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Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy

of me. Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses

their life for my sake will find it.

1. North Korea2. Somalia3. Syria4. Iraq5. Afghanistan6. Saudi Arabia7. Maldives8. Pakistan9. Iran10. Yemen11. Sudan12. Eritrea13. Libya14. Nigeria15. Uzbekistan16. Central African Repu

blic17. Ethiopia18. Vietnam19. Qatar20. Turkmenistan

21. Laos22. Egypt23. Burma/Myanmar24. Brunei25. Colombia26. Jordan27. Oman28. India29. Sri Lanka30. Tunisia31. Bhutan32. Algeria33. Mali34. Palestinian Territories35. United Arab Emirates36. Mauritania37. China38. Kuwait39. Kazakhstan40. Malaysia

41. Bahrain42. Comoros43. Kenya44. Morocco45. Tajikistan46. Djibouti47. Indonesia48. Bangladesh49. Tanzania50. Niger

Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

Matthew 10: 24-25

• A warning–No glory without suffering–What happens to me will happen to you

• A privilege–To serve the King–To suffer with the King

Matthew 10:26-31• Freedom from fear– The truth will triumph. The day will come

when things will be seen as they really are–Don’t be afraid to speak. Save your fear for

God–When you speak• First listen• Speak what you hear• The truth is seldom popular

Are you a pig or a chicken Christian?

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