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Page 1: Divine Mercy Sunday April 28, 2019 · 28/04/2019  · the power of the Gospel might shine forth in their daily social and family life. The laity, moreover by reason of their particular


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[email protected]; Cell Phone 701-509-9504; Rectory 701-579-4874



Divine Mercy Sunday — April 28, 2019

“Jesus came and stood in their midst and said to them, ‘Peace be with you.’”

On today’s Feast of Divine Mercy, we are grateful that God refused to leave mankind in his fallen condition.

Just as Jesus entered the locked room where His disciples were, so He also enters into the locked doors of our hearts, banishing fear and sin with the same comforting words spoken to His apostles” “Peace be with you.” Two thousand years

later, we continue to receive these gifts of Jesus’ peace and mercy every time we encounter the Him in the Sacrament of Penance.

Familiaris Consortio (cont.)

Evangelical Discernment

5. The discernment effected by the Church becomes the offering of an orientation in order that the entire truth and the full dignity of mar-

riage and the family may be preserved and realized.

This discernment is accomplished through the sense of faith, which is the gift that the Spirit gives to all the faithful, and is therefore

the work of the whole Church according to the diversity of the various gifts and charisms that, together with and according to the responsi-

bility proper to each one, work together for a more profound understanding and activation of the word of God. The Church, therefore, does

not accomplish this discernment only through the Pastors, who teach in the name and with the power of Christ, but also through the laity:

Christ “made them His witnesses and gave them understanding of the Faith and the grace of speech” (cf. Acts 2:17-18; Rev. 19:10) so that

the power of the Gospel might shine forth in their daily social and family life. The laity, moreover by reason of their particular vocation have

the specific role of interpreting the history of the world in the light of Christ, in as much as they are called to illuminate and organize tem-

poral realities according to the plan of God, Creator and Redeemer.

Welcome to the Church

We offer our prayers and congratulations to Jayla Nelson, Teegan Nelson, and Kazen Nelson, who received

their First Holy Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil. Prayers and congratulations to Pablo Rodriquez-

Ruiz as well, who received his First Holy Communion at that same Mass. Lastly, we extend these same prayers and best wishes to Stephanie

Heinle, who received her First Holy Communion and Confirmation at the Easter Sunday Mass at the DWCRC. I admire the faith and devo-

tion of these young people, who love the spiritual gifts that the Church now offers them on their journey to eternal life in heaven, especially

the profound gift of the Holy Eucharist. God bless you all and be assured of our continued prayers on your behalf.

Blessings as you receive the Bread of the Angels

Please pray for these children who will be receiving their First Holy Communion this Sunday at Saint Mary’s:

Ethan Augare; Tony Dorner; Samantha Kathrein; Lola Moxley; Baily Rohrer; Joe Schmidt; and Avia Steier.

May God bless these children as they receive our Lord Jesus for the first time in the gift of the Holy Eucharist, the

Bread from Heaven. We pray that the Holy Eucharist may always be the spiritual foundation of their families, for our Lord

blesses and honors souls and families that welcome Him in Holy Communion. In His own words, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If

anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person and he with me.”

Know that after the First Holy Communion Mass, you are welcome downstairs to join in a fellowship and to offer your prayers

and best wishes to our First Holy Communicants. They would appreciate your presence.

Away for a spell

I will be away from the parishes from Monday, April 29th until Thursday, May 2nd, at the annual Spring Clergy

Conference in Bismarck. If a pastoral emergency should arise, please contact me on my cell phone, 701-509-9504. Please be assured of my prayers when we priests gather for the Divine Office and the Holy Mass. I will greet the

former pastors for all of you and let them know that you are faithfully fulfilling your weekly quota of providing baked goods for the current pastor. They will be so proud of you!

Page 2: Divine Mercy Sunday April 28, 2019 · 28/04/2019  · the power of the Gospel might shine forth in their daily social and family life. The laity, moreover by reason of their particular


Monday, April 29

7:30 AM SM—Communion Service

Tuesday, April 30

7:30 AM SM—Communion Service

Wednesday, May 1

7:00 PM SM-Rosary, Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions

Communion Service

Thursday, May 2

7:30 AM SM– Communion Service

Friday, May 3

7:30 AM SM - Saint Mary’s Altar Guild

12-3:00 PM SM - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

6:00 PM SE - Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

7:00 PM SE - Saint Elizabeth’s Christian Mothers

Saturday, May 4

8:30 AM - +Mike Urlacher by Angie Urlacher and Family

5:00 PM SM– +Eugenia Stagl by Family & Friends

Sunday, May 5

8:30 AM SE– Pro Populo

10:30 AM– Confirmands

5:00 PM—Chaplet of Divine Prayer Service

Please Keep in Your Prayers: Zane Sabo, Richard Jambor, Brad Novak, Josie Steier, Katie Stolz, Katie Kautzman, Hazel Jacobs, Amber Urlacher, Savannah Benz, Bonnie Benz, Lily Serr, Anise Masterson, Dan Frank, Chuck Brusich, Nate Hernandez, Andy Prokop, Henley Johnson, Duane Grundhauser, Pete Schaefer, Alice Candrian, Marilyn Jacobs, Leo Heck, Ross Thomas, Arlene Rohr, Brenda Barton, Elven Kaufman, Suzette Printz, Linda Reisenauer, Russ Lefor, Cindy Martin, Tim Theil, Howard Schiwal, Theresa Decker, Alyssa Binstock, Yvonne Fettig, Dale Reindel, Kim Kuhn, Don Miller, Bonnie (Krebs) Dick, Dorothy Kohl, Colleen Churchill, Thresiamma (Fr. Biju’s mom)

Assisted Living and Nursing Home Residents: Gilbert & Ruth Buzalsky,

Mary Hanson, Aggie Wandler, Ken Stagl, Charlotte Krebs, Harvey Herber-

holz, Archie Jalbert, Benny Benz, Joan Binstock, Joe Wandler, Sylvia Kop-

pinger, Leona Gordon, Cecelia Jung, Donnella Koppinger, Marilyn Jeske,

Willie Emmil, Frances Heick, Dale Schroeder

Our Deceased Loved Ones +Adam Schulz, + George Koffler, +Edwin

Lefor, +Louise Krebs, +Regina Gentz, +Tina Rixen, +Rose Krebs (SE),

+Herbert Emmil, +Joan Madler, + Leroy Kilwein, +Harold Maershbecker,

+Darwin Schaefer, +James Gatzke, +Ed Koppinger, +Eleanor Keck,

+Ardelle Kovar, +Eugenia Stagl, +Nick Lenhardt, +Mike Urlacher, +Keith

Herold, +Carla Rohan, +Alvin Rotering, +Jeanne Kovar, +Bridget

Urlacher, +Laura Grundhauser

Collection Report St. Elizabeth’s April 21, 2019

Adult Youth

$ 500.00 Envelopes $ 27.00

$ 194.00 Loose Plate $

$ 773.00 Total $

$ 2005.00 Monthly Total $

$ 110.00 Holy Land $52.38 Rice Bowls

Collection Report St. Mary’s April 20 & 21, 2019

Adult Youth

$ 1967.00 Envelopes $ 25.17

$ 146.00 Loose Plate $

$ 2138.17 Total $

$ 5811.03 Monthly Total

$ 292.90 Rice Bowls $ 596.00 Holy Land

St. Mary’s Liturgical Ministers May 4 & 5, 2019

MINISTRY Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 10:30AM

Lector Connie Jalbert Confirmands

Mass Servers Maddie R./Molly R. Kayla E./Leah E.

Eucharistic Ministers Cely S./Robert S. Betty H./Larry H.

Gifts Martina S. Confirmands

Rosary Leader Martina S. Mike M.

Greeters Vicki H. Scott Schmidt Family

Homebound Minister Reenie T. Reenie T.

Saint Elizabeth’s Liturgical Ministers May 5, 2019

Lector Arlene

Mass Server Nathan

Eucharistic Ministers Fran & Cindy

Gifts Trish & Elvie

Greeters Trish

Ushers Elvie & Dennis W.


Divine Mercy Prayer Service Sunday April 28 from 5-7pm.

We will pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy & offer the Sacra-

ment of Penance.

First Holy Communion & Confirmation gifts at the Rabbit Hole

Rabbit Hole is looking for more volunteers. Shifts are 10-1:30, 1:30-4:00. Call Vivian Hernandez if interested.

SE coffee and rolls Sunday, May 12th after 8:30 am mass. Nita Iverson, Marsha Krance, &Tina Lefor are on.

SE May church and restroom cleaning: Nita Iverson, Marsha Krance, & Tina Lefor are on.

A point to ponder

Judge me when you’re perfect.

Page 3: Divine Mercy Sunday April 28, 2019 · 28/04/2019  · the power of the Gospel might shine forth in their daily social and family life. The laity, moreover by reason of their particular

Saint of the Week, Saint Catherine of Sienna ( 1347-1380)

Feast day: April 29th

Patroness: fire prevention, miscarriages; sexual temptation; and nurses

Saint Catherine of Sienna was born in Sienna, Italy, on March 25th, 1347, the 25th child her parents wel-

comed into their marriage. From her youth, she possessed a spirit of mystical prayer and spent great periods of

time praying in her room or before the Blessed Sacrament in the various Catholic churches of Sienna.

At the age of sixteen, Catherine’s sister, Bonaventura died, leaving her husband as a widower. Cathe-

rine’s parents proposed that he marry Catherine, but she vehemently opposed this idea, for she wanted only one

Bridegroom, Jesus Christ. When her parents pushed the issue, she began rigorous fasting and cut her hair short, to

mar her appearance. They finally relented and she joined the Third Order Dominicans, which allowed her to associate with and live their

way of life, not in the convent, but in the world. She lived with her parents, but spent much of each day quietly praying in her room.

Something happened though when she was twenty-one years of age, an experience she described as her “mystical marriage to

Christ.” Jesus appeared to her in a vision and gave her a ring with jewels, which was a sign that she was to give her life to loving Him and

serving Him exclusively. Thereafter, Saint Catherine left her parents home and began a ministry of serving the poor and sick. But she felt a

call to do more for Jesus Christ and thus began a traveling ministry, calling for reform in the Church and exhorting people to confess and

love God totally. She became a spiritual advisor to bishops and cardinals; she was instrumental in persuading the Pope in Avignon, France

to return to Rome; and she brokered many peace deals between feuding Italian city states. In addition, she composed over four hundred

letters, her Dialogues, which were revelations she received from Jesus Christ. These works were so influential in the spiritual the life of the

Church that Saint Paul VI would later declare her a Doctor of the Church, the first female in the life of the Church to have this great dis-


By January of 1380, the thirty-three-year-old mystic had become ill, possibly because of her habit of extreme fasting; for many years, she subsisted on the Holy Eucharist alone. She claimed that she became sick when she ate regular food; only the Holy Eucharist offered physical and spiritual comfort. Within a short span of weeks, she was unable to walk and on April 29 th, she had a massive stroke

and passed away in Rome. Her last words were, “Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit.” Upon her death, her head was removed from her body and sent back to her native Sienna, while the rest of her body was buried under the high altar of the Church of Santa Maria

Sopra Minerva in Rome. Here, countless pilgrims come to pay their respects to one of the most beloved saints in the life of the Church.

Lord, Send out your Spirit

In your prayers, add one more group of important people in the life of our parishes: our confirmands. We will have

the Sacrament of Confirmation for the youth of Saint Mary’s and Saint Elizabeth’s on Sunday, May 5th, at the 10:30 a.m. Mass.

Please keep the following young people in your prayers: Tallen Binstock; Brock Ehlis; Addison Fitterer; Adam Kathrein;

Katie Schmidt; Bailey Urlacher; Matthew Bock; Justin Kathrein; Maddie Rayhorn; Jess Schulz; Samantha Volk; and Molly


May God bless these young people as they are sealed in the gifts of the Holy Spirit which they received at their Baptism. May they

be renewed in faith and zealous in their defense of Jesus Christ and His Church.

On the day of Confirmation, if you wish to take photos of these confirmands with Bishop Kagan, you must do so before 9:30 a.m., because Bishop Kagan is unable to stay after Mass that day for the luncheon. He has another Confirmation that day in Dickinson. As I am at Saint Elizabeth’s that day, I am unable to take photos with the confirmands and Bishop Kagan, and I won’t be able to give him my God’s

Share cheque as well. I will have to tell him “It’s in the mail”. Well, nonetheless, I can take photos after Mass; it’s not the bishop, but it’s the next best thing . . . the Pope of New England. God bless our confirmands and know that you are welcome that day to a fellowship in

their honor in the Saint Mary’s cafeteria after Mass.

God Share

This week, you should receive your personal invitation from Bishop Kagan to participate in the Annual God’s Share Appeal. Your gift to our 62nd Annual God’s Share Appeal will help provide the ministries, programs and services that are essential to the mission of Jesus Christ in western North Dakota. Next weekend is commitment weekend. Please be as generous as you are able.

On the lighter side

Bob: “Mike, why are you studying your Easter basket?”

Mike: “I’m trying to decide which came first, the chocolate chicken or the chocolate egg.”

Page 4: Divine Mercy Sunday April 28, 2019 · 28/04/2019  · the power of the Gospel might shine forth in their daily social and family life. The laity, moreover by reason of their particular

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