World coming to us through the Virgin Mary.

If you look closely, you can see some spiritual faces below the bright light.

Page 17: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Resignation of Pope Benedict2/11/13, 7:40 pm

There is a tremendous amount of blood and suffering shown in this image of Jesus, taken on the day when a pope resigned for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church, two days before Ash Wednesday (start of Lent).

Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes. Gospel Mk 6:53-56:

“They scurried about the surrounding country and began to bring in the sick on mats to wherever they heard He was. Whatever villages or towns or countryside He entered, they laid the sick in the marketplaces and begged Him that they might touch only the tassel on His cloak; and as many as touched it were healed.”

Page 18: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Killing the Heir for His Inheritance3/1/13, 10:58 pm

This photo was taken 18 days later on a Friday in Lent, and it looks like Jesus is still suffering terribly. Jesus has blood all over, and His Sacred Feet look like they have been wrapped in cloths, perhaps like burial cloths. There are many spirits present, from His knees down toward His feet.

Gospel Mt 21:33-46, Parable of the Tenants:

“But when the tenants saw the son, they said to one another, ‘This is the heir. Come, let us kill him and acquire his inheritance.’”

Page 19: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Sight for the Man Born Blind3/10/13, 8:47 pm

Gospel Jn 9:1-41: “’It is unheard of that anyone ever opened the eyes of a person born blind. If this man were not from God, he would not be able to do anything.”

On the very day that Francesca was preparing to move from Atlanta to Dallas, Jesus showed her this completely changed Divine Mercy image. His hand is full of blood, and the color completely changed to green. You can see a huge ringed sphere covering the entire photo, which is a powerful spirit.

On the very day that Francesca was moving from Atlanta to Dallas, Jesus showed her this completely changed Divine Mercy image. His hand is full of blood, and the color completely changed to green. You can see a huge ringed sphere covering the entire photo, which is a powerful spirit.

Page 20: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Good to Go3/10/13, 8:49 and 8:52 pm

Moving preparation day for Francesca – cont’d:

The image has two strong white lights that are parallel, like an equal sign coming from blessing of the hand of Jesus, and there is a beam that looks like a dashed line of light with spiritual colors, going toward the bottom of the photo, where Francesca was standing, as if to tell her she is receiving a blessing without equal.

Jesus’ face and hands are bloody. There are many spirits in the bottom half of the photo.

Page 21: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Leaving Nazareth3/11/13, 8:59 pm

Gospel Jn 4:43-54, Second sign at Cana (curing of son of royal official) after leaving Nazareth. “Jesus himself testified that a prophet has no honor in his native place.”

Jesus’ face and hands are covered with blood (a sign of great suffering), and there is a ringed sphere in front of His face, which is a spirit in front of His upper body. There are many, many spirits present in this photo, all around Jesus.

The 2nd photo was taken one minute after the 1st one. There is a spiritual light on the right side of Jesus, and His face and hands are covered with blood. This photo was taken at night, and Francesca took the photo because she saw the light and the blood. There is a purple spirit behind the light, which in this photo is not spherical.

Page 22: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

3/23/13. 8:30 pm

Saturday before Palm Sunday, Gospel Jn 11:45-56, Session of the Sanhedrin (after the raising of Lazarus from the dead). Caiphas the high priest said, “It is better for you that one man should die instead of the people, so that the whole nation may not perish.” … “So from that day on they planned to kill him.”

There is blood all over the photo, even casting a reddish glow onto the arch of the frame, which is usually white.

Throughout the Lent season, Jesus showed Francesca blood on His Divine Mercy image, but this was probably the worst case.

Page 23: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Washed in the Blood of the Lamb4/7/13, 11:38 pm

Divine Mercy Sunday Gospel Jn 20:19-31, Appearance to the Disciples (and doubting Thomas):

“Unless I see the mark of the nails in his hands and put my finger into the nailmarks and put my hand into his side, I will not believe.”

Blood is all over Jesus’ face and hands and clothes. This photo looks very similar to the one taken two weeks before.

Page 24: Divine Mercy Spiritual Signs. Our Loving Mother Spirituality Center Conyers, Georgia June, 2012 Our Blessed Mother appeared 49 times on the 13th of the.

Jesus’ Passion as Source of All God’s Blessings4/21/13, 4:29 pm

Jesus’ Face is disfigured with blood, and there are glowing spheres, which could be interpreted as the Holy Trinity coming from the Sacred Heart of Jesus’ Divine Mercy.

Gospel Acts 13:14, 43-52: St. Paul in Antioch, condemning Jews and Jewish converts who rejected the Good News and encouraging the gentiles who accepted Jesus as Lord, ultimately resulting in Paul being persecuted and expelled by influential Jews. “For so the Lord has commanded us, ‘I have made you a light to the Gentiles, that you may be an instrument of salvation to the ends of the earth.’”

Alternate Reading Rv 7:9, 14b-17: the Triumph of the Elect, a great multitude from every nation who “survived the time of great distress” by washing their robes in the blood of the Lamb.

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