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Rotary District 5360Governor 2014-2015

Garth and Ann Toombs

Rotary Theme2013-2014

District 5360 Events Calendar

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World Polio Day "October 24th" - Polio Plus

Will you be there On October 24, World PolioDay to support your club in a comingfundraising event?In 1978 Polio Plus began its program of polio

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eradication. Since that time, the fund raising,the network building and the vaccinations havebeen unceasing, Rotary has given over a billiondollars. Now, nearing the end can we afford torelent and become apathetic? Would that be theRotary way? Bill Gates is offering his supportmatching Rotary’s dollar with three of his own.Where can a business man get such a return onan investment today that would be that ironclad? The Rotary way is to finish what it starts,we are not quitters!

Light Up Rotary and Win a Free District Conference Registration

It has been a busy summer for your DistrictConference Planning Committee as we gear up forthe Rotary International District Conference May 8-10, 2015 in Medicine Hat. We have booked a greatlineup of key note speakers who are lighting upthe world through Rotary action. You canexpect to attend high powered BreakoutSessions that will inspire you to be a RotarySpark. Some bright lights in Rotary will besharing their most memorable Rotary momentswith you.

82nd Waterton - Glacier International Peace Park Assembly

Calling Rotarians in Districts 5360 and 5370, theWaterton- Glacier International Peace Park Assemblyfor 2014 is coming on September 18th – 21st in

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Kalispell, Montana. Although plans are still being finalized for theAssembly, tentative arrangements are as follows:will be at the Hilton Kalispell

Rotary's Amazing Race

The Rotary Club of Chestermere invites you to be part of our upcoming fund raiser onSeptember 20th, 2014.Rotary’s Amazing Race allows competitors to experience the thrill and excitement of anAmazing Race on a smaller scale.

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U Turn Permitted...to HEALTH

U Turn Permitted ... to HEALTHCatch the insightful Dr. Brian Clement explain how lives can be changed and healthreignited. This is a Rotary Fundraiser and all proceeds raised will go to Costalegre, MX,Rotary’s special running water project for local schools.Saturday Sep. 27th, 2014Starting at 7 PMUniversity of Calgary-Science Theater 148

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The Rocky Mountain Rotary Club Gives Generously to Indonesia

The Rocky Mountain House Rotary Club inAlberta, Canada reached across the pacificocean to support two areas in Indonesia withtheir very generous wheelchair program.Represented by Zone 24 Assistant RegionalCoordinator, Past District Governor AlBergsma from the Rocky Mountain HouseRotary Club, the first wheelchair distributionwas held in Solo, West Java. Said Endang

Pratjojo, from the Yogyakarta Tamansari Rotary Club, “The recipients were very excitednot only because the donation of 20 wheelchairs is so generous, but because this supportcame from Canada, which is so very far away.

ROTARY DAYS – Gary Huang, President of Rotary International

“This year I am urging all Rotarians to LIGHT UPROTARY by participating in Rotary Days. The RotaryDay concept is a simple one: hold a fun, informal eventin your community for the non-Rotary public and use itas an opportunity to introduce them to Rotary. It’s thateasy. Rotary Days can help your club drive up interestin membership, strengthen your club’s relationshipswith local institutions and community members, and

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improve Rotary’s image in your community. Imaginethe collective impact we can have if all 34,000 Rotaryclubs worldwide make a concerted effort to introducethe public to fun, rewarding experiences that we allenjoy as Rotary members.” Gary Huang goes on to saythat any club, big or small, can host a Rotary Day. Clubs can combine with other clubs or all the clubs in acommunity can get together to host a Rotary Day.

Rotary on Demand, When You Want, Where You Want

Since it’s chartering as the first E-club in Canada on February 23,2013, the Rotary E-club of CanadaOne has grown to an active clubwith several projects on the go, bothInternational and Community. Thee-club with members from coast tocoast, funded Cleft Lip surgery withAlliance for Smiles, Shelter Boxesfor the Philippines and a literacyproject in El Salvador, just to namea few. In the picture, one of thechildren enrolled in the DollyParton Imagination LibraryProgram.

Rotary Has Been Around for a Long Time

Rotary has been around for a long time, yetthere are still many people who know nothingabout us. Or, if they do have an impression, weare sometimes lumped in as “one of thoseClubs,” or with the comment, “do you have asecret handshake?” When we hear thesedisparaging comments, it provides us with anopportunity to provide a few words of factabout Rotary – the friendship, the community

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and international work, and the opportunityRotary provides to be a leader.

Canada and Italy exchange Creates the Ultimate Experience

Amber Carson (15) and Federica Morosini’s (15)participation in the Rotary sponsored 3 weeksummer exchange, proves to be an unforgettableexperience for both girls. Not only have the girlsbeen able to form a strong friendship with eachother, but each has been given the opportunity to beimmersed in another culture.

Rotaract Represents at Interota Conference

Each Rotaract Club in District 5360 wasrepresented at the recent Interota Conference inToronto and Montreal this summer. From July 26th until August 1st, 5 delegatesfrom district 5360 attended Interota 2014 hostedover a 6 day period. The first three days were inToronto before moving on to Montreal for thefinal three days.

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Rotary District 5360 Youth Exchange

Well another Rotary Youth Exchangeyear begins! I’ve always said the YouthExchange Program is one of RotaryInternational’s somewhat below theradar “hidden jewels”. To find out whyI feel this way please read on …

Rotary Leadership Institute

“The Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) isundoubtedly one of the best programs toengage, educate and retain our members.”(Monty Audenart, PRIVP and Trustee and PastChair of the R.I. Membership and RetentionCommittee). To find out why Monte feels thisway, please read on…


Five years ago, the Rotary Club of CalgaryCentennial offered to help fund theconstruction of a hospital for women andchildren in India, agreed to put $10,000 intothe project, and asked RC Calgary to do thesame. This was an audacious proposal inmany senses: even in India, could such sums

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build a hospital? This Figure demonstrates the CONSTRUCTION OF THIS 20-BED, 6,450 SQUARE FEET HOSPITAL WAS COMPLETED


Rotarians Supporting and Encouraging Each Other

All the evidence from child rearing to caring forthe elderly, and from formal education to sportstraining demonstrates that treating peoplepositively has beneficial results. Beingappreciated for who we are and what we dowell, picks up our spirits, makes us want toshow others what we can do, and results inhappier and healthier people.

Martin Parnell Announces Final Quest

Martin Parnell, member of the Rotary Club ofCochrane, announced the final challenge in hisQuests for Kids at Cochrane’s council meetingon Mon. Aug. 11.Starting on Sept. 19 with Quest University inSquamish BC, Parnell will be trying for thelargest game of volleyball. In Alberta, he will beat the University of Calgary on Sept. 22 for aQuidditch Exhibition and then will be engagedin Tunnel Ball at the University of Alberta onSept. 24.

Ride For Refuge

Join us October 4th for RIDE 2014 - a family-friendly cyclingfundraiser benefiting the displaced, vulnerable and exploited.

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You can choose a 10, 25 or 40 km ride.

Rotarian Support for Rotary Friendship Exchange

The RFE committee would like to extend ourgratitude to Rotarian Mike Colborne (Calgary) forhis support! Mr. Colborne is the owner of RedArrow Motor Coach and has partnered with theRFE District Committee to enable our guests fromaround the world to be transported from club to clubwhile they are here for their exchange.

District Rotary International Chairs to Meet

A meeting of the Club International Chairs will take place on Wednesday, September 10th,starting at 6 PM for Drinks, (cash bar), meeting at 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM. Dinner: Casualbuffet style - $25 per person paid on arrival. Location : Italian/Canadian Club 416 1st

Ave NE, Calgary. Held in a Private Room.

2016 Council On Legislation


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Council on Legislation (COL) is the parliamentary body of Rotary which meets everythree years to review and modify current policies and bylaws and propose new ones. Thelast COL was in 2013 and the next one is in 2016 to which all the clubs in District 5360can provide input endorsed by the District Governor.

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