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Divisionism▪ It is also called as

“chromoluminarism”▪ It was the characteristic style in

Neo-Impressionist painting defined by the separation of colors into individual dots or patches which interacted optically

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Divisionism▪ By requiring the viewer to

combine the colors optically instead of physically mixing pigments, Divisionists believed they were achieving the maximum luminosity scientifically possible.

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Georges Seurat▪ Founder of


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Divisionist Color Theory▪ Local color: As the dominant element of the

painting, local color refers to the true color of subjects, e.g. green grass or blue sky.

▪ Direct sunlight: As appropriate, yellow-orange colors representing the sun’s action would be interspersed with the natural colors to emulate the effect of direct sunlight.

▪ Shadow: If lighting is only indirect, various other colors, such as blues, reds and purples, can be used to simulate the darkness and shadows.

▪ Reflected light: An object which is adjacent to another in a painting could cast reflected colors onto it.

▪ Contrast: Contrasting colors might be placed in close proximity.

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Famous Artists during the Divisionism Movement▪ Giuseppe Pellizza da Volpedo▪ July 28, 1868 – June 14, 1907▪ He used a divisionist technique in

which a painting is created by juxtaposing small dots of paint according to specific color theory.

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Famous Artists during the Divisionism Movement▪ Vittore Grubicy de Dragon▪ October 15, 1851 – August 4, 1920▪ He was largely responsible for

introducing into Italian painting the optical theories of Divisionism.

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