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Hair loss patterns are not directly caused by dandruff.

Dandruff is a scalp condition and hair loss comes from

conditions affecting hair follicles. There is, however,

indirect relationship between the two.

So can dandruff cause hair loss? Not directly, but the

itching and scratching will cause a mechanical loss of

hair. You are essentially pulling and scraping the hair

out of your head.

While dandruff indirectly leads to hair fall, certain

medications used for hair loss can irritate your scalp

and cause dandruff reaction.

Minoxidil, which has been used to treat thinning

hair, can cause dandruff-like conditions due to

alcohol. Over time it can dry the scalp, leading

to itching and scaling.

Dandruff causes hair loss indirectly. It causes hair

loss mainly through the weakening of hair roots

due to constant scratching of the flaky scalp.

The conditions that will make dandruff cause hair

loss are controllable. So, to fix hair loss due to

dandruff, you must get the dandruff problem

fixed first.

Knowing the root cause of a disease is extremely

important to find the best treatment option and assure

a speedy recovery; same goes for dandruff as well.

Moreover, incorrect shampooing, certain illnesses,

unhealthy diet behaviours and lack of hygiene may also

result in the development of dandruff flakes.

Though, no matter what is the main cause, dandruff can be

successfully cured using synthetic and natural remedies.

The first step to try is to switch your shampoo and

move to a milder one that is meant specifically for

dandruff relief.

These shampoos contain certain ingredients such as

zinc pyrithione, ketoconazole, coal tar and selenium

sulfide which help fighting dandruff.

• Olive oil

• Coconut oil

• Lemon juice

• Tea tree oil

• Vinegar

• Apple juice

• Aloe vera

• Hot oil massages

So the answer to the question

“Does dandruff cause hair loss?” is not

but they are related and the treatments

used for dandruff will help with

limiting hair loss.


For a more in-depth look and more information if dandruff really cause

hair loss visit the blog.


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