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FY 2020 Annual Report Supplier Diversity – Affirmative Marketing
Program for Design & Construction
The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Executive Office for Administration and Finance Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance
One Ashburton Place
Boston, Massachusetts 02108
Tel: (617) 727-4050
Fax: (617) 727-5363
March 15, 2021 Michael J. Heffernan, Secretary Executive Office of Administration and Finance State House, Room 373 Boston, MA 02133 RE: FY 2020 Annual Report Supplier Diversity – Affirmative Marketing Program for Design & Construction, Workforce Reporting and VBE Reporting Dear Secretary Heffernan: Attached please find the FY 2020 report for the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance’s (DCAMM) construction and design MBE/WBE Program, Workforce Reporting and VBE Reporting. The MBE/WBE program, also known as DCAMM’s Affirmative Marketing Program (AMP), is established under M.G.L. Chapter 7C, §6 and addressed in various Executive Orders and Administrative Bulletins. Chapter 7C, §6 and A&F Administrative Bulletins 14 and 17A establish reporting requirements and workforce participation benchmarks on state construction contracts. In addition, Executive Order 565 establishes tracking and reporting of Veteran Business Enterprises (VBE) and Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business Enterprise (SDVOBE) contract expenditures. Throughout FY2020 DCAMM established MBE/WBE participation goals on individual design and construction projects based on our previous statewide disparity study issued in 2010, as well as project-specific considerations, including scope, size, and availability of subcontracting opportunities. The agency’s maximum combined MBE/WBE goals were 10.4% for construction and 17.9% for design contracts procured through the end of the fiscal year. In December of 2017 DCAMM completed its most recent Disparity Study. Based upon the findings of that Disparity Study and substantial input received from industry partners and others solicited following its completion, it was clear program enhancements were needed. In September of 2019 the Commonwealth announced a new AMP Program, effective July 1, 2020 for construction and design projects awarded in fiscal year 2021. The new program set higher annual overall spending goals, set separate goals for MBE and WBE participation, provides for project-specific goal setting and makes other enhancement to the AMP Program for FY2021 and beyond. In addition, the Governor filed legislation that, when enacted would further broaden opportunities for MBE and WBE firms on construction projects.
In FY20, MBE and WBE firms received nearly $40.5 million for construction and design services on DCAMM projects, resulting in the agency once again surpassing established MBE/WBE program goals for payments to design and construction firms, as well as for new contract awards for design and construction services. In FY20:
• Payments to MBE/WBE construction firms exceeded goals – achieving 13.0% against the goal of 10.4%.
• Payments to MBE/WBE design firms exceeded goals – achieving 30.6. % against the goal of 17.9%.
• Construction awards to MBE/WBE firms exceeded goals – achieving 20.6% against the goal of 10.40%.
• Design Awards to MBE/WBE firms exceeded goals – achieving 44.1% against the goal of 17.9%. In addition, Veteran-owned businesses received over $14 million in payments in FY2020. The Commonwealth’s established goals for construction workforce participation are 15.3% for minorities and 6.9% for women. On DCAMM’s projects, contractor-reported construction worker hours totaled nearly 617,400 hours on active construction projects during FY20. Currently, there are no established benchmarks for designer workforce participation on state projects, though women working in design comprised a much larger part of the workforce than their female counterparts in the construction trades. The FY19 Workforce report indicates:
• 3.1% of construction hours were worked by women against the goal of 6.9%, consistent with previous years.
• 17.8% of total construction hours worked were by minorities.
• 43.8% of employee hours worked on design service projects were performed by women.
• 26.7% of employee hours worked on design service projects were performed by minorities.
DCAMM continues its ongoing efforts to meet or exceed its commitments to help minorities and women realize successful careers in the construction and design fields, both as workforce participants and as business owners. In keeping with Governor Baker’s vision of expanding opportunities for MBE/WBE and Veteran owned firms while making Massachusetts more business friendly, DCAMM continues with initiatives to make working with DCAMM easier while expanding opportunities. These initiatives included:
• Roll Out of the new AMP 2020 Program, separating MBE and WBE construction and design goals, increasing DCAMM’s overall annual MBE/WBE spending goals, setting project specific goals and more.
• Ongoing outreach programs to encourage more MBE/WBE and Veteran owned firms to do business with DCAMM and to encourage minorities and women to enter into construction careers.
The attached report provides additional information about these initiatives and DCAMM’s Affirmative Marketing Program, Workforce tracking results and VBE contracting for FY20. Sincerely,
Carol Gladstone Commissioner
Distribution: Mr. Anthony W. Richards Deputy Chief for Access and Opportunity, Governor’ Office Mr. William McAvoy Deputy Assistant Secretary and Chief Legal Counsel Operational Services Division The Honorable Senator Michael J. Rodrigues Senate Committee on Ways and Means The Honorable Representative Aaron Michlewitz House Committee on Ways and Means
Mr. Michael D. Hurley Clerk of the Senate Mr. Stephen T. James Clerk of the House The Honorable Senator Marc R. Pacheco Joint Committee of State Administration The Honorable Representative Antonio F.D. Cabral Joint Committee of State Administration Mr. Walter K. Brownell Jr. Deputy Commissioner, Finance and Administration Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance
INTRODUCTION AND OVERVIEW OF METHODOLOGY This report summarizes performance against program goals under the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) FY2020 Supplier Diversity – Affirmative Marketing Program for Design and Construction, as well as workforce utilization data compiled for FY2020 from firms working on DCAMM construction and design projects. It also includes Veteran Business Enterprise (VBE) and Service-Disabled Veteran Owned Business Enterprise (SDVOBE) participation, which for purposes of this report are collectively referenced as VBEs, on DCAMM construction and design projects. DCAMM has had a program to expand access and opportunity for Minority and Women-owned (MBE/WBE) construction and design firms for several decades. Massachusetts General Law Chapter 7C, §6 and its predecessor legislation originally established programs first for MBE firms, then later adding WBE firms. The early program also focused exclusively on construction projects and later expanded to design services and workforce reporting. In addition to Chapter 7C, §6, A&F Administrative Bulletins established minority and women workforce participation benchmarks on state construction contracts along with construction and design data collection and reporting guidelines for workforce participation. These bulletins and an Executive order also established benchmark goals and reporting for veteran-owned firms’ participation in design and construction contracts. METHODOLOGY: PERFORMANCE AGAINST DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION MBE/WBE GOALS DCAMM establishes both its overall annual goal and specific MBE/WBE participation goals for design and construction projects based on a statewide disparity study that, among other things, determined the availability of MBE/WBE firms and the extent to which our design and construction marketplace limits participation for these firms. The following are the goals in place during FY2020 for DCAMM projects: Total Contractor Payments to MBE/WBEs 10.4% combined MBE/WBE Participation Total Contractor Payments All Firms Total Design Payments to MBE/WBEs 17.9% combined MBE/WBE Participation Total Design Payments to All Firms The goals set forth above may be reduced or waived by DCAMM prior to bidding based on project specifications, size, geographic location, and scope of work, MBE/WBE subcontracting opportunities and good faith efforts. The performance data presented here is based on these calculated ratios across DCAMM’s project portfolio. FY2020 spending and awards data were drawn from a combination of MMARS (the state’s accounting system) and dedicated in-house data sources used to track compliance with the MBE/WBE goals and Veterans Benchmarks (currently at 3%). METHODOLOGY: CONSTRUCTION WORKFORCE PARTICIPATION BENCHMARKS ANF Administrative Bulletin #14 establishes the following workforce participation benchmarks on state construction contracts: Number of Hours Worked by Minority Employees 15.3% Total Number of Hours Worked by All Employees Number of Hours Worked by Female Employees 6.9% Total Number of Hours Worked by All Employees
TRACKING DESIGNER WORKFORCE It’s important to note that there are no established benchmarks for Designer workforce participation on DCAMM projects; however, the participation of minorities and women as a portion of the total workforce providing services on agency projects are tracked. Reporting requirements on Design contracts extend only to the Prime Consultant on the project, whereas construction workforce reporting extends from General Contractor/Prime through the lowest tiered subcontractor with labor onsite. STRENGTHENING MASSACHUSETTS’ COMMITMENT TO VETERANS Early in his Administration, Governor Baker signed Executive Orders 559 and 565 aimed at reaffirming and strengthening the Commonwealth’s commitment to an inclusive marketplace. EO 565 directed the expansion of the statewide Supplier Diversity Program (SDP) to include a new certification category for Veteran-owned Businesses. The combined Veteran-owned and Service-Disabled Veteran owned benchmark is 3%. DCAMM contracts contain this benchmark, strongly encourages participation by veteran owned businesses and the agency continues to track and report on participation IMPLEMENTATION OF DCAMM’S STRATEGIC PLAN FOR EXPANDING ACCESS AND OPPORTUNITY Working through Governor Baker’s Office of Access and Opportunity, in partnership with SDO and other state agencies, industry groups and other stakeholders, DCAMM continues its commitment to improving access and opportunities through several ongoing initiatives. FINAL STEPS – ROLLOUT OF NEW AMP PROGRAM for FY2021 DCAMM completed its most recent Disparity Study in December of 2017. Throughout FY2020 DCAMM finalized and rolled out a new AMP Program based upon the 2017 Disparity Study and consideration of all the input from industry partners, governmental entities and other stakeholders and interested parties. On February 27, 2020 Governor Baker publicly announced the roll out of the new AMP Program. DCAMM had planned a statewide rollout for the new AMP Program which was to include live sessions across the Commonwealth. Due to the public health emergency the planned live sessions turned into over 20 virtual announcement sessions to inform industry, governmental and other interested parties of the AMP Program modifications and new initiatives. In addition, announcements were widely published. The new AMP Program went into effect July 1, 2020. Effective July 1, 2020 construction and design projects awarded in fiscal year 2021 will set new project specific goals where applicable. The new program will increase annual overall spending goals, set separate goals for MBE and WBE participation in addition to other program enhancements for FY21. In addition, in conjunction with his February 2020 AMP announcement, Governor Baker filed House #4511 to increase opportunities for MBE and WBE participation on DCAMM Chapter 149 and 149A (CM @ Risk) construction projects. On larger DCAMM projects, it would allow participation goals for MBE and WBE firms within filed sub-bid/trade bid packages and increase opportunities in the trade contractor scopes of work. It also opens significant opportunities for MBEs and WBEs to participate on all smaller public projects which are not currently available by increasing certain bidding thresholds.
OUTREACH TARGETED TO EXPAND THE POOL OF MBE & WBE CONTRACTORS ON PUBLIC PROJECTS DCAMM targeted a list of 177 MBE & WBE Supplier Diversity Office certified contractors to encourage and enable them to perform public work across the Commonwealth by becoming DCAMM certified. The increase in DCAMM Certified firms was significant from FY2019 to FY2020.
2019 2020 Net Increase
o MBE Primes 13 o MBE Small Primes 1 o MBE Filed Subs 10
Total MBEs 24
o WBE Primes 39 o WBE Small Primes 3 o WBE Filed Subs 36
Total 78
o MBE Primes 22 o MBE Small Primes 9 o MBE Filed Subs 15
Total MBEs 46
o WBE Primes 56 o WBE Small Primes 8 o WBE Filed Subs 47
Total 111
167% 31% 42%
OUTREACH TO CONSTRUCTION AND DESIGN BUSINESSES DCAMM continues to work across agencies and industries to increase engagement and participation of MBE/WBE and Veteran owned firms. In the past year, DCAMM has actively participated in several events to help spread the word about opportunities to do business with the agency. Examples include:
• How to do Business with DCAMM educational seminars • Over 20 Virtual Presentations to MBE/WBE firms, industry participants and others • One on One Contractor/Designer meet and greet with DCAMM Staff • Taught Inspector General MCPPO Classes
Other Networking events o Massport Means Business Diversity Summit o Massachusetts Minority Contractor Association o The Greater New England Minority Development Council Summit 2019? o General Contractor’s MBE/WBE Training Classes - Trade Partnership Series? o Northeastern University – Supplier Diversity events o MBE Mass Black Expo/Boston Convention Center o AB/X Conference/Boston Convention Center
DESIGNER PARTNERSHIP SESSION DCAMM’s first Designer Outreach Partnership Session was held last year with outstanding success bringing together over 150 participants met to explore future MBE & WBE partnerships through a professional ‘speed dating’ approach. MBE & WBE subconsultants signed up to meet with over 20 prime design firms in 15-minute intervals for over two-hour networking session in the Great Hall at the State House. DCAMM gave an overview of the current Affirmative Marketing program and shared sobering data from the Disparity Study. DCAMM in collaboration with the Designer Selection Board, Boston Society of Architects BSA/AIA and other design industry partners will be hosting its second Designer Partnership session in January 2021 entitled “Making New Connections – a Designer Partnership Virtual Engagement Meet -up”. We anticipate this networking session to be an equally successful event.
DCAMM ONE ON ONE’S DCAMM provided training on design and construction procurement to MBE/WBE and Veteran contractors, small businesses, and other industry participants interested in becoming certified by DCAMM to bid on public projects. A keystone of this outreach and training effort is our DCAMM One on One’s (held during FY2020) throughout the Commonwealth dozens of firms have met one on one with DCAMM staff to discuss how to access opportunities on public projects MINORITY AND WOMEN BUSINESS/WORKFORCE PROGRAM DCAMM is committed to finding and creating opportunities to help minorities and women navigate careers available in the construction industry. This is a clear “win-win” for workers, industry and governmental entities. To that end, DCAMM is working to:
• Share ideas and best practices with public and private entities to build and maintain a diverse workforce on publicly funded projects.
• Educate prime contractors and designers on their obligations and DCAMM’s compliance process including its electronic MBE/WBE payments, certified payroll, and workforce reporting.
• Leverage technology to facilitate communication and reporting and improve the quality and quantity of compliance-related data collected.
• Target mailings to MBE and WBE subcontractors to create access and opportunities on future DCAMM construction and design projects.
• Attend agency pre-bid meetings on an ongoing basis to inform Prime contractors of their obligations and commitment to meet MBE and WBE participation goals and Veteran and workforce benchmarks.
NEW PERIODICAL INFORMATIVE PUBLICATIONS FOR CONTRACTORS & DESIGNERS TO ENHANCE ACCESS AND OPPORTUNITY COMPLIANCE CORNER The Compliance Corner are periodical emails sent out to keep contractors informed and updated on Compliance reporting and changes within the Affirmative Marketing Program. Compliance Corner Publications continue to be an effective outreach tool. TIP SHEET The Tip Sheets are periodical emails sent out to create and to increase contractor awareness of the DCAMM Contractor Management Systems (DCMS) process for contractor Certification. Certification Tip Sheet Publications have received outstanding reviews from the contractor community and are issued on a regular basis.
MBE/WBE Primes (1)
Total Payments to
and Contractor Payments
MBE $ 9,440,944 $ 518,146 $ 69,700 $ 448,446 $ 9,889,390 4.3% WBE $ 16,753,232 $ 3,767,065 $ 60,954 $ 3,706,111 $ 20,459,343 8.7% M/WBE Total $ 26,194,176 $ 4,285,211 $ 130,654 $ 4,154,557 $ 30,348,733 13.0% 10.40% All Firms Total (including Majority) $ 234,003,065
Design MBE $ 1,282,905 $ 563,435 $ 4,175 $ 559,260 $ 1,842,165 5.5% WBE $ 897,202 $ 7,710,127 $ 307,040 $ 7,403,087 $ 8,300,289 25.1% M/WBE Total $ 2,180,107 $ 8,269,747 $ 311,215 $ 7,962,347 $ 10,142,455 30.6% 17.90% All Firms Total (including Majority) $ 33,102,271
$ 267,105,336 (1) Two firms are certified as both minority and women owned design businesses. Total payments of $3,815 are included in both MBE and WBE detail but included in the M/WBE totals only once.
Total Ratio MBE/WBE to
Total Design and Contractor
MBE $ 5,670,009 $ 722,000 $ 6,392,009 5.7% WBE $ 13,065,681 $ 3,497,749 $ 16,563,430 14.9% MBE/WBE Total $ 18,735,690 $ 4,219,749 $ 22,955,439 20.6% 10.40% All Firms Total (including Majority) $ 111,441,159
Design MBE $ 808,600 $ 15,000 $ 823,600 4.4% WBE $ 324,075 $ 7,296,810 $ 7,620,885 39.7% MBE/WBE Total $ 1,132,675 $ 7,311,810 $ 8,444,485 44.1% 17.90% All Firms Total (including Majority) $ 19,183,229
Pmts FY19
Pmts FY19
Pmts FY20
Pmts FY20
MBE 31 5 38 1 WBE 69 16 69 10 VBE 1 5 - 6 MBE/WBE and VBE Total 101 26 107 17
Design MBE 16 4 21 5 WBE 19 16 16 18 VBE - - - - MBE/WBE and VBE Total 35 20 37 23
TOTAL OVERALL MBE/WBE and VBE 136 46 144 40
Share of Total Spend Construction/Design
VET $ - $ 14,516,117 $ 14,516,117 6.20%
Table 5.1
Total Reported Construction Hours by Category – Non-Minority v. Minority
Category Reported Hours % of Total Hours Non-Minority Total 507,508 82.2% Minority Total 109,810 17.8% Not Specified 70 0.0% Total Construction Hours 617,388 100.0%
Table 5.2
Total Reported Construction Hours by Category – Male v. Female
Category Reported Hours % of Total Hours Male Hours 598,297 96.9% Female Hours 19,091 3.1% Total Construction Hours 617,388 100.0%
Table 5.3
Total Reported Minority Construction Hours by Minority Category
Minority Category Reported Hours % of Total Hours Hispanic 67,019 61.0% African American 25,102 22.9% Other 9,809 8.9% Asian 7,686 7.0% Native American 194 0.2% Total Minority Hours 109,810 100.0%
Table 6.1
Total Reported Design Hours by Category – Non-Minority v. Minority
Category Reported Hours % of Total Hours Non-Minority Total 31,833 73.3% Minority Total 11,569 26.7% Total Design Hours 43,402 100.0%
Table 6.2
Total Reported Design Hours by Category – Male v. Female
Category Reported Hours % of Total Hours Male Hours 24,385 56.2% Female Hours 19,017 43.8% Total Design Hours 43,402 100.0%
Table 6.3
Total Reported Minority Design Hours by Minority Category
Minority Category Reported Hours % of Total Hours Asian 5,294 45.8% Hispanic 4,282 37.0% African American 1,066 9.2% Other 928 8.0% Native American 0 0.0% Total Minority Hours 11,569 100.0%
MBE and WBE Payments for Construction Projects FY2020
MBE and WBE Payments for Design Projects FY2020 MBE, WBE, and Veteran Prime Payments on DCAMM Projects MBE FY2020
Payments Distribution in Construction FY2020
WBE Payments Distribution in Construction FY2020
MBE Payments Distribution in Design FY2020
WBE Payments Distribution in Design FY2020
MBE and WBE Construction Project Awards FY2020
MBE and WBE Design Project Awards FY2020
MBE Awards Distribution in Construction Projects FY2020
WBE Awards Distribution in Construction Projects FY2020
MBE Awards Distribution in Design Projects FY2020
WBE Awards Distribution in Design Projects FY2020
Report No. Section Report Title
14 Construction Construction Hours of Employment by ZIP Code
15 Design Design Hours of Employment by ZIP Code
Report No. 1
Project Number Name City/Town Award Date GoalPrime Award
Report 1 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Construction Projects FY 2020
AEP1503EUT1 AEP-Utility Contract-DCR Rinks-Boston/Northeast regions NORTHEAST 8/8/2018 10.4%$453,765
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
% Performed
% Performed
Prime Groom Energy Solutions, LLC General Contractor, Energy $6,650 $0 $491,605 $460,203 0.0% 93.6%
Subcontractor AMK Electric, LLC WBE Electrical Installation - Labor $6,650 $6,650 $31,402 $31,402 100.0% 6.4%
$6,650Subtotal MBE & WBE $31,402 100.0% 6.4%
AEP1701EUT1 AEP Utility Contract DOT Various Regions VARIOUS 12/2/2016 10.4%$500,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime SourceOne Inc General Contractor Management $25,104 $0 $386,415 $245,643 0.0% 63.6%
Subcontractor Jacqueline Electric and Contracting, Inc.
WBE Lighting and Electrical $25,104 $25,104 $140,772 $140,772 100.0% 36.4%
$25,104Subtotal MBE & WBE $140,772 100.0% 36.4%
AEP1702EUT1 AEP Utility Contract DCR Central and Western Sites CENTRAL/WESTERN 3/1/2017 10.4%$524,218
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Adams Plumbing & Heating, Inc. WBE Installation of Oil furnace $13,236 $13,236 3.0%
Subcontractor Batallas Electric, Inc. MBE Perform Energy Efficient Lighting Upgrades
$3,001 $3,001 $20,447 $20,447 3.0% 4.7%
$3,001Subtotal MBE & WBE $33,683 3.0% 7.7%
Page 1 of 33FY 2020 Payments Data as of 11/03/20.
Project Number Name City/Town Award Date GoalPrime Award
Report 1 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Construction Projects FY 2020
AEP1802EUT1 AEP - Utility Vendor ContractS - DCR - Statewide STATEWIDE 3/27/2018 10.4%$500,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Batallas Electric, Inc. MBE Electrical work, troubleshooting $19,378 $19,378 $29,831 $29,831 11.3% 19.9%
$19,378Subtotal MBE & WBE $29,831 11.3% 19.9%
AEP1903EUT1 AEP Utility Contract 4/25/2019 10.4%$303,233
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
% Performed
% Performed
Prime AECOM USA of Massachusetts, Inc. General Contractor Management $27,868 $0 $27,868 $1 0.0% 0.0%
Subcontractor Jacqueline Electric and Contracting, Inc.
WBE Electrical $27,868 $27,868 $27,868 $27,868 100.0% 100.0%
$27,868Subtotal MBE & WBE $27,868 100.0% 100.0%
BRC1901DB1 BRC- Campus-wide- Mechanical & Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades Design/Build
Fall River 9/2/2019 10.4%$26,911,981
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Gilbane Building Company General Contractor Management $16,304,219 $14,807,153 $17,181,323 $14,661,956 90.8% 85.3%
Subcontractor All State Waste, Inc. WBE trash removal and recylcing $7,477 $7,477 $16,345 $16,345 0.0% 0.1%
Subcontractor Lindon Group, Inc. WBE perma pipe labor and materials $1,254,001 $1,254,001 $1,254,001 $1,254,001 7.7% 7.3%
Subcontractor SMI Demolition, Inc. MBE demolition & abatement labor and materials
$92,871 $92,871 $437,085 $437,085 0.6% 2.5%
Subcontractor Turtle & Hughes, Inc. WBE electrical products - material only $136,415 $136,415 $805,634 $805,634 0.8% 4.7%
Subcontractor Welch Associates Land Surveyors, Inc.
WBE surveyor $6,302 $6,302 $6,303 $6,303 0.0% 0.0%
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Project Number Name City/Town Award Date GoalPrime Award
Report 1 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Construction Projects FY 2020
BRC1901DB1 BRC- Campus-wide- Mechanical & Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades Design/Build
Fall River 9/2/2019 10.4%$26,911,981
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
BSB1402EEC1 BSB-State House-Energy and Water Upgrades- Construction- Non- CEIP Boston 8/13/2015 10.4%$24,346,852
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime J.F. White Contracting Company General Contractor Management $2,884,138 $2,779,192 $27,484,299 $25,756,557 96.4% 93.7%
Subcontractor Richard W Reid Electrical Co., Inc. MBE Pump Motors, AHU, VFD's $204,670 $204,670 0.7%
Subcontractor J F Shine Mechanical, Inc. WBE Plumbing $21,748 $21,748 $174,385 $174,385 0.8% 0.6%
Subcontractor Absolute Renewable Energy WBE Lighting Controls, AHU and Fan Coil $69,371 $69,371 $1,018,206 $1,018,206 2.4% 3.7%
Subcontractor B+AC, LLC MBE Structural Engineering $69,811 $69,811 0.3%
Subcontractor Angelini Plastering, Inc. WBE Plaster Repairs in Room 427, East Wing
$13,827 $13,827 $260,670 $260,670 0.5% 0.9%
$104,946Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,727,742 3.6% 6.3%
BSB1403HC1 BSB-State House-Coal Pocket Telecom Room-Repair Boston 10/9/2019 5.2%$5,820,600
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Folan Waterproofing & Construction Co., Inc.
WBE waterproofing $66,405 $66,405 $81,600 $81,600 1.9% 1.6%
Subcontractor Hibbert Electrical Company, LLC MBE Electical $10,160 $10,160 $10,160 $10,160 0.3% 0.2%
Subcontractor L & L Contracting, Inc. WBE Misc. & Orn. Iron FSB $166,825 $166,825 $192,559 $192,559 4.8% 3.7%
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Project Number Name City/Town Award Date GoalPrime Award
Report 1 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Construction Projects FY 2020
BSB1403HC1 BSB-State House-Coal Pocket Telecom Room-Repair Boston 10/9/2019 5.2%$5,820,600
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
BSB1503HC1 BSB-State House-Senate Chamber-Renovations Boston 5/31/2017 10.4%$14,150,103
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor United Elevator Company, Inc. WBE Wheelchair Lift $17,670 $17,670 0.1%
Subcontractor SOS Corporation WBE Final Cleaning $13,286 $13,286 $310,486 $310,486 2.3% 1.9%
Subcontractor M&A Architectural Preservation, Inc. WBE architectural preservation $96,798 $96,798 $1,360,215 $1,360,215 16.4% 8.2%
Subcontractor J F Shine Mechanical, Inc. WBE Plumbing $6,681 $6,681 $141,085 $141,085 1.1% 0.8%
Subcontractor Angelini Plastering, Inc. WBE Plastering $12,224 $12,224 $469,333 $469,333 2.1% 2.8%
Subcontractor Federal Concrete Inc WBE Concrete $89,656 $89,656 0.5%
$128,989Subtotal MBE & WBE $2,388,445 21.9% 14.3%
BSB1901EM1 BSB - State House - House Chambers - Electrical/Lighting Repairs Boston 3/11/2020 5.0%$582,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime LeVangie Electric Co. Inc. General Contractor Management $44,338 $6,663 $333,860 $294,985 15.0% 88.4%
Subcontractor Eco Waste Disposal & Container Storage, Inc.
MBE Waste Management Services $1,450 $1,450 $1,450 $1,450 3.3% 0.4%
Subcontractor American Electrical Construction, Inc WBE Electrical $36,225 $36,225 $37,425 $37,425 81.7% 11.2%
$37,675Subtotal MBE & WBE $38,875 85.0% 11.6%
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Project Number Name City/Town Award Date GoalPrime Award
Report 1 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Construction Projects FY 2020
BSC1901DB1 BSC- Campus-wide- Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Bridgewater 8/26/2019 10.4%$26,911,981
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Gilbane Building Company General Contractor Management $6,365,597 $6,290,730 $6,365,597 $6,290,730 98.8% 98.8%
Subcontractor All State Waste, Inc. WBE rubbish removal $675 $675 $3,870 $3,870 0.0% 0.1%
Subcontractor Chase Landscape, Inc. WBE landscaping services labor & material $74,192 $74,192 $95,474 $95,474 1.2% 1.5%
$74,867Subtotal MBE & WBE $99,344 1.2% 1.6%
BSD1501FC1 BSD - Bristol Sheriff's Facilities - Replace Electronic Security Control System
DARTMOUTH 9/5/2018 8.0%$1,826,000
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime LeVangie Electric Co. Inc. General Contractor Management $988,620 $781,111 $2,561,324 $1,959,565 79.0% 76.5%
Subcontractor Electronic Security and Control Systems, Inc.
WBE Video Surveillance System $198,009 $198,009 $592,259 $592,259 20.0% 23.1%
Subcontractor Hibbert Electrical Company, LLC MBE Electrical Panel board $9,500 $9,500 $9,500 $9,500 1.0% 0.4%
$207,509Subtotal MBE & WBE $601,759 21.0% 23.5%
BSD1801DC1 BSD - Bristol County Jail & H.O.C. - Roof Repair/Replacement Dartmouth 7/15/2019 10.4%$8,559,038
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Wright Photo Studios MBE Existing Conditions Documentation $1,440 $1,440 $1,440 $1,440 0.0% 0.0%
Subcontractor Annese Electrical Services, Inc. WBE Electrical FSB $936,815 $936,815 $987,495 $987,495 10.9% 11.5%
$938,255Subtotal MBE & WBE $988,935 11.0% 11.6%
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CHE1501HC1 Chelsea Soldiers Home - Envelope Repair Chelsea 6/19/2017 10.4%$2,741,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Greenwood Industries, Inc Roofing Contractor $217,178 $200,139 $3,016,911 $2,758,668 92.2% 91.4%
Subcontractor L A L Masonry Co., Inc. WBE Metals Subcontractor $17,039 $17,039 $258,243 $258,243 7.8% 8.6%
$17,039Subtotal MBE & WBE $258,243 7.8% 8.6%
CHE1604DC1 CHE - Chelsea Soldiers Home - Community Living Ctr. Chelsea 1/4/2019 10.4%$159,500,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Consigli Construction Company, Inc. General Contractor Management $18,392,948 $18,138,097 $21,654,330 $21,399,479 98.6% 98.8%
Subcontractor All State Waste, Inc. WBE dumpsters $5,759 $5,759 $5,759 $5,759 0.0% 0.0%
Subcontractor Grasseschi Plumbing and Heating, Inc.
WBE Plumbing $243,392 $243,392 $243,392 $243,392 1.3% 1.1%
Subcontractor Jerez, LLC MBE Final Cleaning $5,700 $5,700 $5,700 $5,700 0.0% 0.0%
$254,851Subtotal MBE & WBE $254,851 1.4% 1.2%
CME0902DC1 CME Central / Western Regions - New Facilities WESTFIELD 2/23/2017 10.4%$8,806,200
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Orlando Annulli & Sons, Inc. General Contractor Management $753,958 $724,664 $10,405,823 $9,703,924 96.1% 93.3%
Subcontractor New England Floor & Wall Corp. WBE concrete grinding,polishing, and install sealer
$16,648 $16,648 $16,648 $16,648 2.2% 0.2%
Subcontractor Titan Roofing, Inc. MBE Roofing and Flashing $3,115 $3,115 $214,035 $214,035 0.4% 2.1%
Subcontractor Adams Plumbing & Heating, Inc. WBE Plumbing $6,396 $6,396 $352,311 $344,155 0.8% 3.3%
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CME0902DC1 CME Central / Western Regions - New Facilities WESTFIELD 2/23/2017 10.4%$8,806,200
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Avid Ironworks, Inc. WBE Misc Metals $109,896 $109,896 1.1%
$29,294Subtotal MBE & WBE $701,899 3.9% 6.7%
DCP1640FC1 DCP - McCormack - Roof and Cooling Tower - Design & Construction Boston 11/18/2018 10.4%$3,323,890
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
$492,899Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,715,834 79.3% 53.4%
DCP1828HC1 HCG - HAMPSHIRE COURTHOUSE - ROOFING AND ENVELOPE REPAIRS Northampton 11/15/2018 10.4%$1,786,829
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Old Window Workshop Corp. WBE Glass & Glazing $13,196 $13,196 $13,196 $13,196 1.2% 0.8%
Subcontractor Taylor Davis Landscape Company, Inc.
WBE Landscaping $59,751 $59,751 $60,989 $60,989 5.3% 3.6%
Subcontractor Capasso Restoration, Inc. WBE Masonry $57,500 $57,500 $96,500 $96,500 5.1% 5.8%
Subcontractor A & J Demolition Services, Corporation
MBE Demolition & Abatement $3,000 $3,000 $31,000 $31,000 0.3% 1.8%
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DCP1828HC1 HCG - HAMPSHIRE COURTHOUSE - ROOFING AND ENVELOPE REPAIRS Northampton 11/15/2018 10.4%$1,786,829
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
DCP1842EEC1 DCP - McCormack Building - Energy/Lighting - Upgrade Boston 10/11/2019 10.4%$3,004,395
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor KT&T Distributors, Inc. MBE Labor Subcontractor $1,073,211 $1,073,211 $817,025 $817,025 48.3% 18.4%
Subcontractor Turtle & Hughes, Inc. WBE Material Supplier $18,282 $18,282 $26,890 $26,890 0.8% 0.6%
$1,091,493Subtotal MBE & WBE $843,915 49.2% 19.0%
DCP1907OM1 JOC - GENERAL CONTRACTOR SERVICES 11/27/2018 7.5%$2,000,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Titan Roofing, Inc. MBE Roofing Repairs $80,500 $80,500 $119,240 $119,240 8.7% 12.9%
Subcontractor Atkinson Carpet Installation Co., Inc. WBE Carpet and Flooring $13,592 $13,592 $13,592 $13,592 1.5% 1.5%
Subcontractor Don Martin Corporation WBE Paving $14,506 $14,506 $14,506 $14,506 1.6% 1.6%
Subcontractor J & S Concrete Pumping and Grouting, Inc.
WBE Concrete & Grout Repairs $14,312 $14,312 $16,388 $16,388 1.5% 1.8%
Subcontractor Strategic Environmental Services, Inc. WBE Hurley Building Selective Demo $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 $14,000 1.5% 1.5%
$136,910Subtotal MBE & WBE $177,727 14.8% 19.2%
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DCP1907OM2 JOC - GENERAL CONTRACTOR SERVICES 1/29/2019 7.5%$2,000,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime One Source Construction, LLC WBE General Contractor Management $282,599 $277,679 $282,599 $277,679 98.3% 98.3%
Subcontractor Mass Signal Service, LLC MBE Electrical Services $4,920 $4,920 $10,160 $10,160 1.7% 3.6%
$282,599Subtotal MBE & WBE $287,839 100.0% 101.9%
DCP1908OM2 JOC - GENERAL CONTRACTOR SERVICES 12/20/2018 7.5%$2,000,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime One Source Construction, LLC WBE General Contractor Management $91,009 $91,009 $91,009 $91,009 100.0% 100.0%
$91,009Subtotal MBE & WBE $91,009 100.0% 100.0%
DCP1909OM1 JOC - GENERAL CONTRACTOR SERVICES 3/31/2020 7.5%$2,000,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Dagle Electrical Construction Corp. WBE Electrical $15,626 $15,626 1.5%
Subcontractor J & S Concrete Pumping and Grouting, Inc.
WBE Concrete Repairs $10,898 $10,898 $10,898 $10,898 7.3% 1.0%
Subcontractor Strategic Environmental Services, Inc. WBE asbestos abatement and disposal $69,565 $69,565 $69,565 $69,565 46.6% 6.7%
$80,463Subtotal MBE & WBE $96,089 53.9% 9.2%
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DCP1917HC1 DCP - McCormack - EHS - 2nd Floor Multi-Suite / Electrical Closet Renovations
Boston 1/8/2020 10.4%$471,626
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime R. Mullen & Associates, Inc. General Contractor Management $195,752 $143,234 $373,312 $226,081 73.2% 60.6%
Subcontractor Abatement Pro and Demo, Inc. MBE Asbestos Abatement $23,500 $23,500 $23,500 $23,500 12.0% 6.3%
Subcontractor CDS Contracting Services, LLC MBE ELE FSB $29,018 $29,018 $122,153 $122,153 14.8% 32.7%
Subcontractor Front Line, Inc. WBE Final Cleaning $1,578 $1,578 0.4%
$52,518Subtotal MBE & WBE $147,231 26.8% 39.4%
DCP1919HC1 DCP - McCormack 13fl - IG Office Buildout (Construction) Boston 8/12/2019 10.4%$395,598
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
General Contractor Management $459,656 $397,960 $462,348 $400,652 86.6% 86.7%
Subcontractor CDS Contracting Services, LLC MBE Electrical Labor & Materials $61,096 $61,096 $61,096 $61,096 13.3% 13.2%
Subcontractor Clean Team, The WBE Final Cleaning $600 $600 $600 $600 0.1% 0.1%
$61,696Subtotal MBE & WBE $61,696 13.4% 13.3%
DCP1922EM1 DCP- Lindemann Bldg- Emergency- Bathroom Repairs Boston 5/18/2019 10.4%$326,300
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
% Performed
% Performed
Prime L & L Contracting, Inc. WBE General Contractor Management $331,940 $284,686 $331,940 $284,686 85.8% 85.8%
Subcontractor Dagle Electrical Construction Corp. WBE Electrical $29,830 $29,830 $29,830 $29,830 9.0% 9.0%
Subcontractor Supplies Exchange Systems MBE Material Supplier $17,424 $17,424 $17,424 $17,424 5.2% 5.2%
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DCP1922EM1 DCP- Lindemann Bldg- Emergency- Bathroom Repairs Boston 5/18/2019 10.4%$326,300
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
DCP1934HC1 DCP - Hurley - 1st Floor Family Leave Department Renovation Boston 9/27/2019 10.4%$257,334
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime R. Mullen & Associates, Inc. General Contractor Management $299,974 $249,874 $356,048 $305,948 83.3% 85.9%
Subcontractor Abatement Pro and Demo, Inc. MBE Asbestos Abatement $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 $15,000 5.0% 4.2%
Subcontractor Payne Contracting Company MBE Painting $35,100 $35,100 $35,100 $35,100 11.7% 9.9%
$50,100Subtotal MBE & WBE $50,100 16.7% 14.1%
DCR1110DC1 DCR Cambridge/ North Point- New Maintenance Facility CAMBRIDGE 5/18/2017 10.4%$15,000,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Commodore Builders Corporation General Contractor Management $13,962,688 $11,717,306 $20,417,436 $17,019,068 83.9% 83.4%
Subcontractor Mill City Environmental Corporation MBE T&D of AIS $293,474 $293,474 $1,162,051 $1,162,051 2.1% 5.7%
Subcontractor West Hartford Lock Co., LLC MBE Doors Frames and Hardware - Furnish Only
$75,411 $75,411 $108,828 $108,828 0.5% 0.5%
Subcontractor North Shore Steel Co., Inc. MBE Miscellaneous and Ornamental Iron $343,235 $343,235 $359,979 $359,979 2.5% 1.8%
Subcontractor Lemelin Environmental Services, Inc. WBE Fueling Station $302,177 $302,177 $312,288 $312,288 2.2% 1.5%
Subcontractor KO Stone, Inc. MBE Final Cleaning $23,200 $23,200 0.1%
Subcontractor Jackson Glass, Inc. WBE Glass and Glazing $171,950 $171,950 $181,000 $181,000 1.2% 0.9%
Subcontractor Don Martin Corporation MBE Paving $578,541 $578,541 $593,542 $593,542 4.1% 2.9%
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DCR1110DC1 DCR Cambridge/ North Point- New Maintenance Facility CAMBRIDGE 5/18/2017 10.4%$15,000,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
$71,522 $71,522 $149,100 $149,100 0.5% 0.7%
Subcontractor All State Waste, Inc. WBE Waste Disposal $34,405 $34,405 $42,388 $42,388 0.2% 0.2%
Subcontractor Taibbi Equipment Corp. WBE Operated Equipment Rental $374,667 $374,667 $465,993 $465,993 2.7% 2.3%
$2,245,382Subtotal MBE & WBE $3,398,368 16.1% 16.6%
DMH1301DC1 DMH- Solomon Carter Fuller Ctr. -Envelope Repair/Window Replacement Boston 5/2/2017 10.4%$7,597,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
General Contractor Management $897,048 $733,674 $4,547,095 $3,866,143 81.8% 85.0%
Subcontractor Annese Electrical Services, Inc. WBE Electrical, Installation $69,487 $69,487 $662,902 $662,902 7.7% 14.6%
Subcontractor General Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.
MBE HVAC $93,887 $93,887 $18,050 $18,050 10.5% 0.4%
$163,374Subtotal MBE & WBE $680,952 18.2% 15.0%
DMH1601FC2 DMH - Cain laundry Room - Renovation TAUNTON 6/15/2018 10.4%$267,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Contractors Network, Inc. General Contractor Management $274,642 $213,691 $348,465 $287,513 77.8% 82.5%
Subcontractor Air Control Systems, Inc. MBE HVAC Labor and Material $60,951 $60,951 $60,951 $60,951 22.2% 17.5%
$60,951Subtotal MBE & WBE $60,951 22.2% 17.5%
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DMH1901HC1 DMH Taunton - Goss building- Fire Protection TAUNTON 4/30/2019 8.1%$2,375,100
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor C.S. Allison Co., Inc. MBE Asbestos Removal-025000 $25,605 $25,605 $25,605 $25,605 1.0% 1.0%
$355,545Subtotal MBE & WBE $355,545 14.6% 14.6%
DOC1507DC1 DOC-MCI Shirley-New Food Service Building Shirley 4/12/2018 10.4%$11,340,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Greenfield Glass Co, Inc. WBE Glazing $16,634 $16,634 $26,159 $26,159 0.4% 0.3%
Subcontractor Kittredge Equipment Co. Inc WBE Food Service Equipment $734,415 $734,415 $1,080,002 $1,080,002 15.9% 12.5%
Subcontractor Unic Pro, Inc. MBE cleaning $8,215 $8,215 $19,610 $19,610 0.2% 0.2%
$1,236,268Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,241,435 26.8% 14.4%
DOC1802FC1 DOC - Bridgewater - Small Projects - 3 Boiler Replacement Bridgewater 5/18/2018 10.4%$6,277,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Arden Engineering Constructors, LLC General Contractor Management $1,950,467 $1,710,194 $7,774,726 $6,315,763 87.7% 81.2%
Subcontractor H B Welding, Inc. MBE Receive, Store, Transport, unload and rig Boiler
$162,370 $162,370 $1,379,063 $1,379,063 8.3% 17.7%
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DOC1802FC1 DOC - Bridgewater - Small Projects - 3 Boiler Replacement Bridgewater 5/18/2018 10.4%$6,277,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
% Performed
% Performed
Subcontractor Go Trucking, LLC WBE Trucking and Hauling of Construction and Landscaping Materials
$77,903 $77,903 $79,900 $79,900 4.0% 1.0%
$240,273Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,458,963 12.3% 18.8%
DPH1306EEC1 DPH-Mass Hospital School- Energy/ Water Upgrades- Non-CEIP Canton 12/21/2018 10.4%$20,822,841
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Annese Electrical Services, Inc. WBE Electrical Contractor $48,159 $48,159 $48,159 $48,159 1.0% 0.9%
Subcontractor Cx Associates WBE Commissioning Services $1,795 $1,795 0.0%
Subcontractor GFS Electric, Inc. MBE Electrical $526,922 $526,922 $526,922 $526,922 11.4% 10.3%
Subcontractor Modulease Corporation WBE Supplier of Construction Trailer $5,462 $5,462 $8,354 $8,354 0.1% 0.2%
Subcontractor Renewable Energy Systems, LLC WBE Solar Hot Water $157,624 $157,624 $165,560 $165,560 3.4% 3.2%
Subcontractor Village Forge, Inc. WBE STrutural Steel $39,503 $39,503 $39,503 $39,503 0.9% 0.8%
Subcontractor Air Control Systems, Inc. MBE Mechanical Construction HVAC $411,580 $411,580 $514,584 $514,584 8.9% 10.1%
$1,189,250Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,304,876 25.8% 25.5%
DPH1350EEC1 DPH-Lab Institute, Jamaica Plain-Boiler-Energy Design-Build Boston 8/4/2015 10.4%$13,274,508
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
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DPH1350EEC1 DPH-Lab Institute, Jamaica Plain-Boiler-Energy Design-Build Boston 8/4/2015 10.4%$13,274,508
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
$84,409Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,991,933 13.0% 15.2%
DPH1641DC2 DPH - JP Biologics Building - Demolition WESTFIELD 3/5/2020 10.4%$3,591,231
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
General Contractor Management $132,408 $132,408 $132,408 $132,408 100.0% 100.0%
Subcontractor American Environmental, Inc. MBE ACM disposal $76,000 $76,000 57.4%
Subtotal MBE & WBE $76,000 57.4%
DPH1901FC1 DPH - Lemuel Shattuck Hospital - Anti-Ligature Upgrades TEWKSBURY 7/19/2019 10.4%$1,773,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
WBE Materials $154,122 $154,122 $171,916 $171,916 16.3% 18.2%
Subcontractor NG Environmental Contractors, LLC MBE Asbestos and Demolition $62,888 $62,888 $80,048 $80,048 6.7% 8.5%
$217,010Subtotal MBE & WBE $251,963 23.0% 26.6%
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DYS1404EES1 DYS-Western Youth Center- Comp. Design/ Build- Energy-Study Springfield 11/20/2017 10.4%$3,092,864
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
$123,621Subtotal MBE & WBE $2,473 23.9% 0.1%
DYS1901HC1 DYS - Taunton S.H. - Goss Bldg. - Immediate A/C Taunton 7/31/2019 10.4%$891,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
MBE General Contractor Management $518,146 $448,446 $1,012,779 $935,829 86.5% 92.4%
Subcontractor C.S. Allison Co., Inc. MBE Asbestos and Demolition $45,000 $45,000 $52,250 $52,250 8.7% 5.2%
Subcontractor Metro Equipment Corp. WBE site work $24,700 $24,700 $24,700 $24,700 4.8% 2.4%
$518,146Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,012,779 100.0% 100.0%
DYS1902EEC1 10/4/2019 10.4%$5,626,575
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
General Contractor Management $430,820 $332,837 $1,292,461 $835,616 77.3% 64.7%
Subcontractor Banner Environmental Services, Inc. WBE Mechanical Equipment Work $45,829 $45,829 $239,242 $239,242 10.6% 18.5%
Subcontractor GMT Construction & Painting Services Corporation
MBE Biomass Foundation and Installation $52,154 $52,154 $217,604 $217,604 12.1% 16.8%
$97,983Subtotal MBE & WBE $456,845 22.7% 35.3%
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EPS1401EEC1 EPS-MEMA-Framingham-Energy and Water Upgrades- Construction- ( Non-CEIP)
Framingham 5/30/2018 10.4%$5,014,815
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
General Contractor Management $4,120,532 $2,673,448 $8,946,287 $7,280,266 64.9% 81.4%
Subcontractor Fraser Engineering Company, Inc. WBE Mechanical Work- Labor and Material
$714,004 $714,004 $714,004 $714,004 17.3% 8.0%
Subcontractor ANDY RAMOS ELECTRIC LLC MBE Labor and Material $17,582 $17,582 $39,697 $39,697 0.4% 0.4%
Subcontractor Atlantic Bay Contracting Co., Inc. MBE Asbestos Abatement $17,300 $17,300 $17,300 $17,300 0.4% 0.2%
Subcontractor Banner Environmental Services, Inc. WBE Labor $87,048 $87,048 $88,166 $88,166 2.1% 1.0%
Subcontractor Dagle Electrical Construction Corp. WBE Engineering and Consulting $1,065,066 $355,961 $1,148,298 $395,476 8.6% 4.4%
Subcontractor Professional Fire Systems, Inc. WBE Engineering and Consulting $172,580 $172,580 $259,780 $259,780 4.2% 2.9%
Subcontractor Evermore Light and Power, Inc. MBE Electrical Work- Labor and Material $82,609 $82,609 $151,597 $151,597 2.0% 1.7%
$1,447,084Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,666,021 35.1% 18.6%
HCC0801DC2 HCC-G Building- Renovation/ Addition Holyoke HOLYOKE 6/9/2016 10.4%$30,500,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor SOS Corporation WBE Final Cleaning $71,071 $71,071 $1,660,668 $1,128,491 2.1% 3.5%
Subcontractor Titan Roofing, Inc. MBE New Construction/Repair/Service $447,162 $447,162 $331,905 $331,905 13.0% 1.0%
Subcontractor SOS Corporation WBE Final Cleaning $71,071 $71,071 $1,660,668 $1,128,491 2.1% 3.5%
Subcontractor Performance Testing and Balancing, LLC
SDVOBE Service $28,054 $28,054 0.1%
Subcontractor Novel Iron Works, Inc. WBE roofing $761,266 $761,266 2.4%
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HCC0801DC2 HCC-G Building- Renovation/ Addition Holyoke HOLYOKE 6/9/2016 10.4%$30,500,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Adams Plumbing & Heating, Inc. WBE HVAC $433,957 $287,109 $1,585,932 $1,248,592 8.4% 3.9%
$805,342Subtotal MBE & WBE $4,598,745 25.5% 14.4%
HCC1901DB1 HCC- Powerplant/ Utility Tunnel- Main Switchgear & Power Center Replacement- Design/Build
HOLYOKE 9/2/2019 10.4%$6,231,042
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Adams & Ruxton Construction Company
WBE General Trades, Labor and Material $41,966 $41,966 $94,594 $94,594 0.8% 1.7%
Subcontractor American Environmental, Inc. MBE Demolition Labor & Materials $25,216 $25,216 $174,591 $174,591 0.5% 3.1%
Subcontractor T & M Equipment Corporation WBE Sitework/Earthwork Labor & Material
$121,228 $121,228 $164,120 $164,120 2.2% 3.0%
$188,410Subtotal MBE & WBE $433,304 3.4% 7.8%
HLY1503HC1 HLY-Holyoke Soldiers Home-Life Safety Upgrades HOLYOKE 2/28/2019 10.4%$1,217,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Titan Roofing, Inc. MBE Roofing & Sheet Metal $11,875 $11,875 $14,440 $14,440 5.8% 5.3%
Subcontractor Avid Ironworks, Inc. WBE Misc. & Orn. Iron FSB $80,968 $80,968 $80,969 $80,969 39.4% 29.8%
Subcontractor Floor Works, Inc. WBE Resilient Flooring FSB $25,710 $25,710 $28,210 $28,210 12.5% 10.4%
$118,553Subtotal MBE & WBE $123,619 57.7% 45.5%
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HSD1302HC1 HSD-Modular Dorms-Facility Assessment and Repairs NORTHAMPTON 7/2/2018 10.4%$3,317,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Kenney Masonry, LLC WBE Masonry $6,859 $6,859 0.3%
Subcontractor Titan Roofing, Inc. MBE Roofing & Sheet Metal $70,989 $70,989 $219,925 $219,925 4.8% 8.4%
Subcontractor Chicopee Industrial Contractors, Inc. WBE Rigging & Millwrighting $5,291 $5,291 $5,291 $5,291 0.4% 0.2%
$76,280Subtotal MBE & WBE $232,075 5.2% 8.9%
IFM1506 2/10/2016 10.4%$354,708
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Keane Fire & Safety Equipment Co., Inc.
WBE fire safety $91 $91 $679 $679 1.4% 0.4%
$91Subtotal MBE & WBE $679 1.4% 0.4%
IFM1507 2/10/2016 10.4%$1,003,708
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Keane Fire & Safety Equipment Co., Inc.
WBE Fire Safety $7,523 $7,523 $53,919 $53,919 1.5% 2.8%
$7,523Subtotal MBE & WBE $53,919 1.5% 2.8%
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MCA1501EEC1 MCA-Campus Wide-Energy/Water Retrofit-Constr. Boston 4/26/2019 10.4%$9,345,226
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Titan Roofing, Inc. MBE Roofer $135,147 $135,147 3.6%
Subcontractor Professional Fire Systems, Inc. WBE Sprinkler work in Collins. ECM 17.04 $2,880 $2,880 $8,091 $8,091 0.1% 0.2%
Subcontractor Outkast Electrical Contractors, Inc. MBE Lighting Retrofit Labor Only $161,232 $161,232 $161,232 $161,232 4.3% 4.3%
Subcontractor Cx Associates WBE Commissioning Agent $7,099 $7,099 $12,449 $12,449 0.2% 0.3%
Subcontractor H B Welding, Inc. WBE Structrural Steel $140,684 $140,684 3.7%
$171,211Subtotal MBE & WBE $605,932 4.6% 16.0%
MIL1454FC1 MIL Quincy Armory MEP Upgrade Quincy 3/20/2017 10.4%$3,448,838
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime B.C. Construction Co., Inc. SDVOBE General Contractor Management $118,603 $106,178 $3,387,962 $2,779,621 89.5% 82.0%
Subcontractor Rebars & Mesh, Inc. WBE rebar fabrication $10,079 $10,079 0.3%
Subcontractor Middlesex Commercial Sales, LLC MBE Cost Estimating $53,020 $53,020 1.6%
Subcontractor L & L Contracting, Inc. WBE General Construction $91,406 $91,406 2.7%
Subcontractor CDS Contracting Services, LLC MBE Electrical , Communications $12,425 $12,425 $292,153 $292,153 10.5% 8.6%
Subcontractor Banner Environmental Services, Inc. WBE Asbestos Remediation and Removal $83,704 $83,704 2.5%
Subcontractor West Floor Covering, Inc. WBE Floor Installation $77,979 $77,979 2.3%
$12,425Subtotal MBE & WBE $608,341 10.5% 18.0%
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MIL1901AEC1 9/28/2018 10.4%$1,426,718
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Dagle Electrical Construction Corp. WBE General Contractor Management $1,410,468 $1,403,742 $1,410,468 $1,403,702 99.5% 99.5%
Subcontractor C&S Group, Inc MBE Lighting $6,726 $6,726 $6,726 $6,726 0.5% 0.5%
$1,410,468Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,410,428 100.0% 100.0%
MMA1901DB1 MMA- Powerplant- Elect. Infrastructure Upgrade/Resiliency Bourne 9/2/2019 10.4%$6,680,858
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Gilbane Building Company General Contractor Management $2,401,774 $1,998,697 $4,048,881 $3,459,919 83.2% 85.5%
Subcontractor All State Waste, Inc. WBE rubbish removal $6,975 $6,975 $13,357 $13,357 0.3% 0.3%
Subcontractor Atlantic Bridge & Engineering, Inc. WBE Str. Steel and Misc. Metals Labor & Materials
$396,102 $396,102 $575,605 $575,605 16.5% 14.2%
$403,077Subtotal MBE & WBE $588,962 16.8% 14.5%
MWC1901DB1 MWC - Powerplant/Campuswide - Mechanical Infrastructure Upgrade - Design/Build
Gardner 8/6/2019 10.4%$3,609,410
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor American Environmental, Inc. MBE Demolition Labor & Materials $7,951 $7,951 $7,951 $7,951 0.5% 0.4%
Subcontractor T & M Equipment Corporation WBE Sitework Labor & Materials $43,577 $43,577 $43,577 $43,577 2.6% 2.1%
$51,528Subtotal MBE & WBE $51,527 3.1% 2.5%
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NAC1102EC1 NAC-North Adams-Energy/Water-Performance Contract NORTH ADAMS 1/2/2015 10.4%$4,591,997
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Adams Plumbing & Heating, Inc. WBE General Contractor Management $390,382 $383,407 $4,156,958 $3,937,545 98.2% 94.7%
Subcontractor American Environmental, Inc. MBE Demolition Labor & Materials $6,300 $6,300 $119,700 $119,700 1.6% 2.9%
Subcontractor Fisher Contracting Corp WBE $57,011 $57,011 1.4%
Subcontractor Green Insulation, Inc. WBE Insulation install $675 $675 $26,625 $26,625 0.2% 0.6%
Subcontractor Titan Roofing, Inc. MBE Roofing $16,077 $16,077 0.4%
$390,382Subtotal MBE & WBE $4,156,958 100.0% 100.0%
NEC1601HC1 NEC - NECC Lawrence - Dimitry Bldg - Envelope & Site Renovations Lawrence 2/2/2018 10.4%$3,937,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime G & R Construction, Inc. General Contractor Management $58,667 $30,935 $4,111,924 $3,838,180 52.7% 93.3%
Subcontractor AM Enterprises Corp MBE asbestos and demolition subcontractor
$116,550 $116,550 2.8%
Subcontractor Rebars & Mesh, Inc. WBE supply reinforcing steel $7,240 $7,240 0.2%
Subcontractor Willow Tree Outdoor LLC WBE landscape $16,155 $16,155 0.4%
Subcontractor All State Waste, Inc. WBE supply dumpsters $300 $300 $1,650 $1,650 0.5% 0.0%
Subcontractor L & L Contracting, Inc. WBE misc metals $48,539 $48,539 1.2%
Subcontractor J Tropeano, Inc. WBE site work $27,432 $27,432 $83,610 $83,610 46.8% 2.0%
$27,732Subtotal MBE & WBE $273,744 47.3% 6.7%
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NSC1901DB1 NSC- Lynn- Main Building- Electrical Infrastructure Upgrades & Resiliency- Design/Build
LYNN 8/1/2019 10.4%$6,136,908
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Titan Roofing, Inc. MBE Roofing Labor & Materials $83,944 $83,944 1.6%
Subcontractor All State Waste, Inc. WBE dumpsters, rubbish removal $6,841 $6,841 $8,440 $8,440 0.1% 0.2%
Subcontractor Atlantic Bridge & Engineering, Inc. WBE Str. Steel and Misc. Metals Labor & Materials
$146,176 $146,176 $175,479 $175,479 3.1% 3.4%
Subcontractor DeMelo Construction Services Corporation
WBE Labor & Material masonry $53,174 $53,174 1.0%
Subcontractor General Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.
MBE Mechanical Labor & Material $46,237 $46,237 $100,624 $100,624 1.0% 2.0%
$199,254Subtotal MBE & WBE $421,661 4.2% 8.2%
QCC1601HC1 QCC Surprenant Building HVAC Replacement WORCESTER 4/13/2018 5.4%$4,308,790
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor General Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc.
MBE HVAC Subcontractor $168,206 $168,206 $1,431,109 $1,431,109 50.9% 28.8%
$168,206Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,431,109 50.9% 28.8%
QCC1701HC1 QCC- Surprenant Bldg - Science Lab Renovation Worcester 8/29/2019 10.4%$2,398,800
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
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QCC1701HC1 QCC- Surprenant Bldg - Science Lab Renovation Worcester 8/29/2019 10.4%$2,398,800
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor ADEP Group, Inc. MBE Demolition $78,423 $62,053 $78,423 $62,053 3.3% 3.0%
Subcontractor Heckman Masonry Corporation WBE Masonry $9,990 $9,990 $9,990 $9,990 0.5% 0.5%
Subcontractor L & L Contracting, Inc. WBE misc metals $114,475 $114,475 $115,235 $115,235 6.1% 5.5%
Subcontractor Xcel Fire Protection, Inc. WBE Fire Protection $26,600 $26,600 $27,315 $27,315 1.4% 1.3%
$213,118Subtotal MBE & WBE $214,594 11.3% 10.3%
RCC1802HC1 RCC- Building 2 Repairs Boston 8/14/2019 10.4%$3,524,510
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Paul J. Rogan Co., Inc. General Contractor Management $2,338,959 $1,821,464 $3,574,267 $2,943,811 77.9% 82.4%
Subcontractor L & L Contracting, Inc. WBE Drywall $271,949 $271,949 $340,534 $340,534 11.6% 9.5%
Subcontractor CDS Contracting Services, LLC MBE Electrical $245,546 $245,546 $289,922 $289,922 10.5% 8.1%
$517,495Subtotal MBE & WBE $630,456 22.1% 17.6%
SDE1301EEC1 SDE-Essex Sheriffs Dept.-Multisite- Energy and Water Retrofit- Construction-Non-CEIP
Middleton 4/7/2015 10.4%$12,757,004
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Titan Roofing, Inc. MBE Roofing Installation $308,792 $308,792 1.7%
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SDE1301EEC1 SDE-Essex Sheriffs Dept.-Multisite- Energy and Water Retrofit- Construction-Non-CEIP
Middleton 4/7/2015 10.4%$12,757,004
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
$13,945Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,922,575 4.3% 10.6%
SDM1502FC1 SDM-Middlesex HOC, Billerica-Structural Stabilization Billerica 11/5/2018 10.4%$3,078,025
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
% Performed
% Performed
Prime Paul J. Rogan Co., Inc. General Contractor Management $948,965 $357,126 $3,201,127 $1,814,211 37.6% 56.7%
Subcontractor L & L Contracting, Inc. WBE Miscellaneous Metals & Ornamental Iron FSB
$144,071 $144,071 $606,078 $606,078 15.2% 18.9%
Subcontractor CDS Contracting Services, LLC MBE Electrical FSB $447,768 $447,768 $780,838 $780,838 47.2% 24.4%
$591,839Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,386,916 62.4% 43.3%
SDM1801HC1 SDM - Middlesex H.O.C. - Replace Main Boilers Billerica 9/13/2018 10.4%$3,937,747
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor L & L Contracting, Inc. WBE Metals Subcontractor $79,771 $79,771 $121,286 $121,286 8.2% 2.5%
Subcontractor CDS Contracting Services, LLC MBE Electrical subcontractor $325,824 $325,824 $485,225 $485,225 33.6% 10.0%
$405,595Subtotal MBE & WBE $606,511 41.9% 12.5%
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SDN1501EES1 SDN-Norfolk Sheriff-Energy-Comprehensive Design Build-Study DEDHAM 3/3/2017 10.4%$3,874,413
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Batallas Electric, Inc. MBE Electrical Work $13,085 $13,085 0.3%
Subcontractor Fraser Engineering Company, Inc. WBE Plumbing & Mechanical for water conservation measures, also other misc.tasks yet to be specified.
$18,583 $18,583 $39,570 $39,570 11.2% 1.0%
$18,583Subtotal MBE & WBE $52,655 11.2% 1.3%
SDW1501DC1 SDW-West Boylston-Medical and Intake Unit WEST BOYLSTON 2/28/2018 10.4%$16,960,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor American Electrical Construction, Inc WBE Electrical Work $318,706 $318,706 $26,125 $26,125 10.2% 0.8%
Subcontractor Adams Plumbing & Heating, Inc. WBE Plumbing $131,798 $131,798 $16,553 $5,414 4.2% 0.2%
$450,504Subtotal MBE & WBE $31,539 14.4% 1.0%
SEC1502HC1 SEC-State Archives Bldg. -Expansion Boston - Dorch 1/25/2018 10.4%$6,348,435
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime GVW, Inc. General Contractor Management $20,000 $0 $5,028,594 $4,396,756 0.0% 87.4%
Subcontractor Dependable Masonry Construction Company, Inc.
MBE Masonry $20,000 $20,000 $187,580 $187,580 100.0% 3.7%
Subcontractor Karma Environmental Services, Inc. WBE demo/abatement $180,495 $180,495 3.6%
Subcontractor Rebars & Mesh, Inc. WBE rebar $159,573 $159,573 3.2%
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SEC1502HC1 SEC-State Archives Bldg. -Expansion Boston - Dorch 1/25/2018 10.4%$6,348,435
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
MBE Labor & Material masonry $8,550 $8,550 0.2%
$20,000Subtotal MBE & WBE $631,837 100.0% 12.6%
STC1402DC1 STC-Springfield Technical C.C.- Renovations to Building 19 SPRINGFIELD 12/11/2015 10.4%$41,542,209
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor CK Flooring Solutions, Inc. WBE Carpet $313,025 $313,025 0.7%
Subcontractor West Floor Covering, Inc. WBE Resilient Flooring $64,965 $64,965 0.1%
Subcontractor Titan Roofing, Inc. MBE Roofing $265,116 $265,116 0.6%
Subcontractor SOS Corporation WBE Final Cleaning $9,500 $9,500 0.0%
Subcontractor Clayton, LLC MBE Specialty trades $92,033 $92,033 0.2%
Subcontractor Adams Plumbing & Heating, Inc. WBE HVAC $0 ($3,003) $3,289,786 $3,207,153 -0.2% 7.0%
Subcontractor EDI Landscape LLC WBE Landscaping $25,686 $25,686 0.1%
($3,003)Subtotal MBE & WBE $3,977,479 -0.2% 8.7%
STC1902DB1 STC- Main Switchgear & Campus-wide Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Design/Build
Springfield 9/2/2019 10.4%$4,821,240
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
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STC1902DB1 STC- Main Switchgear & Campus-wide Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Design/Build
Springfield 9/2/2019 10.4%$4,821,240
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Gilbane Building Company General Contractor Management $3,392,850 $3,036,422 $3,392,850 $2,836,674 89.5% 83.6%
Subcontractor C&D Electronics, Inc. MBE Electrical panel boards material only $82,362 $82,362 $154,353 $154,353 2.4% 4.5%
Subcontractor T & M Equipment Corporation WBE Sitework Labor & Materials $164,451 $164,451 $244,797 $244,797 4.8% 7.2%
Subcontractor L K Sheet Metal Inc. WBE sheet metal labor & material $59,061 $59,061 $59,061 $59,061 1.7% 1.7%
Subcontractor American Environmental, Inc. MBE Demolition Labor & Materials $19,542 $19,542 $49,410 $49,410 0.6% 1.5%
Subcontractor Adams & Ruxton Construction Company
WBE General Trades, Labor and Material $27,978 $27,978 $43,905 $43,905 0.8% 1.3%
Subcontractor Beacon Light & Supply, Co., The MBE misc. elect. cond & wire, Material Only
$3,034 $3,034 $4,651 $4,651 0.1% 0.1%
$356,428Subtotal MBE & WBE $556,176 10.5% 16.4%
TRC0105DC1 Lowell Trial Court LOWELL 9/16/2015 10.4%$140,327,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Melos Rodbusters, Inc. WBE Rebar Installation $270,000 $270,000 0.2%
Subcontractor West Floor Covering, Inc. WBE Tile $2,454,140 $2,454,140 $334,740 $334,740 6.4% 0.2%
Subcontractor Welch Associates Land Surveyors, Inc.
WBE Surveying $9,221 $9,221 $95,563 $95,563 0.0% 0.1%
Subcontractor Tavares, LLC MBE Temporary Protection for LGMF Scope
$1,694,586 $1,694,586 $313,617 $313,617 4.4% 0.2%
Subcontractor South Shore Pipeline Services, Inc. WBE Pipeline Video Taping $2,140 $2,140 $1,300 $1,300 0.0% 0.0%
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TRC0105DC1 Lowell Trial Court LOWELL 9/16/2015 10.4%$140,327,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Security Fence Corp. WBE Temporary Fence $59,814 $59,814 0.0%
Subcontractor Ramco Survey Stakes Co., Inc. WBE Erosion Control $7,930 $7,930 0.0%
Subcontractor Marlborough Trucking, Inc. WBE Trucking & Hauling $1,477,222 $1,477,222 1.0%
Subcontractor Federal Concrete Inc WBE Concrete Slab, Site Concrete $698,524 $632,780 $2,575,550 $2,246,099 1.7% 1.6%
Subcontractor E L A D Industrial Insulation, Inc. WBE Duct and Pipe Insulation $240,516 $240,516 $1,332,397 $1,332,397 0.6% 0.9%
Subcontractor All State Waste, Inc. WBE Construction Debris Waste Removal Company
$127,726 $127,726 $65,465 $65,465 0.3% 0.0%
Subcontractor Action Steel, LLC MBE Structural Steel Erection $108,450 $108,450 $2,880,146 $1,283,702 0.3% 0.9%
Subcontractor Rebars & Mesh, Inc. WBE rebar $250,350 $250,350 0.2%
$5,269,559Subtotal MBE & WBE $7,738,198 13.8% 5.4%
TRC1203FC1 TRC-Brighton District Court-Envelope-Improvements Boston 2/28/2019 10.4%$6,650,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime TRAC Builders Inc. General Contractor Management $4,341,498 $4,102,460 $5,204,632 $4,895,933 94.5% 94.1%
Subcontractor CDS Contracting Services, LLC MBE Electrical $139,313 $139,313 $175,950 $175,950 3.2% 3.4%
Subcontractor North Shore Steel Co., Inc. MBE Misc & Ornamental Iron $40,850 $40,850 $40,850 $40,850 0.9% 0.8%
Subcontractor Banner Environmental Services, Inc. WBE Sitework $28,000 $28,000 $28,000 $28,000 0.6% 0.5%
Subcontractor M. Frank Higgins & Co., Inc. WBE Demolition, Flooring & Carpet $30,875 $30,875 $56,808 $56,808 0.7% 1.1%
Subcontractor Division 10 Specialties, Inc. WBE Furnish/Install Division 10 specialties $7,092 $7,092 0.1%
$239,038Subtotal MBE & WBE $308,699 5.5% 5.9%
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TRC1401EEC1 TRC- Lawrence and Newburyport - Energy/ Water Retrofits LAWRENCE 5/18/2018 10.4%$4,304,716
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
General Contractor Management $74,908 $0 $112,312 $0 0.0% 0.0%
Subcontractor Fraser Engineering Company, Inc. WBE Chiller Installation $74,908 $74,908 $112,312 $112,312 100.0% 100.0%
$74,908Subtotal MBE & WBE $112,312 100.0% 100.0%
TRC1407FC1 TRC-East Brookfield Court-Exterior Repairs EAST BROOKFIELD 9/7/2018 10.4%$5,977,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Daniel O'Connell's Sons, Inc. General Contractor Management $4,490,655 $3,789,336 $6,212,750 $5,373,212 84.4% 86.5%
Subcontractor Kenney Masonry, LLC WBE Masonry $444,647 $444,647 $480,632 $480,632 9.9% 7.7%
Subcontractor North Shore Steel Co., Inc. MBE Misc & Ornamental Iron $256,672 $256,672 $358,907 $358,907 5.7% 5.8%
$701,319Subtotal MBE & WBE $839,538 15.6% 13.5%
TRC1605FC1 TRC Springfield Hall of Justice Electrical System Repair MALDEN 7/31/2018 7.0%$2,056,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Beacon Light & Supply, Co., The MBE Electrical Supplies $11,856 $11,856 0.4%
Subcontractor Collins-Crochiere Construction Services, Inc.
WBE carpentry work $66,944 $66,944 $88,106 $88,106 10.3% 3.3%
Subcontractor Gomes Construction Company, Inc. WBE concrete work, digging, site work, restoration
$3,045 $3,045 $60,895 $60,895 0.5% 2.2%
$69,989Subtotal MBE & WBE $160,857 10.8% 5.9%
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TRC1702HC1 TRC - Suffolk County Courthouse - Mid Rise - Elevator Modernization Boston 11/28/2018 1.0%$6,957,358
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
$337,389Subtotal MBE & WBE $376,443 11.0% 7.3%
VET1801HC1 VET - Winchendon Cemetery - SPT - Masonry Repair WINCHENDON 7/29/2019 7.0%$697,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime Louis C. Allegrone, Inc. General Contractor Management $543,844 $488,363 $543,844 $488,363 89.8% 89.8%
Subcontractor KT&T Distributors, Inc. MBE MBE Equipment Rental & Waste Disposal
$22,481 $22,481 $22,481 $22,481 4.1% 4.1%
Subcontractor Structural Stone, LLC WBE Cut Stone /Manufacturer/Supplier $33,000 $33,000 $33,000 $33,000 6.1% 6.1%
$55,481Subtotal MBE & WBE $55,481 10.2% 10.2%
WSC1902DB1 WSC- Campus-wide- Redundant Steam & Condensate Loop Design/Build WESTFIELD 8/6/2019 10.4%$10,935,995
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor T & M Equipment Corporation WBE Sitework Labor & Materials $1,320,226 $1,320,226 $2,816,316 $2,816,316 17.6% 37.6%
$1,320,226Subtotal MBE & WBE $2,816,316 17.6% 37.6%
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
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Report 1 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Construction Projects FY 2020
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
WBE $1,260,371 $1,260,371 $1,452,466 $1,452,466
$1,260,371Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,452,466
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Report 1 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Construction Projects FY 2020
Net MBE Sub Payments
Net WBE Sub Payments
Total Net Sub Payments
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Report No. 2
Project Number Name City/Town Award Date GoalPrime Award
Report 2 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Design Projects FY 2020
BHC1901ST1 BHC - Building E Renovation - Academic Student Success Ctr. (study) Boston 1/7/2019 17.9%$518,765
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
% Performed
% Performed
Prime NBBJ LP Lead Designer $534,722 $492,772 $544,552 $469,722 92.2% 86.3%
Subcontractor ELLANA, INC. WBE Cost estimating $9,730 $9,730 1.8%
Subcontractor Nitsch Engineering, Inc. WBE Civil engineering $11,100 $11,100 2.0%
Subcontractor Mikyoung Kim Design LLC WBE Landscape Architect $37,350 $37,350 $46,250 $46,250 7.0% 8.5%
Subcontractor RSE Associates, Inc. MBE Structural Engineering $4,000 $4,000 $7,150 $7,150 0.7% 1.3%
Subcontractor VAV International, Inc. MBE MEP & Fire Protection $600 $600 $600 $600 0.1% 0.1%
$41,950Subtotal MBE & WBE $74,830 7.8% 13.7%
BSD1801DC1 BSD - Bristol County Jail & H.O.C. - Roof Repair/Replacement Dartmouth 3/22/2018 17.9%$717,449
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
% Performed
% Performed
Prime SMRT Inc. Lead Designer $134,150 $101,698 $570,914 $343,134 75.8% 60.1%
Subcontractor Pristine Engineers, Inc. MBE Engineering $21,972 $21,972 $197,500 $197,500 16.4% 34.6%
Subcontractor Fernandez & Associates MBE engineering, mechanical, electric $1,480 $1,480 $1,480 $1,480 1.1% 0.3%
Subcontractor Lim Consultants, Inc. WBE Structural Engineering $3,000 $3,000 $9,800 $9,800 2.2% 1.7%
Subcontractor Miyakoda Consulting WBE Cost estimating $6,000 $6,000 $19,000 $19,000 4.5% 3.3%
$32,452Subtotal MBE & WBE $227,780 24.2% 39.9%
CCC1901ST1 CCC- Cape Cod C.C. -New Science & Engineering Bldg. (study) Barnstable 12/26/2018 17.9%$602,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime PAYETTE ASSOCIATES INC. Lead Designer $647,211 $567,387 $647,211 $551,287 87.7% 85.2%
Subcontractor Lim Consultants, Inc. MBE Structural Engineering $28,600 $28,600 $30,700 $30,700 4.4% 4.7%
Subcontractor Miyakoda Consulting WBE Cost estimating $7,350 $7,350 $11,350 $11,350 1.1% 1.8%
Subcontractor Nitsch Engineering, Inc. WBE Civil engineering $13,800 $13,800 $23,800 $23,800 2.1% 3.7%
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Report 2 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Design Projects FY 2020
CCC1901ST1 CCC- Cape Cod C.C. -New Science & Engineering Bldg. (study) Barnstable 12/26/2018 17.9%$602,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor A R T Engineering Corporation MBE electrical engineering $30,074 $30,074 $30,074 $30,074 4.6% 4.6%
$79,824Subtotal MBE & WBE $95,924 12.3% 14.8%
CHE1604DC1 CHE - Chelsea Soldiers Home - Community Living Ctr. Chelsea 5/11/2018 17.9%$9,338,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor A R T Engineering Corporation MBE Electrical Engineering $57,750 $57,750 $594,813 $594,813 5.2% 8.2%
Subcontractor Lim Consultants, Inc. WBE Structural Engineering $80,180 $80,180 $430,365 $430,365 7.3% 6.0%
Subcontractor Nitsch Engineering, Inc. WBE Civil engineering $56,862 $56,862 $186,350 $186,350 5.2% 2.6%
Subcontractor Studio 2112 Landscape Architecture, Inc.
WBE Landscape Architect $28,150 $28,150 $400,000 $400,000 2.6% 5.5%
Subcontractor VJ Associates of New England, Inc. MBE Cost estimating $40,929 $40,929 $100,700 $100,700 3.7% 1.4%
$263,871Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,712,228 24.0% 23.7%
DCP0708HD2 HD-Verical Transportation System Inspection and Renovation (2) 9/30/2014 12.0%$500,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Lead Designer $4,500 $0 $76,394 $71,894 0.0% 94.1%
Subcontractor OWL Engineers, LLC WBE Electrical engineering $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 $4,500 100.0% 5.9%
$4,500Subtotal MBE & WBE $4,500 100.0% 5.9%
DCP0908HD2 Study and Design for Architectural Renovations and Repairs 2/23/2010 12.0%$2,500,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
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Project Number Name City/Town Award Date GoalPrime Award
Report 2 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Design Projects FY 2020
DCP0908HD2 Study and Design for Architectural Renovations and Repairs 2/23/2010 12.0%$2,500,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Subcontractor Mohardesign, LLC WBE FFE Consultant $270,311 $270,311 27.3%
Subcontractor Nitsch Engineering, Inc. WBE Civil engineering $166,160 $166,160 16.8%
Subcontractor Talevi and Haesche, LLC WBE Cost estimating $53,500 $53,500 5.4%
Subcontractor ELLANA, INC. WBE Cost Consulting ($18,579) ($18,579) $36,950 $36,950 3.7%
Subcontractor Lin Associates, Inc. MBE Structural Engineering ($9,800) ($9,800) $60,251 $60,251 6.1%
($28,379)Subtotal MBE & WBE $793,509 80.1%
DCP0908HD6 HD-Statewide-Architecture Renovations and Repairs 9/21/2012 12.0%$2,500,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
% Performed
% Performed
Prime Dietz & Company Architects, Inc. WBE Lead Designer $4,450 $0 $1,395,174 $1,224,151 0.0% 87.7%
Subcontractor Ly Consulting Engineers, Inc. MBE $139,282 $139,282 10.0%
Subcontractor Lim Consultants, Inc. MBE Structural Engineering $4,540 $4,540 $31,741 $31,741 102.0% 2.3%
$4,540Subtotal MBE & WBE $1,395,174 102.0% 100.0%
DCP0908HD9 HD-Statewide- Architectural Renovations and Repairs 4/28/2014 12.0%$2,500,000
Contract Detail:
Vendor Type Business Name Goal Type Work Description Total Period
Payments Net Period Payments
Prime DiMella Shaffer Associates, Inc. Lead Designer $2,800 $0 $2,275,580 $2,037,850 0.0% 89.6%
Subcontractor Nitsch Engineering, Inc. WBE Civil engineering $2,800 $2,800 $47,900 $47,900 100.0% 2.1%
Subcontractor Michelle Crowley Landscape Architecture, LLC
WBE Landscape Architect $5,719 $5,719 0.3%
Subcontractor Lim Consultants, Inc. MBE Structural Engineering $115,277 $115,277 5.1%
Subcontractor 3iVE, LLC MBE Building Envelope Design $63,575 $63,575 2.8%
Subcontractor Geotechnical Partnership, Inc. WBE $5,260 $5,260 0.2%
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Project Number Name City/Town Award Date GoalPrime Award
Report 2 - DCAMM MBE & WBE Payments For Design Projects FY 2020

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