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  • 8/4/2019 Do Not Approach Me



    Do Not Approach Me

  • 8/4/2019 Do Not Approach Me


    Do Not Approach Me

    EILIYAH MOON Page | 1

  • 8/4/2019 Do Not Approach Me


    Do Not Approach Me

    EILIYAH MOON Page | 2

    Chapter 1

    Love is DangerousThe world you create around you can collapse any second,

    without a sound you are standing alone. I have been walking

    in the same way as I did before. When you left me it felt

    like the gust of wind disappear. The scars of your love, they

    left me breathless. My love for you was effortless but now I

    am trying hard to forget you. You wear the shoes I gave you

    and walk along the streets with her. As if it was nothing,

    you kiss her. You spray the cologne I gave you and embrace

    her. Even when you see me you ignore me, what we had

    Lost, I am begging you over that Love. I am burning in

    those flames then why arent you even looking at me. We

    have started walking on these thrones but how long can wetake it. I feel the air around me collapse me down. You

    probably repeat those promises you made to me with her. It

    seems we are already too late. Has our love already ended?

    Please at least say anything to me. There is a fire in my

    heart. The things which were blurry seem to be crystal clear

    now. I am the only one hurting tonight. When I think ofyou it hurts too much. You are starling all my senses, you

    are burning me apart. The dreams which were yours are all

    mine now. You are no longer the older yourself. Do not

    underestimate the things I am going to do to you. You had

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    EILIYAH MOON Page | 3

    my heart and you stabbed it. Just say something to me once

    so I can pulverize all those memories I had with you. Say

    you love me. I wonder why the rain makes me cry more, I

    am waiting for your love but I cannot seem to find you.Even when I found you I lost you. What type of love is

    this? When my own presence is killing me - My Love left



    Selene. My mother called out.

    Yes mother. I looked back at her.

    She was holding a cup of coffee and placed it

    down. What are you writing? She looked down

    at what I scribbled.

    It is nothing special. I covered the page.

    You have to go back tomorrow? She sat on the


    I have to go back. I looked back.

    I hope you visit me often. She smiled.

    I will come back next month.

    What time is your flight? She questioned.

    Ten. I replied back.

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    Say hello to, Siobhan. She referred to my


    I nodded and she closed the door behind her.

    I looked down at what I wrote, What am I

    writing? I thought and tore it down.

    There was a huge crash sound which broke my

    sleep, I silently held a baseball bat and crept

    downstairs. When I reached the living room it

    felt like I was not in my own house.

    I am begging you Ethan; please dont do this to

    us. I was seeing myself in front of an unknown


    Riana, I am sorry but I have to do this. He

    closed the door behind him.

    When I woke up I was breathless. I went

    downstairs to drink water and found myself

    sitting in the kitchen.

    Who are you? I was stunned.

    Selene, you must remember me. She was crying

    her eyes out.

    Wake meupplease. I shouted.

    You know this is not a dream. She continued.

    Who are you? I kept staring.

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    You have to help me Selene.She just vanished

    like that.

    I am still sleeping, I am dreaming.

    Selene, get up. My mother was looking anxiously

    at me.

    I sat down at the breakfast table and looked at

    my single mother. I did not resemble her in any

    way. She was a brunette and I was a red head.

    Her eyes were green and mine were brown. Mom

    I need to ask you something. I looked at her

    while she took a sip from her coffee.

    Yes Selene, whats bothering you? She looked


    Do you anything about my family? I questioned

    while she froze.

    Selene, I would have told you if I knew. The files

    went missing long before you were sent into

    orphanage. She held my hand.

    I am sorry; I dont know why I keep asking you

    this. I pulled my hair up.

    I think you are going to be late. She got up and

    looked outside the casement.

    I grabbed my car keys and headed out. I looked

    back at my house. The place where I had spent

    20 years, the past is blurry. My mother adopted

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    me when I was 3. I remember playing in the

    backyard with my sister, But nothing else. I

    cannot seem to see their faces. I hope all my

    questions are answered. My mother ignited theengine and drove towards the airport. It had been

    a year since I moved to L.A. working as an intern

    in Teen Vogue.

    Working under Lisa Kudrow was exceptional. My

    best friend Alexis was working as an intern with

    me. The chances of us going to Paris were

    increased since the last intern left. I kept looking

    at my watch now. Mom we are running late. I

    explained to her.

    We will reach in the right time. She comforted

    me with that.

    When we reached the airport mum didnt let me

    board in. Mom, I will miss the flight. I looked at

    her concerning eyes.

    Take care. She hugged me once more and then

    she let go of me. I waved back at her and soon

    boarded the plane.

    I remembered the dream I had. Maybe it was

    something regarding my past. It felt real- all

    these articles I wrote were about this girl Riana

    and her twin sister Adele. Unfortunately

    whenever I dream about those characters they

    looked exactly like me.

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    Maam, please switch off your cell phone. The

    air hostess asked me. I am sorry. I totally forgot. I

    smiled and turned it off. Its okay, maam. She

    smiled and moved forward towards otherpassengers.

    I closed my eyes remembering the past. The more I

    tried to forget it, the more it haunted me.

    Ethan, why are you doing this? I love you.

    Riana was begging him not to leave but he didnt


    Ethan, I will die without you. Riana was crying

    hardbut he didnt care to look at her.

    Ethan. Riana screamed and my eyes opened.

    Bad dream? I heard the passenger next to me.

    I looked sideways to see his face and found

    Ethan sitting in front of me.

    I tried to calm my nerves. I am Selene. I tried to


    Ryan He smiled back. Are you afraid of

    heights? He pointedtowards my hand I was

    gripping the seat.

    No I abruptly freed myself.

    The rest of the flight I remained quiet noticing

    him. He smoked just like Ethan. Why did he look

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    exactly like him? This question was running

    through my mind.

    LAX airport was crowded as usual and I managed

    to skip from Ryans sight. I accidently bumped

    into something harder. I am sorry I wasnt

    looking. I looked up and saw Ryan smiling back

    at me.

    It is totally fine with me but I cant say this

    about other people. He smiled cheekily.

    Is he trying to flirt withme? She thought in her


    Can I have your number? Ryans question hit

    me like a a huge stone.

    I looked down at my feet thinking carefully. I

    understand if you dont want to. Ryan


    I think we will let fate decide if we ever meet

    again. I walked towards the car.

    The chauffeur grabbed my bags as I sat inside the

    car knowing Ryan wasnt looking my way.

    Riana, I am telling you to stop this.Ethan was

    shouting at her.

    What did I do wrong? Riana questioned while

    Ethan was packing his bags.

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    We cant stay together anymore. I am done with

    you. Ethan was harsh. While she saw Ethan

    descend downstairs she looked at herself in the

    mirror. Her red curls were sprawled over theshoulders- she was wearing a jersey maxi which

    almost covered every inch of her.

    Ethan, you would regret this. Riana shouted out

    and then she heard the door slam.

    Selene. Alexis hugged me as I walked into the

    office. How are you? I smiled at her.

    I am very well, how are you? She gave me a

    wide smile.

    Something totally weird happened today. I told

    Alexis who was intently looking at me.

    I saw Ethan today. I continued. Ethan is your

    book character. Alexis triedto remain calm.

    I saw a person who looked exactly like him. I

    confessed knowing what I was saying was totally


    Selene, you must be dreaming and you thought

    it was real. Alexis tried to smile.

    I totally wished but it is not a dream. Trust me.

    I was pleading in a way.

    Selene, stop day dreaming. Alexis took a sip

    from her coffee.

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    Do Not Approach Me



    On my way back to the apartment I thought

    about Ryan more than I should have but the

    resemblance was indescribable. I pulled my hand

    out of the coat and turned the key. Noticing thelights were on it meant Siobhan was home.

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