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Pttrslmnt to S.D. Fla. L.R. 7.5(c)(2)', Fed. R. Civ. P. 56(c)(1)A), Plaintiff TraianBujduveanu, Pro Se, hereinafter uown as Movant, submit the following statement ofmaterial facts as to which there are no genuine issues for trial.

1. Defendant Dismas Charities,lnc., represent a private not for profit corporation, whooperates 27 halfway houses in 18 states, that contract from the U.S Government.

Defendants Ana Gispert, Derek Tomas and Lashanda Adnms are employees ofDismas Charities,lnc.

2. Dismas Charities house has lim ited independent disciplinary discretion, and couldimpose sanctions on residents only for the most minor of prohibited acts. Any serious

sanctions required approval of CCM , USPO and Community Sanctionsrepresentatives.

3. On July, 28, 2010, after being assigned Community Custody, M ovant was releasedfrom Colman Low Correctional Facility, and transferred to Dismas Charities, Inc.halfway house, located in Dania, Florida. Transfer was also approved by the CCM

Director, Carlos Rodriguez, located in M inmi, Florida.

4. Upon arrival at Dismas Charities halfway house, movant has signed the receptionof al1 regulation as well as the receipt of a Dismas Chadties Handbook. However

, theM ovant did not received one, because there was not one available at the moment.

5. W hile a resident at Dismas House facility, M ovant has provided to the appropriate

staff members copies of driver license, driving history from the Clerk Of Court and


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DM V in Tallahassee, Florida, vehicle registration, and vehicle insurance as required

by staff members and regulations. The reason for which the M ovant was not approved

to drive, as contended by the Defendants, is unknown even today, since a1l paperwork

was legal and complied with Florida State Laws and Regulations. (EXHIBIT B)

6. During his residency at Dismas House, the M ovant was constantly terrorized,

intimidated and humiliated without any regards for his medical conditions. He was

forced to do cleaning jobs when in fact he was not allowed by his doctors. ln the end,as a fmal punishment, the M ovant was sent back to federal prison for a minor

incident, without due process, for charges, that even if tnze, do not require arrest and

incarceration. Defendants have also interfered with the M ovant's medical treatment,

in any way they could. It's a federal crime for anyone acting tmder %çcolor of law''

willfully to deprive or conspire to deprive a person of a right protected by theConstitution or U.S. law. Etcolor of law'' simply means that the person is using

authority given to him or her by a local, state, or federal government agency. W hen

asked tçW ho should have the last say on this matter, the Doctor or the Federal Prison'',

Derek Thomas answered: ç: W e have already had this conversation. Here the Bureau

of Prison nzles and not the doctor''. (EXHIBIT K)

7. On or about September 28, 201 1, the M ovant was approved by the CCM Director,

Carlos Rodriguez, to be transferred to home confinement, due to severe medicalproblems. The USPO Office was advise and agreed on M ovant's home confinement

transfer. According to Home Confinement Regulations, the M ovant had to report once

a week to Dismas halfway house. (EXHIBIT L)

8. On October l 3, 2010, M ovant drove his family vehicle to Dismas halfway house

for his weekly report.

9. An illegal search was conducted of the vehicle that M ovant drove and property

was removed from the vehicle without the knowledge of the M ovant and without the

M ovant being present at the search. Defendants contend that a cellular telephone, aphone charger and a packet of cigarettes were fotmded in the glove compartment of

the car and confiscated. Data and evidence from the surveillance cameras that

contained information regarding the illegal search and seiztzre, was deliberatelydestroyed by the Defendants.

10. Having a cellular telephone in the car, does not represent a violation for prisoners

on home confmement as Halfway House Rules and Regulations are not the same as

Home Confinement Rules and Regulations. A phone charger or a packet of cigarettesby far does not represent a violation of home confinement, M ovant does not smoke,

and operating a motor vehicle without prior approval represents a minor violation, and

does not require incarceration. This was an intentional mistake and not done by

accident or lack of knowledge. (EXHIBIT M)

1 1. As a result of this incident, Movant was given there violations, on different dates,

for the same incident that has occurred in the same day, time and place, without Due

Process of Law. Not al1 copies of the three written violations were released asrequested by the discovery.

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l2. M ovant was discrim inated and harassed constantly, by the Defendants, because

he was a foreigner, spoke English with an accent, practiced Greek-orthodox Religion

and he was white. Similary simated residents at Dismas house were not keated alike.

Title Vll prohibits race discrimination against al1 persons, including Caucasians.

Defendants have a background in discriminating and a clear pattern. However theyhave categorically refused to reveal any background information when requested in

the discovery, hwoldng harassment and other inexistent motives and issues.

l3. Defendants did not allow the M ovant to attend Religious Services on Sunday, at a

Orthodox church on Sundays, located 16 minutes from the Dismas Charities halfway

house, under the pretext of Federal Guidelines. Such Guidelines do not exist and theFederal Government remains neutral regarding religious practice or distances to and

from a religious institm ion, at a halfway house. Defendants have abused their poweracting in the nnme of the State and Federal Govemment, thus violating the Abuse of

Process Laws. (EXHIBIT D)

14. On October 20, 2010, at 6:30 A.M ., while sleeping in his bed at Dismas House,

the movant was arrested by two U.S. M arshal agents and transported to F.D.C.M iami, without any charges levied against him and without Due Process Law.

15. The incarceration was done without the knowledge of USPO and CCM Director,

Carlos Rodriguez, did not sign the papers for the incarceration. He knows well that

such acts are illegal. Defendants have engaged in Color of Law Abuses, M isconductand Deprivation of Rights Under the Color of Law Statute, W illfully Failed to Keep

an lndividual from Harm, which include acts canied out by Defendants operating

both within and beyond the limits of their lawful authority, thus being in violation of

the color of 1aw statute.

16. After the M ovant was incarcerated, Defendants engaged in a campaign of erasingevidence and fabricating documents in order to cover up any suspicion of the events.

l7. W hile incarcerated at F.D.C. M iami, no charges were ever levied against the

M ovant and no investigation of any kind was carried out against him. No federal

employee of F.D.C. wanted to get involved with his case, as they saw it çEllighly

Illegal''. F.D.C. M iami Counselor Price and Unit M anager Harrison, under the strictsuggestions of the F.D.C. W arden, attempted in a few instances to contact the oftk e

of CCM Director, Carlos Rodriguez, to no avail.

l 8. M ovant was released from F.D,C. M iami on January 03, 201 1.

19. Defendants have refused to comply with the discovery rules, in a clever way,

making their own rules in the absence of any court nzling regarding the discovery.They ensured that the M ovant would not get any usable information in time, to enable

him to conduct any investigation on the backgrotmd of the Defendants, as well as theacts committed by the Defendants. No Dismas employees background or names, that

were aware of the incident, or cnme to visit the movant at M iami F.D.C. were ever

revealed, and the M ovant could never interview or depose any of these people that

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hold very important information in this case. The M ovant knows what docllments the

Defendants have fabricated, and the Defendants knows that the Movant knows. (D.E.#38, 41, 53, 58, 60, 61, 66)

Dated: December 02, 2011 Respectfully submitted,

A . e

imgpvâ ,z #TRAIAN BUJD EANU, Pro Se


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1 hereby certify that on or about DECEMBER 02, 20l l a tnze and correct copy of theforegoing document was served upon the following via the United States PostalService, First Class M ail:

Dismas Charities, Inc.,

141 N.W . 1 St. Avenue

Dania, FL 33004-2835

Ana Gispert

Dismas Charities,lnc.

141 N.W . 1 St. Avenue

Dania, FL 33004-2835

Derek Thomas

Dismas Charities,lnc.

141 N.W . 1 St. Avenue

Dania, FL 33004-2835

Lashanda AdamsDismas Charities,lnc.

141 N.W . 1 St. Avenue

Dania ,FL 33004-2835

David S. ChaietEsquireAttorney for Defendants

4000 Hollywood Boulevard

Suite 265-South

Hollywood, FL 33021


.M , ,J




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.'' ' a J J J . . 'C ' ' - * '- '. ' ' ' ' ' ' - - ' * ' ?. ; < 'r... - . . 'Q - . ' - ''' J.Y -' '%. ' ; - ' ' '. - ..,.,j . . -. v. %... . . . x .... 'J - . . s . . . - . - ..= : . .z . X ' . .. ,.: 'G c ' - . . .e '- * % é .- .k ' Fn e* ' ' ' <. . . ' ' ( ' ' t* ' IG l * ' '; p

K. S PECIAL- c o M MEN'rs FRou THE RRc (jf a p pjicable):

1 TIME FAXE D 305-536-4024 j. PHONE NOTIFICATION 305-536-6505



O G. GGQ.k qhz-Bïc'xN

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 77 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/06/2011 Page 7 of 16

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4* **J+&


Dismas Chadties Dania Beach141 NW 1* Avenue, Dania Beach, FL 130Q4

(954) 920-6558 Fax: (.954) 920-6566


TO (U.S. Probation Officer) 0 051 Cnunselor Lashonda AdamsDismas Cbarities Dania Beach

Fax: ( 954 ) 7 69-5539Date Prepared: 09/10/ 2010 Register Number : 80 655-00/+ 1Release Dste: 01/03/2010 Name: Bu ' duveanu Traian


W ith W hom Relationship: Telephone

( Maria Buj duveanu Hother ( 954.) 316-38 28

Street Address: City/state/zip: 115601 W. Brovard Blvd Plantation, Florida 33317


+ Rnplgye'rsUnemployed




Director (Printed Name) Ygnatur . ( ) Date' l ?IJ V' /#*Ana Gis ertFacility Name Address l

' 141 NW 1't Avenue, lDism as Charities D auia Beach :i Daniu Beacb., F.ta 33004 I


Approval Approval with slodification Disapproval

. .

gk jya turaj (Data)(Printed Nqme) ( ï

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 77 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/06/2011 Page 8 of 16

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Federal Bureau bf PrisansM iam i M anagem ent Ceuter

401 N M iam i Avenue- - - -- - - . - . - - - - - - . -- -.- - -M iami,[email protected] --- -- - --- --

Home Confinement Review Cheqklist

Inmate Naml: N . . t . Register Number k'OGSG - 0cp%a *

Arrival Date at CCC: -7 ) pr'l iO 10% Date: QJDO/; O Release Date: /./ 3/ I lPSF Assignment: (needs CCRA Approval) N/A: PSF W aiver ate

VCCLEA Notification: nzg:

Viol: N/A! ' V'WP : v Yes: No:

CIM Case: Yes: lzeee

Aftercare 'Case: Drag'. Alcohol:

TSP Case: Yes: No:

cN Ass'ignment: S w 2$.: o .-a

M ental H ealth: N/A : >e---'-

362 IE Case.. Yes: N/A :

If yes, briefly describe status of program participation:

History of Violence: (needs CCRA Approval) Ves: No i''#''-

If yes, Give Brief Description of Incidentts) or Instant Offense: '

USPO Approval: Ares: 140:

Number of CCC lncident reports (formal and informal): O .

Passes Completed l at the W C Residence of (& Relationship tol: .-F-kkrs-w. f-xqcùv sn .'t' h St

' o t vxf lrouw nrc.b lïv,t : ?$ sy.n k k-kv-a?x t (7 ï 3b-5a H -



t.n''t c4-b çc- . -

N am e/Location of Em ployer: lkt l G. - -

Hours w orked: salarym ourly Rate: Subsistence: Yes No

w ork Schedule: CCM A roved e ' ,.-

'Ylteconamended H/c Placcment Date: -



- - M ) / Q.(. l> %' / /3-7/-t)CCC Director Signature and Date

CCM Signature and Date

(1 concur with placement & will refer to RA.)M CA Signature and Date

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 77 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/06/2011 Page 9 of 16

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* '*â @

# * . . .# è

1.:.I ISM AS CHA LITI E S . l NC.< -: e..uv --QXJ. . ' .; ! '- ',- - l d '& ' I . - - ;

Seotembz er&

Mr. W . Alan McGheez SUSPO

United States ProbationTower l0l Building10l N .E. Third Avenue Suite 20O

Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33301

Re: Bujduveanu, TraianRegister N44=her : 80655-004

Dear Mr. McGhee:

1J,.1r é!st

W e ïa i 1 1 s upe r v i s e h 1 m ï.l h i 1 e 9.! e i s o n Home De t e nt i on p la c ement . W e j U s twanted to br-i ng the matter to vour attention . Please advi se i f you

object to the recommendation. If I do not hear from you I will assumethat your office has no objection to him be-ing placed on HomeDetention .

If you any further information please,

Oincerelv Vours,D w ..


-- V< . * - ' ''

j f -'f

L a S ho nd a Ad a m sC - c ) u n s e -7 o r

nC *t

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 77 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/06/2011 Page 10 of 16

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* ** @

* @* #

- - .- - .- - - .- - - - - .- - . - . . -

g .z% z.j-gyr yy.s my x. r.... - - - -- ...-. -.- -

; I +

Augus't l 0e 2010

Carlos E. Rodriguezy CMFederal Bureau of M sons40l North M iami AvenueM iami. Flodda 33128

RE: Em ploAement W aiver

Bujduveanu, Traian8065+ 004

Dear M r. Rodrigueza

Mr. Bujduveanu is a 5fty six year 0ld who arrived at Dismas Charities on 07-28-1 0. He isScheduled to be releoed on 0 1-03- 1 l . Mr. Bujduveanu has several chronic medical conditions forWbich he is taken several medications. Mr. Bujduveanu suffers from Chronic Hepatitis C,Hypertension. Cirrhosis of Livers Diabetes Mellitus Type 2p Hyperlipidemim and

Thrombocytopenia. At this time. l am requesting that his employment requirement be waived.

Thank you in advance and if you need any further infonnation. pleu e feel free to contact me at

(954) 920-6558.


- .)

Lashonda AdamsCounselor


Dere ' Thomas *

Assistal Irector

Date: Approve : Isapprove :

CCM Signature'. .

t 1 1 N & ,l. * 1 s T A V F N *' : F;' $& n % N : 1 A P -1- ' I ' - e ' ''-' - n a th ? 1 . ( -) = ;: l f ' - F: ( tak < a.1. * t ? ''' () - 6 s 5 e -' .' E7 * v ' '-% q ' * ' -5 Cb -'Z i- Q *7t G. t t . v /' . . - . -. I t ..' .- u zr v l %' e > - /'*k . . 1-l . r C -7 ,> u .J= . r. 1 x . .- .. -. . r . - w - 'N t M. .'x. t. %.# u * 1 9 -' % .- ' ' -!. . ' %

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. v E . 7 J !.. -/ m . . . - . . . . ' . e . . . -'o . ' > ' ' ' ' ' - . ' .

- . C - (. . &> Z' . >- - ''# ' Z &X' e . - . '* * . .- -7 *'> J ' *- ' - '* ' * ' ' ' ' ' ' '


. . . e .-. ' i


..6 u . . .. .... . ..... ... ...' '.'.'''.' ''''''****' ' ' *-* ' 'Federal Burtau of Pnsons .:

...'. . . - - . -- . .... - .- .-...- . ...- -- ' - - - -.' '-'' '-- '-

Resident '

- RegisterNumber a'ggsg .Qj/uvemzxka , ï<'r.; <z'1 1

I tmderstand that my placement on Hnme Confinement status is a privilege which may be revoked by tbe Corfmwnity C

orrectionsManger (CCM). . '

' .I lmderstand that any violation of Home Confinement Conditi

ons, tr conduct or activity which feLects a disregard fcr the rights ofothers, shll be sufficient cause to revoke my Home Cennhement and/or te

rminate by Community Corrections Cecter (CCC) progianparticipation.

1 understand and agree to abide by the following coltditions during my peri6d of Home Conrmemcnt

, .



*' ' K


.<* e


.'.'.- '; I will reside at my approved residence atsGo 1 'w.-lGm..wxnij çtAoci W. ,t'aln'-Q' -$ 'os'x f. C- t-

3 7% j -

j . ..

I will conduct myself ht a lawful mqrmer,

vrj g .. ..'i'j


I lvill accept phone calls from Cccgrobation staffk verifyin.g my presence at zny homc and at myjob site. 1 agree tor . .

y y Njmnintain a ttlephcne at my plact of residence withoùt Rcall forwardiny a modea Caller 1D, or portable cordlezs telephonfor tbis period and will

, when èequested, provide copies otmy fe' lephone bill to the Centergrobaen staff If my homecov nement is eltctzonically monitorrd

, I agzee my ttlephcne will not have ç'call W aie g-'' Or a telephone answeringmachine

. '

I will accept the visits of Ccc/probaiion personnel to my job site and home.

. *

.m *I w111 return to the Cccgrobatien at lease . J A wdekly for routine progress rcviews and prograrnparticipation, and more oûen if instructed tù do <o



T .#



'-'-/ j)

e'F f!l 1 will not dm'nk alcoholic bevtragts of any kinl; nor wili 1 enter any establishment-s, such as bars or liquor stcres, whcre thesale and/or consumption of alcohnlic bevrrages ôn the premises is the prima

:ry businrss of the establishment.. g. '

, ver.-- Except as medically puthorized, 1< 11 not ust oz possess narcctics

, o'r other controlled substancts, nor be in tlle presencc of/ F ersons possessing the same

. 'P

re- o. 1'1. I agree that during the Home conrmement period

- I wi11 remain atmy place orresidexce, except ror emplom ent

, unless I aml <I7 iven spccitu pemussion to do otherwise. ' '

I will not own or possess any deadly weapon cr knowingly be in the company of a person possessing the same


1 will remain steadily employed at F.J, l G. and will not change employm

sntwithnut prior approval of Ccc/probadon staff. .' ..

I will not kmowingly associate with persons havzg a criminal record. norfrequent places where illegal activities are


K n 12. I will not won or drive a motor vehicle without CCM approval.v / 17?

ae-. 13. l will abide by special ins% ctions givea to me by the Cccgrobation. (i.e., eleckonic monitoring program participation

, etc.)) -./

,...r- 14. I will submit to urinal i ' ro a. on. un erstand that inge'stion of poppy sqedood products ma

y rcsult in positive test results for unauthorized drug use and is thercfore prohibited.


/ y 15. I agree to pay subsistence for the ccst of my participation in Homc Consnement.,z'- ft 16. I understand that l am perstmally responsible for a11 c

osts of my housing, meals and general subsistence, includingI '-' ' H

ome confinement.mtdical care, while I am on

I fully understand that willful failure to repnrt as required, unauthorized cllange of residence

, employment, orfailure to otherwlse inform Ctnter staff of my whereabonts

, could constitute an escape from federal custody.'h

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 77 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/06/2011 Page 13 of 16

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308 Violating a condition of a furlough

, 309 Violating a condition of a,J

( community program'N

-' .-',. .- - - - - w.., .. - . ...... .. . . . .. .. . --''' -'-- -' ' '

310 Unexcused absence from work or

any assignment

311 Failing to perform work as

instructcd by thc supcrvisor

312 Insolence towards a staff mem ber

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 77 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/06/2011 Page 14 of 16

Page 15: Doc 77

Dismas Charities, Ine. jDisciplinary Report 1l

. . .

j Resident Name Register Number l FacilityBu'duveanu, Traian 80655-004 l Dania Beachl

!Rule # Date of Alleged Offense I Status309 10/13Q010 j Pre-Releasel

Description and Com m ents'.

l Mr. Bujduveanu was observed operating a motor vehicle on 10/13/2010. Mr. Bujduveanu is

not authorized to o erate a motor vehicle without the approval of the Director.

r, . çk t. Fr'/' 9 o-dy/' ' 4 mResident's Com m ents: , , Y'

? J ' g , e f tz lz'/'f E Q / ' 0 z''f,- l.' ' n J e e *-p' . trv l/1 , // ;? w . - x , ,

,, . .. z

. u. - y u Jgz / .y ucs. - A e . I .&. , . .: , r ro ag m$ e '

.. ,j. r zck.a n ' ovrx ' ê

r zxz;s o.sy j ' p (a r Q gpw é9 . AQ / / gze''''''*/f &y.Zc /. JJ cu.x z e ,'w'. v &,(. nvv ez ,., j .- ) y yu , j y, J f ? , . e q a.g . y o . p y y ) .z wzl. , ; -4 y u.z ape, tz te.,w :


Resident signature . i '' 1 Date ''' -') z k ) . g.t+./'ezg-.g , I

.-. f ! .

Reporting Staff Sic ' l l Datevj.


Presenting Staff Signature Date jf. . ... .- -. . .-. !

Resident's Com m ents'.11

- 1

Number of DRs to date: ! 2

Action Taken:II

l - . . - 0

Number of DRs for this rule: /-(Y---V' l) ,

Resident Signature Date Stassignature Date


'hr 86:h/-3* 3 t P*4' ''T

dci207intRevised 04/01/04

Page 1 of 1

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 77 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/06/2011 Page 15 of 16

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j p a *


g. .x


tlsma; . . :%

l Dlsciplinarv Repnrt Il *.

l m'*esl''r t lMe..m.e I ar-r*-iqlar Number * Fecirlly !: eu :.. v. ,.- - . 1# # - # l


u e u D.=te of Alleed Olïense S'-l<s '!l l - - ;l - j . l a zr- r' - l

Descr-l pt-l n and Com menl: A z* e -- - * +

. J Y. v . . .. z y w pl er * - ee- e

Resident's Comments: ..- . .-- . - -. . -

l R a t ; e.* - n * $ r* . n .. N : &m j D w. j..:.=1 t ctw': l' R -- rt i f= S Lx #. , .-Q i c n -2t u r e I o =- !.e1 . .. ... .j ** 1

I F r = * m n *.-1 n g S t a =t . G -,c =- t . e'=. - A ù= l -1

I nvestigation:

* N

Resjoent s Com men

N umber of Dpxs to d zthe: j w. , t * . ,j t u e: i;.p


.. '''


jI, : !

% c t 1- o , 1 -1 a k e n -

Ressd' ent Signetue j oale l Staff Sl-l-nature j Dele

Case 1:11-cv-20120-PAS Document 77 Entered on FLSD Docket 12/06/2011 Page 16 of 16

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