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Do Now 11/19/14

What is Shamanism? Explain the beliefs.

Do Now 11/19/14

Shamanism- belief that certain people could communicate with spirits

Known as shamans Mostly women Carried out rituals-songs, dances, and

chants to convince spirits to help people People believed shamans could cure


Clear Targets

Compare the major features of Shinto, Japan’s indigenous religion, and Japanese Buddhism

Examine the Japanese nation during the Nara period


Mrs. Stoll 7th Grade Social Studies

Geography & Settlement

Japan lies to the east of Korea and China Japan is an archipelago- chain of islands Because of mountains only a small amount

of Japan’s land can be farmed Many Japanese built villages along the

coast and fished Japan was isolated-separated- from the rest

of Asia As a result, Japan developed a independent


Map of Japan

The First Settlers

First settlers probably arrived from northeastern Asia around 20,000 years ago

About 300 B.C. a group of people, the Yayoi (YAH-yoy) brought farming to Japan

By A.D. 300 Yayoi had organized into clans

Each clan was headed by a warrior chief who protected the people

The First Settlers

The Yayoi were also skilled metalworkers, made pottery, and grew rice.

Bronze bell created by the Yayoi

The Yamato

During the A.D. 500s a clan called the Yamato ruled most of Japan

Yamato chiefs claimed to be descended from a sun goddess who sent her grandson to rule over the people of Japan

According to legend a Yamato leader named Jimmu was the great-grandson of this goddess

Jimmu took the title “emperor of heaven” and became the first emperor of Japan

Shinto: Way of the Spirits

Early Japanese believed in animism- belief that humans, animals, plants, rocks, and rivers all have their own spirits

People believed they could call on the kami or the nature spirits for help

To show respect Japanese worshipped at holy places

These beliefs developed into a religion called Shinto

Shinto: Way of the Spirits

Shinto means “way of the spirits” It has contributed to the Japanese love of

nature; simplicity, cleanliness, and good manners

Shinto later became linked to Japan’s rulers

Their duties included taking part in Shinto rituals to ensure the well-being of Japan

The Otaku Shrine (Shinto Shrine)

Prince Shotoku

About A.D. 600 a Yamato prince name Shotoku ruled Japan on behalf of his aunt

He wanted to give Japan a strong, well-organized government, so Shotoku created a constitution; or plan of government

The emperor was an all-powerful rule and the Japanese were expected to obey him

Specific rules in the constitution based on the ideas of Confucius, stated how they should perform their duties

Prince Shotoku

Shotoku admired Chinese civilization and wanted the Japanese to learn from it

Officials and students studied Buddhism, as well as Chinese art, philosophy, and medicine

After Shotoku’s death, officials continued to use China as a model for Japan

Prince Shotoku

In A.D. 646, the Yamato began the Taika, or Great Change

Japan was divided into districts ruled by officials who reported to the emperor

All farmland was placed under the emperor’s control

Clan leaders could oversee the farmer’s work, but government officials now collected taxes

Taika reforms created Japan’s first strong government

The Nara Period

In early A.D. 700s, Japanese emperors built a new capital city called Nara

During this period, the Japanese emperors ranked government officials into a hierarchy

They did not use examinations to hire officials

The emperor gave positions to nobles from powerful families

In return for their service these officials received large farms

The Nara Period

The emperor’s control of the land gave him great power

Buddhist teachings had reached Japan from Korea in the A.D. 500s

During the Nara period Buddhism was powerful in Japan

In A.D. 770 a Buddhist monk tried to seize the throne

Disturbed by the incident the emperor decided to leave Nara for a new capital

Todaiji temple- a Buddhist temple

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

Title paper: Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

Answer questions #1-5 on page 223 Include textual evidence

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

How does a constitution benefit society?

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

How does a constitution benefit society?

Offers a standard set of rules by which everyone in the country must live

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

Why was early society in Japan isolated?

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

Why was early society in Japan isolated?

Japan is composed of islands and was therefore largely isolated from other nations, like China and Korea

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

How did animism affect people’s views about nature?

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

How did animism affect people’s views about nature?

Early Japanese believed all things in nature are alive

If humans, animals, plants, rocks, and rivers had their own spirits they would gain importance and merit greater respect

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

What was Prince Shotoku’s main reform in government?

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

What was Prince Shotoku’s main reform in government?

He wrote Japan’s first constitution, or plan of government

Made the emperor an all-powerful ruler and forced all of the people to obey him

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

How did the Japanese way of hiring officials differ from the Chinese during the Nara period?

Chapter 9 Lesson 2 Review

How did the Japanese way of hiring officials differ from the Chinese during the Nara period?

The Chinese used a system of examinations (civil service examinations) to hire government officials

In Japan, officials were appointed by the emperor and mostly came from wealthy noble families

Reflection: Shinto Narrative

Choose an object that can be found in nature, such as an animal, flower, or specific kind of leaf. Write a fictional short story about the first time your nature spirit was called upon to help someone. Who called for help How did they call for help What was the problem How did your nature spirit help; or was your

nature spirit able to help

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