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Divine Mother and Mother Earth

The Earth is our Mother. She nurtures and sustains us with a boundless supply of foods, with pure water to quench our thirst and cleanse us falling from the skies and arising from the ground. Everything we need for our shelter, warmth, and clothing is freely given to us by Divine Mother. We have the companionship of animals and the joy and beauty of nature. For our souls, minds and bodies, countless herbs, flowers, and other gifts are there to heal us, and to restore our spirits we find solace in nature, by still waters or in the hills and mountains. Divine Mother enfolds us in her loving care, supporting and comforting us throughout our earthly life.

Many of us have deep memories of living close to Mother Earth and worshiping our Divine Mother.

The way we treat her now troubles us and we are aware she needs our help. For a number of years

small groups in Cornwall, Devon, and Somerset have gathered together in September for Earth

Healing prayers. This year, in Somerset, we are planning to meet in Spring and Autumn on the

Sundays closest to the Equinoxes, so that we can work in harmony with the natural power blessing

the Earth at that time.

If you would like to join in please contact the group closest to you, or if you cannot make the journey

and would like to do this at home, contact me for more information.

The power of the light, of the Star, to heal and bless is infinite and potent, and waits only for willing

souls to use it. There is no situation, no problem or suffering beyond help if we can rise above all

negative thoughts, and opening our hearts, reach up to the light and direct it to those in need.

In the South West, from Breage in the West through Plymouth and Newton Abbot to Glastonbury in the East, we are very fortunate to have groups meeting under the Star, for this work is so needed at this time. Thank you all for your efforts and your service to the Master of the Star. In White Eagle’s memorable words, Keep on keeping on !

A date for your diary

This year we have a rare opportunity to meet the future Mother of the White Eagle Lodge, Rozita, when she will be visiting us to lead a day’s retreat in June on Saturday 27th at Ilsington.

Tony Ward-Willis

Newsletter for the White Eagle Lodge - Star Centre South West

January 2020 No. 37

Co-ordinator: Tony Ward-Willis, 18 Wilton Orchard, Taunton, Somerset, TA1 3SA

Tel: 01823 323 433 email: [email protected]

White Eagle says:

Today in this Lodge you are given a presentation of the holy Mother in her human form as the perfect human mother, and are told to visualise her in the presence-form of a beautiful mother, the Mother of Heaven and Earth. When the people of earth can return to the worship of that beautiful Mother, the source of

all life, there will be a return to happiness.’


Devon Earth Healing, Hound Tor, September 15, 2019

who are working with you to send out healing to purify and beautify the planet earth....”

And as noon arrives, linking under the Star with White Eagle friends and with the Angels of the Elements, we send out the Light, heal-ing and peace to blessed Mother Earth and to all of creation...

“We let our hearts open to the blessing of the shining Christ Star, whose rays now fill our minds and awaken our hearts...We see the whole earth enfolded in the magical healing light of the shining six-pointed Star of Christ...”

And finally we bring our ceremony to a close with that loveliest of prayers to the Great White Spirit of Eternity... “We are enfolded within thy great heart. We rest our heart upon thy heart...”

And, closing once more the etheric gateways, and rooting ourselves deeply to Mother Earth, we rejoice and laugh and smile and hug.

There’s a perfect spot nearby to enjoy a chat-tering lunch, and we leave the area free for the noisy youngsters to enjoy their climbing.

Surely they are blessed just as surely as this space, this blessed planet – and we - have been.

Lynne St Claire

IS this a portal, we wonder? And have we been drawn to a spot on Dartmoor’s Hound Tor because of its presence? Maybe. Certainly the green enclave nestling by towering granite boulders feels very appropriately chosen for sacred space. Accordingly, as our small but enthusiastic group meets for earth healing on a balmy September kissed day of warm sun and light breeze, we feel perfectly attuned as we gather near the car park around a thorn tree to focus under the star...

“Imagine that you are standing in the clear shape of a six-pointed Star.... its rays reach everywhere... you are a channel, breathing and transmitting light...”

Now we climb, feet rejoicing with energy on the springy turf, towards our chosen spot, in that quiet space of shady green hugged by grey, sparkling tors of indeter-minate age.

But wait a minute. Here in the centre stands a rucksack and atop a tor sits an enthusiastic sunbather. Ah. It is, after all, a spot beloved of rock climbers and abseilers, and he is waiting for his friends to join him in scaling the great granite beings.

What to do, we wonder? Carry on or look elsewhere?

We opt to carry on, regarded curiously as we move into the space and set up our altar in a beautiful rock cleft that will hold and keep alight our candle, and shelter a White Eagle portrait, rose, cross and star. And we settle in our circle, sublime in the ever-changing drift of sunlight.

The sound of singing bowls and dikshas soon resonates on the sweet air as we perambulate and open our space to the Light.

It’s drawing close to 12 and, just before the noon at-tunement, we draw on a lovely visualisation for earth healing...

“Come with us to a realm in the highest heights and imagine yourself above the earth in the temple of the Star. It is immense... all around you is tier upon tier of

s h i n i n g spirits; a vast c o m p a n y


Theresa and Caroline planned this second Retreat Day in Newton Abbot together, but unfortunately Caroline was not well enough to be there. Jason kindly stepped forward to help Theresa facilitate the day, taking over Caroline’s role, offering loving and helpful support. Theresa and Jason would like to thank all those who also helped, especially Dawn for her inspirational talk on the links between paintings and Archangel Michael, Tony for leading the Prayer for Humanity, Jane for her reading, Maggy for leading the Animal Healing Service, Judith for her presentation on the Bach Flower Remedies and Steve for leading a musical improvisation.

Jason initially made the link with The Star with an Opening Prayer. Theresa then introduced the programme for the day. She explained how the purpose of this retreat was to help us become aware of the ebbing away of the fire energies of summer and preparing us for the stillness of autumn through reflection, music, readings, talks, meditations and healing. We then listened to some beautiful tranquil music from a CD entitled ‘Deep Peace’.

The Festival of St Michael of All Angels was celebrated on 29th September, providing a cue for us to focus on the angelic realms during the day. With this mind, Jason helped us make the link with Archangel Michael. Theresa then gave a reading from the words of White Eagle, taken from the book ‘Walking With Angels’. White Eagle’s words reminded us that the great archangel Michael is the head of all the life-forms of the Sun and carries the sword of spiritual truth which Christ gives to all his followers; the weapon that will help us deal with every crisis and obstacle. We were also reminded to have no fear on our journey through life as we’re surrounded by the angels of light and nature, who envelop us with their love at all times.

Following on from White Eagle’s words, Jason i n t r o d u c e d D a wn Rose’s fascinating and insp i ra t iona l ta lk , ‘Introduction to Painting with Your Soul with Archangel Michael’.

Dawn has been an artist all her life and she ex-plained the concept of painting with ‘veils of col-our.’ She shared examples drawn from her own artistic career as well as that of the eighteenth-century painter J.M.W Turner, whose famous painting of the Archangel Michael, ‘The Angel Standing In The Sun’, hangs in the Tate Gallery in London. Dawn also shared a selection of images and cards showing the work of various artists who have each endeavoured to depict the realms of light in painted form.

After our coffee break, Jason invited us to con-nect to our beloved Brother St. Francis, born in Assisi, Italy in 1181. Founder of the Franciscan order of monks and co-founder of the Poor Clares, St Francis is renowned for his love of animals. This love of nature and the animal kingdom was also shared by our dear late sister Charmian, who very kindly left a small legacy to purchase a property as a Newton Abbot centre for White Eagle.

Jane then read some words taken from White Eagle’s ‘Walking with Angels’; from the chapter entitled ‘A Brother Close to the Angels - Francis of Assisi’. White Eagle’s words reminded us to do all we can to alleviate the suffering of animals on the earth plane. This was followed by the Prayer of Saint Francis, ‘Lord, make me an instrument of thy peace’ and music by John Rutter, ‘Be Thou My Vision’.

Tony led our noon ‘Prayer for Humanity’, follow-ing which Maggy read the ‘Animal Healing Service’. We sent healing thoughts to all the farmed animals, rabbits, hares and badgers of Britain, as well as to the bears and gorillas in various countries overseas and to domestic pets in need of healing here at home.

Our lunch was very delicious, with a varied selection of vegetarian quiches, flans and hot dishes, accompanied by wholesome salads, followed by cakes and

THE SEASON OF MELLOW FRUITFULNESS A Retreat Day facilitated by Jason Wilson and Theresa Luscombe at

The Courtenay Centre, Newton Abbot. 5th October 2019

Continued on page 4


tray bakes. It was a tasty spread that suited all tastes!

The afternoon began with Jason linking us all un-der The Star once again. This was followed by Judith’s highly informative talk about the work of Dr Edward Bach, the creator of the Bach Flower Remedies. Judith began by showing us a docu-mentary DVD about the life and career of Dr Bach explaining how he came to create the remedies. She then offered practical help and advice on using the remedies, drawn from her own experi-ence of working with them over the years.

After a short break, Theresa gave a reading taken from ‘Earth Healer’, followed by the tranquil music of Albinoni’s ‘Adagio’. Dawn then led us in Caroline’s meditation entitled, ‘The Temple of The Eternal Flame’, transporting us to a temple on a distant mountain top. During the visualisation we were guided on a walk through a peaceful green valley, where we were each joined by an animal. Scaling the summit alone, we came to the Temple of the Eternal Flame. There, we were welcomed

by the Master Jesus and each received his blessing. After communing with the Light, we expressed our gratitude and found our way back to the valley below, taking care to ground and centre ourselves.

The final words of the afternoon from White Eagle were given by Theresa. Jason thanked everyone for coming together to share the day. Theresa then led us in a chorus of ‘I Give To You’. Theresa was also joined by Steve in a musical improvisation.

Jason gave the final blessing of the afternoon. As our day together drew to a close, we were united in friendship, joy and happiness and our shared experience of connecting with the Light of the Star. Each of us experienced this enhanced sense of stillness, tranquility and the slowing down of the seasons with a deep sense of love and gratitude in our hearts.

Words by Jane Bowles

Continued from page 3

Rozita Hansen

Over the next few years our dearly loved Lodge Mother, Jenny, will be reducing her re-sponsibilities and work looking ahead towards retirement. We are all very pleased that she has found a Deputy in Rozita Hansen to help her and gradually take over her role.

Rozita was brought up in the White Eagle teachings, way of life and work by her parents, Sandor and Sikki Huszar. Her father, Sandor Huszar, (a renowned Artist in Sweden/Scandinavia), is the overall leader of the work in Sweden and founded the White Eagle Swedish Star Centre, Minestagarden. The Star Centre is a large traditional Swedish timber farmhouse situated on the edge of the pine forests one hour’s drive from Gothenburg. Rozita’s own family home is next door to Minestagarden.

Together with her father she helped to design the new Star Chapel at Minestagarden, built over about two years by their “family” of highly dedicated Swedish members; a huge and unique undertaking! (Please see the photo of this on page 14.) It was opened in 2001 with Jenny Dent and Sandor to-gether leading the inauguration service. Being completely fluent in English, Rozita worked as Jenny’s translator to the attendees which included White Eagle leaders and members from all over Europe. (I was extremely fortunate to be there for the inspiring and beautiful ceremony!)

Rozita has assisted her father in the work, and since 1992 working alongside him at the Star Centre. In June 2017 she was ordained as a Minister of the White Eagle Lodge in the Temple at New Lands. Over the last two years she has run several lovely Retreats at New Lands House.

In her professional life she first trained as a Construction Engineer. Later she retrained for a second career in Occupational Therapy, presently working as a Manager in the local area centre for four days a week. Over the last two years Rozita has visited Star Centres in different areas of the UK, giving special Retreat Days including themes on Inner Leadership and Birth of the Sonship. In 2020 she will be visiting both the American and Australian Temples.

We will be absolutely delighted in 2020 to welcome Rozita to the South West, to our Devon venue at Ilsington, for her Retreat Day on Inner Leadership (Saturday 27th June 2020).

Margaret Oliver


The Magic of Healing Our Retreat Day With Jeremy Hayward

3rd November 2019

Jeremy writes:

I have written before that one of the pleasures of working for the White Eagle Lodge is getting to visit White Eagle Centres away from New Lands. It brings the opportunity of spending quality time with a community of members and friends with no distraction from everyday affairs. I really value this, and the relationships that can be built. It reminds me that we are a country-wide, indeed a worldwide family.

It fell to my lot to make such a visit last weekend - I gave a day retreat for our South West centre. We met in an airy and spacious village hall, in Ilsington, Devon, about twenty of us, with the chairs arranged in a companionable circle, and just a simple flame burning on an improvised altar behind us. It was lovely to be greeted by the circle of warm faces.

I started the day with a talk about White Eagle's healing work, and the spiritual symbol of the sun he so often invokes. After a break we then did the Tree of Light breathing practice together and then quietly returned to our seats in the circle for a meditation. It is about this I want to write a little, to share the heart of the day.

We began by focusing on the sitting position, the spine balanced over the pivot of the hips, just subtly lifting the heart and letting the shoulders relax out and down. We let our faces soften, even the closed eyes seeming to rest back, so that our gaze seemed to rest inwards and downwards focusing on the gentle flowing out and in of the breath. On the out-breath we felt as if the air could actually be flowing out through the sides and back of our ribs, tumbling over and down over our hips to the ground. It helps bring a feeling of being grounded, and also that each out-breath is a gentle letting go mentally and physically, a subtle inner feeling of surrender: surrender to this time and this place. It is a feeling of trust and openness.

Then as the air flows back in it is as though it is actually flowing in from beneath our hips, rising naturally up the back of the body to fill the chest just as much as it wants to, ever so slightly lifting the heart, and then tumbling over and flowing out of the sides and back of the ribs and down again. It is a natural rhythm, almost as if the air is breathing us rather than us breathing the air. God is breathing us.

The rhythm of the flowing out and flowing back in gradually takes us to a space of silence almost underneath the flowing out and in of the air, the space of our heart, our selves. We lightly picture the heart centre as a small golden disc of the sun. The light from the greater sun above pours down upon it. With the out-breath we let go into this greater light. On the in-breath the heart subtly and gently lifts into the greater light. We rise into the light, the world of light. We feel there that we are a part of a larger group of silent companions of our spirit.

In our spirit we are taken by the hand and led up a hillside path towards a simple temple of healing. We enter. The healing angels are there.

in the centre of the temple is a three dimensional or multi-dimensional star. It is full of the Christ light. From its points seem to flow the gentle healing colours. Underneath the star is a couch and one by one we are led to lie down on that couch and the healing colour we need pours from the star into our heart, into our whole body. We hold this picture in complete silence for several minutes though it seems just a moment. The light seems to pour through our soul...… then we are back in the circle of our companions again and we hold all suffering people in the heart of the Star, in the love of its light....

Then before we slowly return to the outer consciousness again we sit with a companion who is our guide in the temple garden and share our aspiration and our human struggles. There is no judge-ment but complete understanding and encouragement. We are given a gift, a symbol which may be

Continued on page 6


a flower, a crystal, or even a staff of light bringing strength and courage. This is what I am given - I think as I need courage and confidence in leading a meditation such as this.

Then we gradually, breath by breath, begin to bring our focus outwards again, feeling how the floor supports the weight of our feet and legs, and the chair the weight of the trunk of our body. We seal each centre with the cross of light within the circle of light in the usual way, and draw the spiral of light around us. We give thanks to the unseen helpers who have helped us rise as a group, and to each other, and when we are ready open our eyes passively, softly to the room around us…

Then there is a bring and share lunch - a convivial time together.

In the afternoon a time of sharing together in groups and a final short talk from me laced with some humour, about the healing work as a path of human learning. Then it is hugs and farewells. I am grateful to everyone for the generous way they have entered in to the day, and all their warmth. I am grateful too to our South West co-ordinator Tony Ward-Willis who has organised the day and made it run so smoothly, and , with his kind wife Ann offered me warm hospitality.

We all thank Jeremy for coming to our region and giving us a memorable day.

Thank You To everyone who has contributed to this issue of Smoke Signals. Your

work in this way is very much appreciated.

Thank You

Continued from page 5

Vegan Fudgy Coffee Cake

Several people at Jeremy’s day asked for the recipe for the vegan coffee cake.

225g self-raising flour 1.5 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda 1 teaspoon baking powder .5 teaspoon salt 3 tablespoons espresso coffee powder 33g soft brown sugar 375ml hot just boiled water 75g coconut oil solid (95ml melted) or 75g vegan margarine 1.5 teaspoon cider vinegar Betty Crocker coffee icing or make your own butter-cream icing

Heat oven to 180c / gas mark 4

1. Mix flour, baking powder, bicarbonate of soda, coffee powder and salt in a bowl.

2. Put everything else in a saucepan and heat until coconut oil has melted.

3. Mix into dry ingredients - the mixture will foam up.

4. Pour mixture into one single 8” round silicone ‘tin’ or half of mixture into two ‘tins’.

5. Place in oven for 30 minutes and check to see if done. If using two tins check before 30 min-utes. The cake should come away from the sides of the silicone and a cake tester will

come out clean. 6. Leave in silicone ‘tin’ to cool. 7. When cool cut single cake in half horizon-

tally . 8. Spread one half with coffee flavoured

icing and join together. 9. With two separate halves, spread one

with icing and join together 10. (the cake can be frozen at this point.) 11. If finishing off the top with coffee flavour

glace icing do not freeze.

This recipe can also be used for chocolate cake, add 150g of coco instead of the coffee, or use a mixture of coffee and chocolate.



Our Newton Abbot group is now well established with meetings on the 2nd and 4th Friday after-noon of the month. As a reminder, our plan for the afternoon is:

1.30pm - 2.30pm Absent Healing group

2.30pm - 4.30pm Meditation and Well-Being

Absent Healing.

We have made a change for the Autumn in that we are now having one Absent Healing group due to the fact that we found two groups in the same room to be rather disturbing. The new plan works much better and has the approval of Jenny (Dent) who paid us a visit early in the autumn.

Meditation and Well-Being.

In brief: Everyone is brought under the Star, followed by an Opening Prayer, a White Eagle Reading, Music and Meditation. After a short refreshment break, it is Chair Yoga and a Star Healing Visualisation, closing with another White Eagle reading and prayer.

Jenny (Dent) 13th September

We were honoured to have Jenny share our Absent Healing and Meditation session with us. From her comments it would appear that she was so happy with everything and loved our group. She was given written handouts.

Social Gathering August

During our summer recess 13 of us enjoyed a stroll on Dartmoor in beautiful weather with the heather and gorse in full bloom, followed by afternoon tea at Ullacombe Court Farm. A truly happy day.

Retreat Day 5th October.

Please see write up elsewhere in Smoke Signals eloquently penned by Jane Bowles.

Theresa and I feel a need to express our gratitude to all our willing helpers who give their services with love and dedication.

Caroline and Theresa

Tony Ward-Willis [email protected] 01823 323433

Jason Wilson [email protected] 01626 439045

Theresa Luscombe [email protected] 01803 463098

Caroline Harris [email protected] 01626 356769

Maggy Payne [email protected] Representing Somerset

Steve Keane [email protected] Representing Cornwall

The group of White Eagle South West members who are working together for the possible

purchase of a centre in the Newton Abbott area are as follows.


Christmas Regional Celebration 1st December 2019

After our arrival cuppa and greeting friends, we formed a circle. Lynne welcomed everyone and gave a few notices then Jason very kindly brought the group under the Star. Everyone enthusiastically joined in with some carol singing before Myra led a craft session sticking tinsel to jars for use as candle holders later in the day.

Refreshments followed before we all sat down again so that Caroline could lead us in The Prayer for Humanity which was followed by some

seasonal readings, a short meditation by Lynne and guitar music from Steve.

After a tasty lunch we reconvened for our Christmas Service. A short meditation followed before we all moved to the back of the room in order to re-enter the circle in pairs with our lighted candles which were placed on the altar table under the Star. A hymn was sung then the communal Christ-mas reading was passed around with each person reading one sentence of it. ‘The Way of The Sun’ came in for two readings by Lynne and Myra, interspersed with a carol. Myra read out a Christmas message from her guide prior to Lynne closing the Service. The day ended with our raffle, refresh-ments and chat. Thank you to all who helped out in so many ways during this special time together.

On Friday 13th December, following our Absent Healing Service, our Newton Abbot group cele-brated Christmas with a programme which included an opening prayer and a few words from White Eagle, followed by a Christmas Service with Bible readings interspersed with Carols. We had other beautiful Christmas music and readings, a meditation at the crib with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus - the Christ Child. We enjoyed mince pies with our re-freshments plus a raffle to finish. Our altar was simple adorned with a small nativity scene, greenery and a candle. A red poinsettia on a beautiful Christmas cloth graced another table. As always everyone shared the preparation and worked together in harmony. I’m sure we all felt that this time of love and light, spent with special White Eagle friends, was the perfect prelude for the Christ Mass.

We wish all our south-west Brothers, Members and Friends a very Happy New Year with good health, peace

and joy for 2020.

Caroline and Theresa.

Newton Abbot Christmas Celebration


“Love one Another” Retreat: The Art of Relationship: 20 - 25 July 2019

Led by: Rozita Hansen: Deputy Lodge Mother. Write-up by Margaret Oliver

Saturday 20th July 2019

A smiling Gail, (Housekeeper), warmly welcomed me into the house. As she guided me upstairs to single room, “Francis” I relaxed into the enfolding “hug” of the house.

After a quiet stroll in the “cross within the Circle” meadow it was back to New Lands house for introductions and tea! After Rozita had welcomed us she mentioned that al-though there was a daily activities programme everything was optional, so rest, or spend quiet time in the gardens if needed. We were a varied group of eight, from a new member on her first White Eagle retreat, to Evelyn, the very experienced Leader from Ghana, West Africa!

We were very fortunate to have Frank’s, (Rozita’s husband), company for Saturday afternoon and evening but sadly he had to leave early Sunday morning due to demanding work commitments in Sweden.

5.00 - 6.30pm: We settled into the Opening Session in New Lands lounge on the “Age of Aquarius”; its implications, impact and opportunities. Rozita read from:

The Living Word of St John p 115

“In the age ahead, the Aquarian Age, mankind will be given the opportunities to put this teaching into action. It remains to be seen how quickly he will assimilate and understand the meaning of brotherhood and the power of love, how quickly he will learn to remit the sins of the world. When this happens we shall witness the second coming of Christ. Not through one divine man but through collective humanity will Christ express, through brotherhood and love, the way, the truth and the life.”

After a delicious Supper, (with a caring Gail checking everything was fine; which she did every day), there was time to relax before the (optional attendance) 9.00pm “sending out the light” in the Chapel.

Sunday 21st July

7.30 – 9.00am: A leisurely breakfast!

9.30 -10.15am: For the morning attunement Rozita led us out into sunshine to the secluded grassy area behind the Temple for the “Tree of Light” breathing, (which we practiced every morning, though one morning rain kept us in the Chapel!)

11.15am: A wonderful opportunity to attend Anna’s inspiring monthly Sunday Meditation Service in the Temple! Looking around the circle I sat next to Lynne (from Plymouth Area Group) who was thrilled to be visiting New Lands for the first time with her niece. Afterwards, in

the Meeting Room we were intrigued to look at the model and illustrations of the new Temple. During the after lunch “free time” I enjoyed the beautiful trees and landscape of the “Jubilee Walk”. Others relaxed in sunshine near the lounge!

4.30 - 6.00pm: A lovely talk and “sharing” time in the lounge.


New Lands frontage



Jubilee Walk


New Temple


Monday 22nd July

10.30 – 12.15: Talk and meditation in the Chapel; further focus on the Aquarian Age, and particularly on “acceptance”.

The Living Word of St John p 159

“Here is the lesson – to accept without resentment what cannot be avoided, for it is your karma. Such an acceptance is a great test, a great mystery. The wise and the initiated always surrender to the will of the divine. By the word surrender we mean that when you are confronted with an unalterable condition, it is obviously your karma and you must not fight it. Do not kick against the

pricks. Accept what comes with tranquillity, knowing that it is the will of God and that its purpose is the ultimate happiness and perfecting of the human soul.”

After lunch, Sarah (a White Eagle Astrologer) kindly, at my request, enlightened me on the “mysteries” of our White Eagle South West Astrological Event Chart (March 2002). She clarified the main aspects of the Event Chart, particularly pointing out the “pioneering” quality of the South West Centre. Then she commented on our South West Progressed Chart (October 2017). Fascinating, but a lot to absorb for me, a beginner!

2.30pm: Optional Contact Healing Service in Temple.

4.00 – 5.00pm: Talk and questions about our Brotherhood work, including the commitment of a brother.

5.15pm: To Temple to prepare for Brotherhood Service starting at 6.00pm.

Tuesday 23rd July

10.45 – 12.45pm: Talk on: “Surrender” ……..”How can we do that”? Try to: “Do our best and then, let go”. We then had a quiet and thoughtful sharing in the peaceful Chapel atmosphere, followed by a meditation.


During afternoon “free time” I walked to “my” mature oak tree by Jubilee Walk. Nearby I met Sandy and Andrew who showed me their favourite tree!

4.30 – 6.00pm: Talk and sharing in the Lounge including gentle “brain-storming” on

“What Makes a Good Relationship?” All participated and Rozita soon ran short of space on the large (flip chart) page!

7.00pm: Optional attendance at Contact Healing Service in Temple.

Wednesday 24th July

10.45 -12.45pm: Talk and lovely meditation in the Chapel.

After lunch: free time; relaxing, reading, walking.

4.30 – 6.00pm: Talk and sharing in the Lounge. Rozita re-marked that she’s a “fan of setting goals” and likes to put words to them which can sound like affirmations. One of the group described difficult & exhausting visits to a close relative. Rozita suggested trying an affirmation: “I feel alive and vibrant when I leave my relative” to help to lift those feelings into the positive.


Sandy and Andrew at their tree. Me

at the Oak tree.

Rose on the Chapel’s central altar Star in the ceiling



Devon Spring Walk At Lukesland Garden, Ivybridge,

Sunday 26th April 2020

LOOKING forward to Spring, the Devon Spring Walk on Sunday, April 26, will be at and around the lovely Lukesland Garden at Ivybridge, a delight in spring and autumn with its riot of flowering shrubs and specimen trees, some dating from Victorian times. Among them are na-

tional and local champion trees, including the famous Magnolia Campbellii.

The 24-acre family-run garden is intriguingly set around numerous islands and bridges, with the clear wa-ters of the stream cascading over waterfalls and lying in tranquil ponds. It has been gradually improved since the 1930s and has emerged from somewhat dark Victorian laurel groves to its current colourful displays.

There is of course a tearoom with home baking and usually local pro-duce and crafts for sale.

After lunch for those who choose, there could be a visit to St Petroc’s Church at nearby Harford and possibly an amble or drive up onto the moor, providing further walks.

*Meet at the garden entrance at 10.45am. For an 11am entry. Entrance fee £6. Directions to Lukesland are available online at lukesland.co.uk or from Lynne on [email protected]

Thursday 25th July

An early breakfast followed by:

9.00am: Farewell Circle in the Chapel; full grounding and White Eagle’s “sealing” method of the Chakras and Aura prior to returning to the outside world. Then, just time for group photos at the front door before the taxi arrived for Liss station.

During the busy train journey back to Plymouth I felt very grateful for our group’s lovely shared experiences and the new friendships made. I was particularly inspired by Rozita’s retreat presentation, loving encouragement to us all and by her beautiful strength of inner stillness. Precious “gifts” to carry home with me!

The Retreat Group

ONE-POINTEDNESS 'Watch and pray' are not idle words. Follow the light as it breaks in your own heart; obey the voice of your inner spirit, do those things which you know are right. (The Quiet Mind).


Dates for your Diary 2020

DATE Meeting At

January 31st Lorraine’s, Saltash

February 28th Lynne’s, Horrabridge

March 27th Margaret’s, Plymouth

April 24th Lorraine’s, Saltash

May 29th Lynne’s, Horrabridge

June 26th Margaret’s, Plymouth


Devon and East Cornwall

Open Meditation last Friday of the month

at 11.00am.

Please contact Lorraine, Lynne or Margaret

for address & parking details.

All Welcome! No meetings in July and August

Brotherhood Dates are on page 13 Newton Abbot Area


1.30pm – 2.30pm Absent Healing Group

2.30pm – 4.30pm Meditation and Well-Being

with refreshments.

2nd and 4th Fridays of the month

£3-£5 minimum donation please

Contact Healing is available free.

Please speak to Caroline.


first six months of 2020

January 10th & 24th. February 14th & 28th.

March 13th and 27th.


April 24th. May 8th & 22nd.

June 12th & 26th. July 10th.


Caroline Harris….Tel: 01626 356769

Email: [email protected]

Theresa Luscombe….Tel: 01803 463098

Email: [email protected]

Lorraine………………01752 841016 Lynne………………...01752 855154 Margaret……………..01752 666285

Sunday 5th April


With Jan de Vulder

A day with Jan de Vulder looking at how

healing links with the mind in many ways. It

offers ways to find peace and quieten the

mind, deals with how to use the mind flexibly

and so find the way to the ‘mind in the heart'.

10am for a 10.30am start - 4pm

Please bring a vegetarian plate for our shared lunch.

Please send your booking form to our Treasurer, Jason Wilson.

Venue: West Monkton Village Hall


March 22nd, 11.40am

Our Somerset Earth Healing will take place at Burrow Mump. Please contact Tony for details.

September 20th Details in July’s Smoke Signals.

Earth Healing Contacts

Cornwall …………... Jill 01326 565744

Devon ……….Margaret, 01752 666285

Somerset ………...Tony 07811 668049

Sunday 26th April


At Lukeslands Garden, Ivybridge,

Please see the information on page 11.

Meet at the Garden entrance car park at

10.45am for an 11am entry.

Entrance fee £6 (cash only).


Brotherhood Services 2020

Sundays 2pm ~ 4.30pm January 19th

West Monkton Village Hall

February 16th Ilsington Village Hall

March 15th West Monkton Village Hall

April 19th Ilsington Village Hall

May 17th West Monkton Village Hall

June 21st Ilsington Village Hall

July 19th West Monkton Village Hall

October 18th Ilsington Village Hall

November 15th West Monkton Village Hall

December 20th Ilsington Village Hall

West Monkton Brotherhood bookings,

please phone Tony on 01823 323433

Ilsington Brotherhood bookings, please phone Steph on 01626 439045

A Special Retreat Day with

ROZITA HANSEN (Deputy Lodge Mother)

Saturday 27th


10am for a 10.30am start - 4pm


White Eagle tells us that through our free

will, given to us by God, we have choices.

During this day we will look at which part

of us is making the choices in our lives,

and how we can make the soul / spirit our

inner leader.

Please bring a vegetarian plate for our shared lunch.

Please send your booking form to our Treasurer Jason Wilson.

Venue: Ilsington Village Hall

Saturday May 16th



A Retreat Day with Caroline and Theresa.

We welcome the return of spring with a day of thankfulness for the blessings we receive at this time of the year, at the re-awakening of Mother Earth in all its abundance. We shall celebrate the Buddhist Festival of Wesak when a great stillness enters the heart in preparation for the spiritual outpouring of the Christ Festival of Whitsun. The morning will comprise of Prayer, Music, Meditation, our 12.00 noon Healing Service and White Eagle readings. If you wish to bring along other appropriate poetry or prose to share that would be lovely. During the afternoon Sally Free will offer us one of her wonderful Gong Healing Sessions for the Soul – a treat not to be missed.

10.00am for a 10.30am start - 4 pm

Please bring a vegetarian plate for our shared lunch.

Please also send booking form to Caroline Harris.

Venue: The Courtenay Centre

Christmas Retreat Day

Sunday 6th December

Ilsington Village Hall, Devon

Booking form in July’s

Smoke Signals


Around the Groups

Paignton, Devon Absent Healing / Meditation group. Fortnightly on a Friday at 2.00pm.

Contact Theresa on 01803 463098

Plymouth Area Group, Devon/East Cornwall

Margaret Oliver is happy to keep in touch with White Eagle members and friends.

Contact Margaret 01752 666285

Tregonnin, Helston, Cornwall Brotherhood Service Mondays 7.15 pm prompt; following which there is an Absent Healing Service. Open Service on 2nd Wednesday of each month. Contact Healing by request. Contact Jill Warden on 01326 565744

Registered White Eagle

Contact Healers

Maggy Payne offers healing in her home sanctuary near Glastonbury / Hambridge or to visit locally. Tel: 01460 281038

Jill Warden offers healing in Helston, Cornwall Tel: 01326 565744

Stephanie Wilson offers healing in her home in Teignmouth. Tel: 01626 439045

Caroline Harris offers healing in her home in Kingsteigton. Tel: 01626 356769

Contact healing, like absent healing, is offered free of charge within the White Eagle tradition. From the patients’ perspective, healing is a natural, heart centred way of receiving therapeutic support - and the healer works in a way that is unobtrusive on any belief system the patient may hold.

Quiet Mind Phone Line

08442 098319

Sometimes it feels good to hear White Eagle’s teaching read out loud rather than going to the

printed page…

You can ring our Quiet Mind phone line 24 hours a day to hear two or three White Eagle say-ings shared by a friendly voice from New Lands.

Enjoy, when you want to feel connected!

Calls on our new 0844 line are charged at 5p per minute (UK) and the recordings, which are

changed regularly, last two to three minutes.

Please let Myra know if: Any groups who would like to be mentioned here have been omitted or You are a registered White Eagle Contact

Healer and you are willing to have your contact details printed here.

Any of your group or healing details change. Editor: Myra Bowman Tel: 01752 657961 Email: [email protected] Please submit all contributions in Microsoft Word format 2010 if possible, alternatively as an email. Thank you.


Ilsington Village Hall, Old Town Hill, Ilsington, Devon TQ13 9RG

West Monkton Village Hall, A3259, Monkton, Monkton Heathfield, Taunton,

Somerset TA2 8NE

The Courtenay Centre, Kingsteignton Road, Newton Abbot, Devon TQ12 2QA

The Star Chapel at Minestagarden

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