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doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


Jan 2013

Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 1

802.11 Jan 2013 Motions

Date: 2013-01-18

Name Company Address Phone email Adrian Stephens Intel

Corporation +44 792 008

4900 (mobile)

[email protected]


doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


Jan 2013

Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 2


• This document is a composite of all 802.11 sub-group motions that may be brought at the Jan 2013 midweek and closing plenaries.

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4



Jan 2013

Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 3

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


TGak Officers

• At its first session Monday AM1, 802.11ak made the following Officer determinations:

• Chair:– Recommend Donald Eastlake, 3rd (Huawei) to the WG.

• Vote: 34-0-1

• Secretary:– Recommend ZHUANG Yan (Huawei) to the WG.

• By acclamation

• Technical Editor and Vice Chair(s):– Not needed at this time

• By unanimous consent

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


January 2013

Bruce Kraem

er (Marve


Slide 5

IEEE 802.11aq – January 2013Officer Recommendations

• Chair– One nominee (Stephen McCann - RIM)– Vote Results: For: 32, Against: 0, Abstain: 0

• Vice-chair– Two nominees (Yunsong Yang – Huawei, Dwight Smith -

Motorola Mobility)– Question was then raised regarding whether there could be a need

for two Vice-Chairs.– Strawpoll Results: For: 18, Against: 0, Abstain: 18 – The chair decided this as sufficient indication for acceptance of 2

vice-chairs.– Two nominations accepted by unanimous consent

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


January 2013

Bruce Kraem

er (Marve


Slide 6

IEEE 802.11aq – January 2013Officer Recommendations

• Technical Editor– One nominee (Dan Gal - Alcatel-Lucent)– The group accepted the candidate by unanimous consent.

• Secretary– There were no pre-meeting nominees.– Dwight Smith (Motorola Mobility) offered to continue handling

minutes until another candidate wants to take over the role.– There was unanimous consent to having Dwight continue in this


doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


TGac Recirculation Ballot Motion

• Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB190 on TGac D4.0 as contained in document 11-12/1277r10,

• Instruct the editor to prepare Draft D5.0 incorporating these resolutions and,

• Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should TGac D5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

•  • Moved by Osama Aboul-Magd on behalf of TGac

• Result: 104,0,0 - passes• In TGac: Moved: Eldad Perahia, Seconded: Robert Stacey, Result: 11,0,0 – passes

January 2013

Osama Aboul-

Magd (Huaw

ei Technologies)

Slide 7

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


TGaf Recirculation Ballot Motion

• Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB189 and the Comment Collection on TGaf D2.0 and D2.2 respectively, as contained in document 11-12/1017r29

• Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 3.0 incorporating these resolutions and,

• Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot, asking the question “Should P802.11af D3.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

•  (as amended)• Moved by Rich Kennedy on behalf of TGaf• Seconded: Stuart Kerry• Result: 100,0,0 - passes• TGaf vote: • Moved: Yongho Seconded: Zhou Lan Result: 11-0-0

Jan 2013

Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 8

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


The 802 JTC1 SC discussed whether to submit amendments in addition to revisions to ISO/IEC

• IEEE 802.11-2012 was just approved by ISO/IEC JTC1 as ISO/IEC 8802-11:2012 under the PSDO

• On Tues PM1 the IEEE 802 JTC1 SC discussed whether to also submit amendments for ratification, in addition to revisions

• Discussion indicated it made sense to submit amendments as well because it reduces time between submissions, thus:– Maintaining an on going relationship with SC6– Minimising risk from not having all approved amendments ratified as

“international” standards• A motion was approved 7/0/3

– The IEEE 802 JTC1 SC recommends to the IEEE 802.11 WG that IEEE 802.11aa/ad/ae be submitted to ISO/IEC JTC1 for ratification under the PSDO process

– Moved: Donald Eastlake, Seconded: Ian SherlockAndre

w Myles, Cisco

Slide 9

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


The IEEE 802.11 WG is asked to consider a motion to approved the submission of amendments to


• The IEEE 802 JTC1 SC recommendation needs to be affirmed by the IEEE 802.11 WG

• The IEEE 802 Chair has asked that the recommendation also be considered by IEEE 802 ExCom (probably in March)

• Proposed motion for WG: (Next slide)


Myles, Cisco

Slide 10

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


JTC1 Motion on 802.11/aa/ad/aeThe IEEE 802.11 WG affirms the IEEE 802 JTC1 SC recommendation that IEEE 802.11aa, IEEE 802.11ae and IEEE 802.11ad be submitted to ISO/IEC JTC1 for ratification under the PSDO process• Moved: Andrew Myles on behalf of JTC1 SC• Seconded: Ian Sherlock• Result: 70,0,0 - passes

• In the SC (similar motion)– Moved: Donald Eastlake, Seconded: Ian Sherlock– Result: 7,0,3

Jan 2013

Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 11

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4



Jan 2013

Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 12

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


WG telecons

Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 13

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


Jan 2013

Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 14


Group Dates Start Time Duration TGmc Friday Feb 22, Monday March 11  (2 hours) 10:00 ET 2 hoursTGai Tuesdays 29th January to 12th March 17:00 ET 1 Hour

TGah Wed March 13th at 7 PM ET 1 hour 19:00 ET  

1 Hour

TGac  Jan 31, Feb 14, Feb 28, March 14, April 4Jan 24, Feb 7, Feb 21, March 7, March 28

10:00 ET20:00 ET

2 Hours2 Hours

TGaf Tuesdays to July 30th 21:00 ET 2 Hours TGak January 28th, February 18th, March 4th  17:00 ET 1 HourTGaq February 21st 10:00 ET 1 HourTGajREG SC Thursdays,  12:30 ET 1.5 Hours

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4



Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 15

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


OM Motion

July 2011

Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 16

• Approve 11-13/0001r1 as the 802.11 Operating Manual, effective January 18th 2013.

• Moved: Jon Rosdahl• Seconded: Adrian Stephens

• Result: 52,0,1

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4



Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 17

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4



• Motion:– The 802.11 WG approves that the Liaison Officer to SC6 send 11-

13/123r1 with an appropriate cover letter as a response to the comments from the China NB during the ISO/IEC ballot on IEEE 802.11-2012

– Moved: Andrew Myles on behalf of JTC1– Seconded: Dave Halasz

• Result: 47,0,2 - passes• Note: equivalent motion passed in SC 7/0/1

– Moved: Dave Halasz– Seconded: Dan Harkins

Jan 2013


Myles, Cisco

Slide 18

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


Reg SC

Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 19

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


Motion #1

• Motion:

Approve the text in 11-13/0156r2 as the primary IEEE 802.11 input to 802.18 for the Reply Comment response to NPRM FCC 12-118.

• Moved by Rich Kennedy on behalf of the Regulatory SC

• Seconded by: Peter Ecclesine• Result: 47,0,2 - passes

Approved in the SC

Moved by: Ron Porat; Seconded by: Joe Kwak Result: 23 Y 0 N 2 A

January 2013

Rich Kenne

dy, Resear

ch In Motion

Slide 20

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


Motion #2

• Motion:

Approve document 11-13/0162r0 as the IEEE 802.11 input to 802.18 for the NPRM FCC 12-148 response.

• Moved by Rich Kennedy on behalf of the Regulatory SC

• Seconded by: Peter Ecclesine• Result: 51,0,1 - passes

Approved in the SC

Moved by: Ron Porat; Seconded by: Joe Kwak Result: 21 Y 0 N 1 A

January 2013

Rich Kenne

dy, Resear

ch In Motion

Slide 21

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4



Adrian Stephe

ns, Intel


Slide 22

doc.: IEEE 802.11-12/1444r4


• Instruct the TGmc editor to prepare P802.11mc D1.0 from P802.11mc D0.7 according to changes approved by TGmc at this session and

• Approve a 30 day working group technical letter ballot asking the question “Should P802.11mc_D1.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

• Moved on behalf of TGmc: Dorothy Stanley• Result: 54,0,1 - passes• TG result: Moved: Mark Hamilton, Seconded: Graham Smith;

Result: 10-0-0 Passes

TGmc Initial WG Letter Ballot Motion

January 2013


Stanley, Aruba Networ


Slide 23

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