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    DotA AllStars Guide

    Dota-Allstars Experience guides

    What is Experience and why is it so important? Experience is an extremely important part of the game. It's the

    sole thing that levels up heroes and makes them stronger and unlocks new skill points to use. There are many

    ways to gain experience, the following are all of them.

    1. Kil ling Creeps.

    2. Killing Neutral Creeps (Roshan Included).

    3. Killing Towers and Enemy Buildings.

    4. Killing Enemy Heroes.

    5. Killing Enemy Heroes' Summoned Units.

    6. Killing Special Creeps

    7. Getting Creep Denied by an Enemy.

    Anyways some key things about experience.

    1. Experience is given in a 1000 AoE from the unit that was killed.

    1. Experience is sharely evenly among all allied heroes within that 1000 AoE

    2. In -EM All experience values are multiplied by 1.5

    3. Using the Bloodstone Item will give you experience in the area in which you died until you revive.

    4. Chen's dominated creeps will give regular Neutral Creep values, but if those creeps are Enchanted or

    Dominated via HoD, then their experience values will decrease (I'll add in the charts later).

    5. Techie's Wards/Mines and Pugna's Wards do not give Experience. Observer Wards and Sentry Wards do

    not either.

    Now I'm sure you guys should have some idea of what "denying" is. If not I'll explain it to you with regards to

    experience. Denying refers to when you kill your own creep or building, to deny the enemy of getting experience

    as well as gold. Why is this important? Because if you constantly deny your enemy of experience, you'll end up

    at a higher level then them and you'll probably have more gold as well. As we all should know, outleveling a hero

    in your lane is definitely a good thing. Now on to the actual mechanics of "denying."

    1. First of all, there's no difference in Denial Experience if you're playing EM or Non-EM

    2. Denies grant XP ONLY if the killed unit is owned by scourge or sentinel, player owned units do NOT grant

    any XP, when denied. (Thanks Erazer)

    3. All denies grant the same amount of experience, but it varies if you're a melee hero or a ranged hero.

    4. A denied unit grants 36/n experience for melee heroes and 18/n for ranged heroes, where n is the number of

    heroes within a 1000 AoE.

    5. Other methods of denying such as Death Pact, Dark Ritual and Conversion will not grant experience to the

    enemy at all.

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    Now these creeps are "special" creeps. Roshan, Chicken/Crow, and Super Creeps are included.

    These creeps are "summoned" creeps which refer to creeps summoned by items or hero skills.

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    Dota-Allstars Neutral Creeps Guide. This guide will help you locate neutral creeps and

    give you more detailed information about the neutral creeps.

    General Knowledge

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    Controlled creeps can be easily killed with Devour (Lucifer - Doom Bringer) and Hand of Midas (doesn't work

    on Satyr Hellcaller).

    Hand of Midas doesn't work on creeps dominated with Helm of the Dominator

    Creeps dominated by Helm of the Dominator can be heavily damaged by Purge (Diffusal Blade, Medusa -

    Gorgon and Satyr Trickster)

    Dominated creeps can't be seen on the minimap, making them ideal for ganking. Only some are shown on

    the minimap as small dots (these are the high leveled creeps, meaning the Polar Furbolg Ursa Warrior,

    Satyr Hellcaller and Centaur Khan).

    Ancients and Golems can't be dominated.

    Placing wards (observer or sentry) and any friendly unit on the neutral creep camp will prevent them from


    Roshan spawns immediately at the start of the game.

    Neutral creeps spawn at the minute mark from minute 2:00 onwards.

    Neutral creeps always respawn at the minute mark (Roshan spawns 10 minutes after being killed). Meaning,

    for example, you kill a creep group at the 45th second of a minute. Quickly get out of the area and you just

    have to wait 15 seconds for the creeps in that area to spawn again. It is important you get a fair distance

    away though, else they won't spawn. Very useful for timing neutral creep farming.

    Being an Ancient doesn't mean the creep is spell immune. Creeps that aren't immune to all spells are the

    Black Drake, Dragonspawn Overseer and Sorcerer.

    Creeps will not spawn at their camp spots if there are remains of any corpse. The trigger that's used to

    activate spawning is that the area is completely empty.

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    Dota-Allstars Attack Speed Guide.

    ( 1 + IAS ) / BAT = Attacks Per Game Second

    BAT / ( 1 + IAS ) = Game Seconds Per Attack

    BAT is Base Attack Time:

    The time in seconds between attacks without any increased attack speed

    IAS is Increased Attack Speed:

    How much faster you attack (100% IAS = 1.00 IAS)

    Each point of agility gives you 0.01 (or 1%) IAS.

    IAS stacks additively

    Gloves of Haste (15% IAS) and Hyperstone (55% IAS) will give you a total of 0.7 (55%+15%=70%) IAS.

    Negative values (from something that slows you) is just removed from your IAS

    Take the above example of 0.7 (70%) IAS but you get slowed by Untouchable lvl 3 for -0.90 (-90%) IAS, you end

    up at -0.2 (-20%) IAS.

    The final IAS affecting your attack can range from -0.8 to 4. Anything less than -0.8 will act as -0.8, and anything

    more than 4 will act as 4.

    Maximum attack speed is thus:

    5 / BAT = Attacks Per Game Second

    BAT / 5 = Game Seconds Per Attack

    And minimum attack speed is thus:

    0.2 / BAT = Attack Per Game Second

    BAT / 0.2 = Game Second Per Attack

    To see which is more effective to get, IAS or damage, you can use the following formula:

    X = Y * ( 1 + IAS ) / DPA

    Y = ( X * DPA ) / ( 1 + IAS )

    DPA = Damage Point Average (the average damage per attack)

    IAS = Increased Attack Speed

    X = amount of IAS needed to equal Y damage

    Y = amount of damage needed to equal X IAS

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    Spell resistance in DotA is a beautiful thing. It lets you take more of those nasty nukes flying

    towards your face and last longer in the battlefield.

    They're offered in three flavors:

    Cloak of the Planeswalker, which gives 15% more resistance

    Hood of Defiance, which gives 30% more resistance (among other things)

    and three skills from heroes.

    Now, how do we stack resistance?

    1. If you do not have a spell resistance skill, you can either buy a Cloak or assemble a Hood and that's that.

    That's as high as it will ever go. Second Hoods and/or Cloaks will not offer additional bonuses to your resistance.

    2. If you have a spell resistance skill, you may assemble the spell resistance item whenever you want. Previously

    (prior to 6.47), there was an issue with stacking spell resistance, but it is no longer an issue. So let me repeat

    that -- Item whenever you want, skill whenever you want.

    Spell Resistance Stats from highest to lowest


    Heroes without spell resistance skills:

    No Items: 25%

    Cloak only: 36.25%

    Hood only: 47.5%



    Spell Shield level 4 gives 40% more spell resistance

    No Items and skills: 25%

    Cloak only: 36.25%

    Hood only: 47.5%Spell Shield only: 55%

    Cloak and Spell Shield stacked: 61.75%

    Hood and Spell Shield stacked: 68.5%



    Corrosive Skin level 4 gives 20% more spell resistance

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    No Items and skills: 25%

    Cloak only: 36.25%

    Corrosive Skin only: 40%

    Hood only: 47.5%

    Cloak and Corrosive Skin stacked: 49%

    Hood and Corrosive Skin stacked: 58%



    Flesh Heap level 4 gives 16% more spell resistance

    No Items and skills: 25%

    Cloak only: 36.25%

    Flesh Heap only: 37%

    Cloak and Flesh Heap stacked: 46.45%

    Hood only: 47.5%

    Hood and Flesh Heap stacked: 55.9%


    Appendix A: Formula

    How to calculate for the spell resistances:

    A.) 2 Sources

    This is for heroes without resistance skills or the 3 that do have it but do not choose to stack

    Spell Resistance = (1 - (1 - S1) * (1 - S2)) * 100

    The first source (S1) will always be your natural resistance of 0.25. The second source (S2) will be 0.15 for

    Cloak, 0.30 for Hood, 0.4 for Spell Shield, 0.2 for Netherdrake and 0.16 for Flesh Heap.

    Example: Any hero with Hood

    S1 = 0.25

    S2 = 0.30

    Spell Resistance = (1 - (1 - 0.25) * (1 - 0.30)) * 100

    Spell Resistance = (1 - (0.75) * (0.70)) * 100

    Spell Resistance = (1 - 0.525) * 100

    Spell Resistance = 0.475 * 100

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    Spell Resistance = 47.5%

    B.) 3 Sources

    This is for Magina, Netherdrake and Pudge if they choose to stack an item with their resistance skill.

    Spell Resistance = (1 - (1 - S1) * (1 - S2) * (1 - S3)) * 100

    The first source (S1) will always be your natural resistance of 0.25. The second source (S2) will be 0.15 for Cloak

    or 0.30 for Hood. The third source (S3) will be 0.40 for Spell Shield, 0.20 for Corrosive Skin and 0.16 for Flesh


    Example: Netherdrake with Cloak and Corrosive Skin

    S1 = 0.25

    S2 = 0.15

    S3 = 0.20

    Spell Resistance = (1 - (1 - 0.25) * (1 - 0.15) * (1 - 0.20)) * 100

    Spell Resistance = (1 - (0.75) * (0.85) * (0.80)) * 100

    Spell Resistance = (1 - (0.6375) * (0.80)) * 100

    Spell Resistance = (1 - 0.51) * 100

    Spell Resistance = 0.49 * 100

    Spell Resistance = 49%

    Both critical strikes and bashes stack with diminishing returns, as

    according to the formula:

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    1: Orb effects will never stack.

    2: You may only place one buff per attack.

    And as an information sticker:

    You will only get the effect that is listed in the box. If you get both, it says both. If there's some

    strange mechanics to it, it's listed in the legend.

    Eye of Skadi will be a melee eye of skadi if the unit that picks it up is currently in melee form. It will be

    ranged if the unit that picks it up currently has a ranged attack. Switching forms may or may not affect

    the form of the Eye of Skadi, it depends on the ability that changes your range

    Ursa Warrior is as of 6.44 a melee unit. Doombringer is a melee unit. As of 6.28, Banehallow remains

    as a melee unit in his ultimate form. Strength Morphling is no longer in the game.

    Now, to the charts:

    Maim: "Sange", "Sange and Yasha"

    Lifesteal: "Mask of Death", "Mask of Madness", "Helm of the Dominator", "Satanic"

    Feedback: "Diffusal Blade", "Manta Style"

    Chain Lightning: "Maelstrom", "Mjollnir"

    Corruption: "Stygian Desolator"

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    Cold Attack: Melee: "Eye of Skadi melee"

    Cold Attack: Ranged: "Eye of Skadi ranged"

    A quick explanation on how to read an excel chart:

    As seen in the ranged part, an Eye of Skadi and a Stygian Desolator would give you the Corruption orb effect,

    regardless of any other circumstances. However, on melee heroes, it says "Place". Looking in the legend, it tells

    you that "Place" means that the item in the highest priority slot will take effect, as well as the inventory priority

    order. I realize that my previous explanation may have been a bit ambiguous, so heres an image of the priority


    Triggered Spell Attack and Damage Type Table

    The way this works is that all triggered damage has two properties: attack type and damage type (well, all

    damage really does, but this is beside the point). Attack type is used by armor classes and includes Hero, Siege,

    Piercing, Normal, Spells, etc. Damage type is not actually used for calculating damage but more for determining

    if and how the target will be damaged. There are three main classes of damage types: Physical, Magical, and


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    Some common Damage Types used in DotA are Normal (physical and reduces damage based upon armor) and

    Magic (magical and is unaffected by armor). Most damage types other than those two seem to be Magical,

    although there are some that are not, but Normal seems to be the only one that applies armor. Magic immune

    units cannot be damaged by abilities that use a magical damage type, but magical immunity makes no difference

    for the Spells damage type.

    In short, for all practical purposes here, hero spell resistance will only be applied when the attack type is Spells.

    Armor will only be applied when the damage type is Normal.

    Other important notes is that all damage done with Damage type Normal is considered physical, melee damage.

    This means that effects such as Centaur's Return and Lich's Frost Armor and items such as Blade Mail and Stout

    Shield will trigger off of this damage, even if the source of the damage is ranged.

    This alphebetized list is provided as a reference to the damage reduction of each spell, along with some random

    notes about how the spells work.

    All of this data was taken in 6.19 but should still hold true unless anything has been changed, and includes all of

    the heroes that deal damage directly through triggers. This list can help you counter or take advantage of certain

    abilities and help you with what to buy to help against some spells (For example, don't buy Aegis for spell

    damage reduction against Rupture). If you think I left something out, that some information is incorrect or

    requires clarification, or that a section is outdated, feel free to post it; I could've very easily missed something or

    made a mistake.

    Acid Spray (Alchemist)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Normal

    Adaptive Strike (Morphling)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Normal

    * Adaptive Strike deals damage if Morphling's agility is greater than his strength, stun and knockback if his

    strength is greater than his agility, and both if they are equal.

    Arcane Orb (Obsidian Destroyer)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type MagicBackstab (Stealth Assassin)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Normal

    * Illusions play the graphic of Backstab, but deal no damage.

    * Backstab will activate if the directions that the Stealth Assassin and his target are facing are within 105 degrees

    of each other.

    Blink Strike (Chaos Knight, Phantom Assassin, Stealth Assassin)

    * Attack type Normal, Damage type Normal

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    * Blink Strike deals the damage as stated, moves the caster to the position of the target, and tells the caster to

    attack the target. If the target is allied, there is a small pause added, the script deals no damage, and the caster

    is not issued an order.

    Brain Sap (Bane Elemental)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Magic

    * Brain Sap heals Atropos for the full listed amount, even if the target had less HP than that amount.

    Chaos Bolt (Chaos Knight)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    * Chaos Bolt deals a random amount of damage from 1 to 200 at all levels.

    Counter Helix (Axe)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Normal

    * This passive deals full damage when triggered by illusions.

    * AoE of 300

    Culling Blade (Axe)

    * If the target is at 300/450/625 HP or less, then Culling Blade deals 100000000 damage with Attack type

    Normal, Damage type Normal.

    * Otherwise, its damage is by default Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    Death Coil (Lord of Avernus)

    * Self-damage has Attack type Hero, Damage type Magic

    * Damage to enemies has Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    Desolate (Spectre)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Divine (Magical)

    * Will activate if the attacked hero has no allies within 900 disance, including other heroes, creeps, summons, or

    illusions (but not towers).

    Diabolic Edict (Tormented Soul)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Normal

    * This spell deals damage equal to 12.5 times the level of the spell to a random target within 500 of the caster

    ever quarter second.

    Dispersion (Spectre)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Magic

    * Dispersion has a damage cap of Mercurial's max HP.* The stun lasts 0.5 seconds on creeps, 0.01 seconds on heroes.

    * AoE of 400.

    Double Edge (Centaur Warchief)

    * Attack Type Spells, Damage Type Fire

    Elune's Arrow (Priestess of the Moon)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    Empowering Haste (Spirit Breaker)

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    Laser (Tinker)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Magic

    * It now does deal precise damage against everything except fortified armour. This makes it the strongest single-

    target non-ultimate nuke in the game.

    Last Will (Necronomicon Warrior)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Magic

    * This is the ability on the Necrominion summon that damages the unit or hero that kills it.

    Lvl? Death (Doombringer)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Normal

    * This only applies to the 250 bonus damage done by the spell on the correct levels. The other damage is attack

    type spells and damage type magic by default, so it will only be affected by spell resistance.

    Maledict (Witch Doctor)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    * Damage is based on the difference between the target's current HP and its HP when Maledict was cast.

    Mana Void (Anti-Mage)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    Meat Hook (Butcher)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Enhanced (Physical, but does not apply armor)

    Nightmare (Bane Elemental)

    * There is an extremely small initial 5 damage using attack type Spells and damage type Magic

    * The 'damage' on top of that just takes the health directly from the target.

    Nether Strike (Spirit Breaker)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Normal

    * This spell has a one second casting delay.

    Omnislash (Juggernaut)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Normal

    * This applies to the 3/5/8 "triggered" slashes which deal 150-250 damage. If Yunero's attack speed is fast

    enough, he may make regular attacks between the slashes.

    Paralyzing Cask (Witch Doctor)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Normal

    * This refers to the 75 damage that Paralyzing Cask deals to each non-hero unit that it hits.

    Penitence (Holy Knight)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Normal

    * When Penitence is cast, it creates a temporary trigger that fires when its target is damaged. What's interesting

    about Penitence is that it does increase the damage done by spells, but when it does, the 32% bonus damage is

    dealt as physical damage that gets reduced by armor instead of by the hero's spell resistance. Desolator on

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    Chen? Slardar or Nevermore and Chen a good combo? Maybe..

    Purification (Omniknight)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Normal

    * Purification damage is trigger based. However, Purification damage becomes highly ineffective on heroes later

    on because it's affected by both hero spell resistance and hero armor.

    Quill Spray (Bristleback)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Normal

    Reaper's Scythe (Necrolyte)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Fire (Magical)

    Remote Mines (Techies)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Fire (Magical)

    * Damage done by Remote Mines is triggered, and the area of the remote mines increases slightly from 425 to

    435 to 450.

    Return (Centaur Warchief)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Normal

    * This only applies to the damage done by triggers when the Centaur is attacked, not the initial damage done to

    melee units. This passive is extremely inneffective against Agility heroes because of their high armor and natural

    spell resistance.

    Reverse Polarity (Magnataur)

    * Reverse Polarity is a hard-coded War Stomp that moves all nearby units onto the caster when it resolves.

    Rupture (Bloodseeker)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Magic

    * This attack and damage type applies to both the initial damage and the damage taken by moving.

    * The distance the target has traveled is checked every quarter of a second.

    * If the hero has traveled far enough to deal himself 200 damage, all of that damage is negated

    (1000/500/333.3~ is the minimum distance to avoid damage).

    Sanity's Eclipse (Obsidian Destroyer)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    Scattershot (Sniper)

    * This spell's damage is done by dummy units and not by triggers.

    * The dummy units use attack type Piercing, and, by default, damage type Normal.* Each pellet has 200 area of effect and strikes in a random spot in Scattershot's area of effect.

    Shadowraze (Shadow Fiend)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Death (Magical)

    Shadow Wave (Shadow Priest)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Normal

    * This is the damage dealt to all enemy units within 180 AOE of the healed unit.

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    Shadow Word (Warlock)

    * Attack type Hero, damage type Divine (Magical)

    * When cast on allies, Shadow Word also heals for the full stated amount.

    Shallow Grave (Shadow Priest)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Normal

    * This is the damage dealt to the killer of a unit with the Shallow Grave buff if the killer is a hero

    Spectral Dagger (Spectre)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    Spirit Bear (Lone Druid)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Normal

    * This is the damage dealt to the owner of the Spirit Bear when it dies. The damage is reduced by both spell

    resistance and armor, so killing that huge bear isn't really all that rewarding in that aspect.

    * However, killing the bear makes his owner lose 1/1.3~/2/4% of his total experience.

    Starfall (Priestess of the Moon)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    Static Field (Lord of Olympia)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    * Static Field's effects occur before those of whatever spell was cast to trigger it.

    Test of Faith (Holy Knight)

    * Attack type Hero, Damage type Magic

    Toss (Stone Giant)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Demolitions (Physical, but unaffected by armor)

    * Toss picks a random unit within 275 of Tiny to be thrown. It throws it to the point targeted, not the unit. It

    overshoots seemingly randomly because of the inherent randomness in polled waits (if they worked out perfectly,

    it'd land exactly on the spot; polled waits are always longer than what they are set for) (I had misread the effects

    of Tiny the first time I posted about him).

    * The thrown unit receives 20/35/50/65% of the stated Toss damage for levels 0/1/2/3 of Grow!. If the thrown unit

    is an enemy, it also receives the regular Toss damage.

    Waveform (Morphling)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Magic

    Wild Axes (Beastmaster)

    * Attack type Spells, Damage type Normal

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    The following items and effects DO work on images

    Stat bonus items. Images gain hit points from strength, armour and attack speed from agility, and bonus

    to damage from your primary stat. I believe they also gain hitpoint and mana regeneration from stats as


    Feedback (Diffusal Blade/ Manta Style). Only works on melee images. Ranged images do not burn


    Critical Strike (Crysallis / Buriza ). Just the critical strike ability is transferred to images not the bonus

    damage from the item.

    Evasion (Butterfly, Radiance)

    Raw movement speed gain items (Boots, Treads, Teleboots)

    % Movement Speed gain items (Sangeyasha, Yasha).

    True Sight (Gem of True Sight)

    Radiance burning aura (Radiance) - Note that while images get the burning aura only one such aura will

    apply to an enemy at a given time (i.e. 4 images do not mean 4xdamage from the burn aura). Also note

    that only the aura damage and evasion bonus transfers to images. The bonus damage from the

    Radiance item itself does not transfer.

    Direct Hit Point bonus items (Vitality Booster, Point Booster, Soul Booster, Heart of Tarresque, Manta


    Direct Mana Point bonus items (Energy Booster, Point Booster, Soul Booster, etc)

    The following items and effects do NOT work on images

    (despite what the attack animation might suggest!)

    Direct bonus to damage items (i.e. items that say +x to damage do not give that bonus damage to


    Direct bonus to armour items (Chainmail, Platemail, Aegis etc). Note: Java's Premium Naga Siren

    Guide says the opposite so I am prepared to be corrected on this point!

    Direct regeneration items (Ring of Regen, Ring of Health etc)

    Increased Attack Speed percent (Hyperstone, Treads, Hand of Midas, Monkey King Bar, Butterfly)

    Lifesteal (Satanic, Mask of Madness, Mask of Death, Helm of Dominator)

    Frost Attack (Eye of Skadi)

    Chain Lightning (Maelstrom)

    Cleave - Percentage Splash Damage applied to nearby targets (Battlefury)

    Bash - % chance to stun (Cranial Basher). To be precise it is a bit more complicated than just saying it

    doesn't work - see notes below.

    Maim (Sange, Sangeyasha)

    % Chance for Microstun that disrupts concentration spells and gives bonus damage (Monkey King Bar)

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    Corruption effect - minus to armour upon hit (Stygnian Desolator). Bear in mind however the images will

    benefit from the corruption given by your main hero so it's still a decent option

    Return damage % from melee attackers (Blademail)

    Damage block (Kraken Shell, Stout Shield, Vanguard)

    Spell items - images can't cast spells (Dagon, Ginsoo, Mechanism, Mantastyle, BKB etc)

    Magic resistance items (Planewalker Cloak, Aegis) - images only get innate hero resistance.

    The following items have not yet been tested.

    Please advise if you test any of these out (include details of the test you carried out to prove it). Note: most of the

    below are auras but you should note that the image showing the aura icon or visual effect is NOT the same thing

    as it actually working on the image. The image will always show the aura icon regardless

    Spell block (Linkens)

    Lifesteal Aura (from Leoric or Vladmir's Offering)

    Devotion Aura (Ring of Basilus or Vladmir's Offering)

    Brilliance Aura (Crystal maiden, Ring of Basilus or Vladmir's Offering)

    Toughness Aura (Sven)

    Healing Aura (Headress of Rejuvenation, Mechanism)

    Mechanism Heal Activation Effect

    Arcane Ring Mana Charge Activation Effect

    Buckler Activation Effect

    Attack Speed Buff Aura (Assault Cuirass)

    Extra note on bashing with images

    Illusions can bash, but it works in a really strange way. First of, they won't deal any bonus damage.Secondly, if

    an image bashes a target, it will only be a fake bash. Everything will look as it would if a real hero bashed the

    target, but the target can still move and attack. If a real hero bashes the target while he is in such a "Fake bash

    state", the fake bash state will be prolonged. Vice versa, if a hero makes a real bash on the target, and an image

    bashes the target, the real bash will be prolonged.

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