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Page 1: Documentum Content Server 7.1 on AIX with DB2 - Step … 7.1 ON AIX WITH DB2 STEP-BY-STEP INSTALLATION GUIDE ... Ports Reservation ... The connection broker requires two consecutive





This white paper is step-by-step guide for Content Server 7.1 installation on AIX

Platform with DB2 database as backend. It explains installation requirements

and provides detailed steps for setting up environment, installation, install

verification and troubleshooting issues.

December, 2013

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ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................................................. 1

TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................................. 2

INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................... 3 Intended audience .............................................................................................................................. 3 Terminology ....................................................................................................................................... 3

CONTENT SERVER INSTALLATION MODEL ............................................................................................. 3 Installation Requirements .................................................................................................................... 4

Hardware / Software Requirements ................................................................................................. 4 Other Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 4

PRE-INSTALLATION TASKS .................................................................................................................... 5 Installation Owner User Account ........................................................................................................... 5 Docbase Owner User Account ............................................................................................................... 5 Environment Settings .......................................................................................................................... 6 E-Mail Configuration ............................................................................................................................ 8 Ports Reservation ................................................................................................................................ 8 Operating System Settings ................................................................................................................... 9 DB2 Database .................................................................................................................................... 9

Database Creation ......................................................................................................................... 9 Database Configuration ................................................................................................................. 10 DB2 Client Configuration ............................................................................................................... 12

INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................... 13 Content Server Installation.................................................................................................................. 14 License Configuration ......................................................................................................................... 18 Docbroker Configuration ..................................................................................................................... 20 Docbase Configuration ........................................................................................................................ 23

POST-INSTALLATION TASKS ............................................................................................................... 31 Installation / Configuration Logs Review ............................................................................................... 31

Content Server Installer Logs ......................................................................................................... 31 Server Configuration Program Logs ................................................................................................. 32 Docbroker Logs ............................................................................................................................ 32 Docbase Logs ............................................................................................................................... 32 Method Server Logs ...................................................................................................................... 32 Dar Install Logs ............................................................................................................................ 32 Other Logs .................................................................................................................................. 32

E-Mail Address Configuration ............................................................................................................... 32 Keystore Backup ................................................................................................................................ 33

TROUBLESHOOTING ............................................................................................................................ 33

CONCLUSION ....................................................................................................................................... 34

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................................ 35

CONTACT US ........................................................................................................................................ 35

Page 3: Documentum Content Server 7.1 on AIX with DB2 - Step … 7.1 ON AIX WITH DB2 STEP-BY-STEP INSTALLATION GUIDE ... Ports Reservation ... The connection broker requires two consecutive


INTRODUCTION Content Server release 7.1 adds support for AIX and Solaris platforms. With AIX, DB2 database and with Solaris, Oracle

database is supported. This white paper provides detailed steps for preparing the environment and installing Documentum

Content Server 7.1 on AIX operating system with DB2 database as backend.

Intended audience

This document is intended for system administrators responsible for installing and configuring Content Server.


Connection Broker / Docbroker: A connection broker or Docbroker is name server for Content Server.

Repository / Docbase: A repository or docbase is logical entity that provides abstraction to storage that stores native content

files and RDBMS that stores content metadata.

Installation Owner: The installation owner account is an operating system account with appropriate permissions to install

Content Server and create repositories.

Docbase Owner / Database Owner: The Docbase owner or database owner account is database user account with the

database owner role having read and write access rights to the database.

RDBMS: Relational Database Management System

CONTENT SERVER INSTALLATION MODEL Content Server can be installed and configured in many different ways as per content management requirements. Content

Server supports basic, high availability and distributed installation models. The installation model described in this paper is

Connection Broker and Content Server on one host and RDBMS (DB2 Database) on different host. This is basic installation model

typically used in production environments and can be extended to add high availability and distributed components.

Figure 1. Installation Model

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Figure 1 shows key components. Apart from these, Method Server (JBoss Application Server) is installed with every Content

Server installation. In Pre Installation Tasks section, detailed steps are provided for creating and configuring database assuming

that DB2 Server is already installed on machine 2.

Installation Requirements

This section describes minimum hardware and software requirements for Content Server installation and use. For production

systems, use system sizing / capacity planning tool to establish estimated resources required, taking into account the users,

sessions and other information.

Hardware / Software Requirements

Two machines are required with below configuration:

1. Machine 1: For installing Content Server

Operating System AIX 7.1 TL2 64-bit

Free Disk Space 40 GB


Swap Space 8 GB

Free space in temporary (/tmp) directory 2 GB

2. Machine 2: With DB2 Server

Operating system AIX

RDBMS DB2 Enterprise 10.1 Fix Pack 2

DB2 server can be on any supported operating system, but for purpose of this paper, all steps are provided considering DB2

server is installed on AIX platform. Check DB2 documentation for more details on hardware / software requirements on this


Other Requirements

Apart from above requirements, below are the prerequisites for installation:

• Administrative privileges needed on the machine where you are installing Content Server

• XWindows must be installed on the AIX host to run the graphical installation program.

• Database Administrator account needed for DB2 Server.

• Working knowledge of AIX & DB2.

For more information, refer EMC Documentum Environment and System Requirements Guide version 7.1, which contains

detailed system hardware and software requirements.

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Installation Owner User Account

The installation owner account is an operating system account with appropriate permissions to install Content Server and create

repositories. Follow below steps to create installation owner user account:

1. Create a group account whose members are installation owner, docbase owners and Content Server administrators. Use

mkgroup command to create a new group. Below command will create group named dmadmin:

mkgroup dmadmin

2. Create installation owner user, add it to Content Server administrators group and optionally set its home directory and shell.

For example, if installation owner user name is dmadmin and group name is dmadmin, then execute below command as

root to create AIX user and set its login shell to C shell:

useradd -d /export/aix01-4/dmadmin -g dmadmin -s /bin/csh dmadmin

3. Set the password for user using passwd command:

passwd dmadmin

Changing password for "dmadmin"

dmadmin's New password:

Enter the new password again:

4. Grant owner privileges to installation owner user and group for user's home directory using chown and chgrp commands:

chown -R dmadmin /export/aix01-4/dmadmin

chgrp -R dmadmin /export/aix01-4/dmadmin

5. Verify that installation owner has read/execute permissions to database client, if not then grant required permissions.

6. Verify that installation owner has read, write and execute permissions on /tmp directory, if not then grant required


Docbase Owner User Account

Docbase Owner account is DB2 user account which is used by Content Server to connect to database. This account is also

referred as Database owner account as it owns all objects in the database. Each docbase must have unique docbase owner.

Docbase configuration program grants required privileges to operating system account provided during installation, needed for

database owner account. Follow below steps to create user account:

1. Create an AIX user account on Content Server host for docbase owner user and add user to docbase owners group created

earlier. Below command will create user docbase1 and add it to group dmadmin:

useradd -g dmadmin -s /bin/csh docbase1

2. After creating user, set user password using passwd command:

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# passwd docbase1

3. If DB2 is using host operating system for authentication, create user account with same name on DB2 host for Database


Note: On AIX, for new user accounts, user is required to reset password on first login. So before proceeding further, login with

the user created and reset the password or disable this behavior for the user using pwdadm command. For example execute

below command:

pwdadm -c <user>

Environment Settings

1. Plan for installation directory. Verify that enough space is available for installation. Use df command which displays total

space and available space on the file system to check space available:

df -g

You can create installation directory before installation or you can allow installer to create installation directory by reading

$DOCUMENTUM environment variable. If you are creating installation directory, set the owner of installation directory to

installation owner and group to administrators group:

# mkdir /export/aix01-3/documentum

# chown -R dmadmin /export/aix01-3/documentum

# chgrp -R dmadmin /export/aix01-3/documentum

Note: Installation directory name or path should not contain any spaces.

2. Installation owner should have full permissions on the installation directory, including data and share directories. Grant

permission for install owner and group to install directory:

% chmod 751 /export/aix01-3/documentum

By default, data directory is created inside $DOCUMENTUM, if data directory location is changed, then similarly set

owner/group to installation owner/group and grant full permissions to installation owner for data directory.

3. Following environment variables are needed for Content Server installation:

Environment Variable Description

DOCUMENTUM Content Server installation directory

DM_HOME The product version subdirectory in the Content Server installation directory:

$DOCUMENTUM/product/version_number, where version_number is the version of Content


LC_ALL Required for method server, set its value to C

DB2_BASE DB2 client installation directory

DB2INSTANCE DB2 instance name

DB2_HOME Instance home directory

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DB2_OWNER Instance owner

INSTHOME Instance home directory

DB2DIR Set its value to $INSTHOME

LIBPATH It should include $DB2_BASE/lib

DISPLAY Controls the display. Set its value to <hostname/ip>:0.0

Put these environment variables in installation owner’s .cshrc file (for C shell) and source it. Below are the contents of

sample .cshrc file:

setenv DOCUMENTUM /export/aix01-3/documentum

setenv DM_HOME $DOCUMENTUM/product/7.1

setenv DISPLAY

setenv LC_ALL C

setenv DB2INSTANCE db2inst1

setenv INSTHOME /export/aix01-2/db2client

setenv DB2_OWNER db2client

setenv DB2_BASE /export/aix01-2/db2client/sqllib

setenv DB2_HOME /export/aix01-2/db2client


setenv LIBPATH $DB2_BASE/lib

Set the environment variables by sourcing .cshrc file:

source .cshrc

4. Copy Content Server build to some directory. The installation owner must have write permission on the directory from which

installer is run.

5. On UNIX and Linux, expand the compressed archive by typing:

% tar -xvf filename

% tar -xvf Content_Server_7.1_aix64_db2.tar

6. Ensure that you have execute permission on the serverSetup.bin file. If not, add execute permission to the file by running

below command:

chmod +x serverSetup.bin

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E-Mail Configuration

E-Mail configuration is required on Content Server host for enabling e-mail notification functionality for features like workflow

tasks, jobs, registered events etc. On AIX, Content Server use mail utility by default for e-mail notifications. This section

describes steps to configure an SMTP based mail server for e-mail notifications. It is assumed that you have setup SMTP mail

server and have working TCP/IP connection between Content Server host and mail server. Below are the steps to configure mail

client on AIX to use SMTP server:

1. Setup an e-mail account for installation owner, for example [email protected].

2. In the configuration file /etc/sendmail.cf, add SMTP relay hostname by modifying the line with DS and specifying your mail

server as below:

# "Smart" relay host (may be null)



3. Add entry for this server in the hosts file (/etc/hosts)

4. Restart sendmail service :

# stopsrc -s sendmail

0513-044 The sendmail Subsystem was requested to stop.

# startsrc -s sendmail -a "-bd"

0513-059 The sendmail Subsystem has been started. Subsystem PID is 6946966.

5. Test whether installation owner account can send and receive mails. Login as installation owner and execute below


echo <mail_body> | /usr/bin/mail -s <subject> <to_address>

echo test | /usr/bin/mail -s testsubject [email protected]

Ports Reservation

Content Server and other components use a number of ports on the host:

1. The application server listens on a port (9080 by default) for standard administration connections, and starting at this port,

a total of 20 consecutive ports must be reserved for use by the application server.

2. The connection broker requires two consecutive ports (1489 and 1490 by default) on which to listen: one for native

connections and the other for secure connections (SSL).

3. Docbase service requires two consecutive ports, one for native connection and other for secure connection. Reserve two

ports by creating entry in services file (/etc/services) even if Content Server is installed in native mode and not using secure

connections. Service name need not be same as docbase name. Edit services file and add entries for docbase service:

<service_name> <port1>/tcp

<service_name>_s <port2>/tcp

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docbase1 28000/tcp

docbase1_s 28001/tcp

Make sure none of the reserved ports are being used for other purposes by checking services file (/etc/services). The port

numbers can be any unused port numbers greater than 1024 as port numbers up to 1024 are reserved for system use. If

possible, stay away from using the ephemeral port range which is 32768-65535 on AIX by default, as they are used by the OS.

Use below command to check ephemeral port range on AIX:

# /usr/sbin/no -a | fgrep ephemeral

tcp_ephemeral_high = 65535

tcp_ephemeral_low = 32768

udp_ephemeral_high = 65535

udp_ephemeral_low = 32768

Operating System Settings

Below AIX settings needs to be done on Content Server host:

1. On Linux machines, Content Server requires at least 4 MB of shared memory to be allocated and that semaphores are

enabled. On AIX, shared memory and semaphores are automatically tuned by kernel, so this configuration is not required.

2. You might need to increase the number or user processes in the OS to some higher value since workflows and jobs can start

multiple processes. Use below command to check maximum number of processes allowed per user:

# lsattr -E -l sys0 -a maxuproc

maxuproc 256 Maximum number of PROCESSES allowed per user True

To change the value of maximum allowed processes, execute below command as root:

chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=<no_of_processes>

# chdev -l sys0 -a maxuproc=256

sys0 changed

DB2 Database

Assuming DB2 Server is installed on AIX operation system and default instance is created on RDBMS host, this section describes

database creation, database configuration and DB2 client configuration steps using command line.

Database Creation

Follow below steps to create database on DB2 host:

1. Login as DB2 administrator user.

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2. Setup the DB2 instance environment by sourcing db2profile (for Bourne or Korn shell) or db2cshrc (for C shell) in the sqllib

directory. For C shell, execute below command where INSTHOME represents the home directory of the DB2 instance:

source INSTHOME/sqllib/db2cshrc

3. Start DB2 instance if it’s not running. Use below command to start DB2 instance:

$ db2start

11/13/2013 00:00:35 0 0 SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.

SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.

4. Before creating database, disable the DB2CODEPAGE environment variable using db2set command:

$ db2set DB2CODEPAGE=

Note: For db2set command, there should be no spaces before or after equal sign.

5. Start db2 command line processor (CLP) by using db2 command

6. You can create database using CREATE DATABASE command. Define character set for database using codeset and territory.

Use Unicode code page (UTF-8) that can store characters from all supported languages. Page Size needs to be 8kb. Sample

DB2 command to create database is given below. It is not required to have database name same as Docbase name.

CREATE DATABASE <database_name> ON '<path>' ALIAS <database_alias> USING CODESET <codeset> TERRITORY

<territory> PAGESIZE <pagesize>

db2 => CREATE DATABASE docbase1 ON '/export/aix02-2/users/db2inst1/docbase1' ALIAS docbase1 USING


DB20000I The CREATE DATABASE command completed successfully.

7. Exit from db2 CLP

8. From the command line, set the DB2CODEPAGE environment variable to 1208:

$ db2set DB2CODEPAGE=1208

Database Configuration

Follow below steps to configure database and set parameter values as required by Content Server:

1. Start db2 CLP by using db2 command

2. Set the application heap size to 1024 or greater.

update db cfg for <dbname> using applheapsz 1024

db2 => update db cfg for docbase1 using applheapsz 1024

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DB20000I The UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command completed successfully.

3. Set the number of primary transaction log files to 18 & secondary log files to 10. Set the log file sizes to 1024. Set log

buffer size to 128.

update db cfg for <dbname> using logfilsiz 1024 logprimary 18 logsecond 10 logbufsz 128

db2 => update db cfg for docbase1 using logfilsiz 1024 logprimary 18 logsecond 10 logbufsz 128

DB20000I The UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command completed successfully.

4. Set the maximum storage for lock list, maximum percent of lock list before escalation and maximum number of active


update db cfg for <dbname> using locklist 2048 maxlocks 80 automatic maxappls 200 automatic

db2 => update db cfg for docbase1 using locklist 2048 maxlocks 80 automatic maxappls 200 automatic

DB20000I The UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command completed successfully.

5. Set the sort heap and buffer page sizes. If the Content Server and the DB2 server are on different machines, it is

recommended to set buffer page size to 80% of the available physical memory divided by the page size of your table space.

If you are running more than one repository and database on the same DB2 server, the percentage recommended for buffer

pool is for the sum of all databases. In all cases, ensure that the buffer page size is a minimum of 6000.

update db cfg for <dbname> using sortheap 1138 automatic

update db cfg for <dbname> using buffpage <buffpage>

db2 => update db cfg for docbase1 using sortheap 1138 automatic

DB20000I The UPDATE DATABASE CONFIGURATION command completed successfully.

db2 => update db cfg for docbase1 using buffpage 6000

SQL1482W The BUFFPAGE parameter will only be used if one of the buffer pools

is defined with a size of -1.

If you see the SQL1482W error message: "The BUFFPAGE parameter will only be used if one of the buffer pools is defined

with a size of -1,” change the buffer pool size to -1. -1 indicates that the buffer pool is to use the BUFFPAGE parameter as

the number of buffer pool pages.



DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.

6. From the command line, restart DB2 using db2stop & db2start commands:

$ db2stop force

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11/13/2013 02:14:11 0 0 SQL1064N DB2STOP processing was successful.

SQL1064N DB2STOP processing was successful.

$ db2start

11/13/2013 02:14:38 0 0 SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.

SQL1063N DB2START processing was successful.

Note: Do not set the environment variable DB2OPTIONS. If set to T, the DB2 CLP uses a semicolon (;) as the statement

termination character. Content Server does not install properly on AIX with DB2 when DB2OPTIONS is set.

DB2 Client Configuration

When DB2 database is on different host, DB2 client needs to be installed on the Content Server host and client instance must be

created. For accessing the remote database, entries need to be done in node and database directories that store connectivity

information about servers and databases:

1. Setup the DB2 instance environment by sourcing db2profile (for Bourne or Korn shell) or db2cshrc (for C shell) in the sqllib

directory. For C shell, execute below commands where INSTHOME represents the home directory of the DB2 instance:

source INSTHOME/sqllib/db2cshrc

2. Start db2 CLP by using db2 command

3. Catalog the remote instance using below command:

CATALOG TCPIP NODE <nodename> REMOTE <db2_server_host_or_ip> SERVER <service_name_or_port>

db2 => CATALOG TCPIP NODE pleaix01 REMOTE pleaix02 SERVER 50000

DB20000I The CATALOG TCPIP NODE command completed successfully.

DB21056W Directory changes may not be effective until the directory cache is


4. Catalog database on the client using below command:

CATALOG DATABASE <database> as <database_alias> at node <nodename> AUTHENTICATION <auth_type>

db2 => CATALOG DATABASE docbase1 as docbase1 at node pleaix01 AUTHENTICATION server

DB20000I The CATALOG DATABASE command completed successfully.

DB21056W Directory changes may not be effective until the directory cache is


5. Refresh directory cache

db2 => terminate

DB20000I The TERMINATE command completed successfully.

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6. Start db2 CLP and check whether entry has been made for database.

db2 => list database directory

System Database Directory

Number of entries in the directory = 1

Database 1 entry:

Database alias = DOCBASE1

Database name = DOCBASE1

Node name = PLEAIX01

Database release level = f.00

Comment =

Directory entry type = Remote

Authentication = SERVER

Catalog database partition number = -1

Alternate server hostname =

Alternate server port number =

7. Verify that you can connect to the database by using database client. From db2 CLP, execute below command:

connect to <database_alias> user <user_id> using <password>

db2 => connect to docbase1 user db2inst1 using password

Database Connection Information

Database server = DB2/AIX64 10.1.2

SQL authorization ID = DB2INST1

Local database alias = DOCBASE1

db2 =>

INSTALLATION This section describes installation flow. First, install Content Server using serverSetup.bin. Then proceed with license

configuration, docbroker configuration and docbase configuration using server configuration program.

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Content Server Installation

1. Login to machine as installation owner.

2. Execute serverSetup.bin to launch Content Server installer.

% ./serverSetup.bin

3. Software License is displayed. Accept the license and click ‘Next’ to continue.

4. Set administrator password and listening port for embedded application server.

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5. Verify installation directory displayed and click ‘Install’ to install content server.

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6. After Content Server installation, installer provides option to enter licenses for optional modules. Licenses can be entered

later too using server configuration program. We will proceed by selecting option ‘no’ and show in next section how licenses

can be configured later.

7. Read the message and click ‘Next’ to continue.

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8. Installer asks root password and dmadmin group (group whose members are docbase owners) name to grant necessary

permissions to some files. Enter root password and dmadmin group name and click ‘Enter’ to continue.

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9. Installer provides option to launch Content Server configuration program and continue with docbase configuration or

configure this later using server configuration program. ‘Configure now’ is express mode in which configuration program

does not provide options to configure docbroker and select connection modes. docbroker is created automatically using

default docbroker ports. We are selecting ‘Configure later’ and exiting from the installer. Make note of Server Configuration

Program location displayed by the installer.

Verify the log files generated by installer, as mentioned in section Content Server installer logs.

License Configuration

1. Run Server Configuration program using $DM_HOME/install/dm_launch_server_config_program.sh script. It will set

environment variables required by program and start server configuration program.

2. Select ‘Licensing’ and click ‘Next’ to enter licenses for optional modules.

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3. Enter Licenses for modules you want to enable and click ‘Next’ to continue.

4. Select ‘Finish Configuration’ and click ‘Next’ to exit server configuration program or select ‘Perform additional configuration’

to go back to first screen.

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Docbroker Configuration

1. Run Server Configuration program using $DM_HOME/install/ dm_launch_server_config_program.sh script.

2. Select ‘Connection broker’ and press ‘Next’ to start docbroker configuration.

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3. Select ‘Add a Connection Broker’ to create a docbroker and click ‘Next’ to continue.

4. Installer provides options for docbroker connection modes. We have selected the default ‘Native’ mode. For more

information on ‘Secure’ mode configuration, refer Content Server version 7.1 Installation Guide.

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5. Provide Connection Broker name and connect port.

6. Docbroker is created. Review the summary and click ‘Next’ to continue.

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7. Select ‘Finish Configuration’ and click ‘Next’ to exit server configuration program or select ‘Perform additional configuration’

to go back to first screen.

Check log files mentioned in section Server Configuration Program Logs and Docbroker Logs to verify that docbroker was started


Docbase Configuration

1. Run Server Configuration program using $DM_HOME/install/ dm_launch_server_config_program.sh script.

2. Select ‘Repository’ to proceed with docbase configuration.

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3. Select ‘Add a new repository’ for fresh installation.

4. Provide path for data directory. We have selected default data directory which is inside $DOCUMENTUM directory. Click

‘Next’ to continue.

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5. Provide path to share directory, it is $DOCUMENTUM/share by default. Click ‘Next’ to continue.

6. Provide fully qualified domain name of Content Server host.

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7. Provide docbase name, ID and service name created for docbase.

8. Provide docbroker hostname and connection port.

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9. Select connection mode for docbase.

10. Select option ‘Create a new DB2 user account and database’ if you want installer to grant required privileges to OS user

needed for Database owner.

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11. Select the database created for docbase from ‘Data Source’ dropdown list. Provide DB2 administrator name and password.

Provide the docbase owner account created for this docbase.

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12. Content Server creates database managed space (DMS) type table spaces for data and index table spaces. Provide path for

table space container files. Either absolute or relative file name can be provided. The file name, if not absolute, is relative to

the database directory.

13. Specify if you want to use the docbase created as global registry docbase and provide user name and password. Back-up

global registry user account information.

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14. Select modules that you want to enable for docbase. For ‘XML Store’ and ‘RSA Key Manager’, additional configuration is

required which is not shown here. Please refer Content Server version 7.1 Installation Guide for more details.

15. When docbase configuration is complete, summary is displayed. Review summary and click ‘Next’ to continue.

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16. Select ‘Finish configuration’ and click ‘Next’ to exit server configuration program.

POST-INSTALLATION TASKS After installation is complete, verify installation and other logs given in next section.

Installation / Configuration Logs Review

Various log files are created during Content Server installation and configuration. Review log files to verify that installation was

successful and no errors were reported.

Content Server Installer Logs

The log files are created in:

Current working directory (the directory from which you started the program)

• The parent directory of the current working directory, if the installation owner does not have write permission on the

current working directory.

The user’ s home directory, if the installation owner does not have write permission on the parent

Following log file are created:

• logs/install.log

• logs/install.log.yyyy.mm.dd.hh.mm.ss

• logs/Content_Server_Install_ mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_ss.log

• logs/Documentum_DFC_Environment_Install_ mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_ss.log

• ./<install_owner>.ServerInstaller.log, for example dmadmin.ServerInstaller.log

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Server Configuration Program Logs

Following log files are generated by Server Configuration Program:



<installation_owner_home_directory>/UniversalServerConfigurator_Install_ mm_dd_yyyy_hh_mm_ss.log

Docbroker Logs

Check whether docbroker started successfully by inspecting docbroker logs created in below location:


Docbase Logs

Check docbase logs created at below location:


Method Server Logs

Method server logs are created in below locations:



Dar Install Logs

During installation, various dar files are installed on docbase. Verify that all dars were installed successfully by checking Dar

install logs created in below location:


Other Logs

Each script that runs during docbase configuration creates a log file. These are stored in below location:


E-Mail Address Configuration

If you are using SMTP server for mail notifications as explained in pre-installation tasks, then e-mail address should be set for all

users in docbase for proper mail delivery. Follow below steps to configure e-mail address for installation owner user:

a. Connect to IAPI as installation owner.

b. Run following commands:

API> retrieve,c,dm_user where user_name = ‘<username>’

(This command retrieves the object ID.)

API> set,c,l,user_address

SET> <user_email_address>

API> save,c,l

API> dump,c,l

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(Verify that the user_address attribute has changed to value set)

Keystore Backup

Take backup of keystore files created in $DOCUMENTUM/dba/secure directory, especially aek.key.

TROUBLESHOOTING 1. SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID")

During docbase configuration, below error is thrown in docbase logs:

[DM_SESSION_I_RETRYING_DATABASE_CONNECTION]info: "The following error was encountered trying to get a

database connection: STATE=08001, CODE=-30082, MSG=[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N Security processing

failed with reason "24" ("USERNAME AND/OR PASSWORD INVALID"). SQLSTATE=08001

Some of the probable causes of this error are:

User account for database owner provided during installation does not exist on DB2 server host

Incorrect password entered during installation for database owner user

Resolution: Create a user account on DB2 server host for database owner and verify that same username and password is

entered during installation.

2. SQL30082N Security processing failed with reason "1" ("PASSWORD EXPIRED")

During docbase configuration, below error is thrown in docbase logs:

[DM_SESSION_I_RETRYING_DATABASE_CONNECTION]info: "The following error was encountered trying to get a

database connection: STATE=08001, CODE=-30082, MSG=[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30082N Security processing

failed with reason "1" ("PASSWORD EXPIRED"). SQLSTATE=08001

This error is returned when database owner password has expired. One of the possible reasons this can happen is that AIX

requires password to be changed on first login but password for database owner account was not reset after account was


Resolution: Reset database owner password.

3. SQL0964C The transaction log for the database is full.

Below error is thrown in docbase logs:

[DM_OBJ_MGR_E_SAVE_FAIL]error: "save failed for object with handle <object_id> of type <type_name>:

table on which save failed was <table_name>; error from database system was STATE=57011, CODE=-964,

MSG=[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/AIX64] SQL0964C The transaction log for the database is full. SQLSTATE=57011

When database transaction log is full, creating new objects or saving objects fails with this error. This error is caused when

the database log file is not large enough for the application.

Resolution: You might need to increase the log file size and the number of primary and secondary log files:

a. Stop docbase

b. Determine the current DB2 log file configuration. Execute below command from DB2 CLP:

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db2 => get db cfg for <database>

This sample output shows that the database uses 18 primary and 10 secondary log files. Each file is 4 MB in size:

Log file size (4KB) (LOGFILSIZ) = 1024

Number of primary log files (LOGPRIMARY) = 18

Number of secondary log files (LOGSECOND) = 10

c. Increase log file size (LOGFILSIZ) and number of primary (LOGPRIMARY) and secondary (LOGSECOND) log files

using below command:

db2 => update db cfg for <database> using logfilsiz <sz> logprimary <n> logsecond <m>

d. Restart DB2 using db2stop and db2start commands.

e. Start docbase

4. SQL0289N Unable to allocate new pages in table space "<tablespace>".

save failed for object with handle <object_id> of type <type_name>: table on which save failed was

<table_name>; error from database system was STATE=57011, CODE=-289, MSG=[IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/AIX64]

SQL0289N Unable to allocate new pages in table space "<tablespace>". SQLSTATE=57011

Content Server creates database managed space (DMS) table space for data and index table spaces. One of the likely cause

of this error is all containers assigned to the table space are full.

Resolution: You need to add new container to table space:

a. Check whether all containers for table space are full using list tablespaces command:

db2 => list tablespaces show detail

b. Use below command to add a container to table space:

alter tablespace <ts_name> add (file '<path>' <number_of_pages>) bufferpool <bufferpool_name>

For example below command adds container of size 1GB for 8kb page size:

db2 => ALTER TABLESPACE DDdocbase1 ADD (FILE '/export/aix02-

2/users/db2inst1/docbase1/db2inst1/NODE0000/SQL00001/container1' 131072) BUFFERPOOL IBMDEFAULTBP

DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.

c. Retry the operation

5. Server configuration program hangs while Docbase configuration or following error is thrown by server configuration


Failed to execute command: <$DM_HOME>/bin/dmdb2utils -getalias -o /tmp/db2Output18163068785715652.txt;

Failed to execute command: <$DM_HOME>/bin/dmdb2utils -getalias -o /tmp/db2Output18163068785715652.txt

Check whether all DB2 environment variables are set properly, stop the program and start again.

CONCLUSION This white paper provides information required for understanding and quickly getting started with the process of installing

Documentum Content Server 7.1 on AIX operating system with DB2 database. For more details refer product documentation and

references provided in next section.

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• Documentum Content Server Installation Guide Version 7.1

• Documentum Content Server Distributed Content Configuration Guide Version 7.1

• Documentum Environment and System Requirements Guide Version 7.1

• Documentum Content Server Release Notes Version 7.1

• Documentum Content Server Administration and Configuration Guide Version 7.1

IBM DB2 Version 10.1 Information Center (http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/db2luw/v10r1/index.jsp)

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