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Page 1: § DM Fruits L LUMBEE ||0, - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1882/1882-01-28.pdf · VOL. xir DOFEE, MOKRIS COUNTY. SEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. JANUARY



The Dover Printing Company

ce on Morris Street near BJaokwoJ],



O n e Y e a r , - - - - - - - 8 2 . 0S i x M o u t h s , - - - - - - - l . u i iT l i r e o m o n t h s , - - - - - - - 5 C


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Counsellor at LawAND


Citrnor (if ]lliu-liwellftiiil HIIKSOI Sta.


I. B.JOLLEY, Proprietor.




ri BO. o, unaiiiiis, M. a ,









DOVER, N. J.The p lan lian Iiuen outlrclv rufilk-*lin ft noat



IHilTTANlA WAllli,



I'UHKHS, imil all Uiml' (l.ioMiiiiC n. MY liiu;,uiii-iu 1 Jjt l i tHii iminur itml ul tin- nlmrlr«lnt for-. HLK1M>( ^rk-i'tt ]i;ii<! fur old I n n .

Cn]i]irr I.J.I [unl i)ii-.ifi.'r tukfii in I ' K U B K O

ALP.XAMJEll WKilJTON.Dmmli.r 'Mtli . 1*71). t-lvr


§ D M Fruitsritili-iinlv. I«in nlwiii'H pit'iiunii

ti> SUPI'f.y KTOtlKS wi([i if"' J1EKT(iOul)H nt 11K.

LOWEST MARKET PRICES.Tlmpar tof Wirn'ii County is unhid fbritH

GOOF) BUTTKK HAKKK». I handle nil kimUFAUHGUR rilODVCE. Onier byimiii ami

it ymn RIKHIW froBli nnd good On1 »«mni day.

f i IIM. Jr., Mercian,BIAHISTOWN, N. J.


LA-ff,Cor. Rlackwell anil HUBBCX Sts.

DOVER. N--J.I. B. NElOllllOTin. A. (!. fiUlTH.



OlKcB ora- GEO. RICITABDS A Co.'s HTOIifi,




OffluB o ? e c > . Wlslitou^ «tevi> and till Btoro,


Office iu tlip National Union Hank DmliliiiR




BUILDERS,r , 3XT. a".






Ijiaalwnva on lia'jd a full and frtsli ntncli ofsUmlaril (jonda at


II doesn't p»y to ocpenraeiit with Hour". Artyoar Rrooor for tlio famous

VIOLA BKAKfD,wauiiB no othor. It it al«»ys (tooa -can Urelied npon every time. HioJorBoii on tlilione br*c3 inoreisea bis flour trade 600 perennt." ® t r

Morris Circuit Court.A U B I C I B i u n a ) In ODBO.

. TB, }• ForeignCn.m Q. FOEOK, JB. } Attjcbmect,

Notice U'horeiiy Riven tknt & writ or tttsohment i t the mH ot AlpUop* Boomer tRSlimt thnrJjfhti and credit*, mnneyii aitil nffectg, sooiinaud chattel!. Innda IDS lenements of Oyim Q.Force. Jr. ,» non-re*li3entdeblnr In thfl mm ot1768.18. Iiurapd DQI or tbe Oircoit Ootirtuf tlieOouotj nf Morris, oo tbe third day of October.1881, retnrnrtle and retnrneil Into the MidOoort.dnlyexeoated by theShenfforthe Countynf Horrii, on the flftfmlt) d«» i t October, A,D. 1881. MELVIjr B. CONDir, OMrt.

SuaanouB A Surra, Altys. farBtiatiffD^ombcrClBM.

Frank Gies,MASON and BUILDER,

ri W. 3**



fitoue « a Brick Work, Fluttering ftndJobbing promptly attended to. Orden leftttyfm. H. Baker's store will iBOelve otrtinitnd prompt Mtention.

I ftir the wLnler In limulnij dtomcia. Very



FUK nil tlio priui'iiifll lines of fctcaiiiiilniisffuin Niitv Yiirli t,. LivornoDl nt LOWEST



WM. VORTMAN, Prop'r.A wall kt'ul lHitt-1 with «wry nufoniiiiodit

iioii for niau uud hon>u. l i i o bent iiijuorHami B(.j-«rs at tin1 bar, an<i comfort niiiitdat in livery ik-imrtmeut. Livury ultHcLud,









Bunt; ]>iih(, Guimo, INmilreUe,

UNION HALL BUILDINGf | WOOD sawedinstovelengths.

kept on hauil uuil KDIII in lurgu nr Htitk


JJIiitinelt strci-t, Di.vnr,

Hot Air Furnaces,o r tiiu IHUKI .in i

n d j n - i M i l c i n i i


STOVES, RANG-ES,A t ; . Alr i t i IL v m i i - i y u f

AKNDTSUSSEX St. GROCER,Hhll continues to tap a full ami fresli quau-

tiiy of

I Groceries and Provisions,


Csmuccl Clouds, nmi 'all mipjilks of the' )IIKO1K)1<1 in bin lino.

Cnn> will »lwnyMlw Ulien to miuro good*oftbel,"st (ju.ililv ini.1 t'lliifit iiiiiiiK lo sullHium nt tlie i.iost niiKomilile iiiiiri;ni* ooti-•intmil will) tlio piirclmsihR price. Sussex

tcot, iifhrlliacornprof lMiiukwoll, Dovur.October Wth. 1 H7!t.


MM: n LMR*- Aww.rtineot of utliL-r StyluHof Ouunint; Stoves, KUIIKOB, i'ariur

BtovL'H, &o.t


Aito.n choice stock <>f

Hardware. Cutlery,•ISSB, Viiniilei}, Copp**, Vl&in and Japauned


Oil Cloths. CtiriietH, Lamp*, PalnlB ami Oilinl CaKiNt, FimtUciM, 1'mfn Astrai Oil (inni|>limivc.) Aim.


GEOJ1AIMivilr* a fill (nun nil \i\* frlfinlf* to liiu Haiv[i OLiNTOS HTItEKT,wlitvi!f<irUi«raiiiii«t'-

FINE POOL TABLEiiiln well fitttil ami nunplof,.

DOUBLE BOWLING ALLEYiv mill in iM-rh'ct order. Alsit. t'if brut'.HHaiitl (ti)ti-r .ifinl-', am) i\w c\i«ki-*lU S . A i l w l i . i r a v o r m e w i t h ii c u l l w i l l

THE BEST PLACEB l i i n i l t u r o n j . ' i y i i i r n t i n t l i iw H t c t i o H ix

D. MOLLER'S,i)ovi;n, JS. j .ci[ nmi ]il:u-((I in p


BilliardA SO

Pool Tablestlm cclrliriil^l iiipiinfM'tiny ol J. M.



OECHESTRIONns alut! iiiRt lx'cn Rnpplioi) with now innfiicnd will de l i c t the patronB nf tht' liouno inurelion OTO1'. Iuruitilling mimic equal to a lm»s

d r B O l


LAGER BEERat™?t on 4npsb( and die beat of

WINES, LIQUORS and CIGARSalTOe provided far tho pntrcnfl fif



Choice Fruits01 THE WINTEB 8BAS0N.

i i Mafle Wuciirr,COUQH DROPS

ivorr time, and imunt of

TOYS,oTerjtliinK for the children, go to



STOVE, EO«, aJliSTM'T.rinli-iH limy tut addrr^td l lmu^ ' ' tin

OliW },;••], ISDX SS, ur left nt A. Doiitiii'fimiVi.'iin l:li^!kivi 11 St., lK-nr Hnn^s, w ut tlit-ynnl.

ULACKHMITHH COAL ciDBlftiii Iy on Imml



G O TO .idSKl'll MlltU'S l'(ll! COOKlNfi' (!A-\(;i:.s ANJ> unrniis uiKtiniLt

r\ 0 TO JOH. YORK'S ro l l PAHI.on AKI'\X niNlNll liOOM ANIKlFI'lCEiHTOVKS.


Joseph York-.unuiitftTinvni. n.

The New EmpireItot-Ai ..Oiifi &. IttiKC-burn-


^nirliJtiiliN ScaU's tit Maiuifactnrei 'n iiiict-s;

01,1 Iron, (!<I])|>IT, UrahB, L.«d, 1IHRH «m


UoebsflaT.Hiircli 1.1873.








Chas. T. Clark & Sonliivt- (ipcnwl ft new shop in Hover in BoariiiR'u

LiiitiliiiC COliSETt BLACKWEIX AKDDEItOfiN HTS., »ml invite Ilic

patrinnKC or tlio public.

Horse Shoeingmule i specialty of U>o luiBitenB. mul K trial

'roniowucira ufho'raottiai'OHpocLfatli'ialioitcd,IB-tf.


Carpenter and Builder,Jinn liken tbe Bliop on SLUGX street, htcijnconplcd by Jut. See Hug, on flnt floor of tbobullrtinR. JobbinR toil repairing nrompllyaluadod tn, A long eiWienoo in tbe bnal-no«s, will, Iliollove.onnblo me to Riveiati*.net Inn to Mil cnntoraern. Contraoti taken anil

rl&li fnmialied.

A Natural, Sparkling MineralWater, Imported from the

Rhine, Germany,guaranteed fl» fl Bun; COIL- Tor Dyspepsia. Im-nifdmio Ki*»l I'CRUlttf always follow a uiugletrial. AIBO, (he llucut

HUNGARIAN WINES,fur tin; iiBfB df Hit' Kiuk, now iisedW tlie Preiiiih'iit, nmi ni: uciulcd >iy nil li'mJiu^ phyMicimifi u« Ijfitig iibttuluuly ,iuru and litaltlifii'


WINES, BRANDIES,;,l,:l u)| b i n ! - .ll li^HMIV <«, lumWltlllll »l,i.ii.li.inul .!«•«. Kv..r>lliliiK mW ft Hi

L. D. SCHWARZ,^ I ' S H l . ' V s l ' U l ' i - v r . i i i i i io^- i t i t l i e K . J . C c i t l n

.Icin't, UUVKII, N. J.11-ly _

Freeman Wood



3 E I ? , TV. jr.agontof Ihu MlewliiK tlrat

,—tlioboHtlu Iliofforia:


i i i § ft ftftfl #


Oupitiil 8111,000,000.


Capital 81O.0D0.000.


Cnpitol 85,0110,0011.


Capital 83DO,000.

PEOPLE'S. SownrV. « MO.000.

UNITED FIKESIEH'S IKSFHAKOE Crof riiilnjolpliia, Aunt!

The London Astramnco Corporation otLondon, capital $r>,l»l,01)11.

Si>rinp[ll«l(l Firfi ToBuniiJOe Co

WeutabvHtor Klre InsnninDe Gompany foNew York, capllul »a<l,()HI.

as AIIKUIO^K $1,000,000

- >3,6OO,0O>

• - 500,001

Freeman Wood,ie? of tho I'ufkuu ui^J Fuller Migtatr

M A R T I N & B U C K ,

Sous!, 5i;n i d Ornmestal Painters,.ISEItR. (HLDEIIS ntiti I'APRIl HASO-I, (!()iitnciHtaU(-tininliiiu(eriui^tiinii«lii'tl.

Kn»niH<U>ct>riit(;il in frocnt wlylrx. IIILVIH,; a

v/i. iii'li.'oni|icti'i)t t " iiiK'l tin! ilr in ii II (liiII. I'niiit hlioimUT MiNSlVhitc'Htuilliiii-i.v

A specialty ninilo of Btent-i] cuLtin^.. MAIIT1N l')-ly A.iiDCK.





OPP. D., L. & W. R. R.,

Cor.- Warren and Dickerson Sts.,



Coffees! Coffees! Coffees!Knast Old Oov. Java only

" " Kocha "• - - 89 ota.

• - - 35WDUUU ilio Rpcctiil nltt'titlim nruiistDitiL'rH to unr wv mlxuil TKA.

*'JSTUX O 1 I O I > " • * • • • • • • 6 O o t a .LIHTKA IH ([iiurfiiitii^U l^jbens gLioil iimiuy yon cntilmy In MorrisGunutyjtoSDc, Knlniniln

SUGARS loSITIVBLY SOLD AT COST.Wo have alitortdileAtooar stook of toan, cattwB, «uga» aud tp'-Ota u. new stock ot

Fruits for the Holidaysaptiaiug FINEST itASSlSU— r/mdoy Layere-WOSE WUaOAT£LS. VALENCIA.

Hicc.CurtniitB, rntu^x, Oliioti, Lruionn, &c. We arc pimtlvd.v xclling tlinau gouilsat Urn lowest Ntw YorU prioea, Wu only HitU ono vrUl.


T LHE UOVEE LUMBEE | | 0 ,offers to builders the best opportunities in the purchnso of LUMEEltof every gvuda aud dumsriptioji including LOW 1'EICES aud tlie greaty g

ituge of huvin

Lumber Worked to Order>y mftcliinory fit the plueo wliero it ia purchasoil, gi'ently lessening the

cant of buildiug by tho «t-cjit Miviug in muiimil labor. OurStock always iiiuluilos

Sash, Blinds, Doors, Mouldings.ad LUMBER of every description, nnd eypeciul paiua ore token

to give mititiliictiou in every particular.




NO additional charge for oitraotlns wberenov tectli me liiBorteil. We trooowmak-

' II g titautirul aotu of tocth far



VoT6T,BopUmber Ktb, 1E7B.


BLAtiKWELL STREET, OrpoaiTE FAiirKK ftOHIIK'B, Drifflr. K. J . , in mow r n d v tn ineeltlio demand of I lio imbllc in tho fall jrmlo nf

PAJ:OY a OODS.All tlie now xliapcti fc BATH ami DOKNETB,

trim moil anil imlrimmfil, All thoumv »1mJeaIn RibtKins, Plitobafl, TttlveU, Satin a, Fuatb-on, and Fbwcri . Alio a hrgu Buorttiiant ol

PIANOS AND ORGANS,Grtnafl.Square QrnrdB and Uiirljil'iriados,

WAI. TRRTUKWAVBppnt fur t&P fforftOB'A'uiiTiiAnii.'n Tlinmi»n'i OrRiinti will soil n11)0 on Urn ml Vrnun wlili fmtr rniimi c TJICFS,:)r*t-c'M* in wary my> tor 1275 o.mli, *ii(3nrgnnn from $05 upwards. Old [A*an* taiunm pMtptvmenU Ordorn loft i l A. Imlnt 6,QQQ'ibunnithite,Baver,N, J. 00m

Attunts for ralrtania' Scales and Ter-wllligor'i Saftt,



ING 8UPPUE8,cnMirft Implements, BoedB, FortlllzotH,


9MRO« k. V00HHIB3. . WOH B. V09IHOB,

Storristown, Deo. ISlIi, 187S.


I am thoroughly firnUliod ami efficiently

w»h tb«e ot GfllFFTTH'S CELB-


Ehrot'i, Pllsrer, 3Iilffan!ion, Toledo, Clnoin-iitl. Bt. Lcaia, Putor Doolcer'x ami Linn

. Tim licet WIHEB, LmnoUH



OFFICE nljotnlnff Uio Dorcr Lumber Com-pinv'i mill. Oontncti takm, ami plnnf,

•prnlWtiuni nnd muterinli nf otery kind fnr-ialiod for LnlltJlnnB. Jubbln^ a apoaitLiy.

SLATE ROOFING.HUli- fnrnifilied from tlio \jc»t qntrrlcflU

tlio Bttnli fiiiantlly or oar load, mil Ufil, if "Jaired, 1>T eipotieiced workmen i t S t

particularly thofO i^lio h;,xa Tliln, I'alo Lint,Cold HuiiJa end Putt, tnd vlio aro withoutStrength or Amblllon. TIICPO TUlg qalet U»aKorvi*. flvo fitrcn£tli to tho Uodj:, ludnco Hof (china Elprp. mrici, nmi Improto the qoalltyof tho Ulvori, nmi TurlTy ni"l Uriyliicn tlio Com*flexion. The? euro Pnlpilnliou ot tlio HeartNprvonBrpw. TiemlJlliigg, KnrvLfliicimfiiEft, rntas In dm llock, nafFlaniilvWoAbncffl, ltcncnihcr tlmt Iron laonoof ttmcoiullluentBot thoDkioa.miil JB lhagreattoii!c. Cnrtcr'alroTiPlllitaraBtaovalti-nfcio for twn who Bra troubled with NervaosWMICBCM, Night Bweats. 4 c In uwlul torw.Stt^ "". '«« ^ ^af81*. <* wot by


McKinnon Bros.

Axes and Edge Tools,ROOKAWAY, N. J.

It Iiivlnj,- been rpimrtoil tlin-t thisolil-entiii)-*li(!il ami ndl-bn'nvii firm lint none out olHHIUCHS we tahrs tills mifltix or informlns tlio

HUCII U tint t lu untie. \\c nrc tttill. j hiwinrtK, lure tn cotmecthm velthEoyntUcrdrm wliatcver, nnd utiall onotitmo to make onr*p|l-kni)mi RondH with greater euro tlim evrr.All onr Roods lira haml-maOo thrnnplinnt nmiwe arc tho only tlrm In Ilocknwnv ninklng sudi•!Ooih entirely liy liand. Wator Tubers for'orges a ipoeialtv. 89-ly

publicin html


Confectionery,THK OH0I0E8T Dr A\"J>8 OF 8E0ABS, THE



ITU., 0 0 TO


17-Bm DOViEll. M. J .




for all fcinda of battdlngt, t a d tbe aoaatraatlan

led, JU<3m



We Imd oar early dinner, sad tiiPn galrMdytopoout wulkltigaanauel. Tinpugei oaiitala B true ODufeasinn, Letme own Mist I liopad Mr, 8ux woaliuuderstood my refusal, and ask Mrt,

kyke'a leave to aooompany as, Lingering a little as we vest down Btairo,;hoard him Iu Mahal!—BfltuaUj>peflkin<to Mrs. Fosdjke ] What won lie saying'That darlfug boy, Freddy, gat into adifficulty with one of bin boot-kcua ex-actly ut tbe right moment. I could belp

mid tisteu—jud be Badlypointed by tbe result. Mr. Bai WOBoSeaQeH with me.

You ueedn't introduce me to ttoopfli'eiueHs," I lisurd him say. "W<

have met oo a former occasion, and Iproduced a disagreeable impression onliar. I beg yoa wilt not speak of ma toMies MorrU."

Before Mrs. Fosdyke could Bay a wordIu reply, Muster i'reddy cuttuged sadUeuly Irom a darling boy to a detostubleimp, " I any, Mr. Sax I" be called onr," MIBB Morria doesu't uilod you b bit—she oaty lau^Iis at you,"

Tbo answer to tufa was tbe suddenclosing of a door. Mr. Sax bad taken

go from me ia out) of tbe groundfloor-rooms. I was BO mortified I couldaimoat have cried.

Getting (Iowa into tbe ball, we foundMrs, Foadyke with lier garien hat on,and one of tbe two ladies wbo were utay-'ng in t ie IIOUBQ (tbe unmarried one;whispering to her at tlie door of t iemorning-room. The lndj—Miss Mel-liury—looked at me with a certain ap-pauranco ol curiosity which I W«B quiteat a loss to understand, mi suddenlyurued away toward tlo furtbor end of

tlifl ;i ill.

**I will watk witb joa nnd tbe cliil-dren," Mra. Toadyke snid to me. *'E7ed.you c.\u ride your blojule if you like.Hlie ta rued to tbe girls. " My doum, itla cool under tlie trees, you may takeyour ekippiuR-ropea."

Bbo bad evidently aometbing spacialto Buy to me ; nnd abe nad adopted tuc

saury measures for kee|iiug the qbil-dreu in Uont ot UB, well out ot heating.Fi'eUdy led tbe way on his borse uu.hree wheels; tlie girls followed, nkip>)>ng uionily. Mrs. Toudyke oneuoil herbasinesa by tbo most embarrassing re-mark tlmt Btie could possibly have madeindur tbe circumsUuces.

" I Had iliat you are acquainted withMr, Sux," eba begau ; " aud I am sur-nimd to hear that you dislike him."

Blie Biniled iilocsautly, as if my sup-fosed dislike ol Mr. Bux rn-ther amuaedcr. Wlmt " the ruliug puaBion" may

JO HUIOUR men, I cannot presume to-uusiiler. My own BOX, however, I maylaim tu miderataud. The ruling paB"iou uniuiig women is Conceit, MyiSicBlotia nottottuhny-own consequenceMB woundod iu some wisy, J oasumod

pouitioo o£ Cho loftiest iudiffereuce,"Bcnlly, mn'iinj," I aaid, " I cBu't

uiiflt-rnibe ttraUBWGr'for atxy impreB«ioiitlmt Mr. Sa-. mitylm/e formed. We metiy tbe merest aooidunt, I know nothingiboutliim."

Mrs. Fuadyke eyed me slity, and ap-idred to ha more amweti ihaa ever," He is a very edd mau" ebe admitted,

' but I can tell,you tbere \a a tioe notaiender tliitt Btmugo surfuoa of his, How-

iver," alie went on, " I am forgettingbat he frubiJa mo to talk about him iuour presence. When tbe opportunityTurn, I filial} tuke iny own way ot teaah-

ig yoa two to understand caoU other;'uu will uotb be grateful to me whoa Iiave Buceeejcd. In the meantimo tbere

is u tliirl person yiho will be suiily dis-ippnintudto bent that you know aotli-iR uboutMt. 8ai.""Wiiy I ask, ma'am, who the parson

,?"" Uni you keep n secret, Miss Morris^t cwirsso you can ? The puwon is MbsIclbnry."(Wm Metbiiry was a durk wumnn Ituiuob be Wcuuse 1 nm a fair woman

us self—I liope I am above such narrowKHCCS as tbnt—but it ia cortniuly

rue tlmt I don't admire dark women.)vie heuru Mr. Hux telling me that

'flu particularly disliked him." Mrs.yfce proceeded. "Aod just fls youmeii iti tbo bull, sbo was oHking mo

o JJud out wlmt.Tonr reason was,"

Thus fur we hud been walking on. W«aw stopped, ae if by common consent,id looked at one onotber.In my briel experience of Mrs. Fos-

lyte, I Iiad tiius far only seou tbe morecoustraitii'd ftud formal side of ber cbnr-icicr. Without being aware of my owniccess, I Imd won tbo mother's heart

in wiuniug the good-will of ber children.Constraint now seized iiu first opportun-ity of melting away ; tbe latent BCUBQ ofmmor iu t\m great hiy showed itself,fhllelwns iuwurdly wondering whatbe nature of Miss Molbury'a interest in

Mr. Stix migbt be. Easily peuelrutiiigiy ttioaghts, she «atibfled my curiosity

ilbout committing bereelf to a reply in'Dnls. Her largB gray eyes sparkled as

;hey rested on my iucc, and phe lmmmt>dtbo tuna of the obi Ftcnoli song "C't'amour, Contour, famour," There is no

lihiug il—something in tbismro miitle mo excessively uiigry. Was Iingry with Miss 5felb.iiry ? or with Mr.

HBX?pPwiHimywiirf I thiuk it mustIwvfl beeR willi wyseif,

binding that I had nothing to say onmy side, Mrs. Fosdyke looked at Letwatcli, and remeaberoci her dtimcsticia ties. To my relief, onr interviewatne to no end.

" I havo a dinner-party tn-day,"aueaid, "und luavo not seen tbn bonne-Leopcr yet. Make yonrself beanti tot,Mies Murria, and JDIU US in the drawing-com after dinner,"

^ age, a mm gets BOjr>wlien he is treated cruelly and down'deserve it. You don't understand tbut,

daro say.""Oli, yes, I do. I lmrd wltat you

said about me to Mra. Fosdyke, and I~ieard you bung tbe door whon you gotmt of my waj."

He received this reply with every ap-pearance of satisfaction. " Ho you li&toued, did you ? I'm glad to bent tbut-'

" Wiiy ?""Itsliuws you take some interest in

\e, ufter nil."Throughout this frivolous talk (£ only

renture to report it because it Bhowsthat i bore no malice on my Bide) MissMelbury was looking at us like the baui-\aii ol the avoienta. She owned to being

on tbe wrong eide of thirty; and shel d a tittle money—bur these were surely

reuBoDH why abu ehould glwe ut &poor governess. Had some secret un-lerstunding of (lie ioiitlor bort beeu

already efitubliubed between Mr. But andbersejf? Slie provoked me iuto trying,o find out—oupcoial(> us Llie lust wordsie bud said offered mo the opportunity,

" I can prove (but I feel a sincereiu you," I resumed. " I CUD

u you to a ludy wiio lias n tit betterilaim to your uttetition tbuu mine. You

me neglecliugberubumefully."He etuiei at me with an appearance

of bewilderment, wbicti seemed to implylhat tho attaobmetit was outy on thelady's fiWe, so fur. It wna, of course,impossible to meuliou names; I mereljurued my eye* in the right direction.

He looked where I looked—und his B1I>e revealed itself, in spite of his reso-

titioa to ooncdal it. Hia face flushed ;i looked mortified and surprised,

Melbury could endure it no longer;. Sherose, took a aoag from the masic-alant},

id approuobed ue." I nm goioc to sing," she said, band-

I wore my best dress; and. in all aylife before, I novor took such pains withmy bftir. Nobody will bo foolish enough,I hope, to suppose that I did this onMr. tSux'i account. How could I piilly ciira about a man who was lit Mo bet-ir tltau a etrattgar to me? No I the

person I dressed at was Miss Molhnry.She gavo me a look, BS I modestly

plnocd myself In a corner, which amplyrewarded me for tbe time spent on mytoilette, Tbe gentlemen came in. Ilooked at Mr. Sax [mere curiosity] un-der filiellerof my far). His appertruncewas greatly improved by evening dreaa.He discovered me in my corner, andnaeraed doubtful whether to approachmo or not I was reminded of our first-odd moflticg j and t ooatd not help smil-ing as I called it to mind. Did. he pr>

name to think that I woe enoouTttgiap:him ? Before I could decide that ques-tion, he took the vacant plane on the

In any other man—after what bed

etml$ coll to mind tbst I btid only rmdthe lint lines of tbe letter, I am not ablelo nuy, Wbeu I did take il, I w» BUI-!>HB.'CI to b i i dwriting covered

pBSBedin tlie morning—tbiawopid have! two puge*. Beginning again where Ibeen HU audacious procefidiug, He ' bud left ofl, my head, ia a aotaeat taaee,looked iopaiofally embunused, that it!hegsn to swim. A horrid (over ovet-

cf CnHstifio duty to I puw««d me tUit I miRlit not bn in m/pity him,

'Wuu't yon gbfcke bands ?" he nfu,just at he bad uid it at Biodwioh.

I peeped round tbe corner of my *wat Miss Melbury. Site wng looking ai

i, I shook bauds witb Mr. Sax." What sort of sensation is it," be

aflked, "when you ubuke hands vitbman whom you bate ?"

" I really can't tell yoa," £ answeredinaoceutlj ; " I buve never done suubiiiog."

"Xon wouldn't lunch with me atSaadwioh," lio protested ; " and, alterbe humblest ai»>logy on my part, you

won't forgive me for what £ did thismorafog. Do yon expect me io believitiiat J am not the special object of »yonrftuUpatby? I jvibbJ buj never pe t witb

ing tbe WQsio to him. "Please turntvec fur me, Mr. Sax."

I tbink tie hesitated—bat I cannotfeel sure thai I observed him correctly.ittAtloralitUe. ' Wltli Oi' MUiott lieaiitation he followed ber to the piano.

Mm Melbury sang—with perfect self,and an immense compass of

'oico. A gentleman near me said sheiKbt to be on tbo stage. I thought so

oo. Big as it woa, our drawing-roomma not targe eaougb fur hor, Tbe gen-leman sang next. No voice at all—but

so invent, such true feeling t J turaadjver tbe leaves for him. A dear oldidy, sitting near tbe piano, entered intomvemnioo witb me. Sua spoke of tlie

great eiugere at tbe beginning of themuiBoolnry. Mr, Sax bovoreilabout

iitb Miss Melbury's eye on bim. I wasio entranced by tbe anecdotes of my'oneruhlc friend, tbat I could take noutice of Mr. Hax. Liter, when theinner-party wan over, and we were re-iring for tbe night, he still boyered

uti and ended in offering me a budroom caudle. I immediately handed it

Miss Melbury. Really a most enjoy-ibla eveulng!

OHAPl'EH VLTha next moroiug, we were startled

jy an extraordinary proceeding on theport of one of the guests. Mr. Sax hod

•ft Curshutn Hill, by the first train—lobody knew wuy.Nature bns laid—so, at least, phili

ihers say—some heavy burden* uponwomen. Pa those learned penoae ia-ilude in their list tha burden of byster-ics? If BO, I cordially agree with them,~; is bardly worth speaking of in my

iae, a constitutional outbreak iu thoilituda of my own roomf treated vitb

euu-de-cologne and vaier, and quite for-otteu attstwaid iu tlie absorbing em-iloymont of education. My favorite

ipil, Freddy, bad been up earlier than,be rest of us—breathing the morningir iu tbe fruit garden. He bad B?OQ

Mr. Sox, aud had asked when tie was!omiug buck again. And Mr. Sax hadtid, "1 shall be buck again nextmoutb."

VMT little Freddy 1)In the meantime, we, iu the school-

room, bad tbe prospect before us of a,lull time in an empty bouse, Tbe re-mining'guests were to go awuy at tbe

iad of the week, their hostess being en-gaged to pay a visjt to somo old friendsin Scotland.

During tbe next three or fonrdays,lough I was often alono witb Mrs.

Fosdykr, Bbe never said one word onthe subject of Mr. Sax. Once or twice

cnugbt her lookiog ot me with thatmendarably BigoiScant sm\fo ot hets,

MIBB Melbury was equally unpleasant inmother way, Wbcn we ncoideatly metm ttie stiiirs, ber black eyes «hot at mepassing glances of hatred and scorn.Ditl these two ladies presume to tbink—?

No; 1 abstracted from completingtbat inquiry at tbe lime, and I abstainIrom completing it here.

Tbe end of the week came, and I amhe children were left HIOUJ at Oanilam


I took advanta~o of the leisure hourit my dispoia to wi-.tu loSir Gururdrespectfully inquiring after bis beattb,ind informing bim that I had been againmost fcrttwate in my engagement ns

By return post an answerarrived, I aaRerly opened it. The firstlines informed, me of Sir Gerald Hoy-laud's death.

The letter dropped from my band,looked at tny little enamelled orous. It

ii9t for me to say wlat I felt. Tbinlof all that I owed to him ; andber bow lonely my lot was in the world,I gtve tbe children a holiday ; it wasmly tbo' trntli to Ull them that I wui

not well.

right wind, gilt* I bud read tho thatMuteuoe?.. Here they are, to uu>

tver fur tan U it I exugerated LOtliiug:**'lhe will af our deceased clieutia nott proved. But, with tlie fuucliuD of

the oxeoutoi-s, I nifurw you «ouflil«titt-allythutyou uru tUe penon chiefly in-terested ID it. Hit Oerurd Buyluud bo-queutlm to you, absolutely, the whole ufbis pRinoual properly, amouatiug to ti,asum of eoventy thoutuind pouudn.

If the latter hod ended there, I reallycannot imagine what extravagances Imight not have committed. Bat thewriter (bead partner in the firm of SirGerard's lawyc") "id something moreto eay ia his own 't,-halt. The znaonerin which be said itBtrung up my nervesin an instant, I cannot, and will not,uopy the wortU here. It 1B qoite revolt'ing enough to give tha Bubatoaoe ofthem.

Tbe man's objeat was evidently to letme perceive that he disapproved of tliuwill, Bo far, I do not complain of him—be bad no doubt good reason for tbeview he took. But, ID expressing hUsurprise " at this extraordinary proof oftbe testator's interest in a perfect stran-ger to the family," be hinted u» atupi- ;cfou of an ioSnouee, on my jiart, exer-cised over Bir Gururd, so utterly sham&-Tul, that I cannot dwell on the subject,Tbe language, I should add, was oun-uiugly guarded. Even I could aee thatit would bear more thaa one iuterpretit-tion, and would thus put me in thewrong if I openly resented it. But thameaning was plain; and part at least othe motive oame out ia (he concluding

sentences."Bir Gerard's sun, as you are doubt-as flffara, is not iKiriously affected hy

the will. He is already far more Ubet-illy provided, for, as heir under the en-tail to tbe whole property. But to Buynothing of old friends who are forgotten,there is a surviving rektivee of Sir Ger-ard pa&aed over, who is nearly akin toij hhoi. In tlis erent ot this personisputitig the will, you will of courseiear from as again, and refer us to your

legal adviser."The latter ended with an apology for

[clay in writing to me, caused by diffi-culty in discovering my address.

And wltut did I do ?—Write to therector or to Mra. Fosdyke for advice VNotI !

At first I was too indignant to be ableto think of what I ought to do. Ourpost-time was late, and my ead achedmil it would bust into pines.- I hadileoty of leaanre to rest nnd compose

myaelf. Whoa I got cool again, 1 feltiblc to take my onu port, without aak-log anyone to bflln me.

Even if I bud been treatej kindly, Ishould certainly not hare takeu themoney when there was a retutive living

h ii claim to It. W:nt did I imatli a large fortnne ? Ho, no 1 from all

that I have haurd, tbe great Lord Chan-cellor was quite right when be n&id that

womau with money at her o<vu disposalwas "either kissed out of it " kickedout of it six weeks ufter her marriuge.1'

e one diffloalty before me wia not ton up my legacy, but to express my

reply with sufficient fcuverity, and at thee time with due regard to my owu

self-respect. Here is what X wrote:"Sir—I trill not trouble yon b / at-

.empting to express mj sincere regretm hearing of Sir Gerard, Ruyluud'aleath. You will probably iura youriwu opintun OD that subjoob a lw; aud I

have no wish to be judge'l by yjur unen-able experience of bamauity for the

d i"Witb regard to the legacy, feeling

.be deepest gratitude to my generous3enefaetor, I navertbeJass refuse to re-ceive the monej.

"Be pteaaod tn send me tbe noaessarylOQument ti» Bigu, for trunsferriug myfortune to tbat relative of Sir Gerard'smentioned itiyour letter. Tlie one coa-lition on wbtch I insist is, tbat my name

shall be kept asecret from the person iuwhose favot I refiign tlie money. I dolesire (uraa supposing tlitft justice isIOUB to a y motives on tliis otuauion) to

be made tbe object of expressions ofgratitude for onty doiug my duty."

8o it ended. 1 nuiy be wrong, but Icall that Btrong writing.

Iu due oouree of post, a formul EC-baowiedgmectarriFed, 1 was retjuestedto wait for the document until the wilthad been proved, and was informed tbutmy name should be kept strictly secietn the interval. On this occasion, tbeneoutors were almost as uibolent as tbe

lawyer. Tb M Utit it Ihsir duty to giveme time to coD?i<Ura deaision whichhud been evidontly formed on impulse.Ah, how hard men are—at least, some ofthem I

X lucked up tbo acknowledgment indisgust resolved to think no more of itantil t ie time catne for getting rid of mylegacy. I kissed poor HirGorard'a littlekeepsake. While I was still looking atit, the good aliirdren came iu, of theirown accord, to a^k how I was. I wasobliged to draw dowu the blind in myroom, or they would have been feera inmy eyes. For the first time since mymother's death, I felt tbe beartnciii\Perhaps the otiildron made ma think oftlie bnppier time when X was a, childmyself.

The will bad been proved, and. I waainformed that the document was incourse of preparation, when Mrs. Fos-dyke returned from her visit to Scotland.

9bo thoagbt me looking pale and worn." The time seems to a e lo have oomu,"nlic mid, " when I liad better make youand Mr. Bat understand, each other.Have you been thinking penitently ofjour own bod bubavior ? "

I felt myielf blushiug, I bad bee athinking of my coutlust to JJr. Sux—ttm]

vat heartily uebaned of it, too.Sire. Posdyke went OD, half in jost,

alf in earnest."Oomalt your own senso of pro-

priety!" sbe said. "Was tho poorto blume for not beiug rade enough

to say No, when a Mj asieJ him toturn over her mnsic ? C'oold he belp itil tbe uime lady pw*iBtea in flirtfogwith him ? He ran away from ber thenext morning. Did yoa deserve to be

(told wuy bo left m$; OerUitlj n o t -after tbo vixenish taanner in wbioli you

jhandei tlie bednwn oaodle to Mi^

H o w l o o g a n la tar ra l pasaed Wwa 11 ooKTunjED

Page 2: § DM Fruits L LUMBEE ||0, - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1882/1882-01-28.pdf · VOL. xir DOFEE, MOKRIS COUNTY. SEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. JANUARY

THE IROtf ERA. he Dover Printing Company,

IYHUKUUI ; AN). I'lliitUUTollil.

SiLiinuay, Jan. 28, l$b'l.

THE FIRST PUBLIC DUTY,All mechaolo&l, cgHouliural, literary, or

other oiliietiB who are actual producers arebun nil lo i-faiiiii I'j I'tirli olbi r in defeiioe ot

ni ction. A IV.v mau.,..t» iu euolii U t t * u,ay l ed a Present want of

a. .,„-,„

A gHnml dihcuw-iiio of tbe tariff ijuis eipech-d la begin iu Counreiie ut>jt

Jett UniH turua up with the declarall'tliat " tbe lost cause is co ld end, hit I Bleeping.Unt tlte iiifluPooe of Jfff just now MBUIHbe itbadowed t y that "f Jolia Kelly.

Elsewhere is published an able commuioaaliou from Hon. John Hill on ttiu proUUou of Americas irou ore, and the nceptloitha petition from thin locality mot la Cogreu . All ibould read it.

The DeuKicmtH have l l» New Tork LegMature, and then again tha ; bareu't it.leait they have not yet been nble to organ!;it. Organization boa HBYIT Beamed totbe forte of tho Democratic party, Bnybo'

Twenty-three students of Princslon Cilege hare beao Indicted by tbe McrceiOouoty Grand Jury for itueb innocentmen. &n breaking street lamps, windows,etc. Well, its, somewhat refreshing, tothe least, to find that for onoe these youncollege cranks are not superior to tha lav.

WIIPM is our friend Oscar, and binpromise last fall to bia couatit'ieiita to foret i e E a i to give him "justice ?" The GramJury bat met and adjourned aud yet tinis no evidence of tbe fact that our Oscarthirsty for '• justice." AH we declared lifall, BO ve reaffirm tow, " t iffy" la the behold of Itie Green Village statesman.

The llanunr is ituiiotifl to create tho fiprosslon tbnt the J«rseyman is not solidprotection. Too tbiu! We do not bellithere is a Republican newspaper fn NJersey tlmt does not favor the protflotionthe mineral and runnufaeluring itnlimtritigtbe Kttite, and it wan hardly necessary fitha Jerseynun to deuy tbo impntatlon castupon it

Our Oscar eootus to have forgot I OQ hipromise to introduce a tariff bill in the HlulatnrB, and tlie honor bas fallen upou Benator Wortendjke who baa offered a resolutiou rmiting tbo merits of a protect!tariff anil requeatiog New Jersey Congress-men to use all honorable effort* to mRuoh legislation as will bust protectminus, factories, etc..

Isn't it nearly time for tha Rnndol]Democracy to begin lo think about "!mbIt 's either fusion or fuuerfl] witb them tliiiyear, and If the Greenback jionpte nre withey will require the Pemocmoy to giheavy bands not to daughter their notDees providing a fusion ,B agreed upoiHowever, tbe political horoscope doesseem to forrcant a "fuse" this year.

• • • • • »lieu Hill, of Georgia, saye tbe only

to get rl 1 of race and war iaaiira is lo v\\out Ihe llepuLlican parly. Den la ouwrong (rack, and until ho, and ttiosa of biikidney, ore switcbtd ou to the right oneundthey will never getupkteam enough tonbef.il in the liue of prosperity tbe natl<in following. Ills people will remind biithis fact in a marked wanner beforeelection. _ ^

It Is noted that MeBsr*. Cooper A Hihave brought suit n gain At the PennnylvSteel Company for injunction and ilnmngcfor iiifringerumt of H patent for oonverllica.-t iron into sleeL So Ibo emimfree-trade™ da ilesiro soraa protection aftinil. On tbo Mime principle, why nohave frue manufactures tn wi'll as free iipollutions ? What's the use of protectionanything?

* - « - •T i e Ouiteau case came to a conclusion i

Wedaesday, when tbe jury, after deliberat-ing lesB Ihnn half an hour, declared the cowardly nseaaaia of President Garfleld guiltymurder in the first degree, l i e has hadfair (rial and every opportunity for defencisow lot the execution of tbe law be as sDB possible, (hat we may be spared theports of further driveling* by this foiwretch.

• • - • - *A delegation composed of promintnt itel

dents of Dakota is now in Washington f<the purpose of urging the ad mission of tltrmlliern half of Dakota tfl ft State. All politicnl p-irlieeantl opInionR Rrn represent!In (be delegation, wliicu number* nevenl;five jwreons. They any that, while the tirltflrj ii largely Hepublieau, and, with pres-ent party issue*, is likely to remain so,of its citizens are desirous of its adtnixfiat a State, which they claim lift* becomeabsolute necessity. The opinion prevailthat their request will be granted.

Congressman Coi \u offering an amendmeat to n H13 for (bo free entry of articlescontributed " for the relief of colored peep]in Kansas, who may have emigrated fromother Stales tni not for sale," took occasioito say that "be had never bten a free trader,nod at the same time denounced the anmflurplusnge in Urn pnbllo Treasury, as "clected from the people by (be infnmoucounty tariff Bystem." If lie means bj"couctr," a tariff for -'local purposes'Reeled by tbe latest Democratic candidatifor tlie Presidency, fas certaiuly baa ruiaratiok.

The Committee of tbe National TarilConvention had a i investigating converttion with thB Waya and Means ComraitteexithellouuofBepreBontatirea. JudgB Kellay,tbe Chairman o!JiUe latter, made an wic'jein which he etpressed his sympathy wiltbe objects of tbe visitors, and after critic!!ing tho internal revenue tax syBlem as in-famous and antagonistic to tbe Bjiirit of ourGovernment, be advised tbe gentlemireturn home, aud fliwd* Congress with pefitiona for its repeal. The Morris Count;ore producers anted in this way soma timeago and their action Bhoald be imitated b;alt interested lu the subject of tariff.

Mr. Culler, In tbe Banner, instancesfew llepublican newspaper and individualswho are opposed to Ihe tariff. This Iscoarse true, but it is also true that the He-publican party in thB last campaign favoreda protective tariff; that tbe Democraticparty favored a tariff for revenue only; thatthe hulk of protectionlsta in Congress to-daja n Republican*, while the bulk or freetraders are Democrats; that tbe ablest ex*ponents of free trade in this country are suchDemooiatR as Hewitt, Cooper, Ooi, Bnrd,llorrison, Beck, Watterson and McDocaid-11*. Cutler is evidently aware Df tha factthat no Democrat can ever be elected to anoffice in this section on a free trade issce,and be is therefore anxious to hold theDemocracy to protection on a strictly localissne. The queatlon brings up a fartherconsideration of the old problem, con thetail wag the degf

FOREIGN IRON ORE.Mr. Hewitt and oil er advocate* of the free

importation of frrelgn Iron ore have usedthe' argument that it wan abaolniely oieary for Bessemer purposes. But It nowtninipiras that tbe makers of common Ironare aniious to get foreign ore, and will seekforitBoouerUian pay «B par ton for theLest Horrii County ores. And this is theobject of all who seek foreign ore, howevermuch th«7 endeavor lo d«snihe i t It ismined by pauper labor and pot in this ooun-try cheaper than It can be mined here i eon-seqnenUy it sells for less and the purchaser«rf it ESVM money. If we sw nn»ble to ao-

f d ifcure ft epedfle doty on foidgn ora-if weAn oomp€ltfdby tbe go?enuiient to oojapetswith tlie drpmdf^ia^w of Afri«indSpun,we will rftber htie to clow oar minw, ormen trill t « e *° w o r * f o r w *6 6 1 t i u t v ] "

em to exist Let u« hnp« w

a American Cnti«re#8 will not rrfus. fliArrtHc&a labor and capital engag-

ed jn^ ie mines of Harris County. > j eacAot LaTeflijiriiiian

nnuif Ht^ii'lv of tnucbiucrj or uierdiatidUewith ttliub to perfect their prcducttaui atRe cheap • rate us tbey any desire Lo maketlifrui. But tbia should not optru 'e ng»tn-ttlie general graiirj t KUU whichfrom " a long pull, a rtrong pull, and a piall together " to innke Ibis union self-HI

all direction! neceauarjto makee cm be made, n pnopte ludepeudec

of oalsidera of crery d<Mi!i-ij>ti!.ii. Our liIs bleRMd wilh ill c l imate and ali climtmpftcitlft. Tbe first tiling It i well w&boiDliould do ahouM be to look forward toacknowledged adapt* bill ties *ai forc« pieat private intereat down befgra oomnxluooetw for tht people in commoimonta of the prettenl tariS, for the sole puipose of grinding a few special private a nihould nol be oouutauanued by Congress.


The excellent aAjrew made before tbiBrooklyn Revenue Reform Club on Winerjp&y night by the Hon. William D K*>lle.of PeDonyWunla, who delivered the fourtlof the aerial of features aa the tariff, wailUlened to with most rapt attention bynumerous audience that cams to bear him,Hla brilliant explosion oF tbe free tmda Itlodes set forth by Prof. Percy be/oresome organization a fortnight a^o evehearty aud merited itpplaimo. Mr. Pttrry'DBHcrtlnn that steel rail unimfactarers biaaut s private biter to the Ways and MtOotnmlllee at WashiiiRtoa at the tiroapresent duty was being lupimd on !oommodity lie declared lo be falio. Haa member of tlist committee then, audpledges IUH honor that no t.uoli letter wireceived by tbe committee or any memof i t

"Every one of tlio How England mnfacturing Slatei is protectinulst throisnd through."

We cut tbe Abate from tlie IHON E_We note it does nnt say the great Bepnbla,\n Slated of tbe West nre "protectionietfor the Em knows tbey are "(roe trade,1

»nd will vote it ovary time.— llanucr.If ttiia ii to t a fiilnifloiMon of the reoori

we do not know what ia. Every one of tlRreat Republioin States of the Vand tlie uiiuBaally^Dtmoemtio State ofdia.ia, votn.l solidly for a tiokot noniinattDO H miff protection plulfora, and repadiled tbo Demomtlo pUlform of "lariffrereniie only" si well an tbe theory ofDeruooratio Freeldeatlat nominee thatquestien rf tariff wan ft "local issue,"

• - * - •In two days of last week no leas tbi

four bills were introduced in Congresspay bounties or extra oompennatloa of sotnsort to soldiers in tlio late civil war or tbe!heirs. One proposes to pny erery mandollar per day for sucli tlmeii ns be nhave been a prisoner of WHr; another loitenderly to the flriond Boldiera ; a ill auotler would extend all Imnntj lawn ID ai]diers mnHtered In, apparent if only forday's service, or if discharged immediatefor disability that should not buys escapi

notice of tha surgeon who enminithem when recruits, and the fourth propom* to allow arrears of psneion to Invalii

wlnna Barnes were dropped f ithe pension roll und then restored.

Hon. W. H. Euglish, late Democratic can-da l e fo r the Viea-Presidency, le report

lo have said reoetitly, probably with refteiice to the twit kgaioBt bim for the pricesomo campaign 8pfleohen, that duringcandidacy be was bled by deed bentshigh and low degree. Buoh a sUtemiprovokee a desire for more, tod] it 1English longs as paxaionately aa thB restbis party for civil service reform he c mthe cause a great deal of good by BheddJlight upon tbe ways in which dead-beatsthe guiue of patriots Biicoeed ID eitraotlnimoney from the pockets of so Btrewd a bus

itBfl mau as Mr. Engliah.

The Uulteil States begun the new yemwith a public debt of $1,785,461,717,about 11,000,000,000 leas th'in tbe mitntiu amount reached by tbe debt in 1865Oor national debt is sow lens than one'half of that of tbe United kingdom, itlittle more than a third of that of Franiand among other European nations Itexceeded by tbo public dob to of HuBflia,Spain and Italy. The debt of Austria amHungary ia about the name aa oars. JudgedbyonyteBtof the ability of the peoplepay it, the burden of the ]>ublio debt of tinUnited tit&tea is by fur the lightest of tbaof any of the great nations of the world.

T i e vague and trivial grounds on wbielMr Scuville say) that he will move for

trial of Chilean show how little oifound to except to in the record of tbel i t . Scoville himself can have but little,any, hope that bis, efforts will meet with an;flticoesa. He may possibly euooeed in ataylog the arm of tbe law for a brief while, btbe cannot sara bis client from tbe fate fluby the verdict of tho Jury.

Important Legal OecmorvTho New Jersey Court of Errors and Aj

peals baa rendered a decini'n of greatintereel tw railroad men. It will be rom<that tbe Lebigfc Valley Railroad leased tlMorris d u a l basin a t Oommunipaw aud otained a grant from tbe State for the W<Line Company (a oonneoting line ot theV. B . I t . , ) of about fifty acre* of land nnderwater, lying between tbe Wow Jersey Cen-tral's tracks and the canal, which would giIt the neceugary depot frontage on thelat in . The Central claimed to be the owmiof tha riparian Ja&ia tbns grantod, and tbifight has been wnged persistently for y e a n ,i u t h a State courts. In 1879 the Centralcompany filed a bill In cha&oarv to have tlsale set aid e and the grant declared InvaliiThe Chancellor dismissed the bill in lfiftThe Court of E m m and Appeals has dcoided to ansfa!n tbe'Chanceilor'a dccldoa. Thelawyers of the Central announce thair Int?iJon to carry the' question before the U. ISnpremD Court

»>» • —Burglary*

A miller living near Schoolev's Mouitain, on the line of the High Bridge Kilload, went out on a colkcUnR tour on Sat-

urday last to Kenville, and sueoeeded igitherJngiutGGS, wh<oh faa placed in b!

est pocket, and before retiring that nightie bung hiii tes t on tha pout at (he head

of his bed; sad just imagine bis snrpriiawakening Sunday morning to discover

that tils pocketbook and money had beeistolen. Tbe burglar (who undoubtedly Is

Btranger) effected an ontranoe by remov<ing a pane of glass.

Biihop Wiggar*! Rule.Miny y c i n iR3 wtion he wm Bishop of Now-

irk, the late Arcbblibcp Dayloj made il a rub.r the diocoie tbat incorrigible iirankardiihonid not receive ClirU:Un burial. Bit

ly *nrjonncoa tbat tills rulelerwrterbcenrorcotl, anil will be applied alio

pewom wbo Mil liquor to tirnnkardi amlODlrary to the Ittwa or tbo Bute. Tbe B!«bo]

lncorri({lbk drnulcardi to lo penontbo babitnally drink to oxceis nntil theiileitb againit the repc»t«d tdmonltions oflielrpistor. Uritig ontslde of tbeCbnroh1

md bringiyg dlaRraoc npon tier, tba ,mil bo Imrloil on tilde of the Glinrch. It willibe no diffcreuoo oven ilionld they In their

ist ilakDeti receli-p tbu siortmeuts of ponknooid extreme anotlon. The denitl ol OhrUtlan-ill JM IntcnJed to be a pimiilnneot for thi

otly. Thehr looli will iraelre all tbo bulpbut tbe Obnrcb can give thorn, boire1

neled (heir livei may btvo been, but IbetrDdlei will not be inlerred In consecrated

gTOHOd.'The rata will not extend toJUe funlliei ofinkardi and ll^JDr dealeri." n y i Biihopgecr. " nnt ir, «ben a Ilqnor dealer die*,widow cuutianeri tliobiuil.it*. Urnt will he

me tban befora. It i i a ibame for » J^UI(1 behind a bir, Iiitt-nlnff to oiiminf

il lia




A gre»t niBuy FILA n-mli'M will rBmemberUr. Cliaa. KIIKIUJ, ul Mr llnpr., wj,o 6 fytwiti Kiarc ivcut tn UPCHIH. !!»» lie il i>u»b-Inn 111* ni'v ui that iiijir iilunlry may te seenbv tiiti ralloujtiK, trimi the F«ri;o Kipubliuan,oftbelO'.blDBL:

Tbo number el torcipo vt'iinrri tD t\inor<cibia Inccrenisd witb wouJerful npldity dmthe lant dtoaile. As tncli miocetKllni[ 5eir liaibrought i n lUk'towit ED Qtior*. a closer tcra-tiny of our cbararter and raolboUs has nolonly rtclifiHl manr ciniciiptioin rcganlltig ui,but IfH t'Xlurted cottrusgiiniH of our inpfrloi-Ujov<-r KiirujK'ni natitiiie in many brniidies ofinlu4rv. And It IaalUtfo siaguhr tbat,ofall l he intluntrlci nl tliu cnuuirj, nono seem toattnet creater aiimtlon from forelRDe'i thanonr *gricnl rural enterprliei here in tba North'went. An SnjflEsb light-Beer, wbo recentlyttiited Dakota, »*» stronsly Impreaaed witbour tnetliodi of firming, ind eraliuilied hitItuste of tbom In an article fur an EnglnhJoura»l. To ahow the luperlorllv of Dikott*faming, be pays 0. F. Kindred the enmplt-msnt of oelectlnir tils farm ne»r Talley Olty a"an illnst ratiofarm i« ttmii

"Tbe turn visited WM that of Mr.0.F,Kludred, two mi lei from Taliev Citr. It oontalni five ihouiand acres, li 250 teet above tintown, "lid thirteen hundred feet above aeiloiel. Tbe owner lives in tlie lummerln tstnall dtvclllntt Iiouse on Hie fdge of ibi11 buldiug " ovvrban^'ing Ihe town, In order Ube as near ia i»srj|b!e to tlie railivaj. HitUarui, stabl-jB, uni] piffficiiB is null ai llnbcuiP, em Imllt of wood, *lib slotie toamlations, aeveral bloeliii apari, «o as in diminlrilei tensive rl.U <>l tU-iitriictioii by tire. TbibnllitiiiKi ara aileulmtautial. An olevitar li

Ibu *<Mei. "Tlio ciiripL-iirjfKl doors ire rimou itilterB on ovirlnfiilirnn r*tl«; tlieCuoriogevfjn of tlio Btibtos, Ib of ffood"-oirDtim<BUIICRH wlilali nm cuir.roou here, bnt vrbicliBern. d> il-i|,re(s tliu l.ir<-lKti ftflttnr, Under (

benu iniitlc, well pluukctl nnil tiricnd, withdouble .liiuro, i«<rfoctly dry, provIdlDg ul»for sit tlinusand bnehols or roots. UiMiolbir baiiii a poultry and duab-honnvbeen SniBlied, wliisb wilt sooiire i totcrabljequal ti-mptramre men »bou tho winter coldla mxrkiiil I>T 35 or 80 dogroei b*low catmore temporary erection of polee, witbinJ roof of straw, ivholiig pul up to r<furtj Kentucky brood m a m midburrien, eel ruled by Mr. Kindred fro:

of Mr. Eimlred'icprodoced by tbnOblcago T'mei.

trottingi mloui

tck study. Water in gut in abundance fromg11 bud of Ranri Uiirlj foot il nd brought ttbe tanks hj a paiup worked by 1 tvintimtll,Tlie gectlcmnn provobtf tlio risibilities opractical tillers of tlm soilwbon Ijogravelre

tbo Btetemont nuils to him that " thbending oftlif, ivilluw twig cmi-hcii" effirdrii fnflbatfc

e fully owhich jimtlfi

tlio opening of t bis well, after other uuemcccis-ful attempts bid boon mtrio to resell water h jdigging.

Mr. Kindred bis two thousand seres mcultivation, the wliolo of which wan plowed littbe 51b of October last witb fifty mules andhorses. I11 une field, the rtiliur fimnd ninesulky plDvs at work, etch drairu by threeheroes, or tnulesbrJibly stepping ou t tnen t jmllei n d*y. As all !ir«o wen

i farms, a foreman on hoDobncU Ualant attendance to nee that tbo work ii doneproperly, and tUatlbe required depth in ant.

Ncxl apring trill be town 1,500 aerci or vlieat,2Mr.cregolbarloif,800a(rf!rJofo*li. Toaoonroioliango (if seed au order ban boon sent to Ens-land f<ir upvoral sacks of Rtwiil wheat and barley- The enmrndr labor consliia in band'cutting tbo jew weeds which may nnpenrtmnnp llio Hr"in » mnwlnri froiprairie the winter supplies of hay; breakingmorn land, anil, lator in tho nnrumor, back-setting: il. Bai vest liegiDr) from tbe 1st to tbe8th of AtiRUit. Elovon macblnea were at woi kloot season. Fifleen acres were out dally by

macblno. Tlio clean, level tttiilibJes torti-Qcil to Ihe snccen of the onoratloii. Tliegrain nxiutly staods three dayi, wbon ft ii

niy either to throb or to at»efc. All tinwlicat marketed Uat ye»r grailed No. 1. It

iged fnll.v arteen Imabeli an acre. TinBrat throabing brong.it tl.80, tbe last 1I.3Jppr bushel. Like cverjtlilng else rJIspcuod of,it is carofally wefgbed. As Inrgo an araonnas 10,933 bmbela tli"patched In Iwenty-tbreeeara, when nuloadodj'Ieff a ilinrtage of onljtwQnty-nlnelitii>lie.B. 'Heldomin England orAmorlta,' saya the obamer, ' hare 1 aeonmore dotatled and icour»to accounts moreuestly kept."1

A Pastor's Burial*On Saturday last the rouoral aurvices or tin

lateltov. AmztB. Emmoiifl woie bold In tboOlicHterOongrDgatlonnl Church. Tbo pastor,llcv. Frank A. Jobiinon, officiated, aaiUied bythoitev. Jan. P. Bruwstor. Tbo bearers werenIiratnisiorB, the Rcva, Ferry, Foi, Llnnell,Long, Andem tn, ami iloffraaD.

Mr. Emmoni was born iu Clienter amlive<l tbere till be entered college, Ee waa brlglit, prnmlHliiR Lay, but obtained Ins edu-cation under great illaadvanUgcg. Ho pre.pared for college at Ibo Olnmter Tnstltnte aud(jridnntcd al Amlio.st College in 18T0 andUnion Tlieologicil In 1873. He labored over ayear with tho Congregational Church at Strat-ton, Vt.,sniltlirco years with tbo obnroh atJamaica, Vt., ami ffhen ha rtinl was tlie able,successful and beloved pastor of tho CinRre-

it Obnroli at Oxfnrt, Mais. Four dele-gates from tho Oxford Church attended tliefuneral and bare testimony to the lova andconfidence felt for Ur, Emraom by tbo entirecommunity fn whloh liodtrolt,

TbB lotiowlng letter inlnslve to tbe bereavedOxford church hu-becn nhanltnoasly rated bytbo Cluster church, ofwliiob Mr. Emmonswasa member from early boyhood (ill bis Battle-ment at Jamaica:

The Uangregatlonril Oburch In Glieiter, H. 3,ollieOongregitional ChurchtnOxlard,llu«.ondoth eretting,

DE*B DEETHBEK :—Wo have been pruallysaddened by tho auoxpecled tieatb .nf our be-loved brother, your late pastor the Iter. AmiiB s E u n n t t i ; an l by means ot this oar letter,would ODnvey to you -mr slncrre gympstliyin yonr fjreit bereavement. Thou«ti yourpaitordiod fir from bis fltld of labors, yet bowai near Ine kinilred, and a large circle offriend* Yesterday his body was borne for thelast time Into the church he t in always loved.

o p n him ; there bis volco was often hotrd inthe prayrr meotinR, at Sunday School; tbere.ie pjctJcml hit murriiiifi t ro th ;Burroumlcd by loving and grievi

"rites r - - - ' '

id there,

tlio last sad rites wore performed. Wo havelaid Ma mortal reraalnH in a qnlet cemo'erv,npuo one of nur beautlfal blllgidflu, and woshall oieroUcrlahhlBRravo as tha lait rsatlnplace of a good nun, a simple-hearted, eatDent cbrlatian Wlionever sny ol yoa, brsth-ran, desire to visit tbls tpot, which most everbe sacred In Ibo tnrmiry of your chnreb, we—•»•-"- -"-- T o n [ to hospllahtr ~' —

, d to you tlioconanUtKHolyBpirit. May the words upokeL „ ._~~v nilontlipi, boaBpreoionn need yatbearinj

Ich U t m l , MayOnilm.HIa Infinite wir




B O M B or »rpa»»iT*iivE<, (w*«jjMijr,,8( j»u.ao, mi. i

OEOIIOE nicn«UH4, ESQ.,WEiBSm;-Tlii>larpo petition Ui CuiiKre

sent by you, coutairJuR sn many sigruturdirectly aud iiidtrtotly inteientetl i i tho oiiiiiiollrnu oretuMiir-JROiuntr, N, J., SHtinRroran Increase of duty on iron ore, Is recelvscand will be nnxwnled st tbe Ar*t farorsble op-portunity aflonlCil to do it. This potitiun i ltimely and none too auou. Already baa

ibject buoubrnaoliQil lifretn rc tmowalldutyand place irnn oro on llio free llat-tliat mileaaenlns the pnnitietitm or Amuriein ores,cattiup down ttia wages of tb'iso enftagud iutninlog ore, throwiuR nut of employ tl iounndiof men, and ultimately oto^itiic an Die irou nremines. Now lut an two how tbe low dnty oairon ore is worktan. I will give tbe flgnrei aaI received them yestnrday from tba " Bnreaaof Bt&.Mlici" a t (be Traaanrr Department,Iu 1879 foreign ore Imported into tbia countryamnunt*a to 1SO.821 tnn i ; is IBM, 4Sf *""torn ; In 1BS1,091,073 Ions; ending Jnly 1st.1881, and for font munllm, ending Oot. Slat,1<8I, 851,704 tons, IU owing a dtoaflr fnoreaaeoflmportatlonererymonthand year for tbelast three years and four montlia-every tonof which ought to hive been furnUhed framthe [ran ore mines of thin oonntry.

Tbe Afuericto oro ban b>e:» us^d andnUlied to the Iran and atoel m»uufaetur«rs InIfcfj pant, and found, good enough, but theolieip labor of Europe, (as I am Informed at acost of 20 to 28 coal! a <\ty in tbtnr M W B )onsblei them lo compete with AmcricaD labor,and place tbi-ir ore in thi* country at lowiprices tbau ll can be produced bcre. I t isawui'd tb t t tlio foreign ores aro frca frompbunpltnrnuj, and tboruforo better for use iutLnm*nu(«oiureofironand sled, bnt It is astubborn fact that aa good oro, if nat better,can be produced In Hits country, for thatany other purpose. It ha« bocn danci,andlong AS It conld he purchased hero at tlio sameprjcu or lower pritoa tliaa torefgn, It annwerotftlio [lurposo, bul as soou as tlie ohoap labor ofEurope camu lu compttitlun with Amorlabnr and rnnJe tbe prlco lena than it could bofurnished in Ilia ouantry, tbe Importation bo-gan to Incriwiu), and tl.fi Importntlori ofsign ore has beea iteaJily incmasitiR, tlio veryloir prices of labor iu Europe enabling theimporter to lay it down here cheaper thin itcan bo mined in this country. Tlioie wholiave bftn in Ensrlanrl, and visited the greiiiron cities, kuuw well what tbe effect of tbilem price orlahor In tho iron mines nr Spainhi a bad upon tbo iron mines of England.Wo vimtoO one of tliolr largoit iron oro mln-ItiE centres in Jtils, 1880. and fuuml all tboirore mines at tbat place oloaed up, aud wereInformeil Iha i twasbccnmeof tbo fact thatBpanieli nre was bon.g imported Iberti choapfrtban they ounld mine i t ; and tho cblef rraennfir it waa among other* betaUBO of tbo low-price nf labor in Ppaiti—nsd BO wa bcliavo Itwould bt in thincouotrriflronoro.•artuiittcafree of duty. Tbere Ii atio great danger Ifthe dut j In not fncreuifi). Wo BHW tiunicrouf

ircocsof ore from Spain nnloaditifr. at tinliarves, and beioff resbippod to this country,

tiie Iron cenlren ofEnglanrt, and other placesWB seo it staled in tin) IHQK K B * or Jan, Till

tliat lha iReut of Ooopor, Hewitt A; Oa. BtGticBterslahotliat he "shal l do all Iu bispower to neciire ttie total nboiitinn nf tho dutyon Iron ore and nnt ftsinorcaxi." This simplymeant. 1c lemmn the pro'liioiioii of ore, to crip-ple tbe inpitaliata wbo are engaged in tliebunloesi, aud lo reduce wa- m of laborers; itIH nothing less than that, anrl will be sure tnfollow such a cutirgq, I t la just whit II moanrwlion iron oro enmes in free of <lnly, and li<ploeod on Ibo free list; evury miner and allinliWBtot) In thv hiiBiness can readily BOO whatwill he tbe TPMIIII. Your largo petition, ciiiftJuHtat tbia time, is »ery important, notonly to help tslaj tbe effort to «rtt iron oro InTree or dnty, but also, ir potml>h\ to got ai

sed rain ol duly uaki'd for in tlm petition,and »o nccoiifliiry f»r thU Rre.t mining imluntry, Rurely no mon work banlor, and parttlioii wages more jnsMy, than tluno wbn worlt

a tho niii.es, and it f i to bo hoped tliat theolee ot their poll lion for tlie batter pm tec tin i

ort ' io Itoa oreiudnstrr will be granted, andnot oulyttiopresent duty be maintained, lintalFothat the daty.Ht increased. The generalsubject of tbe tariff is nosr, and IB likely to bt:,mucbai;ltated<luriiiBtliiHBeaBfauoFGoiigreH8.

Yours truly,Ii: HILL.

1'. 8. -Tneailay oveninS, Jan. 24th, 1882. Iirosnnted your mammbtli notttioa this morn-

ing tbe flrat opportunity I tavo had elocil Ireceived It. It requires unanlmnna consent topresent a petition, liavo Itrond and permissiongranted t<i print It in tlio Congressional ltac-ord, and 1* very diiBcntt to got done, unlessicoompaulod by % bill or part of remarks on aJill. I t excited nnliitlo attention when pro-lentod, inrl is tlie clerk nnrnlted it ind spreadit out over the desk in front of tha 8|ionber.

1 Aro all tbo ntmci to ho printed? n crlcil ou tmo In lorror, and wlmu told no ho quieted

down. It was rend and ordered to be printedJ I had It referred to the Ways m i Means

Committee, md will SOB them in regard to i t .I t Is the largcRt petition tlmt ban boon pro-

inted dnriug the loaslon or tills Oongiose.J. H.

Legislative Mattnrt of Local Interest.Among new bllli introduced are the follow-

To erect whipping pouts ror wife bsators.To Icgaliie ostbs takon Tith tho npliftcd

dMiking Itlawfiil'to commmce

hook and line on Juno 1st.To prevent tliu vending or exploding of nuns

or plat-Jla by peraoua nnder the age of 18yeara; prohibiting the carrying .or flro armsincitlOBor towns, under penalty of $100 orimprisonment4kw.ib.roe yens , or both,

Prtrfjjainff t in t roaliSttto hereafter aoqnirodby any cbrporntlQU rhatl cOWioae ^ail^iMt^*local taiatlun, same a«'reil eatateownoaiiy '

don soon Bond to you a minister who ilu1 - ' ' ' • " ' * - mtlfnl dtv.wln

tor Is rejolonrad you towardx tliat ban

nowwebellove ynur late pat._. __ . . . .....And may God, on! of the abounding riches olbis grace, aei(d comfort and peace to' (ha* »f-iictcd inmatci of your par nonage. To the Qod>r Iho widow, snd tlio ratbertoiH, we ootnmcni'>nr boronved slitiT and her little ones.

Wishing you grace, mercy and puaco, we ftt*'onrsio lbali>n1. For tbe church.


Cheater, N. J., J in . 33d., 1881. °R C C t U

A Child In Chancery.AfrOmewhat remarkable contest over pos-

;*ilf>nDf aohi l j cams up Satanlav in tbew Jersey Court of Cbiniery. Nine years(o Mra. Luppll, a domestic In lha emplnv o

Mr. D n i d F . Win»n», of F.axt OMIIRD, placn<cliarge of Ur. ami Mrs. Wi&aoi bor childin a babo offlroroonthi,horbaibinabeinL

dead. The Wlnani family becamo groi tly at'taobed tu tbe ebild, and ajreoil to re>r, iJu.

oilmpport <inr as ttioir own dunehter.Thnj called tbe littlo onoMalral Vinana amrulfilled their SB»«niDnt. An nude of lb<

did, Peter Strdy, a flagman on the BlurrI*md Eaaex Ballrcad, persnaded Ibo Vinana toit Mabel «o with lilm far a few d»ji ta tooar mother. He promised faitbfally to returnie child. Tbia was a month ago. He failei' do sn, and Dually Mr. Winani began p n

ceotHnga m tho Court of Chnncory. Hardyirderod on Friday to prodnon the chlH

[e failed in thla al«o. Bearch iraa made foitie l i l tb one, bat it could not be found.

xdywiB arrested and oommUtud for con-npl. Tueadiy ihe child va i found by »ew

rkdUcctlreB at the bonie of Jamci Hardy,.rNowtou, auasexcouD.tr, and lirought t<Hark, Tbe child iraa dellgbtod to see the

inam family, and was ordered Into theiruiaesslon pending filial action in the oase.

J. H- Sttimpfs Reitaurant .mm can b« r.nnd at J . U. Stnt

i* rtmtanrant ou fiUck'rull i t reel Ili'i wAH order* jelivi^rcd promptly,

fliero U a uioyenjeijt go foot to l^ke[loouiliu ]K)tTcra<ra7 fr.) — •


4tli,lfi87, and parlndffos nnUlTTovemtjer 1st,1887, tinder 125 penalty.

To make habitual drnnkcnneu good groundfor divorce.

Forbidding funerals orur remaltm of executedirlminala or cipnauro of the bodies otlierwUe,

the body to bo given lo surgeons ror ilUseo-tion.

PrublbitlnR oil pipe HUM within 100 feetany railroad bridge or trestle, aU prosent llnso conelruolcd to be removed; to prevenlcontamination of wit IT supplies by uil pipelines, rcflaericp. pumps, works, eto.

Senttor Wortcmlvlte haa intradaced a snp-plomentcbanginK ihe time of holding townablp elections from tliu BGCOIUI TuesdaySI arch to the second Tueiday in April, thtprovision to tale effect Immediately,

A bill iiitroduocd in theBouse prorlilcs tbitbe act respecting the publication of tbe lawi•ball not be conn trawl to fitre preferencethe selection of papers lo publish the lawstbe State, tn papers piililisliod at the count,seat, bnt thi t there bo provided thageneral and widely diffused publication of tbiUws through all of tho Assembly dfilricta.

We paid a voryplaaianl fiitt to Dover oiTuesday, and found e.erybodT in ezaellenlspirits in comoqiuDoa of the present piOUB cocdli mo of trade there and tbe prospeelTsr tbe future. Tcigolher witli tho iron worlibe car shojia mid tb« silk mi!U, nil of wbiuliwill anon be lu active npjrallnri,employingprobably s iboumind Land*, our nuigbboimay roaaousbly aDtloipate a large chareprosperity.

We bad tbepleainreoraceompanyln([ MiytBlchards tbrongh the works or the Dover IronCompany.andalsotlieHofrlrj County Mao tilworks, In both of which tho Mayor Is largeliuteicMteJ and over vhich he eierclstiBgdoeraUuperlnteudeiioe. A large amountwork IB being (umeil act bv -heae worka, amin lha latt*r they ara LalMing air oompraiflira of aa improved pattoru, wlilch arebilieved lu be Ihe beat manufactured. Onetbe machines happened to be Ja i l flaUhed,sn1 wai Mt ID mntiou for oar Instruction ~worked toiplifiiliy, aud <« jmhi . of <preaiinjr t greater amount i>f air witb a £iv<amountofpower tbau my mashlne hltherlmade, The flnauoea or Dover are in **

» . aud the atTnirs or tbf town are wtiel]and ahly admlnlalared. Ur . B!oli*rd* ^been Mayor for several yean past, and t<i Ulilarge executive abilitv, aiililed by many otherpublic inirlt*] oitlzeDs.*lbeprciaat farorablstate of affair*.i doe. I t bat been tbe pollof Iho bailing men'tbeie to tnvHe and u smannfactniers, well knovlnfc tliat tn reader,tog ainlatsDnn the towa wnnld re tp Itrrautatre. We have more wealth In Morristowiby far, bnt not a fraoHon of the euterpriitliat Dover bus lately exhibit, d,

We are Ictcnwly rttspcfUble, but that doenot go * great nay towards Imlping trade aiCDtnmeree, nor doaa i t . g m l l y assist thmajority of un who are obliged to worV daifnr a living,

V e also took a look at tho new quarternthe Tun* Eiu , occupying tlte untlrn *ecoaiirt tbirdfloorBor % new and flne buildingClackwetl slreet. Their rooma arc fittedin elegant stylo andV»6e»My possiblecon-ventenco-—JerBCjman.

Benevolence a t Poi t Oram.We had tbe pleasure of attending an entei

talnmont given in B iner*** and Me c ban lea-Halt, Port Oram, on Halorday evening IanTbednlertalnment ccnaistcd ofvuoal anditrumonta! mania, comic dramaa, etc., devlaiand cerfnrmed under the ansplcpa of tbe PortOraiuLlterarvSoofoly, Tho oliject forwhlctbli soeioty gave their time and talent iadeed a worlby one—tbo aid of tba deaeaxei-nombera of tho Miner,' and Meobanloa' Bnevibnt ARiociatiou. A n d b e u m e i t waa ftth ' i benevoiont purpose tboir labor was nntvain. Tbo alteudanos was lirgn when copared with tht>. condition or the made, near!;all I ho teau belug occnpied.

Wo cannot dwell on all tbo character!,ably performed} snfflos It to lay I hat tinactiiered a luooess which will be long remcbored by those preMut, and partioularlytboae for whose benefit tho entertainment wagiven.

Iu regard lo tbe pirsent state of societyPurt Orara we are cifDitralutid to say it isond to noue la America. We have a popultiou ol about 1,300 xUhout one lnafer. Allpursue some lionest and icapoclable toon titfor a litellbood, and onr yonugmon aro all alslalimri from strong drink. W» hivethan tliroo seorot orgnnlz*tion» devoted to hinevolonco, and there eeoon tn he a prowlinclination among nur young people to so edeite thcmBolroa that they may become mor<itternl. i

Maltora are ateadlly Improving, and we aiabout to pnrcbafls or build a now parsonage.All Ibid la llio work of the common laboriipeoplo. aud tlie queitlbn may be asked, wbeinre tho sick? What are they dofug ? Howe will leavo tbat question for thomiol'ariBwer,

LOTO to God nnd trao betievUi ace, mingliwith love ot country anil an taruuttt dtiirphtcone eonvomant with its poliiicnl nceishould bo the ambition of everyone,


At Home,The En* ia now flirty aottltd lo id

quar ters- the tocondand third floors of tb<biiildiug next to tha Bmk, Upoil floor no Invetho editorial roon in tl

front and the engine, press, sud itook r.iomiin the , eieh aepnrtmont ofwniah Ic cam

in iteeir. The third fl-or front is tlnewspaper eompoiHor*! qnarteri, and tba realof ttie same li the job room. Light is flneljdlstrlbntod all tbroijjbtlMj room by itlndoiri

| and sky lljthta arrtaged over the nUbs-uistouea, making it, we believe, one tbe mmcomplete composing rooms in the State,largo elevator convoys tho forms from tbipress room tn the composing room*, amismnllor one esppliei tbe newepapor oomposlt o n witb copy from the editorial room. The

itire building Is betted by steam, Is an]plUil with water from a tank in tha roof, andpiped for gas, with jets over all tbe caaoa andmachines. The front of thu building, whichone of tbo finest architecturally In tbo count]la orustneuted with bjndBDroe signs of tloffice executed by Ihoae admirable patnteri,Uariin k Bnck.

In romovinit we have added largely lo oifaellitiei for doing all kinds of work, aud hatroom and *qilpmenti to work flftooo racishould occasion require It, while in tvpograpbicsl bieoutlon WB da not prqpoie lo be leoondto snj in tho State.

Our ieiu>rs and ourJonrniliBtic brelhreira cordially luvltcil to visit us and Inspect t

now handsome establishment.

Building: Notes.TI109. O'Neill Is bnildjag a now home ti tin

top of Trospect street. Allen k Palmer arolebnlhfcrs.Ghia. Henueke la abnnt to have a new honse

bnilt on Oold Mrcet by Allen St Palmer.Tha ttimobnlhlinp, firm is also building

ery fin* linasu on Itandolph avcune forOhei^ f 13, Buddinston.

private persans. t^^ 1 Andrew Ilnderer ia putting op the fdunds-To prohibit worKlcocVBbiW^r^ l Jp f fc J t ton ro ranewhou joonOolda l r ee t .

Important Consolidation.What baa boen coatomplatad and Inaked foi

for some time past, namely, the consulldattonof Hie Lcblgh and Hndion and tho Warwii"Valley Railroads, h i s jast laken place. Tbitwo Boirda of Directors have met and nmni

nBoliditloa, which ar« s*tlsf«otory to all concerned,and sleeted Uie new officer*. Tbo eonnnliditetfiwid will be known as the Ldhlch an<l Hodnonandi t i iroportanco ai 1 link to connect ihtLt-blch Valley with Boiton Is known by all

tllroid men. Tbe LOW Board of Dlrrclorachosen number thirteen, aa follows: Ut-sirs.QrlnoellBurt.Preitdont of the W»rwieh Valley;Qeotgs R. Bianchard, Vice-Preiident of tinNew York, Lake Erie and Western; D. B. Hal.iteid, Prfsidcnt SaUonil Exchango Bank or

Hew Tork; John 6, Martin, vholoiale commis-sion merchant, Maw I n r i ; John H. Seed, wooldealer. NEW York ; Oarrett A. Hcbarl, Preil-dent of tbo Hew Jersey Senate; F. A. Potts, 0New Jersey; Iticbaid Wiiner and Ocorgs Vf.

d, of Wirwlok, « . Y.; CUrku Bcranton,of Oxford, N. J . j a n d Jamta .B . Tltman, of3p*rtn, N. J . At a iutneqnent moetlng of Iho'irectora tbe following wera olaclod officers ofte new oampiny: Orinnoll Hart, Preiident;

Qeuiga R. Dlancbard, .Vi«-Preildent; D. D.Halitead, Treuuror, and Tbomas P. Fowler,SecnUry.

The Warwick Valley Lino extendod from_r"T0oaxt on the Hew Vnrb, Lake Erie andWe»tcm, to Me A re*, Hussex County, V. J., an<ltbe Lfblsh and Bndcm from tbo Utter pointn Belvidere, on tbe Deltwire River. Therbolo lino, which wlU lie entirely completud

iprinp sn that train* can run over ila entirelgth. will be iiitv-thr»e mlki long, l lera-- trains will Iw run over Ihe lower portion uf

M«Hn, of Mine Biil,r a t i ng a new boose near Bt. Marj's Ohuroh.A, Wtghlon, Esq., pnrpoaeB erectlug a

b!uck of seven houses at $be summit of Pros*pect street. . ' .

I t Ualao reported that Mr.: Jolm J, Deny ,ofJIorristown, wil! build a block ortehementsIn Dover tbo coming

All Indications certainly lead UB to beileritbat Dover will wltnoaa In the Spriug thogreatest building boom U has ever kaown.

• • - • - •

Devoiisnal Convention,Tli)DoT[»tlonal Oonveniton or.tho Treaby-

*ry of Morrli and Oiangtfwtll beheld at Doou-on Jan. 91st and Feb. Ut.Tntntday, Jan. 31it. 7:80 r . H.. preaoliln? in

he Preabytorlan Cbunth, liy HOT. 9. J. Mc-Phrrson, . i;'

f.Feb.M.* .KnHJMKC. aiisaii

lO-lOiM-Pravorand PMISO.10flS-U:3a-InJivMual Oani

12,1, Eph 6:18. ROT. j : M. Hnnllog.11 90-13:3M-The nueof tlAPromt»es,~2 Pet,

Bev.E.P, Llnnell. -irrenKOfiH usibifm,

n Prayer,—Bev. W.F. Whlttaker.

8r30-i;30_The Children or tho Covenant.Oon.n.T.Bev. J.F.Brewstor.

iiSO-BBfr-Stoiiarilihlp, Loks 16, o—Rft. A.ErJmsn,D. D.

Evisiaa iirnqmr,7.3u-Prcuchinft by Rey. H. f. Hlrtok.

A Remarkable Eicape-Last Monday mnrnlng, t t two o'clook, fonr

miners at Ihe Byram mine, started to go downIhe incline to tbelr work. Two got Int.Je tbecar aud two others, TIraotUj Kulley and JohnRmltb, perctaed thcnuelve* upon the chainontsldB, But wbon tbe en«Ino neRtn to pay

it tho cable the car did not move, the ciialaif ing becimo frocen to the ground. It sod-tnly looBcnod, however, and tbe ear nude a

qntck descent (111 it amvnd at tlio end or thealack, where it bronubt up, with a. Jerk. Themen standing on Iho chain: wera thrown offwith great violence Smith was cot severelyinjured, bnt Koltey r.-ceivoa'a lorriblo giiUlbnnt six Inches long In Ibe back of bii bead.

Tbe Iwo men in t i c car w 0 not Imrt, bat itfound when 11 stopped that all ths s tnnds

if Ihe cahlo which hslJ It,, save one, weremapped. Had this broken tbey wonld haverent down twelve hundred feet or mure to atwift and terrible deitb.

ASpfll lofWaathar.Tlio Ice men gtlrmed, the coftl dei len langh-

d hideously, aud tbe angry milkman dlihedmilk out in ohunka last Tneaday morning,

[lie cold, wlifoh began after thB storm Situr-tay, eontinned to strengthen until Mondaylornlng when it stood at 13s. above, with a

Wfl i h l l h i h i

MORRIS COUNTY COURTS!tn the Circuit Court tbe case of Bcanis

HoOoBoell vi. flylvanns D. Badd, OerskoiBaaliug, Jr . , and Isaiah Smltb, traa tbe t i n ttakea up. The ptalnlin's claim i« founded on

contract for wnrk In riming ore from a minef tbe defendants; tho question in tho c

being bow much ore m i raised bv him, thebnoki in wbioh hla aocounta had htan kepthaving been carried off by plainttrii soc-iu-Is* and never recovered. The defence in-sisted tlial plaintiff bud been paid iu full furall his work. Verdict, no cause ar iclfon.Ullla ft Church for plainlllT, and H. 0. Pand W. W. Gutter for d«rendjntn.

Tbe c u e of Joieph Bit i buff ve. JohnsonBrown, WBB the iccimd tnei1. Tke sction »no recover dinmgce for ulnnaer. Ihe pluiul!vorrfng that defendant hid called blmSiel auda Birlndler. Tlie jury wore suable to

agree and were discharged, 'Tbe trial or Hie water cane -Haisey et. all,

vs. Tba Lobigb Valley B. R. Oa., \eawtt of tbeBforrls Cmni, was m a mod oa Mooda.v sudh n occupied the attention or tbeCanrt all thewwk without reaching a coadnslca.

The following HoenaeN wero granted bv theCourt of Common Pleia: John Haik, Koa trllle; NetoD fiydc, Waahlagton; Wil Him

Tarlmsn, Basbnry; William B. Pollard, Bockf r a r j Thomai fi. Froat. Veodham.

Tbn Indlctmnnt agalntt tbe D , , L . A W . BR. Co., in the Quarter Suasions, was jet dawfor February 14tli.

Tbe Grand Jury returned iuto Court onMonday raornlttg. having ronud IS bills ofindictment, ind among them the fallawing :

tilmrlci Pcterman, tllaurderly home; plea,notfriilliy.

Oatbarino SLidecker, miirder; pies, nogailly. Trial sot dovo for Hay.

Patilck Sharkoy, tcsanlt ; plea, not guilt?.George Mara, disorder!? liouse; plea, notail ly.Samuel J. Souring, disorderly houio; pica,

not guilty,Palnck Da van, disorderly honse} plea, guilty,Andrew Fagan, dlBoi'derly JOUSO; |>lea, notuillv.JamesRiloy, assaiilt and battery; plea, not

gnitty.Timothy H. Pradcn, diiordurly Imnie; pl<

nut guilty.Patrick tforely. aMHiult; plan, pullty.Otio. Smltb, larceny j plet, notguiliy.(latharine Hcrthey, dUurderly bousa ; pit

guilty. Fiiuid US and oonta.Hclioa Tregay, disonlorly bouse, dnaampod.In tlie Common Pleat tbe caie ol JarnoM U.

Faucher vs, Wm. H. H. Corwin in mm on.

Fira At Newton.4 nru oomured a t tnldnigbt on Friday list

and burned ant the aeaind snd third flonn ofUrgefr»me taHaing oooonicd V Mr. g i l tk .

He Inns* nearly all Ins furniture, olid his "t.okor stoves ana tinware via Oamngcil in theitore of the first fl[>or. Morris' h^tory iud

dwelling, lu 'he atmcbuilding, nras hadly daoi-kRc<lby fire aud w a t c . Two si-ior» tuiraedWilflni, on Ihe third floor, narrowly escapedmffoi-itiou. They lust ail their furniture andclothing. The building is owui-d hy W, W.Woodward, EUmuf 1 Johnson and Jadgu Hustonmil tbe Ions i« protected bt iueamaee. Quicks also Insured; the other oarnpants weru no'.Tbe enure IOHI ii about f 4,500.

Port Oram Literary Society-Tbls Hooietv gave their grand euUrta!union!

for tlie buueGt of Ibe widows au<! ornbauH ofthe Miners aud Mtcbutiios fieo<iTo!eut Aielation, In Ibe ball of the h t tnr on BatimUjcvedlDglait. NotvritbstnndJngtheiiiclcmencjoftbe woalliDrtbere W8B a largo and appic IJ ttvo aadience. Tbe programme ma opinedby a voluntary by Hiss Nellie Tonkfng tn her

lUule BtrK Tbo comioal and psntlmtal xongB and duclsb; Mt'Fam, Tbog. BleplirFraDk Wllliama, MISBOS Mary Witberldg^ •Marv Gill vrore oiceodingly well rendered bothin alnglngsnd acling. The c->mlo dramas by

pn.Itlehard Mitchell, Wra. Iladovrall ondIan. Tregenza were given In a most enmion!anl flide-aplittinn manner. Llttto Emm;Witlioridite, only five J P S M or acre, ilpfmrveispecial mention in her ion/?, "Little Dri^hEjm," articulation and mnslc boing eicelleatMr. Philip Slppliena dencrvo8 great credit itHID manner in wlilch he nfflclnted as organist,Tbe programme tbron»bout waa given limost able and satisfactory minuer amid roarsot laughter. Owing to tbe vuccess and gon(nalghetbn wt'b winch the perfurmcuco 'met wllh. the inclctvhavoVoided toglvc

Mount Tabor-Aln moeMng of the Trui lo . i ortbe Mounl

Tabor grounda, Held In Newark ln»t week, 11WSB decided to bold the ten day*' capp mretlncsprvices. to commenae on Thornlsy, Angnatl.lb.iind clotting tin tlie Sglh inil. A nrnpu-ailion wm mi do to build a hott-1 adjoining tinn m n r t Mount Tahnr HOUBC, which Till prob.ably lie competed this sun.mer. ExiontjiviIraprOTemeuls aro helng mai'e in rariunn pat tioi tbe grottndB. The proapect i« that thn sonIOUWIII open very early this year, and tliat amuch larger number of peopla liun utual wlUbe on the groundfi.


Henry Ward Borclier'n lecture in Newtonwas attr-udL-d by 730 personit,

A'«rennit>ryiitnbiiliiiilt at B!airsiown DJparlips from Oranga Co., N. Y.

Tho late Qre In Ht-wton is siippoBOd t> hanbeen tho work of an incendiary.

Hrs. Samuel Frame, or tho Clarendon House,Hacketlstown, broke her arm by a fall on thestruet. "

Jobn Yost, laborer, was killed by a slonefrom a blast at Biegelsvllio on Thursday of• at week. . . - . . . *

B O V . T I I M . 0 . Yonng, of Ringota, Hunter-doa County, lias acceplod a baU to the NektonBaptist Chunti,

8ylTOBtorp.Iniclio was married at d r o raaretvintSftturilay, was taken sijk un finn

day and died on Monday.

Ch-ilei Lolir, formerly of PhllllpBbnrg, warin over aud killed by tho cir i at Asbury. He

wai drunk, and a bad character.

Vim. 8. Vanflerlmff, or Deokeriown, ouoelayedagnmo of billiards with AbrahAm Lin-

colu or which lion David Davis tras leforeu.

Thewlfoof Itiv.Wm. H. Boole listened foher haBband'a preiclfog iu Dnarta Sabbathbefuro last and died in convolilom the foltoiv-Ing TuoMday afternoon,.

Frank Unning, of aroonwioh, Warreniounty, about ten years old, WBB instantly•Midi while oiastlng, bis aled running with

great force into a pile of rocks.

Sedgwick P u l , G A. R,, nr Hajketlstown,proposes to have a public anniversary on Jan.tOlb. Thongh bnt tbroo years in Gxiatoiico ita a Tery flonrlaling organ uat I an.

Rev. E. A. Hamilton baa resigned as pa (tor•f tbe Deri.crlu.rQ Preabytwlan Oliurcb. Ho

has Bat rully dtoldod where he will loojte. asthere aro several places open to him.

The Common Council of Washington bas re-solved nol to purchase a steam fire engine,

oranday tbe people will rlna op after abig Bra and rote leather niudila for that Com-ion Council.

ItlBMid there ii a law is Chill prm-mlngtbe dlalnterment or remaioB until a yoar artor

lal, wbiob will prevent the bringing homeir tbebodrof General Kilpatrlck until tbatIme l a s elapuad.A boy by tbo namo or Hollev, wlio wan in Ifas

employ of a oontraclor, accidentally fell onIhe track, near Ogdonaburg, aud waa ran o n rmd killed, on day recently. One arm and Iheop of hU hiad wete eDtlrelj itevered r.om hi*•ody.

It is reported that parties ia Hardysi

Given Away*A match mf^ free fur exaty hmi\y wilMl

ten tnilcia a" Dover. Thoie who have not beer.ipplieil will dnll or *nnd fur one i t onoe at

Vongbt k Klllgoro'H, th* Cover Druggists.

F. H- Drake's Sufferings,F. H. Drake, E»q., Detroit, Mich., Buffered

beyond all description from 1 akin diiei**,wbfob appeared on bis linnds, brad and faceund nearly destroyed bii evet. Tbe mastcirefuldoclorlDg failed to help him, iud afterAll had failed he used the Oullcnra Rceokunt<bload purifler) iDterailly.Outiaan t ad Ontl-

afionp (tlie crett f i io euros) externally,and was enred, aod lisi reroiioed perfectlyWall to this da ; .

New Yurip r a t e of Bwecl Baponax," wy i anpaper, So are Ntw Jersey druggist*.

CARRIAGESof every duiarljition made aud soW i t


The"best materials, IHICBI desiRtu In con-trURlioiisnd the man* com potent workmen,e tho Kpeciahf;s of tbo establishmout.

Geo. McCracken.Dover, K. S., April 8th, Isttl.

W. 8. COLLARS,Carriage Trimmer and Furni-

ture Upholsterer,1IOBBI8 BTBEKf, BOVF.B, N, / .


COMMERCE FLOUR.Vie will pay a vwi rd or $500 to any persoi

wh-twli) pmilica tentimonlals t^nal tu tbns-ireltavB tcci-i\i-d m rHationiollie .ligbftanilard itid uniform quality of atiy brand »r B^now on tbe maifcit (bat can DP '"Id at a t low


FflEKH' I D , N.J . , August, 18E0.J . J, PBTTIT, E*q :

D U B R I U - I ara very much plea-wd witb theflour purchased froni von, branded OiiimenorTIt takes aitpl«ndid while loaf or uruari and w-find il Foil edaital for all Ibo njijuircnieuls o

nnolamilyflmr.HKM, JUEL 1'ABKtB, Ei-aov'r.

pABRr.KAoe,SSFrai.llbRt.. IAswitK, April 2B,iB60.j

Ixidrs. ffn.EJH«0N,GADHI- A CO.:I have usnd tho OOUMEUCR FL'-UR, Trom the

Oi villa Milliitj; Co., witb cnliru n»tirjfaotioiII nui .r«t lightuponco, iind nrodncos a nutrl-limit, pwtPl wlifk: I n oil. We iritili to uf e nootbur in our fmuilv. yoa.x truly.

A.L lluirj:, D D.

l^W OflfCCR Of TlTSBOBTH i {kfiltfll. INEWJKK, U.3., Ool.U, lflffl. (

mucs. IVILKIJOOS, OADDH ft l?o.:OEKTLFHKN-Vi.lir Ofl>IM*'CK Yl/lVtl Lf

bt-en tHii'ir t(!a<c>l in m.v la milv, ami I cmvnav llmt jour elilnis r..r UH JJOJH) nanlare fully tui'tuiuiil.)

t iti fuv. OIIB

r tliu O<MV lVnnritralr.

E(-Jni]|jc 0 ». TinuMiiTii, l(J12BraailHi.

GE.NTI-I»IBM-YOIII CtwNnnB bninl <>i tihflp beeu imwl In my family with moxt *-.\

• ruciurt rnsii'ts. We get mmo Umw* frtnnHair Mottraftges mftdo In order and old mat- !«atne()iiautity of fliur, ami wliilcr <uiil ni

trm-icH mnde over. Wltt!l(iwf,i-H<l(.'snia«Iaand juntrititint breail tlian fromH Oidrre fnr all Minis of uph(>lkti<riLnll.v snd imi'iipflyexecnteil. Carrlngetrlm-

nifnsi In all its branc-atn, Prlr •

l*utten reinaiti ing nnclaiiuiIn (lie Post ODTce a t Dover, N. J

DOVEB. N. J., Jan. 87th, 18B2,Msryjlmlormin, 3. M. Bahrr, (3)

MflCMie C. Coblo,Pttrit-kPintiE'll,FrandaSpaKto,Mitry Keen,Hr-fclcrNiukle*,Chui. F. Hnderer,

John Grenp,Tbns. Hcnger,John PtBtce,Mvs. A. E, Hmitb,BiL-kardWalBh,

/ o f the alinre let tersBay"ai:fvedatBciftliiellBt.

Q. 0. HIN'CIIMAN, P . M.

FUNERALS!TlffTT avslemof flmill Profits rpprcfilate1YL Quality and workmanilnp or the bo

My IhankN for libunil pntrnnuRn in the |My (banksOrders by i

MoOORDY-BflLE8-In Krnsawnv, J n n u i r iSUil. by Hev. J. O. Av..rilt. Tnw|iu ircOnrdy;<if Dinsen, PH., to UUs Orace H. Milm, oiMidillctnitn

OHMSTONfirmjSLE-Jnnuarv ]8tb, bRov. H. B. FmcMnnn, Ur. X,-vl W. Jnlmitiin,of Morristown. lo L'ezto, daushter or T. F .Blroble, or Hunls Mills.

VASKlRK-rEM^RKST-J im. IBIb, at tinriBidrncB of the briilf.'* father, bv Hov. J. -Woodward, Worilc-11 Vunklrh.of flmru, aiEmmi Dcmircat, of Laluyette.

FlTZHERBERT-DAVENPOnT-At tlmreMdenae of tiie britle'* pirentii, Jannarv ?4ih,

; . H . D. O,l(lyko, Eilwsnl niib'erberlellie J . EsvL-nport, but)) ur Dover.

n th<- M.E. P»Uth h Il

nYANJONK8-In th< M.E. P»Mnnsc(.,aiHiBb BridRS, Jan. Uth, hv Il-v. J Mead,Q I H I M B . Br.vau ami Mrs. Su<k A. J<mp»,bntknftforlhPlnlnfiuld, SornRrnet Co., N. J.

VREELAND-In Dnvcr, Jinuarv ICtli, WillieE., son or Jacob J . and Msrllu W. Vrctland,aged S years and 6 days.

HOILY-At ObarlotteHhiirg, January SlitElizabeth Holly, aged 40 v.-ar«.

SOALES-A'tPort Oratn, January aid, Jnbn,infant ionotffillinm ami Miry Ann Scales.

KINQ-At Bloomitigdale, January SSO, ElnierB., Tonngent son of UadlHin and Mar? E.King, aged 3 tears and 7 months.

REMFRY-At Mt. Hope, J<inuary26thiRblei

\. Hope.<T Of'A'

e, Januaryaetli, I i a B . ,Andrew and Elizabeth

Ilemrry, aged G mouths and IB days.

BOOLE-Jan . n i b , at Bp irla. after a rimi.

H B u d ™ **E m l l y F " Wl!o al B w * ffl

VAN NESS-In Dover, Jan. 21at, Duvld VanNess, tn the flOtb year or his age.

TO KENT Olt SELL.A faousn aud barn at Millbrook, a Bood well

f w s t s r a t l h e d o o r ; one and a half acrea ataud for gardan. Or will sell tha house and

barn and a few acrtu of Und. Fnr informatiou" " ' t o 0.B.GAQE,

• Omar, H. J .

Dissolution of Partnership.Till1 Htm or J. t H. \ > « Koslr.nd ti On. h i .ran liijmHod b . t in i l c lh ot lolm T»n Smtnd. The nndcntlRuod, tbe nurvfflDe iiart-

ll i tUo bnaJDoBg nnlur IheThe nndc

will conlim

v 4 gaBAr«» torli, J«o»ary, 1882.E. BRO,

Improved Low Pressure SteamHeating Apparatus


Swing!, Stores, Schools, Chick,and all manner of private ami pubho Imildings


p pnshlp, SuBiel Count?hl

ynbecribtd fur

g , with airWfle ftais hlnwlng. which continued all day,

Monday IIIRIII tlio wind unbHldfd i

•01» p r .,., i,.m o.riart.lT.I.^ i j j f g b S b i . ^ ^

suncUaiidtlaeeUliiUiebiudaor tbieoul, slfrtebofroidlotieooualri.

Hi now awaiting , — _._ ._ _.i fnmllsHno in Onnar Hrimty, Hrw Y>iV.mil Kmaiiiaiitl ffarrrn CILUI.N'J. New .lum.i,-.

" TJ^SSSSJSSmSiti^. " n o f i . Tao«Iny.marnIuR the metenrv In tbo warmest„**<* tnroucti s en .tlrniom mini-ral M t and | out door pladei roglilnrei] 8° below, while inrich iKricnl>awl tlntrict. ,TI>«.w»f".! I1. \i'' aomc places In tbe nelgliboth»wl. In lo», wet

* went to 12" Lu low, main n s It the

anlalng to defend tbe BUita bronfilii.gainst them to compel them to pay.for the-HIS.

Tho Sussex Begiiter Bays: "inquiry revoilii.o fact Iliat the average drinker fn SBSICI

'lrjo™ alwaya, anJ that Lbe para Juice orie apple iiaent to Ibe city, where It i s " doc-

DmT Into French brandy and the like, andilnrnBnuaiforthDBBwhobave any taste

A Texan steer that nacaped from an Eriei l l ny train, roamed at largs for some t inethe mountalDs or UoDtajtno and ffalpack

Dwnihlpi, Bnsiet Gonntv. Last week a grandluntwaaorganitaiiandUewaB braugLt down,llhough In poor condition he dieaseA BOOlands,

ABex-HavarnfPhilllpibtirgtbrewoutoMilBie a man who was abasing bl s wife. Tlie•corned lbs a - H a j o r or being too Intl-j witb his wife and pullol oot a rorolvtrboot him, wheroupan the ex-Hayor did

die him so bard tbat be broke bis law bono.arreats.

Mr.Wm. Good, orcolnrnbla, Wlted a. noteiiw laat week. Hho was 31 years old, and bad

Iropped 18 heifer calves, which bad all beeuId at 120 each, one of then being the cow.(BforoUry of State Kelseyaent to Frflai-it QarBoId to.anpulj b i n milk during bis

it Illness.

The Star Organ Works, fonnerly of ffasli-mgton,N.J.,reeeutlyd6alroyed by flie, areto be located at Eaiton, Peunaylmoli. Thisdeolalon waa made positive un tho 19th InatuutA fuor-Btory brick building, 100x40 feel, willbe created •• soon as convenient, uu Slztseutliand Lcblgh streets. The ground for thlabntldiog m a given by Ur. Jauob Bay,

I t is reported tbat an OgdVnaburg birberm d a ^ n n g U r i y c r t t i n . a r a e nlroA w

jjng'il tn bo married, at.d th • w -U.liujUkenplaouonSundif laat, bat on sii

yani)lb*r fell.™ met her and offjrod fat


EM0ETVAH8ILDER, - - Prop'r.

Oysters in every Style.Canned Goods of all kinds.


t, M. D,, Bin Hinnil St.



I t has a SWBETEE AND MOKEDELICIOUS FLAVOR than Hornground from Minnesota wheat,which in many instances is poo:this year.


DUCE MOBE POUNDS OFBEEAD than can be produce*from the same quantity of ordinaryHour.

Being conneclod directly with tbimills, ns wo are, wa can deliver flu" COHMEBCE" to dealers in NEW

JEESEY AND NEWYOEK CITYSD that it can be Bold to coneumerimuch lower than any other flouiof Ihe same grade.

Do not fail to got a barrel o:

' COMMERCE" Flour from your, gro-

cer. Try it anil be oonvinced thaithe quality is high and the pricelow.

WILKINSON, 6A0OIS & Co.,N E W A R K , N . J .

Whol««al» DWrilratinB As«nta for OUR


IS. A. WILKINSON, Preflfilaiit,JOHN WII.IJAMK, Tin Prei't,

«-3m • • O K; OI1IFFITH, Secrelari.

SHERIFF'S SALE!sab nChancery of New Jerflry-Fi. fa. rur

niorlKBUdnKinlKB, wburdn CharlcR HOB.Utianes J , ltou and Homtilon O Jlurfih arccompialiiauti.HHl Henry W, Miller nml Kniehimnfe.aud tbo Sumcnot Couniy B.iukntRamernllo. nre dolcndanU. IteturaablB tiFobrnarj Term. A.D. 1882.

DOB k SHEPHERD. Sol'rs.By virtaB of tlio abnve Btnte.1 writ (,f fleiii I hauila, I jli.ll nwm Tor sale

a at the Court House, lu JTorr


bp n l l s n n J n a attown, N. J., on

M0KEAY, l i e 271b ilav ol Folinury Doit,

nlt ihatMrlhcil , ultnato. lying mil l.nn«

»r Morrla «nd Stale of NOIV Ior.Hi

pied, und lliesundincQIIo^i• M O Uptrai and Ira, 0. WU t r t tad t . m n i o r .»£S Iff !"S !i.?"'"J"ld J"ra1' a tnihr,

aSSri i V1 '?A 'f1 ;"»>ni»<tinTiDrri;t c . , sill lkroiiide,«l bed . . r " l l . , » ; " " '

--ianlsnr>t a dasi . i .m]i« In , n m o r

Kffi,;i,,*B!r,,"SuS".,?;""'B>lilcl!to e i lrk-i lln, norll1 j. etau,, airf an

.loon Mill

irf a n ™ link.; tleno. ,ontl,enlvKaMD dcgrt'ei oast nlxtv-mne auilogl Ulttjllnkipilioiieo south nheondeir.™,!"8"!',-,"1"',;1'"1"" " a '"My iffi »I ,If .i" I1'! 'V" «»«•• «lo»s 111.

eeebnum lo tlio middlo of too aaul uiifL-

andflRf linafl; Itirace ti|,rlh nlx|vstnsllliMclulnilliaiiniiorlbiVli-Brets «e«t Tour ctiin. .ml «,ivUiejci uonh idne sod a lialf d./r

A BRAVLUDY!Ibe EnJnn.lhrFaln of a f

Upcratlau WMumit I'Mltln

[From III! fturtar.)Mr*. Pclw'Himaker, or Crrt-k Loosg. n|B t c r

i! i., X. I-, toil <!>e 'n»ri» HUB lo eatltil , |o, ,• » t t , t | ol o •• ..f Wr e « , Uroujli , q ' , 3 !....', snd umlLi-. d psinfit: liifl immatgrv sollonHicrrin lor l«u InaJ w a r s ; tlie o(ie t „ .inalt>- UL'Cotuiiig M i»)nlliij|foalt« sflaotad, Let

i-ttl li^atili Bt-riunMly imfforinV iladneo shemi-re irn-sli, a iralkltig gkejoton. Iu tliii

-.>k> mralt Rln> enosnltuiT r r . DtridE.nIMI; , ot Ssindant. N. V., nbii told liar at oacaliul tlie injored oye must ba remoTBd.

lillitlr hDt Sruiljr said. "All rlf * ~4nt tlou'l pivB mo cliluMfnrti). _baud tit lir mi mdo during: Ihe operation. aiuTI «ill ueilfer orj out or «ilr." Tna irork « «'1'iiiD, and tun poor n D u n fcept ber vordTalk ol snlillnrl; courage! I'M, > h j n ,urestcrplnuk tliaa It lakon to taoe a bearedsnua. Tu »«ti)re Uer zensrai bultli and gintone and stranglhta llie sjfitBm,Dr. KecnedrIbfin Rsve tlie "Fafnrlte BemedT," trbichilrauuil lb> liloil ana ln,p,r!»J u i» 1|[,,"till-' Ions suff'niiff trnnlao. Hbp rspldljrgthtdirallb and BtivnHlli. snil IS mitr tiellT Tlis•Farante Bdmeit)" It a priceless bletslau toronieti. Ji'oramil.v Bbnuldbe^ritbont II. Kimr

JrnaB>t Ims It. II Dot «end to Dr, DanaEonnedr. Roudoal, Ncir Yurk. B-lw



I. C. Monroe's Remedy,WITHOUT VHE USE OF qOINHr. ,

WARRANTED A SURE CURE,which ninny pi'imiiueiil ciiteotiti on 11 testity

A«k your Dra^ in l fur II or address


Hruoklyn, N. V.SEND FOB nnnui.Ait. a-i»



HAVE BEEN IMITATED,And their excellent reputation In-jured by worthless imitations. ThoPublic ore eautionod ngainBt buy-ing Plasters having similar sound-ing names. Seo that tho wordC A P C I-If-E is oorrocUy spoiled.

Benson's CapcinePorous Plasters

Are the only improvement evermade in Plasters.

One is worth more tban & dozenof any other kind.

"Will positively cure whore otherremedies will not oven relieve.

Price 25 cents.BBware of cheap Plasters made

with lead poisons.SEABURY A JOHNSON.

MannfKluring Chenilate, Haw York.»~HII11E REMRUV AT"LiWP. PriceSSA HEAD'S ModJcated COfiN imf BUNION PUS


tn Hell HID life, Innl nml cira

GUITEAU,[•HE A9HAHSIN. Coni|>!,t,; Inslur.v of Usilimeri! lift-; full niEN.nl ,,t t!n> tnonl not<m-

•iiil iu Hi" mi tin U of wiiiii-. l'rofiisolvrntnl I.nw |nii-i-il. Ouiilt fi« el«. Fur

JreTl£rTita SEOIKD Titter Itcinff tlio B- ibe wml j a c , ( b B l l « 1 lj a c , ( b B.ll«1-r liv Henr^M |W

tlio Hurrii County Heeml 0 0." ,1. B flT» 810, 4c., and therein

E m . c o m "-III In lrc.l«,l !„T, ai It IR my iiileiition lo nu t til's a we!


Notice of Settlement.

Notice ol Settlement.

dcraaied, »|I1 be trjiilti-d and ,

r.t.aJ.»D.,Jin. tSB0EE-»"'HiEE. |

Notice of Settlement.

Notice ot settlement.



Literary Weekly Journal,NEITUEI! POLITICAL NOB 8ECTAHIAN:lonihiclid hy ALUIOH W. TowaoEl, miihor of

'•A fciotn Emua," etc.,amlBti-d by Dsn-iel O, Brinlon »|»I Bolort 8. Da»H.

FlBeT NOMBEn IgetiKD FtBttrABY 1,1S83.Tlio inoBt dlninguiilicd aotbnre and MUnlmats, bolhAinerlcan md Biwll.h. b«vo lieon

engw«! by "Opt COSTIKIST." Tbe febrmrjlllBlbjr l l t l ; «ud atoric. by Helm-lamiihttl, Mrs. Alexjiniler, E. p. Bop JolianHawthorne. JoinH,M»rt™,R. K.Da«la,ete|foon. byOrar Wildi-, Louise CliinaiBr lionl-ion, O. H. Boker. Sideev Lanior a p Ln-Ibmp, (Join I ta i icr , ' t i c - internUiicikttch.e b j 0. 3 .b land , (I , n , I n i t t n u ) Dl.Mltrbell, |tk Marvel]! Kb™ olSiBf Me.i;M pipore by PrcaMeel I'urlor «r V.lo Elbt

Hinard-ProvoBt Puiiiwr. or D l K fJonraylvanU, ulo.. Ii , l , |on' LHold; art I l l m t r a t U . bv Looi« O T.uinvHlenoi by Pr,,|,. Itatbrj.k, B l r W , " c t i .eocial ctlquulto by Mw. Mmlton i rural im-

ovemmit l,j Hon. H. u . Borthrai ; Ton andimer b , 0. H. ONufc U l i . Aillor) ' " M e t e• • • " a n d I s bn.t ototlwri.Iliantlnil illn»ir«li-,,,u are a leadlos realnra" OCB Ooi imiKi ." Tbej aro t i e One.t tb«t

tS-CSi?""1"""' tQ"" m°" mM

p ^ r r o e .

n" 1" H l K l " ' ° l l l O l r f l l t n r B H l l 0

CoKTiSKNT'1 to (Loir cn-tcincrB.am invitul to tate subnorip-commi^lnn

lviirsKvofbv Kite

'arbMiuram. bv iWrite ror part!

Itiu-rrcriiin with tbeir regll-olto)! «ir "Onr Contiuen:."Mlars tn

"OUBC0STINEST,"PbiladelpWa, Pa.


_,( . jC —-~—Aline, Ac For 1833 eighty

131 Brmrlwiy, N«w Xork.

This Will Interest You!C . A. S A M M I S ,


Dover Milk Depot,BUTTER, CHEESE,

EGGS, LAUDforeign ana Bomestio FBUITS,


Country Produce Generally.

ooUlestoajmlns toi a nambcroljean. "t<x-altalo«o.--I)Ktuno«n Mepcntot,

Page 3: § DM Fruits L LUMBEE ||0, - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1882/1882-01-28.pdf · VOL. xir DOFEE, MOKRIS COUNTY. SEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. JANUARY





Yinbyteriin Ctiaroli.

i.oii lW«fer ian Church 1» tojjii-ttcdund repaired.

IUPR are «ut, and tUnttmte W<1I too"B(lliet!oiMn."

ifTOincnelT «fl« Jl fl» b* 1 0 " "W*y no Tumisy roornloK.town eomomrt nearly f°nr t lm»

giebicnastldidaftwYeaniaKO..( jire1i*Mar on VnaAt? morning tbo ibsr-

nvntucit spirit ntlll tatviTea at>rtt frequent nipetitms »re held.

| E , M. Hopkins, cf Madlaon, liia heen el*ote>

TIIP ennfjrepitmn at Pleasant Grove nilo Dr.MftRlea dnnallan next Wu^nen"

^ ^ 5 ' The cold wcBtliT brginnltig lilt Bund| p ^ f r mV a bountiful lisrvrsl for (hu lee gtihoiert.g£SM <n1(. wi.imianv Prfnivrtcriaii Ohnrcb liii

* Introduced in

nviatns wblppla

Ihe Assembly

irlff McDttit are plnin, rcooveroil from (ifi

r. Joiepli Wbartim hM pureba*nd (he P.ffln fiinincp, ted it ie believed that Itwl!poin W»»t.

| In cmiiPiiicntt " ' Wn«< BfT. W. W. HiHfl' iy, Jr., m i onnble to o:cnpr tan pulpit ! «

rrtirt evening...c'liummrication from Moatolilr. rcapeciiniflic in that place,arrived too lata for pub-! „, (ant weuk,

fTlie annual ciwhialino of lnonl preaclnl>titfTPon District.wertof Dover* was bold

£ Hiwki'ttstown on Monitor,f AM tixre nnpntrt on Fi'brmry l»t ern re-?nirtl ft) flic Ctmnly Olerh, »cil recorder

he property by Mm.

^ Klepue1

a dmnnRfti 1500 liyflreon

I,*1 tiw faitljrm liorse wliioh e m i e '

[ j I . P . H.ilwy ilirntiRh Hie wor, iliwl »l

iiy limt week, »(;eil 34 years.

nrc iro HI jiuBi-

iilmit 4 (o mcli

maslcrB in Newimnly.

l iii-ciimjieil, much to tlie rcliof


,t. Ct IIW'WPII Oro *Tariiwill riqiuro s

t nf maint-iinii

cli Mnr-


ff It,


forinMp 'or l!io hrn'flt nf tlm Mt, Free-

1 II. P.. Church will be lifld Nf ill" ropf-

(•(•' of Mr. VB\I:T Tutlon'tiett Wednesday


»lnllatlnn orofflncru nr Ibo G. A.B.ilfppiaoeUit Monday crenlna; " n t ciho HJnww of tho Commandant, Oapt.

fl. AHon.Hl.igH: ' ' Ihavaanil lyonnitothat the tawi epftnff cBnymsa

,11 practical purposes, la « ffooilinli uliiiaut."

.V from rotnplon *lnin*, lanw* T o l m

j | W . Uipcn, win Incited np In HMVbunrh, Ki-wrff, last vecIt. He-fannied himiolf Vandor-

|b i l l ' s drlefltivt.«•» UHRBlibciWEbtuUowdia cnnii

IQor Mr. John 8. Dfekiown «i«li Dover nnd Rot-kawny now

Tlinpronncritvof the countv in plRnmntlroiled Hy ibo fact t ta l the Onantjr 01*rkcsltod w?on h*\ jrnr lo Jnnml an nnna-y laiRf number of ntortgsRcn,m. WlillcnacV, nf New Vemon, ban takoo

lip IIIF abode in ii'O connt.-fafl. Hofs eli*rnmlaV thlovita, awl amon^ olbor tbinsn

with Inking (31 from tlia bed rnom uf John

. frtme of «w «iofn building nf OCB.

.nlK A Co., Knw bDinq: reiniccd, wns-111 IIWP from Wlnle Hnven, Pa., 35 t

Ei-8boriff FalteJjiU i* icrinoiiy ill at Mor-rittowD. , • ,

TtP cupl >yiD({ cftpaall; of Buonton iilk millIi 000 Unmle.

HOB. P, A. Putin U »>ut\co of lor

l to onto t int Ctpt.We are p

AD BRriit fur a tr'nphoiia B unpin,* Ii** M*n

uMJiing Mo/rinlown Tor nilwiTitiei-.,

St;{lit periDDH iolned the Booutnu M. E.Clinroh nn proliation, Sunday tnorDluK.

Tberati Home talk nf the CUtbnUcs In Hootton building a new bull for vutortalntnrnta.

Tlw n** M. E. Son t*v POIJWJJ illinr?, iBoon tou, cnntiiti of t i n e hundred volnnea.

K n . Clark will make Ler furtw.H atMr-ai* InfiE.OUnroli QSI

Ut.Thoa.J.^!lpabi ITDrriitturn, ta Bbiob he will retuore from


Mr. Wa:. 0, Ulbrnp.of Boonton, baa boeo»r lo«r ilne< flaadtf ki i , but i t U*t tecoanU

« M better.ra, Bbermtn BroiUlireH, foraertj

of Uocriatown, -111 nbieiva their golilep ««).ding t t OnngB Taller Q»t Uaodnj.

Peignra & Meyer, irba bare erected ib« nevtllk mill at Boonton, wore tbe flrtt jto nmk«tbe new pluiU sooda, now <• popoHr,.

The Invitation), are oot for tbe flrtfultt «a.ilveraaryot tlm gol'lin ved'hog of Hr, md

Uri. Titut Berry, ou Wtdpoidnjr evening nuxt,ipltntbuslnani trinssuMouiof tbe

lUtn Albert U, IUKB* n " t o Bel1 t n U r ' S>'11'on tlie pwmltea UQW ooonplud by him UiiabllnR.

We are under obligations In SenaIUIKI aud Amemblyman Font ToriKBmL'liti. Otir 0<oar BOCOH to have for.ntlen na,A good book and 11 ol woman arelings to ttioie wlio bnnv bnw lastly to apore-ats tltelt v&he, But ft ere aro mca,d|;o of bolb only by tbolr ooverinjt.VIIQU Mrs. Shldeoker mt Imilotcd ami tilrcwocntor»1oirly;rea4 tho obnrgoassmlut hiie listened attentivul* until the end, wlthoUinvlng » maaclo or bctmyinp; &oy ftar whnl

PORT MOHRIS.iat llneran tlowly tbroogh the yards

lutTlmmli.v And Major Tltomai / . H*l*er.otHuWn,m*taar\, H I H ^ J off. T>m Mai'lookaDrHl rale, Tb> WPKI anreen vrltU liln

Hllln,D. J."he mid, '-lamglad toe$e voiTun ju»t k e p at that nohnul b'>uk qneatl«Quntil ynti net* pn!fia"ta BTtlcn or text book*

ill HIP Ml] ifllx in >br Slate. 1<m tee I tsikeIn 'V ?Hk rvi'rv netU and the first thing

J luub f(.r U tlie news fram Part Horrid. Tn eKuAlntbel*ntli«»ip»p«r I kuonoAT, iml"*loiift n* I live and tbe puper IP pub tubed. Iiulend hr tales ('. ffe h a ^ 8.000 wlioola inthe Stale t>l Mlwunri ami na niftltor rlmiHoboiildistrirt ™a movo'iutn tUo tmnlti arettlf (lie ramp. Every flv« ymn tbe PttMitieni*nf (lie Bosnia of Tm»teef«)f tlie dltf rivti mrat.and decide on Ilia 'nit bfl'iks to be

Tblngstre n\awng

WHIPPANY.i in » very pni!iii<li*?<viD liiloit

m fiTi-.lutt Imir lanp tleym.vn. Mr. HavaJI li<i> liml

nny ntninrH afloat xbonl

yean io ill Ihe »oUnoln nft!fllaieandthelrdeatBion i» flnnl. Tbe pe»|out there are m\gniorv, at ooune, movlwbewfer tb*y think .Hoy am du bent, a

tiiliool Wik tax wti inch AO en^rmailode thkt It WM rleuidod tfl b»« t tl 1

fprtn (lyitern nf t«it bonk* In all tbe aebool\n6 It irorka uelt and {pte* entire utUfutloa

V/hylhtn* wsftm load of whonl bnoki" - - " • • that I wii oorop»l]»a *o get

here in Jetiey. Bvery new tesolier eniployi'a Ihe diMfrht bid to hare • uutr let of booki.id tf I mored into tnMher ad ool district

hid t-iUrtlieold school bortkn ulde eud ba,ti oufiretj different let, It U an eoormomix I (e]l yon io ft n a n with a Uige family.

Beep right t t it. T«o will bring it ibonl

That in preahwiy rrhda, Hajtir. Perlupa your rea,ilerB will My

member lit it M-]nr Hilaey trai

Afnrmer ofoipiTloneoin wool-grnwIiiR anit it tliore la tnuve in ftrotrfUR trool at even

[-r'p^uml I linn in IOIIDUR m^noyallit. mierttt, That In, if It «on not for


a by | On tlic Ccntrnl Itutlrond of Keff Jernny eacli* nr carrion nu nie, ft bnlcbcl and

ill, and tlxBo imnlemi'Dia are ilnplicnted vRlncH, on which orotrbsrn ami olln

\olti am <t\so carried,

inn, Ooorgn Will mm Onrtl*, or Nnw V»rk,II <l«Hvor an nftlrcHn on tlio upbjmit of QMIrvico IlBforni at ilic Morrintowr Lycniia <n

'riiloy (iFtBliiR, Fcbrunry 3il. Tliero ia Hi

Mnj.T.J. IlnlBoy, fur e A Cnl-

Mr.Davitl Vnn No'«, HIP Imrneii ma1i*r, r»n,clfe(lpnflBmnUyinoniIn(tlist. !1»

gtvaK (i man ponemlly rnnpectcd in tlia cimmii-! tity fnr Mw linntsly or pnrtuwo and tipriRlit-

nfclitirnctcr.Slr.Mnlilon Pmltli.orT.nkB HnpMtoiiR. hns

n tho [lOHilion or firemnii on tlie puf>!»enR«rno uf Ihe Hisli DrMffe lirmtah till Snrlnff.n IIR will rponmo biaploco aiensmci-rnn


Mr. firo. Katiouflj, or ChaUiflin, lenn* forIVnl'i'T City, Dalfoti, nest week, linvini* BC-

inl HiecNelilctRliiv of iiliank it. tlml timri.Dire, rormrr'y M'M Carrie Gai;>i, or Dover.

Fill Koont about A.]iriUst.

"it, wfrfans or Ibo J;in^ Jersey Briflado• doclfiod Hiat their ttrst reunion shall be

IfaoM In Orand A"nv Hall. Carodtn, on the S8:h| o f JIIUB ni'xf.fliat hoinit " l 0 *i"ii"M*'7 "r

rtli-parlnrpfor tlio front.At tlio lippinntn/5 of Iho snow jtnriri en WPII-

IIC flnkra lbat Ml duriiiB tho fmt halfre iu tlieHbapoof six pninioil start*

jlllrfiiipli uniiill woe an perfect i" forma-

M, WhiitMli-iPriln.il hianiDllm-l nf c

ieiit* ifrnt titadodid »nt iwaliO »)jem pa?.

E. Wrislrt.of Athntlo Oiioniy, U. J. t wat not

tiftlci) with the reaulia nf tho ayntcm or

ISIIIIRO In liUeoniily. O. B. Piiftcr taott([{it

m o x t of cnrhis fiiiw was double tlmt of

rcp;irlns it for tho »jli>. " How to build imi

il silos" «un Ibo next Mirijcot of <fl<cnsafon.

lie cbiiirinnu ^uvc a i1il»nripllon nf liln nl'nti,

wlilcii wurn connlrnett'tl dimply by Imilibiw *

IOI t of trench Inlo which Ilio era lingo wns

put nnd prcflBeil flown willi welRhtB. 0 . ff.

MiHf. nf Pomplon, gnvo an nccotinl of llie

BCHtem ho iiM-1, tlm principal of wbteh » I B

hat Ibo «*l:iaion of a'ir. wliidi In other ava-

rfos ws« «ffU(fbl liv tijiJitlv closiiiR the wi l t .



Tlio . ot M.»ritown.

l Mimmml ilnlhrM tUGOlhn b m l i

VH in bit> mcU it

' ii Hiln liiiill nbnvply nf hitanis, wltic

i nlmnt tltri'f

ni t r<

rninn lunkiOR through«\uliBfttthcutliurt'iid, pml ho i•limkysln lint ttsyanitlliatw allElnln aro forraiOable obitaelt-i H


floo. I, Scnry, tho BtrnwlnTillo pfnlaniliro.Tint U at^in In thu fore. Ho lisa cmitrilmtnl*BO,000 for tho nnrcUtee "f books for the Urnok-Ijn L :bnry, on coiditlrn that f l(IO,or-O odai-tiaaalli iRlaSa. 140,000 (ins already W n »c-ciired,

t)nr doctors aro busy vaccinating apiilleanhawl fvolleil artos aro raahionablo boie. I!Jon have bnafnaaa w(Ib a men. do not prispliltn by tlie lelt arm Jutit nowj for he

h a howling tb


The »ory tanlsumcat printed cainnd&r netare aeeu for this year contsi from Ibe firm ot

' JeiikJm Si Thomas, printera, B Bprnoe itratt,Kt« Y«k, the icnlor membnr orwh'cli Brm Ufinr formur tavcaioiti aad frleid, ttr. Hirrjajenkfui.

Ihe roenihera and friends of (Ue LongvoodM. £ . Obnrob will mike Vhelr putor, Her. i.

• J.Freli, ft'ilooMlon at the bonce oi Hr. John.Rcbler, on'Smiduy ctcnbR, Jaa. Bl.t. Ii' sttnny nest fair CTenlnjr. A oohllal imltailon.iiPlti-ndadiOB.lt.' Ur.anrlMr^Jn.RMjiiok, of the ShckhITonse, «n -WodnDndty efooinq OfllcbrBteawth i ine r r j> r ty or ftion^ tbo lOtbinnU

•vmary of ihetr weddlcff.. Tbe part/ vote'.hiDdmraniyentertaliwd aua the oootslon n illndeefl a piemnt ono,

Fwplfl who are In the enjovitent of Kno<I"health, who hiva a good roof over ibeir heads,« eoij fireiJfle, infl tho wberuwitliil to enjoy %for ot Ibis world's ooraforta, and nho iliU con-i laaatori lUt fortone,desme to lUrra lodto sleep In * mwdilied.

itiaionnS *ifi of Willltrn Zullff, wbo waslilled at Monnialn Ylnw on Toexflty or lu tweek wblle at work in (hescqnedact [jalJdfnj,lins became tnstne. Zellff fell whtlo bo waahelping to lilt a buavj banm, nud Iba b«*m•truck fain on tbe forehead.

UcrriitflwQ Is the residence of a nnmber ofprominent vrmmB-tmang ibita MM, BITliMQthor Dr"Hui!yil6o;iUri.Jiil|.l MoNiirWright, anlhar o r" Alrooit t Priest," ibe bsroofmbtcD wss Prof.Im. Kofler, md Mr. Fnti-

Botte nro^lail taeee MaJ.Thfti.l S t d H b b nJ. Halaey ID town l u t Satardiy.

faroi&K In UUmnri, hqt bating told bli nrtip-«rty there tuba* or Jooattog in the E*it agtin.i t li tobabcipa-lhe will select Doier aa tbe

b i f I d a

Elaevbere ippearfi the announcement of theMW place of Emorj a. Ylnglkler, tn Vatrenttrwrt. Entnrf.nfi be Intend* to keep tbe

IIP CbariliH Aid Atiooinltfin fa «liHit prcod to renitmt Ihc cltlldreii \a \\n finciticr I heir oore frflm die AhaaJloaap ti> theme In Pargipptmy and HID tmnnfor fliliably be nuik nfHilu a furlniglit.

Tltree Immltcd and Aft; dfimf-itfiKroro HT'i ioampment of the On

my of tli« Ilejnibllc, DQpnrlroPiit or Newnr-y, s t Tionton, lUt Wedum.luv, wtDi-al.E. L, Csmiiboll, rortncrly Colooal15l)i, vroa cbuBQii Dojrarl went Cumin

lie Vuitoil Stalm or>mm report ulinwg llmt'42.108 wan rafBCil hy (DI in New J'-rw for

school purp(wrH in 18S0. Or the tntnl populr->n 1,13',lid In tlie Htnlo, 89,yfl nrer (en f

fe cannot Jxsdd and 53,14.1 onnnot write; orIptter 41.01S nr« vktteand 0.200 colored.j w r cent igpf wlillo, |g 4,03, ami nf col

red 25.53.Mr. Armstrong i4 nnklng a RMTGV of Bti-14'HI<e fnr Str. A, D. JIiKld, auil l« mappf;>? ou'i

properties of cwncru adjaiainv tbe lakn.otmin^ o, bno hrr n

trkett SH, am) ran to n'flitn sis foot or theis, wlmre bn fminil mother m irhmi 91«(

ldHeadingBi.rvcv, tvbi'h van HIP ili'ld-lim botwfuo tbe East mid WV*t Jersey


Silos and Ensilage.lnp or fnvm.-w ntul nsrtcultnrrsitpt No, 155 &o.'kmiii Ktroct, Nmv

irk, on Wedtiojflnr. to Ha-.-vm eniilaRo anilid Tor catild. E^-Cn>erti..r FHtv, C. W

I E. Wrlfltl wne tmnng the Jewey-fiit. Frotifh Morri* prosidoil, Lrt-

Tarlmif »BHcii!liiralistn wtiro rcuil,I»Itin,1* a tn'sftiro <if civipn in pnfl))np'1.

Alfre.1 A. Ilcwl, of llli«1eltland, iV^ribeil bia;porinicnlf With scTiTal CUVH wliinli lio liiJ

imy ?of ttir st in ri l ii11(1 *• r tli

mt-1 Micro w a i

ttttillfj" W.

iilet-" Ibnt (lie

it'll ilnwiril>ril v n tu

FarniurI'imiitv, lud anvalinji lbat badntlvo, a a t | tint

l by

1 antl t'



1.OII-R Ofiud flftv• rqaarr

Indicted Tor Murder.B will bf HPI-II by our Cmut nnwa Urn.

'flicr w,i" indicU11 bv llm Oraml ,T»rv f*ir

lmirdfi- of tier husband. HIT CI-UHWS!,

.las. H. Kr-iRlilmnr, T,f(\., nrfinfii tlml il th"

fiiicrt n-its trkt\ tlifprpscnl term it would

imlilaiclnl ii

rc(nn!pr»t«"Kltat (lit- caen lie pat off

• U-rm, IP oliii-li Jiul(!r- Mnjiffl conffititdl,

nill now cnim! up l"r trial at the Mny

On Thnr^doy and Friilay ilio widiff IBB

m tbo cnio wfro con-pclloO to en io Morris-

tdirii oml enter into i € cog mzi lire or RIVB

prcnnly fot tlirirappcnrsuor »t Oio l l s j terraSimtofllie pupprnre pul.IW.lni? (IIB reixirttb»t i!>u detenco will bo lbat the primmer <raaInstw. Mr.MelBlib.mr SKVS he has not yetnmio any attnonncetneut of tlm theory of IhotlflfoDCO ^ # - #

.Statement of Iron Orathe llnckPttHtown Bualo*, em. M. * E .

( l , a to PeiintyWama, for two week* endingttemmt, Jtu. Mth. I8H. .

PortOr»m.O(iB»tur R. R, <rTnr(on t, OorvlHiMMimni, V«n»ll« «nj Ob


ffaterloo ••


. . . .Ml 17. . . . 3,51119H'lt , •

e«-. . . . 1,»16

. . . . 19010

.. . . . 54418


How Tltof *0o tt- .k new metLoilorswIndliiiff farmd-a lias beenaili-oJ. A ipooolator id cLmainf (jrodado

oalla on a farmer, porclinwa 110 or flfl vurtbffsH, butter or poultry, BUJB tb.tl ba wanla

arocolpt totb'oir the firm he reproMoti thathe pkld tlie rannoy, breikH the poiut of binpencil beforo ibo alsnitnre 1B reached, thenitket horn liiipookrtp fonntain>pen,Dn4 thenfather uaea It Itt lipnirg bla name. Tlieawlndler tbeu got-a lo town, Hltn tlie produce,true* the bo If oT the receipt, mltea iattotda promluaory noia for IM or ItTO, tad ban Itdiacountodattkelank.

Singular, if True,A rarnnT living near fkhookj'i U r t i n ,

hai for tho b i t three yean ourrfatly witcheda wmirkiblo majila tree in tbe «oodi tint lientirely unlike the oihera anrroanaing It. Tneletfeaneier fall off, eontinnlctg gr**n all win-ter, md in April irera joil BI froah u In D J -eember. Tbe tree wai tipped every vreek, andfunriabed a plcntlfnl auppty of u p . At tbapresent timo tha tree la fall of MUge, though

th t vntkio aeept ihty other oue aa ttwsTeeni are bire ol lea


ilnspatcber here antnc years i«Q fnr thiilays. "TblnfiB run sra-«ilber unit than l»h

I w»nhrrf," be «irt l.ulifil the; do, M <j<We bivo a different olais of men here unw,Kren the BIIUB man who bivs roraaioert

nf. Tliof btva learnrS wjmium ffflage. Thanks to " Wata Day's reliplon" aitlie tucn ERA, tliere U no plnoe on the Amei

Bouifncnt where no many ulltotdgather tngotlier that o n tarn oat better,tnorrIntelligent, nobentr men. Then James

' and Julio Boner* were the only pro'resBiuffOhrlBflsnalri the ploof. Now tbe 111tleobapcl laflllid every, Hnnday to listen toih» preachinR nr tlie tnltilstnr. Than th™<rv<iirn«catn lie fiord every Saiany fromLfmM'llepnn'd to Part X»rrh with RHher-nc-D. Nnnr Dnlioiiy Wnkn of Rolnf; fluhtnR onInudny. TIIOD the h-atem"ii titti-i InHiflrtiinrhi-koyin tlie iopn nf fhrir 'Ilnnfi)all« wlipre now thw currr onff^ Tlwn U:

brnlomnn nurd to ran the rotirt i nnvr th" r

ivonlil dlipy thflTi!Bra<ir«ton veiroMvuiy iat knntr Im* lo rocpive n mp«BRo by leln[rflpb antl *iirn it A. B .o -P . J . f l .

I rcmDRHnT Welng * flulit one Hnn|l«ynnrninR, lo thoftf rtsv*. Itntir^Pi) a fmd eBalneor, Oil 'he prnceiiiriff 8n<hnflif!iian trnRnn Hierujnlnr,nn I t'i<icrr win ninnlng iba cxlra. TIIR te^ulur

%\npp?<\ ttimpvliBrn ilnun ttio roiti nnd tinfliemnn, its In Anty Imtinrl, went buck ta flip-l l icdlrc anil warn tlie onRlneor tint the trailJipsd of him ffil ttnpppfJ. Th» flnfflnii*1

id a voi Ifty ot (ipprnbrlnni epithets at thenl of the thomiti r«r RtnppinR him. Theemun told him quietly that he wmilil tabritliaeli Kitnfl day, mid ibo noxt mi'cli nan a-mdiv, B* nroff-n tlri, tlm «n>k it lit-k arfpri (jpttlnR * well <lt

trnnnnlDff. Ttin fl-iRinan tnnk till tii•xt day SDIJ I IIJIVP not fern lifm alme. Tlie

njrinoir *r not tinning lipm nr.w, 1«ttWIFPR In coiinrnitrtn with ihe recent<Vir*t«r n« ih^ Hi!(1»frj ffrrr R. B.v* ntiv nf that liind nl wicinppro

linttnurl nnd B"(t ilm ri<|r.inf'nr nf the Tarry*rn nppi>li>t (in" nf tJicni ? The comtuoininChiooirnKiprPvn nw<-«r« that with bin Iikrmcn hn conld liaVf nfnpp«l his train of|rlwn pmwcncri'cnrn mnnltiit twi-nfy aidwlinnr in o rtivinnrf- ofike« fart tint otvnn «nt. ^Bnjilncer nnrr, ol>Tarrvtn«n train, gwonrn lbat hentnnbont

170 ert (135 yiidp) aKor ho RAW the 6«f(marih(iu)it ari'lltniiBil nbly (lirie enmnn hlx trainid IIIH air l.mfccg were e tu i . Ho swcsrn,inn, ttint Im mt rnnn'np only olRiilern orrcMl.f mf)p«it(i hour. But in »)m If^bl f>rH«*irther Nxtinmny of Conducl'ir Hniifon), (ifif (luiMR't K«pn»««. Coroner Morkle rnlfilii;WL>llwinilii|t tlio itiqnont nnd let W« jnrr

»nii(t In UiPir vcrillct. " I le|l vnn. «Ir, tlmtit tlio ftrcidi-nt nai rum I" '.'The

WPHJ RcrliriDen dy pocilfnn inil l lltrnRbllhndtiortch

f ('R'Hliriiinii p i ' i * »(uV* crpe it«i-rilftMiuvidby 6i* nil Mautla) UIKU'. ft

ipnm-r] tlal f k<n>ti-iH' lamp eipludedi IIIR inii|nirHi-y ab»«<h-« of the w&Ub-Bi-tiinn fl'.i- to tliniiK'ti™ rgnni. Ii HBKK M|i!il lii'inl«fly tounrii the r-mfwlum

Tlmre bHntr pleniy of wotelihut loL-aliiy ihfitp ID Hit- ro It at \h» time «'fi

i for | I'littitett to extinjnl*l) it nltlioai(tonpral (tf«rm. Tlw 'icTMRe w«» aniftll, bibidlbu flru r-'idjod tlia roof with fun hi|wind that wat blonli g tt tbe time tlie resttlnoatd bflve btoa fir dtfftteirt.

There It n protpcot at a urenf many of oniclt'iTJ* hitlnft to attend Outirt tbaterm. Two dSulari fn imuxioCitiff driuk*

indiotetl bv the reccnl Qnnd 'nry,of whom ha* plead gnllU, tbi otter not gnlti:HU tiisl wiil take plaoe nhurtiv, and tlreid;

I'J of nuiipo) i u bive bcea ier?OD residents ol Ihia p'acf. Bunlde tlieie theire two or tlirae mota oace* tu bo tna-1 at tlie

ptweut tprsi fropi tbls place,lei-eof ifcfcounea EEiiB di-tcimint'iln

to lot this cold wave pau over with -ut guttlianpply of lop,that Dli'Ulharfo lias bacoroe pfavak'n diffurenl locftllilon In our county,

may not be tm\n to Rive your renters tini|Kiknao flilo place Imd with tl>*llifease ^ few yam nsn, when It binhe oniLDiMiR the suholan uf f i t . ' ' - r>'i> au-h

enrriert off tfftiva or fourtfen uliittlreo!ht) agea of six end tan joint Iu a very abort;imi>, not one of tlioio utrmktn having reoov-•rni, bat it afterward is»umed i milder furm,it nome thuugbt, nliilo oilitrs aaarlbed It lo

dlfforciit mode of iroattnont, anJ man; reeor-red. Sv«ry one striekmi wltb It, with oneleeptioo, will eltber a scholar at the bcotbiif nit tor ol OBJ who attended tlio aboi

school. Not a cue appeared among tlioto iie public auhool, or course the achool wi

ilofcd did everj'ttiiiiK pfifwiVIa ilooe (» | e w oI*UBO, & portion of Iho floor Has takeind h was fnhnd Unit thw*i wns^ltrgolmaRtniiit'Uatcrlivinc; nntlor it, wbfohilncd ibcre piohnbly tbidDjb tlm y

ll van in th t ih jc»l vuaa of tlio ymr it v uOf courjo Ilio pluuct wn« dralnei

when ibo uoliolura of tlmt subool barebeou as iieallh; SB ttiodu of the other.

Berkshire Valley.Monday nljibt w*« tbo coldest of tho nea

Three inches of lie Wiis fruEen on tlia ltocki-wiy river tlio nexi niarnirtfc.

A «eck of liiftbl mePtltiRd will tw held In the•»hrterlaii Obnroli bpRinnliiR thii 8tiliday

iventnjt. Oiirpm-tor.nev.FitrcoBonen, irlffi each nljjlit. A cordial invitation in

ilendfd Wall.

A ilotisMon vialt will boat John A. Piclilcr's,fiwood, ni-xl Tu^sJay HIRUI, Jun.fltRl,

'or tbB l»nelit of UIB pastor, Rov. A. J. FretsII aro Invited to attend.>.H, It von lidvo uo sisters j.ist fotoh slons

p. It iFrlduyp,tmil es.&


ilnyhen tlie I.rjriRMnr

iruiifr*, cx-Aldi'micnn]iiicinn« i.f n

flctiil Mnd^. It

no of y(ui ^ciillinic'i have n-itiicK^it Ilio

ne »n Friitnyt. Ihn imd ljotllru which

'v I'III-H-II nronnO from DIIP tn itmitlicr."

•p.iyrii cfmfiiliT that in.n wlm will act

I way and Lit'l a cordKWCU it attuchmi la

1.ral.es nre poiitl'-nif n ?" nsl-pcl Gen Vielo.

•No t i ' , I (In m l , " n«id Kit cnmliiclor,

but I Min'd not Binp tbom!" Hion th"in f

'hv hlmiid vnn Hr. Hnnfor.l? Were tlioy

U Hie turn who nro font by tln» RDOII prrp'p

Nen-York t» make Iniyn fnr tbemT M"M

ililymen, vonr vrry nnhio Mid *iipror«l•tint) mjiKtr-rnT Blnpthotnl Wbut 1 n cironlr

llrirafl eimlnctnr luterfcro with the drunkeng(ps of the Bt>tmt«n xn<) Assrmblrmen of,

,lio RTtnt Rtileof New York, llmmennho dic-icnce Iho nnlmntiftP.Trjiilip tlie epprnprlBtinnR,[ccf door-feeeprrs and cferku and putts 'awn B*iplr cwn bweai will? Ohl no. If yon hailimcnfthrm witulil hsvo e<.mnUinp[] or yonr beinji and R.iuay yon hniir thi onnw-lenrr. P.ThnpS It wan nine ot MIPRO veryenwborni'lirdtnlhp rrunt an mvittly nfirrit " errideni" wilh bills ci'mpHlinf; mllioaiimpanioB tn carry *im, pailnand Bsiicnfiii's•p fititsrni-lieia. Now let Ibpm jm«R a law

ider pnnlty of I1O0 line nnd impriponmrntr three t-xkiuhr m»n\h<, and M tlio

ilrunUn legi^lntnr wlm pnllnl Hie hrnlio rope

• tried by n Jury nf liit pi-cm, tnd Imnfi for

nr.I.T nfiiT Ui'-y hn»o fottnrl Itirn gaihy.

>\v tlii'eainlncti.r iln'ne Snlims in no CXCHRP

rflifit.irm Blt-liMM. If In- did not Rctbookas

-no lie rmild Kith lifs flag, nmlcr thn oir-

matinccH, lint there is no \w> pitniR all the

amc on him when lit.' (IIIPH not dp«orve It.

•t Iho law-Tniiktro or tlio prcat Slatoof !"T«w

ork tlmulilrr ibeir share or it lihe HtLle mon

>it trr>t cnt the fcllnw wbfi palled the rnpo

n t Ktnppnl tlio t lain, tbnt l("'b('d the br^en

iat mnde tlm H"hyL ihst earned llm nni^h,

iof ninrilerrd Ilio ptwonffprs wtinrmlo in the

ir l in t Wanner built and >"« hillrd in.

Heroin n rnpyof SnporiulendcntHftllntcail'a

tuat on l i r :

P.,L. ft w.n.B.r*.. iSnpinntendenlV Office, Jan. 16,1^83. {


Tbe atlenlion of corulncldm, engineer",brnkemen and othtis fntcriatDd, ia hereby

to rale* 5 and 39 on tbe hack of flootb-vision timetable. FUgniBn of passen-

;er iriini mast nevnr OR called in, bnt loft totop and be picfaed np by the t e i t tA\m

train. TbiB order ranut nnder nil ctrcnni.ices be obeyed, and mndociori trjfl rnin will be held pmonslly rfspooalhlB for

Iti enforcDraent. T . F. HrtLitaiD,Snpenntemlent.

It li Ihe ilm nf Ihii company to IUTP pronorrntn for tbe running and Hfety or all train* j

la eioeetcd fttat enndnelon, engineers andirnVetnen ill nntoritand those rotes and thaimporUnoo of aline and rigid attention tiHi m, for the aafi-ty or life and property. Helixcrctlon tantt be allowed nor risk taken,

mid any role be tibgirated, or In tnyVlolalod, it will bo a ra*or to tbe company

dibQ tmeiitip; pnbilo Io lave tbo neglectmplly reported Io tbo Soperinteartendof

ilio roBpeoliTB diVlnlorta or tlie npJertijnitd.fltoAX, Preuident.

Tlie coal triloi from Scranton bive threebraketnon now,

X thought It colfl weather on Hunday morn-ing when the tnci inometer tild 3 d;jr, abotn

1T>, bnt it rtgistorcd 10 dep;. below nn Tuoi-day momlnfi. " Sltlnppnport li ttie coldntplace about here" iai'1 Frank Atno on 'Tday. " L«at niptit I slept wltb my bead underfie conn to kpep warm, but 1 had to got itmt once In awhile to Ret a breath or freiblr, and I fonad tbe hair on tun buck at ray

hoed Wai/reran ftlfl inrinff thofov mi Dale*my head wai

Boimbody Waa talfioR about a upeosh Sen-or VtncP.ofNortbOarollna.liad midoa,tew

Jajl ago, " t remomuer." uld Tnm McQui-ili, "when he wa> in a place, where ho did not

it to siy much. He hid made a ipeecb atBalelgh t* abort time before when be told thirebel* JIB would fight the Yankees until bollfrou o w and then he would figbt iliemontbe Ice. ffbon I u * him 'In Yackeu had

Hi., depot and beThe dwiiUne bom ot Mra. Marfiaret Bmlth, did nut i«m flKlit 4i«a> * Ih h« mouth that

b«tWHn Port Ort-n and Ojnr» nudeatroyed d i j . He wa» a line IOO-JHR felloir then.'


Tho young puoplts tntaslonary society (rillmoitnt the Prejliyto"-|iin pqrtoaifto Wodneg-da? ewttlBSi>t suit week, Ufd, Hulne* team-lirs ol tbe Home Uitmitin ?ooiet? will lie prc -Bt and takb i » n tn tba eicrclsei; thu auhjoaii t^'atinatts work.Tbe ladloH muu>wty wit* wilt bnid thrir

b l i f l l M H ly f tnil be present auJ ftddrcae It.Mr. I. D.ScfiBeUi'n lafnnt nnn dlcil Fridayorniiiff. Fai'mnoiila v>m tbv CUIISP of itiwtb.Sir, John StroltuaOitiftLU phep, li lmlr ti

!w«irtli|»iit>f«neft>luln ibe> Southern panthia Htato north $m m. P.


o in tlie

ices or Tuondiy last BAV :lway nutarlul by citilo was

k, but no parelmoi ameffuclpcl fur the prt-eent, oninp; to strong

lees, nctivo cnntinantii ilomaail, anil nil-

nt'ltifi « e a n freliibts. flJJroail buililwH

*e Imiuiries in the market fur elect unit Iron

I Is fur Rummer dclivrry, and itTorle art biiiip

id" fo otitmn Boglinh Mfiotus to rail, tfo Mi

ices aro io;> hifili ami ili-niuiidftwnitB a fuvur-

!P turn «ir Mie i.-roign uiuikot.. A bnbb) offer

' d d rails wan mnde tn-riay. Pncert ad-

ii^c(lf2por tou Rltice last wocU. B'naomcr

; cuiiiiol iii! lidd. »B [irk'cs bavo iKlvnticcd 14

ico last heavy purchnfOe wore mnOu. Steel

Is nro dull at f5HUiti;0; Iron are quint t\

H, Bridge iron ia flrini'r; plnlo ami tank w»a

ifibt in mmi, lotn. Cimnuinption ul cmi-,

iictioii iron in aalflrfiHnn at anytime f.r

•J*fi rwnnlJin: iwroJuiDt ironl* nlrmig, but

i ocli-e ihonInsl ww\t. CmiKiitncrflato tea*

nut obimt future vaut>*. Pifi in Brni »t Hie

nnre, with leas mJtlcig- Ilian a week flfio,

i parllj to tho Ta t thrre is lens to BKH (»r

Ivery under aix wtBi.8. Tbe increane of ca-

icily is having s iicrcipHtilDi tTiTf oafmyers

lliiiiR can ba d."Da In fiirt'lgii at pruflf-nl

ices, sud (liimmiA will be postponed unli!

ntsarenbSQlnielyprcifin.T. Seat fmiudiy,

1.60 i poorer Riado« from | 1 tu BO ctut*


riint Her race. Jiead

itnnUy ead Jliuin; J

or Iron, the ultmttm N ninlk DOP. They aro enilil.d t>y.&W- \ill or their nroitnots at atm<1lly iin-rnln'a. TJiere It not a sreat quantitynulnosi miifnranwllnp;, uwlag tn t'm |

i-t that ihero ie not rouoli dontostia iron inand iingnpcmLiife of shlupintr aro t«' ;aiu and RIVO HO much dulnr that bman tm OoQeiu tlml dlrflotlan.

Pta.-Tlicre aro lnrp doroflmUii pniiflnmertiouoontractsproTiiinslTmadij.id'li'ion to ihlf, llmre nee other importanti»ml«( nhicli somti of tho prodncoracnnevou consider, owing t i Ihe crowded oou-no tit thotr vrier haoisn. We Inarn of *of 1,000 tonaafPorKolrun at Mifratlur-

ice, for Ftbrnary delivery, Wo also learn olsale of 1,300 fans of No 3 Foundry Iron on

ate torma, bnt siitl tn be st rollflsoroa.quote Ho. t Foaidry i t $27®'-M; No. 2inOry, $&®m; and Forge, tU®ffl.

Matrimonial-Qeo. E. Righter, Esq., of Parslppany, wa*Thursday united in marriage to HUB Hittff

[eoktr, of Uosovlilo, the ceremony UkingID lbs Bowvllle FrcgbyterUn Chnroh.

'e bsve received no report of tbo same, but ilftccompaniud b ; all tlio tokens

respect due 1he worthy eonpla. May *Mvoaebsaftfl to nortali wbo Jonnuy

tgelher hvee be tbttr porll >o<A similar ociemony w«s perfarmod on the

9tb inht at lits rcsldenco or Tbeodoro F.trutle, Hoot'* Htlfi, Satttx Cotinlj, the coo-rtoting parties bcinx Dr. L. J< Johnston, orlorriitown, and Miss Llbbie Blmble, dnngh-

or tbo host. The presents are of the finestmolar and the coHntlDO wai iorre4 bvv, of Morrlatawn. Trie D^tor and bia wifei tanking so extended lour,

• > • •

Reliable Merchants.Oram, Huron A On., P«rt qram,arnl JtakimCo., Mine Hill, noil ilio Benuino XK Uoush

— aDUXXCimphnrCrui.0] a» pro[iarsd by


best ottnpltnr cream at ihe Brick>niB Btnr?.

Teeth extracted for 25 oenls nt the Dtick3rug Btan. .

A Htfe remedy far conghs and <ra!ds is XXoogh Bjrup. Always cures.Gen. Pisr*on ba« tht bext (acilitien f riFPljingnil kinds of timber.Genuine beeswax oicdloi for sale atiqght & Killgope'it comer drng store.An enjoyable smoke U alwajs had wltbie of TougLt & Efllhiire'fl ohotaa brands.All UIB needs cf the household cbeapljippliedattheBlore of Oeo. I'ienwti, Mill-


The Compouna Tar Cough Byrap prepnr." at tho Brick Drag Storo is tbe moat re-Uo for all ltwgaffaottons,Got year proscripHons pttt up t t the

Irlok Drug »tan to Beaurenomjmcy and ex-perienoe. Store eBtabllshed la 18M.

Ererj buy*r in Slanhopo or vicinity willlt his o*n Interesti byoonsnltlng Lna-.Moweij, the mtwpiUiig merctianti

The N. T. and. Uhina Te* Co. can offerta best ladacetagBti in t n •, oaSata mi

•plow, becauae they are d i m ; LOTBH andk tk l

Tba |>t»«ir hifcttfiw, UtaHA wifr,i 'ar, m it her o t dnji^itur iun be mue |>J(!liHD oJ beulttt by a tew bottle*>p BL tti-H. Will you l e t t b e m s u f f r ?

when a*) CKBUJ cured.

Dorau^ctn nt f.ftUe Uver, with-tui-nIpaMoclujurt) the romp'cxion, imlQco pini|ile«, aallon•kin. etc Huniovu tbitcoiij^br u« BjUarU'^Little Livji nilB. Opa a dose.

•lewtM*! froi* D«»(b,William J, CnruUlin, nf Sjmardlle, lUn..

MS*: In Ihe 'allur 1873 I WJH uheu tritli'•le<-<hna nf tha Irtrr^A M\fi<*o<) hy a »i'Yeri>

i'jli, I liiiit my ain« |it |"<iidfli»iilaiil wi«couUuedtoitt.rbe'1. In 1877 I VHN adraitiBiIIn th« boapltal. The Uootorn t»id 1 Iud a boleIo my lunn as hi« t* • W f iMUr. Ai ,,a*ti(uearep«n went*rouo.l that I wsmluad. 1KIVI> np Impp, but a friend told mi1 of Dr. wm.SUiraij'Min) J » r t h o h m m , i t tot tbDitir ,whet tomjKnrprlM*,Io«inmieuc-"l Infi-el but-tir, and i> tlav I feel better llun far three\<"tn pint. I wrlU Ibm boning ever? naeS r f l t dlm<ia4haet will Ukf>I)r. Win.

fl b l d t h t

, done mnt-fl soid lh*nI bsvo tskao alnos nf

c u m p -i l t i '4* aar U barj nlh«rifl»dla;






A. puru, wholsaome dUtilUtif.Itanl, Aiuertoo piui, Onn*di flr,l l M

of w.tobuurlgc-IJ,

hg of pluo. Sacli

Sinfurd'sBaillonlOuroforpitiirtb. OompleiUe*tmaotforll.

DeitU t i rabi, inluei toneka» HHJ mid; Purnn* Esteripmitiir, llar^H, Kmiiarleii amiOBi'lioldi ulbaml fa a ungiu uiglit. No fern

but imelln, Bolt and ohuaptBt vllorln tliuwiilii. Bobleverywliurf.

l pelt

Oh, What a Cough I' rnnbQodtbnirarttaff. Tlw

.._,- otl l iewreoppro'cb of tlmtb!o ilineiHe (JunsnroptEon. Aft ytnit•win...you o»n eSbrd for the sake of 4Hviii£ 50 utn. tiran the rink nail do uotltnc fitr li, Wa If mmTwin oiperleace lbat Hhilob'u cure will cure;onr cough, I t n o w filU- Tina oiplaiiwhy more than a million battle* woi-o Bold tl

' yeBr. It reliever, crqnp anO wiioo|ilr.ri s t once, Mothers du no> ha witiumt'lt

Forlime back, ilile. or oh^L, IISL- dillLUli'iT'orous Plsst«r. Bold by Vnnglitfc Killgore.

Dyipepila and Liver ComplaintI t It not wortli llm inrull price of 76 etnts ..

/roe jonrsolf of tvory syinntom of tli^uo din-'rosMug cwmplamtH, if yon Uilnx »o o*li at oniitoroniKt ff«t a bollle olHlnInliV Viialienr,ivery bottlo bnaa priuloil nn»rantce on It, IIBP

Ktthngly urn} it il taw an PWHJ it w\)iit von notUiiiK. Hold u y ^ . u g h t i Ki%nre.

We bMve a speedy ami puiitive cure fnrii'»rrh, diphtheria, eankor ntoulb itid buadicbe. In Bliilnh's Cutirrli Benio.lv. A im 'injeoliir free with twoh hndlo. V-f. It if y<• ' - ibnl tbi i idiwrf l t t inath. ITIuoliOotl.


(uticuraHUE CUTIO0BA THEATMEXT, h r tin

X curoof (*hin, HcnJp and Hicud DKUSLB,:utjitl»tB >u tlio internal tnuof Catiairn ilimot''Utlt, lllU Lt'l

uf Culluni curoB.

ALT RHEUM.Tliusa wlin linvrt eiiierlcaoeJ tho tortni'iilHtlt llhmiot cm 6i)pTBDino tlm RRODV 1 t-.iin-d lor jwiH, ntilH curud by thu CalU-urifiolvuut iuteraally and Ouucura uiiJCuti

pLirinii. tVM. P , Sluron, Wt*.

'30UIA3I3.H. E. Uni-penUf, E q., Henderaon. N. I . .-~ ' nf I'arjrinnlH HI- Ln^prony,of twoutyyears'

OK, b.v tliGdnlleiira Itcflolvut Iniurnith.nd (iuilaiii-o, nnd Cm lento 8oip externally.i'lia most w .ndarftil cawa on ncorit. Canlurtitiwl lo Iwforo a JuaiioahDf tlm peace mdininilneiit citizens All nntloted irilh itcbluulid waly iU«m«?a thoaiH veiiil Iu ui fur 'his

mini in full.

iKIN DISEASE.F, H Drake, Esq., Dutrnlt, Midi., sufferedyniid all dumidptlon from a Kkln (linearifch app'-nrci on hi" hnmhi, bond and facid nearly doatriiyed ilia uves. Tba morefnt doc tori nK fuilvd (n Imlp liltn, and afierhad raited llu u»Hil tbo Ciltlautd KoRiilvonl

blood nnriSer) interiiKllv.Cir.tcura unJ Outt-urn Hi>ap (Iho great ikln euroH) cxtcruaUy.mil w.»a onrml, aivl lwn roiniinnd pcrfnutlyroll to thiadaj.


CQALYARD!D^ontnr, Midi., writes•id K'Jfiie p.trts of liar

. . . . / , Head cnvereil with. , BiitToreil fisarfnliy mil tried

i"vthinji. Poriuauiiuilvciiru-I l»r Cutiearnmilvunt (l)liml pnritli!!-) nnJ Out (curs, and

rft Suap (the groat akin cures.)

VflCVHARnedii!gnrofitrsaU-l.vnlhlni-^sln. PriceOuUunra, a Mniitniiil J.liuv. Htrmll Uu.e«to.; lurffobm**,*!- Cufifiirn Ili'milvciil.tlittw Blood 1'utiti.r, tl Pi-r holtk. CtHiciirnIcdifllnnl rollm Soap, 9"- ; Ontumr.i Mciiu-

l aiia^iiiK Snap, 15c; in l.ura fnr •Imrbm(i (srec f•HHiitiierrf. h'h: I'riiioftisl il'iuit,

WEEKS * l'OTTEH, lhiDtnn, MUSH.


anford's Radical Cure.Wofory

putrid I.itcLUbn, rnit.11. ti

1 Cliilla and Ftver ii

i lHti.l li


, R toredid cone jtmnnal raVdjjtg vlieekml.Cuuuh, llniuciiiti-, D.uppliiRa inlo tlio

mt, I'aim in tbo Clmut. iivepcpflia, Wuat-\)j afatrcDgtli Bud Flf»b, LUHH ot Ukup.&C.,

itibbnttteBiiiicnl Citrc, ono box Oiitarrlialvent ami tn I- Dr. Si»nfi»r.r« luhiler, in outrttngc. ofalt iinifffTHls, J»r J1.00, Auk rurtfuixl'a liiiiUcl Cum.



LINS'TKHHin rfluviiiffpnin an•Wfaknors oi the Kidimy•Liver Jtul Liangs, Rli 'limtisra, Ni-nralitiii, HvHtcri- il(» Welkin-™, Malar

«VVCF anil At'Ui.'. PiiUTtfHBBli.

BREESEalways well equipped with com-

plete stocks of

5ooks and Stationery,Newspapers, Periodicals,


Fancy Articles,N81GAL INSTRUMENTS,


No. 3, Brick Block,DOVER. N J .



.roplB i9cammodMtiDnii Tor permtDDnt indtnnnlenl BnArdor".


CRrtlnKoralUiindi Joue.W.L. WEBB, Proprietor.

Notice of Settlement.Notice is hereby Riven tbs.t tbe account*'

Ihe. subscribers, Executor? cf Charted "Parian, C - • • • • -





Now is the time

to get BIG BAR-





has removed to his NEW AND COMMODIOUS STOKE ROOMBLACKWJSLL ST., ueuily oiipositw tho Bank, which cn&Uushiin to curry ft miu'li lfirgur iiasortmout nE goods than

lieretafoic, cinbrnuiug all stvlen and dtisigns of


My stock of Gold ami Hilvov AV.itehos is (. tRockford watch«n now so popnliir unions mii,IHO Wultiiatn, Elgin and .Springlicld irittuluy..

SILVER-WRAEis unlimited, embracing c\i>ry nrticlo of (lie kind known to house-

keepers. Ruai'.Rfi' knivdH, HpuDiis and fovlcn at the lowestmarket price. Novelties in




tc in oyery detail;and milroud mon;

D - I V -



NEW COAL YARDIlio properly ndjoiniog tlmir lolling mill,

nod iro prepared to Bupply


Lowest Market Ratescither at




Tlie subscriber lias for sule otarge eky hot), embracing two or!three ncrcR, which would make anexcellent site for ft brick kiln andyard, it being within five minutesof botli the viiilrond depots inDover. There if! DO other kilnwithin twfiuty-five miles and thecertainty tlmt tliero will be an im-mense amount of building in Duverand vicinity for some years tocome, makes this one of the moatdesirable locutions for business iuthis part of tbe State. Tlie prop-erty will be sold upon the mostreasonable ternis. Apply to


3-ff . DOVER, K. J.

SHERIFF'S SALE!In Chancery of Now Jcncy -Fl. h.for sale ui

mortHiRod ()rcml*e*, wbvK>tn (lei>ri;o W.D Gr.iorandJolinS SlfrrV.EwtttuettttfttHhsl will RHII Uslamatit of AI iro I DnGntoi,(iccouio.I, Hie oi)m|)lniiinuls, >tnd Julni WlntInpkin durpinlmit, ik'IurnaHo tit FLlniac\Torm A.. D.1HH2.


BY virtue or the above tinted writoracrifncias in my liHmU, X iball oipouo (at nafe

-,t ;inblio venduo, at tliu Court Hondo, in Uor-•lutoiVii, N, J.,on

MONDAY, the SOili day nfFufiraary next,A. D. 1883. botvrean the honn or li tt, and B

' l i h P M.,, t in t Is to BI.VM 2 o'uluob m tli« .j<">n at « i J itay, all tfioso fo'lowiug tla-

ucriltod luciaor paroolflnfwnd nnd premtBtB,xttnato, l.ving And belug JD the (uiriirLtD orMoiidliam, iu tlieOauntj or Uorrm ami Staleof New Jursey, anil bonnaud M lollowa:

F LIIT—Boffinnms At a. oliestnut troitIwBL-Drner nt J. L. Bnt ton's land anil

ttio tVsifliJafftua taruplke; thence (1) ooetit,UlrtL'Dii dt-Brci-s weal eiglit cliams ana ie»en-in Imts ti> Ihe mUliHeorsiild roid; (3) northlrtylwi degrees Bust foar olnins and fifty*ur liiitsj (8) north eights-two degreen andliairtant (ivu cli&lm nnd ility-ntne links;

(il south ihriio deRrecswcst tseWo CIIBIQI andiDrty JIDI;.-; 15) s<.inb slxtv-eifflit dtgnotveai fivo cliaias apil ttiiiidoh links toe red oiktree; (fl) nuith thirteen do.chain* ntiil ten llnkn to fbctainina seven tana and ti t

f land mnreorlegi,A i J i i






NO. 3,

New Brick Block,DOVER, N.J.

area oakwost tiro

HKO»D LoT-AilJ.iining ihe (lrst md beingiho aoiilli-oaHt part ol & tract ol land convey 3tn tluod ihlrd Iho lllh or October A. D lHStto wnitim WhiHock by Julio W. Leddlo md

il inbnlted anl bonnded si foltoira:Ingiatho middle of.tho Washington

,— ruaii, onil bonnJed (in tbe ninth bytin- lainlo I -ir- of jnhn W. Lsddle, on tbo wdatby tho said Jobn WbiUocit, on tbu north bybo pufilfc imd Icidinff to Hnccksnnni Pfalna,.nd im Iho oirit by the aforesaid Wmhinatoonrnplki', vuntalnlnff iwo acres mil foor bun-

ilredlhB uf HD ncru or Itnd mare or lost,TBIHD LOT—BeginalDg nt a red oak tree

nnier l o j h. Fulton, aud sUndlntf west ore mad leading lo the mono tain; tnenoe (1)

nuifafvo and one ti»!f do«ree» Tfunt liilrty-fivenU to s i-tako: (S) iinnh etg1itT-pt(?bt and a

.QurirrdefrrcrnT^tllve chaiQa to i Blake IfUte Join, W, Lcldlc's Una i (3) atono mmc

Ib flftptndoRrort treat ono chain sml flf('links to ... . — - •••

west e'evwi chiifts anil torty-nix In

En doRrort weal ooe rhain tnCil flfn-o oortior or J . W. Leddle; (t) ttille n'tnh ono doRrou and onu-bairncbitmoita lorty-sixhakMto tear*

nrr uf J. ff. Lf'dtlie In uld rend In thu lino otQix'iu'n land;' (S) nlniiR s-ild road soaiti flrtj-Innr di«rccn oast (lireo L-bafnu and lhirtv*fo'arIhbsi (0) n'M HIOUX mitt mud th t t l;i (6) it'll


.-.Jriv-foor.. I'litt ruml Bomb thirty,

fonr elulns and thirty ninetinc>uiaroftd snnlb eiRlit nndonV Huron c\nimmm) aiiiren

li HRbiy-iKVOu mi onu-balf(S) R y nnuhairilcfirrm wtitt ncYi-ulj-tWe Ijuht to th • place orIn-giunilift, cxiitnluine five aori-i »nd alxtv-flvtfminlrrdihn of aa acre oflanj rauro or I-**,

Hn*d Ittitt menu m«l tract auurcvnl by Win.l IKI wife to said J>hn Xriitttoek bv

! PchrnBr.v l«t, A. D. IRIS, and re-the MurrU Ominlj Oluik1* Oillcj in

Hn*d IttittWlnttncl Hlecti dilw

l l i

Doled Die 14, .1831.HOWELL,8lierlff.


bni, i id Ma eilabliitimoul b u baan b u ieomtlT rapt la tedui n u i l M '

wood inier oven n In tjpposud tblt tbeflre jury will bau^ Gn.itciQor Qalieaa will bangorlginttel dnrinj bur almuuit, fto jprj, D, J .

OHB1IO£U .until i j n , «

Buildings Raised or| Removed at Rea>

sonable Rotes.i •


7-l|» IJuiml.iiMlOo.Uoii.

SHERfFP'S SALE!In Obsticery of If** Jersor -P i . ft. fur sale <,f

rowtgjRrd pnrHtipM wheteln Qoorgo W.SuOmol and John 8. Bllger. Biecatnm ojthe last will and teMinient uf AlfK'd DeOrontdrwanuil, are O'implainnnI*; and Jioob V,,ffortinan and Ann 8. h<§ wifo, tiro dufentl.anla. BeiorfiBlilh lo Fi-brmry Terra, A. D.

Hy vlrlBQ nt MIB ihow it»|?J nit if fierifaclan In my lianda,, I ahull otnone for sale aiPublic Tcndno at W»', C u r t Honsu, in llor-rlstown, M. J., on

MONDAY, the 2Dt1i day tirfebrntry next,A. D. 18B3, between tlia b<mrs of U It. snd 5o'clouk P. if., tliat ia to nay i t i o'olook in tb«atlernnnn of mid day, ail Ibo Ibllowfna t"scribod tract or pira-l nf land aird WemlsiUltimo, Irtap and bemo; In tho Urtnnhip «.Hendham, m tlw Ornmlv of Morrlt and HtatDof New JITIIOJ. and bonmiti} u folhwiij

npRinninit in <hevtnlddle'or a ntdtifl archbriiRC in tho road hadint: to Meadhira, andrnnninp ftqwOhtnew {ij no*k..mx*ntv-r,ni}»iiilonL.quirlflnmpiii,i >Ml Rim tfjhtn* and-ixty-fiin«linbii tor -• — •••• -

(irth thlrly.n>urreal i>li!Vi'|icliatiii ,*.ifNichi>1aa CrnotifuinS lone) nr»r •>"hickory

" ""^«w.t-M



Pierson's,OPP, THE BANK,




SKATES-SLEDS,J91olglx 33cll»a, Tool Olio«ts,


DREN'S TABLE SETS, and many other goodsunequalled for HOLIDAY PRESENTS.

sum OF THE vwmnm, »OVEK, s. J.

FINE CUSTOM TAILOEIM!I wtmli] nipitrclfully invilo HID flUcn-

lion i»f my [rii nils :>ti(l ihe pi'iienil 1'iibiotit my F A L L AND WINTER STOCKOF "CLO'lHS. CAbSUIEI lEB ANDVI'SI 1KGK. nit of tbe very lnhat ti'jiUvnnd bi-itig cnrefitily BiOtptcd by m.vaell11 it It ii v:t'\v tuucnubiriitij', tsw!)(>t;C() u i ib(eoiH-raj. 'J h i 'd i l l i i i^ i i i ' 1 i rukntj i willl i nl! tbtif cniildlie desired *>tiay j'l'ici aIB In** !•»rtn-BiKtiinl nilli HiM i'!:^s vvinl-.My M|»»'ii m-ein ilipliiiloriir irutle willb i g Mini il)g 11)1 ITs~ n rio t iv

nit n

-il ( I.• t l

t.fi '<111 Cil

mi'-i'sii) mf in-..iivitliinir -vi 1 li.-(tii It'st HI i.4f,ietiinanit mil an.-) »in UP! for from

.h CJ


'(! tlJ


I ' l l

IB1 )ll 0if»r H

•112 t o

•i (hi?, old Muml. '



l leBHOKTEST, 8HAUVEBT, CHEAPEST Btb*>Bi)lte<l S fttta. Witb.ii t t i i

id betit full course of buninesa 'raining)BH of New York City, with ^t> tn ius

daily. Corre^ponflence with f rtner pupils nolicittd. To nil who will aouiaiuiiatswi Ibby letter, we will t-end copy of our ELEOUNT illustrated Cut.iloRiio. School estnbiish-20 years. Three-fonrlb* of our Btudeut* procure good situ >tionu in thit or Kew York

ilty on or before o> tnpUing tbe course. No vnoations. Students arfm.t'ed envy vev.k* In the year.

We b-ve just reeelvcd from UIB nnnufuo-

nrer tinolber Ter> larg'a iovoloe of CLOAKS,

ss AMS JACKETS. These, together

with what we alrea 1y liave In our store, we

'til sell at about two-think Ibe original

irlces. We would not fum yon infer from

IIB that they tra in any wiy d imaged, for

mcb (B not the oase. Tkey am brace all the

newest Btylen; fttd we vlll gufiraiitco the

lean to bo lower OHO N«r

asea ask. Oar OKS-PBIOE BTHTEM allows

no alteraatirfl bat to oiark all of our

goods at the lowest prioea wa oao afford ID

sell them. This Is usually lower than our

competitors. In material for cloaks we hwe

large fl-sortmeut | one eiample will suffice

show the Btate ot our prices. One oloth

ilob last year sold for (our and a half 'loi-

n s sells tbl« year for two

'ben are a grout many pieces la oar stock

If you will exnmioQ onr goodi aid

prices wo feel convinced we will sell yns or

•our rrlenfl who needs the artiila.

Our FLH«QH, black anil colored, ra"ge

om thr&o lo eigbt d illnn per yttrd; wldih

ona and a half yards- In Daxas GOODS

e have a flve quartet all wool dress fUnnnl

Tor fit v can's per yard. ThU Is heftvy and

twilled, A number of pleoea of FEJNOB

B CADI, forty inches wide, solid colon for

twenty-five oante. A new goodB oomei ID

from Parla called D'Cowlontiler., all

IOOI, aud (oriy-foui luo'fta in wfdth. A

maktts adimble and pretty Chrialtnaa

preflint. Our C+BFHT BOOK la

reoelvlaB new additlotm.

w. s. BABBITT;

MoilRlBTOWN, N , J .

cmi s s s o n IN PRICES I

Isaac N. Doty & Co.NEWARK,

are preparing for their semi-

annual INVENTOKr, and have

marked down prices in every

department Until Feb. 1st we


every class of Seasonable

Goods, Winter Dress Fabrics,

Dress Silks, Flushes, Velve's,

Trimmings, Blankets and Un-

derwear at REDUCES PRICES.

Special attractions in Sheet-

ing and Pillow Muslin, Table

Damask, Napkins and Towels,

Toilet Quilts and Counterpanes


burg Embroideries in new de-


Closing out the entire Winter

stook at LOWEST PEICES ever



159 & 161 Market St.,

Newark, N. J.

ofNIcbiilaa Crnobfmn n a r % hiIrei-j tlioneo (a) akiBR Mil Qn-oliwin'annlti aiiKx-11 an<l onp-ball (Jsj/rel l d ' • • • • • •tfialiiA »nd

nf Iheflnttmentfnnimiddle or tho

the middlee do*ra the.lr|v*tx'i><Unas to, (na

FARM F3R SALE!The MitmrilHjr n ^ m fur M!O R rafubi

,nn<i| lS&noros, Hltualni witliin a rnilu nndball ot Dm Tillijri nl 1'PArAOK. Borne r so I

I I Q U I ^ N . J . Tlicru-isitbiint

125 ACRESofwhiib it In a :OOJ1 Rtnto of ca! t i n t I on, aatlibn balnnoe i- wull timfaprnL And ts n\n, well— * - " ' ' iprmst. Tbaro

MAGNETIC OEEptrll? opened, Jiolillns B,») lair etnl. nl punma, ™ > h « nr» QlwiM lor tlioi« iiiitf

m \ x Unkatb (Ta'plioi'.ir jn'niliiii. timUlninj tosr *rp<itil «V<*<r.'»r hundiraili. 01 .n ncr, ol l.aa, bi Uo,Or>iji,

) mwi . * • " ' • » » » • » • • • for thoM inlf^ipntpA In thfi Iron h»slww, AS iha nrnrwrtv

mn«i H (..'.I lo GI.WU tbo CHlnto of A'i»tiiilOrs'B, rtioM. Vnv far.ber ]vir*lcmura wit at

il;.. t r m ur addresi the Knl^orllwi'.


Contacts Ukea am) o»ten«li ftinitfbrd for


mfl kl] tucdi of n u k , wbothcr of BRICK or9TOHK.

Offic» nnilcir T H I IBOH E»A building, Morrh



Page 4: § DM Fruits L LUMBEE ||0, - test.rtlibrary.orgtest.rtlibrary.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/1882/1882-01-28.pdf · VOL. xir DOFEE, MOKRIS COUNTY. SEW JERSEY, SATURDAY. JANUARY

Meltury. Xott foolish gi l l ! Do youthink I couldn't aea tbat Jon wore inlove with liiin V Thuok Hanven, lie's toopoor to marry you, mid t«k» yon HW»Jfrom my eLililieu, for Home time Uicuwe.There will be a lung wiirriugu eugugH-infiiil, pveii if ho is magnanimous enoughto tatgiw .you. KlmtlJ ask MIM Mol-bury |o come toick witti him V Blip lw»kpity on niti itt liut, ami ml down to writeto Mr. Sfx. His reply, tktcil from ncountry bouse some twenty miles distantoiiiioiuiced that lie would bu at C hHull in tbree <hjH* time.

On that tbii\l day the legal paper t int1 was to fiiga nerived by |)O*L It vanSunday morning ; I woa uloue iu tlieBclioolroom.

Iu writing to mo tlio lawyer Iind onlyalluded to "n surviving relative of SirGerard, nearly kin to him \>y "The document was more explicit. It•lescribcj tlie relative aa Uciug Sic Ger-urd's nephew, the BUD of his muter. TheJiunie followed.

It was Seitus Cyril SAX.I have tried, oil three different slieota

nf paper, tu dtwcifijo tlie effect vtli in disoovery produced oil me—nu<l IImve torn them up onq after auotber.Wlieu I only thiuk of it, my niluil seemsto full back iQto the helpless surpriseand (,'oufuHiuo of tliat time. After altliat had pnseed between us—tbe muoUiwuetf being lUeii oa bis way tu tinbouse !—what would ho thiuk of me?what, in HfiftVit'a uflme wus I to do ?

How loug I sat petriBed, with thodocument on uiy Inp, I never knew.Somebody kuocked ut the schoolroomdoor aud looked in and said Boiuetbiug,dud. went out itpaiu. Theii tlierc WQBuu interval. Thou the door wns oueuciapuln. A baud was laid kiudly on myHliouldt'r. I looked uii—nnil there wasMrs. i'ostlvke listing, iu the greatciulnrm, vlint WIIB the nmtter with me.

Tim tuiie of her voice roused me intoupeiikiug. I could ihiuk of nothing buMr. Sux; I toald only my, "Has hecome?

"Tfes—anil waiting to see yon."AimweriuR iu thotto terms, «lio glanced

ut the jiapec in my tip. In too esteem*ity of niy helplessness, I neted like apepfiible creature nt lust. I told Airs,Foadyke nil that I have told here.

She neither moved nor spoke untilJroti done. Her first impeding, alterthat, WIIH to take me iu her arms uud givme a kiss. Having *n fur oiictitirugeijme, abo next apoko of poor .Sir Gerard.

"M'o nil noted like fools," BIIQ nnnouuet'd " iu neuillessly offending binby protesting against his eecoud mar.riage. I don't ratmu you—I tucira Jiiebou, bit* nephew aud myself. If kin sec-ond marriage made him happy, whatbusiness hud we with tbo disparity oryears between husband and wife ? I cuntell you thia, Seitus wns tlio first of usto regret what he hud done. Hut for biiHtupiil tew of being suspected ot un in-terested motive, Sir Gernrd might liaviknown there was that uiucli good in hiHater's son."

SIID enatobed up n, copy of the will,ivliieb X had not even noticed thus far."Heu wliiit the kind old inun says ofyon," abb went ou, pointing to tliowords. I could not Gee them ; eke wasobliged to rend tlieni for me. " I leavemy luouey to the one person living wholias beeu more than worthy of the litttI have tUrne lot bar, nnfl whoso simple,unselfish nature I know that I can trust.I pressed Mrs. Fosdjke'a Land ; I wasnot able to Bjieak. Sue took up thilegttl paper next.

" Do joalice to yoUMelf, auil ho BUDTOcontemptible ecrnplcs," sbe Buid. ''Sex-tus ig fond eaoaRU of you to Us ulmoatworthy of the saorffico that yon arclooking. Sign—and I will sign next asthe witness."

I ijesitftled. "What will lie think o]mo 1" I Baid.

" Sign !" hhc repeated, " and wo willeee to that."

I obeyed. She aiked for tho lawyer'sletter. I gave it to Lor, with the lineswhich contained the man's vile indnna-turn folded down, so that only the wordsabove were •visible, which proved tbnt Ihad renounced my legacy, not evenknowing whether the person to bo henofltcd wait a man or o woman. She tookthis, with the rough draft of my ownletter, and the signed renunciation—an<opened the door.

" Pray come back, and tell me almnli t ! " I pleaded.

She smiled, nodded, and went out.Oh, what n long time passed before I

beard tho long-expected knock at thedoor I " Come in," 1 cried impatiently,

Mrs. Fosdyke hnd deceived me. Mr.Sflt lad returned in her place. He closedthe door. We two wero alone.

He was deuJIy palo ; hia eyes, aa theyrested on me, nad a wild, startled lookWith icy cold fingers ho took my bondrod UUed it iu aiienco to his lips. Thefiiflbt ot bis agitatign encouraged me—Idon't to this day know wliy, unless i tappealed in some way to my compassion,I was bold enough to look at him, Stilsilent, he placed the letters on the table—and then he laid tho signed pnpor bo-fUh them. When I saw tb&t, I waholder still. I spoke first.

" Surely you don't refuse me ?" I said,He answered, " I thank you witb my

whole heart; I admire yon more thaiwords can say. Bat I enn't take it."

" Why not ?""The fortune is yours," he said gent-

ly. " Bemember bow poor I am, andled lor me if I say no more."

His head sank on his breast. Hestretched out one hand, Biknlly implor-ing wo to understand Mm. I could en-dure it no longer. I forgot every con-sideration which a woman, in my posi-tion, ongbt to bare remembe.ed. Oatcame tho desperate words, before I couldstop them.

" You won't take my gift by iUclf ?'I mi.!.

" No."

"Will you take Me with i t ? "That evening Airs. Fosdyke indulged

ber sly sense of humor in a new way.Slie banded me an almanac.

"After all, my dear," she remarked,"yon usedn't be osbamed of havingspoken first. You have only used theancient privilege of the sex. This isLeap 1&x"—1Itlgravia.

KKW BLOOMFIELD, MM*., Jan. t, 1880.I wiab to say to joa that I have been

Buffering for tlie k i t fivo }eats witb asevere itching all over. I have beard ofHop Bitters and have tried i t I haveused up four bottles, and it has done memore Rood than all the doctors and met]ioinejj the? eonld use on or witb me. Iam old and poor, but feel to bless youfor sucb a relief by your medicine andfrom torment of tbe doctors, I bapebad fifteen dootara at me. Oue gave meuerea ounces of solution of arsenic ; en-oilier took foar quarts of blood from me.All tliejr could tell WUB that it was skinflickoess. Now, after tlieso four bottlesof your medictue, my skin Is well, cleananil smooth aa ever,


A little Austin boy, wboao impecunioni [wrenta wore always moving fromhouse to unotlier, was asked, by the Sun-day School teaclier, "Why did theIsraelites more out of Epjpt ?" "Be.ennw t h w cnnldn't pay their rent* I

h n , " ff&* the reply.

Tlw \\ia\mq.aiwii ot i>lunth by wedowiag in OUH of the most delightful <ic-upaliuflB ; it woulil be ofteu umlertak-JH

b,v iiiiiati'iiraif thevuiiderstooii the bestnut fiisifKt profesH, wkii'l. is HO uimpli*

that it may 1« pursued l)j a cbttd. Atthis time, which iu tho proper ouo furpropagating hnrdy plauts, wiudows,wliore there is a sunny exposure, or coii-aervutimes, may be filluil with SBUJ boxesmd wlien Spring arrives B fine cullt'etiou

nf aclmtuliiiiis, cyoUmeus, ciuueraritui,carnations, duUUfis, geruuiums, hulio-trope, lubtliiis, petuoiuH, prinnilujs,mluiHot various binds, pnueias, soiilux,•erboima, wall ftowra, fltooke, &c, muy

be had with which to fill tho Sumgarden. Tbo pleasure ol wntcuiug flow-ers grow tbat cue bus raised himself, isniiver experienced by those who pur-chase plauU from the market of flor-win.

Lending horticulturists decide tbat allplants tlmt can be propagated by Headssbould bo iloue 80 iu preference to prop-ugution by cutting* layers, or any otherauuiuer. An eiamiuattoQ of tlie eiteisive scod beds of one of our chief [>Iautimeu lately lini nuggciU'd UWD.V uiiitavuluttble to thoBO interested in pro-cwsrs to procure tho best crops ofplunk-, Tiie dates nt wliich tlie diffureutkinds of seeds ura sown are ol great im-nortaiice. For exanj{ilt(, nil seeds ol aLardy nature should bo sown about tlmdate, wlilo those of tender kinds shouldnut be sown until Marebl. Tbe pliieoof sowing may be iu window boxes intlie siUiiiR room, tiw liotbtid, or ili<grueuhousG. Tho latter is preferable, ofcourse, as there is there a greater ooui-luaudof litsatiind couditiou lor observ-ing seeds than iu the hotbed. Tbe wayot Howjjig aeeds in tbo largo cnttiMitth<meut referred to may be well imitated.Tho boxes used were but one incli indepth. These wore filled with ft rich,snntly loam, which is a kind of soil bustmitcd for outside garden cultura Me-

lorepiucingitiu »°™s- however, it itian VliTongU ft BBVTB, not mvicli coursertban mosquito netting, in vrliiel) way theloampnrliclGsniny be rendered very flue,The soil iu tha boxes is uiude perfectlylevel anil smoothed freo from nil inequali-ties ; the aeo3 is tuou sown tbicWypressed down by a smooth board intothe soil. No covering is used ex

pulverized moss or sphagnum, which iumost cases should be laid ou about a six-teenth part of an inch deep. The valueof this covering over oue of ordinary

til is tlmt it is light and ol a spongy.character toretniu moisture.

It is wonderful to observe witli whatperfection seeds HOWU under this treatmoat, which is a comparatively new oue,genninntc and grow. Atter tiie plantshuve attnhied what is known ns tlti"tliiril leaf," or tine leaf, they auunl1)0 lifted off the seed box nnd replantedin boxes of entirely same character, atdistances of half un inch or BO apart.Let them remain iu these boxes fromtlireeto six weeks, according to uatureof variety. They have tlion Vjocoaia euf-ficiectly grown to bo placed in two nuta half iuch pots, and from these can begrown ou to any size. Tlio vnrietiosmentioned sown at this ditto require anight temperature averaging 6oq withten degrees higher during tbe daytime,la Mnrcli the temperature in tbe greenUouao will bavo risoa probably tea de-grees, so that until then it is found thatthe seeds of tropical plants should uotbe sown. At this timo snob, varieties oaanurfintbus, asters, balsams, ealla, tro-peohtm, cannn, eeloaia, globe nmathus, helicliryBum or everlastings, salvla,sensitivo plant, vioci, zoiiia, sweet aly-iium, and mignonette may bo propogat-

cd profitably.

Too-Too Troolj Awful,

Sue lived oa Main street,"Aro yoa my lily, dear, lie asked

soothingly, and looked down at tbe littleform that nestled confiilingty in hisarms,

"Yea, Jelin.""Are you my decorated wall pnttern,

my painted pottery, my gold-uod-yaltowbutter-fly o' the mist ?"

'Yes John, and I'm your little honeyflower of the-dule," she ventured, turning her eoft eyes upon him, &n-J bnrninewitb tbeir intensity of love, a liulethrough liia stiffly-ironed shirt-bosom,

"You are all this, dearest I"" I am, Job a. Cnn you distrust—""No, no, Don't think that, you

wrong me.'1

'Forgive me, John, bat you—whatarc you? Are you my great cardinalsnnriae, gleaming golden through tn<dawn."

'Yes,"said be, " l am ; and I amyonipeach blossom of joy, your intensity oloyster pie and church lairs. Besidesthifl, I em jour ldnb^ejcd, saffron liued,petty chia-beurdod, mellow, sad-souledand wormy watermelon."

"Oh John ?""Yes, dear.""You are not my watermelon 1"

"Why am I not jon t watermelon T"Because watermelons are green John.A cold shudder ran through bia frame

as he thought of tbe sarcasm tnnt miglilurk in her last remark, but it was quicklydispelled as she began to strove his Bilkbeard, and bis mind was as peaceful asan angel's wuaoafew momenta afterwardthey measured noses as a parting tokenof lore.




ere utiw efttabliglii'il iu I heir

NEW MANUFACTOHY,ituitli new njijJliaiiCL-B and enlarged fadl-

li'at "ficl^'^DAiiBIAaES ASD WA0UNH of)'trv<k»i:riiiiiiiii main tn tn-^-rm tlu-Uolluiirer, iiiclmliitg EiproRi ami Uunint'iis/BL'UIH*, ViiliieUa pf dillVrent kind)* hi')ii nn

lutnl fur Kiilc. A call will iatisfy tlm I our•lip la of tho Uuit, imr denltfiimlio

Marrj for Lore.

A jouog lotto wrely savea mnou moneyuntil he marries. The false notiouilite and tbe desire for style in dress, andthe efforts to move in "tony society,"which seem to have such power overyoung people, are grievous evils of oaperiod. Look in any city nay commanity for tbe leading men of ba&iaos athe professions, or of tbe arta, auys tu<Chicago Inter-Ocean, and find wbere theyare from ? Did they "have $3,000 flashand aa income of 81, GOO or more ?" It

Bute to say that nine-lenlta of themwere were married in comparative pov-erty, and had only tbe broau\ firm foundutioo of their tffm brains sod energiesfor future prosperity laid to start upon.When a man has his profession or busi-

I or art well in mind and band, if b<is HOIMJC and reasonably Jiscreet he hasivery reason to believe in future success

and has a right to ank some gno3 girl toshare liis fortune and help him earn theprize of tbe fnturo. The thoasands Dfgood gitls in eirery commttoiij u e readyand capable of juit snch aid, The gen-eral prosperity ot the entire countrymakes the opening year, 1882. a goodperiod to begin Ufa T o l f marry forlove and work for riches" is a good max-in for young people to bear In mind.

"Don't talk to m^jtoont tbe desaenof species," exclaimed1 Jones. "Youcan't nube mo believe, for instance, thatI descended from, a monkey." Don'tget excited," replied Pogg, "there is noevidence that you bare descended fromthe moukey ; Qnne whatever.

A burlesque troupe reoentlv played apiece Uere called "Ecetty, Prefty." Tbechief charactflr'a name was " KissvK'say." A tnucb more appropriale titlefor tbe n!«.j woald b&ve been "MiiBbyMnshy," aud chief cherub iliould have

i called "tfasby &Tasbyr"

Millinery and Fancy Goods.HnuiutMng inw fur tbu Buhilayit iu Milli» «i

MRS. M. FARR.A POUT OTIAM, IIBB ri'i'lcliklifii her »l«cl< ortnltliut'rv RIIOIID ami rii'mfe toenll tlioattciitmnOMIIB liublii. In tlio LOW lUilOES nti.lilolittliiiHiinw <ift<!rinK itiL'in. AlHniii coiitiui timiw l l L t o .to.™ c,n I.B wuiiil > 111,, .l.,ck ot


SAPONAX1e«B»wufer. »Bllcluu»lyHiimfS. WillpMltlwiyolratie and jirwmfl llialoelb uo.l perfuwMk. bmthOnly25ell, n Iwtlie, atoll druicilurei. J^fAoopyof SupoDax Kuiio tree of Buy dniggUl. Alkforlt.


(MOUI1IH AND KHBEX DIVISION.)ultf in ftuw York, foot uf ll;irub> fctl.

r L r O i i r i t u p l i u r t i l

Ooiuuiuudug JJUKUAH, KUV, 2aIII, 1831.LI;AVK NEW VOUK.

AtTiaUA. 11. '.EiLtttou Mull Tiultj),cuii-UCULB tvllU Llifi liouiuuit llruudi 111 UmvilU

fur UuoiituL ; tbu Cliuutcr Ilruuuli at Uovur foiiiiULUMUiumuutt UiiL-utiT; tlio tiuauLS lluilroaf

_t Wntutluu, tur Auiluvoc,Kuwttiu auu ull uttt-tioiis; tlm D,,L. & W. It. K. ut Wnthiugluifor Manuukii Uiiuiik.Watur Unp, HtfoniltburKtJurautou, Ciruat ilauil, iliuKliniutun, Ulicu

Lgi) ami jiuiuta on tliu WJinlriiiinn uliiliiuumiburf,' <*'1Ll Uolavvaiu nud Hudnuii Iluil-n«tlu i al»o at l'LiltipBliUi't! wlili LisJti«li Vul-h,y llailruuil aud Lulii^li «nit HuBiiuuiiauim 1111. fur Until luliotu, llaucli Uliuuk, ItoadfLIJ andHarriHbum.

M diau A. M.. Uan-ega Exiitusa (Drftwlaj;Boom aura ntluditil) riom Hw York via. l'at-

m aud lluuiitou,niiiH tliruugli tu Wuturi, tatromlaburg, Ht-rHUton, (Jru'iU liulnl,filiimtou, biMlu, hlaratlion, Cortlaud,

Homur,Syruoums »uU Oawcgdj coiuieutitiffutDover witli (Jliuutur It. 11., ut Waterloo witliSussex It. It, fur Auduvor, Nuwton nud all uta-tiotmj a\ ljolawuro wUli illaimtowu liy., a!Scrautou, wltli ulouiimtmrif Uivitiuu lurTittB-tou, Kiugaton, Wilkeubwru, Dauvilic, Nortli

BiviBion fur fl'ritono, jWwlsh. UtlOfl, Binitiohfiiild apringg. raBiongtrb Utfiiiff thistrniu from New York, l'ntornun audlJountoi

oouneut at ffaulilugtou with train Stitliutibisrtf, Eaxton, Itetlilaliom. Uiuiitaiii.-iauurjf and uolutu on tho Jjet^lj Vdlej-,

and Ijeliitrli a it if SuHauobantia Us,, » a i - i ; atP)iJllipnbiirg witb Bulvldoro Blviniui, or Pa. 11.It.rorLaiuliortvillo, Trmitoti utnl Ptiltudolptiii

At ltlilU A. II. DoVor \ooonttu0diLtioi).

At 1:00 P. H, D'ubtmtou lUprem, Dnwlutf KoouCir'AttacbodriiL* tbruugh to VVaLtr Otp,b;romlu-burg, Horaiitau, lUnshauitDn, Syracuse ludo*1

tottiiR »t Bcnw-ton -HhU tAch. h BITOCII ..„for I'ltUton, Wyoiutiig, KlnontoD »ud Wilkee-

a. I'lSBouguri tskiuK tbla truto from HewTalk, Pfttonmii aui Uoontou can cotiiiect at W»ih-

UaveNow Vork at 3.30 V. M (Gaaton Ei -*) &inneotinc at Walorloo f*ir Andovct.ton aud Dreuclivilio, and at riiillii)nburg

witli Lolilgh Valley Railroad and LclilgU andHuHnuoliannall. It, for Uotlitolioiii, Allootowti,Itonding ami Harritrtmrg. Also witli Uol. Dol.

4i»0 p . M., Duvitr BipresH for Summit(Boruirdsville. BaskinRTldgii Bod all iiointiouPaaeaia and Dolawaro Itallrmd.) Chatham,MftdiRiro, HorriBtown, Morris PUim, Oea1 '"Hookaivay and Dover.

At 0i4u V, M. (GackotUtoWD Bii»ro«B)Bioi)-idH at Milbuni, Sitromit, OliKtham, UlitdUon,

Jorriatoivn and all ataliuna west to Hncketts-towa.connoutltig at Witorloo with train ftAiidoveraodKoiviorj.

At 7;OQ P, M. Oanruga Eiprcisa trum NewYork (gleoplng can atttobod) via. IWetHnnABoonlon tliropch to Water Gap, BtroiuUunrg,Seriuton, Binclia niton, LIHID, ilarathon,OL>rl-ivoA, Homer, miacnso and Ofrwefia, oinnoctac Waterloo witli SU«BM Itailroad fur Atulorcrand Newton; atDolaw*rc witli litalrntownRy.At Bincliamtou with train for Qropno, Oxloni,Nortrioii, Ptica, ftp. Thia train runs throughto OBWPGO Halurd»v nlghte.

At Tt45 I1. i\. Dover Acoonitnoilntion forUhattiaa, MorttRtown ami Duvcr.

For BcroardHvillo, U»8kin(>rjdgo, Lyons,[Illington. Stirling Oilletto, Berkelojr HeightitdallatatfonH on Paanftio and Delaware It.

,i. (N. J . Wont Lino Railroad) »:10 A. H. BI ~3:80 aud 4:20 P. M.

A. BEASONEB, Superintendent,



FINE BUILDING LOTSeight in the HUAKT <)T THISTOWN, wllhlu Ore mlullll!8wulk or Hank, Cliurvho, VastOffice and Schools.


auil entirely level, wllli excel-lent soil above a Iinrd hotto





HEAD TIIE FOLLOWINGfrom TUB IHON EH* «t October 23d, 1881:

A Crowing Community.Tlint linrl of DLIV,.T kvtn UiTRfi! street ciwl,

iriwi'i'iii Ilio Oenlinl Itaitroitd and Hit cunti*is rajwlly (U'velujMnK i»tn u. yintin uity. SIMnm C(iwn, ttio owner "t immt of tliu jiropoi'tlnTo, IJV ft coinplistoflyHlcim of ilmlimKi' himililo tliciii: loin thi' llui'Ht iiiioccniiind >mrl i

ins tlit'iii »"• 'Kwirnl'lo jtlaottt of rcmfii'iiei-lik-li tln-v ceitniulv nw., bi'tni: uilliin fi-iiinutDH wmk I'niii! tlit! ln-srt of tliu town, nndK ]ivtl iiH u IInor, villi lino liroml I>VI-ictwwH thn liloekd. On tlm block lit?htcrccli nud Hudson etruotn four I'cnl fiuu

Win.lliirriM, thejentler, lius CUDIOHCIIu . . . .attniulivf oittapcon Ilio corner, minmnulci]by « U>\wr fur n eb.rh ; Mr. Jiwpli OHKH inCKxtiinK n llnu ilLinbk di'oiling liome ni-xt tubira;im tl» Host lut Mr. 3. J . Vrwlaml In' ' niMiiiL' llw iiiilKliitiK tntichuH tu n rm-

:n I'nr hid own IIHC, wiifdi IH a ivrleuimndcl of ucatnt'flit nud entivcnicnce. sud Mr~" ii lm» »lnrivd a Iliio ww fiounc »n tlin

noil *trei!l wide. Unt tlirce lulu remainI'lHiIcil im IWa Uttwk mul tlivv Uftvo l»;yiiluiKori to bo built npnn l>y MutiHou Hi-nr-

...^ and Mr. VrecUnd. On Hudfon stiret Mr.Win. H. Oollard IIIK ftltto epnti-nntDil Tor Ilio

•^rcir-t°Mr"J.°]i''itYebar«ltT 1m!* Voc-n'r!'tl n!']»"ml-

i n * JTSiiii>'li»°*™i'tl''ii l «f "wi^t "wTl*lll-'iInc rt-H«lftii;[! fur liin nwn oocii].:itnui. Ou

n urn at i)ii|ii'nVfiniiit liy lli« inat(itif;of side*

Mr. Coiix vol (IUIIH Buvcii largo blncU nftliiii vftltmMo rru|n-rt>', coiitnining IwhTpi-n«rvciity-HTf mill one linndrosl clij,'ili)o lain,Tlioold iinilfifrtly lines IJRVO <llrrt nwnythat Urn water lnix bwn removi-i from Hi .and in tliclr plnoo is a fine xoll, with a Imrdbottom a Tew foi't lunuilb. At tbo prei 'rnto Hint ImiMiii? l§ drvoliipinn in that <•ter it will not be IUIIR ore wo KIIIIII bavc acompnet [ind ilDfly laid out neotinii of Hiettiwn Uwto, while tUo Hue chataolertif tliebnililiiiRH nmv going up Indicnto tbat it will lieour of tlio nlonttanlcxt jvtrlioiH of tliu city Tor

Tim tonii IH nownlioiit nut «f tlifbt, nnd nieruIs »o county iuJfbtcilncss, making Povorinn*if the very bnot plucuit for lucittlnn and invist-




Trains arrive and dopart from thin etatiun


Pliillipaunrg Bpcc. *:35Ounce0 Expfoua* o-2oDver Efpren 7:00

(itt6lownE7i«Now Ttork Exp, 8:43Dover Aoooin. 11:10

P.M.B'RhamtoD E m * 1:87" Yr-Th Mail 2:44

.ir Acoom. 5:45OmTCco EipresB* 7:29Now SorkXccnm. 8:27 j

•Via. Boonton Branch.


DoTcrAceorn. 12:33Entton Kxnrosi 2:00H'i;bauitf>uGsp*li:37


(TKftTWABD. 1TATI0S8. K_laTWlHD.A.« . P.H, A.M. KM11.02 C.65 Cheister 8.0C 4.1010.62 0.47 Hortun 8.07 4.1B10.43 6.43 Ironla 8.12 4.3010.82 6.37 Succtsnnna 8.17 4.4010.23 G113 HoOainiivilln 8.20 4.6S10.10 6.25 PortOram 8.28 S.1010.03 (,'i'i Dotov B.B5 6%


no tkUo tor pnsataser tmiiiB, to tako oDiNor. 7th, 1SB1,



" 8d iuJ BorlmTn-ntou : . .

Arrlvo CheaterLc*Vo~NanKbright •

PortOrftin" Doror

Arrlw Hooktway

Le»re l loeWwar. . ." Dover

Fort Oram .Koofl'DnkcBiillo .Carj'iFlanders - - • -Bartley

O.341U3 . . ..0.2912.23 0.65D.S31329 0.58flS71139 7.049.M1S.43 7.07

. , ( • - . . fl.Nl KB 7.17fi.55 1.20 7.31

.;,•.'... 10.D5 1.3D 7.301 town Taunt .v ' - 17 6 1., . A. * . P. U. V, U.

..!:... e.2o 3.2Q a.sogt29 S ,JJ ^ ( JD6.33 3.85 4.100.43 S.44 4.38(U7 3.47 4.S2

. . . . . . . 0.61 S.53 4.406M 3.61 4.45C.6J 3.59 4S9

. QortnanVillev.....'UUdle Valley..;...,

canrao :::;::::;•.;:.•D HlgUBrlflee

Bound Bmtk

IM 4.1» 5.M7.1T 4.17 fl.82

. 7.33 4.2] 6.387.39 4.33 G.S3

, 7.3B 4.411 0.5S. e.go a.fl3 aao

11.15 B.17~8.07Tit D.43 fl.43 B.3

Trjniin ."•.;. fl.8S 7.15Ptuiarlelpbia

Now York 5.51 CM B.S7_jnwyince» a n be procured at German

Valley to ia& from Bcbnolej's Maantiln; atFlaoaeri to and from BuJd'i Lake; at Kenrilto and from Lake Bocitcooir.

E*»roif COSKECTIONI.--Trait!!- Nn. 17, DnmlIB, maio cloii n.ntifft*' •: nt 1{[K1, Diidgf furBaMon and pnjtJtg on .^hffil, A Sunn. Dir.Train leavinR Eaiton at 9 A. M. mahAclcoDnecttomrith ttntn No. Max ftlltlntinntt toE.wksway. Train JeaTinB EaittAn X 4 P. SI.« M M U with train No. U, witb A dolaj ofovir an boor.





THE FILL TRADEB carry a complete




Morri3 Countj-'-Surrogate'E Office,NOVEMDKR Ifith, 1881.

n tbo mattnr ot Jnmcn B. Tmiking, Adminifl-

gato's order to limit ure ih tore.On aiiplicBtidE o!tljD abuvH uamed nAmlnlH-

trator it la ordered by tlm SunoK»io that tlitssfd adminislrnlor RUU finl.tln notice to tlio

iu thoir debts. dniiinndHnnd cluhuft agninxt flipanmu,iindornatl],Killi!iiiiiiit'mi)ntliHfroni tbledata, by Rotlluir up a copy »i this order, withlrlw«nt\ (l»y* herciiiilCT, ii\ iivo of tlie most pnlilionlnoOK in tho omitityof HOITIH for twi—intliH, nna also n-ltiiln tlio unitt twenty day*». ndvertlHinf! tlio euinfi 'n t l i e 'T ios EBA,"nno ol tlio ncwspoiicrs of tltls State, for tboaflnioftpacooftimo (tlie hnrroKBte judging anyFurther notice to bo nimoceftsury); and If anycreditor shnll ncfileot f. exhibit He or \>erdebt, dotnaniUnd ulnim witb In tlto said periodof nioomontlie, public iiotfoo beiriff glwn anaforcHnid, sue!) creditor ilmll l>o foruvur do-burreil of his w lit-r action thcrofongaiimt tliesnidndminlatratfir.

A trneoopf frntti tlicminntcH.3-1 Ow OHAHLEfl A, C H L I I E X , Stirras»t<

Morris County Surrogate's Office.NOVEM11ER IBtli, lflfil.

In tho mattor of Abby 3f. BIHJIICIT nnd Jobn I..Simncor, AilinlnlFtrntuninf ffHlium N. Upon-ccr. ilpccasod. Burriigitu'ti order to limitcredit tire.

ON application or" th(< nbaTa-natncd AdmiiialratorR itieorOored bythoHurrocntc thtt

. litun of tlio ostnto (if mid doendont tn bringin tliclr dclitB, dcmatidx nud clnimti Rgniimt Mic

3, iiudnr unth, within nine montliH fromd»ln, by nuttiii|* up a com cf thin nnler,

nit In ii twoiity days hcienrior, in live nr tbemost tinllicplnr<!»in tlm Onnnty nf Mnrrls fort«omatttiiH, MIA tlen vUhin tdc sad! twentydays by ndvorlising tliennnioiii lliolnos ERA

mftliQTiiWtimputiiiBStaeonfitnio (tlid Surrogate j

t l t l n n 0 B ) iany fnr-iiircrci1itiniriintlcotnl(nnnnec0BMri)iattairiiiircrci1

tor ftliall npRlcct to eihlbit bif or tier dnbl, do-mnnd ami claim within the said period of uinnmntlut,public nolicu lieing given ns nrorctaidBUdicrodltornliall bi< forovor dulmrred of liiorbor action tlicrcfurasninsttbo said AdtutnlitrjitorH. Atrnnco|>y from tlie minnt«n.5M0w OHAnLEB A.GlLLTSS.siirrogale,

Morris County Surrogate's Office.DEO. 1st, 1881.

In tho matter or Hrary C. WlBfiiiifi, AOminlittrator of Jobn Brown, deceased. Surntgate'H order to limit creditors.

ANn[ipHcntion uf Hie above unwed Admin\J ittlrnlor, it i» ordorod hv titfi iiiirrogalithat wiM XilminiBtmtiiT ^ivo \mh\ic notice Utb«oro']itoi-Hoft)iG(>it|atD nf xnld riu coil cut titirlnfi in thuir dabts, demands nnd okirnLngalnst t lo futue. under unth, within uiootuonthfi From tMfi dnte. bv ictt lnc up u copyof tbln order, within tironty dayx licronftcr, infive of tbo most public UIHOOH in tbe Cocnty ofMorris for two niontlui, tind *lio witbin tbesaid twenty days \>j nOvortinlnif tbe nanio inUiolnoK EUA, nni> of the neiVRpnporn nf IbNitatc , for tho sumo npnop of timo (the Htirro-gate Jiiilsinc nuj rnTilitr uoticn to bo nnnec*cssarj); and if any creditor flbnll wctoet Iciliibit lifn or bar debt, tic run ml nnd claliwithin tlio Bald period of nluo monthw. publictiotli'c bulug KiTen m aforonnid, micb creditorshall bo forever dcbarrcl uf biHorJ1"" actioitherefor tgalnHt tho said Admin is trator.

A true copj from ilte minntoH.l-10tr OHAnLESA. GILLES, flnrrosalo.



IRS. KEARNSdeals in tlio beat OBOCCGIEB J>VO Puovniose,





Confectionery, Nuts, &c.OWe me a, otll and I will try nod please.


Nctioe of SettlementNotice is horeby RIWD Ibut tho acconnti .

tbo HubKtlbar, Eitontor of Mtrgarct Mills,deceased, will bo nndiloj and xtttcd \>y IlioS o ^ a t e , i n d reported for sottlumcnt totbOrphins' Court of tho (lotmly of Morris, aMond»y tho Btb dijofMsrdi Host.

JOHN A. TOME.Dated Duo. 30th, 1881. i-9




DUOin wMoh may he found Eovoltios and nsw fabrioB for fall woor, and 111

newest aud best things in all kind!) of

H A R D W & R E - P C U T L E R Y ,


Mining Materials,

Gas Pips and Fittings,



Celebrated Rand Drill,the beat Iu tlio country.

Drafts and Passage Tickets

to and from Europe,

Morris County Sarogate's Office*iKOVF,MHI!Baillh,1881. •

lit the i»nt^i ol iinrvlot S, &\%M<\, Mm\n-itmti-ix of Isano II. Ahvunl, decoaKcd. Hur-•i;ntu'H<>rd'.'r to limit crodilor*.

r \ N nuplit'itiwi uf tlii aliove-nnmrd Attmhi*\J islratrii it IH ordered by llic HunuRatttbat m\H A(1uiiiilntralrfc givr jmbltc notino t<Iliflisreilitiireof HiecKtatu of paiddopedfrit ((Lifiisg \\i \\w\? \Wh\n, (UiimTids tiiiti clnitniifiniiint tho Hninn. utukr until, 'vitliin iiim

tb'ia unlor.williin IWGitt,v'il(i.v» lii-n-nlter, iu 'five' [nn nioHt publln JIIUCCB in tlio cfiuutyfilMur

for 1 wo mmitlis, nnrl nlso willihi the sail<nt.vdn.vM by (idVoi'tixing 11*0 mmn in tb

fur the WIIIIU Bpnco nf time {tlio RnrroftiitjndKitig any mrtlicr nut iet; to be unneoi'tmarvJ;nnd if anvcreilitfirsunl! ucRlrot to oxliililt hisas \w.v tls'bt, drawn! and claim viUnn Ilia saidperiod of ntito immthB, public nnticn bem

' o HH Mi>roniiifl, xnuli creditor nball be foi•liitiarml of Jils or bor action thortft

inttlic«alrlAOiiiltilNiritr)i,mo to'iy fnmi the ininntoB.

52-9 fin.lim OITAfl

E. SIEBERImp roiluci!il flic pried for i>lain pniutlng tc

$1.90 PER DAYfrom UIIH date, and will Inko contracts at very

loiv il^nrus Iu cormpoud wilh that ratu.


npon the lowest tcrniB. .OoutracU taken for

Frescoing Interiorsufclmrclicfl mid toaldcnreK, Hpccimcita ofivMcl

vill bo «howu if duNiri'd. My stotk of

U now cbini>loto, cmbraci'ig

7sOOO B O L L S ,

OF soo DIFFEllEST DESIQK8, Vbi-ffiA'jr« from II CHitu til 60 CCUM per mi l ; (,'itlilTH from 41) otB, te 13, I cannot bo unilorin tbo so nrtlolou.


Celling Decorations,


Gold Mouldings, Hooks. 4c.

Slzo for pnpering ami knlKrninlQR willfAIHQ halRomini, mUcil to mtlcr in over; coloi— "y tg put oq by quart or gnllcn.

E S I E B E R .br.SkcMani!sse:Stt.

April utii.tm. : Dover, N. J


SALE OF LANDS,By virtue of nn crderortbo Uorrifl Orpbans1

Onnrt miilu on tliu tlflU dity nf July, A. D.1881, wo tl>« HllbricribrtrB, CommtBuinimrS ap-pnintud hynnid Court to divide corialn landswhrronrJobnMeColliiiudfoesaoJdloJucfzuiIwhrorobMColliiiu.dfoesaoJ.dloJucfzuiIwill sell lit Vutilte Auction, on

SATURDAY, tlm lih day of February,

a, et two o'clock in tlie artornoon on tl«prcmt'cti, all those tivn 1ot«, tractH or pitroeli(•! Unii, iitu;i1e In Ilio tiWiishi|) of OheHttir, iitho County of Murrinniid State or Now Ji>rao.v,

d d o i t t o l h b fe^tEll M lHI, on tltu cast bv Uiidf iirSirnmilJ. Huff-in, tmtbo nnnth'hv landu or Jncoli Flomor-

IiiU slid William Hilh.nl, wid nn tbo w.nt brUmlB of David W.DL-llkker and tlio said JanobFlomcrfvlt,aod more particularly JoBor.beii BBfollows:

THE PIHST LOT, bogfnninT at a phtntojBton«ft3nri)0f to jamb «r'WilIbni T. MiJlickami Charles Bmlino, and mat ing thence (1)aoulh forly-fiii dc^rona atld fortv-irro minutes-rat tUUt.v-on«ctiitUBondUo(\lv.t«fllUika to

Inspot stmios four toon llnkn'fmni tot No13, nud Bouth twenty-all links rrom two pop-1 — ; tbciuoo (!)) Mouth forty Bipht dosrecfi— fnrly rainnieR cnut ton obaimi nn'l eicfonlinks to tbo nppor Bide nftlie orcliard ; thence(8) flrnith fortv-ttru degrnoa nBBt tliirly-flvoclinlOM to tho oast linos between lands late nrJorctuinh EmmonB and said lot j thence (4)iinrlh iiiirty-funr HcRtoeit *nd twunty-tonrminntesenst thirty-four cbniuB and nisly-firo"-•'•I to a heap of s.1outfs<iii Uicnionntaln,

p HukR cant of a bUoh oak HupUoR ronrtfci:nn fmir ildi 's; thunco |5) unrtb forty degreeswont scron cbalns, nioro or tern, to a poiiit IDtlio fonup on Ilio ircat mic ol IIIB road; thenco(D) imrth fortj^aren and.one-hilf de^toesvert thlrtr-orie GtinlnB and' fortyflve link« totbo plara of bCghiDlupr, oontainliiRono linn-drcil ami tlnrty-aro acres and fifty-two bun-drodthaof&n ac rs of Una, bo Ibore more crlean.

TUSRECOSD Ltrr, bdRlnntHS!&t 4etnas ......tho game being a arirnor of lands lately nwnmlby Ferdinand VnnDaren, and rnnnint,' tbt-iico(1) south rtfjlitT-uiiio degrcuit and thirty niin-MUBmnt fDurshnJni aud otnbty link* to acommon red cherry treo standinR on the northnido of tha mid loading from Petpack toMeodbam; |9) north thirteen dagreei and'- 'cuty tuinul-s wast twelve chains and twenty

itH notllit inttirncctfl tbo line of tbo flnt,->ncrilied lot termlnallns on tbe north aide olsah! r a i d ; (3t «o«tli thtrU five decree* nu tInn rnlimtys west atonj:.i*1d lino runrtoonchaim an;l clRhty links to the plaofiof beBii-nimr; cnntflluinf* two acres and tlilrty-flImdltfiltbi of a t acre ol land, be tbo BUDmorn or lens.

Ikltifrtno tame two lots of land tint treieeonTOTert to tha Hnid John UcOoltnm In hislife-tlinebv Ell«« PliiHiovur and wife by deeddated Jonnary 11th, 1873. and recorded tn tbMorrli County Olun;> Oflloo ia hook 0, 8 <deeds on pagoi 470, Aa.


Dated Docomtwr d.lBS*. 110 80

'HODSE FOB SALE.A Minveairnt, rrsrinrraiiRt'd h^ura, in Rind

cimdilinn. w\i hci tnl on Priwpout Ktrent.vilfanine ruoiua ntiil KOOII WDII of wjtcr. ApplT lu

0I1A8. H. MUSFON,at lili rei taunu. , OUobwell Bt..

•tC Cver, N. J,





G^ DRY GOODS.IiitbeGBOOERY DEPABTMENT wo are carrying the usual largestocks of best goods for tlio table, and ara doing a Urge trade iu tUo

Celebrated Granulated Flourwhich is giving general satisfaction. Also complete assortments of



in Satin, Black Serge, Flannel, Ladies Cloth, or any other Fabrio, orfor a fine pair of





In great variety in BOMB, and a great *ss(irtiiunt o:



My entire Fall and Winter stock of

CLOTHING <&®for Miiss', YOVTHB', BOTH' and OHILDHES'B TVEAR is now completed iind

ranges as IOUOVFB :

Mens' Business Suits from $5 to $15,Youths' Cassimere Suits from $4 to $15,

Dress Suits from $10 to $20.BOYS' SUITS FROM $3 to $9,


OVERCOATSor KT£itv PEaonirnoN FnoM §3 TO $18.

Aa imoqmilled lino of Foreign and Domestic PIECE GOODS forgarments made to order, is exhibited iu my establishment. I willguarantee that all orders will bo attended to with despatch, and wibe made and trimmed in the best stylo at a very reasonable \mce.


HATS! HATS! HATS!of tho lory latest leading styles {ram {0 cts. to $3. All this you can


_', B.—I desire to call your attention tliat I mil save no painiin showing Roods whether you pnrcbase or not G. F.

SHERIFFS SALE!In CUaucory of New Jersey—Fl.fi. fev flic ot

mortgnirod pri'tnfion, tvlioretn Mmy K.llfckur is comnhinaiK. ind Jolin T. Ilnrrel!ami James C. Yavger, nro dcroittlauts, Re-luniftltle to Piibrnaty Term A. D. 1882.

FnnDERicK Q. UcnNitAM, Sol'r.By virtue of tlio above stated writ of fiericinR in mv liamls. I BIIBII (IXPOBO [or Bale ai

ruHlio Voiuhiii, at tliu CourtHOUDD, iu Morri*-tDtra,V.J.,on

MONDWf, tUo aetli das ut Janaarj Taext,A. D. 1882, between tlio liottB of VI Bt. and So'clock P. M., (liat ii to say at 2 o'clock iu tliooftornootiofs»id daj,all ihat tractor paredof land suil nrciniBOfi, hcreinofior parltcalarly(Itsortbed, nlhule, lying nnd IIOIIIR in thotiiwnHbliHirOliaibum.lD tlio Oonutv ofMorrla

Stktu of few J-irsoy.IJcinK Ilic MiiiB preniiflfl* onnroyedby Heii-

riuttn norton, widownfHorncoHnrton,to HiunoldJulittT. Hiirrtll, by ilcoO datcil Iba intbUJ- of Mnroli, Ih74, nnti recorded in tlio nfUaar tlio Oleitf ol ttiu Coil II tv of Hnrrift, end IDic] Otod IK <lc»cribn.1 a* fbllawH:Being pnrt mid paixtU of a tract of land

Intuly (iiii'i'linnetl by William S. OCIIUDL' ofJllaiicbc £. Sayrn, nud wns for morl.v part nt Ilia«Ktati*of Aroftlbnld Sayrc, deooawd, joiningtlio home nr \v»u«o I«M nf Jclin B. Miller &ntllamia ol Jnaitu A. Wnbb, and tlio nortbtirfrHitionrtlio upper Mailinon road, leaiiins iiasttbo ilwHIing or Jobn II. MillernuOsaia Willlanift tinning, Into lotR dlvUU'd l>r a street noarlbntDiildlni>rUie wboie trant, rorly-niiio footwktc from tlio nforcusld rsnd noron* tbe vplinlocrnct tu ilio lino or Jimes A- Wolib'n taDd, andis butted nnd bpandod ARrollnws:

DtRiuniujr at an angle or tlio feccGB fit thotiorlliftCflorlycnrncr df ilia vlimo tract atcoiner of Julm H. Miller *xA I « w « K. WaWtnrd. md nuiB thence (1) with tlie linoJohn I). Miller mmtb tlilHeoa dogrrei oasttbtrtyfeut; tbonce (3) with IRIKIH or Wllram8. Gonmig mmili seventy-nine ilwMia w™tono bnmlted mill ucventy-aoren Ti'ot nit mclionto tliecnfittrly line at tlie ararfiHultl street;thentte (3) with tho ™«lork lino of said strootniirlb thirieoD docrecs west rtxtv<Uvi> foot totlioinlc-rsoctinnnrfiaEd easterly Him will) llifJinonf JaninH A. Wnlib'n lanrl ; fhonco {if nitliWw lino of )il« Una north eigtov-elRbt (ICRTOOSand thirty niiuiiles cimt ouo liundrcil nnirlRlity-twn TcH to the plnce of begiuning,outfthiiiiR miielei'ii one hnndr«lthn ot nn norathat), inure or ICHS; together wttti luKrcesndigrcNB to and from tha-vsroe, near andcniH* RHtd Btroet forty-niuD Ict-t ivido, t J be

hL'nt upvu as i imlilic ntrett acrnsa smd pcotn-(sea hy fluid Wlllitm S. GoounR, IIIB botro indMBignu, in oompnny with tlie *inrctitiRur& ofother lota on mslil tract, at till «mo» rorover.

TVILWAM H. HOWEli , Bliorlff,Dated Nov. 81,1881. $10 80

Morris Oounty Surrogate's Office-DECEMBER 28tb, 1861.

In thomitflor of SUthiiH T. Wi th , A.lmlnii-tratnr of Itnnyoii A|)gar, deceaped. Hnrro-eotu'a order to limit creditors.

OK TiFflic&tioB d tno nl-iDvn-t)r>mDtl A3m\n-iatratoi it 1» ordored by tbe Snrwflatn

ttiatsaid Admlnintrator Riva public notice totlio crcditorn of ilio eatnto of mi 1 decadent toViting In flielr ilebls, (leniainta and claitnsngniuBt tlm samo, uuder ciatli, within ninemonths frtm ilife dale, by Retting npacDpyof thin order, wilUin twenty (Uja tier»aflor. thflveoftboinont public plicotiin thaconnty ofMorris for two monthi, and »IM within theHBld tvontr days by ndveriminK tbo same latbo Iiro^ BnA.unoiif tlie uew»p»perB of 1hlsSlate, rur.the naino upaco of timo (tho Snrro-R»te Judging anj further nntloo to bo nnncc-CBsary); and if any creditor ihnll neglect toexhibit Din or lior debt, deinBno* and cliimwitldn the «ald period or ulno months, publicnotice being Riven na aforettr-id, xnco oreilitorfltmll be forever debarred ot hie or her aotioutbcrefr.t neiloxt tho u t i Administrator.

A true conv frotu the mimiieg.4-lOff p CHA8. A. OILLEN, Snrroffato.

SHERIFFS SALE!l a OUaneer j of Sow Jeraej-—Fi. la. fat wvlc •_

mortgaged preniiBCB, M heroin Tbo Uutua)liifo JneutttBoo Company of Now YorS arocoinplainaiita, and Mary D. Baolio, Andrew3. Bacbc, Cathiirlno R. Lincoln, John H.r,cnnp. Cbnrlca B, Ollflton, The Murray Hil1

Banli, Oirnolld M. Stewart, Andrw A. fltnalifiT, Tho ItihnbiUntB of ths TownsbtD oMorris in (bo County of Morris, and Julia P.Parrott and Edward H. Parrott, EiccnturB,An,, Of Jotlum B. PountoiD. deccnwerl, are

FUEDEHICK 0 . BDBNDAM, Bol'r.T>Y vlrtno of tho nboro stntcd writ of floriX> fanf AB in my hands, I shall oxpoRo for ealeit public vondnc, at tbo Court Borne, in Woristoffu, N. J. | en 'MONDAY, the ftttli day of Januiry next,

A. D, 1882, butwoen tlio hours nf 13 If. utnlo'clock P, ST., that in to eny at 2 o'clock in thoafternoon ol BB.W day. nil that tract orparcel of land and promiBet, lioreinatter par-ticnlarlydenonbMl, Aitiiatu, lyiuit atid bomKin the tcvmiiln or Morns, iu tho Cuuutj'Morris anil Stato n! Now Jersey.

Bopiunlng al a liickory tree at tbe Poutbticorner ot tlio farm ; tlionoo nnrth fourte..ilo({rcoB oast tliirty-fl"o otiaius and eii*lity-fonrImliii alonR tho linoof tbo auU farm tu intaketbonoe alonp tho lino uf Jonatlmti Nlxan':north twelve degrees and thirty miuutes w#\ais OUBIDB and ho^onts-aevon link* lo s. UeniofRtoiiua; ibcuae north Revonty-uino OVUKUnud flfloBii minnteri west HroobainH and ninclyonelmkH to.8BlnK<!; llmnco nortli twelve d i -grcoxnnd tliirty miDiitcn east iilns cbdiris stulaoventr-fonr liuU to it tioap of atones ; thiinceuortli Bovonty-two degrooH and thirty minntea

twegt tonrlGen chainn and surnuty-four linksJ toatieapofstonci); theuoiiortli twodtf

nnij twenty-one mlnntei west time chnintitliirty linba to a etike by the sldo of tlio iihbnce fttong tlio luiiWlc of Ww rnnil ?twctt.v-ono itfgrcoH west eigbl cbuiustitty-onollnkitoa torn in the rofid; tl,nonth thirteeti (lefjrCba east four uhilm' ty-Hlx links; theiioe south thirty doi

it t f o cliAJns and |«lxtr-ono liube; tlHOnrh twenty-one dcRi-eon and forty ramit'uBcast otlli atoOR tho middle of tlio nail tiv.icbains and eighty links, iboucu Hoittli eix d<<-RrcoB acd fifteen mimitei ennt olebt cbainnami forty one links to the middlo of I be r<touting from loutlban NIIOU'B \a MuirSsiechoothoneo; tlioiioe along Kiid rnnd mtliirlv-eicbt dosriMg and forty miuiiti>svfnorcliBmssniFoicbty llnkfl tu t"io olj iimtlio Bocra Una; tlieimu south elocon iifgr_-aod twenty mlnnioB vert ROTCII cbsins andolnetv-flre UnhstuaQOinor of the farm intool David Plerrion, decenaetl; tUeiioa soutliBlxtv-fiiordagroea&tidtorlymiiiutoti cist tliir-ttcnouninaamiOUB link to o stump; UimioaBoutli toil dPgraee and forty-tbrcu mioatosWEHI fifteen cu&lna m a Buriinlj-flvo Units to &heap of atones; thenoa sontli Heventy-tiinedegrcen east lire obafus and eighteen links toHo nUoo nf bcRinuing, containingoightyacrasbotiiosanie wore or less. Eiooptinfi and ro-ecrTirtt; nut of tbe nb«vc tract or land, all tliatpart of tlio nbDVp tract of land heretofore, Ic-wit. on tlia t«faatyfoarth da ; of M.*roU, 1850,sold and onovevej by OwrRe F . Bncbe toPrpdorick W. tfeweomb, oontalnlnn twonty-eight acres nnd tlifrty-Qvo handredtliB of KHacre mnro or lo»» i which Inut wunltotieu defiuis iponnlad In tlio ulUao of ttm Olork or tb»OotjDty ofHorrl*. In Liber V 5 nl Deeds, ptgo111, Ac; the property intended to bo dflnonbe'RUOKO oelnp tno um'n premise! doMrlbci] in ..(tcdd from Andrew 3- Bnoha to Archibald G.Roger*, dated JalySd.1817. and recorded In<h« nfflci- nf tiio Clerk of tlii Oaa&ty or Marru,In Book E, 7 <if Deed*, pofio 37. fto., aud beingIIBO tba stme premlaea convoyed to Jotbara 8.'oRtitaln, rleceftscd, by tho 8borifi* of th>JotinVy nf MortiH. b? tleM liNitiug d»io tin

twentieth dav of Novombrr. 1B78.

WIUIAS1 i i . HOWELL, SlictiR.Dated Nov. 91,1881. , t i t JO



taken and material- furokhed,

Hoofing-"With bettor fBoilitios X am enabled to pet

on SLATE ROOFS deeper thim ever usingnone bnt the bent quality of elate and em-ploying firstolaas mechanics. lean Ruar-RBtae maieiltl and-vnrV in evexy purtiou-lar. Tar Bheatbing Felt always on band.

Dated Ootobar l.fth. 1880.

County Collector's Notice 1I will ho at tlio office or tbo Snrrogato, Unr.

rifltown, for tba tranaactlon of Oiitmiy liuii-TIBUI, an Timrwlay of each week, ind at thoaifier. of OeorRO Riclmrda, Ewi., Dt>v«r, onMondiyi, Tneadaji., Wednesday and Fridays,






Shop on Olinton St., Dover.AD ei|)c[lciice nf t l j>ct» in Dover on tha

finest wttrl. 1 tlio Rnsitntrn I offar or my

.W.i'SBlSH'.Hl.'.K"1"- »""• " " • «•blllt, lo rie.M Ue public.to IUTB tl«igho t i laua.

Whitlock &NO. 6 NEW

COB. BLACKWELL and MORRIS STS.Almiy" on bnml » f.lll linf of flUDCEIIIES AMI 1'H'IVIKKISK.


C. S.Dyer find Carpet Weaver, would miumniw to tlin ciliznus ol lliia place untl vicinity that

be wilt meet all their wants in dyeing uud cnrjitt we.wiug.

DYEING CLEAIVIISG :Ladies Mcrltio nnd CaRbmore DteweB, Sluwla nud Clonkn a npoclally; nnri nil kiudu o

folirlcti nro neatly eleane.1, dyed and. fiuixlieil. G"nllomoii'n gnrQiotilR, ooatw, piuts nnilTCBIS cloAned or dyvd nnd neatly finished without ripping. By cleaning nud dye lug fadedand worn clotliittK they might lie nutde nervi e.iLle for a long time.

O A B P E T W'KAVING I-Hnving the very buHl Looms (or List nnd frig OnrjiBt,and everything lilted np for firat-flawi work, I think I cnu deliver what Ibo bidina want,iiftflr they bavn tnkan the trouble to cut nud ««w tbeir rug t niculy, ti ocd rug cjirpol. Ikeep tbo very bent warn tor my customers nud all oideni ure HtU'mleii to with carp. Car-pet racs dyed auy color. A reoHniuilils price paid for cnn»et wfii.. Ciirjwt on liimd loriSnle. Plnoeof bnMnefHinthfi OLD FRESJtYT£llUN CHURCH, COlt. ULACKWELLAND 1'IVOSPECT STB., DOVEB, M. J.

Dover, N. J., Sapt 20tU, 1881. C- S. JENSEN-





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