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• Easy setup

• Data is automatically streamed to the IIS server per the transmitter’s logging interval

• Allows any IIS observer of your account to view TempTrak devices within the Intelligent InSites portal.

• Control alarming etc via IIS interface

• Easily map TempTrak devices to IIS equipment

TempTrak® now integrates with the Intelligent InSites platform!

For a live demonstration of the integration of TempTrak to the Intelligent InSites platform, please contact your local regional sales manager listed at www.cooper-atkins.com

Do you wish you could spend less time manually recording temperatures?

TempTrak is now an Intelligent InSites integration authorized partner. This integration automates the collection of RFID technology data into one common software dashboard within a multi-site enterprise. Integration allows for the aggregation of data from multiple departments and multiple locations for the purpose of providing real-time operational intelligence, allowing you to focus on the things that matter most – improving care, enhancing the human experience, and increasing efficiency while maximizing organizational resources.

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